step 1 step 2 - UC Berkeley ATDP - University of California, Berkeley
step 1 step 2 - UC Berkeley ATDP - University of California, Berkeley
Y L P P A ATDP has a more thorough application process than most other programs because it’s important for us to have as well-rounded an academic profile of the applicant as possible. This ensures they are prepared for the rigors of a fast-paced Secondary Division course. It also gives students a taste of the college application process! THE APPLICATION PROCESS NEW VS RETURNING PLACEMENT DECISIONS We make every effort to place all qualified students in their first-choice course. ATDP makes placement decisions on a continual basis, beginning as soon as applications are completed. However, course enrollment is limited, and there are always more qualified applicants than the program can accommodate. Therefore, it is advantageous for both returning and new students to submit their complete applications early, preferably well before the postmark deadlines. Applications are evaluated in the order they are complete, with first preference in placement given to returning students. Incomplete applications are not considered for placement. The application process is the same for new and returning students. Students must reapply every year, and returning students are not guaranteed automatic readmission or placement in their first choice of course—they must have maintained strong academic records and must submit their complete applications early. A student who applied in a previous year and then withdrew without completing a course will be considered a new student for admission purposes. Applications received after the deadline will be considered only on a space-available basis. On March 26, 2015, ATDP will mail all applicants a letter informing them whether they have been accepted. Acceptance packets will include your course placement. Students have until Monday, April 27, 2015 to submit their Notification of Attendance or Withdrawal to indicate whether or not they will be attending the summer session. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS step 1 CHOOSE A COURSE step 2 GATHER DOCUMENTS Browse our course offerings listed on pp. 4-13. Choose one course that interests you and up to three alternates. Make note of the listed course number and any grade requirements or prerequisites. Keep our attendance policy (p. 16) in mind as you review the course schedule. See “Selecting a Course” on page 3. Please compile the following items in the order listed below. Items numbered 1 through 5 are required for a complete application. We request you include College Board PSAT/SAT scores (item 6) if they are available, and federal tax documentation (item 7) if you wish to apply for financial aid. 1. Letter of Interest Please write a cover letter to accompany your application, explaining your reasons for choosing each of the courses listed on your Application Information Form. In your (the student’s) own words, include information about your interest in the subject(s), what you hope to learn, and related experience, if any. In this letter and on your Application Information Form, please only list courses in which you are actually interested in enrolling. Your letter may also include any special circumstances, such as transportation or scheduling needs. If you are applying for two courses, include your petition in your letter. Specify your desired course schedule, and explain your plan for managing the increased time commitment. Please do not send certificates or awards. 2. Teacher Recommendation Form Give the Teacher Recommendation Form—attached between pages 10 and 11—along with an envelope to a current teacher in any academic subject (e.g., mathematics, science, language arts; not fine arts, advisory, or extracurricular classes). Your teacher should complete the form, seal it in the envelope, sign his or her name across the sealed flap, and then return the envelope to you. If you are applying for Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II/Trigonometry, Precalculus, or AP Calculus, this form must be completed by your current math teacher. 3. Copy of Report Card* Submit a legible photocopy of your first semester (or most recent) report card for the current (’14–’15) school year. Only submit final grades; do not send progress reports unless no other records are available. If you need assistance obtaining a copy, ask in your school office. Include a legible photocopy of your most recent California Standards Test (CST/STAR) or other standardized achievement test scores (e.g., Stanford Achievement Test, Iowa Test of Basic Skills, or other school-administered test that gives national percentile scores in math and reading). The test must have been taken within the past three years (i.e., 2014, 2013, or 2012). We are aware that because of the transition from the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) exam, no STAR or CAASPP results are available for the 2013-2014 school year. Applicants who do not have test results from last year should submit a copy of their 2013 or 2012 test scores. If you have not taken a standardized achievement test in the past three years, include a signed note with a school stamp from an administrative staff person at your school indicating so. 5. Academic Product or Essay Please submit an academic product that meets the criteria of one of the three options below. This work should be one of which you are especially proud and which was completed since September 2014. While the work may have been done for a school assignment, it need not have