Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church


Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church
The Parish Messenger
The Monthly Newsletter of Trinity & Georgetown Lutheran Churches
March 2015
Council Meetings
Georgetown: Sunday, March 8, 5:00pm
Trinity: Tuesday, March 17, 7:00pm at the church.
Cumberland Lutheran Pastors
We meet each Wednesday of the month.
Cumberland Ministerial Association
We meet the first Wednesday of each month.
Heart of the North Pastors
We meet on Tuesday, March 24, 9:30am at Our
Savior’s, Campia. Jennifer Elmquist is our hostess.
Day Off:
Except for emergencies Pastor Neal will be using
Fridays as a day of “Sabbath”.
Community Meal
This month we hold the meal the third Thursday,
March 19 at noon. Georgetown hosts a meal for
anyone in the community who wants to come.
The menu changes each month. There is no cost
but a freewill donation is accepted. One half of the
total is given to Loaves and Fishes food pantry. One
half stays at the church to help cover expenses.
If you would like to help in the kitchen or donate
food items contact Charlotte Peper.
Breakfast Brunch
Thursdays, 8:00am at Trinity
Mailing Addresses and Phone Numbers
Pastor’s Office
Parish Office
Parish e-mail
[email protected]
PO Box 86, Balsam Lake, WI
Trinity Mail
2502 E. Grenquist Lake Lane
Cumberland, WI 54829
Georgetown Website Address
Trinity Website Address
**Information for the upcoming newsletter is due
** the Thursday prior to the last Sunday of each
Breakfast Bunch
Each Thursday morning we meet at 8:00am at
Trinity to share a breakfast. We share the cooking
responsibilities as we are able or contribute $2.00
per meal. The money collected goes toward a
ministry of our choosing each year. Beginning
around 8:30am we study the scripture readings
assigned for the following Sunday. Please come
and join us! Come and go as you need.
Annual Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast
March 29 7:30am to 10:15am
Please come and support our Youth.
All Proceeds go to the Kids 4 Camp Fund
How can the love of God that we proclaim
during Lent encourage our love for one another?
How is God active in our lives?
Worship Schedule
Bible Sunday
Bluegrass Communion
(T)Palt Dinner
Worship Band Sunday
(GT) Palm Sunday Breakfast
Special Music
We invite anyone who would like to share their
musical talents with us to let your shepherding
group leader know.
This year’s season started with Ash Wednesday
worship on February 18 for Georgetown and
February 19 for Trinity.
Our Lent worship will continue each Wednesday
for Georgetown and each Thursday for Trinity
through February and March.
We will meet at 6:30pm for Soup & Sandwiches
and worship begins at 7:15pm.
For worship we will be exploring our new hymnals
and asking different folks to share a series of
dramas examining issues of confession and faith
with questions like:
What happens when even religious people are
tempted to break their promises before God?
How can Lent be a call to reconsider the
priorities of our lives?
Even when we just want to get away from God,
how is God there, sometimes in some surprising
ways and unusual people?
Shepherding Groups
Our congregational members are invited to share
in the tasks of Sunday Worship: ushering, reading
the lessons, preparing communion, special music,
cleaning the church, mowing or shoveling snow as
needed, and coffee fellowship.
Shepherding Groups are listed on the bulletin
board in the narthex or fellowship hall. If you are
Palt Dinner Sunday, March 15
Everyone is invited to our annual palt
dinner at Trinity. We begin serving at
11:30am and continue till 1:00pm. The menu
includes boiled and fried palt, baked ham,
Scandinavian fruit soup, salad, home -made
pie and beverage.
Cost: Adults $8.00 12-16 $5.00 and under 12
is free.
not on a list or if you have not been contacted to
help please let Pastor know or contact an elder on
the council.
Shepherding Group for March Trinity
Leaders are Bill and Kelly Anderson. Families
helping include: Chester & Billie Bastil, Kathy
Briese, Violet Carlson, Ed & Pam Dittbrenner,
Glenn & Kathy Greener, Albert Hanson, Joanne &
Wayne Kendrick, Michael & Mandy Rouzer,
Beverly & Oscar Schmidt, Heidi & Sean
Springsteen, Jim Springsteen, Ernie Rewiestahl,
Jeannette Nieman and Deedra Wagner.
Shepherding Groups for March Georgetown:
Leaders are Tom & Mary Lou Levi and Pete &
Carol Mangelsen. Helpers include: Paul & Maria
Gorne, Shirley Schilling, Trent & Leann Jensen,
Jim & Rachael Bystrom, Charlotte & Randy
Glenna, Bronson & Jessica Beauvais, Charlene
Dunst, Vicki Donner, Phillip Gorne, and Stephane
Fansler. Thank you to those families who helped in
If your name is not included in a family group
please contact the church office. We apologize
for the omittance.
