The Orgone Generator Bible


The Orgone Generator Bible
The Orgone Generator Bible
There is a lot of information on the internet about the dangers of harmful E.L.F
[microwave] frequencies that are ‘directed’ at nice spiritual citizens by the corrupt
political element of all countries via [1] cell phone towers, [2] radionics machines,
and [3] black magic spells. Yes – even a black magic ‘spell’ is a form of particle
frequency that departs the locality of the ‘sender’ and arrives in the locality of the
‘receiver’ as a form of energy that is plainly unhealthy. Since these E.L.F
[microwave] producing towers are designed for the purposes of ‘thought control’, we
all need to know how to shut these devices down.
Some of these E.L.F cell phone towers are quite obvious to see, and so quite easy to
spot – such as the cell phone tower shown below:
But then some others are quite ‘disguised’, such as the type that seems to be a flagpole, which again, is shown below. Believe it or not, the E.L.F tower shown below is
positioned in a school playground. How completely evil.
As we now know, the main usage of such E.L.F emitting devices is that of the
‘thought control’ of the populous. Such ‘structures’ emit frequencies that ‘mimic’
thoughts and which are transmitted directly inside of the citizens mind – sending him/
her a barrage of fake ‘urges’, ‘desires’, and ‘instructions’. In this manner a person
may be effectively controlled, since any decent psychologist or philosopher will tell
you that ‘thought directs action’. If I get a ‘thought’ to walk in a certain direction, or
to eat a certain food, or even to take a certain drug - and if I take this ‘thought’ to be
my own, I will more then likely ‘do’ as the ‘thought’ has directed me to ‘do’.
Please examine the following quotation by a pioneer in electromagnetic mind control,
which is presented on the most excellent ‘Educate Yourself’ forum [], as it is a real eye-opener:
“Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal
orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some
day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the
brain”. - Dr. Jose Delgado -1974 Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol.
Brother – how bad can it get before we all collectively do something about all this?
How many ordinary citizens take prescribed medications for apparent ‘headaches’,
when there is nothing wrong with them – aside from the fact that they are being
E.L.F’d by the world’s corrupt governments? How many ordinary citizens are placed
within mental institutions because of the barrage of ‘voices’ that they hear, and which
make them seem mad if they repeat them out loud? How many mental wards have
Orgone Generators positioned in every level to isolate this factor out of the
diagnostic process? How many Doctor’s Surgeries also have Orgone Generators
positioned in the waiting area or the Doctor’s own office?
OK, I thought, it is all very well writing about the hazards of E.L.F frequencies, such
as, for example, using the town of Glastonbury in the UK as a ‘test area’ for telegraph
pole mounted E.L.F ‘crowd control’ devices. However, there is a simple method of
stopping these harmful frequencies using a counter-device that is comparatively easy
to make - and very easy to use. The name of such a heroic device is the ‘Orgone
Let’s face it – it is much better to discuss the methods of stopping something harmful,
rather than endlessly ‘discussing’ the very thing that ought to be eradicated in the first
One of the easiest types of Orgone Generators to make is called the ‘Tower
Buster’. This is a vertical column of ‘Orgonite 1’ which contains a vertically
positioned ‘point upwards’ quartz crystal in the centre of the casting. The centrepositioned quartz crystal may be wrapped with a coil of copper wire to encourage a
spiral of energies that rises throughout and above the ‘Orgone Generator’.
The ‘Tower Buster’ Orgone Generator Shown In Three Sizes
A 50-50 mix of hardened resin and metal particles – copper, brass, aluminium and steel shavings.
You do not necessarily need to wrap the inside crystal with a copper coil – but if you
want to you will need to wind the chosen crystal eleven times in an anti-clockwise
manner – working from the bottom of the crystal to the top-most point, whilst looking
at your chosen quartz crystal from the bottom [see below]. Wrapping a quartz crystal
in such a manner will amplify the crystals Piezoelectrical Abilities.
A Copper Coil-Wrapped Quartz Crystal With Eleven Windings
To make a ‘Tower Buster’, you would use a plastic drinking ‘beaker’ type mold and
pour your mixture of Orgonite [resin, hardener, and metal shavings] in a series of 1020 mm layers until your mold is completed. To hold the centre-positioned quartz
crystal in place I use a spare piece of spare copper wire stuck to the bottom of my
mold with some sticky-tape until the top-most point of the crystal has been set in the
resin [at which point the ‘holding wire’ and tape may be removed] – see below:
As the ‘pours’ progress, you will get to the point when the quartz crystal is covered by
the ‘Orgonite’ mixture. Until the crystal is completely covered you will need to be
very careful that the metal particles DO NOT TOUCH the windings of the copper
coil that surrounds the crystal. Since, if they do, you will get a ‘short’ that will counter
the effect of the Piezoelectric Crystal. There are two ways of avoiding this. One way
is to cover the windings of your crystal with a clear glue and wait until it has set
before positioning the crystal. The other way is to make sure that you only drop metal
shavings into the outside-most part of the mold, whilst the quartz crystal is being
covered. You will need to leave one to two hours between each ‘pour’ to enable
correct hardening of the resin.
