CFD workflow
CFD workflow
Disclaimer “This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, the producer of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD® trade marks.” Introductory OpenFOAM® Course From 16th to 20th February, 2015 University of Genoa, DICCA Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica e Ambientale Your Lecturer Joel GUERRERO [email protected] [email protected] Today’s lecture 1. CFD simulation workflow CFD simulation workflow Geometry description Mesh generation Visualization CFD simulation workflow GEOMETRY UP TO 70% OF USER TIME THIS IS THE BOTTLENECK MESHING CASE SETUP UP TO 10% OF USER TIME VISUALIZATION UP TO 20% OF USER TIME The percentages shown are based on my personal experience. CFD simulation workflow GEOMETRY MESH SOLVER CO-PROCESSING PARAMETRIZATION OPTIMIZATION VISUALIZATION Parametric or optimization approach – Simulation loop CFD simulation workflow PARALLEL ASYNCHRONOUS OR CONCURRENT DRIVER MULTIDIMENSIONAL OR PARAMETRIC STUDY DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OPTIMIZATION STUDY UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION ROBUST DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION UNDER UNCERTAINTY MULTIOBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION SURROGATE BASED OPTIMIZATION GEOMETRY GEOMETRY MESH MESH MESH SOLVER CO-PROCESSING SOLVER CO-PROCESSING SOLVER PARAMETRIZATION OPTIMIZATION PARAMETRIZATION OPTIMIZATION PARAMETRIZATION OPTIMIZATION VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION VISUALIZATION CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE N AUTOMATIC POST-PROCESSING Concurrent approach – Simulation nested loop CO-PROCESSING DECISION MATRIX OR HUMAN DECISION MAKER GEOMETRY CFD simulation workflow GEOMETRY MESHING CASE SETUP AND SOLVER POST PROCESSING Salome blockMesh OpenFOAM® (FVM) paraFoam Blender snappyHexMesh Code Saturne (FVM) paraView Free-CAD Salome SU2 (FVM) VISIT Google Sketch-Up Engrid Overture (FDM) Gnuplot pythonOCC GMSH ELMER Openscad TETGEN OpenVSP (FEM-DG) Scilab Fenics (FEM) Grace pythonOCC OpenLB (LBM) Python Calculix Palabos (LBM) Shell scripting cfMesh R computational statistics This list does not enumerate all the open source applications available. It only shows those applications that I like to use or I feel confortable with. CFD simulation workflow OpenFOAM built-in meshing technology blockMesh or external mesher Background mesh Any commercial or open source CAD or solid modelling tool snappyHexMesh foamyQuadMesh blockMesh Salome Geometry (STL file) foamyHexMesh Any commercial or open source CAD or solid modelling tool cfMesh OpenFOAM polyMesh Any open source mesher TETGEN GMSH Netgen Engrid Calculix Any commercial or open source CAD or solid modelling tool The diagram does not show all the applications available. Commercial meshers Thank you for your attention These lectures notes are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit