.22 Steel Plate Shoot - Country Pond Fish and Game Club


.22 Steel Plate Shoot - Country Pond Fish and Game Club
Country Pond Fish & Game Club - Newton, NH
March 2015
Established 1903
Volume 15-03
Upcoming & Ongoing Events
Indoor Work Parties
Indoor Centerfire Pin Shoot
Mondays, 18:00 - 20:00
Thursday, 12 March, 19:00
Indoor Archery League
.22 Steel Plate Shoot
Sunday, 15 March, 12:00
Tuesdays, 18:30
Monthly Members Meeting
Centerfire Pistol League
Wednesdays thru 25 March, 17:00
Trap Shooting
Saturdays: 13:00
Sundays: 09:00
Thursday, 19 March, 19:00
Your attendance would be appreciated.
Concealed Firearm Permit Course
Saturday, 21 March, 09:00
Winter Handicap
Trap Tournament
Centerfire Pistol Plate Shoot
Sundays thru 15 March at 12:00
Sunday, 22 March, 12:00
“Ladies Only”
NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course
Saturday, 21 February, 08:00 - 16:00
Game Dinner
Sunday, 22 March, 13:00
(Limited to CPF&G Members & Family only)
Indoor Centerfire Pin Shoot
Thursday, 26 February, 19:00
Indoor Centerfire Pin Shoot
Thursday, 26 March, 19:00
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, 5 March, 19:00
(Email Piney if you’d like to have
something placed on the agenda)
Daylight Savings Time
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, 2 April, 19:00
(Email Piney if you’d like to have
something placed on the agenda)
Begins Sunday, 8 March
New Member Orientation
Sunday, 8 March, 10:00
Indoor Centerfire Pin Shoot
Thursday, 9 April, 19:00
March 2015
Trigger Times
page 2
thru March
(Hours shown are ACTUAL TIMES CLOSED)
Sundays ............................ 10:00 - 12:00
Saturdays .......................... 13:00 - 15:00
Sundays ............................ 10:00 - 12:00
Regular Trap (closed to other activities)
Trap and Membership Tours
Sundays ............................ 12:00 - 15:00
Sunday, 15 MAR ............... 09:00 - 16:00
Winter Trap Tourney
22 Plate Shoot
Sunday, 22 MAR ............... 09:00 - 16:00
Centerfire Pistol Plate Shoot
Every Monday ................... 18:00 - 20:00
Work Party
Every Tuesday .................. 18:00 - 22:00
Indoor Archery League
Every Wednesday ............. 16:30 - 20:30
Centerfire Pistol League
Saturday, 21 FEB .............. 07:30 - 16:30
“Ladies Only” Basic Pistol Class
Thursday, 26 FEB ............. 18:30 - 22:30
Centerfire Pin Shoot
Tuesdays ........................... 18:00 - 22:00
Indoor Archery League
Thursday, 12 MAR ............ 18:30 - 22:30
Centerfire Pin Shoot
Thursday, 19 MAR ............ 18:00 - 21:00
Monthly Members Meeting
New Members
12 new members were voted into the
Club this month.
Friday, 20 MAR ................. 16:30 - 21:30
Saturday, 21 MAR ............. 08:30 - 13:30
Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Class
Sunday, 22 MAR ............... 10:00 - 15:30
Game Dinner
Thursday, 26 MAR ............ 18:30 - 22:30
Centerfire Pin Shoot
CPF&G Club FFL Fees & Rules
Michael Gentile ................ Andrew Deardorff
Christopher Bernard .............. David Coates
David Vaccarello ...................... Robert Kent
Nigel Taylor ............................... Ken Schulz
John Cannillo ............................. Ken Schulz
Scott Couture ...................... Wallace Butt Jr
Nathan Letourneau .......... Robert DeLotto Jr
Daniel Antonellis ........................ Craig Fortin
Anthony Morabito .................... Mark Whitley
Matthew Sullivan ................ Richard Sullivan
Marcie Robicheau ............ Beth Catherwood
Mark Robicheau ............... Beth Catherwood
We hope you all enjoy being members
in Country Pond Fish & Game Club,
and we're looking forward to getting to
know you on the ranges and at events.
