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arXiv:1502.05658v1 [math.NT] 19 Feb 2015 Tail bounds for counts of zeros and eigenvalues, and an application to ratios Brad Rodgers A BSTRACT. Let t be random and uniformly distributed in the interval [T, 2T ], and consider the quantity N (t + 1/ log T ) − N (t), a count of zeros of the Riemann zeta function in a box of height 1/ log T . Conditioned on the Riemann hypothesis, we show that the probability this count is greater than x decays at least as quickly as e−Cx log x , uniformly in T . We also prove analogous results for the eigenvalues of a random unitary matrix. We use results of this sort to show on the Riemann hypothesis that the averages Z 2T ζ 1 + α + it m 1 2 log T dt T T ζ 1 + β + it 2 log T remain bounded as T → ∞, for α, β complex numbers with β 6= 0. Moreover we show rigorously that the local distribution of zeros asymptotically controls ratio averages like the above; that is, the GUE Conjecture implies a (first-order) ratio conjecture. 1. Introduction 1.1. This paper is comprised of two parts. In the first part we prove, conditioned on the Riemann hypothesis (RH), that local linear statistics of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function have uniformly sub-exponential tails. More precisely, label the non-trivial zeros of the zeta function 1/2 + iγ, with γ ∈ R. We prove the following theorem. T HEOREM 1.1. Assume RH. Define Q(ξ) := 1/(1 + ξ 2). Then for all x ≥ 2 and all T ≥ 2. n o X log T 1 meas t ∈ [T, 2T ] : Q (γ − t) ≥ x ≪ e−Cx log x , T 2π γ 1 2 BRAD RODGERS where the constant C and the implicit constant are absolute. Here and in what follows, zeros are counted with multiplicity (in the unlikely event that some zero is not simple). To elaborate on the meaning of this result: the ordinates γ have density log T /2π T near a height T , and for t ∈ [T, 2T ], the points { log (γ − t)} are spaced so as to 2π have a density of roughly 1, at least for γ near t. Theorem 1.1 therefore bounds the frequency with which these respaced zeros can occur in large clumps. The theorem is only of interest when x is large. Plainly Theorem 1.1 also implies the same estimate when Q is replaced by any function η that decays quadratically (with constants depending on η). Letting η = 1[0,1/2π] , and defining as usual N(T ) := #{γ : γ ∈ (0, T )}, we obtain a corollary that may be easier to understand at a glance. C OROLLARY 1.2. Assume RH. For all x ≥ 2 and all T ≥ 2, 1 meas t ∈ [T, 2T ] : N(t + 1/ log T ) − N(t) ≥ x ≪ e−Cx log x T where the constant C and the implicit constant are absolute. We note that without assuming RH, it is possible to prove an upper bound e−cx , where c is an absolute constant. We apply Theorem 1.1 to consider averages of ratios of the zeta function. We develop an upper bound for these averages. T HEOREM 1.3. Assume RH. For any α, β ∈ C with ℜ β 6= 0, and for any m ≥ 0, uniformly for T ≥ 2, Z 2T ζ 1 + α + it m 1 2 log T dt ≪α,β,m 1. T T ζ 1 + β + it 2 log T 1.2. The second part of the paper requires some knowledge from random matrix theory. Before all else, we develop bounds for counts of eigenvalues of random unitary matrices analogous to Theorem 1.1. These bounds are apparently new in the literature. Moreover, we show rigorously that the asymptotic evaluation of averages of the sort considered Theorem 1.3 follow from knowing the local distribution of zeros of the zeta function. Recall the following well-known conjecture about the local distribution of zeros. TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 3 C ONJECTURE 1.4 (GUE Conjecture). Assume RH. For all fixed k and continuous and quadratically decaying1 test functions η : Rk → R, 1 T Z 2T T X γ1 ,...,γk distinct η log T 2π (γ1 − t), ..., log T 2π Z (γk − t) dt ∼ Rk η(x) det K(xi − xj ) dk x, k×k as T → ∞, where the ij th entry of the k × k determinant is given by K(xi − xj ) = sin π(xi − xj )/π(xi − xj ). We also recall a conjecture for the first order asymptotics of ratios of the zeta function. C ONJECTURE 1.5 (Local Ratios Conjecture with real translations). Assume RH. For all fixed k ≥ 1 and all fixed collections of numbers α1 , ..., αm , β1 , ..., βm ∈ R, with βℓ 6= 0 for all ℓ, and2 αi 6= βj for all i, j, we have E(αi ,βj ) Z 2T Y m ζ 1 + αℓ + it det 2 log T αi −βj 1 , dt ∼ (1) 1 T T ℓ=1 ζ 1 + βℓ + it det 2 where log T ( e−α+β E(α, β) := 1 αi −βj ℜβ < 0 ℜ β > 0. As an application of the techniques above, we show that the first of these claims implies the second. T HEOREM 1.6. The GUE Conjecture implies the Local Ratios Conjecture with real translations. There is a seemingly more general conjecture than Conjecture 1.5 in which α1 , ..., αm , β1 , ..., βm are allowed to lie in C, with ℜ βℓ 6= 0 for all ℓ. Such a conjecture may be called just the Local Ratios Conjecture. This increase in generality is really only apparent. It is possible using similar methods to see that the GUE Conjecture also implies the Local Ratios Conjecture, for general α and β. The proof of this claim requires a somewhat more lengthy technical argument, so we will not prove it here. We will instead say only a few words about what modifications in the proof of Theorem 1.6 are necessary for it at the end of this paper. 1 1 . A purist may object that it is By quadratically decaying, we mean η(x) = O 1+x 2 · · · 1+x2 1 k more natural to make this conjecture for only compactly supported η, but these two versions of this conjecture may be seen without too much effort to be equivalent. 2 We clearly lose no generality from this restriction. 