been. The product you submit need not be in the same subject area as that to which you are applying, but keep in mind that the written component must develop your own original thinking beyond restating facts. If your product is more than one page, staple the pages together but do not staple them to the application or put them in a folder. OPTION A. Submit an essay or story of at least 500 words that shows your original thought and that is long enough for you to develop your ideas. step 3 FILL OUT THE APPLICATION FORM A social studies or science report is not appropriate unless it relies heavily on your own analysis in addition to reporting factual information. OPTION B. If you’d like to submit a piece of academic work that deviates from a traditional essay or story format (e.g., art, poetry, computer programs, and science experiments), you must also submit a clear, well-developed explanation of your work. Your written explanation should be at least 500 words and must be long enough to clearly demonstrate your thinking as you developed this product. OPTION C. Write a well-developed essay of no more than 1,500 words on one of the topics below. You may type or write in ink on lined paper. Take time to consider the topic in depth and organize your answer. Be sure to title your essay. 1. Storytellers, journalists, poets: all have the power to change minds with naught but the written word. Write about something you have read over the past year that has changed your opinion, given you a profound idea, or otherwise inspired you to think in a new way. How have these thoughts manifested in the real world around you? In an organized essay, convince a skeptical publisher that the piece you read is worth printing. 2. This year, NASA is set to receive increased funding. However, in Brushstrokes of a Gadfly, author Bucchianeri writes: “There are so many problems to solve on this planet first before we begin to trash other worlds.” Do you agree or disagree with this sentiment? If you had the power, would you increase space exploration funding, leave it be, or divert those resources to other priorities? Support your argument with substantial real-world examples and well-structured reasoning. 6. Copy of SAT/PSAT Scores (optional) If available, include a legible copy of your College Board PSAT and/or SAT scores. These scores will be used for research purposes only, and they will not affect placement decisions. A P P LY 4. Copy of Test Scores* 7. Need-based Financial Aid (optional) See page 15 for tuition & financial aid information. To apply for financial aid, please submit both parents’ most recent Federal Tax Return AND ALL SCHEDULES (i.e., the complete tax return) for each applicant. For preliminary consideration and to avoid delay in submitting your application, you may submit your 2013 return if your 2014 return is not yet available. We will ask for your 2014 return at a later date, if required. Do not send original documents. If there are special circumstances, submit a letter of explanation and photocopies of any supporting documents (e.g., unemployment forms). If the $50 processing fee poses a financial hardship, submit a letter of explanation and supporting documents listed above. Send your complete application materials no later than Wednesday, February 25. We will not consider financial aid requests for applications that are completed after the deadline. An invoice for fees due and the amount of financial aid awarded (if any) will be included in the student’s acceptance packet, which will be mailed on Thursday, March 26, 2015. Please complete the Application Information Form at Students who apply online can log in to check the status of their application at any time. Returning students need only update the information on their account (e.g., address, current school) when they begin another application online. Once you have submitted the online form, print and sign the Statement of Commitment and include it with the rest of your application documents. If you are unable to access the form online, complete the Application Information Form (including the Statement of Commitment) attached between pages 10 and 11. step 4 On next page. * Do not delay submitting your application to wait for updated report cards or achievement test scores; submit the most recent records you currently have that fulfill the application requirements. We will request updated records if they are necessary. 19 A P P LY step 4 SEND IT IN Include a $50 processing fee, payable by check or money order to “UC Regents.” Write “SD” and the student’s first and last name on the memo line. This fee is non-refundable. It covers only the cost of application processing and does not apply toward tuition or facilities fees. Once you have all of the required materials, place your processing fee payment on top of the rest of your documents (see checklist at right), and mail them in a single package to: University of California, Berkeley Academic Talent Development Program Graduate School of Education 70 University Hall #1160 Berkeley, CA 94720-1160 Only complete applications will be evaluated. Do not send the application in parts. For the best chance at your preferred course, be sure your application package is postmarked by the following dates: RETURNING STUDENT DEADLINE NEW STUDENT & FINANCIAL AID DEADLINE For RETURNING STUDENTS (those who have previously been accepted into and attended the Secondary Division): Wednesday, February 11, 2015 For NEW STUDENTS (those who have not attended the Secondary Division, including students who previously attended the Elementary