mass intentions - Canadian Martyrs Catholic Parish


mass intentions - Canadian Martyrs Catholic Parish
835 Northmount Dr., N.W. Calgary, AB T2L 0A3
TEL: 403-284-3311, FAX: 403-220-0095
E-mail: [email protected] web site:
Pastor: Fr. Jos Tom Kalathil Parambil e-mail:[email protected]
Fr. Paulos Tewelde - In Residence
Secretary: Regina C. Bartlett
Custodian: PolMax ecology cleaning Ltd
Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning - 9:00 & 10:45 a.m.
Weekday Masses: Monday - 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday - 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday – Saturday - 9:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday - 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.
or any time by appointment.
Adoration of Blessed Sacrament:
1 Friday of the month - 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Rosary: Sunday, 8:30 a.m. before Mass.
Weekdays, before all Masses.
Baptism Preparation: A family interview with the
priest is required prior to any arrangement for the
baptism of a child. Baptismal Instruction is
obligatory for both parents.
Wedding Arrangements: Couples contemplating
marriage should contact a priest at least six
months prior to the date chosen. Couples who
are planning to be married at Canadian Martyrs
Catholic Parish are expected to regularly worship
with this Parish Community and to participate in a
Marriage Preparation Program.
Teacher’s Profession of Faith: Teachers in such
a situation should make themselves known to the
priest of the parish, be registered, regularly
attend Mass at this parish and participate in a
ministry. Teacher should bring their completed
faith form to their interview with the pastor.
Pastoral Health Care Team – welcomes the
opportunity to visit and bring the Eucharist to our
housebound parishioners. Contact the Parish Office or
Tess Langill 403-249-0969 to schedule visits at home
or in the hospital.
Parish Pastoral Council –
1 Thursday of the month 7:30 p.m.
Catholic Women’s League –
3 Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m.
Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Monday - Friday
Knights of Columbus –
1 Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul –
2 and 4 Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word - (ages 3-7)
Sept –June - Held at the 10:30 am Sunday
masses except on Holidays and Long weekends
of the Calgary Catholic Schools.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – For
those preparing for Baptism or for entry into Full
Communion with the Catholic Church.
Second Sunday of Lent
March 1, 2015 -A Vocation
View: If you need an example of a
person responding to a vocational
call, look at Abraham - called in old
age to leave his country, father a
child, then asked to sacrifice the
child. What faith! Vocation is a risky
response to a unique call from God.
Mon Mar 2
9:00 am
Tues Mar 3
7:00 pm
Wed Mar 4
9:00 am
Thurs Mar 5
9:00 am
Fri Mar 6
9:00 am
Sat Mar 7
9:00 am
Sat Mar 7
5:00 pm
Theresa MacLeod & Family
(LIV) Req Lilien Dobish
Sun Mar 8
9:00 am
Sun Mar 8
Joan Shenfield (RIP)
Req CanMar C.W.L.
Fr. Joe (LIV)
Mon Mar 9
9:00 am
Regi Allan Brandt (RIP)
Req Domenico Puglia
Anne Tseu (LIV)
Req The Family
Olga Leibel (RIP)
Req Theresa Taverna Hryhor
Harty Family
Req Lucille & Jack Schavemaker
Robert McLeod (RIP)
Req Lilien Dobish
Ling Family
Req Angelina & Lawrence
Req Robert & Regina Bartlett
Amanda Fields (RIP)
Req Anne Martindale
YOUR PRAYERS -- May they know the
deep love & support of our community through
our thoughts & prayers. Especially, Helen &
Bill Patterson, Daisy Giachino, Bruce Cairns,
Lin Navarro, Bill Carpenter, Elvia Tognazzini,
Jean Ibach, Simon Beile, Jayden De Sa, Ivor
Shenfield, & Matt Skletowich.
Welcome to all new parishioners. Please take a
moment to fill out a registration form in the
foyer. Our ushers will be happy to assist you.
Parish Fund Raising Program-The following articles are for
sale after each weekend Mass at the Knights of Columbus
table: Gift cards, Safeway, Calgary Coop, Vocation Book for
$10.00. Visa & Master Cards are honored.
Prayer Chain –What is a gift you can give or receive that
you do not have to pay membership, user fees or taxes? “The
Gift of Giving Prayers” The Prayer Chain is very strong here
at Canadian Martyrs Parish and we are not afraid to ask God
or our favorite saints to help intervene with our requests or
thanksgiving. Praying for others also showers benefits on the
one who pray. If you are interested to be a Prayer Chain
Apostolate, please call Nadean Meyer at 403-282-1654, or the
office at 403-284-3311. Thank you & God Bless.