When you have completed your layered mold, give the hardened resin a day or two to
completely set, and then remove the finished ‘Tower Buster’ from the mold. You
will also need to glue some felt to the bottom to stop the ‘Orgone Generator’ from
scratching which-ever surface you decide to position it upon.
Following this, you just have one very last thing to do, and that is to program the
crystal with your mind. By this I mean that you must ‘tell the crystal what it will do’,
which in this case will be to aid in the collection of dead energy at the bottom of the
device, to aid the channelling of this collected energy upwards through the Orgonite,
and to aid in the ‘pushing’ of fresh Orgone out of the top of the device. Bear in mind
here that quartz crystals act in the same manner as your home Computer System,
meaning that they are as ‘programmable’ as a RAM Memory chip [which is also
made from silica]. Also be aware that Computer System silica chips are
‘programmed’ when an electronic instruction arrives inside the crystal. In the case of
your home Computer System the electronic instruction is a stream of electro-magnetic
binary information sent by the C.P.U [brain of the Computer]. And in the case of your
Orgone Generator, the electronic instruction is an electro-magnetic thought-form
sent by your mind [which amounts to your own biological C.P.U]. As you can SEE,
the method of ‘programming’ is exactly the same for both a Home Computer System
silica chip, and for an Orgone Generator Quartz Crystal. You ARE a Computer.
Your finished device will look like the completed ‘Tower Buster’ shown below:
A Completed ‘Tower Buster’
The designer of this ‘Tower Buster’ Orgone Generator device, Mr. Don Croft,
maintains that it will be capable of shutting down all harmful E.L.F frequencies for a
spherical radius that will completely engulf your house.
So, let us have a look at just what this mixture of organic and inorganic
materials known as ‘Orgonite’ really is.
Orgonite™ was coined by Karl Welz and refers to a class of materials which are
composed of a mixture of metallic particles suspended in an organic medium plus an
inorganic substance in a 50/50 ratio. Orgonite takes dead orgone [DOR] and converts
it into orgone [OR] which by definition is full of living energy. Orgone is the name
given to Life Force, Chi, bio-energy by Wilhelm Reich. Orgone is a type of energy
that defies many of the laws of Newtonian physics and is considered to be the energy
that creates and heals life. The metals used are those of [1] copper, [2] brass, [3]
aluminium, and [4] sometimes steel. The metal in the mix can be ANY metal, but
very fine particles, like the brass grindings from a key-making machine. Very large
pieces, are less effective than B.B.’s and spiral shavings and particles from a machine
shop. Copper works a little better than aluminium, gold works a little better than
copper, but availability of materials and costs are a more important consideration, in
my opinion. The ‘non organic’ part is the resin that holds the metals in suspension.
Epoxy resin, polyester resin, and boat-building fire-glass are the popular mediums.
Or, to put it in a nut-shell, Orgonite has the ability to attract harmful E.M.F’s
[DOR] and to transform these particle-waves into brand-new Orgone [OR]
which can then be used by the owner’s thought processes to ‘create’ a more
suitable reality structure. Here, who-ever attacks your living-space with an E.L.F
[microwave] attack will only provide you with energy to be re-cycled ~ as you see
OK, so we now have the knowledge to protect our entire living-space with the
‘Tower Buster’ device. But, what about completely shutting down the harmful
E.M.F’s emitted by an entire cell phone tower for a spherical range of about
1,200 metres. Such a device would not only protect yourself, but it would also stop
all E.M.F’s that could harm [thought-control] anyone else in the protected vicinity.
Well, the name of this particular device is the ‘Holy Hand Grenade’, which was also
designed by Mr. Don Croft, and which can also be found on the most excellent
‘Educate Yourself’ forum managed by Ken Adachi [].
The process of molding and creating a ‘Holy Hand Grenade’ is very similar to the
way in which we just made the ‘Tower Buster’ [above], except that [1] this device is
bigger, and [2] there are 5 coil-wrapped quartz crystals inside it, with two Egyptian
‘Lost Cubit’ coils of copper adding a further boost to the device.
Let us start with a picture of the device , so we can SEE just what a ‘Holy Hand
Grenade’ looks like.
The ‘Holy Hand Grenade’
5 Quartz Crystals
In this case, the ‘mold’ that we will be using will be a plastic ‘pudding bowl’, or
something similar, which will give you an idea of the finished size of the device.
We will start our construction of the ‘Holy Hand Grenade’ by making a 10 mm
‘pour’ into the top of the ‘pudding bowl’ mold with a 50-50 mixture of resin and
metal shavings [see below].
Next we will introduce one of the two Egyptian ‘Lost Cubit Coils’ which will make
the pure Orgone energy spiral out of the top of the ‘Holy Hand Grenade’ device.
A ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ is a piece of copper wire that measures 596.6714 mm or
23.491". Now, Egyptian ‘Lost Cubit Coils’ may be multiplied to suit their usage,
meaning that with a large device we can use a measurement of [1] 2 x 596.6714 mm
or 23.491", or [2] 3 x 596.6714 mm or 23.491", or [3] which ever multiplication suits
your sizing. Since the ‘Holy Hand Grenade’ device we are building here is quite
large I will recommend a measurement of 2 x 596.6714 mm ~ which = 1193.3428
Take a piece of copper wire 1193.3428 mm long [or as close as you can measure it]
and fold it exactly in half. Then, bend it to form a double spiral which will appear as
running anti-clockwise starting from the inside of the spiral and working outwards
when looking down upon it [see below]. I tend to hold the centre of the spiral with a
pair of ‘long-nosed pliers’ whilst I am winding the coil around and around.
Next, push in the centre of your spiral so that it takes on the shape shown below:
Then, place your ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ on top of your first ‘pour’ so that it spirals anticlockwise working from the centre to the outside when looking down into the mold
[see below]. Next, set it into a thin layer of resin only [we don’t want to short out the
coil with the metal particles] that will just cover it. You may have to support the
spiral with some sticky-tape to hold it in position [see below].
When the 5 mm ‘pour’ of pure resin has set, wrap one of the five quartz crystals you
have acquired to make the ‘Holy Hand Grenade’ with eleven turns of copper wire,
working from the bottom of the crystal in an anti-clockwise direction towards the
point [see below].
Next, you will need to place this wrapped crystal point down [facing the top of the
mold] and support it inside the centre of the spiral in readiness for the next pour [see
Make sure that none of the copper windings on the crystal touch the ‘Lost Cubit
Coil’, and hold it in place with a spare piece of copper wire which you will have to
tape to both the crystal and the outside of the bowl.
You can now make your next ‘pour’, which will set the end of the crystal in place.
When you do this only sprinkle the metal particles around the outside of the mold,
making sure that they do not short out [touch] either [1] the ‘Lost Cubit Coil’, or [2]
the coil wrapped crystal [see below].
Next, fill the mold with resin and metal shavings in 10-20 mm layers until you are
about 40 mm from the bottom of the mold. You will need to stop at that point, as you
will be fitting the four other coil wrapped quartz crystals into the base of the device
before completing it. Again, be very careful not to short out the ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ or
the coil-wrapped quartz crystal – meaning only sprinkle metal shavings around the
edge of the mold [see below].
You can now fit the remaining four quartz crystals to the ‘Holy Hand Grenade’
device before continuing the ‘pouring’ process to finish it.
First, you will need to coil-wrap the remaining four quartz crystals with copper wire.
Us usual, make eleven turns around each crystal – working from the bottom in an
anti-clockwise direction and winding the copper towards the top-most point [see
Next, place the four coil-wrapped crystals on the bottom of your mold so that the
points face the centre crystal [hopefully you acquired the correct length of crystal],
and so that each crystal represents one of the four directions [see below].
All we have to do now is to completely cover the remaining four crystals with resin
and metal particles. As usual stay away from the coil windings with the metal
particles, so that you do not short out the crystals. If you have ‘done your maths right’
you will find that when the four bottom-most crystals are completely covered, that
you will have 5 mm of depth left in the mold still available to allow the placement of
the bottom-most ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ [see below].
Ok, you are now ready to place the bottom-most ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ in the mold before
the final pour. This ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ will remain flat and will cover the four crystals
that we have just set in the mold.
Again, take a piece of copper wire 1193.3428 mm long [or as close as you can
measure it] and fold it exactly in half. Then, bend it to form a double spiral which will
appear as running anti-clockwise starting from the inside of the spiral and working
outwards when looking down upon it [see below]. Hold the centre of the spiral with a
pair of ‘long-nosed pliers’ whilst winding the coil around and around.
Now you can place this final [double-size] ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ in the mold, so that it
appears as running anti-clockwise starting from the inside of the spiral and working
outwards when looking down upon it [see below]. Hopefully, you have learned
enough to realise that we do not want this final ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ shorting out on any
metal particles. By this I mean that you should have made sure that your last pour left
no protruding metal particles sticking out of the top of your mold ☺
Let us have ‘top down’ look into the bottom of the mold, so that we can view the
placement of the final [double] ‘Lost Cubit Coil’.
If everything has worked out fine, you should now have your final [double] ‘Lost
Cubit Coil’ placed inside the mold, with about a spare mm or two of fill left to cover
this coil. When we cover the final ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ we will only use pure hardened
resin, as we do not want to short out the coil.
Once we have made the final pour, all we need to do is to leave the mold someplace
warm for one to two days to let it completely cure. Then we can remove the ‘Holy
Hand Grenade’ from the mold, and glue some felt to the bottom, to prevent the
device from scratching the surface that it is positioned upon if it is to be used ‘inside’
a building. If we are to ‘bury’ it secretly to shut down a cell phone tower’s thoughtcontrol capabilities, then the felt on the bottom is NOT necessary.
