
Tel: 514107
E.mail: [email protected]
Parish Priest: Fr Paul Chipchase
15th February 2015
sixth Sunday in ordinary time (B)
6.30 pm
Eileen Wall RIP
8.00 am
Peter Oldfield RIP
10.00 am
People of the Parish
7.00 pm
Exposition & Benediction
7.30 pm
Danny Kelly RIP (Beben)
9.30 am
Danny Gibbons RIP
9.30 am
Andrew Sellors RIP
6.30 pm
Gladys Collier RIP (Co-Workers)
Lenten Feria
9.30 am
Bob Neville RIP (McIntyre)
Lenten Feria
6.15 pm
Evening Prayer of the church
6.30 pm
Al Winandy RIP
Lenten Feria
9.30 am
Winnie Rollinson RIP (Hughes)
First Sunday of Lent (B)
6.30 pm
Bertha & Patrick O’Connor RIP (Barford)
8.00 am
People of the Parish
10.00 am
Baby Chinasa Okeke RIP (Chilaka)
6.00 pm
Coffee after Mass. All welcome
Coffee after Mass. All welcome.
Women on Wednesday meeting 7.30 pm in the back room
of the Parish Centre
Next Sunday:
Sunday School 11.15 am
Coffee after Mass. All welcome
Confirmation preparation in the Parish Centre at 6.00 pm.
Catherine Heaver, Derek Phillips, Patrick O’Connor, Joseph Ryan
Doris Wileman, Kathryn James, James Lyons, Al Winandy
John Hutton, Eileen Wall, Johanna O’Halloran, Jan Babik
This week:
Next week:
Offertory Sat. Mass:
Offertory Sun. Mass:
Cleaners: (3)
Coffee after Mass:
Sat. 6.30 pm.
8.00 am.
10.00 am.
M. Finch
T. Morgan
M. Cafferky
P. Galley
M. Phillips
G. & R. Bryant
This week:
Mr & Mrs Garratt
Next week:
Mr & Mrs Chilaka
This week:
Rimmer family
Next week:
Bennett family
This week:
Sczomack family
Next week:
Norman family
Mary Choonara, Eileen McArdle, Mary Regan, Elizabeth Lee
This week:
Norman family, Lowrie family
Next week:
Bindu and family
“Lent is a penitential season, a period of examination and reflection. It is a time of repentance and contrition,
inviting us all to a deeper conversion and interior renewal.
At the very heart of Lent is a new and fresh encounter with God’s love and mercy. The message of Lent, since
the very beginning, is the call or invitation to discover personally, deeply and intimately, the height, length,
depth and breadth of God's love for us.
Only the sure knowledge of God's love can fill us with joy and happiness — the joy of Lent. This is the joy of
repentance and conversion.
The theme of our Lenten journey is The Joy of Living the Beatitudes. More than anything else we all want to
be happy, but how do we know God's happiness in our lives?
The answer lies in the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are at the heart of Jesus' teaching. Through praying and
reflecting on them we come to see the face of Christ. In him we find our happiness.
Jesus shows us the way to life. Jesus is the Way. He proposes the way of the Beatitudes as the path to true
happiness. Throughout his life, from his birth in the stable in Bethlehem until his death on the cross and his
resurrection, Jesus embodied the Beatitudes.
St Augustine said: 'We all want to live happily; in the whole human race there is no one who does not assent to
this proposition, even before it is fully articulated.' And St Thomas Aquinas taught, 'God alone satisfies.'
This Lent, then, we set out together to explore the wisdom and light contained in the Beatitudes, because this
teaching, which is always new, shows us the way to happiness.
The life to which God is calling us, is a life of faith expressing itself through love. As Blessed Pier Giorgio
Frassati once said, 'To live without faith, to have no heritage to uphold, to fail to struggle constantly to defend
the truth: this is not living. It is scraping by. We should never just scrape by, but really live’.
