Bulletin - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
Bulletin - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church
2nd Sunday of Lent LISTEN AND FOLLOW . “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” And listen they did. From that moment on, Peter, James, and John were ardent followers, forsaking everything to follow in their Master’s footsteps. Like the psalmist crying, “O Lord, I am your servant,” the three disciples committed themselves to lives of incredible hardship and indescribable joy. After that day on the mountain, they never again wavered in their chosen vocation. Though our tests may not be as severe as Abraham’s and our peak experiences not as dramatic as the Transfiguration, we all face the daily challenges of walking “before the Lord in the land of the living.” As we follow our varied calls to love and serve, let’s be comforted by Paul’s reminder to the Romans: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co March 1, 2015 St. Mary Magdalen Parish Mission Statement The Parish of St. Mary Magdalen is a Roman Catholic Faith Community who, in the spirit of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, welcomes all people, cherishes the Eucharist, fosters faith formation for all ages and serves our parish and the larger community in hope and charity. Parish Weekly Bulletin St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church 6425 West Metairie Avenue PARISH OFFICE Pastor........................Rev. Robert D. Massett Parochial Vicar…..Rev. Christian DeLerno,Jr. In Residence..Rev. Bartholomew Chukwuma Deacons...........Angelas Robin & Henry Nuss Acolyte…………………………Chuck LeBlanc Parish Secretary.......................Barbara Croy Phone (504) 733-0922 Fax (504) 733-0869 Parish Coordinator: Susie Sullivan.733-8980 Parish Rel. Ed. Coor.: Linda Earle..733-8980 Parish Website: www.stmarymagdalenchurch.com Parish Email Address: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday..............9:00AM - 4:00PM After hours by appointment only WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Mon.- Fri., 6:30 AM & 8:30AM; Sat., 8:00 AM CONFESSIONS Saturdays, 2:30-3:30 PM WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:00 PM Sunday Masses - 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Metairie, Louisiana 70003 SCHOOL OFFICE Principal.......................Ms. Kimberly Downes Asst. Principal............Mrs. Valerie Rodriguez CRE/Counselor………….Mrs. Bronwyn Myer Secretary........................Mrs. Dianne Hughes Office Phone..........................(504) 733-1433 Office Fax..............................(504) 736-0727 Cafeteria............................... (504) 733-6580 BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL CARE Co-Directors...Caren Favaloro & Shari Mader Phone.....................................(504) 733-4768 *************************************************** In Church, be sure to visit: PRO-LIFE CORNER; ADULT PARISH LENDING LIBRARY; CHILDREN’S CORNER/LIBRARY/PRAYER CENTER ************************************************** SOCIAL APOSTOLATE MINISTRY Hours: Wednesdays, 5:30PM-6:30PM Facility Entrance on W. Metairie Ave. to right of church.........................................734-5833 GIFT SHOP & PRAYER GARDEN Hours: Tues. & Fri………....1:00PM-5:00PM Saturdays.................2:00PM-5:00PM Sundays.................8:30AM-12:15PM Phone:.............................................734-5833 BAPTISMS: Every 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:15PM. Baptism Seminars on 1st Monday at 7:00PM (NOTE new time) in Chapel. Baptism Seminar is mandatory for first child. Archdiocesan Policy on Infant Baptism: www.arch-no.org/Human Resources/Policies/Policy on Infant Baptism OR may be found on the Parish website. FIRST RECONCILIATION/COMMUNION& CONFIRMATION: Must have 2 consecutive years of Catholic religious instruction prior to reception of these sacraments. Contact Parish Religious Education Coordinator for further information. WEDDINGS: Contact Parish priest at least 6 to 8 months prior to planned date of marriage. Celebrated Friday evenings; Saturday mornings, early afternoons or evenings. Church Fee: $200; Chapel Fee: $100. FUNERALS: You are encouraged to celebrate funerals in our Church or Chapel. Wakes & visitation also possible. CARE OF THE SICK: Communion brought to Homebound weekly by Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. Anointing of Sick available on individual basis by appointment. CARE OF THE NEEDY: See Social Apostolate Ministry. EXPOSITION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT: Sundays, 12:15-1:15PM Call Parish Office for further information. PARISH WEEKLY BULLETIN St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church Metairie, Louisiana March 1, 2015 Rev. Robert D. Massett Vol. XXXVI, No.9 WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 2 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Chuck Bryne Audree Forbes 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Imbraguglio & Breath Families Emile Cipriano Tuesday, March 3 Wednesday, March 4 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Rosemary Staehle Living Intention for Sr. Enda Bryne Thursday, March 5 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Ronco Family Special Intention for J.A. 