NEWSLETTER - Oberthur Primary School
NEWSLETTER - Oberthur Primary School
NEWSLETTER 10th February 2015 No 1. Term 1 Dear Parents, Community, Oberthur Primary School Nicholls Crescent BULL CREEK WA 6149 Phone: 93323212 Fax: 93328273 Teachers, Students and Welcome to Term 1 START OF TERM ONE We welcome everyone back to another new school year. We also welcome the new students commencing at Oberthur this year. We have a total of over 580 students in 2015. This is a reduction of around 20 students compared to the 604 students in 2014. This is due to the move of Year 7 students to high school this year. 2015, the year of the Goat, is going to be another exciting year for our school. Our Chinese Immersion Program commenced in Pre-primary, Year One and Year Two smoothly this week. We now have ten classes involved this year and we have a Chinese Immersion teacher in Preprimary, Year One and Year Two. We also have Ms Tan teaching the Immersion Program for her own Year Two class. The Teachers continue meeting in year level planning groups again this year, which ensures that the programs are similar within year levels. Thank you to all staff for your hard work and preparation. Thanks to parents for getting your children well prepared for the start of school. Thank you also to all students for your brilliant efforts in the first week of school for 2015. We have had a fantastic start to the year with all students ready to start their learning programs…what a great week STAFFING There are only a few staff changes in 2015. We welcome new teachers: – Hannah Smith, Dandan Sun and Jakinta Durell, who are terrific additions to our wonderful staff. We also welcome back Sharon Grant (Yr 1) and Chia Ooi (Yr 3), we also welcome back Don McLeish from leave. STAFF LIST – 2014 Tim Bamber Principal Lynn McKay Associate Principal Lyn Plowman Registrar Kate Cruthers/Vikki Cole Kindy 1 & 4 Karen Romeo/Karen Stammers Kindy 2 & 3 Kylie Scott Pre-primary 1 Jakinta Durell Pre-primary 2 Vanessa Verbruggen Pre-primary 3 Lee-Anne Arnold/Larni Bathgate Year 1 (JWA) Jill Retallack Year 1 (T1) Sharon Grant Year 1 (T2) Serene Tan Year 2 (A1) Donna Dama Year 2 (A2) Shannon Di Nunzio Year 2 (A3) Amber Bascunan Year 2 (A4) Chia Ooi Year 3 (A5) Angelique Morin-Spiers Year 3 (A6) April Roper Year 3 (T3) Jane Lowe Year 4 (A7) Helen Donohue Year 4 (A8) Helen Taylor Year 5 (A9) Monica Parkes/Don McLeish Year 5 (A10) Michael Wheatley Year 5/6 (A11) Neale Johnson Year 6 (A12) Hannah Smith Music Jieqi Zhang Chinese – Mandarin (Yr 3-6) Lu Han Farrell Chinese – Immersion PP Yung Mew Chinese – Immersion Yr 1 Dandan Sun Chinese – Immersion Yr 2 Jenni Dong Chinese Extension Sara Waugh P.E. & DOTT Sue Keesing Art/DOTT Connie Parfitt School Officer Linda Petterson School Officer Claire Brockett School Officer Sue Giddings Library Officer Lynda Hamilton Library Officer Gerda Baalmann Chaplain Ray Throssell Special Needs Assistant Anne Bruynel Special Needs Assistant Cathie O’Dea Kindergarten Assistant Amanda Willetts Kindergarten Assistant Terri Whyte Kindergarten Assistant Karen Ipsen Pre-primary Assistant Dee Moffat Pre-primary Assistant Anneli Toohey Pre-primary Assistant Danielle McFadden Pre-primary Assistant Megan Kelly Junior Primary Assistant Chris Bell Technical Support Jim Bainbridge Gardener Greg Cottier Gardener Jun Jia Cleaner in Charge Bruce Lee Cleaner Eleanor Zhao Cleaner Sea Ja Lee Cleaner ASSEMBLY The first Assembly for this year is being coordinated by Area 1 and 2 and will commence at 8.45am this Friday, 13th February. Parents are very welcome. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The next Board meeting is on Tuesday 10th February at 7.30pm in the conference room. COMING EVENTS P&C MEETING The first P&C Meeting for 2015 is the AGM on the 17th Feb. P&C Meetings are held on the third Tuesdays of the month, at 7.30pm in the staffroom. All are welcome. CLASS PARENT MEETINGS Teachers have set dates and times for class meetings commencing this week. This will be an opportunity to hear about each year level and class teachers’ policies and directions and ask those clarifying questions. We will spread the meetings so parents don’t have to miss one if you have more than one child at school. Most meetings will be held in the Under Cover Area. Please check information you received from your class teachers. Schedule: Wed 11/2 - Area 9,10,11&12 (Yr 5&6) - 5.30pm Thurs 12/2 - Area 7 & 8 (Year 4) - 5.30pm-6.30pm Mon 16/2 - Year 1 - T1, T2, JWA - 6pm - 7pm Tues 17/2 - K1,K2,K3,K4 (Kindy)- 5.30pm-6.30pm Wed 18/2 - Year 2 – A1,A2,A3,A4 - 5.30pm Fri 20/2 - Pre-primary – P1,P2,P3 - 5.30pm-6.30pm Mon 23/2 - Year 3 – A5,A6,T3 - 5.30pm-6.30pm SCHOOL APP – Please subscribe Oberthur’s smartphone app is now available for free download