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Table of contents PDF
Record This week’s issue
February 21, 2015, vol 176, pp 181-208
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© British Veterinary Association.
ISSN 0042 – 4900
Roles for vets highlighted as part of Army
recruitment campaign, p 188
Students get to grips with emergency
techniques at the AVS congress, p 190
183 News and Reports
Defra and the cuts
APHA awards contracts for TB testing in England
BVA urges its members to lobby their MPs before
non-stun slaughter debate
Final call for views on revised RCVS Practice
Standards Scheme
EFRACom seeks clarification on badger culling in
Planning ahead for PED
Plans for a review of exotic pet trade in Scotland
Army targets vets in recruitment campaign
Vet reprimanded for failure to provide adequate
Students get to think on their feet at the
2015 AVS congress
186 News in Brief
Postcards from the Front (C. T. Boyd, B. V. Jones)
APHA disease surveillance report for October 2014
African swine fever in wild boar in Europe: a
notable challenge (D. Gavier-Widén and others)
Veterinary Record is published by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd
(BMJ), a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Medical
Association, on behalf of the British Veterinary Association
Feline urinary tract pathogens: prevalence of
bacterial species and antimicrobial resistance over
a 10-year period (R. Dorsch and others)
Sedation and mechanical antinociception after
intravenous administration of detomidine in
donkeys: a dosage-effect study (I. Lizarraga and
Anaesthetic recovery in bovine youngstock: effect
of thiopental vs ketamine as induction agents
(A. N. Holman and others)
Responses to successive anti-epileptic
drugs in canine idiopathic epilepsy
(R. M. A. Packer and others)
204 Research Digest
Postcards provide insight into veterinary life
during the First World War, p 192
Award of contracts for bovine TB testing
and other OV services in England
(P. Leighton and others)
Bovine TB in the pilot badger cull zone in
Gloucestershire (R. Blowey and others)
Vet Record Careers
Finding a home in shelter medicine
Diary of a poultry intern
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February 21, 2015 | Veterinary Record | 181
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