

February 2015
Tsung-Sheng Tsai
Associate Professor
Department of Economics, National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, TAIWAN
Phone: (02) 3366-8307; Fax: (02) 2365-9128
Email: [email protected]
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997-2002
Dissertation: Essays on Collective Choice and Political Economy (Advisor: Peter Norman)
M.A. in Economics, National Taiwan University, 1992-1994
B.B.A. in International Trade, National Taiwan University, 1988-1992
Fields of Interests
Public Economics, Microeconomics, Political Economy, Industrial Organization
Working Experience
Associate Professor, National Taiwan University, 2010/8 – present
Member of Executive Committee, Research Institute for the Humanities and Social
Science, Ministry of Science and Technology ( 科技部人文社會科學研究中 心 ),
2012/5 – present
Assistant Professor, National Tsing Hua University, 2007/2 – 2010/8
Assistant Research Fellow, Academia Sinica, 2002/9 – 2007/2
Assistant Professor (adjunct), Fu-Jen University, 2003/9 – 2007/2
Academic Activities
Editorial Board, European Journal of Political Economy (SSCI), 2011/6 – present
Editorial Board, Taiwan Economic Review (經濟論文叢刊)(TSSCI), 2012/8 – present
Teaching Committee, Taiwan Economic Association, 2013
Honors and Awards
Excellent Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2014 (台灣大學教學優良獎)
Ta-You Wu Memorial Prize, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2012 (科技部吳大猷先
Junior Faculty Research Award, NTHU, 2009 (清華大學新進人員研究獎)
Academic Achievement Award (top 4%), NTHU, 2009 (清華大學教師學術卓越獎勵)
Government Scholarship for Studying Abroad, Ministry of Education, 1997-2000 (教育
February 2015
Tsai, T.-S. and C. C. Yang (2015), “On the IRS’s Service and Enforcement,” Economic
Inquiry 53(2), 889-905
Chen, K.-P. and T.-S. Tsai (2015), “Judicial Torture as a Screening Device,” The B.E.
Journal of Theoretical Economics (Contributions), forthcoming
Tamada, Y. and T. -S. Tsai (2014), “Delegating the Decision-Making Authority to
Terminate a Sequential Project,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
99(C), 178-194
Tsai, T.-S. and C. C. Yang (2013), “Employer’s Reporting of Worker’s Income, Incentive
Contracts, and Tax Compliance,” Taiwan Economic Review 41(4), 339-363
Tsai, T.-S. and S.-C. Kung (2011), “Sequential Investments, Know-How Transmission,
and Optimal Organization,” The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (Topics) 11
(1), Article 22
Tsai, T. -S. and C. C. Yang (2010), “On Majoritarian Bargaining with Incomplete
Information,” International Economic Review 51(4), 959-979
Tsai, T.-S. and C. C. Yang (2010), “Minimum Winning versus Oversized Coalitions in
Public Finance: The Role of Uncertainty,” Social Choice and Welfare 34(2), 345-361
Tsai, T.-S. (2009), “The Evaluation of Majority Rules in a Legislative Bargaining Model,”
Journal of Comparative Economics 37(4), 674-684
Tamada, Y. and T. -S. Tsai (2007), “Optimal Organization in a Sequential Investment
Problem with the Principal’s Cancellation Option,” International Journal of
Industrial Organization 25(3), 631-641
Chen, K. -P. and T.-S. Tsai (2007), “Optimal Contract for Ambitious Team Workers,”
Academia Economic Papers 35(3), 291-313
Tsai, T. -S. (2005), “Private Provision of Public Goods under Delegated Common
Agency,” Economics Bulletin 8 (13), 1-9
Working Papers
Chen, Y.-F and T.-S. Tsai (2015), “How Expert Are the Experts?”
Tsai, T.-S. and C. C. Yang (2014), “Ideologies, Status Quo, and Parties’ Outside Options
in Parliamentary Politics,” revised and resubmitted
Omiya, S., Y. Tamada, and T.-S. Tsai (2014), “Optimal Delegation with Self-Interested
Agents and Information Acquisition”
Tamada, Y. and T.-S. Tsai (2012), “Allocation of Authority with Principal’s Reputation
Chen, K.-P., C. -F. Chou, and T.-S. Tsai (2009), “Judicial Torture as a War of Attrition”
February 2015
Conferences and Seminars
Chinese University of Hong Kong, (2014, 2004)
Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Taipei (2014, 2007), Tokyo (2009), Singapore
(2008), Seoul (2004)
International Conference on Economics of Public Policy, Tsing Hua University, Hsin
Chu, 2014
International Conference on Political Economy of Political Institutions, Academia Sinica,
Taiepi, 2014
Public Economics Theory Association, Taipei (2012), Peking (2004)
World Congress of the Econometric Society, Shanghai (2010), London (2005)
Japan-Taiwan Contract Theory Conference, Hsin Chu (2009), Taipei, (2007)
Asian Law and Economics Association, Seoul (2005)
Referee Activities
Academia Economic Papers, Economics Bulletin, European Journal of Law and
Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Mathematical Social Sciences,
Journal of Economics, Journal of Economics and Management, Journal of Financial
Studies, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy,
Pacific Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Singapore Economic Review,
Southern Economic Journal, Taiwan Accounting Review, Taiwan Economic Inquiry,
Taiwan Economic Review, Taiwan Journal of Applied Economics

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