Division): A PPL I C AT I O N CO M PL E T EN E S S CHECKLIST Make sure you have included all required documents in the order below! Processing fee ($50 check, payable to “UC Regents”) on top of other documents OR Signed note of explanation if this poses a financial hardship Statement of Commitment printed and signed, if applying online OR Paper Application Information Form with signed Statement of Commitment, if not applying online Letter of Interest Envelope containing your Teacher Recommendation Form, with teacher’s signature over the sealed flap Photocopy of most recent report card Photocopy of achievement test scores or signed, stamped note from school administrative staff indicating none are available Academic product or essay Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Photocopy of College Board PSAT and/or SAT scores, if available Note that we accept late applications only on a space-available basis. For those applying after the deadline, ATDP may take up to three weeks to return a decision, and the Notification of Attendance or Withdrawal must be returned within 10 business days of its receipt. Federal tax return and all schedules, if applying for need-based financial aid Application FAQ If admission is based on academic preparedness, why is applying early so important? Applications are considered in the order in which they are completed. For the most competitive courses, there are always more qualified applicants than the program can accommodate. Highly qualified applicants who apply early have the best chance of being placed in their preferred courses at their preferred meeting times. I didn’t learn as much as I would have liked in my math class this year. Can I repeat a math class at ATDP that I have already taken at my regular school? No, we do not allow ATDP students to repeat math classes. Instead, we suggest that you consider taking a 5-unit math elective for which you have completed the prerequisites or a course in another field of study. 20 How are financial aid awards determined? Financial aid awards are based on total family resources, determined in part by tax returns and schedules. We make every effort to help families with limited resources; however, we are often unable to offer full financial aid, and families who receive full financial aid for tuition will still need to pay the course facilities fee. A drastic change in my financial situation is not reflected on my tax return. What should I do? Attach a letter explaining your situation, as well as any supporting documents (e.g., unemployment forms) to the tax forms you send in. May 6th graders apply to the Secondary Division? Our Elementary Division offers courses for 6th graders: see our Elementary Division catalog or New ATDP applicants who will be completing 6th grade in 2015 are not eligible for the Secondary Division. Returning ED students with very strong academic records who will be completing 6th grade are eligible to apply for The Writing Process, Elements of Web Design, Foundations of Algebra, and Public Speaking. I ’m n o t f r o m t h e S a n Fr a n c i s c o Bay Area. May I apply? Yes! ATDP is open to students from the Bay Area and beyond. Students from many countries— including Taiwan, Italy, Kuwait, and Singapore— have attended. However, please note that (1) ATDP is not a residential program and we cannot assist with housing arrangements, and (2) financial aid is limited to students from the immediate Bay Area. Application Information Form 2015 Summer Session – Secondary Division SD Note: Please review the application instructions on pp. 18 – 20 before completing this form. In order to have a complete application, you must submit all required application documents indicated in these instructions. University of California, Berkeley Academic Talent Development Program Graduate School of Education 70 University Hall #1160 Berkeley, CA 94720-1160 You can register on our website and submit this information online at Alternatively, you may complete and attach this paper form. Please print all information in black or blue ink. [email protected] 510-642-8308 I. Basic Information STUDENT’S LAST NAME STUDENT’S FIRST NAME MID. INIT. SEX (M/F) DATE OF BIRTH PARENT/GUARDIAN’S LAST NAME PARENT/GUARDIAN’S FIRST NAME DAYTIME PHONE MAILING ADDRESS (INCLUDE APT. NO.) 2. Cut on dotted line to separate. No, I am a new applicant ( ) ZIP CODE *ATDP sets limits on how we use student email addresses. See “Contact” below. If this is your first time at ATDP, how did you hear about us? Do you have siblings also applying to ATDP? NAME(S) OF SIBLING(S) Word of mouth Internet School Newspaper School-aged peer Adult peer Family member No, but I have applied previously Yes, I have attended the Secondary Division Yes, I have attended only the Elementary Division LAST YEAR ATTENDED PRIMARY HOME/FAMILY PHONE SCHOOL ADDRESS Teacher Counselor/Admin. Bulletin, flyer, etc. Which division(s) are they applying for? SD (Secondary) 1. Carefully remove sheet from booklet. STATE Work STUDENT’S EMAIL ADDRESS (IF AVAILABLE)* NAME OF CURRENT SCHOOL Have you attended ATDP before? Cell ) CITY PARENT/GUARDIAN’S EMAIL ADDRESS GRADE ( AGE ED (Elementary) Both Email Web page Online advertisement Please specify: ______________________ Other II. Course Selection List one or more course choices below, in order of preference. If your first choice (1) is full or your application is not competitive for it, we will consider your alternates (2-4) in order to schedule you. Each selection you list represents a committed interest in enrolling in that course; do not list alternates