The ScoutTM - WoundVision


The ScoutTM - WoundVision
The Scout
Scout Imager
Scout Software
Accurate & Repeatable Wound Size Measurements with
Quantification & Visualization of Perfusion, Inflammation
& Metabolic Activity
WoundVision, LLC ©2015
The Scout’s infrared imaging technology gives the
clinician an extra set of eyes to measure and document
the unseen parities and disparities of metabolic activity,
inflammation and perfusion.
This information provides clinicians with:
• Objective, non-invasive and quantitative means of
early DTI diagnosis¹
• A timely & reliable way to quantify heat associated
with deep & surrounding skin infection if included to
routine assessment²
• Information to predict healing in pressure ulcers³
¹Diagn Pathol. 2014 Feb 20; 9(1):36., ²Adv Skin Wound Care. 2010 Aug;23(8):369-79.,
³J Wound Care. 2010 Nov;19(11):465-6, 468, 470 passim.,
Suspected Deep Tissue Injury
The visual imaging technology allows clinicians to
accurately and repeatably document and measure
surface area, perimeter, and LxW. In doing so,
clinicians are able to fulfill regulatory requirements
as well as a view wound size change over time.
This information provides clinicians with:
• Objective documentation
• Equivalent measurement to the Gold Standard L x W
• A more accurate and repeatable wound size with
surface area and perimeter measurements
Infected Stage IV Pressure Ulcer
The WoundVision Scout (*FDA Cleared)
WoundVision is taking measurement and documentation of wounds to a whole new
level. The Scout is the wound care industry’s FIRST and ONLY advanced visual and
infrared imaging hardware and software solution.
The visual and infrared imaging solution combines your clinical expertise with an intuitive,
easy to use tool that measures and records wound size as well as pathophysiological
anomalies reflected in the underlying tissues.
Physiologic and Anatomic
Obtain, Observe, and Evaluate the Invisible
Measure Wounds With Confidence
• Make visible what would go unseen to the naked eye
• Visualize perfusion, metabolic activity, and blood flow
• Quantitatively measure and record findings
• Measure wounds with 96% accuracy
• Fulfill regulatory requirements
• Choose from L x W, surface area, and perimeter
Ease of Use
Data Made Simple
Flexible Pricing
•Handheld, lightweight and
•Utilizes a web-based, secure,
•Providers are able to preserve
•Eliminates duplication of
•Hosted in a private, SAS 70 Certified
•No cost, continual software upgrades
•Intuitive and simple software
•Scalable, enterprise-wide
•Flexibility for facilities of
ergonomic design
HIPAA-compliant database
documentation efforts
application architecture
revenue with no up-front
capital expenditures
different sizes and needs
Acquire data
Analyze data
Apply data
Scan the patient using the Scout
imaging device.
Real-time reporting gives immediate
view to images, quantitative data,
and trends.
The clinical and scientific data is
assessed and combined with the
clinician’s judgment for optimized
and efficient outcomes.
Data is securely stored for analysis,
tracking, and instant transfacility
Data can be accessed remotely by any
valid and authorized user.
Cost Containment and Reduction
WoundVision can help save healthcare facilities millions of dollars in preventable costs and
other complications from health issues. The costs of facility acquired pressure ulcers and
infections continue to serve as a burden to healthcare providers.
Average Hospital Treatment Cost Associated
With Stage IV Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers
Per Admission
Litigation Costs in Pressure Ulcer Malpractice Lawsuits
$250,000 - $1 Million
17,000 Annual Lawsuits
Pressure Ulcer Costs Added to Medicare Hospital Stays
$43,180 per incident
Flexible Acquisition Options
The WoundVision Scout can be acquired for a monthly service fee or a capital expenditure.
Depending upon your facility’s needs, providers are able to preserve cash, avoid upfront capital
outlays, and maintain flexibility in adjusting to changes in technology and capacity.
Additional options include volume pricing with flexible payment plans, assistance with protocol
and compliance implementation, and a Scout compatible PC on wheels solution.
Regardless of your needs, WoundVision offers many affordable options for leasing or owning the
Scout. Our goal is to bring knowledge bedside, assist in patient centered care and preserve
About WoundVision
With WoundVision’s Scout technology, wound care
providers can objectively document and record sDTIs,
pressure ulcers, and other wounds to optimize patient
outcomes, comply with government regulations and
preserve revenue.
Our revolutionary Scout solution helps cost-effectively bring
“knowledge bedside” allowing your staff to not only stay
more informed about their patient’s health but increase the
quality of care they can provide.
For More Information:
E-mail: [email protected]
Call: 1 (888) 851-0098
Our Founder
Dr. James G. Spahn
Dr. Spahn is an Otolaryngology
and Head & Neck Surgeon and
also the founder of EHOB, a
pressure ulcer prevention and
treatment company known all over
the world as WAFFLE® brand products.
Contact info
EMAIL [email protected]
Corporate Headquarters:
5410 Emerson Way
Suite 1
Indianapolis, IN 46226
Copyright ©2015
WoundVision, LLC.