We’d appreciate you helping out when
you can, but the really important things
are to be safe and have fun.
All purchases: Cost + 5% + shipping
All Firearms Transfers: $20
Club Members may contact Jeff
Gersbach at [email protected] to
order firearms through the Club FFL.
sender, and the Member will be
assessed return shipping costs plus a
$10.00 service charge.
Club Members may also order guns
themselves, to be delivered to the
Club, but must have the sender include
a copy of the Club’s Firearms Order
Form. This form is available on the
“Members Only” page of the Club
website. If this form is not included,
the firearm will be returned to the
There will be an additional $20.00
charge for items shipped via FEDEX.
Choose UPS or USPS instead.
Firearms transfers and pickups are by
appointment only. Contact Andy
Deardorff at [email protected] or
The Trigger Times is the official newsletter of Country Pond Fish & Game Club, Inc.,
82 Pond St, Newton, NH 03858, and is published monthly. Editor: Piney Woods
Any comments, questions, or suggestions should be submitted via email only to:
[email protected]
March 2015
Trigger Times
page 3
“If They Come for Your Guns,
Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight?”
Posted on January 3, 2013 by Dean Garrison
I feel a tremendous responsibility to
write this article, though I am a little
apprehensive. Thinking about the
possibility of rising up against our own
government is a frightening thing for
many of us. I am not Johnny Rambo
and I will be the first to admit that I do
not want to die. The reason I feel
compelled to write this, however, is
simply because I don’t think the
average American is equipped with the
facts. I feel that a lot of American
citizens feel like they have no choice
but to surrender their guns if the
government comes for them. I blame
traditional media sources for this mass
brainwash and I carry the
responsibility of all small independent
bloggers to tell the truth. So my focus
today is to lay out your constitutional
rights as an American, and let you
decide what to do with those rights.
About a month ago I let the
“democracy” word slip in a discussion
with a fellow blogger. I know better.
Americans have been conditioned to
use this term. It’s not an accurate term
and it never has been a correct term to
describe our form of government. The
truth is that the United States of
America is a constitutional republic.
This is similar to a democracy because
our representatives are selected by
democratic elections, but ultimately
our representatives are required to
work within the framework of our
Constitution. In other words, even if
90% of Americans want something
that goes against our founding
principles, they have no right to call for
a violation of constitutional rights.
If you are religious you might choose to
think of it this way… Say that members
of your congregation decide that mass
fornication is a good thing. Do they
have the right to change the teachings
of your God? The truth is the truth. It
doesn’t matter how many people try to
stray from it. Did I just compare our
founders to God? In a way I did, but
please note that I am not trying to
insult anyone. For the purpose of the
American government, our
Constitution and the founders who
wrote it are much like God is to
believers. It is the law. It is
Our founders did not want a
“democracy” for they feared a true
democracy was just as dangerous as a
monarchy. The founders were highly
educated people who were
experienced in defending themselves
against tyranny. They understood that
the Constitution could protect the
people by limiting the power of anyone
to work outside of it much better than
a pure system of popularity. A system
of checks and balances was set up to
help limit corruption of government
and also the potential for an “immoral
majority” developing within the
American People. We have forgotten
in this country that we are ultimately
ruled by a Constitution.
Why is a democracy potentially just as
dangerous as a monarchy? Let’s look at
something that Benjamin Franklin said
because it answers that question more
fully and succinctly than I can.
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting
on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a wellarmed lamb contesting the vote.”
-Benjamin Franklin
Even 230+ years ago our founders were
perceptive enough to realize that
democracy was a dangerous form of
government. How so? Because the
citizens of a country can become just
as corrupt as any government. We
have seen evidence of this throughout
history. Ask Native Americans and
African-Americans if this population
can become corrupt.
I think in 2012 we are seeing evidence
of what Franklin was trying to tell us.
Just because a majority of people may
support certain ideas it does not mean
that those ideas are just. In simple
terms, just because most Americans
love our president and voted for him, it
does not mean that he has the power
to go against our constitutional rights.
