TSD RENTAL.NET 5.01 Release Notes


TSD RENTAL.NET 5.01 Release Notes
New Features - Version 5.01
Apply Damage Charges at Return by Vehicle Model
With Model Damage Charges, you can charge the renter for cosmetic damage at the return,
according to the model of vehicle on the rental agreement. Damage charges can vary based on
damage code and vehicle model, since each damage code can be associated with a different
optional service charge and amount. You can also have specific charges waived automatically,
if the renter purchased damage waiver insurance coverage. Follow the steps below to set up
and apply damage charges in your system.
Step 1: Set up Damage Reasons
File > Setup > Reasons Table
In the Reason Table, use the Damage Codes Reason Category to set up a code for each type of
damage that you plan to charge customers for at the return.
Step 2: Set up Optional Services
File > Setup > Optional Services > Input/Edit Optional Services
In the Optional Services Table, set up a one-time optional service charge amount for each damage code. Be sure to mark this service as Not-For-Sale so that it is not included in lists of forsale optional services when reservations are being booked, or when agreements are being
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Step 3: Associate Damage with Services in the Model Table
File > Setup > Fleet Tables > Model Table
In the Model Table, click Damage Charges. For each model, associate the damage code
reasons with the optional service charges that you have set up.
If you would like to waive charges for the damage code, if the renter has purchased an
optional service of the Damage Waiver Service Type, select the Waive if Damage Waiver
Applied check box. The damage charges will not be added to the agreement.
Step 4: Apply Charges at Return Rental Agreement
Agreements > Return Rental Agreement
At the return of an agreement with vehicle damage, click the Add Model Damage Charges icon
to apply charges based on the type of damage.
The chargeable damage reasons and their amounts are shown on the Add Model Damage
Charges dialog.
Select the check box for the type of damage that applies to the agreement. A quantity field is
available, if needed for multiple instances of the same type of damage. Click Add.
At the save of the return, charges are saved to the agreement, in the form of an adjustment
at return.
TSD RENTAL.NET Management Software - Release Notes
©2015 TSD
Lock Down Drop Charges and Control Changes to the Return
Do Not Apply Drop Fee After Create (Location Option)
If this new option is selected, a one-way reservation’s drop charge is only subject to re-evaluation under certain circumstances, and depends on whether the employee working on the
reservation has the Change Return Location access privilege.
For an employee without the Change Return Location access privilege:
Creating a new quote, reservation, or walkup agreement: If the employee
changes the pickup date or car class before saving, the drop fee is re-evaluated, but
after the record is saved, the drop fee remains the same.
Opening a one-way reservation into an agreement, or editing a quote, reservation or agreement or returning an agreement: The drop fee remains
unchanged; it is not re-evaluated.
For an employee with the Change Return Location access privilege:
Editing an existing quote or reservation, or opening a one-way reservation
into an agreement: The drop fee remains unchanged; it is not re-evaluated at this
Editing an open agreement or returning an agreement: Changes to the return location cause drop fees to be re-evaluated.
Change Return Location (Access Privilege)
This new privilege controls whether or not an employee can change the return location of a
reservation or open agreement. If at open agreement, the rental customer wishes to change
the return location, a new walkup agreement must be created by an employee with the
Change Return Location access privilege.
Rate Code Added to Rental Agreement Lookup
A Rate Code column is now available on the Rental Agreement lookup accessed from the R/A
Number links on the View/Edit and Return Agreement pages.
TSD RENTAL.NET Management Software - Release Notes
©2015 TSD
View Customer History from Mobile App
The customer history report that is available from the quote, reservation and agreement
pages is now available through the mobile application open agreement process. This report
includes a complete listing of contracts associated with the renter, based on the driver's last
name, license number and license state.
Navigate through Location Table Records
Now, use previous and next arrows
for browsing through locations. When viewing the
first location record, the left arrow is unavailable; when viewing the last location record, the
right arrow is unavailable.
Claims Module Field Lengths Extended
For the following Claims fields, the maximum value is now 99999999.99.
Estimated Retail
Estimated Wholesale
Deductible Collected
Deductible Refunded
Subrogation Amount
Subrogation Collected
Bodily Injury Reserve
Bodily Injury Paid
Physical Damage Reserve
Physical Damage Paid
Other Expense Estimate
Loss Of Use
Additional New Features
You can now search for a vehicle by using the Unit Master Table Plate number field.
Enter the plate number and press Tab on your keyboard. If more than one vehicle
record matches the plate number you've entered, you can browse through the records
using the green forward and back navigation arrows provided.
Both the rental agreement search (Search > Rental Agreements) and Rental Agreement
Reporting (Agreements > Rental Agreement Reporting) now include a Confirmation
Number search field, to look for an agreement by the reservation from which it was
TSD RENTAL.NET Management Software - Release Notes
©2015 TSD