1 4 BRAD RODGERS 1.3. The study of the average of ratios of the zeta function has a long history. Conjecture 1.5 was first put forward in the case m = 2 by Farmer [13], who understood it was closely connected with the local distribution of zeros of the Riemann zeta function. Farmer showed that the m = 2 case of (a uniform version of) what we have called the Local Ratios Conjecture implies the k = 2 case (pair correlation) of the GUE Conjecture [14], and later produced similar implications for the m = 3, k = 3 case, while even higher correlations may be obtained from [10]. To our knowledge the present paper is the first rigorous work in the opposite direction. More recently, a flurry of work has centered around the average of such ratios when the translations are not within a distance of O(1/ log T ) of the critical axis, but instead are up to a distance of O(1) away. In this case great deal of effort has been put into not only producing asymptotic formulas, but extracting all relevant lower order terms [6], which have many interesting implications [9]. (We have called Conjecture 1.5 a ‘Local Ratios Conjecture’ to distinguish it from this expanded set of conjectures.) Indeed, it is worth noting at this point that the formula in (1) is not the usual way to write the ratio conjecture; instead one usually insists that ℜ βl , βℓ′ > 0 and conjectures that 1 T →∞ T lim Z T m 2T Y l=1 ζ ζ 1 2 + αl log T 1 2 + βl log T m′ ζ 1 + + it Y 2 + it ℓ=1 ζ 12 + α′ℓ log T βℓ′ log T + it dt + it (2) is predicted accurately to first order by a random matrix analogue. The expression for this limit is somewhat more complicated to write down than the formula on the right hand side of (1) (see for instance [8, 7, 4]). Nonetheless, in spite of the simplicity of (1), there does not appear to be any way to write down the more precise lower-order Ratio Conjectures in a way reminiscent of it. It would still be interesting to see if such a combinatorial formalism can be found. In any case, an asymptotic formula for the left hand side of (1) implies an asymptotic formula for the left hand side of (2), and vice-versa. This may be seen most easily by applying the zeta function’s functional equation. We will have nothing to say about lower order terms however. Similarly to Farmer’s papers above, some previous work has studied the connections of the GUE Conjecture to averages of the logarithmic derivative of the zeta function [17, 15, 27]. We note also the concurrent work [5], which considers some similar questions to those we consider here, but replaces the zeta function with a probabilistic construction called the limiting characteristic polynomial. TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 5 1.4. We turn to a quick conceptual sketch of some of our methods. Both Theorems 1.3 and 1.6 are critically dependent on the tail bound, Theorem 1.1. The strategy in each case is to write 1 α h 1 1 i ζ 2 + log T + it α β = exp Log ζ + + it − Log ζ + + it , 2 log T 2 log T ζ 21 + logβ T + it {z } | :=Lt (3) (ignoring for the moment all issues with branch cuts, which end up being minor). We show from the Hadamard product representation for the zeta function that Lt is P log T ‘very close’ to a linear statistic η 2π (γ − t) , for some function η of quadratic decay. This is not literally true: Lt , if written as a sum of zeros, must contain an extra term in the summand that decays very slowly. This term does not decay quadratically – in fact its sum converges only because of the symmetry of zeros – but it may be shown that on average this extra term does not much affect the size of Lt . (This will be the content of Theorem 2.6.) Thus it is that we see that we can approximate the ratio (3) by the exponential of a linear statistic of zeros. It is just these linear statistics whose size we have controlled in Theorem 1.1, and it is in this way that Theorem 1.3 is proved. For Theorem 1.6, on the other hand, we note that we are able to asymptotically control the moments of such linear statistics by using the GUE Conjecture and a standard combinatorial procedure. This asymptotic control on the moments of linear statistics is not ipso facto enough to pass to the Local Ratios Conjecture however. It is not the case, that is, that Theorem 1.6 is just a matter of combinatorial manipulation in random matrix theory. For instance, instead of Lt , consider the random variables Xn which take the value 0 with probability 1 − e−n and n2 with probability e−n . Then Xn tends to 0 both in distribution and in the sense of moments: for any fixed k ≥ 0, E Xnk → 0. Yet Xn so it is not true E e E eXn = (1 − e−n ) + en ∼ E e0 . 2 −n → ∞, This sort of a pathology is eliminated by Theorem 1.1 and related bounds, and it is this control that is necessary to show that the average of ratios in (1) converges to a random matrix limit on the GUE Conjecture. Our proof of Theorem 1.1 is not long provided certain computational lemmas are taken on faith, so we will not sketch it here. We mention only that our proof depends 6 BRAD RODGERS on an application of Markov’s inequality and a smoothing trick. It is, in this sense, reminiscent of Soundararajan’s approach [30] to bounding the moments of ζ(1/2 + it) (see also Harper’s refinement [19]). Finally, we note that in the case that ℜα ≤ ℜβ and ℑα = ℑβ, there is an easier proof of the bound in Theorem 1.3. In this case one has for all t, T ≥ 2 a pointwise bound 1 1 α β ζ + + it ≪α,β ζ + + it . 2 log T 2 log T This is a consequence of Lemma 1 of [25]. Nonetheless, such an inequality does not hold for other ranges of α and β, and Theorem 1.3 cannot in general be reduced to a pointwise estimate of this sort. Notation: We follow standard conventions of analytic number theory, so that the notations f (x) ≪ g(x) and f (x) = O(g(x)) are interchangeable, with both meaning that |f (x)| ≤ Cg(x) for all x, for a constant C. f (x) ≪A g(x) and f (x) = OA (g(x)) both mean the constantRC may depend on A. The Fourier transform of a function f is defined by fˆ(ξ) := e−i2πxξ f (x) dx. In what follows we will assume the Riemann hypothesis, without further statement of this assumption in Theorems, Lemmas, etc. 1.5. Acknowledgments: I thank Sandro Bettin, Alexei Borodin, Reda Chhaibi, Brian Conrey, Chris Hughes, Jon Keating, and Kurt Johansson for informative and encouraging discussions related to this work. 2. Bounding counts of zeros: a proof of Theorem 1.1 and related bounds 2.1. As in many studies of the zeros of the zeta function, a principal tool is the explicit formula, due in stages to Riemann, Guinand, and Weil [26, 18, 32], relating the distribution of zeros to primes. A proof may be found in, for instance, [24, pp. 410-416] or [21, pp. 108-109]. T HEOREM 2.1 (The explicit formula). For a compactly supported function g, piecewise continuous with finitely many discontinuities, such that g(x) = 12 (g(x− ) + g(x+ )) for all x and g(0) = 12 (g(x) + g(−x)) + O(|x|), we have, Z ∞ X γ Z V ξ Ω(ξ) − gˆ dξ = (g(x)+g(−x))e−x/2 d ex −ψ(ex ) , lim gˆ V →∞ 2π 2π 2π −V −∞ |γ|<V TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS where ψ(x) := X 7 Λ(n), n≤x with Λ the von Mangoldt function, and 1 Γ′ 1 ξ 1 Γ′ 1 ξ Ω(ξ) := + − log π. +i −i 2Γ 4 2 2Γ 4 2 Using Stirling’s formula for the digamma function [1, Cor. 