Untitled - e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central


Untitled - e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central
Item Code: 77009780 (AVR - 264)
Item Code: 77009781 (AVR - 128)
Item Code: 77009782 (AVR - 512)
32-Bit MCU Mini Board (AVR32-4C3C2 264C/128C/512)
UHF-EX is a transparent wireless UART tranceiver with 100mW RF output. This RF power allows a useful control range of more than 500m
(unobstructed line of sight LOS range can reach 700m).
Item Code: 77009301
PLC64 (28 I/O Programmable Logic Controller)
e-Gizmo PLC64 (28 I/O Programmable Logic controller) is built for industrial automation and process control applications. This board is designed
as an affordable PLC hardware compatible with both Ladder Logic and
ClassicLadder programming software.
Item Code: 77009247
e-Gizmo AVR32 MCU board a high-speed 32-bit MCU engine with
64DMIPS at 50MHz. With this performance, it can perform calculations
and functions fast enough for scientific and high-end programming applications. It can also be used for multiple serial control used for wireless
serial devices.
Item Code: 580012250
Remote Controller kit
It is a serial (UART) robot remote controller using a pair of high quality
multidirectional switch (8 direction joystick with push activation) and a
pair of push switch. You can use one joystick to control the movement
of your robot, and then use the other joystick to control whatever else is
mounted on your robot. The Remote Controller works by broadcasting
the status of all keys 20 times a second. Your robot captures this information and your robot program decides what to do with it.
Item Code: 77011034
gizDuino X (ATmega1280) version 2.0
* With Serial Tx-Rx disable switch
gizDuino X is the latest addition to our growing family of Arduino compatible controllers. It is based on an ATMEGA1281 MCU, a family member
of the ATMEGA1280 used in Arduino Mega board. This kit offers 54 I/
Os, 1 hardware SPI, 2- hardware UART, not to mention its large memory
capacities: 128K FLASH, 8K SRAM, and 4K EEPROM.
Item Code: 580012188 (w/o pins) / 580012191(w/ pins)
Item Code: 580012189 (w/o pins) / 580012192(w/ pins)
gizDuino USB mini (ATmega168P/328P)*
for 168P*
for 328P*
gizDuino mini variant with USBaspLoader firmware and USB programming port to form a complete low cost Arduino compatible mini board!
No need for a separate USB programmer. Choice of ATMEGA328 or ATMEGA168 controller.
Item Code: 77009025 (ATemga164P)*
Item Code: 77009026(ATemga324P)*
Item Code: 77009027 (ATemga644P)*
gizDuino+ mini (ATmega164P/324P/644P)*
*gizDuino is a hardware platform compatible with Arduino.
gizDuino+ series are Arduino™ IDE compatible and Sanguino inspired
boards that features more I/O-12 additional I/Os, over the standard gizDuino* we are already accustomed with. Using a more feature rich picoPowerAVR chip ATMEGA644P/324P/164P, you are now afforded with an
additional hardware UART port (Serial1), and one more SPI channel, all
of which are configurable as general purpose digital I/O.
*gizDuino is a hardware platform compatible with Arduino™.
Item Code: 77012851 (w/o pins) / 77011024 (w/ pins)
Item Code: 77012852 (w/o pins) / 77011025 (w/ pins)
Item Code: 77012853 (w/o pins) / 77011026 (w/ pins)
Item Code: 77012854 (w/o pins) / 77011027 (w/ pins)
gizDuino mini (ATmega8/88/168P/328P)*
for 8*
for 88*
for 168P*
for 328P*
gizDuino mini is an Arduino software compatible board in a small DIP-size
board. It is a minimalist design, but has all the necessary components
needed for a quick deployment. Pin spacings are likewise standard, allowing you to use it with your breadboard and protoboards. Initially available in four variants: gizDuino mini8
- ATMEGA 8L, gizDuino mini88
- ATMEGA88, gizDuino mini168 - ATMEGA168, gizDuino mini328 - ATMEGA328
Item Code: 580012151 (ATemga164P)*
Item Code: 580012150(ATemga324P)*
Item Code: 77009037 (ATemga644P)*
gizDuino+ version 3.0: Arduino Compatible kit
(ATmega164P/324P/644P) * With Serial Tx-Rx disable switch
gizDuino+ series are Arduino™ IDE compatible and Sanguino inspired
boards that features more I/O 12 additional I/Os, over the standard gizDuino* we are already accustomed with. Using a more feature rich picoPowerAVR chip ATMEGA644P/324P/164P, you are now afforded with an
additional hardware UART port (Serial1), and one more SPI.
Item Code: 580011816
PhilRoboKit Anito
PhilRobokit Anito is an Arduino inspired collaborated project of PhilRobotics. Anito is the beta version based on PIC16F877a, It contains 4 LED’s,
2 switches, 1 buzzer and 1 Servo port. It is designed that a user can
experiment with the basics of microcontroller as soon as the board is
powered up.
Item Code: 77011848
IRC Slimboard (Zilog Encore! Trainer/Development Platform)
Designed and developed by the University of the Philippines IRC laboratory group, the IRC Slimboard is an excellent microcontroller learning
tool. It is based on the powerful and feature rich Flash Zilog Encore! microcontroller z8F6421. A perfect companion for the book Designing with
the z8 Encore! Microcontroller.
Item Code: 77011929
CPLD Experimenter Board
Xilinx XC2C128 100VQFP
Learn to proram and use CPLDs hands-on with our Xilinx CPLDS based
experimenter board. Parallel JTAG ISP programmer and regulator circuits
are built on-board. Easy to connect I/O terminals for quick breadboarding.
Item Code: 580010327 (ATemga328P)*
gizDuino (ATMEGA328P) version 4.1
* With Serial Tx-Rx disable switch
Learn to use and program microcontroller the fast and easy way. e-Gizmo’s Gizduino platform kit is a single board AVR microcontroller platform
based on highly popular open source Arduino design. It can be used as
well with AVR’s tradional programming tools.
Item Code: 77012679 (ATemga168P)*
gizDuino (ATMEGA168P) version 4.1
* With Serial Tx-Rx disable switch
Learn to use and program microcontroller the fast and easy way. e-Gizmo’s Gizduino platform kit is a single board AVR microcontroller platform
based on highly popular open source Arduino design. It can be used as
well with AVR’s tradional programming tools.
Item Code: 77003440
PIC18F2500 Pinguino Compatible
PIC18F2550 platform with Arduino compatible pin layout. Works on Arduino- like software development platform based on open source Pinguino project. Board is pin compatible with gizDuino line of shields.
