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here - Buchanan Elementary School
Buchanan School
Parent Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Feb 2 – Admin Inservice – No Classes
Feb 3 – WJHA – 930am – Iceplex
– Early Dismissal – 310pm
Feb 4 – Rec & Read – 350pm to 500pm
Feb 9 – WJHA – Gr4/5 After School Session – 350pm to
Feb 10 – WJHA – 930am – Iceplex
Feb 11 – Kindergarten Information Evening – 7pm
Feb 16 – Louis Riel Day – No Classes
Feb 17 – WJHA – 930am – Iceplex
– Early Dismissal – 310pm
Feb 20 – Hockey Day
Feb 23 – WJHA Gr4/5 After School Session – 350pm to
Feb 24 – WJHA – 930am – Iceplex
– Grade 1 Art Club – 350pm to 530pm
Feb 25 – Grade 2 Art Club – 350pm to 530pm
Feb 26 – Assembly – 905am – Rm 11 Hosting
– Grade 3 Art Club – 350pm to 530pm
Feb 27 – Admin/Inservice – Report Card Writing
Issue No 26
Date February 2015
Phone No.: 204-888-0680
Fax No.: 204-831-7124
Principal – Ms. H. Hoch
Vice Principal –Mrs. B Stephenson
Administrative Assistant – Ms. T McKinnon
School Mission
“The Buchanan Team is dedicated to
academic excellence, respect for individual
rights and differences, and the development
of students’ potential so that they can take
their place in society as responsible
Winnipeg Jets Hockey Academy 2014-2015
This year the program will be somewhat different. Buchanan
School will have 1 group of Student -Athletes in grades 3 to 5.
Our ice-time at the Iceplex is Tuesday mornings from 9:30 12:00 from Oct.28/14 - May 12/15. Students will be picked
up at the school on Tuesdays at 945am. Their on-ice session
will run from 10:20am to 11:20am. Students will receive their
lunches at the Iceplex and then return to school at 12:00pm.
Principal’s Message
January has been “I Love to Read”month at Buchanan School.
We have many exciting reading events throughout the month.
Our 1st annual Cuddle Up and Read event was a huge success
and the Tim Horton’s Hot Chocolate was enjoyed by all! A
huge thank you to each and every Guest Reader who took time
to come and share the joy of good books and reading with us.
Thank You: Dr. Dorothy Young, past Asst. Superindent;Mr.
Jim Rondeau MLA; Coach Corey Coker WJHA; Mr. Eddie
Steele, Edmonton Eskimo; Ms. Megan McCullough, Teacher
Candidate; Trustee Ed Hume, SJSD; Mr. Dan Kalnychuk,
Principal Hedges School;Mr. Jay Booth, Winnipeg
Harvest;Constable Sue, School Resource Officer; Mr. Andy
McKiel, Curriculum coordinator SJSD;Mrs. Dianne Soltess,
Curriculum coordinator SJSD;Ms. Chrissy Troy, 103.1 FM;
Mr. Ace Burpee, 103.1 FM; Ms. Samantha Stevens, 104.1FM;
Mr. Brody Jackson, 104.1FM; Councillor Shawn Dobson, City
of Winnipeg; Coach Murray Cobb, WJHA; Constable Andrea,
WPS; Mr. Kevin Lamourieux, University of Winnipeg;
Councillor Scott Gillingham, City of Winnipeg and Mr. Keith
McCullough, CJOB. We ended the month of January with all
our students taking part in the Great Kindness Challenge!
Many kind deeds were demonstrated by all our students and
The WJHA after School Sessions will involve Gr. 4/5
Student-Athletes. After School program will be held on
Mondays at the school (gym & library). Student-Athletes
will learn the game of floor ball and there will again be the
academic component. A hot meal will again be provided. It
began Monday, November 3, 2014 (3:50pm-5:45pm) and
will end Monday, March 23, 2015.
Parents/ Grandparents are most welcome to come out to the
Iceplex and watch our Student-Athletes in action!
Buchanan School Hours
Outside Bell
8:55am & 12:55am
Student Entry
Classes start
11:50am to 12:55pm
Student Entry
Classes start
Students are marked “LATE” after 9:00am and 1:00pm.
Henrietta Hoch
St. James Assiniboia School Division
Web Site:
Buchanan Parent Council:
3. Having determined the wind chill hazard and its relative
movement, the principal will announce “indoor recess” if the
wind chill hazard is at or over -28°C. When the wind chill
hazard is between –25°C and –28°C, outdoor recess may be
allowed but under no circumstances will children be allowed
outside for longer than ten minutes. It is the principal’s
responsibility to ensure that this time line is stringently
President - Sandi Taylor/Tracey Broughton
Vice President - Jordan Westmacott
Treasurer - Gina Kaluznick
Secretary - Mrs. Lil. Atamanchuk
Special Lunch – Tracey Broughton
If you have any questions please contact parent
council by email:
[email protected]
4. On days when there is insufficient wind to produce a wind
chill hazard reading, temperature will be the determinant
concerning indoor recess. If the temperature is -29°C or lower,
recess will be indoors. If the temperature is between -25°C and
-28°C, outdoor recess may be allowed, but for no longer than
ten minutes.
