Welcome - St Peter`s Church, Birstall
Welcome - St Peter`s Church, Birstall
Notice Sheet February 15th 2015 Transcendence This Week: Today In the Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales This Notice Sheet now available at www.stpetersbirstall.co.uk ‘Like’ us at facebook.com/ stpetersbirstall Welcome If you're here for the first time please see the Welcome Card on the pew shelf or ask the 'welcomer' at the door for one. Vicar: Rev'd Paul J Knight (01924) 473715 [email protected] In case of emergency or sickness, please contact Paul or another member of the staff team. Thank you Before the Service Please pray for all those involved in the services today especially for Paul who is preaching, and Wendy & Leif who are leading. Also for Wendy and Paul as they prepare to preach next week. Readings: 2 Corinthians 4: 3-6 (1160) Mark 9: 2-9 (1012) 9.00 am Communion with Hymns 10.00 am Coffee/tea 10.30 am Word and Worship with Prayer Ministry and with Little Fishes, Junior Church and Rock Solid 11.30 am Coffee/tea Monday 7.30 pm Messy Church Planning meeting Ash Wednesday 9.30 am Communion with ashing Readings: Isaiah 58: 1-11 (744) John 8: 1-11 (1073) 12 noon: Super Soup Lunch for Christian Aid (No Bridge) 7.30 pm Communion with ashing at St Saviours Thursday 6.45 pm SAIF Prayer Group Next Week (February 22nd) Service theme: Repent and Believe 9.00 am Communion with Hymns 10.30 am Communion with Little Fishes, Junior Church and Rock Solid Romans 10: 8b-13, Mark 1:12-15 12 noon Baptisms PRAYER CHAIN If you have an urgent item for prayer please phone either Pat on 478253 or Jean on 478634 who will pass it down the confidential Prayer Chain. You can also contact Wendy on 470196 or Paul on 473715 for it to be added to the ePrayer Chain. PRAYER MINISTRY If you would like personal prayer for anything. members of the Prayer Ministry Team will be in the north aisle after Communion, to pray with you. Please pray for Wednesday’s Super Soup Lunch and the people it will help children on half-term holiday the residents of Briarmains Rd Interviews for new vicar of Brownhill on Tuesday. Women's World Day of Prayer This years service will be at St. Saviour's Church Hall, Brownhill on Friday 6th March at 2pm. All are invited to the service which has been prepared by the Christian women of the Bahamas Future Dates March 6th Women's World Day of Prayer (see panel) 15th Mothering Sunday 21st Table Top Sale 28th Messy Church April 2nd Maundy Thursday 4th Easter Vigil 5th Easter 26th Annual General Meeting The next Messy Church is not until March 28, but the planning meeting is tomorrow, 7.30 pm at the Vicarage. Please come along with ideas for themes and activities for the next and later sessions. Church Electoral Roll and Annual General Meeting Please note that if you wish your name to be added to the church Electoral Roll before the Annual General Meeting your application should be received by 8th March (forms available by the entrance door). Reports for inclusion in the Annual Report should be submitted to Paul by the end of March, electronically if possible. Thank you. This Wednesday the Bridge Project is closed, so instead, why not come along to The Real Easter Egg. at 12 Noon, for I will be placing a order after next week’s services, so if you would like one or more, please sign up a.s.a.p. The sign up list and all information are posted up in the fellowship area. Thank you. Leif No charge, but donations for Christian Aid welcome CREATIVE SPACESA CREATIVE SPACESA CREATIVE SPACESA CREATIVE SPACESA CREATIVE SPACESA Crafty, creative days A Learn new techniques, be creative and make time and space for God – all in one relaxing day! The next ‘Creative Spaces’ day is on Saturday March 7th at St Thomas’ Church, Grosvenor Road, Batley. The theme this time is ‘Florals’ and includes wet felted flower making and simple bookbinding techniques. Suitable for beginners or the more experienced crafter. 10.00 – 3.30.Cost £15 - all materials and tea/coffee/biscuits provided. Bring your own packed lunch. To register or for more details - phone/text Anne 07929452439 or email [email protected] ALL MONEY TAKEN ON THESE WORKSHOPS IS FOR DOG RESCUE CHURCHES TOGETHER IN BIRSTALL Wednesdays 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th March, 1.30 - 3pm at Birstall Methodist Church Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th March, 7.30 - 9pm at St. Saviour’s Church Come along to whichever sessions suits you best