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Fr. Michael Joseph Nguyen Bob Munch 8:00 AM Barbier, Blancher & Newell Families Friday, March 6 Saturday, March 7 Saturday, March 7 3rd Sunday of Lent Vigil 4:00 PM Rosalie Couch, Bobb W. Hunley, Dee Broussard, John & Clare McDermott, Hazel & Harold Howat, Earl & Lillian Dennies, Dookie & Laverne Plaeger Sunday, March 8 3rd Sunday of Lent 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Bobby & Charles Agaisse SMM Parishioners Zenobia Drury, Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. LeDoux , Hallie Espenan, Rosemary Staehle, Rita Hebert, Ian Callahan, Harold Gagnet Dr. Gordon Landry, Harris Miller, Madeline Landry ****************************************** SMM WEBSITE UPDATE The weekly bulletin, as well as parish events are also posted on the parish website. Go to: www.stmarymagdalenchurch.com Rev. Christian W. DeLerno, Jr. PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Jackie Markey, Teresa Lacour, Ryan Thiel, Rick Speeg, Gracelyn Chaplain, Dennis Coughlin, Jr., Kelly Fletcher Growl, Kenneth & Kevin Teen, Ben Todd, Joe Giarratano, Luca Scozzari, Evelyn Olwell, Donald Toepfer, Brian Dufour, Mary Ann Meaux, Dilly Surratt, Yvonne Toups, Ryan Songy, Gayle Songy, Nathan Lopiccolo, Linda Nicholls, Jerry Hollingsworth, Sherry St. Pe, Ann Flick & Family, Rosemarie Entringer, Pat Hogan, Judge Thomas Wicker, Ivan Antunovic, Arianna Crawford, Claire Duplantier, Daphine Dufour, Gloria Robles, Melissa Glueck, Danny Adams, Allison Daigre, Olivia Sumrall, Michael Borne, Bob & Linda Veitinger, Elise Ramcourt, Jeanene Moran, Kelly Nagy, Augie Daesner, Cindy Hogman, Addison Couvillion, Jerry Fender, Linda Conran, Kayla Pelman, Nick Doize, Marcia Graff, David Robins, Ashley Clement, Wanda Adams, Jenny Mayeur, Judith Massa, Carol P. Ramos, Rosemary Pizza, Julianne Andressen, Lauretta Erwin, Ryan Olwell, Judy Copping, Kathy Barbier, Jessica LeBlanc, Viola Juneau, Betty Feltey, Bob Hollingsworth, Fr. Martin Smullen, Lori Lambert, John Weyman, Kathryn Feltey, Frank Kent, Sharon Linton, Ray Groves, Michael Rodriguez, Kathleen E. Jones, Melanie Gaumond, Alice Rockvoan, Keith Nunez, Ray Schmidt, Rose Marie Curran BURIED IN CHRIST Nancy Jo Lovitt Lindsly Irwin Baldwin Dana Ray Gay LENTEN CONFESSIONS Confessions are available in church on Friday, March 6, from 6:00-6:30 PM. Every Friday in Lent 7:00 PM in Church. PASTOR’S CORNER During this second week of Lent, let us examine our commitments and to do what we can to make them stronger. This many times demands discipline and selfdenial but brings much fulfillment and great joy!! Please keep up your Lenten observance - Please communicate with the Father beseeching Him to help us discern what he wants of us. Please keep walking in the light! ~ Fr. Bob CELEBRATING CATHOLIC FAMILIES Living the Word 2nd Sunday of Lent As a Lenten family activity, take a hike or walk to a beautiful spot in nature, or visit a zoo, planetarium, or butterfly house. Sit together in quiet and study something amazing–a frozen stream, a coral reef, a decaying log, a chrysalis. Reflect on how amazing God who created all of these beautiful and intricate things really is. Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 If God is for us, who can be against us? — Romans 8:31b TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Many Catholics who are not active in the Church will still seek out ashes this Wednesday. Likewise, many Jews who are not otherwise observant will follow the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, with great exactness, fasting and refraining from work and entertainment. People customarily dress in white as a symbol of purity and a reminder of God’s promise that our sins will be made white as snow. While the overture to Ash Wednesday for Christians may be a festive Mardi Gras celebration, for Jews it is the New Year feast of Rosh Hashanah. Ten days before the Day of Atonement to God, people are expected to repair breaks in human life. These are days for offering forgiveness and seeking to repair harmed relationships with family, friends, or coworkers. Everyone is expected to seek out someone and “clear the air” by asking for understanding for any mean words or thoughtless deeds in the past year. Perhaps the ashes you receive will be invested with deeper meaning if you follow a similar plan. This year, Rosh Hashanah will be September 5, and Yom Kippur September 14. A conversation with some Jewish friends or neighbors about their experience of a season of repentance may be a blessing on your Lent. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. REASONS TO SPEND ONE HOUR EACH WEEK WITH JESUS IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT PART I There are 12 reasons from the Teachings of the Church for wanting to spend time in prayer with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Listed here are the first 3 reasons: 1. You are greatly needed! “The Church and the world have great need for Eucharistic Adoration.”