Item Code: 77008934
32-bit STM32 MCU Board
Designed and developed by the University of the Philippines IRC laboratory group, the IRC Slimboard is an excellent microcontroller learning
tool. It is based on the powerful and feature rich Flash Zilog Encore!
microcontroller z8F6421. A perfect companion for the book Designing
with the z8 Encore! Microcontroller.
Item Code: 77003388
Zilog Encore! Platform
Zilog encore!z8F042A microcontroller platform withwith Arduino hardware compatible pin layout. C language or Assembly language programming using Zilog’s free ZDSII IDE. Board is pin compatible with gizDuino
line of shields.
& CPLD Legacy
PIC Ethernet Module
Microchip ENC28J60 + PIC18F25J10 Development Module for ethernet
network connectivity applications. Its TCP/IP to serial firmware allows you
to use it easily as a ethernet bridge with your existing microcontroller
circuit. Advance user can generate and load his own code for stand alone
application specific functions.
PIC Based Universal Programmable Robot Controller
- Powered by PIC16F628A Flash MCU
- Built-in motor driver that can be programmed to drive two DC motors or
one Stepping motor
- eICD2 compatible port for in-circuit programming and debugging
- High quality snap on terminal connectors for motor and I/O
MCS51-XA Board
16 Bit Microcontroller Experimenter Module(EZkonnek ports)
Experience true 16-bit performance with e Gizmo MCS51-XA Experimenter Module. This mini board uses NXP(Philips) XA-49AG, a turbocharged 8051C microcontroller unit with 16-bit architecture.
gizDuino ATMEGA328 Version 2.2
Learn to use and program microcontroller the fast and easy way. e-Gizmo’s Gizduino platform kit is a single board AVR microcontroller platform
based on highly popular open source Arduino design. It can be used as
well with AVR’s tradional programming tools.
gizDuino ATMEGA168 version 2.2
Learn to use and program microcontroller the fast and easy way. e-Gizmo’s Gizduino platform kit is a single board AVR microcontroller platform
based on highly popular open source Arduino design. It can be used as
well with AVR’s tradional programming tools.
gizDuino+ version 2
gizDuino+ series are Arduino™ IDE compatible and Sanguino inspired
boards that features more I/O 12 additional I/Os, over the standard gizDuino* we are already accustomed with. Using a more feature rich picoPowerAVR chip ATMEGA644P/324P/164P, you are now afforded with an
additional hardware UART port (Serial1), and one more SPI.
gizDuino X version 1.0
gizDuino X is the latest addition to our growing family of Arduino compatible controllers. It is based on an ATMEGA1281 MCU, a family member
of the ATMEGA1280 used in Arduino Mega board. This kit offers 54 I/
Os, 1 hardware SPI, 2- hardware UART, not to mention its large memory
capacities: 128K FLASH, 8K SRAM, and 4K EEPROM.
& Bootloaders
Item Code: 580012185
USBasp Clone
Low cost USB programmer for ATMEL AVR microcontrollers with ISP features based on Thomas Fischl USBasp and METALAB AVRProg. This
clone implements the AVRProg version that has a 1MHz clock source that
users can use to recover chips with wrong clock fuse settings.
Item Code: 77012432
ePIC-KIT2 (PIC USB Programmer and Debugger)
A clone of the immensely popular Microchip PicKit2 hardware development kit. It is programmer and debugger rolled into one. Supports incircuit programming and debugging of almost any PIC16F and PIC18F
microcontroller variants. Connects to a PC via USB a port where power
to the circuits is also drawn from, eliminating the need for an external
power source.
Item Code:
Genius G840 IC Programmer
USB Universal Programmer 51/AVR/PIC/EEPROM
GENIUS G840 is a newst type of the GENIUS programmer family. It has
the features as following except the usual performances of others.
Item Code: 770103267
JTAG / SWD Emulator with USB interface
a USB powered JTAG emulator supporting a large number of CPU cores.
Based on a 32-bit RISC CPU, it can communicate at high speed with
the supported target CPUs. J-Link is used around the world in tens of
thousand places for development and production (flash programming)
& Bootloaders Legacy
ePICPRO PIC microcontroller Programmer Kit
Use your PCs parallel port to program your favorite PIC microcontrollers.
Uses a ZIF socket to easily mount/remove PICMICRO chips, from 18pins to 40-pins varieties.
eICD2 PIC In -circuit Programmer & Debugger (ICD2 clone)
Program and debug in-circuit virtually any 5V PIC Microcontrollers. Using eICD2, you can examine your program as it run inside an actual PIC
microcontroller. You can check the program variables, symbols, and even
read and write directly to the PICs internal registers, all via the MPLAB
application. eICD2 is a must-have for any serious PICMICRO users!
compatible controllers
ITEM CODE: 77009661
gizDuino IOT-644 (Internet-Of-Things)
gizDuino Internet-Of-Things (IOT)-644 an Arduino Compatible platform
with on-board 100MBps Ethernet for your IOT project. Double memory
capacity ATMEGA644 + Wiznet W5500 + uSD Card Reader + Standard
Shield Socket.
Item Code: 580012188 (w/o pins) / 580012191(w/ pins)
Item Code: 580012189 (w/o pins) / 580012192(w/ pins)
gizDuino USB mini (ATmega168P/328P)*
for 168P*
for 328P*
gizDuino mini variant with USBaspLoader firmware and USB programming port to form a complete low cost Arduino compatible mini board!
No need for a separate USB programmer. Choice of ATMEGA328 or ATMEGA168 controller.
Item Code: 77009025 (ATemga164P)*
Item Code: 77009026(ATemga324P)*
Item Code: 77009027 (ATemga644P)*
gizDuino+ mini (ATmega164P/324P/644P)*
*gizDuino is a hardware platform compatible with Arduino.
gizDuino+ series are Arduino™ IDE compatible and Sanguino inspired
boards that features more I/O-12 additional I/Os, over the standard gizDuino* we are already accustomed with. Using a more feature rich picoPowerAVR chip ATMEGA644P/324P/164P, you are now afforded with an
additional hardware UART port (Serial1), and one more SPI channel, all
of which are configurable as general purpose digital I/O.
*gizDuino is a hardware platform compatible with Arduino™.
