Greek Scorn for Taxes Slows Reform


Greek Scorn for Taxes Slows Reform
A8 | Thursday, February 26, 2015
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Greek Scorn for Taxes Slows Reform Syriza
Backs Deal
Government’s pledge to
crack down on chronic
tax evasion confronts a
deep cultural resistance
But Balks at
Key Part
ATHENS—Of all the challenges Greece has faced in recent years, prodding its citizens
to pay their taxes has been one
of the most difficult.
At the end of 2014, Greeks
owed their government about
€76 billion ($86 billion) in unpaid taxes accrued over decades,
though mostly since 2009. The
government says most of that
has been lost to insolvency and
only €9 billion can be recovered.
Billions more in taxes are
owed on never-reported revenue
from Greece’s vast underground
economy, which was estimated
before the crisis to equal more
than a quarter of the country’s
gross domestic product.
The International Monetary
Fund and Greece’s other creditors have argued for years that
the country’s debt crisis could
be largely resolved if the government just cracked down on tax
evasion. Tax debts in Greece
equal about 90% of annual tax
revenue, the highest shortfall
among industrialized nations,
according to the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and
Greece’s new government,
scrambling to secure more
short-term funding, agreed on
Tuesday to make tax collection a
top priority on a long list of
measures. Yet previous governments have made similar promises, only to fall short.
Tax rates in Greece are
broadly in line with those elsewhere in Europe. But Greeks
have a widespread aversion to
paying what they owe the state,
an attitude often blamed on
cultural and historical forces.
During the country’s centurieslong occupation by the Ottomans, avoiding taxes was a
sign of patriotism. Today, that
distrust is focused on the government, which many Greeks
see as corrupt and unreliable.
“Greeks consider taxes as
Associated Press
A sign for a state tax office, center, adorned with a Greek flag, is seen on Monday in a narrow, deserted street in the country’s capital, Athens.
theft,” said Aristides Hatzis, an
associate professor of law and
economics at the University of
Athens. “Normally taxes are considered the price you have to
pay for a just state, but this is
not accepted by the Greek mentality.”
Some also see grounds for
cynicism in the case that
opened Wednesday in Athens
against former Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou.
The 53-year-old faces charges
that during his 2009-11 tenure,
he illegally removed the names
of three relatives from a list of
suspected tax evaders. Mr. Papaconstantinou denied the
charges, for which he faces a
life sentence if convicted.
Alleged corruption among
politicians only strengthens
Greeks’ conviction that evading
taxes in their own lives isn’t a
serious crime, and little stigma
is attached to getting caught.
A 32-year-old chef in Athens
says his income taxes are automatically deducted from his paychecks. But every time he buys
something and is given an option to pay less if he doesn’t ask
for a receipt, he says yes.
Greece lets almost as much tax
revenue slip through as it secures
Percentage of tax collected
Note: Greece data for 2011 not available
Source: OECD
“It is a win-win situation,” he
said. “I pay less for the products
and the store pays less in taxes.”
Greeks’ innate resistance to
taxation is one reason Syriza,
the leftist party now in power,
campaigned against tax increases championed by the previous government. The party
went so far as to embrace a
grass-roots antitax movement
called “I won’t pay.”
The country’s previous government introduced a new property tax, for example, that led to
a sevenfold increase from 2009
levels in collection last year, to
€3.5 billion. But Syriza and other
critics assailed the tax as unfair
and many Greeks stopped paying
it late last year, partly in anticipation that the new government
would change it.
The government’s tax-revenue
shortfall in January alone was
23% below its €4.5 billion target
for the month.
Last week, the government
outlined plans to forgive up to
50% of individuals’ tax arrears, a
sign it would make good on its
campaign rhetoric.
Syriza would risk a popular
uprising by the very people who
put it into power if it were to
back away from those policies
and get tough on taxes, political
analysts warn.
The reason isn’t just political,
but economic. The country’s depression has already pushed
many small businesses to the
brink of collapse. Forcing them
to pay more in taxes would put
even more out of business—and
more Greeks out of work.
“The Greek economy would
collapse if the government were
to force these people to pay
taxes,” one senior government
official said.
Though Greece’s rich have often been singled out for not paying their due, the majority of tax
evasion occurs at the lower end
of the income scale, among small
and medium-size enterprises,
government officials say.
“Most small companies
know they will never be audited so they don’t bother to
pay taxes,” said a European official sent to help Athens overhaul its tax system. Many companies report they pay their
workers the minimum wage,
then supplement it under the
table to avoid having to pay
higher payroll taxes.
A 28-year-old saleswoman
says her company gives employees special coupons they can
cash in supermarkets, restaurants and for other services.
“It works much better for us
because the money isn’t taxed,”
she said.
Alexis Tsipras got the grudging
backing of his party’s lawmakers
for a new deal with Greece’s
creditors Wednesday amid signals of continued defiance to the
sale of state assets—one of the
creditors’ main demands.
The agreement reached with
eurozone partners and the International Monetary Fund late last
week has forced Greece’s government—in power just over a
month—to make deep concessions on many promises it made
to voters. Pledges to write off the
country’s debt, raise the minimum wage, and rehire laid-off
public servants have either gone
by the wayside or been dramatically pushed back.
That has fueled discontent
within the left-wing Syriza party,
which had vowed to abolish the
austerity measures tied to
Greece’s €240 billion ($272 billion) bailout and bring sweeping
change to a political system
many see as riddled with corruption and cronyism.
In a closed meeting that
lasted almost 12 hours, Mr. Tsipras told lawmakers the new financing was a short-term agreement giving the government time
to work out a new agenda. Party
officials said the deal was finally
approved in an unofficial party
vote, despite unease among
many lawmakers.
Amid signs of internal dissent,
Greece’s government has been
purposefully vague about privatization. While many in the government say selling state assets
could bring needed investment
to the country, the left-wing bloc
inside Syriza is vocally opposed.
Greek Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, widely seen as a
spokesman for that faction, told
a newspaper that plans to sell
the national electricity company,
the state natural-gas company,
and an oil refinery in which the
state holds a roughly one-third
stake wouldn’t go ahead.
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