The finished ‘Holy Hand Grenade’ should now look something like this [see
The Completed ‘Holy Hand Grenade’
I should also point out here that the designer of these devices, Mr. Don Croft, needs
people to ‘GIFT’ these devices if your finances can allow it. By this I mean that you
could [1] give such a device to someone that is suffering an E.L.F [microwave]
attack, [2] bury such a device near to a Cell Phone Tower to prevent it from affecting
the thinking of the local residents, [3] bury such a device near to a negative building
such as a Masonic Temple, [4] bury such a device near to an ‘accident black spot’.
In the case of burying a ‘Holy Hand Grenade’ near to a Masonic Temple, you will
effectively recycle all of their ‘spells’ [dead Orgone energy – DOR] into pure Orgone
energy [OR], meaning that all the Freemasons practising black magic in the temple
will lend all their mental ‘energies’ towards making the world a much nicer place –
whether they like it or not ☺. Now, as far as White Magic goes, ‘gifting’ a ‘Holy
Hand Grenade’ and burying it close to a Masonic Temple, or a cell phone tower, is
about as White as Magic can get. So what are you waiting for ~ get on with it ☺
Holy Hand Grenade Version No 2 – The Mega Mushroom
I do not need to explain the complete construction of this variation to the design of
the ‘Holy Hand Grenade’, as it is almost identical to the original invented by Don
Croft that we just had a look at.
This variation takes the name of the ‘Mega-Mushroom’, and was invented by
myself! All you need to do, is to add a ‘leg’ onto the bottom of the mold, by
positioning the cut off bottom of an orange-squash cordial plastic drink bottle on the
bottom of the finished ‘Holy Hand Grenade’. Then mastic [bathroom sealer glue] it
in place to stop resin leakage when we make the add-on ‘pour[s]’. Once again, fill the
‘leg’ with 10 mm ‘pours’ of resin and metal shavings [Orgonite] until the ‘leg’ is
complete. You may place an extra quartz crystal inside the centre of this ‘leg’, and
you may also place an extra ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ at the very bottom of the ‘leg’ too.
The finished result looks like this:
A Completed ‘Mega Mushroom’
So, we have now learnt how to make a ‘Tower Buster’ Orgone Generator that can
surround our living-space with a globe of pure transformed Orgone; and we have also
learnt how to make a larger device called a ‘Holy Hand Grenade’ that is capable of
producing a protective sphere that has a diameter of about 1,200 meters, and which
can stop a cell phone tower from affecting our thought processes.
But, what about making an amplified device that can attack an Army or Navy remoteviewer [PSI-core], or that has the ability to attack a major demonic entity.
Well, luckily for you Don Croft, working with his hugely psychic wife Carol has
indeed designed such a device, which takes on the name of the ‘Succour-Punch’ for
the portable version, or the ‘Power Wand’ for the larger version.
Well examine both types of amplified Orgone Generator one at a time – beginning
with the ‘Succour Punch’.
The Succour Punch/ Power Wand
A Succour Punch [SP] is the name Don Croft gave to a quartz crystal that has a
mobius coil wrapped around it in a certain way so that a ‘knot’ is created for each
turn of the coil as it passes around the crystal. This knot creates a ‘node’ which boosts
the desired action. When you pulse a 15 Hz signal through a mobius coil, it sets up a
chaos field which interacts with the crystal to create scalar waves which can then be
programmed with your thoughts. In this manner, forces are set in motion both on
the third and fourth dimensional levels.
To use the SP, you turn it on and hold it over your heart chakra and tell it what you
want it to do. If you are being harassed by ELF microwave transmissions, you tell it to
create a perfect shield against any sort of energy that is beamed to you from any
dimensional plane, intended to cause you harm [in any way or form], by any sentient
being or thought form directing that negative energy towards you. You then tell it to
transmute any negative directed energy that penetrates your shield, into life
enhancing energy that invigorates and energizes you in a positive manner. You may
also instruct the Succour Punch crystal to beam back to the party [or parties, or
thought forms] who are responsible for sending this negative energy to you, the same
negative energy, but in a form that the offending parties are defenceless to shield
You may ask the Succour Punch crystal to return the offending energy at the
increased factor of 1000% for as long as the clowns are beaming the energy at you.
You may ask that any remote viewer, human or otherwise, be blocked from remote
influencing or remote viewing you or during psychic scans. You may ask that any
negative alien being should be blocked who attempts to attach any sort of life
draining ‘cord’ or device [in any dimension] to your chakras or interferes with you in
any way, etc2.
Dowsing has told Don Croft that a medium sized crystal can be programmed for about
35 tasks. Some crystals can handle more programs, despite their size. Since each
crystal is an individual with unique attributes. Larger crystals can usually handle more
programming and do things more powerfully than smaller crystals, but they all work
on the same principle. The crystal can work without the pulsing circuit, but the power
factor is much, much lower. According to Don Croft, negative aliens like the
Draconians, [or black magical ‘spying’ meditators] cannot stand to be in the
environment of the SP pulsing circuit and want to exit.
