February, 2015 Newsletter - Ladies Probus Upper Blue Mountains


February, 2015 Newsletter - Ladies Probus Upper Blue Mountains
Ladies Probus Club of the Upper Blue Mountains Inc
PO Box 7265, Leura 2780
This publication is solely for the information and interest of members of the Ladies Probus Club of the Upper Blue Mountains Inc.
and adjoining Probus Clubs therein and is not available to, and may not be used by, any outside person for any reason whatsoever.
President: Caroline Stanton
Secretary: Rosalie Rolfe
Treasurer: Ann Norman
Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at Leura
Golf Club, Sublime Point Road, Leura, commencing at 10:00am
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Ladies’ Probus Club of the Upper Blue
Mountains Inc. will be held on Wednesday, 18 March, 2015 at 10:00am at the Leura Golf Club, Sublime Point
Road, Leura to transact the following business:
(1) To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday, 18 March, 2014; (2) To
receive the reports of the President and Treasurer on the activities of the Club during the financial year ending
31 December, 2014; (3) To elect office bearers of the Club and ordinary Committee Members for the ensuing year;
(4) To receive and consider the financial statement that is required to be submitted to members pursuant to 26(6) of the
Act of the Association Incorporation Bill as amended, 1984; (5) To notify members of subscription fees and meeting
fees for the ensuing year; (6) To appoint an Auditor for the ensuing year; (7) To deal with any general business raised
by members.
*The Capricorn Club held it’s annual Birthday Luncheon Party with eighteen people attending. Balloons, presents and
a scrumptious birthday cake helped make it a good time. We look forward to welcoming even more Capricorns next
January - Anthea Mitchell, President Capricorn Club.
*Welcome to our new member, Annette Thomas who was inducted at the Christmas Party. Annette, we hope you have
a great time in Probus and enjoy the friendship of the various activities of the Club.
*The January morning tea picnic get together held at Wilson Park, Wentworth Falls was again very popular with a good
‘roll-up’ of members who enjoyed a very relaxing morning tea with friends on a typical Mountain’s summer day.
*On a sad note. During the Christmas break, Lesley Geoghegan, one of our non-active members passed away.
Today’s speakers
Birthday Greetings
Five Minuter:
There is no Five Minuter today
Guest Speaker:
Suzanne Voytas: Family History You Can’t Find Everything on the Internet
Future Speakers:
18 March - No guest speaker. AGM and Changeover
15 April - Probus Interest Groups - ‘Show and Tell’
Welfare News
Happy Birthday to our members who are celebrating their
‘special day’ Wendy Briggs, Mary Chernov, Dorothy Clampett,
Lynnie Eccleston, Monica Flynn, Gwynne Kuypers,
Sandra McDonald, Annette Pankhurst, Christine Rhind,
Beryl Riley, Marion Wellington, Barbara Wilson.
Carolyn Stanford’s best reads
Thinking of You cards were sent to Bette Nicholson,
Beryl Riley, Margaret Wiles and Adrienne Brown.
A Condolence card was sent to Jill Smith.
If you know of any member who needs a ‘cheery’ note or
maybe ‘a note’ to celebrate a happy event, please contact
Charmian Corbett
Best Read: The Blue Mile by Kim Kelly
Thriller: Death Angel by Linda Fairstein
Australian Author: Dancing on Knives by Kate Forsyth
General Fiction: China Dolls by Lisa See
Crime: The Bones Beneath by Mark Billingham
Romance/Saga: Colours of Gold by Kaye Dobbie
Books, Magazines and CD Sales
Bring and buy at our monthly sales:
Magazines and soft covers - 50¢; Hardcovers - $1.00. (Please, only books in good condition); CD’s - $2.00. Great
bargains! Thank you all for your support!
Club Activity News
Between the Covers Book Club
Knitting Group
Meets on the first Tuesday of the month between 2:00pm
and 4:00pm at various members’ homes.
Caroline Stanford
Meets at Beryl’s home on the first Wednesday of the
month between 10:00am and midday.
Beryl Riley
Card Group
Probirds Singing Group
Meets at the Leura Golf Club every Monday. Play
commences at 1:00pm. Join us for lunch on the first
Monday of the month at midday. Everyone welcome.
Chris Rhind /Jan Hilder
Meets at the BM Retirement Village, 2 Queens Rd.
Katoomba on the first and third Monday of the month
between 4:00pm and 5:00pm Everyone is welcome.
Robyn Hunter
Patchwork and Quilting Group
Quilts and Coffee Group
Meets at Charmian’s home on the second Wednesday of
the month between 10:00am and 12:30pm.
Charmian Corbett
Next meeting will be at Everglades, Leura on Monday
23 February 10:00am and 12.00. Come join us for fun
and friendship making quilts for local charities.
Nerida Benson
Discussion Group
Fitness Group
Meets at Leura Golf Club on the second Tuesday of the
month at 2:00pm.
Coral Ewan (1st)/Diana Tonner
Meets at Wentworth Falls Country Club, Blaxland Road,
Wentworth Falls each Wednesday at 3:30pm. Please wear
‘comfy’ shoes and clothes!!!
Jeanette Treloar
Knitted Rugs
Public Speaking Group
Knitters who have suffered ‘withdrawal symptoms’ - more
wool is available today! If you would like to knit squares
for rugs, wool and instructions are at the back of the
meeting room.
Sue Newbury
Meets at the home of Janice Light on the last Thursday of
the month between 2:00pm and 4:00pm
Monica Flynn
Friday Lunch
Scrabble Group
The next lunch will be on Friday, 13 February at ‘Zest’,
The Mall, Leura. Our booking is for 12:30pm. Everyone
welcome. Please ’phone Caroline by 09 March.
Carolyn Stanford
Meets at Wanda’s home on the first and third Thursday of
the month between 2:00pm and 4:00pm.
Wanda Heffernan
Sunday Lunch
Activity Groups
The next lunch will be on 22 February at Megalong
Valley Tearoom, Megalong Valley. Our booking is for
12:00pm. Everyone is welcome. To be included in the
booking Veronica Dallas / Louise Langereis
If you haven’t joined an activity group (or two, or...),
well, the activities on this page give you some wonderful
opportunities to join in the fun (and sometimes in
between all the chatter and coffee we actually learn a
thing or two!!!) Join a group!!! It’s a terrific way to
meet more members!!!!!
‘Ramblers’ Bush Walking Group
‘Amblers’ Bush Walking Group
Meets every Tuesday in Grose St Leura (bet. Megalong
& Grose Sts) at 9:00am (8:30am AEDT). Programme is
on the website.
Robyn Artup
Meets every Tuesday at the Katoomba Falls Reserve at
9:00am no matter what the weather is! Walk and coffee
or just coffee.
Beryl Riley
Out and About
Contacts: Pam Williams (tours) and Adrienne Brown (shows)
Please note that tickets purchased by the Tours Committee, ie shows, exhibitions and excursions are non-refundable. If you
cannot attend and have paid for the ticket, please arrange to sell or pass your ticket onto someone else. For all tours/shows please
check the Notice Board or pick up a flyer.
*19 March: Tarana Pub: Depart Leura 9:30am. Further information on flyer from the Tour’s Desk.
*29 April: Chifley Homestead Bathurst and lunch at The Hub. Depart Leura 8:30am. Further information on flyer
from the Tour’s Desk.
The Hydro Majestic Dumpling Bar
*22 July: Les Misérables. Capitol Theatre. 1:00pm session. Cost $60.00. $10.00 deposit required.