PRE-SCHOOL AQUATICS MARCH 2015 MONTHLY REGISTRATION REQUIRED PARENT-TOT PROGRAM - NEW AND IMPROVED Parent-Tot I – Shrimp & Kipper* (Ages 6 – 30 months w/ Adult) 30 mins Max 8, Min 3 Pair 1 parent/1 child–Classes held in the Training Pool Day Time Instructor Online Search Code THU 6:15PM JANNA AQPT41 SAT 10:45AM CHRISTINA F AQPT61 Parent-Tot II – Inia & Perch* (Ages 21 – 36 months w/ Adult) 30 mins Max 8, Min 3 Pair 1 parent/1 child–Classes held in the Training Pool Day Time Instructor Online Search Code TUE 6:15PM CHRISTINA F AQPT21 FRI 6:15PM NAEIRI AQPT51 PRESCHOOL SWIM PROGRAM Tiny Tots - Pike & Eel (3-5 years) 45mins Max 5, Min 3 Students - Classes held in the Training Pool Day Time Instructor Online Search Code Day Time Instructor Online Search Code MON MON MON 4:00PM 4:45PM 6:15PM JOHN NAEIRI CHRISTINA G. AQTTS11 AQTTS12 AQTTS13 THU THU THU 4:00PM 5:30PM 7:00PM JANNA AREN AREN AQTTS41 AQTTS42 AQTTS43 TUE TUE TUE 4:45PM 4:45PM 7:00PM JANNA JOHN AREN AQTTS21 AQTTS22 AQTTS23 SAT SAT SAT SAT 9:00AM 9:00AM 9:45AM 10:00AM CHRISTINA F JANNA JANNA CHRISTINA F AQTTS61 AQTTS62 AQTTS63 AQTTS64 WED WED 4:00PM 4:45PM NAEIRI JOHN AQTTS31 AQTTS32 Tiny Tots Plus – Ray & Starfish (Must Pass Tiny Tots) 45 mins Max 5, Min 3 Students - Classes held in the Training Pool Day Time Instructor Online Search Code Day Time Instructor TUE TUE 4:00PM 5:30PM CHRISTINA F AREN AQTTSP21 AQTTSP22 THU 4:45PM CHRISTINA F Online Search Code AQTTSP41 FRI 4:15PM NAEIRI AQTTSP51 WED WED 4:00PM 5:30PM JOHN CHRISTINA G AQTTSP31 AQTTSP32 BURBANK COMMUNITY YMCA 818.845.8551 Pre-School Program Fees: Program Fees Family Members Youth/Student Members Program Only Members Once a Week – 45 min class $35.00 $50.00 $100.00 Program Fees Family Members Student Plus/Adult Members Program Only Members Once a Week – 30 min class $35.00 $50.00 $100.00 Parent-Tot Program Fees: *New fees, see below PARENT-TOT PROGRAM Tiny Tots - Pike & Eel (3-5 years) 45mins Max 5, Min 3 Students - Classes held in the Training Pool No skills required. Children will work toward acomplishing kicking, front and back floating, breath control, and independent swimming. Once that has been accomplished they will move onto breathing techniquwa, coodination of the front crawl stroke, kicking on their front as well as their back, deep water adjustment. Tiny Tots Plus – Ray & Starfish (3-5 years) 45 mins Max 5, Min 3 Students - Classes held in the Training Pool Successful completion of Tiny Tots or a swim check is required. This class is designed for children who can swim on their back and who are learning to coordinate the front crawl stroke with side breathing. Participants will work towards acoomplishing rotary breathing, backstroke, treading water and deep water swimming. Upon successful completion, students progress directly to Guppy. PRESCHOOL SWIM PROGRAM Parent-Tot I – Shrimp & Kipper* (Ages 6 – 30 months w/ Adult) 30 mins Max 8, Min 3 Pair 1 parent/1 child–Classes held in the Training Pool This class is designed for beginners and toddlers up to 24 months. Children will be taught comfort in a swimming pool with a focus on developing basic swimming skills such as floating, kicking, paddling, blowing bubbles, and breath control. The children will also learn how to interact with an instructor and become accustomed to a swim lesson environment. Participants are required to wear tight fitting plastic pants or swim diapers while in the pool. An adult must accompany their child in the pool. Parent-Tot II – Inia & Perch* (Ages 21 – 36 months w/ Adult) 30 mins Max 8, Min 3 Pair 1 parent/1 child–Classes held in the Training Pool The Parent-Tot II class is designed for toddlers with prior swim lesson experience who are ready for the next step in their progression. The children will begin to focus on grasping swimming techniques. The participants will begin to focus on skill retention and having the ability to perform skills on their own. Children will learn paddling, kicking, breath control, jumping, and eventually independent floating and swimming. Participants are required to wear tight fitting plastic pants or swim diapers while in the pool. An adult must accompany their child in the pool. INSTRUCTORS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE For questions and information please contact: Burbank Community YMCA Aquatics Department (818) 845-8551 ext. 284 [email protected] BURBANK COMMUNITY YMCA 818.845.8551