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Atiur says BB supports for achieving inclusive growth
Bangladesh Business News
Wednesday, February 18, 2015 02:04:40 AM GMT +06.00
Atiur says BB supports for achieving inclusive growth
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'; Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)­ The central bank is providing an enabling environment for cost efficient off branch financial
services delivery aiming to achieve inclusive economic growth through strengthening financial inclusion programmes across the
country, Bangladesh Bank (BB) Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman said on Wednesday
“Our policy support consists mainly of low cost refinance lines in modest amounts from within the parameters of cautious price
stability focused monetary programmes,” the central bank chief said while addressing at a IMF­JICA conference on 'Frontier and
Developing Asia: Supporting Rapid and Inclusive Growth' held at JICA Research Institute in Tokyo
“In Bangladesh we took up efforts of setting motivations right in our financial sector at the onset of global financial crisis;
beginning with a CSR mainstreaming initiative eventually developing into a sustained thrust of ingraining an institutional ethos
of socially responsible inclusive, environmentally benign financing,” Dr. Rahman explained.
He also said all banks and financial institutions in our financial sector, local and foreign, state owned and private, have
responded positively with enthusiastic engagements in inclusive and green financing initiatives.
He also said this has helped uphold domestic output and domestic demand amid global growth slowdown during and following
the global financial crisis.
“Aided by this inclusiveness in financing, Bangladesh economy is on a sustained stable six­plus percent average annual real
gross domestic product (GDP) growth spell for well over a decade now; alongside low and declining inflation, rising income
driving faster poverty decline, and solid gains in external sector viability,” the BB governor noted.
The conference was jointly opened by JICA President Akihito Tanaka and IMF Deputy Managing Director (DMD) Naouki
Shinohara opened the conference jointly, the central bank of Bangladesh said in a statement in Dhaka.
Director General of the Ministry of Finance of Japan Masatsu Asakawa and many Asian Governors of Central Bankers and Finance
Ministers also took part the conference.
Besides MA Mannan, State Minister of Finance and Planning of Bangladesh, senior secretary of commerce and ambassador of
Bangladesh in Japan were present at the conference.
“Going forward, success in sustainably propping up global output growth with inclusive financing of SMEs and other under­
served segments of economic activities will hinge importantly on reorienting the institutional ethos of mainstream global
commercial banking towards socially responsible inclusive, environmentally benign financing,” the BB governor said.
With this needed culture shift, commercial banks and other financial institutions will be assessed not just on the basis of
financial returns, but also duly taking into account the positive or negative outcomes in social and environmental returns, Dr.
Rahman added.
BBN/SSR/AD­18Feb15­1:40 pm (BST)
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Atiur says BB supports for achieving inclusive growth
February 18th, 2015 admin
Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)­ The central bank is providing an enabling environment for cost efficient off branch financial
services delivery aiming to achieve inclusive economic growth through strengthening financial inclusion programmes
across the country, Bangladesh Bank (BB) Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman said on Wednesday, reports Bangladesh
Business News (BBN) (http://www.businessnews­­
“Our policy support consists mainly of low cost refinance lines in modest amounts from within the parameters of
cautious price stability focused monetary programmes,” the central bank chief said while addressing at a IMF­JICA
conference on ‘Frontier and Developing Asia: Supporting Rapid and Inclusive Growth’ held at JICA Research Institute in
“In Bangladesh we took up efforts of setting motivations right in our financial sector at the onset of global financial crisis;
beginning with a CSR mainstreaming initiative eventually developing into a sustained thrust of ingraining an institutional
ethos of socially responsible inclusive, environmentally benign financing,” Dr. Rahman explained.
He also said all banks and financial institutions in our financial sector, local and foreign, state owned and private, have
responded positively with enthusiastic engagements in inclusive and green financing initiatives.
He also said this has helped uphold domestic output and domestic demand amid global growth slowdown during and following the global financial crisis.
“Aided by this inclusiveness in financing, Bangladesh economy is on a sustained stable six­plus percent average annual real gross domestic product (GDP) growth spell for well over a
decade now; alongside low and declining inflation, rising income driving faster poverty decline, and solid gains in external sector viability,” the BB governor noted.
The conference was jointly opened by JICA President Akihito Tanaka and IMF Deputy Managing Director (DMD) Naouki Shinohara opened the conference jointly, the central bank of
Bangladesh said in a statement in Dhaka.
Director General of the Ministry of Finance of Japan Masatsu Asakawa and many Asian Governors of Central Bankers and Finance Ministers also took part the conference.
Besides MA Mannan, State Minister of Finance and Planning of Bangladesh, senior secretary of commerce and ambassador of Bangladesh in Japan were present at the conference.
“Going forward, success in sustainably propping up global output growth with inclusive financing of SMEs and other under­served segments of economic activities will hinge importantly on
reorienting the institutional ethos of mainstream global commercial banking towards socially responsible inclusive, environmentally benign financing,” the BB governor said.
With this needed culture shift, commercial banks and other financial institutions will be assessed not just on the basis of financial returns, but also duly taking into account the positive or
negative outcomes in social and environmental returns, Dr. Rahman added.
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