Item Code: 77012851 (w/o pins) / 77011024 (w/ pins)
Item Code: 77012852 (w/o pins) / 77011025 (w/ pins)
Item Code: 77012853 (w/o pins) / 77011026 (w/ pins)
Item Code: 77012854 (w/o pins) / 77011027 (w/ pins)
gizDuino mini (ATmega8/88/168P/328P)*
for 8*
for 88*
for 168P*
for 328P*
gizDuino mini is an Arduino software compatible board in a small DIP-size
board. It is a minimalist design, but has all the necessary components
needed for a quick deployment. Pin spacings are likewise standard, allowing you to use it with your breadboard and protoboards. Initially available in four variants: gizDuino mini8
- ATMEGA 8L, gizDuino mini88
- ATMEGA88, gizDuino mini168 - ATMEGA168, gizDuino mini328 - ATMEGA328
Item Code: 580012151 (ATemga164P)*
Item Code: 580012150(ATemga324P)*
Item Code: 77009037 (ATemga644P)*
gizDuino+ version 3.0: Arduino Compatible kit
(ATmega164P/324P/644P) * With Serial Tx-Rx disable switch
gizDuino+ series are Arduino™ IDE compatible and Sanguino inspired
boards that features more I/O 12 additional I/Os, over the standard gizDuino* we are already accustomed with. Using a more feature rich picoPowerAVR chip ATMEGA644P/324P/164P, you are now afforded with an
additional hardware UART port (Serial1), and one more SPI.
Item Code: 77011034
gizDuino X (ATmega1280) version 2.0
* With Serial Tx-Rx disable switch
gizDuino X is the latest addition to our growing family of Arduino compatible controllers. It is based on an ATMEGA1281 MCU, a family member
of the ATMEGA1280 used in Arduino Mega board. This kit offers 54 I/
Os, 1 hardware SPI, 2- hardware UART, not to mention its large memory
capacities: 128K FLASH, 8K SRAM, and 4K EEPROM.
Item Code: 580010327 (ATemga328P)*
gizDuino (ATMEGA328P) version 4.1
* With Serial Tx-Rx disable switch
Learn to use and program microcontroller the fast and easy way. e-Gizmo’s Gizduino platform kit is a single board AVR microcontroller platform
based on highly popular open source Arduino design. It can be used as
well with AVR’s tradional programming tools.
Item Code: 77012679 (ATemga168P)*
gizDuino (ATMEGA168P) version 4.1
* With Serial Tx-Rx disable switch
Learn to use and program microcontroller the fast and easy way. e-Gizmo’s Gizduino platform kit is a single board AVR microcontroller platform
based on highly popular open source Arduino design. It can be used as
well with AVR’s tradional programming tools.
Item Code: 77008934
32-bit STM32 MCU Board
Arm Cortex M3, 30DMIPS, 32 bit processing power at 8-bit cost
Based on STM32F100C8 32 bit ARM Cortex M3 micocontroller with 64K
Flash Memory and loads of peripherals. With on board USB to UART
bridge for ISP programming and user defined UART to USB transactions.
Arduino style pin layout allows you to use it with existing gizDuino shields
and training modules.
Item Code: 77005020
PIC18F2500 Pinguino Compatible
PIC18F2550 platform with Arduino compatible pin layout.
Works on Arduino- like software development platform based on open
source Pinguino project. Board is pin compatible with gizDuino line of
Item Code: 77003388
Zilog encore!z8F042A microcontroller platform withwith Arduino hardware
compatible pin layout. C language or Assembly language programming using Zilog’s free ZDSII IDE. Board is pin compatible with gizDuino line of
Item Code: 77009401
CC3000 Wi-Fi Kit and Shield
Arduino/gizDuino Compatible Wi-Fi Shield based on TI CC3000 Wi-FiModule lets you add online and network connection capability to your
Item Code: 77009400
W5100 Ethernet Shield
Based on Wiznet W5100 Ethernet chip and can intercommunicate with
both the W5100 & Micro-SD card using SPI(ICSP header). Easy connect on the ethernet using RJ-45 standard connection, just provides a
network local address.
Item Code: 77009170
USB Host Shield 2
e-Gizmo USB Host Shield 2 is used for interfacing with USB devices
such as an optical mouse or a flash drive. The shield can also be used
as an input/output expander with its extension pins. USB data are sent/
received via Serial communication.
Item Code: 580012250
USB Host Shield
e-Gizmo MAX3421 based USB Host Shield will enable your gizDuino
(or Arduino) to work with many popular USB devices. By integrating
applicable USB host code libraries with your application codes, your
gizDuino system can now painlessly use USB Bluetooth dongle, USB
keyboard, USB mouse, USB Joystick, and USB GPS devices- just to
Item Code: 77003178
LED Shield w/ Buffered I/O Monitor
LED shield 2v0 is a programmable shield with 20 LEDs, 3 analog switches installed directly to the shield and with a reset button.
Item Code: 77008959
ENC28J60 Ethernet Module(Shield)
With microSD card socket
ENC28J60 based ethernet interface module for your gizDuino (Arduino
Compatible) controller. Allows your gizDuino to connect to your intranet
and internet network. You can easily build internet enabled projects and
applications running your codes worked with Arduino ENC28J60 libraries. A microSD card socket interface is included should you find a need
for a large data storage space.
Item Code: 77008961
GPS Module (Shield)
With external antenna included
Our new low cost Global Positioning System GPS module has buffered
UART serial I/O that allows it to be interfaced with any host MCU operating within 3V to 5V range. Full I/O interface functions are available
through a 2x7 header connector. Ready to use as a gizDuino (Arduino
Compatible) Shield . UART/SUART1 serial port selection switch.
Item Code: 77008881
LED Matrix Common Cathode Driver Shield
Used in conjunction with our gizDuino (Arduino compatible) controller
and LED dot matrix display kit to build a full function LED dot matrix
display system.
Item Code: 77008950
GSM / GPRS Shield
Our SIMCOM SIM900D GSM/GPRS kit is repackaged to allow it to function as a gizDuino (Arduino Compatible) Shield as well. New features includes buffered 5V tolerant UART port for worry free interfacing between
3V to 5V host MCUs.
Item Code: 77003998
Bluetooth shield (Master)
Employing our latest EGBT-05 series low cost bluetooth module, the
Bluetooth shield is likewise available in two low cost versions: Slave
only functions and Master and Slave functions. Class 2 Bluetooth shield
with SPP profile functioning as UART port wireless cable replacement.
Item Code: 77008668
SD/MMC Card Shield
gizDuino compatible card shield for SD/MMC card read and write applications. Two card sockets allows user applications to work on two SD/
MMC at a time. Uncommited I/O pin gives user the freedom to assign
I/O to his/her liking.
Item Code: 77008915
Motor Driver Shield
gizDuino/Arduino compatible motor driver shield. Can be used to drive
two DC motors independently, or one bipolar stepping motor. Up to
16VDC 1.4A per motor output drive.
Item Code: 77008669
Isolated I/O Shield
Opto-isolated input and relay dry contact outputs for industrial strenght
applications. Compatible with e-Gizmo Arduino and Pinguino clones.
Using an Atmega8 based controller, you can even program the system
with ladder style programming using LDMicro Ladder Logic software- a
free PLC style ladder logic programming tool.