** 2. This is a personal invitation from Jesus to you! “Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of Love.”** 3. Jesus is counting on you! “Every member of the Church must be vigilant in seeing that this Sacrament shall be given back ‘love for love’.” **Pope John Paul II, REDEEMER OF MAN You are invited to spend 1 hour in prayer at the Perpetual Adoration Chapel located at OLDP Parish (sponsored by parishioners of SMM & OLDP Parishes). Other opportunity for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: every Sunday from 12:15-1:15PM in the Chapel. CHILDREN’S CORNER All children are invited to visit the new Children’s Corner located in the Pro-Life Corner of the church. Sunday Mass Booklets & Bulletins; religious items; color sheets or activity pages are available FREE to all children. Also the Children’s Religious Book Lending Library is open. Children are invited to check one or more of 268 books. The Children’s Prayer Center is located in this area and children are invited to write their prayer intentions on slips of paper. Theme of this month is: Jesus, you sacrificed your life to save us. During Lent, I will sacrifice by……… Put intentions in prayer pig which will be offered up at all Masses every Sunday. ST. ANTHONY NURSING HOME VOLUNTEERS This ministry meets every Friday morning at the nursing home to bring spiritual comfort to the residents living there. One of our parish priests celebrates Mass one Friday of the month for the residents with the assistance of the Volunteers. On the alternating Fridays, a team of Extraordinary Ministers of Communion and Volunteers hold a Rosary and Communion Service. Their generous dedication of ministering to this particular and sometimes forgotten group in our community is greatly appreciated by the residents and their families. There is a great need for EMC’s to assist with distribution of communion. If you are interested in helping in this ministry, please call the rectory for further information. WEEKLY COLLECTION Envelopes (2/15) $ 5186.00 Loose Collection $ 1634.35 Total $ 6820.35 ****************************************** LET’S PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS In order to support vocations in our diocese, you are asked to add a special prayer for seminarians to your daily prayers. The best way to encourage and support our seminarians is to pray for them. Prayer for Vocations Loving God, How awesome are your ways! Through your abundant love you bless us with gifts that can make our world holy and just. Dwell deep in our hearts that we may know how to share these gifts. Inspire many to respond generously to your call to service in the Church. May the fire of your love direct us on our journey that we may act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with you. We give you the praise and honor now and forever. Amen. ****************************************** Readings for March 8: First Reading — The law was given through Moses (Exodus 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]) or Exodus 17:3-7. Psalm — Lord, you have the words of everlasting life (Psalm 19) or Psalm 95. Second Reading — We proclaim Christ crucified; the foolishness of God is greater than human wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:22-25) or Romans 5:1-2, 5-8. Gospel — Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up (John 2:13-25) or John 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42]. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved A PRAYER FOR EVERY FAMILY by Pope St. John Paul II God, from whom all fatherhood in heaven and earth descends, Father, who are Love and Life, ensure that every human family on earth shall become, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, "born of woman," and through the Holy Spirit, the source of divine charity, a true shrine of life and love for the generations which are always renewing themselves. Ensure that Your grace shall guide the thoughts and the works of spouses toward the good of their families and of all families in the world. Ensure that the young generations shall find firm support in the family for their humanity and their growth in truth and love. Ensure the love, reinforced by the grace of the Sacrament of Matrimony shall show itself to be stronger than any weakness and every crisis through which our families pass at times. Amen. PRAYER LIST FOR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN We pray for those in our parish who are fighting overseas for our country and against terrorism. SPC Donald Monteleone, Jr.,Air National Guard; Sgt. Brian Lane, Maj. Jason E. Burkett, USMC; Matthew J. Scott, USN; Seth Restivo, Evan Lina; PFC Kenny Grunberg; Lt. Spencer Farmer, Army Rangers; PFC Matthew Ballard; Lt. Joseph Bush, US Army; GySgt Albert Latour Jr., USMC; Maj. Ignacio Assasf, USANG; Sgt. Matt Llewelan, USANG; SPC Derek Vial, US Army; MN3 Ethen Meyers, Michael J. Cristie, Sp. Serv. Prayer for our Men and Women in Military Service O Prince of Peace, we humbly ask Your protection for all our men and women in military service. Give them unflinching courage to defend with honor, dignity and devotion the rights