MARCH 2015 - Calgary Board of Education


MARCH 2015 - Calgary Board of Education
MARCH 2015
Scholarship and Deadline
University of Saskatchewan
Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship range from
$500 to $3000 for grades from 85 to 95% or
greater. Competitive Entrance Awards based
December 15, March 1
on academic achievement, financial need, and
contributions to school and community.
Supporting documents must be provided by
March 15.
International Summer Science Institute – D. Bessie F. Attend ISSI for 1 month, July 1-29, of your
graduating year (including a field study at the
Dead Sea!) Excelled in Science studies,
demonstrated interest in research, fluent in
March 1 Application deadline
English. Complete application form with
transcripts and 3 letters of recommendation.
Email: [email protected]
University of Calgary
Various high school awards, and international student
One online application accesses numerous
scholarships based on academics and financial
need. Use the High School Awards application.
Various criteria. Supporting documents due
March 15.
March 1
University of Lethbridge
Entrance – various criteria - $500-$6000
Entrance and Leadership Scholarships
Leadership - $500-$5000.
March 15
Check website for additional scholarships.
Complete awards application required.
Average 85% plus.
Mount Royal University
200 entrance awards, up to $10000
Presidents = full 1 yr tuition plus $1000.
March 1
Academic Excellence = $1000 (apply during
early admission/ 90% plus)
Entrance bursaries = $1000
Miller Thomson Foundation
March 1
$ varies. $1000.
to school
and= community
Cdn citizen, 87% plus over gr 10-12.
Haworth Scholarships (with Paid internship for
Diversity Scholarship)
$2000 - $10000
Diversity - $2000 plus paid internship In general average of 77% plus, volunteer and
extra curricular experience. Trades scholarship
average is low 70% range.
March 2
For more information e-mail
[email protected]
ConocoPhillips Youth Distinction Awards
Students can be nominated for the following:
Advocacy, Arts & Culture, Environmental,
Leadership, Peer Support, Perseverance,
Sportsmanship, Volunteerism. Applicants must
March 3, 2014 – not published yet for 2015!
be Age 13-18.
March 9
16 - $1000 bursaries – outline contributions
made to communities in a short online
essay, maximum 1,250 words. Leadership,
motivation and communication skills. Other
attributes may include volunteering,
participation in charitable events or
fundraising, and contributions that enrich
the lives of others and their communities.
Calgary Stampede Western Showcase Art Show
Grade 12, one piece of original artwork,
Western theme, 3 awards ($1500 - $2000)
Log in to website, then look under Western Art
Auction, Scholarships.
REMAX "Quest for Excellence"
March 7
University of Dalhousie Scholarships
March 15
Belcourt Brousseau Métis Awards
March 31
Email : [email protected]
Entrance Scholarships, criteria varies. Apply for
admission by March 15th; fill out the General
Entrance Award Application.
140 awards ranging from $2000-$7000 to
support Métis students, for post-secondary
training of any kind. AB resident. Cdn citizen or
permanent resident. Special consideration
given to those in financial need.
Kirpal Kaur Dhindsa Scholarship/Prominent Homes
1 Award for Henry Wise Wood out of 2 school
March 31
$1000! Privately sponsored scholarship in
memory of Kirpal Kaur Dhindsa. R ecipient of
this scholarship must demonstrate ambition
and a dedication to education. Must be
nominated by a staff member. 250 word
paragraph on the importance of education and
Recipient may be required to write a letter of
thanks and submit a school photo with the
Canadian Association of Principals Student Leadership Each High School is eligible for 1 nomination.
Award/ Lifetouch
Student leader in school & community,
academic achievement.
Nomination deadline for 2015 not released yet. See
your counsellor if you feel you meet the criteria for
nomination by March 31.
Leonard Foundation
March 15 – through your regional nominators – go to
website and find our area nominator email/address and
complete application
Rotary Club Scholarship
140 ($1000 to $1500)
Preference to children of clergy, teachers,
military or engineers.
Financial need, leadership ability.
Check website