Trinity Shepherding Group Leaders:
The elders have called a re-structuring meeting for
Sunday, March 8 following worship. Please
contact Bill Anderson or Mandy Rouzer if you
cannot attend.
I begin with words written by Barb Solsaa: Clergy
Coach and Luther Park advocate. She lived in
Africa in her youth and wrote the following words
about that experience.
Now a quick Swahili lesson…
“Rafiki” is Swahili for friend (think cute monkey
from The Lion King)
“Urafiki” is Swahili for friendship
“Jamaa” is Swahili for family
“Ujamaa” is Swahili for “family hood”.
Ujamaa is described as “a word for extended
family or family hood, namely that a person
becomes a person through the people or
In other words, a person is a person only as they
exist in community helping to carry one another’s
Saturday "Sunday" School
So here was my metanoia experience…on
Saturdays, when I lived in Tanzania, I had a group
of about 15 to 20 children who would come over to
my house and we would spend time singing,
playing games, reading a Bible story out of a
Children’s Bible and then drawing something
regarding that Bible story.
Every now and then I also had a treat of some
sort. A sponsoring congregation had sent me a care
package that had Kool-Aid packets in it and so I
stirred up some red beverage, gathered all of the
cups I could find and proceeded to divvy the drink
up amongst the kids. There was not a spare drop
left over and so I warned the kids to be careful with
what they got because there was no more. Sure
enough, one of the children spilled their cup and
looked very sad. My thought was, “I warned them,
now this kid will just not get any juice.”
But before my eyes I saw something beautiful.
An older child grabbed the now empty cup and
started yelling at the others. He was yelling in
Kihaya, not Swahili, so I didn’t know what he was
saying but I watched as one by one, each kid poured
a little bit of their juice into the empty cup so that
once again, the clumsy kid now had a glass of juice
(Now understand, not all children were willing
participants but with persistent encouragement from
the older child, at least one drop was added)
Sanitary concerns aside, this was a beautiful lesson
for me – a metanoia experience – ujamaa come to
life. When one member suffers, we all suffer, when
one needs help, we help, we exist in community.
This is in stark contrast to the rugged individualism
and ladder climbing that exists in many minds here
in our culture (sad to say that it was in my mind
when that cup spilled).”
Barb wrote this in her February message to all
Northwest Synod clergy. I think it’s fitting for
And the reason is this. We are all responsible for
our own lives. But, we also have a responsibility to
each other. We hear that in the biblical words, “to
love our neighbor as ourselves.” It’s a fine line
between enabling people to stay in unhealthy
attitudes about being “owed” something and an
individualistic attitude that won’t take help from
anyone even when they could really use the help.
Our Lenten disciplines don’t only ask us to give
something up, but to do something helpful. To pray
in behalf of those in need. To give alms, in other
words to share our financial wealth with those who
have need. To fast: In other words to limit our own
use of food so there is enough for others or when
we go to the grocery store to use a share of our
money to buy food for our local food pantry
It’s not always easy. That’s the point of Lent. It
encourages us to do what we otherwise don’t
naturally want to do. It encourages us to see others
in a different way. It forces us to look at our own
hearts and how we use compassion or forgiveness,
or generosity. Let’s give it a try!!!
Pastor Neal
When entering the hospital, please tell the
admitting personnel that you are a member of our
church. Have a family member contact the
church office or pastor’s office so you can
receive pastoral care during your hospital stay.
Like a visit from pastor? Call the church or
pastor’s office and request a visit or let him know
on a Sunday morning .
Remember to update the church office with
changes of address, phone numbers, or e-mail.
Both churches are on Facebook. Contact Kathy
Greener at Trinity and Jody Chitty at
Georgetown regarding becoming friends.
Blessing Jars
Trinity: Peterson Autism Foundation (see below)
Georgetown: Local Discretionary Fund
Peterson Autism Foundation
We have received a request from a local nonprofit for donations to support their foundation.
“We are writing to you today to request support for
our Peterson Autism Family Resource Center.
Many of you may know someone with autism or
know a special needs family. The mission of our
foundation is to aid and support special needs
families, particularly those affected by autism. We
are raising money to furnish our center, resource
materials, furniture, computers, etc. We are also
raising money for a 2016 scholarship. We’re located
in Luck and we serve Burnett, Polk and Barron
counties. All donations go directly to help special
needs families.”
Both councils feel it is worth supporting.
At Trinity we will designate our March and
April blessings jar donations to help them.
