CNES/ESA Radiation Effects Final Presentation Days
CNES/ESA Radiation Effects Final Presentation Days
CNES/ESA Radiation Effects Final Presentation Days March 9 & 10, 2015 Preliminary Program (Monday, March 09, 2015) 08:30 Registration 09:00 Introduction 09:10 Session : Facilities, Dosimetry and hardenning techniques (Françoise Bezerra) MIRAGE: a new proton facility for the study of direct ionization in sub-100nm technologies A new laser facility at CNES for the study of SEE behavior of electronic devices BET-C: The new portable Beam Evaluation Tool from CNES. Shielding optimization: methodology at system level 10:30 Break 10:50 Session : Radiation effects on digital ICs (Robert Ecoffet) Heavy-Ion and Total Ionizing Dose performance of different memory technologies (Flash, DDR3, MRAM and SRAM) Experimental Characterization and Simulation of Electron-induced SEU in 45nm CMOS Technology A Calculation Method for Proton Direct Ionization Induced SEU Rate from Experimental Data: Application to a Commercial 45nm FPGA Evidence of destructive Single Event Latch-up on various devices using TILU2 test system TBC V. Ferlet-Cavrois and F. Bezerra ESA and CNES Sophie Duzellier ONERA Kevin Sanchez CNES Françoise Bezerra CNES Jean-Charles Thomas TRAD Frederic Tilhac HIREX Anne Samaras TRAD Nicolas Sukhaseum TRAD Françoise Bezerra CNES TBC TBC 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Session: Radiation effects on optoelectronics (Mathieu Boutillier-Olivier Gilard) Cryogenic radiations facility (80K): validation of CNES cryostat ON UCL HIF facility Single Event Upset Sensitivity of D-Latch in Infrared Image Sensors for Low Temperature Applications Low temperature total dose irradiation of different transistor topologies for infrared applications Commercial Light Emitting Diodes sensitivity to protons radiations TBC Radiation effects on digital CMOS image sensors using micro lenses and color filters 16:00 Break 16:20 Session: ESA R&D activities, Cubesat and CODES (Ali Zadeh) ESA RHA R&D activities overview Radiation Effects Study by SEE Experiment on Cubesat COmponent DEgradation Simulation (CODES) framework 17:05 CNES ONERA Thierry Nuns ONERA Mathieu Boutillier TBC Toulemont Arthur CNES TBC CNES Ali Zadeh Viyas Gupta Patrícia Gonçalves ESA U. Montpellier 2 LIP Session: GaAs power devices and Mixed signal technologies (Cesar Boatella Polo) Radiation Characterization of GaAs power devices in support of European Radiation Hardness Radiation characterization of RT analogue / mixed signal technology 17:35 Bernard Baradat Mathieu Boutillier Laurent Artola End of day 1 J.Luc. Muraro, J.Louis TAS Cazaux , R. Marec TBD Alter, IMEC CNES/ESA Radiation Effects Final Presentation Days March 9 & 10, 2015 Preliminary Program (Tuesday, March 10, 2015) 08:30 Introduction V. Ferlet-Cavrois and F. Bezerra ESA and CNES S. Gerardin, M. Bagatin, A. Paccagnella K. Grürmann, M. Herrmann, H. Schmidt Univ. Padova Adrian Evans Maximilien Glorieux, Adrian Evans Aminata Carvalho, Christian Binois iRoC iRoC Peter Beck, Michael Wind Seibersdorf Lab. Anne Samaras TRAD Petros Chrysogelos OnSemi Enoal LeGoulven TRAD Fabien Widmer TRAD Pierre Garcia TRAD Pierre Garcia TRAD F. Tillac HIREX C. Poivey / FX Guerre ESA / HIREX C. Poivey ESA Nancy Postiau, Marc Loiselet Ari Virtanen Wojtek Hajdas Michele Muschitiello UCL Jyväskylä Univ. PSI ESTEC F. Bezerra and V. FerletCavrois CNES and ESA 08:45 Session : Memories, SETs, power MOSFETs (Véronique Ferlet-Cavrois) Studies of radiation effects in new generations of non-volatile memories Radiation Testing Of Candidate Memory Devices, DDR3 and NAND-Flash Airbus & IDA Break Advanced Techniques for Radiation Characterization of ProASIC3 FPGAs SET test vehicle in STMicroelectronics 65nm technology Statistical SEGR radiation test method study in power MOSFETs Airbus Elancourt 11:45 Session : Radiation test of various ICs - COTS and APS (Marc Poizat) Radiation characterization of European COTS EEE components for space applications Total Ionizing Dose influence on the single event effect sensitivity of active EEE components HAS2 wafer lot acceptance testing 12:35 Lunch 14:00 Session: Component testing and in-flight data (Christian Poivey) Heavy Ion Single Event Effect characterization of ATMEL AT7913 Space Wire Remote Terminal Controller High dose rate and low dose rate testing of STmicroelectronics TS4061 voltage reference Heavy Ion Single Event Effect testing of STmicroelectronics RHFPM4424 low side MOSFET driver Proton and Heavy Ion Multiple Bit Upset (MBU) testing of ATMEL M65609E 1Mbit SRAM TID testing of Analog to Digital Converter and Digital to Analog Converter Break SEE testing of Analog to Digital Converter and Digital to Analog Converter, comparison of different test methods Update on SRAM flight data on board PROBA-2 TDM and ALPHASAT TDP8 16:15 Session: Facilities (Véronique Ferlet-Cavrois) UCL irradiation test facility status report RADEF irradiation test facility status report PSI irradiation test facility status report ESTEC Co60 source facility status report 17:00 Conclusion 17:15 End of day 2
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