St. James-Assiniboia School Division
2015-2016 School Year
Middle Years Information Evenings
7:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 3 – Lincoln Middle School
3180 McBey Ave., 204-837-8397,
7:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 4 – École Golden Gate
Middle School
330 Bruce Ave., 204-837-5808,
7:00 p.m., Thursday, February 5 – Ness Middle School
3300 Ness Ave., 204-837-1361,
7:00 p.m., Monday, February 9 – Hedges Middle School
369 Fairlane Ave., 204-837-5843,
7:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 11 – George Waters
Middle School
190 Ferry Rd., 204-888-4898,
7:00 p.m., Thursday, February 12 – Bruce Middle School
333 Booth Dr., 204-888-1990,
Registration forms for St. James-Assiniboia students will only
be accepted
on February 17, 2015 or later at each middle school.
Great Schools for Growing and Learning
5. This directive applies to lunch hours and any other outdoor
activities related to school.
6. Teachers will ensure that students are dressed appropriately
for the weather conditions.
Winter Recess
At Buchanan School children who come to school are
expected to go outside for recesses. If you child is not well
enough to go out for recess, please keep them home from
school to recuperate. Space and supervision limitations do not
allow for children to stay inside at recess.
When the wind-chill index exceeds -28, students may
have shortened outdoor recesses, or may have indoor
Bus Cancellation Information
Please be advised that with the cold winter weather upon us,
there exists the possibility of school buses being canceled for
safety reasons. In the event of extremely cold weather (a wind
chill hazard of -45C or greater) buses will be canceled and
students will need alternate transportation. The School
Division will contact all parents to advise them of bus
cancellations. The news media is also alerted to cancellations
and Division websites are updated to reflect any
announcements. Please ensure that the school is notified if
your phone number changes so that we will be able to contact
Thank you to our Parents and Students for using the sidewalks
and entering the grounds through the gateways.
appreciate your continued support in keeping pedestrians out
of the parking lot!
Outdoor Recess Guidelines
Koats for Kids
1. Recess will take place out-of-doors whenever possible.
United Way Koats for Kids program is
asking for donations of good quality
used children’s winter jackets/coats, ski
pants and snowsuits. These donations
can be dropped off at any fire
Station or any Perth’s locations.
2. When the weather is questionably cold, principals or their
designate will contact the nearest Environment Canada
weather office (983-2050) and determine the “wind chill
hazard”, at the Winnipeg Airport, at that time. Individuals
telephoning should also ascertain whether the wind chill
hazard is increasing, decreasing, or remaining constant.
Cold Weather Dress
Lunch Program
With the cold weather here it is important that
children are dressed properly for the
outdoors. All students go out for recess and
when not dressed properly this can be most
This is a reminder that we do not have microwaves for lunch
warm ups. If students want a hot lunch they must bring it in a
Lost and Found
Has your child’s favorite article of clothing disappeared?
Maybe not! Check our Lost and Found tables located in the
main hallway. Smaller items may be kept in the school office.
Parking Alert
Vacations & Absences
Parents – please do not stop or park on Buchanan Blvd in the
bus stop zone. This causes serious traffic congestion in front
of the primary entrance and a safety hazard for our students!
Also, please note, for student safety, the parking lot is out
of bounds for pick-ups and drop-offs. Students are asked
to use the surrounding sidewalks.
It is very important that both the classroom teacher and the
office are aware of your child’s absence from school. Absence
notifications can be called into the school 204-888-0680. We
have voice mail so call anytime.
Recess Playground Supervision
We have three teachers on duty each recess as well as our
Educational Assistants. In addition to the adults, we have our
teams of Conflict Managers working to assist students with
their problems. Students are well monitored! Reminder that
teachers are on supervision duty daily at 8:45am and
12:45pm. Please do not send your child to school before
these times as there is no supervision on the playground.
Visitors Report to the Office
For student safety and security reasons, it is necessary that we
monitor all persons entering the school. For this reason, we
lock all our school doors (northeast, northwest and west doors)
during the school day except the main office doors. If you are
in the school to pick up a student or drop something off,
please be sure to report to the office to announce your
presence. Parents/Visitors wishing to go to the classrooms
must sign-in and receive a visitor’s pass. If you have
reason to be concerned about someone attempting to see
your child who does not have permission, be sure to notify
the office. Parents who have restraining orders on other
adults should also ensure that copies of these are given to
the school principal and that the classroom teachers are
Important Dates – 2014-2015 School Year
In each school year (September to June), 10 days are set aside
for in-service and administration. Of these, 5 in-service days
are used to provide professional development for teaching and
support staff and 5 administration days are used for
parent/teacher conferences, writing report cards, year end
recording of pupil marks, promotional grade level meetings
and other administrative activities. There are no classes on
these dates. Please note these days on your calendar. If there
are any changes, we will notify you in our monthly school
Monday February 2, 2015
Friday February 27, 2015
Friday March 13, 2015
Friday April 24, 2015
Friday June 12, 2015
Tuesday June 30, 2015
Monthly Newsletters
Attention All Parents/Guardians:
In an effort to promote sustainability, you will be able to
access our monthly school newsletter on our website: If you would like a copy emailed directly
to you, please email us at [email protected] with your email
address. If you would still prefer to receive a paper copy,
please drop us a note with that request.
New Telephone Numbers?????
If you have any changes in your home, work or emergency
contact telephone numbers, please notify the office at 204888-0680 or leave a message. We have voice mail so call
anytime. It is very important we keep our files current.
Monthly Assemblies
Each month our students participate in a school – wide
assembly. The purpose of these assemblies is to highlight
various activities, programs and skills. We will also be
emphazing good listening and behavior for all students.
Parents and friends are most welcome to attend!
Upcoming assemblies will be on these dates:
Assemblies’ Dates
Hosting Classroom
Thursday February 26, 2015
Friday March 27, 2015
Telephone Use
A gentle reminder to parents and students that unless it is an
emergency, phone calls or messages will not be delivered to
children during the school day. Our goal is to have minimal
interruptions of learning during class time for everyone
Thursday April 23, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
Monday June 29, 2015 (130pm)
Farewell Assembly
All assemblies will be held at 9:05 am in the gym.
Support Staff:
Mrs. T. Beatty
Mrs. D Matlashewski
Mrs. L Stuart
Mr. J Westmacott
Mrs. C Hussett
Ms. E Reimer
Early Dismissal – 3:10pm
Mr. B Cherski
Ms. P Reimer
Mrs. C Thurlbeck
Mrs. I Desjarlais
Mr. W Smith
Mrs. M Gillingham
February 3, 2015
February 17, 2015
March 3, 2015
March 17, 2015
April 7, 2015
April 21, 2015
May 5, 2015
May 19, 2015
June 2, 2015
Mr. A LaGuardia - Custodian
Mrs. T McMillan – Head Cleaner
Mr. N Lazaro– Assistant Cleaner
Casual Fridays
Buchanan School has children with severe food allergies.
Support staff, teachers, and the principal have all received
specialized Epipen training. *Buchanan School is striving to
be a peanut aware environment.* Please ask your
Should you see the Buchanan Staff dressed in casual attire on
Fridays, it is due to Casual Fridays in support of our
recreational programming for the students at Buchanan.
child’s teacher prior to bringing any food items to
the classroom as some students also have allergies
to eggs, dairy products and some fruits.
Students should not share food or snacks as a
precaution for students with severe allergies.
Off Limits
A reminder that lunch students are NOT to go off the school
property at lunchtime unless they have a written note from
parents which has been signed by the homeroom teacher and
the principal. This ensures that your child is safe and properly
supervised by the staff and/or lunch supervisors. Wal-Mart
and the community club are OFF LIMITS. Please review this
rule with your child.
Personal Belongings
Students are urged to take care of their personal belongings by
having them carefully labeled. The school cannot accept
responsibility for lost items. Please make certain all your
children’s school items are labeled, including backpacks and
lunch bags.
Buchanan Staff List
Staff Member
Ms. H. Hoch
Mrs. B Stephenson
Ms. T McKinnon
Mrs. S Marshall
Mrs. T. Thorsteinson
Mrs. M Calheiros
Mrs. P. Steuart
Mrs. S Jones
Mr. C. Mavroudis
Ms. M Cretton
Ms. L Neufeld
Mrs. R. Nuytten
Mrs. C Brick
Ms. M Jenner
Ms. A Queen
Ms. H. Kaminsky
Mrs. C Kaufmann
Mr. C Spradbrow
Mrs. L Warrenchuk
Mrs. C Breckman
Mrs. H Bell
Mrs. J Palson
Dana Van Aert Pattrosson
Vice Principal
Admin. Assistant.