Next I’d like to review the text of the
Second Amendment. It is very clear.
This is the law of this land. So when
Senator Feinstein or President Obama
talk about taking your guns, you need
to think about something. Are they
honoring their sworn oath to uphold
the Constitution?
A well regulated Militia, being
necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep
and bear Arms, shall not be
This is a pretty clear statement. The
fact is that it took 232 years for the
Supreme Court to even rule on this
amendment because it has never been
successfully challenged. In a 2008 case,
District of Columbia v. Heller, the
Supreme Court ruled that a handgun
ban in Washington DC was
unconstitutional. One also has to take
this into consideration. The Supreme
Court supports your right to own
guns. If you want to research this
decision further you can start here.
For those who try to debate the spirit
of the 2nd Amendment, they are truly
no different from people who will try
to take Biblical quotes out of context
to try to support their immoral
decisions. The founders were very clear
on the intent of the 2nd Amendment.
Let me share a few quick quotes here:
The strongest reason for people to retain the
right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort,
to protect themselves against tyranny in
government. -Thomas Jefferson
(Continued on page 4)
March 2015
Trigger Times
page 4
As an NRA affiliated club, it is important for us to support the National Rifle Association. By joining the
NRA through Country Pond Fish & Game Club, $5 of the annual $35 fee (or $10 of the $85 3-yr membership)
is paid back to our club.
To join, go to http://membership.nrahq.org/default.asp?campaignid=XC004701, contact Sharon Theobald at
[email protected] or 978-374-8061, or contact any member of the BOD.
If They Come for Your Guns...
(Continued from page 3)
Firearms stand next in importance to the
Constitution itself. They are the American
people’s liberty teeth and keystone under
independence … From the hour the Pilgrims
landed, to the present day, events, occurrences,
and tendencies prove that to insure peace,
security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are
equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere
of firearms everywhere restrains evil
interference – they deserve a place of honor
with all that is good. -George Washington
The Constitution shall never be construed….to
prevent the people of the United States who
are peaceable citizens from keeping their own
arms. -Samuel Adams
I could find hundreds of quotes like
these. This country was built on the
right to bear arms. It was built on the
rights of an individual to bear arms,
regardless of what his government or
neighbor happened to think. This is
crystal clear. Ironically the people who
voice their opinions against this right
have their free speech protected by
your guns. Without guns in this
country, all other amendments become
null and void, simply because “We the
People” will lose our power of
We need to keep this in mind as our
“representatives” try to push gun bans.
I don’t care if 99% of people are in
support of gun bans (which is far from
the case), it is a violation of our
constitutional rights, plain and simple.
A constitutional republic protects the
rights of the individual even when
their ideas are very much in the
minority. If I were the only person in
America who believed in the 2nd
Amendment, I would still be within
my rights to call upon it. You would all
think I was insane and possibly
celebrate if I was gunned down, but in
the end I would be the only true
American among us.
Our framers were very clear on this. If
my government comes to take my
guns, they are violating one of my
constitutional rights that is covered by
the 2nd Amendment.
It is not my right, at that point, but my
responsibility to respond in the name
of liberty. What I am telling you is
something that many are trying to soft
sell, and many others have tried to
avoid putting into print, but I am
going to say it. The time for speaking
in code is over.
If they come for our guns then it is our
constitutional right to put them six
feet under. You have the right to kill
any representative of this government
who tries to tread on your liberty. I am
thinking about self-defense and not
talking about inciting a revolution.
Reread Jefferson ’s quote. He talks
about a “last resort.” I am not trying to
start a revolt, I am talking about selfdefense. If the day for revolution
comes, when no peaceful options exist,
we may have to talk about that as well.
None of us wants to think about that,
but please understand that a majority
cannot take away your rights as an
American citizen. Only you can choose
to give up your rights.