if you would prefer not to attend rather than take an alternate course. COURSE TITLE Check box below if any schedule is acceptable** ANY OR You may select specific sections of a course by listing its number and schedule below SPECIFIC COURSE # 1 SD35 2 SD35 3 SD35 4 SD35 DAYS AM/PM **You may have a better chance of placement into your preferred course by selecting this option. TWO COURSES - RESTRICTIONS APPLY I am petitioning to take two courses AND I have explained my request in my Letter of Interest (Application Item 1). Research participation. ATDP has a responsibility to conduct research that contributes new knowledge that leads to growth and improvement in our understanding of how academically talented students learn and how they can be better served. We ask our students and their families to assist in this effort by contributing between 1 and 3 hours per year to participating in this research. However, opting not to participate in research will in no way affect admission into the program. Before a student can participate in a study, ATDP gives detailed information about it to the student and his or her parent(s) and obtains their informed consent in writing. Recommended for returning students only. See page 6 for information and restrictions on petitioning to take two courses. Nondiscrimination statement. The University of California, in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in any of its policies, procedures, or practices; nor does the University discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, University programs and activities, including but not limited to, academic admissions, financial aid, educational services, and student employment. CONTINUE ON REVERSE Contact. For direct communication, ATDP attempts to contact families first by email, then by phone, then by post mail if necessary. ATDP collects student email addresses for the sole purposes of (1) notifying parents and students of their application status, (2) sending program news and announcements, (3) providing them to instructors to facilitate communications regarding coursework during the summer program, (4) requesting feedback about the student’s experiences involving the program, and (5) informing students of research participation opportunities. Students are not required to provide an email address; ATDP will instead use the parent’s email address for messages intended for the student. III. Biographical Data In order to help us develop a greater base of knowledge about our student population, please complete the questions below. Your responses in this section will not affect your admission status or course placement. 1 2 Please indicate your ethnic background by checking ALL that apply. American Indian/Alaskan Native I Pilipino/Filipino-American P Japanese/Japanese-American J Latino/Other Hispanic-American S Chinese/Chinese-American A Korean/Korean-American K African-American/Black B Vietnamese/Thai/Other Asian V Other (please indicate): O _________________________ Pacific Islander U East Indian/Pakistani E Decline to state D Mexican/Mexican-American/Chicano C White/Caucasian (& Middle Eastern) W English English and another language (specify): ______________________________ Another language (specify): ______________________________ 3 In what country were you born? 4 Please indicate the highest level of education completed by each parent by writing the corresponding letter in each space. USA A. B. C. D. E. 6 Elementary school Some high school High school diploma or equivalent Business or trade school Some college Completed by mother (or parent/guardian) F. Associate or two-year degree G. Bachelor’s or four-year degree H. Some graduate or professional school I. Graduate or professional degree OCCUPATION OF FATHER (OR PARENT/GUARDIAN) Completed by father (or parent/guardian) OCCUPATION OF MOTHER (OR PARENT/GUARDIAN) Please indicate the approximate income of your parents last year. Less than $10,000 A $25,000 - $50,000 C $75,000 - $100,000 E $150,000 - $200,000 G $10,000 - $25,000 B $50,000 - $75,000 D $100,000 - $150,000 F Over $200,000 H IV. Financial Aid No Are you applying for need-based financial aid? V. Statement of Commitment All students and parents must agree to and sign the following statement of commitment prior to admission into ATDP. “I understand that students may be dismissed from the Program without refund because of absences, failure to complete assignments, or behavior involving academic dishonesty or interpersonal interactions that is unfitting to the purpose of the Program.” ___________________________________________________________ Signature of Student Applicant (Student MUST sign) ___________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent of Guardian (Parent MUST sign) Remember: your application is NOT COMPLETE without all required items! See list and instructions on pp. 18-20 Returning Student postmark deadline: New Applicant and Former ED postmark deadline: ® Berkeley Graduate School of Education Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 APPLY EARLY. Applications are considered for admission and course placement according to the date they are complete. Late applications are accepted only on a space-available basis. 2. Cut on dotted line to separate. Yes, and I have included my family’s most recent Federal Tax Return and all Schedules (i.e., the complete tax return). 1. Carefully remove sheet from booklet. 5 In another country (specify): ______________________________________ , and I came to the USA in the year ____________.
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