Message from Bishop Fred Henry-Re: Together in Action
2015-There is a story of a little boy who was frightened one
night during a big thunderstorm. Terrified, he called out from
his room, "Daddy, I am scared!" His father, not wanting to get
out of bed, called back, "Don't worry, son. God loves you and
will take care of you."There was a moment of silence. The
little boy said, "I know God loves me, but right now, I need
somebody who has skin on."Sometimes God seems almost
untouchable. We experience the need for something that will
give us the inner strength to cope with life, or peace of mind
and freedom from feelings of fear and anxiety. We sometimes
see ourselves falling apart and in need of something bigger
than ourselves to hold us together. Sometimes we have sense
of being wounded, hurt, broken, and in need of healing. That
is where Jesus comes in. He was God with skin on, walking
among us and showing us what God is like. I think C. S.
Lewis put it well: "The Son of God became a man that men
might become sons of God." As such, we are called to
empower one another to face our present, even if it is arduous,
in the redeeming love of Jesus - to be sons and daughters of
God “with skin on.”This is what Together in Action is all
about. Please give generously. Our target this year is $20,842.
Nickels for Novices - We are grateful to the members of our
parish for the generosity in support of students in our
diocese vocations program. The total contribution to date
for 2015 is $145.00
CWL News- All are welcome to the WORLD DAY OF
PRAYER - Friday, March 6, 2015 at 1:30 pm here at
Canadian Martyrs- WDP is a global, ecumenical movement
of Christian women joined together to observe a common day
of prayer each year. Contact any CWL member or the office.
Lenten Food Drive - The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will
be distributing "grocery bags" after the Masses on the
Weekend of March 21/22. We appreciate your ongoing
support, especially during Lent.
Canadian Martyrs Parish Sacramental Preparation for
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion-2015
Reconciliation Preparation –this weekend-March 1, 8 15,
22, at 10:45 m Mass. March 25 Parent meeting &children
prep. at 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Celebration: Saturday, March
28,2015at 1:00 pm. Please call Tonia Hemsing for further
details Phone: 403.774.5271 [email protected]
Holy Communion-Thurs. March 26-Parent Night, 1st
Session-6:30-7:30 pm. March 29, Apr 19, 26- May 3 all at
10:45 am Mass Sunday. May 30th Sat- Rehearsal 10 am.
Please call Colomba at 403-245-2980 or e-mail
[email protected] Celebration –Sun, May 31st at 10:45 am.
Parish Pastoral Council will meet on March 5 at 7:00 pm
Self improvement
March 1,2015
Mk 9:2-10
What do you want to change in your life? Your job
or appearance, maybe where you live? It’s hard to exist
today without creating a list of the alterations we’d like
to make. We compare ourselves to people in the news
or the neighborhood, constantly assessing what needs
improvement. College classrooms and health clubs are
filled with self-improvers, eagerly pursuing their goals.
Yet even when the changes are complete and
successful, something is missing. We just can’t seem to
transform ourselves to the people we want to be.
That’s where God comes in. Into each of our lives
He issues a call to come and be changed. If we will
step apart from life’s clamor and climb with Him to
solitary heights, we will find true transforming power.
Alone on His mountaintop, we can bask in God’s
shining presence, ready to be transfigured by divine
love and grace. Only then will we find the perfection
we seek, the perfection of a heart forgiven, healed and
filled by the power of God. Come join Peter, James and
John today and see your Savior in all His revealed
glory. And you too will say “Lord, it is good that we are
©Copyright 2012 C L Enterprises
©Copyright 2012 C L Enterprises
During the 40 days of Lent -make a spiritual pilgrimage
of prayer by leading a Stations of the Cross. Thank you
everyone for all your volunteer help. Please come & join us.
Fridays at 7:00 pm. Feb 20-Dan, Paula , Antony, Gabriel
Feb 27 - Ushers
March 20 –S.S.V.P.
March 6 - Development & Peace
March 27 - C.W.L.
March 13 – Knights of Columbus
What the Saints Say about Stations of the CrossSt. Bonaventure says that “he who desires to go on advancing
from virtue, from grace to grace, should meditate continually
on the Passion of Jesus”.