Item Code: 77009226
OLED Shield
Our new low cost Organic LED (OLED) Shield is a 2” diagonal, 128x160
pixels Graphic Display. The shield is usually paired with an SD Card
shield for image display. It includes brightness, contrast, and color adjustments. One can make a DIY cellular phone using this shield and
many more applications.
Item Code: 800901101
Item Code: 77008855 (chassis)*
P-BOT2r0 Mobile Robot Kit
Two motor 2-wheel drive Mobile Robot Kit with on-board 3Ch collision
sensor and 3Ch line sensor. Compatible with e-Gizmo Arduino, Z8!duino
and Pinguino clones.
Shields Legacy
Color LCD Shield
Nokia (6100) compatible LCD shield with uncommited I/O pin assignments.
RF-BT Shield
Contains connector port for 5812A UHF transceiver Module or
EGBT9830 Bluetooth Module.
Zigbee Shield
Zigbee Shield enables your controller to talk with other Zigbee equipped
wireless devices. Data communication exhange is effected though simple serial I/O (UART) functions. Usable up to a distance of 30 meters.
Ethernet to Serial Shield
Enables your controller to talk to other devices connected to your ethernet network (and internet) using simple serial communications (UART)
functions. Supports TCP, IP, UDP,HTTP, Telnet, ICMP and ARP Transport.
P-BOT2 Mobile Robot Kit
Two motor 2-wheel drive Mobile Robot Kit with on-board 3Ch collision
sensor and 3Ch line sensor. Compatible with e-Gizmo Arduino, Z8!duino
and Pinguino clones.
Item Code: 77009784
gizDuino Starter kit (ATmega164P/324P/644P)
Our new e-Gizmo gizDuino Starter Kit with solderless breadboard (ZY60) and Gizduino + 164/324/644 to choose from. It has a microcontroller
board based on the Arduino boards. Manuals and Materials list are included on the Supporting Documents.
Item Code:
Manual for gizDuino & Trainer Board
The complete User’s Manual Guide to make your MCU learning experience more fun and enjoyable.On how to use the gizDuino boards, Arduino programming, and the e-Gizmo Universal MCU trainer board. There
are many sample codes here and challenging activity/exercises that you
can easily understand.
Item Code: 77010182
Universal MCU Training Kit
Compatible with our current MCU boards that includes gizDuino (Arduino Compatible), Zilog Encore!, AVR ATMEGA8L, PIC, and our upcoming
STM32 ARM Cortex M3 board.
& Peripheral kits
Item Code: 77009784
gizDuino Starter kit (ATmega164P/324P/644P)
Our new e-Gizmo gizDuino Starter Kit with solderless breadboard (ZY60) and Gizduino + 164/324/644 to choose from. It has a microcontroller
board based on the Arduino boards. Manuals and Materials list are included on the Supporting Documents.
Item Code:
Manual for gizDuino & Trainer Board
The complete User’s Manual Guide to make your MCU learning experience more fun and enjoyable.On how to use the gizDuino boards, Arduino programming, and the e-Gizmo Universal MCU trainer board. There
are many sample codes here and challenging activity/exercises that you
can easily understand.
Item Code: 77010182
Universal MCU Training Kit
Compatible with our current MCU boards that includes gizDuino (Arduino Compatible), Zilog Encore!, AVR ATMEGA8L, PIC, and our upcoming
STM32 ARM Cortex M3 board.
Item Code: 580011768
Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS)
Function Generator break out board
- Crystal accurate frequency, 0.02Hz resolution
- 10 bit look up table, 28 bit freq control
- sine, square, and triangle wave output
- 5MHz AD9837 Chip
- SPI interface
Item Code: 580011604
Serial Camera
Capture JPEG images and send them via RS232 UART interface. This serial
camera module makes it very easy for your microcontroller circuits to add
image capture functions for various applications. VGA 640x480 image resolution, 115kbps UART rate.
Item Code: 77003996
Real Time Clock RTC (Break out board)
DS1307 breakout board with an on-board 32.768 kHz crystal and backup batteries. Provides a fast and convenient means of adding RTC function to any microcontroller circuit.5V operation, I2C I/O.
Item Code: 77011931
USB to UART (Serial TTL) Converter Prolific PL2303
(EZkonnek compatible)
Add USB connectivity to your microcontroller circuits without going
through code complexities of USB services with this USB to UART converter kit.
Item Code: 77011860
RS232 to TTL converter
MAX3245C based RS-232 to TTL converter operates from 3 to 5V and is
100% compatible with 3V and 5V TTL side logic devices. Makes a very
useful tool for the experimenter. Terminates with a DB-9 connector on
RS-232 side, and EZkonnek and header connector on TTL side.
Item Code: 770011022
STM-485S RS232-RS485 Converter
RS-485 is preferred over RS-232 on noisy (i.e. industrial) environment
because of its excellent resistance to interference. STM-485S converts
any existing RS-232C port to RS-485.
Item Code:
Serial/RS-232 Wifi module
& Peripheral Legacy
Bus Pirate
Bus Pirate is a multipurpose hacking tool based on Ian Lesnet
(www.DangerousPrototypes.com) open source design. This
device can be configured to work as a programmer/debugger,
JTAG interface, logic analyzer, etc.
USB Host for UC
FTDI Vinculum 2 based USB Host board allows you add USB host functions with your microcontroller design without having to deal up front with
complicated USB codes and procedures. You can read from and write to
FAT formatted USB flash disk, and various USB HID and CDC devices,
through your MCU UART or SPI port, using simple commands.
Display subsystems
Item Code: 77009384
4x2 LED Display Module
Our new e-Gizmo 4x2 LED Display Module a 3-in-1 LED Display, timer
and counter. A stand alone module it easy to use for numerical display.
With switch buttons, Serial functions connections. It has 4 different function modes for counter and a simple countdown timer.
Item Code: 77009246
4 Digits Display version 2
Our new e-Gizmo 4x2 LED Display Module a 3-in-1 LED Display, timer
and counter. A stand alone module it easy to use for numerical display.
With switch buttons, Serial functions connections. It has 4 different function modes for counter and a simple countdown timer.
Item Code: 770101245
Serial LCD II
The new Serial LCD II display kit is an interface board that allows you
to use LCD displays in your project without the coding pains associated
with it. Displaying a message from your host controller becomes just a
simple matter of sending the message to display through your host MCU
Item Code: 580012234
EZ HMI Display Terminal
EZ HMI Display Terminal is an easy to use display and input device for
your MCU based applications. It communicates via a logic level UART
channel requiring only two I/O pins, RX and TX, to communicate with
any UART equipped MCU. It has several built-in functions that allow you
to easily implement an interactive user input interface without writing
long codes. It even has a function that can collect alphanumeric data
input from users and save it to its non-volatile memory for latter recollection by your host MCU.