At Georgetown, envelopes will be available to
contribute in the month of March. Place envelopes
in the offering plate.
Anyone can also send donations directly to
Peterson Autism Foundation, 215 Main St., Box 34,
Luck, WI, 54853.
Questions? Contact Kathy Greener, Director by
phone at 715-419-1677 or online at
Window Frame for Stained Glass Windows
We have been given a memorial gift of two
stained glass window panels. The congregation
needs to provide the window frames. The price is
around $1300 each.
Propane Donations
The little white church next to the display case in
the fellowship hall is being used for second mile
giving. (beyond what we put in the offering plate.)
The council has designated it for helping with
finishing payment for our new hymnbooks. Please
place cash or check in the slot and it will be applied
for this purpose.
Students are using the Lent Season for attending
mid-week worship, plus having mentor faith
conversations with an adult other than a parent.
This year’s conversations all relate to Biblical
stories or verses from various New Testament
As a community of women created in the image of
God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and
empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit
ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support
one another in our callings, engage in ministry and
action, and promote healing and wholeness in the
church, the society, and the world.
Trinity WELCA
Thursday, March 12, 1:30pm., at the church.
Our hostess is Kathy Grenquist. Our Bible study
leader is Janice Anderson. Our Bible study is titled,
“Trust and Understanding
Georgetown WELCA
Our March WELCA meeting conflicts with our
Lenten worship. Therefore, there will be a short
meeting before our Lent supper on March 4.
*Serenity House: Paper Towels- This is an ongoing commitment to the homeless in our county.
Georgetown Building Fund
Minimum Needed Monthly: $1476.97
(Payment due 25th of each month)
Opening Balance
Closing Balance
Principal Balance:
$ 21,000
$ 10,000
$ 129,795.63
Contributions for 2015 $ $61,000
The council has set a goal to have a $10,000
balance in the account to allow for variations in
giving. Any balance in excess of this will be
used to pay down the mortgage.
Blood Drive
Red Cross Blood Drive: Monday, March 16,
10:00am-4:00pm at Georgetown Lutheran Church.
For an appointment call 1-800-733-2767.
Pastor’s Report & Calendar
Confirmation continues
Feb. 8th worship at Cumberland Nursing Home
Feb. 12th possible memorial service at ECU
Feb. 19th Ash Wednesday (Thursday) at Trinity
6:30 soup & sandwiches 7:15
Old Business
Heaters thermostats in bathrooms need upgrade
Maxwell recommends calling an electrician
Bill is going to call
Parsonage basement/water damage
Archer gave most of the same information
Need to address the problem outside first
Also recommended an air scrubber
Planning to wait until spring
Parsonage furnace went out
Called Maxwell, they replaced the igniter
was not working. Maxwell came back &
air exchanger in furnace needs to be cleaned up.
Church furnace exhaust pipe still needs to be
Plan to do in spring
Piano sound barrier: Still looking into
New Business
Annual Meeting
Audit committee
Judy will ask Mandy to do with her
Old hymnals/New hymnals
Palt Dinner scheduled for March 15, 2015
Next meeting Feb. 17th, 2015
Motion to
adjourn made by Shannon & seconded by Judy.
Members Present: Pastor Neal, Bill Anderson,
Kathy Grenquist, Judy Kelch & Shannon Kelch
Motion passed.
Meeting called to order by Bill
Secretary’s Report read by Shannon.
Motion to approve made by Judy & seconded by
Kathy. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
General Fund Balance $1,382.08
Motion to approve made by Shannon &
by Judy. Motion passed.
Georgetown Lutheran Church Council Meeting
Sunday, February 18, 2015 - 5 p.m.
Stacy Bergmann, Tim Frendt, Roberta
Hansen, Tom Levi, Pete Mangelsen,
Marvel Nielsen, Bruce Peper and Diana
Peterson (treasurer)
Max Bay, Mindy Hansen, Pastor Neal
As eldest elder, Roberta Hansen called the meeting to
order at 5:10 p.m.
New council members were welcomed to the council for
a three-year term, Pete Mangelsen, Elder; Tom Levi,
Deacon; and Bruce Peper, Trustee. Max Bay, was
appointed to complete the year remaining of Jim
Bystrom’s Trustee term.
Roberta gave a prayer to start the meeting.
Diana Peterson gave the treasurers report. $11,414.68
was transferred to the loan balance of the building and
the closing balance of the building fund account is
$10,000. The operating fund is $5,691.57.
A $50,000 donation was received from an anonymous
donor through In Faith Community Foundation to go to
the building fund. A motion was made by Tim Frendt to
accept the generous donation of $50,000 and place it on
the principal of the building fund. Pete Mangelsen
seconded and the motion carried.