A Selection Of Different Sized Powered [Harmonically Amplified] Succour
Punch Crystals Showing The Jack-Plug To Attack The Harmonic Device
Another interesting side benefit of the SP crystal is its apparent ability to block the
transmission of high tech surveillance equipment. Don Croft discovered that the
Army, Navy and Police Forces could not monitor his movements or his conversations
when the SP pulser unit was turned on.
A Succour Punch [Harmonically Boosted] Crystal Showing The Attached Pulser Unit
Also, do not overlook the power of asking higher spiritual forces to help you overcome any form of
psychic attack or harassment. Michael Relfe has succeeded mightily in this regard by using the power
of thought and focused intent to help overcome anything the bad guys throw at him or his wife,
To make one of these Orgonite surrounded Succour Punch Crystals we will need to
start with a large sized quartz crystal. Perhaps 4-6 inches log, and 1.5-2 inches in
diameter. Only this time we will not wrap the quartz crystal with eleven windings of
copper wire.
Instead, we will [1] first pre-wrap the same quartz crystal with eleven windings of
pure ‘Silver Wire’ that runs both clockwise and anti-clockwise [see below]; we will
[2] mid-wrap the quartz crystal with a knotted ‘Mobius Coil’ to focus the harmonics;
and then we will [3] final-wrap the same quartz crystal with a 3 X ‘Lost Cubit Coil’
to ‘hold’ the harmonics in a ‘containment field’ within the quartz crystal.
Let us begin with the initial ‘Silver Wrap’, which serves to ensure that the amplified
harmonics that we will ‘fire’ through the quartz crystal utilises the entire length of the
crystal [see below].
A Silver Wrapped Quartz Crystal
With the point facing to the ‘left’, and using the ‘top-most point’ as a reference
location [see above] start in the middle of the crystal, imagine you are looking down
through the ‘top-most point’ towards the bottom, and wind the silver wire eleven
turns from the middle towards the bottom in a clock-wise direction. Using the same
reference [looking down on the ‘top-most point’] now wind another length of silver
wire from the centre of the crystal in an anti-clockwise direction towards the ‘topmost point’. Make sure that the two pieces of silver wire DO NOT TOUCH in the
When you are done with the silver wire, cover it with ‘super-glue’, or some other
suitable clear glue. This will serve to [1] strengthen the delicate silver-wire [2] hold
the two coils in place, [3] stop any chance of a break in the silver wire when applying
the following two processes, and [2] stop anything ‘shorting out’ on the silver wire
Our next task is to wrap the same crystal with a ‘mobius coil’, which is a continuous
[un-broken] 4-strand twisted coil [with two ‘long ends’] that will connect a female 2.5
mm ‘jack-plug’ socket that we will use to connect the finished device to either [1] a
Pulser Unit, [2] a Personal Computer sound card, or [3] a C.D. walkman type device
with the necessary frequencies stored on a C.D.
To make a mobius coil, refer to the following guide:
The Items you will need:
1 cordless drill
1 spool of 30 guage alluminum wire from Radioshack, comes in red, blue and white
in 50ft. Do not get the magnet wire that is copper. The copper is very stiff while
wrapping also the enamel insulator easily scrapes off causing minute shortages.
1 crystal.
First select a length of wire that will be appropriate for the size of crystal. Very small
crystals will need only three feet of wire, larger ones with a diameter of 1 inch or
larger will need 20-25 feet or more, the hole spool for giant crystals.
Fold the wire in half, then fold that in half again. Basically folding the wire into
quarters. Be sure to leave the two ‘ends’ long, so you can fit a ‘jack-plug’.
Now take the end where both ends are bent, place them into the locking chuck of your
cordless drill. The easiest way to keep them together evenly in the drill is by starting a
small twist to hold them together.
Set the drill direction so that it will remove a screw [leftwards rotation]. With your
other hand, hold onto the end with the two leads. Make sure you keep good tension
while the drill is rotating. This will minimise irregularities. If the wire is longer than
your arm span have someone help hold it or clamp it to a sturdy stand.
You'll know the wire is correctly wound when the thread angles are at 45 degrees.
Hold your crystal and wire like so. You will be doing a counter clock wire wrap that
works upward.
Here is how you start your first knot.
Notice that the knot goes over, down, up-around. It's basically a square knot. Keep
this knot a little loose because you'll need the space for the remaining knots.
Now repeat the process. You'll notice the wire working upward. While the knot keeps
getting larger. Start pulling the wire tight.
Here is how it looks going around a third time. Each time you start a new knot you
start just before the last one. Remember to keep the wraps tight. This will ensure you
don't have any wires overlapping on the back.
Here is the finished result. You'll notice that the knot's start right after the last one
begun. Use glue to hold wires in place, a hot glue gun or goop [P.V.A.] works great.
Strip the ends and you got your self an ‘jack-plug’ female socket connection. Be
aware that covering the ‘mobius coil’ wrapped quartz crystal in P.V.A. or some other
suitable glue BEFORE fitting the final copper ‘restraining’ coil over the top of it will
prevent any ‘shorts’, meaning that this part is very important.