Congress could pass gun ban
legislation by a 90%+ margin and it
just would not matter. I think some
people are very unclear on this. This is
the reason we have a Supreme Court,
and though I do not doubt that the
Supreme Court can also become
corrupt, in 2008 they got it right. They
supported the Constitution. It does
not matter what the majority supports
because America is not a democracy. A
constitutional republic protects the
rights of every single citizen, no matter
what their “elected servants” say. A
majority in America only matters when
the Constitution is not in play.
I just wrote what every believer in the
Constitution wants to say, and what
every constitutional blogger needs to
write. The truth of the matter is that
this type of speech is viewed as
dangerous and radical or subversive,
and it could gain me a world of trouble
that I do not want. It is also the truth.
To make myself clear I will tell you
again. If they come for your guns it is
your right to use those guns against
them and to kill them. You are
protected by our Constitution.
Most of the articles I am reading on the
subject are trying to give you clues
without just coming out and saying it.
I understand that because certain
things in this country will get you on a
list that you don’t want to be on. I may
well be on that list. This blog is small
and growing so I may not be there yet,
but I have dreams. I also have my own
list of subversives and anyone who
attempts to deny my constitutional
rights is on that list.
I am not the “subversive” here, it is the
political representatives who are
threatening to take away my
inalienable rights. If they come to take
my guns and I leave a few of them
(Continued on page 5)
The Club’s
Annual Game Dinner
22 March 2015
can’t happen without GAME!
If you have any game or fish that
you can contribute, we’d really
appreciate it.
Contact Al Bergeron
[email protected]
Randy Belmont - 603-362-9905
March 2015
Trigger Times
If They Come for Your Guns...
(Continued from page 4)
wounded or dead, and I somehow
survive, I have zero doubt that I will
spend a long time in prison and may
face an execution. But I would much
rather be a political prisoner than a
If I go down fighting then I was not
fighting to harm these human beings. I
was simply defending my liberty and
yours. It is self-defense and it is what
our country was built on. We won our
freedom in self-defense. We would not
be ruled by a tyrannical government in
the 1770's and we will not be ruled by a
tyrannical government in 2013. There
is no difference.
This is a case of right and wrong. As of
now the 2nd Amendment stands. It
has never been repealed. If Feinstein or
Barack have a problem with the
Constitution then they should be
removed from office. They are not
defending the Constitution which they
have sworn an oath to protect. It is
treasonous to say the least. They
would likely say the same about me,
but I have the Constitution, the
founders, and the supreme court on my
side. They only have their inflated egos.
I am not writing this to incite people. I
am writing this in hopes that
somehow I can make a tiny difference.
I have no idea how many of my
neighbors have the will to defend their
constitutional rights. 2%? 20%? I am
afraid that 20% is a high number,
unfortunately. When push comes to
shove many people may give up and
submit to being ruled. I believe that
our government is banking on this.
page 5
What I do know is that this country
was founded by people who had balls
the size of Texas and Patriotic
Americans take shit off of no one,
especially our own government. For
evidence of that, you might research
the Revolutionary War. My question is
how many Patriots are left?
I would hope that our officials come to
realize that, regardless of our numbers,
we still exist because they are calling
Patriotic Americans to action. They are
making us decide if we want to die free
or submit to their rule. I cannot tell
you where you should stand on that. I
do know that it may make the
difference between living a life of
freedom or a life of slavery.
You must start thinking about this
because I believe that the day is
coming soon and I personally believe it
has already been planned. Not all
conspiracy theories are hogwash. They
may throw down the gauntlet soon
and my suggestion is that you prepare
yourself to react.
I mean no disrespect to our elected
officials but they need to understand
that “We the People” will not be
disarmed. If they proceed then it is
they that are provoking us and we will
act accordingly. We are within our
rights to do so.
For those who are in support of taking
the guns, you need to ask yourself a
very important question, and I am not
just talking about the politicians,
because if you support them, you have
chosen your side.
Are you willing to die to take my guns?
Richard Fisher
Member #3002
Richard P. Fisher,
71, of Plaistow, NH
passed away
peacefully on
Thursday, January
29, 2015 at his
home, with his
family by his side.