Election of Officers
A nomination for Roberta Hansen as president was made
by Pete Mangelsen. No other nominations were made.
Pete Mangelsen made a motion to close nominations and
elect Roberta Hansen as president. Tom Levi seconded
and the motion carried.
Stacy Bergmann volunteered to be Council Secretary. It
was moved by Tim and seconded by Pete to elect Stacy
Bergmann as secretary.
Diana Peterson graciously accepted the appointment of
treasurer on the motion made by Tom Levi and seconded
by Pete Mangelsen.
Pastors Report & Calendar
Pastor Neal is at continuing education at Metropolis in
Eau Claire. February 11 is the last confirmation class
before Lent. They are learning about the New
Testament. Students are asked to find an adult mentor to
have faith conversations with through May 6. Students
are encouraged to come to Ash Wednesday and Lent
mid-week worship. Pastor will participate in a memorial
service at the Extended Care Unit in Cumberland
February 12. Ash Wednesday service is February 18 at
7 p.m.
Minutes from the January 11, 2015 council meeting
were read by Stacy Bergmann. Pete Mangelsen made a
motion to approve minutes as written. Tom Levi
seconded and the motion carried.
Treasurers Report
The principal balance of the building fund is
$179,795.63. Subtracting the $50,000 donation leaves
the principal balance at $129,795.63.
Ms. Peterson also reported that WELCA gave a $1,000
donation to the stained glass memorial fund.
Old Business
 Insurance on Parsonage: Roberta is still waiting
to receive information on the insurance at the
parsonage to ensure proper coverage.
 Blood Drive: The date was moved for the Red
Cross blood drive to March 16, 2015 from 12:30
to 6:30 p.m. as the previous date conflicted with
the community meal.
 Hymnals: The congregation is asked to take as
many hymnals as they want and whatever is left
this spring will be disposed of.
 Window Frame for Stained Glass Windows:
Bruce Peper is going to check with his brother
Brian to see if he could get a discount on the
window. The price from Arrow was $1,317
each, two are needed.
 Library Shelves: Shelves are in place and need
to be anchored to the wall.
 Confirmation Pictures: Deacons will go through
the confirmation pictures to see which years’
confirmation classes are needed. Also discussed
displaying the confirmation pictures differently.
 Shepherding Group Restructuring: A meeting
will be scheduled with the group leaders to go
through each shepherding group and move
people around. Some groups are struggle
getting people during the month to serve.
Thermostats: Council has been discussing
thermostats on various occasions. They seem to
be difficult to operate for everyone and do not
seem to be able to program what needs to be
programmed. Trustees will get more
information and prices to replace all four
thermostats with the same model that provide
the ability to program for day, time and
New Business
 Building Fund Donation: A thank you will be
sent to In Faith Community Foundation to send
to anonymous donor.
 Garage Sale: The annual garage and bake sale is
scheduled for May 1 & 2, 2015.
 Father’s Day Celebration: The Sunday School
will be celebrating Fathers on Sunday, February
22, 2015.
 Snowfest/Luther Park Winter Fest: We will ask
the congregation if anyone is interested in going
to the Luther Park Winter Fest February 28 or
having the Snowfest at Hunky Dory February
 Lock-in: Ryan Peterson and Stacy Bergmann
are meeting February 11 to begin plans for the
Lock-in for Georgetown and Trinity. All kids
in fifth to twelfth grade are invited and can bring
a friend.
 Eagles Lounge Fundraiser: Roberta is checking
with Jody Chitty to schedule a date for the
fundraising event at Eagles Lounge.
 Handicap/Reserved Parking Spaces: Roberta is
going to check plans for establishing
handicap/reserved parking spaces in the church
parking lot.
 Deacons will meet with Gretchen Frendt to set
dates for Vacation Bible School.
 Trustees will have the playground completed by
Vacation Bible School.
 Jody Chitty has offered to continue posting
church announcements and information on
Facebook, as well as website work. Thank you
 Deacons, Elders and Trustees will have breakout sessions at the March council meeting.
Break-out sessions will be scheduled during the
June and September council meetings as well.
Next council meeting will be held on Sunday, March 8
at 5:00 p.m.