1.4.5], one may verify that, 1 log (|ξ| + 2)/2π Ω(ξ) . (4) = +O 2π 2π |ξ| + 2 This term in the explicit formula therefore corresponds to an approximation of the density of zeros near height ξ. On the other hand, Z ∞ Z ∞ ∞ X g(log t) g(log n) −x/2 x x √ √ g(x)e d e − ψ(e ) = dt − Λ(n), n t −∞ 0 n=1 √ R P √ and here the term g(log t)/ t dt serves as an approximation to g(log n)Λ(n)/ n. Motivated by the explicit formula, we adopt the following notation, for a function η of quadratic decay: X log T (γ − t) , hη, Zi = hη, ZT (t)i := η 2π γ Z ∞ Ω(ξ) log T o o hη, Z i = hη, ZT (t)i := η (ξ − t) dξ, 2π 2π −∞ e = hη, ZeT (t)i := hη, Zi − hη, Z o i. hη, Zi Note that there is no question about the convergence of the sums or integrals in these definitions. We will later generalize this notation slightly, but we need not worry about this generalization for the moment. Note that for typographical reasons we will sometimes write Z or ZT in place of ZT (t). Unless otherwise indicated, e Z = ZT = ZT (t), and likewise for Z o and Z. 2.2. tion Let B0 be an absolute constant to be defined shortly. We define the funcG(ξ) := B0 h sin π(ξ + 1/4) 2 π(ξ + 1/4) sin π(ξ − 1/4) 2 i , + π(ξ − 1/4) with Fourier transform, ˆ G(x) = B0 (1 − |x|)+ eiπx/2 + e−iπx/2 , (5) (6) 8 BRAD RODGERS where B0 is an absolute constant chosen so that Q(ξ) ≤ G(ξ) ∀ξ ∈ R. (7) (In fact, B0 may be chosen to be 2π 2 , but we only need to know such a constant exists, which is apparent from examining G(ξ)/Q(ξ).) There is nothing very special about this test function G; we have chosen it to satisfy (7) and ˆ ⊆ [−1, 1]. supp G (8) As a consequence of (7), writing Gk (ξ) := G(ξ/k), we see that for all k ≥ 1, Q(ξ) ≤ Gk (ξ), ∀x ∈ R. (9) Moreover, ˆ k ⊆ [−1/k, 1/k], supp G with ˆ k (x)| ≤ 2B0 k(1 − |kx|)+ . |G (10) To make for a cleaner presentation, we work with notation from elementary probability, letting t be a random variable uniformly distributed on the interval [T, 2T ]. Theorem 1.1 then becomes the claim that uniformly for x ≥ 2 and T ≥ 1, P(hQ, Zi ≥ x) ≤ e−Cx log x . The reason we have defined Gk is that the size of hQ, Zi can be controlled by e It is easy hGk , Zi, and that this in turn can be controlled by hGk , Z o i and hGk , Zi. o to control hGk , Z i, since the measure defining this quantity is very regular. On the e can be well-controlled up to the k-th moment, with hGk , Zi e in other hand hGk , Zi e More exactly, we prove the following general not being much larger then hG, Zi. estimates. L EMMA 2.2. For an absolute constant B1 , uniformly for T ≥ 2, hQ, ZT (t)i ≤ B1 log T, ∀t ∈ [T, 2T ]. L EMMA 2.3. For an absolute constant B2 , uniformly for T ≥ 2 and 2ℓ ≤ k, we have e 2ℓ ≤ (B2 ℓ)ℓ . E|hGk , Zi| √ L EMMA 2.4. For an absolute constant B3 , uniformly for T ≥ 2 and k ≤ T , hGk , ZTo (t)i ≤ B3 k, ∀t ∈ [T, 2T ]. These lemmas have standard proofs, which we turn to at the end of this section, but before doing so, we show that with these computational estimates in hand, Theorem 1.1 follows quickly. TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 9 P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1.1. Note first that in the case that x > B1 log T , Lemma 2.2 implies that P(hQ, Zi ≥ x) = 0. We may therefore assume x ≤ B1 log T . Lemma 2.3 allows us to see from Markov’s inequality that for even integers k and positive y, k/2 e ≥ y) ≤ 1 E|hGk , Zi| e k ≪ (B2 k) . P(hGk , Zi yk yk Yet Thus, e + hGk , Z o i. hQ, Zi ≤ hGk , Zi = hGk , Zi (11) (12) e + hGk , Z o i ≥ x) P(hQ, Zi ≥ x) ≤ P(hGk , Zi e ≥ x − B3 k , ≤ P hGk , Zi (13) √ for all even k ≤ T , with the last line following from Lemma 2.4. With no loss of generality, we may assume x ≥ 4B3 , and consider k defined to be the positive even integer satisfying x x −2 <k ≤ 2B3 2B3 so that in particular x − B3 k ≥ x/2. √ √ As long as T is large enough that B1 /2B2 log T ≤ T , then certainly k ≤ T (since we are considering the case x ≤ B1 log T ). Thus from (11) and (13), (B2 · x/2B3 )x/4B3 P(hQ, Zi ≥ x) ≤ ≪ e−Cx log x , x/2B −2 3 (x/2) (14) for an absolute constant C.3 In √ remains to verify our claim in the case in which T is small enough that B1 /2B2 log T > T . But this bounded range of T can at most alter the implicit constant in (14). Remark: There is a slightly different approach to this theorem which some readers may prefer. Instead of the inequality (12), we may make use of a mollification formula of Selberg [28, Th. 1], which approximates the classical function S(t) by a Dirichlet polynomial with error terms whose size depends on the length of the Dirichlet polynomial. One may then compute moments of, say, S(t + 1/ log T ) − S(t) in the same way we have here, with the Dirichlet polynomial replacing the e We have taken the route that we have because we will make use quantity hGk , Zi. 3An argument with more bookkeeping, though still one which makes no attempt at optimization, shows that one may take any constant C < 1/16π 2 , for instance. 10 BRAD RODGERS of the same formalism elsewhere in this paper; it applies almost without change to study the eigenvalues of the unitary group, for instance. On the other hand, Selberg [29, Th. 2] also proves an uncondtional variant of his approximation for S(t), and this has been used by Fujii [16, p. 245] to compute moment bounds for S(t + 1/ log T ) − S(t) unconditionally. Bounds that can be obtained unconditionally in this way are slightly worse than what we have derived 1 assuming RH. Unconditionally, using the technique, one can prove meas t ∈ T −cx [T, 2T ] : N(t + 1/ log T ) − N(t) ≥ x ≪ e , where c is an absolute constant, but seemingly no better. It would be interesting to see if this could be improved. Remark: Probably Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.2, while sufficient for our purposes, are not optimal. The bounds here would correspond to the ‘right answer’ were the zeros were modeled by a Poisson process, but since zeros of the zeta function tend to repel each other one might guess that the counts are sub-gaussian in Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.2. Seemingly this is a harder statement to prove. 