Item Code: 580011811
15.6” 16:9 Touchscreen Panel
Widescreen Resistive Touchscreen Panel with Controller
15.6 inches widescreen Resistive Touchscreen Panel conversion kit with
USB controller. Windows XP, Vista, and 7compatible touchscreen driver.
Fast and accurate 12-bit position conversion. Fits with most 15.6” format
widescreen LCD display.
Item Code: 77011910
5” segment LED Display Board
On board drivers and serial I/F Bright 5” LED display (RED or GREEN)
with on-board drivers. Synchronous serial interface allows the display to
be daisy-chained to form displays more than 15 digits long using just a
single serial port.
Item Code: 77010440
Red LED Matrix
32 columns x 8 rows 5mm diameter. Column drivers are on-board. Can
be cascaded (up to 4 feet total length) to construct long message display.
Display subsystems Legacy
Easy 4-digits 7 segment LED Display
Wire it on your microcontroller circuit, or hook it up on your PC parallel
port, and you will be able to display 4 digit numbers with little programming effort. Also functions as a stand alone digital counter.
7segment LED Display Board (EZkonnek Compatible)
For microcontroller learners who want to experiment with a seven segment LED display. Plugs directly to any eGizmo EZkonnek equipped
modules. No soldering needed.
3”7 Segment LED Display Board
On board drivers and serial I/F Bright 3” LED display (RED or GREEN)
with on-board drivers. Synchronous serial interface allows the display to
be daisy-chained to form displays more than 15 digits long using just a
single serial port.
Serial LCD Display Module(2x16 LCD)(2x16 VFD)(4x20 VFD)
With 2x16 or 4x20 LCD/VFD Display Module
For those who would not want to spend their precious time writting codes
required to work an LCD/VFD display module. Connect it to your UART
and it will instantly display any characters sent through your UART port.
Item Code: 77006736
1.5-inch x 4 Digits 7 Segment Display Module
Ready to use 4 digits seven segment board. Data transfer via synchronous serial link that can be easily controlled and implemented using any
MCU using only 3 ports. The display board are cascadable, up to three
boards can be cascaded for a 12 digit display using the same 3 output
ports controlling the first board.
Item Code: 77011235
RFID Card Reader
Our new e-Gizmo RFID Card Reader with build-in MCU ATmega168
with 16kB Flash memory that can Stored up to 100 RFID cards with 7-bit
address for assigned number to the users. Additional features on-board
with Easy “Enroll & Delete” switch with commands, “Execute” push button, “Serial Connection” for monitoring, LED indicators, and Output con-
Item Code: 580011422
RFID Module
Low cost 125kHz RFID Module with TTL level serial UART output. Up to
10cm detection range. Outputs the complete serial number of any valid
RFID card falling within detection range.
RFID card sold separately.
Item Code: 77006693
Universal Keyboard & Display Terminal
Easy to use LCD display and Keyboard decoder combo that integrates
with any controller circuit. The LCD can display up to 80 alphanumeric
characters at a time in 4 lines x 20 characters arrangement. The keypad
consists of a 0-9 numeric keypad and 6 user defined function keys.
Communication with the host is via serial port operating at TTL level.
Item Code: 77011885
4x4 Keypad (EZKonnek Compatible)
16 key keypad module configured in 4x4 array readily connects with any
of eGizmo EZkonnek equipped microcontroller boards. Can be easily
configured to connect with other controllers as well.
devices legacy
Keyboard Encoder Kit
Scan and decodes 3x4 and 4x4 matrix keypad and output results through
a 4-bit port. Features a 1 bit security output that can be activated by entering a preprogrammed pass code. This kit is the improved replacement
of our current keyboard decoder kit.
RFID Card Reader
Can be programmed to recognize up to 16 RFID cards. Easy to integrate
with any system. A valid RFID card will assert an output together with a
4 bit data corresponding to the card program number. Optional RS232
can transfer read card data to an external host controller and will allow
recognition of unlimited number of cards.
Smart Card Reader (SIM card)
Can be programmed to recognize up to 16 Smart cards. Easy to integrate with any system. A valid smart card will assert an output together
with a 4 bit data corresponding to the card program number. Optional
RS232 can transfer read card data to an external host controller and will
allow recognition of unlimited number of cards.
4x4 Keypad (EZKonnek Compatible)
16 key keypad module configured in 4x4 array readily connects with any
of eGizmo EZkonnek equipped microcontroller boards. Can be easily
configured to connect with other controllers as well.
Kits & Modules
Item Code: 77009835
UHF EX Data Transceiver
(Long Range)
e-Gizmo UHF-EX is a transparent wireless UART tranceiver with 100mW
RF output. This RF power allows a useful control range of more than
500m (unobstructed line of sight LOS range can reach 700m).
Item Code: 580012321
UHF II (Multi-Channel UHF Data Transceiver)
e-Gizmo Multi-channel UHF Data Transceiver MUDT designed as a
UART wireless cable re- placement operating in fixed 9600 bps, half
duplex, no hardware handshake mode. As long as your data packet
does not exceed 96 bytes, your own code can be totally oblivious to its
presence. Your UART code services won?t need any extra handling for
its use. In general, UART code services that work with direct cable connection under the just mentioned operating parameters, will work as well
when the cable is replaced with the MUDT.
Item Code: 580012295 (Transceiver)
Item Code: 580012296 (Receiver)
EGRF-433A1 UHF Transmitter-Receiver
EGRF-433A1 transmitter and receiver pair is a low cost solution for
radio wireless control application circuits. Operating at 433MHz ISM frequencies, this low power radio system has a remote operating
reach of more than 100 meters in open field (125 meters/370 ft being
typical) . The control distance can be stretched to 175meters, if short
temporary disconnections due to RF signal drop outs can be tolerated.
Item Code: 580011987
- Support for UART data serial, four baud rate options: 19200 / 38400 /
57600 / 115200bps.
- Wireless data rates support the 802.11b/g Standard, the maximum rate
is 54Mbps.
- Integrate the functions of 802.11 MAC protocol Software.
- Support for the STA appliances in the Infrastructure Network.
- Support for the OPEN/WEP mode authentication.
- Support for the wep64/wep128/ccmp/wpi data encryption transmission
in the
shared key mode
Item Code: 77011783
11 Functions Wireless Infrared Remote Controller Kit
Add wireless functionality with your projects with e Gizmo Wireless Infrared Remote Control system. Includes an 11 function infrared remote
controller that correspondingly turns ON or OFF 11 remotely controlled
outputs. Easily integrates with existing circuits.
Item Code: 77002862
GSM/GPRS Modem kit
GSM/GPRS Modem kit based on SIMCOM SIM900D GSM/GPRS Module.
