Your Residents` Association newsletter is on the other side Please


Your Residents` Association newsletter is on the other side Please
Your Residents’ Association
newsletter is on the other side
Please visit the website
for more details
please use the ‘contact us’
page with your thoughts and
What would you like from The Garrison
Resident's Association?
Chairman’s News
John Dowell has taken a well-earned
retirement after many successful years as
Chairman of the Garrison Residents'
Association and I, as his successor, would
like to thank him for all he has achieved for
the residents in that time.
As well as the prospect of meeting as
many residents as I can over the coming
months, I'm looking forward to the
challenges ahead. Along with your
committee, I am already working on a
number of important issues to do with the
future of The Garrison, and would welcome
your thoughts and suggestions as to what
you want from your residents' association.
Scott James
Garrison Residents’ Association
[email protected]
We need your voice
Thanks to all who came to express their
views on the development of the 172
homes on Gunners' Park. Over 120 turned
up at Hinguar School, and as a result, the
planning meeting has been pushed back
yet again. This vital issue will now be voted
on in March, so if you want to voice your
opinion, let the planning office at SBC
know by emailing them, or by contacting
your local councillor.
Recent achievements:
*Lobbying to replace Nationspaces and
advising on the appointment of local
managing agent Fowler and Spenceley.
*Challenging the Council on the 172
homes on Gunners' Park; the sea wall,
both for Shoebury Common and The
Garrison, and protecting residents'
interests over the Heritage Centre, MUGA
and tennis courts.
*Fighting a long and eventually successful
battle with C&M to secure sufficient funds
for the future of The Garrison and its
If there is any matter you would like the
GRA to take up on behalf of The Garrison
residents, please contact us at
We are currently revising the website and
suggestions for any additions or
improvements for the future.
Garrison Residents' Association: doing
something social.
We also welcome your thoughts on the
social element of The Garrison
community. Sharon and Richard Spence
do a great job every Christmas arranging
the carol service together with the
Salvation Army, and there may well be
other events you'd like to see. If so, use
the contact page on the website to let us
know. We are here to represent you.