He was born on August 30, 1943 in
Haverhill, MA, the son of the late
Leona L. (Bishop) Swett and
stepfather Edwin E Swett. He was
raised and educated in Haverhill and
graduated from the Haverhill Trade
Richard worked in the Environmental
Services Department at Hale Hospital
in Haverhill for over 40 years.
He was an active member of the
Country Pond Fish & Game Club in
Newton, NH, where he enjoyed going
shooting. He also enjoyed collecting
models of classic cars for many years.
Richard enjoyed listening to country
and classic 70's rock music. A very
spiritual man, Richard devoutly
prayed the Rosary every morning and
every evening.
Richard is survived by his wife, Janet
Lorraine (Bourque) Fisher of Plaistow,
NH. His daughter, Sharon Goldsmith
of Plaistow, NH and his son, Stefan
Bourque and his wife, Holly of
Jacksonville, NC. He is also survived
by several nieces, nephews, and
Stay in touch with your Employees
(that’s right… they work for YOU.)
http://www.congress.org/ has links to the White House, the US Senate,
the US House of Representatives, and all of your state government
Let them know how you feel about things.
March 2015
2015 Chili Cookoff
by Sharon Theobald
On Saturday, 14 February, CPF&G
Club held it's annual Chili Cookoff,
and yes, it snowed! It seems that snow
and the Cookoff just go together.
Turnout was low - forty-one people,
including the contestants - but the
event was enjoyed by all those who
We had seven contestants: Wendy
Menard, Dave McCulloch, Cecelia
William, Sheldon Potter, Richard
Mullen, Kate Ostertag, and Billy
Lambert. Warm, warmer, and hot
chilis made for a fun evening of chili
testing. The big surprise of the evening
was two-way ties for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
1st Place:
Dave McCulloch
& Rich Mullen
2nd Place:
Cecelia William
(age 12) &
Wendy Menard
3rd Place:
Sheldon Potter
& Billy Lambert
Thanks to all those who participated
and joined in the fun and a special
thank you to Mike Sorenson, our
“House Chili” chef!
The Club benefited by over $230 from
this fundraiser.
Trigger Times
page 6
Indoor Centerfire
Registration: 18:30 - 18:55
Shooting starts at 19:00
All matches are on THURSDAYS
~~~ 2015 ~~~
15 JAN
12 MAR
14 MAY
29 JAN
26 MAR
28 MAY
30 JUL
10 SEP
12 FEB
11 JUN
13 AUG
24 SEP
Max Caliber: 44 Magnum
.38 Special or weaker calibers are not allowed
due to bullet bounce back
$7.00 per gun - All sights welcome
Call or write Sharon Theobald
978-374-8061 or [email protected]
Centerfire Pistol
Plate Shoots
Registration ......... 11:00 - 12:00
Matches start ........... High Noon
It may be hard to
believe, but it’s
really coming!
20 March 18:45
26 FEB
23 APR
25 JUN
27 AUG
First Relay
CPF&G Members: $5.00
Non-Members: $10.00
Subsequent Relays:
$3.00 for everyone
Juniors (under 16)
always shoot FREE
~ 2015 ~
22 Mar
19 Apr
24 May
28 Jun
19 Jul
23 Aug
27 Sep
18 Oct
22 Nov
Detailed rules and procedures are posted at
For more details, contact
John Coyne at [email protected] or 603-362-6014
March 2015
Trigger Times
page 7
Politics & Legislation
by John Faro, Political Junkie
Federal: Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)
introduced the Constitutional
Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. This
landmark gun rights bill legislates that
the right to bear arms be respected in
all 50 states. The Supreme Court has
already weighed in on this. When the
Second Amendment mentions the
right to “bear arms,” it is referring to
individual citizens carrying arms for
self-defense. The phrase “bear arms”
has no other definition.
This bill would treat concealed firearm
licenses like driver’s licenses. If you get
a driver’s license in New Hampshire,
for example, you aren’t just limited to
driving in New Hampshire. You can
drive to any other state in the union.
You are still required to obey each
state’s laws, but it is understood that
the basics of how to drive are the same
in all fifty states.
This is how concealed carry licenses
should be as well. The principles of self
-defense are the same in New
Hampshire as they are in Texas.