from App Store or Android Market (just search for “Oberthur PS”). Newsletters are available on the app and there are links to the school website and other links. We also send notifications direct to parents phones periodically. CHAPLAIN As you may be aware, we were unsuccessful in our application to continue the Chaplain Program for the next two years. Due to a change in Federal Government funding and policy we are one of 30 public primary schools to have lost funding. Thanks to the P&C, who are donating to this cause, we continue to have Gerda for this year. We will need to raise funds throughout this year to enable the program to continue in 2016. Parent support will be most important during this period. ATTENDANCE IN 2015 Students are expected to attend school on every school day. Illness can sometimes be serious enough to keep students at home until they are well. Parents need to carefully consider other reasons for non-attendance. Any time lost is precious and can affect the learning program. Teachers will need a note or email to explain each absence. Attendance data is collected by the Department of Education. School Board Meeting 7.30pm Tues 10 Feb Assembly A1 & A2 8.45am Fri 13 Feb P&C AGM 7.30pm Tues 17 Feb Swimming at Cottesloe A11 & 12. Assembly A6 Labor Day Holiday 23 Feb to 6 Mar 8.45am Fri 27 Feb Mon 2 Mar LATENESS During last year a number of students were regularly late for class. All students from Preprimary to Year 6 are expected to be in class, ready for the school day by 8.42am each day. Kindergarten starting time is 8.50am. Year One to Year Six students who arrive to class after 8.42am will need to go to the office to ask for a late note to give to their class teacher. We all experience the occasional event which makes us late but these times should be infrequent. Parents, we appreciate your support in ensuring your children are ready and on time for class each day. TIMETABLE It is important to remind everyone of our timetable structure. School commences in classes at 8.42am and concludes at 3.10pm every day except Wednesdays. Each Wednesday school concludes at 2.30pm to allow for staff to meet and take part in professional learning and planning. There are two breaks in the day. Recess and lunch are both 30 minutes in length and students must sit and eat for the first 10 minutes before play. On Wednesday lunch is 50 minutes and on Friday lunch is 60 minutes. Parents, if you could pack two substantial portions – one for each break – it would be helpful as there is two hours between each break. EARLY CLOSE Parents please remember that each Wednesday is early close and school will finish at 2.30pm. Students not being picked up at 2.30pm will be supervised in the Library. Parents, if you are held up or late for any reason, please pick up your children from the Library. After 3.10pm students will wait in the front Office FEES AND CHARGES Many parents pay the school contributions through the Cristal JBE Office Choice BTS booklist. Thank you to all parents who have already paid. If you have not done this it would be appreciated if the school contributions could be paid through the front Office as soon as possible. $50 for each student from Kindergarten to Year 6 is a very reasonable amount and it does help with the provision of resources. P&C levy is $15 per student. LUMP SUM We also provide the opportunity for parents to pay a lump sum for excursions and other charges at the start of the year so you don’t have to worry about finding small amounts for the variety of activities provided for your children. We strongly encourage parents to make use of this facility which enables lump sum payments for the year or by semester or term – please discuss this facility with the Office staff. LOST PROPERTY Please check the Lost Property basket in the Undercover Area. Parents - to assist with the redistribution of lost property please ensure jumpers, hats and other clothing are clearly named. EARLY ARRIVALS Any students who arrive at school before 8.30am must sit quietly on the benches outside the staff room. PARKING ISSUES Please do not park on corners, at intersections, in No Standing zones or linger in the Kiss n Ride bays. It creates dangerous situations. NO HAT NO PLAY The school has traditionally had a policy of no hat no play. We remind students that this policy continues throughout the year. Students without a hat will be restricted to the undercover area at recess and lunchtime. Those of you who need a hat can purchase them at the uniform shop on the days it is open. CHINESE NEW YEAR (Spring Festival) This is the most important holiday of the year in China. Children usually receive red envelopes (Hong Bao) with money from relatives as part of the celebration. There are often