Item Code: 77004129
Zigbee Module 200m
Extended range Zigbee module with external rubberized antenna (included with the kit). Line of sight control distance of up to 200meters.
TTL and RS232C level serial interface. User configurable operating parameters.
Item Code: 77011897
433MHz TX-RX JZ873 w/Antenna&Connector
433MHz, 1200-19.2kbps Data Rate, 3000 mtrs communication range.
UART TTL I/O interface.
Standard Accessory: Antenna
Item Code: 77011895
433MHz TX-RX JZ871 w/Antenna&Connector
433MHz, 1200-19.2kbps Data Rate, 800 mtrs communication range.
UART TTL I/O interface.
Standard Accessory: Antenna
Item Code: 77011895
433MHz TX-RX JZ863 w/Antenna&Connector
433MHz, 1200-19.2kbps Data Rate, 500 mtrs communication range.
UART TTL I/O interface.
Standard Accessory: Antenna
Item Code: 580010748
Embedded TCP/IP made easy! Using this module, you can now easily
build controllers that you can operate remotely via ethernet and internet.
Supports TCP, IP, UDP,HTTP, Telnet, ICMP and ARP Transport.
Item Code: 580011421
EGBT-04 Low Cost Bluetooth Module (SLAVE)
Class II Bluetooth module with SPP profile (Wireless serial cable replacement). 3.3V UART output. User configurable parameters using
simple set of AT commands. Module available in Master/slave EGBT045MS and lower cost slave only EGBT-046S device.
Item Code: 580011512
EGBT-04 Low Cost Bluetooth Module (MASTER)
Class II Bluetooth module with SPP profile (Wireless serial cable replacement). 3.3V UART output. User configurable parameters using
simple set of AT commands. Module available in Master/slave EGBT045MS and lower cost slave only EGBT-046S device.
Kits & Modules Legacy
Model 5812A UHF Data transceiver
is a general purpose wireless data module that can send and receive
digital data at ISM 315MHz band with a fixed speed of 9600 baud. With
it, you can easily add a wireless remote control function on your MCU
based and robotics projects. Control distance is more than 100 meters
(Line of sight), with 150 meters being typical.
433 MHz RF Wireless Control (Parallel)
Can control up to 16 remote outputs. Operation at 433MHz ISM frequencies ensure trouble free operation even on interference prone microcontroller circuits. Transmitter plugs in PC serial port and is Visual
Basic® friendly. Stand alone 8-input transmitter board is also available
as an option.
ATC-1000M TCP/IP to Serial Module
Embedded TCP/IP made easy! Using this module, you can now easily
build controllers that you can operate remotely via ethernet and internet.
Supports TCP, IP, UDP,HTTP, Telnet, ICMP and ARP Transport.
Sensors & Detectors kit
Item Code: 77009819
Gauge Pressure Sensor (2SMPP-02)
e-Gizmo Gauge Pressure sensor breakout board featuring Small size
and Low Power Consumption with 0 to 37 kPa Pressure range.
Application examples for leak detection, pressure controller, level
indicator. Can be interface with e-Gizmo Sensor Amplifier.
Item Code: 77009822
Water Level Sensor
e-Gizmo Water level indicator with sturdy stainless steel probe also for
detecting the level of water. With its simple 3-LED status indicator, and
gives out a digital output. Compatible in all gizDuino boards. Input supply +5VDC.
Item Code: 77009758
SHTx Humidity & Temperature Sensor
e-Gizmo SHTx Humidity & Temperature sensor Precision Relative Humidity and Temperature. Compatible with gizDuino & Arduino, and with
any 5V logic microcontroller with I2C interface.
Item Code: 77009743
Light & Dark Sensor
e-Gizmo Light & Dark sensor a simple sensor with 2 functions in 1 board.
With analog output pin connection to measured and DPDT switch for
light and dark sensed selection modes. Adds-on to your project for automatic light on/off with your favorite gizDuino MCU boards or any other
Item Code: 77009742
MQ-x Gas Sensor kit
e-Gizmo MQ-x Gas Sensor kit can be replace MQ-2, MQ-5 with low,
medium, high indicator status. With analog output pin connections and
adjustable potentiometert for sesitivity or calibration.
Item Code: 77009741
Heart Rate Monitor kit
e-Gizmo Heart Rate Monitor kit is a simple pulse sensor to your finger tip
and ready to read your heart rate. A very useful design for studying your
activity and monitoring your heart beat to have a live heart-rate data like
medical equipment for your project.
Item Code: 77009662
Soil Moisture sensor
e-Gizmo Soil moisture sensor with sturdy stainless steel probe for measuring the amount of water in the soil. It has a presettable one bit digital
output -for simple and quick application that only need a wet or dry binary equivalent sensing, and an analog output that gives out an analog
voltage corresponding to a measured (uncalibrated) moisture content.
Item Code: 77009652
Sensor Amplifier kit
e-Gizmo Sensor Amplifier or so called Instrumentation amplifier is a type
of differential amplifier because of its great accuracy and stability output
for the sensor. It is an amplifier that particularly use in measurement
and test equipments. It acts as a bridge sensor form the board to the
sensor kit. Sample Application is Load cell (Download the Supporting
Item Code: 77009652
Metal Detector kit
Pulse Induction PI detection method
e-Gizmo Metal Detector kit can detect metallic object as small as 2x2mm
(tested object - srew) located about 2 cm above the plane and center
of the sensing coil. Larger objects can be sensed at a longer distance.
Note: Polarity output may be used to distinguish if the detected metal
has paramagnetic or diamagnetic properties (e.g Iron and Aluminium).
This function is not 100% reliable but can be useful in many cases.
Item Code: 77009362
Sound Activated Switch
e-Gizmo Sound Activated Switch were you can control your devices by
using a snap of you finger or palm to make a noise or sound. Its very
useful requires only +5VDC for the supply input and an output pin connection for high or low logic control. Compatible in all gizDuino boards.
Item Code: 77009429
Power Analyzer 2
New and improved Power Analyzer Kit that can be interfaced with any
USART equipped microcontroller or PC. It can be easily configured as a
stand alone power measuring equipment when used with a Serial LCD
II kit.
Item Code: 77009244
IR Distance Measuring Sensor
The e-Gizmo IR Distance Measuring Sensor break-out board is accurate
for measuring distances up to 10 - 150 cm. It features an analog output
proportional to the distance measured. Setting the voltage input adjusts
its measuring range. +3.3V for more precise measurement and +5V for
a wider range. This measuring sensor is mostly used for gyrocopters as
height measuring sensors and also for proximity sensing applications.