of all who are imperiled by injustice and evil. Guard our churches, our homes, our schools, our hospitals, our factories, our buildings and all those within from harm and peril. Protect our land and its peoples from enemies within and without. Grant an early peace with victory founded upon justice. Instill in the hearts and minds of men and women everywhere a firm purpose to live forever in peace and good will toward all. Amen. COMMENTS FROM THE NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE COMMITTEE What was once seen as an act of desperation, the killing of one’s own child, is now fiercely defended as a good and promoted right. Even worse, a deadly blindness has come over our land, preventing many persons of good will from recognizing the right of innocent human lives to respect, acceptance and help.” (NCCB statement, 11/12/97) SPIRITUAL ADOPTION PROGRAM THE SEVENTH MONTH AFTER CONCEPTION Your spiritually adopted baby continues to grow and mature. Brain waves, though already detectable for over five months, now resemble those of a full-term baby. This baby’s brain is also now capable of controlling his or her own body temperature. In addition, your baby’s bones are strengthening more, and he or she is putting on weight more quickly. The extra fat will improve insulation and provide an energy reserve for the baby following birth. Though birth is not far off, please keep praying for your spiritually adopted baby and his or her mother. THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Monday, March 2 Parish School of Religion (gr.1-12), 6:45PM-8:00PM 1st Communion Parent Mtg in Church 7:00 PM Baptismal Seminar in Chapel 7:00 PM Men’s Club Meeting in Cafeteria 7:30 PM Tuesday, March 3 Wednesday, March 4 Social Services Building open from 5:30PM-6:30PM Parents’ Club Meeting in Cafeteria 7:30 PM Thursday, March 5 Reflections on Lenten Gospels in Chapel 9:00 AM FOCCUS Survey for Engaged Couples, Rm 28 7:00 PM Reflections on Lenten Gospels in Chapel 7:00 PM Friday, March 6 Confessions in Church Way of the Cross in Church 6:00-6:45 PM 7:00 PM Saturday, March 7 Rosary in Chapel 8:30 AM Spring Cleaning of Church, 8:30AM-12 Noon Confession every Saturday 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM 2nd Collection - Building & Maintenance Fund Sunday, March 8 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS 2nd Collection - Building & Maintenance Fund RCIA—1st Scrutiny Rite at Mass 8:00 AM Holy Name Society Mtg in Ministries Bldg 9:00 AM Family Mass 9:30 AM Adoration of Blessed Sacrament, 12:15-1:15 PM RELECTIONS ON THE LENTEN GOSPELS The Adult Education Commission invites you to participate in a 4-day/night series held on consecutive Thursdays from February 19 thru March 12 in the Chapel. Two sessions will be held: 9-9:30AM (Scripture Reflection) and 7-8:30PM (Scripture Reflection & Discussion). The same reading will be used at both the morning & night sessions. The topic will be the Lenten Gospels presented by representatives of the Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education (ORE). ATTENTION ALL HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS AND PARENTS In order to be eligible to confirmed in 2016, Candidates and Parents must attend a MANDATORY Meeting on Sunday, MARCH 1, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria. This meeting is ONLY open to interested, unconfirmed students who are presently in the 10th or 11th grades attending a Catholic High School or Catholic Parish High School of Religion Program for at least the last 2 years. This informational session will help both Candidates and parents understand the scope of the preparation required; review important dates of events in the upcoming year; and register to attend these classes and events. Preregistration for this meeting is not required. ANNUAL SPRING CLEANING OF CHURCH On Saturday, MARCH 7 beginning at 8:30AM, the Altar Society invites you to come help them do their annual spring cleaning of the church & chapel. Bring rubber gloves (if you use them), a small wisk broom or pastry brush and soft rags for polishing. Students needing service hours are welcome. RECYCLE MARDI GRAS BEADS SMM Knights of Columbus are collecting Mardi Gras beads to assist ARC in raising funds for future projects. ARC of Greater New Orleans is a nonprofit organization serving people with intellectual disabilities and delays from birth through adulthood. The KCs request that you bring bead donations to church the thru the weekend of March 21/22 and deposit them in large boxes near Cardinal St. entrance. SMM SCHOOL NEWS St. Mary Magdalen School is accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year for students in Pre-K through 7th grade. Please call the school office at (504) 733-1433 to schedule a private tour or to receive registration information. Forms are also available on our website at: www.smmcougars.org MEN’s CLUB LENTEN FISH FRY Friday, MARCH 13 from 6:00-9:00 PM Stop by for a "bite" at this great event in the cafeteria and support the parish! Soft Drinks and beer will also be available. To-Go and Drive-Thru (Cardinal Street & Horseshoe lots) orders also available.