2.3. There is another result similar to Theorem 1.1 that we will require, but which is somewhat more technical in its statement and proof. We generalize the e to a wider class of functions than it was applied to before. In parnotation hη, Zi ticular, we let Z V log T Ω(ξ) X log T e e hη, Zi = hη, ZT (t)i := lim η (γ−t) − (ξ−t) dξ, η V →∞ 2π 2π 2π −V |γ|<V where η, T, and t are such that the limit exists. This is consistent with our previous use of this notation. Likewise, when the limit exists, X log T (γ − t) , hη, Zi = hη, ZT (t)i := lim η V →∞ 2π |γ|<V o hη, Z i = hη, ZTo (t)i := lim V →∞ Z V −V η log T 2π (ξ − t) Ω(ξ) 2π dξ. e exists whenever η(ξ) = fˆ(ξ), By the explicit formula, it may be verified that hη, Zi for a function f that is (i) compactly supported, (ii) piecewise continuous with finitely many discontinuities, (iii) satisfying f (x) = 21 (f (x+ ) + f (x− )), and (iv) with f odd. A more specific example of such a limit existing where the sums and integral do not absolutely converge is furnished by the function J(ξ) := 2πξ . 1 + (2πξ)2 TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 11 In this case, J(ξ) = fˆ(ξ), for the function f (x) := −sgn(x)e−|x| /2i, (15) so one may see by the above discussion that hJ, ZeT (t)i is well defined for all T e and t. Alternatively, one may see rather more simply that the limit defining hJ, Zi converges by exploiting the symmetry of the zeros γ and the function Ω. Indeed, let us verify this (and prove a little more) for hJ, Z o i, in a lemma we will need later. L EMMA 2.5. Uniformly for T ≥ 2, hJ, ZTo (t)i = O(1/ log T ), ∀t ∈ [T, 2T ]. P ROOF. By the symmetry of J, Z V h 2πy 2πy i dy o hJ, ZT (t)i = lim J(y) Ω t + −Ω t− V →∞ 0 log T log T log T Z ∞ i h 2 2 2 1 y 1 t log T dy, ≪ J(y) min 2 2 , + O t − 2πy + 2 log T 0 y2 t log T log T where in the second step in approximating Ω, we have used Stirling’s formula (4) and then simple Taylor series estimates for the logarithm function. (Note that in the first line the integrand is positive, so the integral converges absolutely or not at all.) It is now slightly tedious but straightforward to verify that the integral is O(1) and therefore the entire expression is O(1/ log T ). The analogue of Theorem 1.1 that we require is the following. T HEOREM 2.6. For all x ≥ 2 and all T ≥ 2, e ≥ x ) ≪ e−Cx log x , P( |hJ, Zi| where the constant C and the implicit constant are absolute. Applying Lemma 2.5 here, we see likewise: C OROLLARY 2.7. For all x ≥ 2 and all T ≥ 2, P( |hJ, Zi| ≥ x ) ≪ e−Cx log x , where the constant C and the implicit constant are absolute. Our proof of Theorem 2.6 is similar to the proof of Theorem 1.1. Again we require a series of lemmas, to be proved later. L EMMA 2.8. For an absolute constant B1′ , uniformly for T ≥ 2, |hJ, ZeT (t)i| ≤ B ′ log T, ∀t ∈ [T, 2T ]. 1 12 BRAD RODGERS For the next two lemmas we define W (ǫ) (x) := sgn(x) −|x| e (1 − |x|/ǫ)+ . −2i (16) We have defined W (ǫ) so that (W (1/k) )ˆ, for k ≥ 1, plays the role of something like a smooth approximation to the function J(ξ)1|ξ|≥k . More exactly, a computation reveals that, 1 − exp 1+i2πz 1 − exp 1−i2πz k k k − . (W (1/k) )ˆ(z) = J(z) + 2i (1 + i2πz)2 (1 − i2πz)2 | {z } | {z } K(z), say (17) K(−z) (We have written z instead of ξ here, because we will later need this expression for complex values of z as well.) We will see from a Taylor expansion, (W (1/k) )ˆ(ξ) is small when |ξ| ≤ k, and the terms K(ξ) may be thought of as an error term when |ξ| is large. A more exact statement of this is as follows: L EMMA 2.9. For all k ≥ 1, |J(ξ) − (W (1/k) )ˆ(ξ)| ≤ A Gk (ξ), ∀ξ ∈ R, where A is an absolute constant. We also have the moments of (W (1/k) )ˆare very small when k is large. L EMMA 2.10. For an absolute constant B2′ , uniformly for T ≥ 2 and 2ℓ ≤ k ≤ √ T , we have e 2ℓ ≤ (B2′ ℓ)ℓ k −2ℓ . E|h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi| As before, we momentarily delay the proof of these lemmas. Assuming them, we see that a proof of Theorem 2.6 proceeds in the same manner as that of Theorem 1.1. P ROOF OF T HEOREM 2.6. If x > B1′ log T , then by Lemma 2.8, e ≥ x) = 0. P(|hJ, Zi| So as before we may treat the case that x ≤ B1′ log T . By applying Lemma 2.9, for all k ≥ 1, e = h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi e + O(|hGk , Zi|) e + O(hGk , Z o i), hJ, Zi TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 13 where the implicit constant in the first error term √ may be taken as A, and the implicit constant in the second 2A. As long as k ≤ T , Lemma 2.4 allows us to bound the second of these error terms: hGk , Z o i ≤ B3 k. Hence using a union bound, e ≥ x) ≤ P |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi| e ≥ x/2 + P A|hGk , Zi| e + AB3 k ≥ x/2 . P(hJ, Zi| A choice of k and bound for both probabilities then proceeds as in the proof of Theorem 1.1, replacing Lemma 2.3 by Lemma 2.10 to bound the first of these terms. There is finally one last result of this sort that we will use below. L EMMA 2.11. For any ǫ ≥ 0 and k ≥ 1/ǫ2 , for T = T (ǫ) sufficiently large, P(|h(W (1/k) )ˆ, ZT i| ≥ ǫ) ≪ ǫ2 . 2.4. P ROOF We finally turn to proofs of the lemmas above. OF L EMMA 2.2. We recall the estimate (see [24, Cor. 14.3]), N(t + 1) − N(t) ≪ log(|t| + 2), ∀t ∈ R. By inspection, it is easy to verify that log(|u + v| + 2) ≪ log(|u| + 2) + log(|v| + 2) for all u, v ∈ R. Now note that for t ∈ [T, 2T ], hQ, ZT (t)i ≪ ∞ X [N(t + k + 1) − N(t + k)] · k=−∞ 1 1 + log2 T k2 ∞ X 1 1 ≪ log(T + 2) + log(|k| + 2) 2 2 2 1 + k log T k=−∞ 1 + k log2 T k=−∞ ≪ log(T ). ∞ X P ROOF OF L EMMA 2.3. This is a more or less standard computation of moments. However, some added care is necessary since an estimate is required that is uniform 14 BRAD RODGERS as moments vary. We note that from the explicit formula, Z ∞ k ˆ kx (e−ixt + eixt )e−x/2 d ex − ψ(ex ) e G hGk , ZT (t)i = log T −∞ log T log p X X kr k ˆ =I − 2ℜ G log p r(1/2−it) , log T r≥1 p log T p | {z } P r where sr , say log T log T (i/2 − t) + G (i/2 + t) . 