If you notice the knots getting to difficult to overlap then start another row the same
way as the first. Pull the excess just a little above the first mobius wrap, wrap the wire
around counter clock-wise then do the knot and keep repeating as many times as
needed. It's basically a simple pattern that keeps repeating.
* The diagrams above show a mobius coil on a crystal that has NOT been prewrapped with silver wire. The silver wire wraps are optional, but they DO improve
the ‘end result’. Personally, I ALWAYS pre-wrap the quarts crystal with silver wire
A quartz crystal with a finished ‘mobius coil’ wrapped around it.
Before encasing our quartz crystal in ‘Orgonite’ [resin and metal shavings], all we
need to do is to cover our ‘glue-coated’ mobius coil with a final copper coil wrap.
This final wrap is, once again, optional – but DOES serve to ‘restrain’ the harmonics
we are going to ‘fire’ through the crystal. Without the final copper coil it is more
likely that we can lose a little of the harmonic ‘focus’ that is intended to be ‘pumped’
through the quartz crystal.
Once again the Egyptian ‘Lost Cubit’ coil length will be used. Meaning cut yourself a
length of copper wire that is 1193.3428 mm long [or as close as you can measure it],
only this time DO NOT fold it in half, simply wind it anti-clockwise working from the
bottom of the quartz crystal towards the ‘top-most point’ in a manner that covers the
‘mobius coil’ [see below]:
A quartz crystal pre-wrapped with silver wire, mid-wrapped with a mobius coil,
and final-wrapped with a ‘Lost Cubit Coil’ of copper wire to ‘contain the field.
All you have to do now, is to ‘set’ your wrapped quartz crystal into some ‘Orgonite’
[resin and metal particles], and then connect a female 2.5 mm ‘jack-plug’ socket onto
your two long ends of the ‘mobius coil’ [see below]:
A completed ‘Orgonite’ surrounded ‘Succour Punch’ frequency gun.
As far as the frequency generator is concerned, you can order one from the original
designer of these devices, Don Croft. The frequency generator [‘Super Compact’
version] ships at an $80 donation plus $6 shipping. The ordering name you need to
use is that of the ‘super compact SP Pulser’, and the link to request one is below:
[email protected]
As for me, I made a modification to the ‘Succour Punch’ frequency gun so that it
would run in STERIO [Don Croft’s original runs in MONO with one quartz crystal].
To accomplish this, all I did was to employ TWO ‘mobius coil’ wrapped quartz
crystals [one on top of the other] and each with its own ‘mobius coil’. Doing this gave
me FOUR ‘long ends’ exiting from the TWO ‘mobius coils’, meaning that I could fit
a STEREO female ‘jack-plug’ socket. In this way I can use the device at home
running from a Personal Computer sound card, or as a portable device running from a
C.D. Walkman [set on ‘repeat loop’] with the necessary frequencies burned onto a
C.D. Personally I think that if you are suffering a governmental microwave assault on
your well-being, that you do NOT want to be trusting the ‘Royal Mail’ to order
anything from ‘overseas’ [I live in the UK].
If you want to design your own device that runs on ‘stereo’ [you can produce TWO
frequencies at once this way, or simply double the strength of one frequency] then
you will need to download a specific piece of software that allows you to produce any
The necessary software is called ‘the NCH Tone Generator’, which can be
downloaded in it’s ‘demo’ format at:
If you do want to make it into the full version you can either ‘pay’ for it, or simply
search for the crack on the internet [which IS available]. Personally, I rarely use
‘money’ for anything – but then that’s me ☺
As for which frequencies to emply, there is a listin at:
And also at:
If you want me to impart a few choice frequencies right here and now, then I will. The
infamous frequency that Don Croft recommends for preventing black magicians,
government PSI agencies, and stand-alone ‘remote viewers’ from seeing you is a 15
Hz ‘square wave’ – this is the harmonic of the year 2012. And, bearing this in mind
you will plainly see that any life-form that is destined NOT to make it as far as
Earth’s transition into 5D is NOT going to like that frequency that equates to the
‘New Age’ when it is ‘fired’ at them now.
Further interesting frequencies are:
Alpha 7.83 Hz ~ Earth Resonance presently. For Invention, Creativity, & Energy
Alpha 7.0 Hz ~ To Enhance ESP [Extra Sensory Projection], & Intuition
Alpha 12.0 Hz ~ For Cantering Yourself And Balance, & Greater Harmony
Theta 3.5 HZ ~ For Super Learning, Especially Of Languages, & Retention
Theta 6.3 Hz ~ For Super Learning, To Boost Memory, & Mental Confidence
Beta 14.1 Hz ~ For Efficiency In Daily Activities: Emotional, Mental, & Physical
4.9 Hz ~ Induce relaxation, meditation & deeper sleep
528 Hz ~ Mend DNA and strengthens the cell wall to boost immunity [Dr Rife]
441 Hz ~ The King's Chamber Frequency, clears a chaotic room [Dr Rife]
30 KHz [square wave] ~ cures AIDS
Use ‘square waves’ or ‘pulse waves’ for all of these frequencies.