God is calling us not to scrape by but to be a happy people, a joyful people, a people of the Beatitudes.”
†Vincent Nichols. Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster.
Ash Wednesday - Day of Fasting and Abstinence. i.e. just one full meal and two ‘collations’ for adults,
except the elderly and infirm - and no meat.
Women on Wednesday meeting on Wed. Feb. 18th in the back room of the Parish Centre at 7.30 pm.
"The work of Swap Tears for Smiles the local charity trying to improve the life those women and children
suffering domestic violence in Derby and Derbyshire.”
Confirmation the first meeting will be held next Sunday 22nd February at 6.00 pm in the main hall of the
Parish Centre.
Frugal Lunches begin on Friday. Many thanks to all who have volunteered to make and serve soup each
Friday in Lent. If anyone can either make soup or help in anyway on Good Friday please let us know.
This Lent we will be supporting CAFOD's ‘One Climate, One World campaign’, which will focus on
tackling the effects of extreme weather by helping people to cope with the aftermath of storms, floods and
droughts. Available in the Gathering Area, there is a double CAFOD envelope - Family Fast Day
envelope to fill with money saved by fasting on Friday 27th February, and a CAFOD
envelope to use
to commit to ongoing support. There is also a brown envelope, marked "CUT IT OUT" for your Lenten
almsgiving. THIS YEAR, the government will match your donations £ for £ so let's see how we can
double our money and collect a huge amount this Lent!
Bacon Butties will be on sale after 10.00 am Mass on Sun. 1st March in aid of Zambia.
You are invited to join this year’s Lent TalksThe theme running through the four talks will be on the
poor and disadvantaged people. 1st March 6.30 pm at All Saints - Modern Slavery in the UK and our
response, speaker Archdeacon Christine Wilson: 8th March 6.30 pm our church, City of Sanctuary – The
plight of Asylum Seekers, Revd Maureen Priddin: 15th March 6.30 pm the Methodist Church, The Derby
Churches Night Shelter – our response to the poor on our streets, speaker Rev Ally Kay. (Date to be
confirmed) 6.30 pm at St John’s. Environmental Change and its effect on the poor across the world,
speaker Claire Bampton. These talks are organised by Churches Together in Mickleover (CTOG) which
is why they are based at the different churches in Mickleover. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Deputy Headteacher- required for Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Carlton, Nottingham. Ours is
an outstanding school and we are looking for an outstanding Deputy Head for September. If you are
interested, contact Mrs Lee at the school. Details on the school website;www.sacredheart.notts.sch.uk.
Closing date 6th March 2015.
YMCA Derbyshire’s 2015 Sleep Easy event is taking place on Friday 6th March Derbyshire County
Cricket Club. 7pm-7am Will you sleep rough again so that other’s don’t have to? All the money raised
goes directly to YMCA Derbyshire projects, impacting your community and helping disadvantaged
young and vulnerable people in Derby and Derbyshire to build a future. To sponsor Gillian Sewell, CEO
at YMCA Derbyshire please visit:
https://secure.artezglobal.com/registrant/FundraisingPage.aspx?registrationID=470139&langPref=enCA&Referrer=%26Referrer%3ddirect%252fnone for further information see poster.
Diocesan Spirituality Network details of their programme is available on the notice board.
Diocesan Year Book 2015 Copies are available in the Gathering Area, price £3.00. Please put your
remittance in the envelopes provided. Contains article on Mary Neville’s ‘Bene Merenti’ Award.
Parish Diaries for 2015 are available via the Repository. £1 each.
Catholic Parlimentary and Public Policy - Internships 2015-2016. A year’s intensive experience of
political and social action in a spiritual context. Further information and application pack:
www.cbcew.org.uk/interns. See poster.
Free to a good home Frigidaire Mini Oven, free standing, with rotisserie and two hotplates. Ideal for
student flat etc. Please contact Fr Paul.