2πk 2πk Here G(x+iy) is, of course, the analytic continuation of the function defined before in (5). One may check that log T exp(log T /4k) 1 G (i/2 ± t) ≪ ≪ 7/4 ≪ 1, 2 2πk t T for k ≥ 1 and t ∈ [T, 2T ]. I := G Hence from H¨older’s inequality, 1/2ℓ e 2ℓ EhGk , Zi ≪1+ 1/2ℓ k X E|sr |2ℓ . log T r≥1 (18) ˆ ⊆ [−1, 1], a standard argument dating back to Selberg (see [30, Because supp G Lem. 3], for a modern treatment that applies directly) reveals4 that for 2ℓ ≤ k X 2 ℓ log2 p ˆ kr 2ℓ E|sr | ≪ ℓ! · G log p . r p log T p ˆ this quantity is null for all r ≥ 1, when k > log T / log 2. By the support of G, In the case that k ≤ log T / log 2 we need a little more work. When r = 1, 2 log T 2 X log2 p X log2 p kr ˆ G log p ≪ ≪ , p log T p k 1/k p p≤T by Chebyshev (see [24, Ch. 2.2]). When r ≥ 2, Z ∞ 2 X log2 p kr 1 log2 t ˆ G log p dt ≪ r . ≪ r r p log T t 2 2 p 4 In fact, the argument shows that up to twice our range of ℓ may be admitted. TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 15 Returning to (18), we see that e 2ℓ EhGk , Zi 1/2ℓ ≪1+ ≪ ℓ1/2 , log T X 1 k (ℓ!)1/2ℓ + log T k 2r/2 r≥2 as k ≤ log T / log 2. We have used Stirling’s formula [1, Th. 1.4.1] to bound the factorial. Exponentiating by 2ℓ gives the lemma. P ROOF L EMMA 2.4. We have Z ∞ 2πy 1 o dy Gk (y)Ω t + hG, ZT (t)i = log T −∞ log T Z Z 2πy 1 + Gk (y)Ω t + dy. = log T log T |y|≤T log T |y|>T log T OF By our application of Stirling’s formula (4), this quantity is Z Z 1 k2 ≪ Gk (y) log T dy + log y dy 2 log T |y|≤T log T |y|>T log T y ≪k + k 2 /T, which yields the estimate. P ROOF OF L EMMA 2.8. It is easy to verify for ℜs > 1/2 that Z ∞ ζ′ 1 1 −sx −x/2 x x e e d(ψ(e ) − e ) = − +s − . ζ 2 s − 1/2 0 On RH, by analytic continuation, this identity remains true for ℜs > 0. Making use of this identity, the Fourier transform expression (15), and the explicit formula, one may thus verify that ζ′ 1 1 1 e ℑ + + it hJ, ZT (t)i = log T ζ 2 log T 1 t t + − 2 1 log T 1 − 1 2 + t2 + log1 T + t2 2 log T 2 1 ζ′ 1 1 1 . ℑ + + it + O = log T ζ 2 log T log T (19) 16 BRAD RODGERS From Lemma 12.1 of [24], we see that for t ∈ [T, 2T ], X ζ′ 1 1 1 + + it =O(1) + ζ 2 log T 1/ log T − i(γ − t) |γ−t|≤1 =O(1) + O(log2 T ) =O(log2 T ), with the second to last line following from the fact that N(t + 1) − N(t) = O(log(|t| + 2). Combining this estimate with (19) yields the lemma. P ROOF OF L EMMA 2.9. A Taylor expansion of the exponential function in (17) shows that for |ξ| ≤ k (throughout this proof, ξ is real), (W (1/k) )ˆ(ξ) ≪ 1/k. (20) In the same range, plainly J(ξ) ≪ 1. Hence, for |ξ| ≤ k, |(W (1/k) )ˆ(ξ) − J(ξ)| ≪ 1 ≪ Gk (ξ). On the other hand, for |ξ| > k, by (17), |(W (1/k) )ˆ(ξ) − J(ξ)| ≪ k k2 ≪ ≪ Gk (ξ). ξ2 ξ2 (21) P ROOF OF L EMMA 2.10. Our proof proceeds along the same lines as that of Lemma 2.3. From the explicit formula, 1 XX r log p log p (1/k) ′ e , h(W )ˆ, ZT (t)i = I + ℑ 1−k log T r≥1 p pr(1/2+1/ log T −it) log T + {z } | P r where σr , say log T log T (1/k) I := (W )ˆ (i/2 − t) + (W )ˆ (−i/2 − t) . 2π 2π To bound I ′ , we recall (17). It is simple to verify that for t ∈ [T, 2T ], log T 1 1 J (±i/2 − t) ≪ ≪ 2π T log T k √ in the range that k ≤ T . On the other hand, a bit more tediously, log T log T k k 1 K ± ≪ 7/4 ≪ , (±i/2 − t) ≪ exp 2 2 2π (1 − log T /2) + t 2k T k ′ (1/k) TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS again for k ≤ √ 17 T . This shows that 1 . k Thus, as in the H¨older inequality (18) of the proof of Lemma 2.3, 1/2ℓ 1/2ℓ 1 X 1 e 2ℓ E|σr |2ℓ . Eh(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi ≪ + k log T r≥1 I′ ≪ (22) But also as in that proof, for k > log T / log 2, σr = 0, ∀r ≥ 1. Otherwise, for k ≤ log T / log 2, the right hand side of (22) is likewise bound by log T X 1 1 1 ≪ + (ℓ!)1/2ℓ + k log T k 2r/2 r≥2 ≪ℓ1/2 /k. This proves the lemma. P ROOF OF L EMMA 2.11. We begin by considering the case that ǫ > 1/2. In this case, the lemma is tautological: P |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi| ≥ ǫ ≤ 1 ≪ ǫ2 . We may therefore suppose ǫ ∈ (0, 1/2). From Lemma 2.10, we see (noting that this condition on ǫ imposes k ≥ 2), e ≥ ǫ ≤ 1 E |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi| e 2 P |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi| ǫ2 1 ≤ ǫ2 . ≪ (ǫk)2 On the other hand, from (20) and (21), for all k ≥ 1, we have (W (1/k) )ˆ(ξ) ≪ J(ξ), ∀ξ ≥ 0. (23) Hence, using the symmetry of (W (1/k) )ˆin the first line below, Z V h 2πy 2πy i dy (1/k) (1/k) o (W )ˆ(y) Ω t + h(W )ˆ, ZT (t)i = lim −Ω t− V →∞ 0 log T log T log T 1 . ≪hJ, ZTo (t)i ≪ log T We are justified in applying the bound (23) in passing to the second line because, as in the proof of Lemma 2.5, Ω(t + 2πy/ log T ) − Ω(t − 2πy/ log T ) ≥ 0 for all y ≥ 0. 18 BRAD RODGERS Thus for sufficiently large T (such that 1/ log T is small in comparison to ǫ), e ≥ ǫ/2 ≪ ǫ2 , P |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi| ≥ ǫ ≤ P |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi| as claimed. 3. Ratio bounds With the bounds of Theorems 1.1 and 2.6 in place, it is a simple matter to bound moments of ratios of the zeta function. P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1.3. In this proof we assume ℜ β 6= 0 throughout. Using the Hadamard product representation for the zeta function [24, Th. 10.12] and Stirling’s formula for the Gamma function [1, Cor. 1.4.3], it is straightforward to verify that for fixed α, β ∈ C, ζ 21 + logα T + it Y α − i log T (γ − t) 2π 2π = (1 + o(1)) lim , (24) log T β β V →∞ 1 − i (γ − t) ζ 2 + log T + it 2π |γ|≤V 2π where because ℜβ 6= 0 the product converges to a finite number (on RH). Here o(1) is a quantity that tends to 0 uniformly for t ∈ [T, 2T ] as T → ∞. Using Log(z) := log |z| + iArg(z), with Arg(z) ∈ (−π, π] for all z ∈ C, and defining α − iξ Lα,β (ξ) := Log 2π , β − iξ 2π one sees that the expression (24) is equal to (1 + o(1)) exp hLα,β , ZT (t)i (25) (A little care must be taken, of course, whenever taking the logarithm of a complex number, but here, due to the exponential, no problems arise. One must check that the sum defining hLα,β , ZT (t)i converges, but this is straightforward using the symmetry of γ.) Note that for |ξ| > max(2π|α|, 2π|β|) 1 − α i2πξ Lα,β (ξ) = Log = i(α − β)J(ξ) + Oα,β (Q(ξ)), β 1 − i2πξ TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 19 while, as long as ℜβ 6= 0, we have for |ξ| < max(2π|α|, 2π|β|), α − iξ 2π = exp O Q(ξ) , α,β β − iξ 2π since for this region of ξ, the left hand side is bounded above, and the right hand side is bounded from below. Hence for all ξ ∈ R, Lα,β (ξ) = i(α − β)J(ξ) + Oα,β (Q(ξ)). Thus for fixed α, β, m, with ℜ β 6= 0, 1 ζ 2 + logαT + it m =(1 + o(1)) exp mℜ hLα,β , Zi ζ 1 + β + it 2 log T =(1 + o(1)) exp O hJ, Zi + O hQ, Zi . Now the theorem at hand follows from Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 2.7. (26) Remark: There is an alternative to the identity (25) that is more exact algebraically. Under RH, it may be seen (for instance, with [31, Eq. (14.10.5)] as a starting point) that for ℜ α, β > 0, ζ 21 + logα T + it e . = exp hLα,β , Zi (27) ζ 21 + logβ T + it To use this identity in the proof above to treat those values of α or β with