And if you want a ‘fuller’ listing of frequencies, just run a search on your preferred
web browser for a listing known as the ‘Clark Frequencies’. I did, and found a *.pdf
[Adobe acrobat] document with thousands of frequencies included.
I should also point out that there is a very simple version of the ‘Succour Punch’ that
is just a [1] silver wire pre-wrapped, [2] mobius coil mid-wrapped, and [3] copper coil
final-wrapped version – with no surrounding ‘Orgonite’. To be honest, you could
simply wrap a ‘mobius coil’ around a plain quartz crystal [see below]. Though,
personally, I like to build the best and most powerful device that I can – but then
that’s me ☺
A very simplistic ‘Succour Punch’ ready for connection to a MONO frequency
A ‘Succour Punch’ becomes a ‘Power Wand’ simply by making it more powerful.
The original designer of these devices, Don Croft, calls the basic model which is NOT
surrounded in ‘Orgonite’ and which runs in MONO a ‘Succour punch’. He also calls
a bigger version with two [or more] crystals] a ‘Power Wand’. I guess my own
modified version that runs in STEREO using two mobius coil wrapped quartz crystals
would fit into the ‘Power Wand’ category.
I also made a very large version with FOUR 1 inch by four inch quartz crystals
representing the FOUR DIRECTIONS feeding [and positioned below] into a fist sized
quarts crystal above it. The four smaller crystals were diagonally positioned, meaning
all their respective ‘top-most’ points were lined up with the centre of the bottom of
the fist sized crystal above them. All five of these crystals were pre-wrapped with
silver, mid-wrapped with a mobius coil, and final-wrapped with a ‘Lost Cubit’ coil of
copper [see below]. I guess this one would be called something like a ‘Mega, Mega
The Mega-Mega Wand
I should add that I also fitted a spiralled ‘Lost Cubit’ coil to the bottom of the mold
[which was too tricky to draw here!].
All four of the smaller lower-positioned quartz crystals are wired-up in series to make
one ‘channel’ of sound, with the fist-sized ‘top-most’ crystal making the other
channel. This device runs from either [1] a Personal Computer sound card, or [2] a
C.D. Walkman with the required frequencies burned onto a C.D. I guess that an MP3
player would also work, but you run the risk of losing the memory if the batteries run
OK, we have learned to make a variety of powered and non-powered ‘Orgone
Generators’, but what about a massive device that is literally capable of altering the
climate. To be honest the corrupt world governments employ a similar series of
devices to ‘manufacture’ weather conditions. And, if ‘they’ can do it, then I would say
that we ought to be doing this to. This particular device is called the ‘Chembuster’ as
it has the capabilities to break up poisonous ‘Chem Trails’ [chemical clouds dropped
on purpose by corrupt governments from planes to control citizens by chemical
means]. The following section is in the words of Ken Adachi, the manager of the most
excellent ‘Educate Yourself’ Internet Forum [].
The Chembuster
The first Chembuster [CB] I ever saw was the one Don Croft sent me back in 2002.
The very first day I set it up on the patio, we had a black helicopter visit us at 2 AM,
hovering loudly about 150 feet overhead, and shining the brightest search light
imaginable-going around and around our place- in an obvious attempt to both
intimidate and video tape us inside our home using special infrared technology [which
is standard equipment today, even on local police helicopters]. A chembuster will
produce an intensely blue orgone field that is easily seen on any infrared radar
weather map. You probably won't get a visit from a black helicopter when you set up
your CB because there are too many CB's out there now and they generally don't
bother with the helicopter routine anymore, but you can still see the blue orgone field
cantered over your house if you go to a weather web site and click on the infrared
maps for your area. You will be surprised to see that the orgone field extends outward
for many miles.
It usually takes a couple of weeks for a new CB to acclimate to the local environment,
so you may not see dramatic results with chemtrails right away, but just hang in there
for 2 or 3 weeks and you will begin to notice things. The more heavily laid the
chemtrails in your area, the longer it takes for the CB to gear up to the task of
dispering them. The larger the CB resin/metal chip matrix base, the larger the
diameter of the pipes used, the longer the length of pipes used, the more and larger
crystals used, the more coils used, etc. means a more powerful punch of orgone
transmutation delivered by the CB. The bare bones basic chembuster is made with a 2
gallon plastic bucket and six, 1 inch copper pipes. The six upper pipe extensions are
five feet long and plug into a one inch copper pipe coupler connected to the short
pipes embedded within the resin/metal chip matrix base. The upper extension pipe
assembly is held in place and parallel using a wooden template. The six pipes are
evenly spaced out in the bucket in a perfect circle which, when viewed overhead, will
give you two sets of 3 pipe triangles that intersect each other as in the Star of David
configuration. Setting crystals [inside the pipes] in the Star of David configuration can
have some very powerful effects both on the etheric and physical planes.