Item Code: 77009174
6 Degrees of Freedom
6DOF is a combination of an accelerometer and a gyroscope together
in one break-out board. Chips can also be used individually by the use
of I2C or SPI interface.
Item Code: 77009133
3-Axis Gyroscope Module
Break-out board use of ITG3205 which functions as a 3-axis MEMS gyro
IC. It is frequently optimized for gaming such as 3D mice and 3D remote
control applications.
Item Code: 77009169
1 Axis Gyroscope + 2 Axis Accelerometer Combination
Its is a combined high performance gyroscope and accelerometer integrates for angular rate and acceleration sensing with digital SPI to
provide highly stable output over wide ranges.
Item Code: 77008962
ADXL345 3-Axis Accelerometer
Break-out board for ADXL345 3-axis accelerometer requires low power
with a high resolution of 13 bits.It has a programmable range of resolution specially +/-2g,+/-4g,+/-6g,+/-8g and +/-16g.
Item Code: 77008963
Barometric Pressure Sensor
SPI Digital Barometer based on Freescale MPL115A1T1CT-ND sensor.
50kPa to 11kPa absolute pressure, accurate to within +/-1 kPa with host
controller aided compensation. Temperature data output is available to
the host controller. Useful as a weather station atmospheric pressure
monitor, altimeter, and other applications that may require measurements of ambient pressure.
Item Code: 77008963
MPL115A2 I2C Barometric Pressure Sensor
The I2C Barometric Pressure is a Digital Barometer based on Freescale
MPL115A2 sensor. With 50 to 115 kPa absolute pressure, +/- 1 kPa
accuracy compensated with host microcontroller. An ADC converts the
temperature and pressure sensor readings via I2C port. Useful as a
weather station atmospheric pressure monitor, altimeter, and other applications that may require measurements of ambient pressure.
Item Code: 77003986
3-axis Accelerometer with Analog output
Breakout board based on KXPB5 low cost 3-axis accelerometer. 3 x-y-z
analog outputs with full scale range of +/- 2g. Works with 1.8V to 3.6V
power supply inputs.
Item Code: 77010208
Direction/Tilt Sensor
Direction/Tilt sensor breakout board based on Rohm RPI-1031 sensor.
Detects x-y tilt or motion in 4 quadrant direction. Two- bit Logic outputs
latches and indicates the most recent motion direction. Compatible with
your gizDuino, Arduino, any MCU in general.
Item Code: 77012850
Color Detector
This RGBC (Red, Green, Blue, Clear) color sensor is a high sensitivity
sensor that can be used to measure incident or reflected light and resolved it by its RGB color contents. Has 1,000,000:1 dynamic range and
up to 16-bits conversion resolution. I2C serial data interface.
Item Code: 77011928
Digital Compass
DIY Robot Navigation Aid
Provides heading direction from 0 to 359.5 degrees with 0.5degree resolution. Small PCB footprint, serial output I/F.
Item Code: 77012586
Gyroscope Module
Gyroscope module built using Analog Devices Gyro devices. Great for
self balancing robots and motion sensing applications.Two models to
choose from : 300 degrees/sec and 120 degrees/second.
Item Code: 77007066
Infrared Proximity-Collision Sensor
Detects objects as far as 25cm from the sensor face. Infrared beam
makes it relatively insensitive to ambient light and color (of target object).
Applications includes non contact object detection and collision sensor
for mobile robots.
Item Code: 77011005
Long Range IR Presence Sensor
Detects objects up to a meter away. Microcontroller circuit assures stable operation. One bit logic output.
Item Code: 77006696
Magnetic Car Sensor Kit
Car presence is detected by measuring the disturbance created by the
large metal object (of the car body and engine) on the earth’s magnetic
field. Highly reliable and does not responds to non metallic objects,
including pets and humans.
Single bit digital output to indicate a detection.
Item Code: 580010817
GH-718C Mini PIR Motion Sensor
Complete PIR Motion Sensor module in tiny pcb module. Up to 7 meter
detection range. On board regulator allows up to 20VDC input supply.
3.3V logic output that can be configured as normally high or normaly low.
Item Code: 77006699
Smoke Sensor
Ionization type smoke sensor with MCU compatible digital output. Uses
HIS-07 as the active sensing element. Digital output is activated when
smoke enters the HIS-07 chamber.
Item Code: 77008875
Temperature Sensor & Controller
Programmable temperature controller with digital comparator output.
0-100 C temperature range with the use of LM35D as temperature sensor. RS-232 level serial output available as an option.
Item Code: 77011735
Load Cell (Weight) Sensor & Controller
Programmable load cell controller with digital comparator output. Accepts wide range of load cells. Easy calibration procedure. 11 bits conversion. Serial output facilitates communications with host controllers.
RS-232 level serial output available as an option.
Item Code: 77007560
Through Beam Sensor
Detects objects passing in between the sensor transmitter and receiver
modules. Sensor modules can be separated up to more than a meter.
Use it to detect objects in conveyor line system, pass through security,
Item Code: 77008069
AC Power Analyzer Kit
This is a front end module you can easily integrate with your system.
Measures all essential load parameters for a complete power analysis:
True Power Watts, Apparent Power VA, Reactive Power VAR, Power
Factor PF, RMS Volt V, and RMS current I.
Single bit digital output to indicate a detection.Compatible with your gizDuino, Arduino, any MCU in general.
Item Code: 580011603
US-100 Ultrasonic Sonar
Low cost compact ultrasonic sonar (distance measuring) sensor with up
to 3.5-meters range. A host microcontroller circuit determines distance
by triggering the US-100 and then measuring the echo time indicated by
the pulse width output of the sensor. Temperature compensatured for
accurate ranging even on varying ambient temperatures.
Item Code: 77012522 (3-Channel)
Item Code: 77006695 (5-Channel)
Line Tracker Sensor (5Channel || 3Channel)
Designed for Mobile Robot line tracking applications, five infrared reflective sensors CNY70 will reliably detect dark lines printed over light color
surface. Detection distance >10mm from sensor face is possible. Adjustable sensitivity for each sensors.
Sensors & Detectors kit Legacy
Humidity Sensor (Capacitive || Resistive)
This kit is essentially as air humidity to frequency converter kit. This
makes it applicable even with low cost controllers, as it eliminates the
need for an ADC subcircuit.
CM-R resistive sensor used as the sensing element for Resistive type
HS1101 capacitive sensor used as the sensing element for Capacitive
Driver Kits
Item Code: 77010250
Hybrid Driver Rev 2r0 for DC Motors
Combination of Electromechanical Relay and Fault tolerant MOSFET
switch makes this a durable drive for DC motors. Fault tolerance is central to this device, hence, all control inputs as optoisolated, Power and
Motor terminals are fitted with user serviceable fuse. PWM and Forward/
Reverse input function. Available in 12V and 24V 6amp versions.