Rejoice in God’s Mercy: A Hug from God Is All You
Need-The Diocese of Calgary invites you to re-discover the
meaning of the sacrament of Reconciliation in your life. In
addition our regular parish schedule, the sacrament of
Reconciliation will be available
all the2012
C L Enterprises
Lent- March 4,11, 18 , & 25 from 7:30-8:30 pm
March 1: Lent II-In this second week of Lent, we most
likely can revel in a few victories. Whatever sacrifices we
have made, or alms we have given freely, have strengthened
us. Our time spent in prayer has begun to settle our souls and
helped us to listen. While Peter tells Jesus “it’s good to be
here”, he is also genuinely terrified. The work of a Christian
is meant to be unsettling and to invoke our courage, trust, and
faith. The challenges of Christian living bring us out of
complacency and into authentic discipleship where we
encounter Christ himself in one another and in the world. As
Catholics we have the gift of brothers and sisters in Christ
with whom to share in this walk of faith, in its awe-inspiring
moments as well as it crippling.
Action: Go outside of your comfort zone. Ask the Holy Spirit
to identify someone with whom you can share the joy of your
life in Christ.
atone for abortions. St. John's Convent -409 -10A Street N.W.
begins on Sunday March 8 at 3:00PM and concludes Monday
March 9 with Mass at 5:00P.M. All are welcome. COME and
offer your prayers with us.
Seniors Spirituality and Reflection group will continue to
meet at St. Joseph on Mondays, March 2, 9, 16, 23. Each
week is unique so come to one or all. Meeting is 1:00 pm to
3:00 pm. Mass is at 12:00 noon and hall is open at that time.
Group is facilitated by Norline from the Diocese. Address is
640 19 Ave NW. Call Elaine 403 265 3633 for more info.
Make 40 Days for Life part of your Lenten Stewardship
Practice-In Calgary, 40 Days for Life encourages all
parishioners to participate in the Silent Prayer Vigil in front
of the Kensington Abortion Clinic - 2431 5th Avenue NW.
The Vigil runs from Ash Wednesday to March 29. It is
important to be a visible, living and prayerful presence in
front of a place where there is a daily battle between good and
evil. Be a final reminder that there are ways to choose life.
You can make a difference as we pray to end the silent
holocaust that is abortion. Questions? Contact Jairo at 403870-3905 or [email protected] Sign up
online to be a witness for Life at
May we see change-May we live to see - Our hearts
transformed-To glowing likeness of Your love-May our faces
shine-With the peace of your Spirit-May we climb the
Mount of Transfiguration-Every morning-Seeking Your face
And reflecting it’s glory-To the World
Social Justice Ministry -Volunteers needed for the
Outdoor Way of the Cross, April 3rd 2015: Training will
start on March 7th at 10:00am-12:00pm with another session
to be added later. RSVP by to Caroline Silveira
[email protected] , or 403-218-5523 at the
Social Justice Office by March 4th.
Tax Receipt are ready for pick up at the back of the Church.
Mystica Tours Inc presents Pilgrimage to Guadalupe from
2015 November 11 to Nov. 18. Leader: by Fr Joe. Places to
City-Pyramids-Cholula-Cuernavaca-TaxcoAcapulco-Please call 403-284-3311 or 403-479-1019
Collections, the week of February 21/22, 2015=$2,839.50
TIA 2015 Annual Bishop Appeal=$8,206.00
T hank you all for your generosity!
5:00 pm
9:00 am
10:45 am
Carmel Campbell
Janice Watson
Ildiko Farkas
Gail Liggett
Rudy Kintanar
Aaron Lane
Anna Chen
10:45 am
3rd Sunday of
Sue Pozak
March 7th
5:00 pm
March 8th
9:00 am
10:45 am
Theresa Hryhor
John Spronken
Ekenma Aniekwe
Tom Campbell
Rob Bartlett
Herman Thielen
Regina Bartlett
Fabian Fernando
Peter Farkas
Victor Panlilo
Cathy West
Ekenma Aniekwe
Martin Meyer
Joyce Bailey
Al Bailey
2 Teacher
Michelle Liggett
Faith: Our Response to the Sign Language of God- Throughout Salvation history, God reveals who God is through the human
experiences of a people and does not communicate with us apart from our own lived experiences. Within the human experiences of
their lives; God communicates with Abraham, with Peter, James and John, and ourselves as well. God invites; we respond in a kind
of exchange that may be described as a kind of "sign language" spoken between ourselves and God. God calls Abram by name, and
also Peter and the other apostles. Each respond to God with lives of growing faith. Our God calls each of us by name and invites
our own response of active and growing faith.
In our own human experiences, and not apart from them, we are called to the mountaintop with Jesus. And, apart with Jesus, we
discover the divine in Him, as well as the human. We want to remain comfortable, unchallenged in our faith, but we are, like Peter,
called, to return to the valley where God's people live, and, through our faith, to share the good news of the Risen Jesus with all
people, in their joys and in their suffering, to enrich peoples' lives and to bring them hope.
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