Oral Medication Administration
St. James Assiniboia School Division acknowledges that
certain students may require prescribed medication during the
School day in order to function as near to their potential as
possible. School personnel are permitted to administer this
medication during school hours ONLY IF THE PARENT(S)
whenever your doctor changes the prescription. If you require
one of these forms please contact Mrs. Stephenson at 204-8880680.
Grades 1/2/3
Grades 1/2/3
Grades 1/2/3
Grades 1/2/3
Grades 1/2/3
Grades 1/2/3
Grades 4/5
Grades 4/5
Grades 4/5
K-5 Music
Phys. Ed
Reading Recovery
Reading Recovery
Milk Tickets
Building /gluing small tipi frames. There are 250
frames (hot glue gun and sticks provided )
• Cutting string and braiding it to make hangers for our
7 Teachings Banners (another school wide activity
we are planning this year).
If you have some free time to help out a bit with any of
these activities please contact Buchanan School.
At Buchanan School we offer a School Milk Program that
makes milk available at school each and every day during
lunch. 250ml cartons of chocolate or white milk can be
purchased in our pre-paid program for $1.00 each.
There will be milk draws for the
students who purchase milk tickets.
At the end of each month students
who purchased milk tickets, will be
eligible to win neat and fun prizes.
Please put your name and room
number on the back of your tickets.
A Key to Health
Heritage Park Family Resource Centre
Offers 3 locations of :
According to the Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research
Institute, only 12% of Canadian children meet the physical
activity targets for children and youth. If children aren’t active
enough, they’re at a higher risk for diseases like type 2
diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and other
cardiovascular illnesses.
Did you know - 60 minutes or more a day is all it takes!
Fun- filled parent/child programs ages 0-5 years old.
Parent Topics/Resources.
Family Outings to special events.
Community Events.
Musical Guests for children.
Check us out on face book for monthly calendars of Events
Register at : [email protected]/ 204-895-2519
Programs funded by Healthy Child Manitoba
Protocol for Parent Concerns
Your input helps us to do a better job at meeting the needs of
our students. We ask that you express your concerns directly
to your child’s teacher first; then if your problem is not
resolved satisfactorily, to the principal. We are confident that
we will be able to solve small problems before they become
major ones.
Music News
Want to stay updated on the exciting activities Buchanan
students are doing in music? Visit our Music Program Blog
and YouTube Channel!
Buchanan Parent Child Drop In Centre
Friday Mornings 9:30 – 11:00 AM
Room 21
Buchanan Music Program Blog:
Buchanan Music Program YouTube Channel:
Join us for a fun morning of play! Families
with children birth – 6 years of age are
invited to drop in and visit this free
program, no registration is required. Each
week we offer creative activities, nutritious
snacks and circle time with songs, rhymes
and story. For more information visit our
website at
Volunteers Needed
Buchanan School would greatly appreciate any help with any
of the activities listed.
• Taking a wooden chair home and sanding it so that
we can have them painted with artwork at a later
• Help with painting flutes that the children will make
this year
• Putting strings in flute bags
• Sewing flute bags
Intramural Schedule:
Gr.1 Thurs. AM recess @10:20
Gr.2 Tues. AM recess @10:20
Gr.3 Thurs. @ 12:15
Gr.4/5 Mon. and Wed. @ 12:15
Bengal News
February 2015 looks to be a very busy month for activities at
Buchanan. Many different clubs and intramural activities have
sprung into action for the kids here at Buchanan School!
Grade 4 and 5 Basketball Club
Both our Boys and Girls Basketball teams have begun their
2015 season. They have been practicing and playing since
late- January. In late February-early March, Buchanan will be
hosting here at the school the 3rd Annual District #4
Friendship Basketball Tournament. Our Grade 5 Boys and
Grade 5 Girls will have the opportunity to play some friendly
games against Lakewood, Voyageur and Crestview School.
Stay tuned for more details and final date.
While Mr. Spradbrow is away recovering from surgery, we are
very fortunate to have great coaches working with our teams
this year: Mrs. Brick, Mr. Westmacott, and Mr. Derouard.
Grade 4-5 Cross Country Skiing in class
Grade 4-5 students had the great opportunity to cross country
ski for the month of January this year. Grade 4’s and 5’s
learned the basics of how to ski, including stepping, gliding, as
well as how to fall and get back up. Thanks goes out to
Manitoba Nordic Ski Club for trying to groom some trails
when snow was there to help us out. Hopefully next year the
weather will help us out too.
Lunch Recess Activities
New activities are up and Running!!
Mondays and Wednesdays: @ 12:15-12:55.
NEW!!! Tuesdays: Grade 2 Afternoon Recess
Activities- Grade 5 leaders lead the Gr.2’s through
games of their choice.
Thursday Lunch Recess: Grade 3 Floor Hockey and
Polo Ball Games.
And remember……. Active Kids….Healthy