Click here - Liberty Antiques Festival


Click here - Liberty Antiques Festival
Liberty Antiques Festival
April 24 & 25, 2015
September 25 & 26, 2015
Held just twice a year, 400 dealers from more than 25 states pack
this 100-acre farm near Liberty, North Carolina. Dig through the
past… find today’s treasures amongst 18th to 20th Century furniture, accessories, pottery, glass, clocks, dolls, toys, military items,
advertising, decoys, jewelry, quilts, folk art and “in the rough” country Americana! It’s the way it used to be — NO CRAFTS OR
REPRODUCTIONS — just truckloads of antiques and collectibles.
You’ll bring something home from this show! DON’T MISS IT!
Hours: 8 am—5 pm | Rain or Shine
Admission: $7/person; Children under
For vendor information, contact:
Liberty Antiques Festival
PO Box 939—Liberty NC 27298
(336) 622-3041
Located on Pike Farm Rd (formerly
Andrews Rd), off John Marsh Rd.
Easily accessible from I-85, I-95, I-40
& Hwy’s 29, 64 & 220 or just go to
Liberty and follow the signs.
For additional visitor information and
directions, call (800) 626-2672 or go to