John Sain
Betty Hanson
Jeanna Gibson
David Dittbrenner
Will Beecroft
Barry Wickstrom
Christina Enberger
Aidan Hansen
Ryan Avery, Nancy Cox
Dawson Jensen, Braden Johnson,
Blake Lundmark
Kelly Brunclik
Jordan Anderson
Tammy Hartung
Diana Beecroft, Tiffany Peper
Alexis Kelch
Justin Nystrom
Terri Geldernick
Linnea Grenquist
Mikayla Peper
David Cran
John Nystrom
Simon Soldner
Casi Anderson
Tom Weaver
Debbie Grover
Troy Long, Jim Palas
Emma Jacobs
Nathan Weltzin
Adeline Taft
Aunia Mattson
Lola Roodell, Phil Gorne
Chance Strand
Glenn Greener
Karen Wickstrom
Joanne Doornbos
Max Bay
Andy Mangelsen
Skyler Peper
Cecilia Renstrom
Josh Kelch
The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
March Birthdays
March Baptisms
Shirley Schilling
Laura Jensen
Henry Soldner
Dan Hagen
Rochelle Zacco
Kimberly Hill
Amanda Rowe
Rob Avery
Wyatt Bergmann
Gary Kahl
Braden Johnson
Blake Lundmark
Cole Wickstrom
Kathy Grenquist
Mollie Jepsen
Emily Frendt
Amelia Kelch
Temprance Cook
Donna Waldbilling
Bradley Knutson
Carl Dueholm
Amanda Buchholz
Shane Buchholz
Joshua Swanson
Jason Buchholz
Alexander Hansen
Anthony Hansen
Kaitlin Johnson
Kloey Berger
Annaleise Geener
Alayna Kelch
Dawson Johnson
Roy Marske
Amy Busch
Jillian Allen
Donna Johnson
Teressa Jensen
Derrick Bruncilik
Jason Randall
Glenn Greener
Tanner Freer
MacKenzie Peper
Diana Peterson
Pam Dittbrenner
The Northwest Synod received a Bishop's Appeal
for Emergency Response from Bishop Joseph
Bvumbwe. He describes the situation as follows:
President Peter Muthanika declared Malawi a state
of disaster over districts affected by floods
following a heavy downpour in most parts of the
country. He has appealed for hunamitarian support
from the international and donor community.
This worst affected districts are Nsanje, Chikwawa,
Phalombe and Zomba where a lot of people's
houses and household property have been damaged
displacing more than 200,000 people. It is estimated
that 175 people have died and more than 150 are
reported missing. Concerns center around food,
health and shelter.
How Can We Help?
The goal is to help mitigate the impact of flooding
for 1500 households in three deaneries of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi (ELCM),
reducing the suffering of 7500 people including 300
children under five years of age. The primary focus
will be to procure and distribute necessary food,
health items and infrastructure items (such as
building materials, tents, blankets, mosquito nets,
We, in the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin feel
compelled to help our brothers and sisters in Christ
during this difficult time. As such, we have set a
goal of raising $157,000 through congregations and
individual donors. This is a large, but not an
insurmountable, sum. If the amount were spread
evenly over our 200 congregations, each would
contribute $785. To some this may seem
unrealistically high. To others, especially those who
have a history of accompaniment with our
companions in Malawi, this amount may seem too
low. We trust that the Spirit will be at work among
us to help you and your congregation determine
what is right given your situation.
Please understand that the need is tremendous in
Malawi and prayerfully consider your response to
that need. Thank you for your generosity.
What's New at Luther Park?
Luther Park upcoming events:
a) March 6 & 7 – Recharge – cost is $75/participant
& $30/adults;
b) March 12-15 – Last Quilt Retreat this Spring
c) April 23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Bread Baking
Retreat presented by Pastor Joel & LuAnn Olsen
or email Diana at the Luther Park office to register
d) May 8 & 9 - Work Retreat;
e) June 6th – Meeting for the purpose of the second
reading and approval of two Amendments to the
Constitution and sale of two acres of land to Keith
& Wendy Newman;
f) June 6th – WAY Club Banquet (meet the summer
g) June 14 – Summer Camp begins!
Our Annual Meeting was held Saturday, January
24th at Luther Park. An anonymous donor
challenged all delegates and churches within the
constituency to bring donations to pay off the
debt of $30,000.00. We met that challenge and
more!! Luther Park Bible Camp is now DEBT
FREE. Thank you to all donors and to the
wonderful staff and volunteers who have made this
reality. When the announcement was made, we
celebrated with a standing ovation, balloons and
“Debt Free” cake.
Keith announced that in 2014 volunteers have
donated 4200 hours of their time to camp projects
the number of campers attending in 2014 jumped by
160 since 2013. “It's a God thing.”
In February, Keith and Jacquie visited several
colleges to recruit summer staff. A downloadable
application is available on Luther Park's website for
any person who may be interested
Thank you for your continued support and prayers
for the ministry at Luther Park.
Kay Moen-Urseth
President, Board of Directors