(Source: Excerpts from Conservative
Daily February 13, 2015)
New Hampshire: The state Senate has
passed a bill (SB 116) to repeal the
license requirement for carrying a
concealed handgun. The passage, on a
party-line vote, came after a debate on
public safety, constitutional rights,
and New Hampshire being one of the
safest states in the country. The Senate
voted 14-9 to pass it.
Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley,
the prime sponsor of the bill, said it
would not change any other state or
federal laws. Once this gets through
Discount Bullets
Country Pond Members 5% discount on lead bullets
at Missouri Bullet Co.
Go to the “Members Only”
page on the Club Website.
the House, assuming it does, it will
have to get past Governor Maggie
Hassan’s veto pen. (Source: Excerpts
from the N.H. Union Leader February
13, 2015)
HB 582: Repealing requirement for
license to carry a pistol or revolver
concealed. This bill is identical to
SB116. This should allow the bill to
pass out of committee without delay.
There is always the possibility of
attempts to amend the bill by anti-gun
HB 685: Prohibiting a state agency,
state employee, or political subdivision
from enforcing any federal law
regarding a firearm, firearm accessory,
or ammunition. This is similar to a bill
passed several years ago that said the
same thing but during a state of
emergency. This bill prohibits this
kind of action at any time unless there
is a violation of law.
HB 512: Prohibiting confiscation of
firearms, ammunition, or firearms
accessories during a state of
emergency. This bill inserts specific
penalty provisions to be applied
against a law enforcement officer who
confiscates a firearm, firearm
accessory, ammunition, or ammunition
component during a declared state of
emergency. This bill adds
consequences for law enforcement
officers who ignore the existing law.
All the above bills have the backing of
most if not all the firearms groups in
the state of New Hampshire. These
bills were to be voted on February 19,
2015. Hopefully all will pass out of
committee favorably.
HB 650: Requiring background checks
for commercial firearms sales. As you
all know firearm sales are covered by
federal law (NIC’s). So why was this
bill even filed? Reading the text of the
bill reveals that a permanent record of
ALL firearm sales in the state of NH is
mandated. Does “Backdoor gun
registration” sound familiar! We hope
this one comes out of committee
Gun Rights Organizations
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to
keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
- United States Constitution - Amendment II - ratified 1791
American Sheepdog .................................................... http://americansheepdog.com/Forum/
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ......... http://www.ccrkba.org/
Gun Owner's Action League (MA) ....................................................... http://www.goal.org/
Gun Owners of America ...............................................................http://www.gunowners.org/
Gun Owners of New Hampshire .......................................................... http://www.gonh.org/
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership ............................. http://www.jpfo.org/
Maine Gun Owners Assoc .................................................................. http://www.mgoa.com/
National Rifle Association .......................................................... http://home.nra.org/#/home
National Shooting Sports Foundation ................................................. http://www.nssf.org/
Pink Pistols ...................................................................................... http://www.pinkpistols.org/
Second Amendment Foundation ............................................................. http://www.saf.org/
Second Amendment Sisters ............................................................ http://www.2asisters.org/
USA Carry .......................................................................................... http://www.usacarry.com/
Women Against Gun Control .............................................................http://www.wagc.com/
March 2015
Trigger Times
page 8
Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Course
Saturday, 21 March
09:00 - 13:00
CPF&G Club Members: $80
Nonmembers: $100
No walk-ins will be admitted
This course is a prerequisite for obtaining a Utah Nonresident Permit.
The permit is valid for concealed carry in 32 states.