negative real part, the functional equation must be made use of. 4. A random matrix interlude 4.1. In this section, we develop analogues for the unitary group of our tail bound for linear statistics (for zeta zeros this was Theorem 1.1), the determinantal evaluation of correlation functions (for the zeta zeros, Conjecture 1.4), the evaluation of ratios of the zeta function (Conjecture 1.5), a uniform upper bound on moments of ratios (Theorem 1.3) and also the more technical tail bound for oscillatory linear statistics (Lemma 2.11). We will make use of these estimates in the next section. The unitary group U(N) is the group of N × N complex matrices g satisfying g ∗ g = I. In what follows we endow this group with Haar probability measure. Any such unitary matrix g has N eigenvalues that lie on the unit circle, which we write as {ei2πθ1 , ..., ei2πθN } with θi ∈ [−1/2, 1/2) for all i. 20 BRAD RODGERS The k level correlations of eigenvalues are in this case known exactly [3, Eq. (39.12)]. T HEOREM 4.1 (The Weyl-Gaudin-Dyson integration formula). For k ≤ N and any integrable function η : [−N/2, N/2)k → C, Z X η(Nθj1 , ..., Nθjk ) = η(x) det KN (xi − xj ) dk x, EU (N ) where KN (x) := k×k [−N/2,N/2)k j1 ,...,jk distinct sin(πx) . N sin(πx/N ) This implies that for any integrable function η : Rk → C, Z X η(Nθj1 , ..., Nθjk ) ∼ η(x) det K(xi − xj ) dk x. EU (N ) k×k Rk j1 ,...,jk distinct T (γ −t)} This formula of course mirrors the GUE Conjecture, so that the points { log 2π may be modeled by the random points {Nθi }. In fact, instead of the collection of points {Nθ1 , ..., NθN }, it will be even more natural to work with these S points pulled back to have period N; that is we consider the collection of points ν∈Z {N(θ1 + ν), ..., N(θN + ν)}. The reader may check that here too we have, Z X X η(N(θj1 + ν), ..., N(θjk + ν)) = η(x) det KN (xi − xj ) dk x EU (N ) k×k Rk j1 ,...,jk ν∈Zk distinct ∼ Z Rk η(x) det K(xi − xj ) dk x. k×k (28) We label the characteristic polynomial of a random unitary matrix g in the following way: Λ(A) := det(1 − e−A g), (29) where A may be any complex number. Note that N Λ(α/N) Y sin π(θi − α/2πN) = Λ(β/N) i=1 sin π(θi − β/2πN) N Y V Y α 2π β V →∞ i=1 ν=−V 2π = lim − N(θi + ν) − N(θi + ν) , (30) TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 21 where in passing to the last line we have made use of the classical identity ∞ Y z2 1− 2 . sin πz = πz ℓ ℓ=1 Aside from being useful later on, by comparison with (24), the identity (30) makes transparent the similarity between ratios of characteristic polynomials and ratios of the zeta function. For these ratios, we note a formula that, in effect, is due to Borodin, Olshanksi, and Strahov [2]. T HEOREM 4.2. For complex numbers A1 , ..., Am and B1 , ..., Bm with ℜ Bℓ 6= 0 for all ℓ and Ai 6= Bj for all i, j, E(N Ai ,N Bj ) m det Y Λ(Aℓ ) Bj Ai e −e EU (N ) = 1 Λ(Bℓ ) det ℓ=1 eAi −eBj Recall that the function E is defined in Conjecture 1.5. In fact, the authors in [2] do not prove exactly Theorem 4.2, but rather a somewhat more general statement which may be seen with a little work to imply it. An account of this short derivation from [2] to Theorem 4.2 will be found in section 5.4 of the forthcoming paper [5]. There is also another proof, based on supersymmetry, in the paper [23]. This paper uses a rather different notation, but Theorem 4.2 is in fact a specialization of identity (4.35) there. As a simple corollary, C OROLLARY 4.3. For complex numbers α1 , ..., αm and β1 , ..., βm with ℜ βℓ 6= 0 for all ℓ, and αi 6= βj for all i, j, E(αi ,βj ) m det αi −βj Y Λ(αℓ /N) , EU (N ) ∼ 1 Λ(βℓ /N) det ℓ=1 αi −βj as N → ∞. Furthermore, with a little more work, C OROLLARY 4.4. For complex numbers α, β with ℜ β 6= 0, and for any m ≥ 0, uniformly in N Λ(α/N) m EU (N ) ≪α,β,m 1. Λ(β/N) 22 BRAD RODGERS P ROOF. From H¨older’s inequality, if 2k is an even integer larger than m Λ(α/N) m Λ(α/N) 2k m/2k EU (N ) . ≤ EU (N ) Λ(β/N) Λ(β/N) Let A := α/N and B := β/N, and note that for a unitary matrix g, det(1 − e−A g) 2k det(1 − e−A g)k det(1 − e−A g −1 )k = det(1 − e−B g) det(1 − e−B g)k det(1 − e−B g −1 )k = det(1 − e−A g)k det(1 − eA g)k . det(1 − e−B g)k det(1 − eB g)k As long as A 6= B, the average of this quantity can be computed exactly and seen to be uniformly bounded using Theorem 4.2. And if A = B the corollary is trivial. 4.2. We also have results that mirror Theorem 1.1 and Lemma 2.11 for the linear statistics of (pulled-back) eigenvalues. In analogy with our discussion of zeta zeros, for a matrix g ∈ U(N) with eigenangles {θi } as before, we use the notation hη, Ei = hη, EN (g)i := lim V →∞ hη, E o i := lim V →∞ N X V X i=1 ν=−V Z V η N(θi + ν) , η(x) dx, −V e = hη, EeN (g)i := hη, Ei − hη, E o i, hη, Ei when these limits exist. Clearly if η decays quadratically the limits exist, for any unitary matrix g. As before, we sometime substitute E or EN for EN (g). For η = fˆ with f ∈ L1 (R) and of bounded variation, the integral defining hη, E oi may be seen to converge to (f (0+) + f (0−))/2 (see [22, Th. 4.3.4] for instance). Likewise, by the Poisson summation formula (see [24, Th. D.3] for instance) it may be seen for such η that the sum defining hη, Ei converges also. Indeed, in this latter case the Poisson summation formula tells us that 1 X Tr(g j )F (−j/N), (31) hη, EN (g)i = N j∈Z where for typographical reasons we write F (x) := (f (x+) + f (x−))/2. Hence also, 1 X hη, EeN (g)i = Tr(g j )F (−j/N). (32) N j6=0 We prove, in analogy with Theorem 1.1, TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 23 T HEOREM 4.5. For Q defined as in Theorem 1.1, for all N ≥ 1 and x ≥ 2, P hQ, EN i ≥ x ≪ e−Cx log x , where the constant C and the implicit constant are absolute. Likewise, in analogy with Lemma 2.11, L EMMA 4.6. For any ǫ ≥ 0 and k ≥ 1/ǫ2 , for all N ≥ 1, P(|h(W (1/k) )ˆ, EN i| ≥ ǫ) ≪ ǫ2 . Indeed, these results are proved in much the same way, except that we will replace analytic number theory with a random matrix result of Diaconis and Shashahani [12]5. T HEOREM 4.7 (Diaconis-Shahshahani). Consider a = (a1 , ..., ak ) and b = (b1 , ..., bk ) P P with a1 , a2 , ..., b1 , b2 , ... ∈ N≥0 . If kj=1 jaj + kj=1 jbj ≤ 2N, then EU (N ) k Y j aj Tr(g ) j=1 Tr(g j )bj dg = δab k Y j aj aj ! (33) j=1 As Diaconis and Shahshahani note, if C1 , C2 , ... are independent standard normal law complex variables (that is Cj = X + iY with X and Y independent and identically distributed NR (0, 1/2) variables), then the right hand side of (33) may also be written k Y p p E ( jCj )aj ( jCj )bj . (34) j=1 For convenience, by anology with Tr(g −j ) = Tr(g j ), we also define the random variables C−j := Cj , so that small moments of the traces Tr(g j ) may be identified with small moments of p gaussians. (Though a caution: this identification between j moments of Tr(g ) and |j|Cj holds only for small moments as in the theorem!) We are now in a position to prove an analogue of Lemma 2.3. L EMMA 4.8. For an absolute constant B2′ , uniformly for N ≥ 1 and 2ℓ ≤ k, we have E|hGk , EeN i|2ℓ ≤ (B2′ ℓ)ℓ . 