Application Form - Majestic Security Company Limited
Application Form - Majestic Security Company Limited
MAJESTIC SECURITY COMPANY LTD. 63 East Street, Old Harbour, St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I. Tel: (876) 622-4441/833-0078 Email: [email protected] Wishes to inform all applicants that upon submission of this form, the following documents should also be submitted: 1. Two recommendations (Must be from a Justice of the Peace (JP), Principal, Pastor and/ or Police officer in high command 2. Two Recent passport size photographs must not be older than six Months (Must be signed by a Justice of the Peace- JP) 3. Copy of ID, TRN, NIS and/or any other qualification that is deemed relevant based on official use. (Please note: the documents must be copied before submitting the form) 4. The completed form (All questions must be answered) MAJESTIC SECURITY COMPANY LIMITED Application for Employment ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED DATE: ____________ Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Last First Other Names Present Address: ________________________________________________________ How long have you lived at present address? _________ Tele #________________ Previous Address: ____________________________________________________ Gender: Male ( ) Female ( ) Date of Birth: ________________ Age: ____ Place of Birth: _________________ Height: __________________ Weight: ______________ Nationality: ______________ NIS#: __________________ TRN#: _______________ Drivers License Type: _________Number: ___________Passport#: _____________ Do you own a motor vehicle: Yes ( ) No ( ) National ID#: __________________ Number of Children: ________________ Ages: _________________ Hobbies: ___________________________ Other Skills: _____________________ Marital Status: Single ( ) Married ( ) Divorced ( ) Separated ( ) Widowed ( ) Name of Spouse: _______________________ Spouse Telephone #: ______________ Address of Spouse: _____________________________________________________ Mother’s Name and Address: _____________________________________________ Father’s Name and Address: ______________________________________________ In case of emergency, Name, Address and Telephone Number of person to contact: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Section B Education Schools Attended (Period) From To Qualifications obtained Name of Company Section C Work Experience Date Started Date Ended Have you ever traveled abroad? Yes ( ) Reason for leaving No ( ) If yes, what countries and for how long __________________________ Position Applied for: __________________________________ Have you ever been arrested or convicted? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes give details: _______________________________________________________ Are you willing to undergo a finger print test? Yes ( ) No ( ) Have you ever served in the Police force or Military? Yes ( ) No ( ) If so, state service: _________________ Rank Attained: ____________________ Do you own a Licensed Fire Arm? _________________ Next of Kin: ______________________ Relationship: ______________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Telephone#: ___________________ Agreement: I the undersigned certify that the agreement made by me are completed and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also adhere to the company’s Rules and Regulations. I understand that my willful misstatement or failure to adhere to the Rules and Regulations renders me liable to dismissal, if employed. I have read ALL THE ABOVE AND FULLY UNDERSTAND SAME. Applicant Signature: ___________________ Date: __________________ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CURRENT EMPLOYMENT DATA Date of Employment: _______________________________ Type of Employment: Part Time ( ) Full Time ( ) Period of Employment: _________________________________________ Position: _______________________________________________ ______________________ Manager’s Signature __________________ Date