noisy firecrackers and dancing dragons and lions at this time. This Year the Festival commences on 19th February and lasts for 15 days. “Gong Xi Fa Cai” means Happy Chinese New Year. This is one time of the year when Chinese people in China go home to visit their families. This year is Year of the Goat. Our Chinese Dance and Wushu groups are involved in two presentations at this time, one is on Friday 13th February and one on the 19th February. Please remember to update your family details, including email address, by contacting the front office or advising of changes by email to [email protected] Have a fantastic Year!!!! Tim Bamber, Principal MUSIC Hello all, my name is Hannah Smith and I will be your Music Specialist for this year. I am at the School from Tuesday to Friday and am happy for you to pop your head in before school to have a chat. I am looking for a parent/series of parents who are excited to volunteer with the Choir as the pianist/accompanist for our rehearsals and performances this year. We will be rehearsing with the Year 3/4 Choir on Friday morning and Friday after lunch. We will also be rehearsing with a Year 5/6 Ensemble on a Wednesday morning. In other news SIM lessons are beginning, all timetables are up on the Music room windows for students to check when their lessons will occur. I am looking forward to my time at the school. Thank you, Hannah. The next Virtue we will be working on: Respect: Respect is an attitude of caring about people and treating them with dignity. It is valuing ourselves and others and acting with courtesy. WATER WISE PROGRAM Water your pot plants by placing ice blocks in the soil or under the mulch. This slow release form of watering helps prevent run-off and allows you to regulate the amount of water your plants use. P & C NEWS Any queries please feel free to contact the P&C at email: [email protected] Oberthur Primary School Parents And Citizens Association (Inc.) Uniform Shop HOW DO I PURCHASE UNIFORMS? OPTION 1: • Purchase uniforms from the Uniform Shop located in the Middle Wet Area (near Areas 5 to 8) during scheduled opening times (listed below). OPTION 2: • Place your completed order form and payment in the box at the front office. • Payment can be made by cheque made payable to “Oberthur Primary School P&C” or cash (correct amount preferred). • Orders will be processed weekly and delivered to your child’s classroom. If items are unavailable or on back-order, you will be notified by text or email. UNIFORM SHOP 2015 OPENING TIMES – TERM 1 FEBRUARY Wednesday 18th MARCH Wednesday 4th Wednesday 18th APRIL Wednesday 1st 2.40pm - 3.15pm 2.40pm - 3.15pm 2.40pm - 3.15pm 2.40pm - 3.15pm In order for the P&C to offer this service, we rely completely on the generosity of volunteers. Please be thoughtful of this when placing your orders. If you are available to help, please do contact us! SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB Book club is back again for 2015. Issue 1 brochures have gone out to all classes so you should see them coming home. Orders are due in no later than Friday 20th February. For any parents not familiar with book club, I thought I would provide some general information. Scholastic Australia has been providing a book club service to schools for over 35 years and unlike many other “clubs” there is no ongoing commitment to purchase from them every issue. As it is run through the school, your details are not passed onto Scholastic, all they see is the bulk order of books and our payment. Payment can be made by cash, cheque (made out to Scholastic Australia) or credit card. This year, Oberthur Primary School is now part of the Linked Online Ordering & Payments (LOOP) system provided by Scholastic. If paying by credit card online, you will be redirected to the LOOP web site where you can easily enter your order and pay via a secure gateway. You are also able to download LOOP from the App Store for you iPad or iPhone. By using the LOOP system, you no longer need to remember to return the paperwork as your order will be linked to the school and when I process the school order, your orders will be incorporated into the total order. The books will still be distributed by your child's teacher at school. You are still able to use the toll free number on the form to pay by credit card. Just remember, if using this option, you will need to return the order form along with the receipt number recorded in the spaces provided. I do NOT want your credit card details on the form as I am unable to process your payment. Once brochures are distributed, a box is available in the front office for your orders. These can be placed in there at anytime up until the closing date. Book club is run through the school by parent volunteers. I