5Though note in this source there is a minor mistake in the statement of the result. This is corrected in, for instance, [11]. 24 BRAD RODGERS P ROOF. From (32), 1 X ˆ k (−j/N) hGk , EeN (g)i = Tr(g j )G N j6=0 1 X ˆ k (−j/N), Tr(g j )G = N |j|≤N/k j6=0 ˆ k ⊂ [−1/k, 1/k], as in (10). with the second line following because supp G We have then 2ℓ 1 X p 2ℓ e ˆ E|hGk , EN (g)i| = E |j|Cj Gk (−j/N) , N |j|≤N/k j6=0 Q Q because one may see that any product Tr(g j )aj Tr(g j )bj that would occur in P ˆ k (−j/N)|2ℓ must have P jaj + P jbj ≤ 2ℓ · N/k ≤ the expansion of | Tr(g j )G ˆ k is even, so N, which is certainly less than 2N. Yet, recalling (6), we see that G that Xp 1 Xp ˆ k (j/N) ˆ k (−j/N) = 1 |j|Cj G j(2ℜCj )G N j6=0 N j>0 2 X law ˆ k (j/N)2 , = NR 0, 2 jG N j≥0 with the last reduction because the random variables 2ℜCj are i.i.d real gaussians with mean 0 and of variance 2. Therefore eN (g)i|2ℓ = (2ℓ − 1)!! E|hGk , E 2 X ℓ 2 ˆ j Gk (j/N) , N 2 j≥0 ˆ k (x)| ≤ with (2ℓ − 1)!! := (2ℓ − 1) · (2ℓ − 3) · · · 3 · 1. From (10), we know |G k(1 − |kx|)+ , so 2 X ˆ k2 2 j G (j/N) ≪ k N 2 j≥0 N2 X 0<j<N/k j(1 − jk/N)2+ ≪ 1. Using Stirling’s formula to bound (2ℓ−1)!! = (2ℓ)!/2ℓ ℓ!, we obtain the lemma. Likewise we have an analogue of Lemma 2.4. TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 25 L EMMA 4.9. For an absolute constant B3′ , hGk , E o i = B3′ k. P ROOF. This is evident from the definition of hGk , E o i. We now prove Theorem 4.5 in the same manner that we proved Theorem 1.1. P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1.1. For even integers k, and all positive y, ′ k/2 e ≥ y) ≤ 1 E|hGk , Ei| e K ≤ (B2 k) , P(hGk , Ei yk yk yet e + hGk , Ei ≥ x) P(hQ, Ei ≥ x) ≤ P(hGk , Ei e ≥ x − B ′ k). = P(hGk , Ei 3 4B3′ With no loss of generality, we may assume x ≥ and take k to be the positive even integer satisfying x/2B3′ − 2 ≤ k ≤ x/2B3′ . In particular, we have x − B3′ k ≥ x/2 and the theorem follows, as before by combining the two lines above. Our proof of Lemma 4.6 is likewise parallel to that of Lemma 2.11. P ROOF OF L EMMA 4.6. From the Poisson summation formula (31), 1 X Tr(g j )W (1/k) (−j/N). h(W (1/k) )ˆEN i = N j6=0 (Note that (W (1/k) (0+) + W (1/k) (0−))/2 = 0. This enables us to dispense with the j = 0 term of the summand.) As |W (1/k) (x)| ≪ 1 for all x ∈ R and W (1/k) (x) = 0 for |x| ≥ 1/k, we see from Theorem 4.7 of Diaconis and Shashahani, as long as k ≥ 2, 1 X E|h(W (1/k) )ˆ, EN i|2 = 2 |j| · W (1/k) (−j/N)2 N j6=0 1 X |j| ≪ 2 N |j|≤N/k 1 . k2 Now, as in the proof of Lemma 2.11, for ǫ > 1/2, trivially, P |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Ei| ≥ ǫ ≤ 1 ≪ ǫ2 . ≪ 26 BRAD RODGERS On the other hand, if ǫ ≤ 1/2, then the conditions of the lemma at hand force that k ≥ 2, so that 1 P |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Ei| ≥ ǫ ≤ 2 E |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Ei|2 ǫ 1 ≤ ǫ2 . ≪ 2 (ǫk) Remark: Our proof above has differed from that of Lemma 2.11 in one respect; unlike with zeta zeros, there is no need to do any work bounding h(W (1/k) )ˆ, E oi. In the random matrix setting, this quantity is always 0. 5. The average of ratios: a proof of Theorem 1.6 5.1. sition. We begin our proof of Theorem 1.6 by demonstrating the following propo- P ROPOSITION 5.1. Assume the GUE Conjecture. Then for any continuous and quadratically decaying function η : R → R, lim E ehη,ZT i = lim E ehη,EN i , T →∞ N →∞ with both limits existing. P ROOF. We note in the first place that the GUE Conjecture and the implication (28) of the Weyl-Gaudin-Dyson integration formula imply for any non-negative integer ℓ and continuous and quadratically decaying function η, lim Ehη, ZT iℓ = lim Ehη, EN iℓ . T →∞ N →∞ (35) This is because both hη, ZT iℓ and hη, EN iℓ can respectively be written as a linear combination of correlation sums, log T X log T ∆j (f1 , ..., fj ) := f1 (γ1 − t) · · · fj (γj − t) , 2π 2π γ1 ,..,γk distinct and Dj (f1 , ..., fj ) := X X ν∈Z i1 ,...,ij distinct f1 (N(θi1 + ν)) · · · fj (N(θij + ν)), and on the GUE Conjecture ∆j and Dj have the same average as T, N → ∞. For instance, hη, Zi = ∆1 (η), TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 27 hη, Zi2 = ∆1 (η 2 ) + ∆2 (η, η), hη, Zi3 = ∆1 (η 3 ) + 3∆2 (η, η 2 ) + ∆3 (η, η, η), and so on, and likewise for hη, Ei. Now, we note that for x ≥ 0 and arbitrary k ≥ 0, x 0≤e − as ex − k X xℓ ℓ=0 ℓ! = k X xℓ ℓ=0 ℓ! ≤ xk+1 x e , (k + 1)! (36) ∞ ∞ X xℓ xk+1 X xj ≤ , ℓ! (k + 1)! j! j=0 ℓ=k+1 1 1 1 with the inequality following from the relation (k+1+j)! ≤ (k+1)! . Hence, j! k X 1 hη, Ziℓ k+1 hη,Zi E ehη,Zi − ≤ (k + 1)! E hη, Zi e ℓ! ℓ=0 ∞ X 1 ≤ (r + 1)k+1 er P hη, Zi ∈ [r, r + 1) (k + 1)! r=0 (37) Now, for r ≥ 0, by Theorem 1.1, P hη, Zi ∈ [r, r + 1) ≪ e−Cr log(r+2) , where the constant C and the implicit constant depend on η. More trivially, from the Taylor expansion of ex , (r + 1)k+1 ≤ k! (r + 1)er+1 . Applying these estimates to (37), k ∞ ℓ X X hη, Z i T hη,Z i E e T − ≪ 1 (r + 1)e2r+1 e−Cr log(r+2) ℓ! k + 1 r=0 ℓ=0 ≪ 1 , k+1 uniformly in T . By the same reasoning (replacing Theorem 1.1 with its random matrix analogue Theorem 4.5), k ℓ X hη, E i N hη,E i E e N − ≪ 1 . ℓ! k+1 ℓ=0 uniformly in N. 28 BRAD RODGERS Hence, applying (35) to the above, we see that as T → ∞, 1 E ehη,ZT i = lim E ehη,EN i + O + o(1). N →∞ k+1 As k may be chosen arbitrarily, the proposition follows. Remark: This theorem is only a slight modification of a standard theorem in probability theory: that the distribution of a point process is controlled by its correlation functions, provided the point process has rapidly decaying tails (c.f. [20, Lemma 4.2.6]). In our context, convergence in distribution translates to the claim that if F is bounded and continuous, limT →∞ F (hη, ZT i) = limN →∞ F (hη, EN i). The fact that ex is unbounded entailed additional difficulties over the usual proof. 