For crystals, I use the longest and widest Lemurian Seed Crystals [long thin quartz
points] that I can fit inside the pipe. I always include a 3X Royal Cubit 14 gauge coil
at the bottom of every 2 gallon Chembuster [see below 1st] and a 4X Royal Cubit coil
at the bottom of the 5 gallon Chembuster. If you wish to add the option of more coils
or more crystals, you can make your selection fro m the CB Options list below.
The two gallon CB is made in a two gallon plastic bucket and uses six, 1 inch copper
pipe extensions [shown below].
You can leave the CB in the plastic bucket for easy portability or remove it and bury
the CB directly into the ground. Plants will always grow more vigorously in the
presence of a CB and burying a unit directly into the ground will improve plant
growth even more dramatically. Some people put them in the centre of their garden
and are amazed to see the improvement in plant vigour. Many people have reported
that spraying a mist of water on the CB on a daily basis will tend to bring rain [if your
area needs it]. It's not a guaranteed thing, but many have reported this phenomena.
The base unit deal includes six 1 inch copper couplers and a painted wooden
alignment template that goes near the top.
You can either pick up your own 1 inch copper pipes at a local building supply centre
such as Home Depot or Loew's [American department stores], or you can order the
whole enchilada from me. If you get your own pipes, ask the salesman to cut a ten
foot length of pipe in half to give you two 5 foot lengths [buy a total of six, 5 foot
pipes]. You also have the options of adding one more pipe to a centre location [total
of seven pipes], adding more crystals, adding SP Pulser crystals, adding more coils,
and adding other ingredients to the 2 gallon base unit by choosing from the CB
Options list below.
CB Options Described
If you really want to go for the Big Bang in sky repair, you'll want to consider adding
some of the extra CB options listed below which could include a [A] seventh
pipe/Lemurian crystal in the centre and the [B] 2X Royal Cubit ¼ inch spiral tubing.
You can get the ¼ inch spiral tubing with or without the seventh pipe. I prefer to fill
the ¼ inch spiral tubing with Raymon Grace water, but other substances are possible.
Other options to consider are the [C] Lateral coil-wrapped DT crystals to connect the
two Star of David triangle pipe configurations.
You can see the first set of Lateral Crystals installed here…
…and the second set installed here…
…and a large side view [235K] here]…
Another choice is to embed one, two, or three [D] Succour Punch [SP] crystals with
Mobius coil and 4X Royal Cubit coils directly into the resin/metal matrix of the CB
before the final pour for the purpose of pulsing the entire CB at 15 Hz with a [E] SP
Pulser [or an mp3 or C.D. device] attached to the base of a pipe and rubber hooded for
rain protection.
You could also [F] Silver Wrap 3 the SP crystal [1] before installing the mobius coil
[see above]…
One coil winds clockwise and the other counter-clockwise for exactly 11 turns. The two coils do not
touch each other [].
[2] and wind a [G] 4X Royal Cubit coil [3] around the outside of the SP crystal for
most of its length, but leave the tip of the crystal exposed in order to protrude above
the resin/metal matrix after the final pour. Three SP crystals are seen installed here,
but one or two SP crystals will still pulse the entire CB.
Multiple SP crystals could be wired in either parallel or series. When wired in
parallel, the leading edge of the square-wave pulse from the SP Pulser would enter
each SP crystal at the same moment in time and would cause each crystal to pulse in
symmetrical unison. However, if wired in series, the pulse would have to travel from
crystal A to B to C and due to the inductive reactance [resistance] of the mobius coils,
there would be a slight time lag in the leading edge of the pulse that enters each
crystal. The sum effect would cause a rotation of the magnetic fields rising and falling
in each crystal. In theory, at least, this would cause a vortex-like rotation of the
orgone field and would act to "stir" the ether and encourage movement as achieved by
Trevor James Constable with his rotating 'Spider' units used to break up DOR etheric
stagnation [].
Please visit the world wide web’s best ‘Second Coming’ internet sites. In
particular please visit:
[1] Managed by Patrick Bellringer.
[2] ‘The Sign Of Jonah’ that was spoken about in the famous ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’
is written under the pen name of John Grau [me], and is available to read at : If
anything goes wrong with that site, I will post ‘The ‘Sign’ up on ALL P2P’s soon
– so look out for it.
[3] Here you will find ‘The Dead Sea
Scrolls’ listed as ‘Phoenix Journal 2’; an expansion to the ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’,
penned by Mankind’s God-head ATON listed as ‘Phoenix Journal 27’; the
‘Governing Rules Of The Demonic Hierarchy’, listed as ‘Phoenix Journal 5’;
and a series of ‘Seven Pleiadian Scrolls’ listed as ‘Phoenix Journals 30-36’.
[4] An Eastern-block web-site with a wealth of
Ascended Master information. In particular check the socio-economic
philosophies of the inhabitants of the Planet Iarga on this site. The link for this
particular philosophy is:
[5] Managed by Candace Frieze, the official
channel for Christ Michael during Earth’s 5D transition stage.
[6] A site dedicated to the energies of the Creator God
Brought To You By ‘The One That Was Jonah’
Have a Nice Day ☺