Weekly Schedule - The Shrine of Our Lady of Glastonbury


Weekly Schedule - The Shrine of Our Lady of Glastonbury
The Shrine of Our Lady of Glastonbury
Parish Priest: Rev. James Finan
St Mary‟s Presbytery, Magdalene Street, Glastonbury, BA69EJ
Tel: 01458 832203
Parish Office: 01458 835931 (10.30am – 4.00pm)
St Mary‟s Hall booking: 07773 476230
e-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.glastonburyshrine.co.uk
Diocesan website: www.cliftondiocese.com
Clifton Catholic Diocesan Trustees Registered Charity No: 233977
1st March 2015, 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year B
Week 2 of Lent; Year 1
Sunday 1st March: 2nd Sunday of Lent
Sat. 6.00pm Mass: Christina and Sam Earner RIP
11.00am Mass: The Parish
Wednesday 4th : Weekday of Lent
10.00am Mass: Mary Nicholson RIP followed by
Holy Hour (until 11.15am)
12 noon: Stations of the Cross
12.30pm Mass: Christopher Keville RIP
7.00pm: Legion of Mary (St Mary‟s Lower Hall)
4.00pm: „Teach us to Pray‟ series for Lent; in church
Thursday 5th : Weekday of Lent
Friday 6th: Weekday of Lent
Saturday 7th: Weekday of Lent
9.40am: Rosary Circle
10.00am Mass: Tessa Woolmer RIP
10.30am: Exposition + Healing Prayer (until 11am)
No Confessions at St Mary’s this Saturday Morning
3.00pm: Baptism of Jasper Johnson
CAFOD Lent Fast Day: Envelopes are still available at the back of church for your CAFOD Lent Fast
Day offerings; our 2nd collection this weekend, thank you.
Please pray for the Peaceful Repose of Mary Nicholson RIP, daughter of Joan Gifford, who
passed away this week. Please pray especially for Joan and her family at this sad time. Thank you.
Parish Diary: Wednesday 18th March: 7pm – Penitential Service at St Michael‟s, Shepton Mallet
Monday 23rd March: 7pm – Penitential Service at Ss Luke & Teresa Wincanton
Tuesday 24th March: 7.30pm – Penitential Service at Ss Joseph & Teresa Wells
Wednesday 25th March: 7pm – Penitential Service here at St. Mary‟s.
Thurs 26th March: 4pm – Penitential Service at Our Lady, Cheddar
Thurs 26th March: 7pm – Penitential Service at The Holy Ghost, Yeovil
Thurs 26th March: 7pm – Penitential Service at English Martyrs, Chard.
Lenten Devotions: The Programme for regular devotions during Lent includes:
- Tuesday evenings, 7pm; lower hall; „Seeking the Common Good‟, considerations for election year Wednesdays; Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows 10am Mass.
- Thursdays; 12 noon: Stations of the Cross in church
- Thursdays; 2pm; Contemplative prayer at Abbey House.
- Fridays: 12 noon; Silent vigil for peace at Market Cross.
- Fridays: 4pm in church; Teach us to pray. See poster for programme details.
Pope Francis Tweet of the Week:
“There is no sin that God cannot pardon. All we need to do is ask for forgiveness”
“Can religion be a force for good in international relations?” This is the title of a talk that Bishop
Declan will be giving at Bristol Anglican Cathedral on Wed. 11th March at 7pm. Bishop Declan is
Chair of the Bishops‟ Conference Dept. of International Affairs and has visited a number of troubled
areas including Lebanon, Thailand, Myanmar and to Gaza as a member of an international
delegation of bishops. Followed by refreshments, the lecture is free but you need to book.
Contact: [email protected] or phone: 0117 32 82334. See poster
Prayer for the Sick or Housebound: Please remember in your prayers, Hildegard and Walter
Sunday 8th March: 3rd Sunday of Lent
5.15pm – 5.45pm: Exposition and Confessions
Sat. 6.00pm Mass: The Parish
11.00am Mass: Nina Piccoli RIP
Schnitzer, Terry Shepherd, Ronald Shepherd, Marilyn Kennedy, Terri Mummery, Ian, Samantha Harris,
Lesley Baker, Beattie Dare, Bob Bragmore, Joan Gifford, Teresa Dinardo and Peggy Dyer.
9.00am Mass:
9.15am Mass:
9.15am Mass:
11.30am Confessions (until 12 noon)
9.00am Mass:
Silent Weekly Vigil for Peace: Fridays 12 noon for ½hour, organized by local Churches; pray in
silence for peace in the world, All welcome, just turn up when you can and stay as long as you like.
At St Michael’s Shepton Mallet
Sunday 1st March :
Tuesday 3rd:
Friday 6th :
Saturday 7th :
Sunday 8th March :
Eucharistic and Word Ministries
This Sunday 1st March: 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year B
Saturday 6.00pm: Reading: K Iles Chalices: G Forbes, J Cloonan Hosts: M Payne
Sunday 11.00am: Reading: K Woolmer Chalices: H Marquis, D O‟Driscoll Hosts: M D‟Ovidio
Next Sunday 8th March: 3rd Sunday of Lent, Year B
Saturday 6.00pm: Reading: H Hare Chalices: M Jones, M Payne Hosts: G Davison
Sunday 11.00am: Reading: M Mahony Chalices: S Oxley, D O‟Driscoll Hosts: V Yasities
Prayers of the Faithful; Response: “and help us to listen.”
Offertory Collections: Plate: £299.92p Thank you
2nd Collection this weekend: CAFOD Lent Fast Day
Diocesan Prayer Link: Please pray for parishioners at The Sacred Heart, Tisbury, and at All Saints,
Wardour, and their Parish Priest, Fr. Robert Miller. Thank you.
St Michael’s and St Mary’s Lent Retreat Day; at Brownshill, Saturday 14th March. Minibus from St
Michael‟s and lunch included. Cost £30- 7 seats still available. Contact Theresa 01749 342587.
Lenten Lunches in St Mary’s Hall, every Saturday throughout Lent, 12 noon to 2pm;
Delicious lunches of home-made soup, selection of breads, tea or coffee; minimum donation £2.50,
all proceeds to St Peter‟s LifeLine, this year‟s selected charity. Please do stop while you shop to
support us! Thank you.
Women’s World Day of Prayer; Friday 6th March at the Methodist Church, Lambrook Street.
Refreshments at 10am, Service Starts at 10.30am. See Poster. All welcome; not just for women.
There will be a 3-day Mission for our deanery; at St Luke's and St Teresa's, Wincanton,
Tue 17 – Thur 19 March. Each day starts with coffee at 10am, followed by input and discussion led
by Fr. John Udriss and Mass. Input will be determined by participants suggestions. Each evening
concludes with a Question & Answer session at 7 30pm. More information to follow. All welcome.
Fairtrade Fortnight: St Marys is a Fairtrade accredited church and this week we are participating in
Fairtrade fortnight aimed at explaining and promoting Fairtade not just within our Church but also to
the wider community, including friends and relatives. Please have a look at the Fairtrade stand when
you leave mass, take some leaflets etc. and see if you can help publicise this worthy cause."