5.2. We are finally in a position to use the GUE Conjecture to evaluate the average of ratios of the zeta function. P ROOF. Throughout this proof we take β, βℓ 6= 0, and regard m, and α, β, α1 , ..., αm , β1 , ..., βm to be fixed, with αi 6= βj for all i, j. By (25), 1 α ζ 2 + log T + it , exp(hLα,β , ZT (t)i) = (1 + o(1)) ζ 21 + logβ T + it uniformly for t ∈ [T, 2T ]. From this and the bound of powers of ratios, in Theorem 1.3, one sees that Z 2T Y m m ζ 1 + αℓ + it X 2 log T 1 dt = E exp(h Lαℓ ,βℓ , ZT i) + o(1). (38) T T ℓ=1 ζ 1 + βℓ + it ℓ=1 2 log T We record the observation, also following from (25), that ζ 1 + α + it 2 log T . exp(ℜ hLα,β , ZT (t)i) = (1 + o(1)) ζ 21 + logβ T + it (39) This implies, of course, that the left hand side of (39) has a uniformly bounded m-th moments for fixed α, β, and m, with β 6= 0, by Theorem 1.3. We define (1/k) (1/k) Lα,β (ξ) := Lα,β (ξ) − i(α − β)(W (1/k) )ˆ(ξ). Intuitively, Lα,β should be thought of as an approximation to the function Lα,β (ξ)1|ξ|≤k . In particular, from (26) and Lemma 2.9 – which demonstrate that both Lα,β and TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 29 (W (1/k) )ˆ may be decomposed into a linear combination of the function J and a function that decays quadratically – we see that (1/k) Lα,β (ξ) ≪k Q(ξ). (40) Because (W (1/k) )ˆis real valued, we have that for α, β ∈ R, with β 6= 0, (1/k) exp(ℜ hLα,β , ZT (t)i) = exp(ℜ hLα,β , ZT (t)i) (41) and so the left hand side of (41) also has a uniformly bounded m-th moments for fixed α, β and m, with β 6= 0. In the proof that follows we let ǫ > 0 be arbitrary but small, and choose k ≥ 1/ǫ2 . Defining m X A := (αℓ − βℓ ), ℓ=1 and returning to (38), we have E exp(h m X ℓ=1 Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) = E exp(h m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ + iA(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi). (42) We split this average into two parts, writing H≥ǫ := {t ∈ [T, 2T ] : |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi ≥ ǫ}, H<ǫ := {t ∈ [T, 2T ] : |h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi < ǫ}. Then (42) is equal to E 1H≥ǫ · exp(h | m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ + iA(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi) {z } :=M + E 1H<ǫ · exp(h | m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ + iA(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi) . {z } :=N For sufficiently large T (depending on ǫ), by Cauchy-Schwarz, v u m q X u (1/k) t |M| ≤ P(H≥ǫ ) E exp(2ℜ h Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) ℓ=1 ≪ ǫ, with the last line following from Lemma 2.11 to bound P(H≥ǫ ) and (41) to bound the other term. 30 BRAD RODGERS On the other hand, N = E 1H<ǫ exp(h = E 1H<ǫ exp(h m X ℓ=1 m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi + O(ǫ)) (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) + O ǫ · E 1H<ǫ exp(ℜ h m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi), as for small ǫ, we have eO(ǫ) = 1 + O(ǫ). Using (41), we see that E 1H<ǫ exp(ℜ h m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) ≪ 1, so that N = E 1H<ǫ exp(h m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) + O(ǫ) m m X X (1/k) (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) − E 1H≥ǫ exp(h Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) + O(ǫ). = E exp(h ℓ=1 ℓ=1 And as before, for sufficiently large T , by Cauchy-Schwarz,6 v u m m q X X u (1/k) (1/k) E 1H≥ǫ exp(h Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) ≤ P(H≥ǫ )tE exp(2ℜ h Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) ℓ=1 ℓ=1 ≪ ǫ. Putting everything together, we have that E exp(h m X ℓ=1 Lαℓ ,βℓ , ZT i) = E exp(h uniformly for sufficiently large T . m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , ZT i) + O(ǫ), (43) In exactly the same manner, this argument may be repeated for eigenvalues of the unitary group, using the results of section 4. We see that EU (N ) m Y Λ(αℓ /N) ℓ=1 6 Λ(βℓ /N) = E exp(h m X ℓ=1 Lαℓ ,βℓ , EN i) + o(1), (44) Note that it is really only in the inequalities that follow that we have exploited the assumption Pm (1/k) that α, β are real. It is from this assumption that we can easily bound E exp(h ℓ=1 ℜ Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) uniformly in k, by using that fact that ℜiA(W (1/k) )ˆ = 0. TAIL BOUNDS FOR COUNTS OF ZEROS 31 in analogy to (38), and E exp(h m X ℓ=1 Lαℓ ,βℓ , EN i) = E exp(h uniformly for all N, in analogy with (43). m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , EN i) + O(ǫ), (45) Using (38) and (43), we see that Z 2T Y m ζ 1 + αℓ + it m X 2 log T 1 (1/k) dt = E exp(h Lαℓ ,βℓ , ZT i) + O(ǫ) + o(1), T T ℓ=1 ζ 1 + βℓ + it ℓ=1 2 log T as T → ∞. Likewise, passing from (44) to (45), EU (N ) m Y Λ(αℓ /N) ℓ=1 as N → ∞. Λ(βℓ /N) = E exp(h m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , EN i) + O(ǫ) + o(1), Proposition 5.1 implies that the main terms of the right hand sides of these identities are asymptotically equal: lim E exp(h T →∞ ℓ=1 Hence, 1 T Z T m 2T Y ℓ=1 m X ζ ζ 1 2 + αℓ log T 1 2 + βℓ log T (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , ZT i) = lim E exp(h N →∞ m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , EN i). m + it Y Λ(αℓ /N) dt = lim EU (N ) + O(ǫ) + o(1). N →∞ Λ(βℓ /N) + it ℓ=1 Because ǫ is arbitrary, our theorem now follows from the evaluation in Corollary 4.3. 5.3. We have said that similar methods may be used to show that the GUE Conjecture implies not only the Local Ratio Conjecture with real translations, but in fact the Local Ratio Conjecture in general. We conclude by giving a very brief sketch of how this may be done. We note that in the above argument, the only place we have used the assumption that α1 , .., αm , β1 , ..., βm are real is in exploiting the fact that then ℜiA(W (1/k) )ˆ = 0. We do note really need for this term to be 0 though; we need only for its exponential moments to be uniformly bounded in k. That is, if one shows that uniformly for large k, P(|h(W (1/k) )ˆ, Zi| ≥ x) ≪ e−Cx log x , (46) 32 BRAD RODGERS this is enough to bound the terms E exp(2ℜ h m X ℓ=1 (1/k) Lαℓ ,βℓ , Zi) uniformly in k, and the proof proceeds as before. (46) in turn may be proven in much the same way as Theorem 1.1, Theorem 2.6 and Corollary 2.7. 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