Register at
Country Pond Fish & Game Club
Annual Game Dinner
Sunday, 22 March 2015
1:00pm - 3:00pm
at the
CPF&G Clubhouse
82 Pond St
Newton, NH
No charge for current CPF&G Club Members and their families
Al Bergeron - 603-489-9364 - [email protected]
Randy Belmont - 603-362-9905
March 2015
Trigger Times
Archery League
page 9
Trap Shooting
18:30 to 21:30
contact Steve Chase at 603-475-2594 or [email protected]
.22 Rimfire Plate Shoots
Shooter Registration .......................................................................... 11:00
Matches start ............................................................................. High Noon
First Relay: CPF&G Members: $5.00
Non-Members: $10.00
Subsequent Relays: $3.00 for everyone
$3.50 per round or
$30.00 for a 10-round card
For more information, contact
Ken Schultz 603-895-3083
[email protected]
Tag Team Matches: $1.00
Juniors (under 16) always shoot FREE
~~~ 2015 Schedule ~~~
Wednesdays, 17:00
All CPF&G Club
Members are welcome,
regardless of
Results and detailed rules and procedures are posted at
For more details, contact John Coyne at [email protected] or 603-362-6014
For more information,
contact Jim Graczyk
[email protected]
March 2015
Trigger Times
page 10
CPF&G Club Contacts
Hall and Indoor Range ............................................................... 603-382-0062
Answering Machine.................................................................... 603-382-5681
Executive Committee
Piney (AKA John Carr) - Pres 603-659-2096
Sharon Theobald - VP
Marty Kenney - Secretary 603-772-5422
Andrew Deardorff - Treas 603-382-3434
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jim Rogers
Paul Gilberti
William Colbert
Jeff Gersbach
Ron MacLeod
[email protected]
[email protected]
603-382-0055 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Range Officers
John DeYoung [Chief RO]
Barb Burri
Piney (AKA John Carr)
John Cull
Andrew Deardorff
John Faro
Mike Flynn
Jeff Gersbach
Paul Gilberti
Chris Gordon
Bob Lawliss
Victor Maslov
Tom Moran
Steve Sousa
Jeff Theobald
Sharon Theobald
Scott Thornbury
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Archery League
Steve Chase
Revised: 19 December 2014
Website .............................................www.countrypondfishandgameclub.com
Webmaster - Piney (AKA John Carr) [email protected]
Hunter & Bowhunter Education
Paul Gilberti
[email protected]
Ice Fishing Derby
John DeYoung
[email protected]
Sharon Theobald
[email protected]
Land & Building Committee
John DeYoung
[email protected]
Sharon Theobald
[email protected]
Jim Rogers
[email protected]
Ron MacLeod
[email protected]
William Colbert
603-382-0055 [email protected]
Membership Committee
Sharon Theobald
Piney (AKA John Carr)
Metals Recycling
Nanci Nickerson
[email protected]
[email protected]
603-382-0083 [email protected]
National Hunting & Fishing Day Open House
Sharon Theobald
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Piney (AKA John Carr)
[email protected]
NRA Recruiting Program
Sharon Theobald
[email protected]
Pin Shoots
Sharon Theobald
Piney (AKA John Carr)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pistol League - 22 Rimfire
Jim Rogers
[email protected]
Chili Cookoff, Chowder Fest, & Pasta Dinners
Sharon Theobald
[email protected]
Pistol League - Centerfire
Jim Graczyk
[email protected]
Civilian Marksmanship Program
William Colbert
603-382-0055 [email protected]
Rifle League
John DeYoung
Cowboy Action Shooting
Piney (AKA John Carr)
[email protected]
Rockingham County Trap League
Robert Hunt
CPF&G Travel
Wendy Menard
[email protected]
Steel Plate Shoots - Centerfire Pistol & .22 Rimfire
John Coyne
[email protected]
Facilities Manager
Ron MacLeod
[email protected]
Ken Schulz
[email protected]
Trap Tournaments: Winter Handicap & Summer Doubles
Ron Sevigny
[email protected]
Firearms Orders (Club Members Only)
Jeff Gersbach
(No phone orders - email only)
Firearms Instruction & Training Programs
Paul Gilberti
[email protected]
Game Dinner
Al Bergeron
Randy Belmont
[email protected]
Hall Rentals
Ron MacLeod
[email protected]
Turkey Shoot
John DeYoung
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
USRA IR 50/50 Program
William Colbert
603-382-0055 [email protected]
Work Parties
John DeYoung
[email protected]
These names are listed here for a reason.
Call or email your questions or concerns to the appropriate party.