Shaded eyeglasses.


Shaded eyeglasses.
No. 673,786.
Patented May 7, IQOI.
(Application ?led Inns 7, 1900.)
(No Model.)
SPECIFIC}! TIGN forming ‘part Of Letters Patent No. 673,786. dated May '7, 1901.
Application ?led June ‘7,1900. Serial No. 19,484. (No model.)
To all 11/77/0177, it 717/07] concern:
as above described.
To set the outer points
Be it known that I, JOHN B. RIcKnTTs, of of the shades b I) up or down, take the center
Kansas City, in the county of Jackson and of the spring (it between the thumb and fore
State of Missouri, have invented a new and ?nger of the left hand. Then take the end of
valuable Improvement in Shaded Eyeglasses; the spring a and the end of the shade b where 55
and I do hereby declare that the followingis they are joined between the thumb and fore
a full, clear, and exact description of the con
struction and operation of the same, refer
ence being had to the annexed drawings, mak
ing a part of this speci?cation, and to the let
ters of reference marked thereon.
Figure 1 of the drawings is a representa
?nger of the right hand and by twisting in
the proper direction the outer end of the
shade b may be set either up or down, as may
be desired, so as to make the upper lines of
the shades b b conform to the arch over the
eyes of the wearer.
tion of a vertical front view of myinvention.
b I) represent the shades, which may be
Fig. 2 is a vertical side representation of made of hard rubber or any other material
same. Fig. 3 is a representation of a three which will soften or entirely shut off the up
quarter view of same. Fig. 4 is a represen per and side rays of light from the eyes of
tation of a sectional view of same. Fig. 5 is the wearer. The upper line of the shades b 1)
a representation of mounting.
describes a straight line from the outer point,
This invention has relation to shades that where it is rounded to form a ?nish, to the
20 will soften or entirely shut off the upper and
inner end, which is also shaped to ?t the curve
side rays of light from the eyes of the wearer, where the base of the nose joins the arch over
with lenses attached. By their use the wearer the eyes. The shades b b may vary in length.
is aiforded perfect concentration of vision on Itisintended that the inner ends of the shades
the work in hand, and the strain on the mus b I) rest on the sides of the nose and conform to
25 cles of the iris is reduced to the minimum, as the arch over the eyes, with the outer points
the eyes have only to adjust themselves to resting on the cheek-bones.
the rays re?ected from the object under con
Where the shadesb b are bent to a form to
sideration, be it book, paper, or other article, give the desired curvature, with the upper
thus relieving the eyes from the confusing or straight line of the shade kept on a line
variety of rays from surrounding objects.
parallel to the form, they will conform to the 80
In the accompanying drawings, a, repre arch over the eyes and ?are out at the bottom
sents the spring, of gold, steel, or any other just right to give the desired range of vision.
suitable metal. It-describes compound curves, The shades b b may also vary in width ac
as shown in Figs. 1, 2, and 3. It curves out cording to the uses to which they maybe put;
35 at the top, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3, so as but the principle remains the same.
not to interfere with the brow of the wearer,
01 represents a mounting for attaching the
and it is riveted or screwed on obliquely across lenses 0 c to the shades b b. They may be
the inner ends of the shad as b b, as shown in
Figs. 1, 2, and 3.
This spring possesses quali
made from any suitable metal. They are at
tached to the under side of the shades b b by a
ties of adjustment which make it of special screw or rivet. There may be one or more of
value to this invention——as, forinstance,when them to each lens. The lips are turned up
it becomes necessary to set the outer points
of the shades I) Z) farther apart. Take the end
of the spring a and the end of the shade b
45 where they are joined together between the
on the dotted lines to receive the lens 0, which
is attached by ascrew or rivet. The lenses 0 0
may have rims of metal or any other suit
able material, or they may be plain, with 95
thumb and fore?nger and roll them together. holes drilled through them for receiving the
By this means the points of the shades may screw or rivet, by which they are held in po
be set outward as far as may be desired to sition by the mounting d, as shown in Fig. 4.
?t any face. To set the points of the shades
I am aware that prior to my invention
closer together, simply reverse the operation shaded spectacles have been made with arched
shields for shutting off the upper rays of
joining the shades at their inner ends, lenses,
and means for attaching the latter to the [0
I therefore do not‘claim such a com
Shades whereby they shall be located before
the eyes, substantially as described.
A combined shade and eyeglass consisting
of two curved shades of suitable material, a
bow-spring having compound curves and
bination broadly; but
What I do claim as my invention, and de
sire to secure by Letters Patent, is—