therefore ask you to please ensure that you adhere to the closing date which is always displayed on the notice boards outside your child’s class and where possible, in the newsletter. Orders are then collated, submitted and payments processed and as you can appreciate, late orders either delay this whole process or end up having to be submitted separately which generates more work. In addition, it complicates the dispatch of our books which in turn affects the whole school. On another note, I am looking for any volunteers who may be able to help with the running of bookclub. I will be away 2.40pm to 3.15pm for a period this year and unless I can find a helper, bookclub will not run while I am absent. If you can help, please drop a note in the bookclub order box. Should you have any queries, just leave me a note at the office and I will be happy to contact you. Susan Coleman (Parent volunteer) COMMUNITY NEWS SAINT JOHN & PAUL CATHOLIC PARISH Religious Education classes will be held on Tuesday afternoons between 4pm and 5pm for children from Yrs 1 – 6. Classes commences on Tuesday 17th February 2015. For enquiries please contact Magdalene Heldt on 9332 5992 or [email protected] ST THOMAS MORE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Enrolments for classes are now being accepted. Classes commence Wednesday 11 February 2015. For further enquiries please contact Jenny Figliomeni on 9310 1747 or 0435 695 399. BABAKIN PRIMARY SCHOOL All past & present students, staff, parents and community members are invited to join us to celebrate 100 YEARS of history and quality education at Babakin Primary School. Saturday 25th March 2015. If you have any further queries, please contact Sharon Crombie on 0429 652 032 or email [email protected] CANNING CITY SOCCER CLUB Is one of the larger soccer clubs in the Perth metro area. Established in 1972 as a not-for-profit organisation, the Club has 400 juniors playing in age groups from 6 & under to 19 years of age. Registrations to play for Canning City in 2015 are now open. Go to the MyFootballClub website to register online: Visit the Club website for Induction Day details: For all enquiries, please email [email protected] VOLLEYBALL WA PRESENTS SPIKEZONE For further information please contact Peter Batty [email protected] or phone 0421 580 600 CITY OF MELVILLE In partnership with Community First International, the City of Melville invites you enjoy a morning of culture entertainment to celebrate Harmony Day. Date: Friday 6th March 2015. Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm Venue: Bull Creek Community Centre, Corner Hassell Crescent and Leichhardt Street Bull Creek. Cost: Free, Refreshments provided. RSVP: Essential by 27th February 2015 City of Melville on 1300 635 845 CURTIN RUGBY UNION FOOTBALL CLUB The Junior Goats recruitment day: Date: Saturday 7th & 21st February Time: 10am - 1pm Venue: Edinburgh Oval Club House For further information please contact Adrian Costello on 0419 809 722 or Travis Loveland on 0437 245 891.or [email protected] BEARS WILLAGEE RUGBY LEAGUE FOOTBALL CLUB Registration will take place on: Date: Saturday 14th February 2015 Time: 11am – 2pm Venue: Willagee Bears Webber Reserve Cnr of Boon and Webber St, Willagee For further information please call Danielle Parker on 0435 131 681 or email [email protected] COMMUNITY SCHOOL HEALTH NURSE Back to school…..what to make for lunch today? Are you constantly asking yourself this question as you busily get ready for the day ahead? Children need a healthy school lunch to boost their energy and help them concentrate and learn in the afternoon, so we asked our Health Promotion Team here at CACH for their top tips. Lunchbox tips: • Use a variety of breads to make sandwiches more fun • Use biscuit cutters to cut sandwiches and fruit into different shapes • Pack your own snacks in a snap lock bag or brown paper bag decorated with stickers. A cheaper and healthier alternative to prepackaged snacks. • Use a frozen ice brick or drink and an insulated lunchbox to keep the food cold • Include a non-food surprise e.g. a joke, sticker or note • Encourage your children to be involved in the preparation of their lunch. When children are involved in food preparation they are more • likely to experiment with different types of foods. Think outside the box; try frittata, boiled egg, popcorn and rice paper rolls to keep lunches interesting! According to the Australian Dietary Guidelines children aged 4-8 years should aim daily for 1½ serves of fruit; 4½ serves of vegies; 1½-2 serves of dairy; 4 serves of bread, cereals and grains; and 1½ serves of meat. For more information on what is considered a ‘serve’ and for other healthy lunch ideas visit HealthyWA or the Raising Children Network.