Item Code: 77009336
6A H-Bridge Motor Driver version 2
Our new e-Gizmo 6A H-bridge Motor Driver or the High Temperature Hbridge motor driver. It is good for all industrial applications especially for
carrying heavy loads and resistant to high temperature.
Item Code: 77008909
16-Channel Servo Controller
Independent control of up to 16 RC servo motor in a single board. 1uS
pulse width resolution. Serial TTL level UART I/O port interfaces easily
with most microcontrollers, including gizDuino (Arduino Compatible
Board). Easy to use command set.
Item Code: 77007552
Micro-Step Stepper Motor Driver
Compatible with both Bipolar and Unipolar stepper motor
User selectable 1 to 16 microstep function significantly reduce motor
vibrations for quiet and more reliable stepper motor operation. Automatic
reduction of current drive during hold state keeps your stepper motor
running cool.
Item Code: 77002861
Servo Amplifier
Hobby servomotors are well liked in robotics applications because they
are well suited for precise positioning control. Standard hobby servos,
however, are somewhat limited in form and sizes. With e-Gizmo Servo
Amplifier, just about any small ordinary dc motors (5-6V, and with gearhead) can be made to work like a standard hobby servomotor.
Item Code: 77008915
Motor Driver Shield
gizDuino/Arduino compatible motor driver shield. Can be used to drive
two DC motors independently, or one bipolar stepping motor. Up to
16VDC 1.4A per motor output drive.
Driver Legacy
6.0A Hybrid Driver for DC Motors
Combination of Electromechanical Relay and Fault tolerant MOSFET
switch makes this a durable drive for DC motors. Fault tolerance is central to this device, hence, all control inputs as optoisolated, Power and
Motor terminals are fitted with user serviceable fuse. PWM and Forward/
Reverse input function. Available in 12V and 24V 6amp versions.
6HBD (6.0A H-Bridge Driver)
Low loss MOSFET output drivers permits continuous motor DC current
of up to 6A without the use of additional heatsinks. Employs high side
MOSFET switch with overload and over temperature protection.
2 Channel DC Motor Driver with Speed Control
This solid state motor controller can provide independent control to two
DC motors. Functions include FORWARD, REVERSE and STOP. Furthermore, a 4 bit common speed control port (16 levels) is provided as
an added feature. Motor speed control is put in effect by varying the duty
cycle of the output drive.
Item Code: 77010973
Ex2 12V Relay Card
e-Gizmo Ex2 12V Relay Card an Automotive Relay Ex2 Series that Life’s
long in 1 x10 ^6 Mechanical Operations.
Item Code: 77008595
PC Parallel Port Isolator
A must for parallel port experimenters. This board will allow you easy
access to PC parallel pin I/O and protects your PC port from damage in
case you accidentally fry your circuit.
Item Code: 770140972
24V Relay Card
has built-in driver that will allow microcontrollers and logic devices to
operate on relays without the need for additional circuit elements. Potter
& Brumfield relay 16A 277VAC/28VDC, 1HP at 220VAC SPDT contact.
Item Code: 77010811
I/O LED Monitor
LED indicators on I/O lines lets you know what your system is doing at a
glance. It makes an an excellent system diagnostic tool. This kit allows
you to quickly add I/O LED monitor in your circuit, even while working
on a breadboard.
Item Code: 77003204
Input Expander Module
The input expander module allows addition of 8 or more inputs . Each
inputs are monitored with buffered LED indicators. Up to 10 modules can
be cascaded to build up to 80 additional input ports with the use of just 3
microcontroller I/O ports. Works with 3.3V and 5V logic.
Item Code: 77012369
Output Expander Module
The output expander module is in reality a serial to parallel converter
with 8 output ports per board. Each output ports has LED state indicators. Up to 10 modules can be cascaded to build up to 80 additional
output ports with the use of just 3 microcontroller I/O ports. Works with
3.3V and 5V logic.
Subsystems Legacy
29 I/O PC Automation
Use your PC as your controller. Has 3 fixed inputs, 3 fixed outputs, and
24 I/O that you can configure to function as input or output. Connects to
your PC serial port. Visual Basic example codes included.
12V Relay Card
has built-in driver that will allow microcontrollers and logic devices to operate on relays without the need for additional circuit elements. OMRON
relay 5A 277VAC/30VDC SPDT contact.
Item Code: 580012289
Voice Recognition Version 2
The Voice Recognition v2 module could recognize your voice. It receives
configuration commands or responds through serial port interface. With
this module, we can control other electrical devices by voice.
Item Code: 77009323
Voice kit 2
e-Gizmo Voice kit II provides a high-quality sounds that allows you to
record voice and sounds using the ISD4003 Single-Chip voice. That can
record and play up to maximum 4-minutes messaging duration of time.
Each time of recording that can be made, the data stored in an addressable segment making up to 64 recording address.
Item Code: 77009245
Personal FM Broadcaster
The new e-Gizmo Personal Broadcaster kit is a low power educational
FM transmitter unit that can be used for intructional training and practice
broadcast. Use with laptop running a sound mixing software and you can
instantly become a radio DJ. Use with a personal MP3 player were you
instantly create a central wireless music source.
Item Code: 580012283
WTV020-SD Audio/Voice module
Plays high quality MP3 encoded music and WAV files under
microcontroller control.
Item Code: 77009134
PS & Protection Assembly
Two galvanically isolated bipolar rectifier-filter circuit with speaker protection circuitry that can be used with a wide range of DIY audio amplifier
projects. All rectifier sections are capacitor shunted to minimize potential
interference with the sensitive parts of your audio circuit (e.g. helps reduce FM hum modulation).
Item Code: 77011033 (Assembled)
Item Code: 77011732 (disassembled)
Programmable Control Panel
Although made primarily as a control for the e-Gizmo Audio Preamplifier
kit, it is in fact an Arduino based board you can program yourself (using
Arduino IDE) to add customize functions, or program and use for an
entirely different application. Fitted with encoder switch for adjustment
controls and LEDs to display current settings.
Item Code: 77011035 (Assembled)
Item Code: 77011036 (disassembled)
Digital Preamp & Tone Control
A high quality digital control preamplifier based on Sanyo’s LC75341
chip. Volume, bass, and treble control functions with four input selector
function. All signal paths never leave the board except from the input and
output port, contributing to the low noise and low distortion performance
of the circuit as a whole.
Item Code: 580012194 (Assembled)
Item Code: 580012193 (disassembled)
LM3886 Audio Amplifier
A 68W continous average (@ 4ohms), 0.0028% THD, and 104dB SNR
Audio power amplifier kit that gives you a high end performance at low
cost. These figures are not taken from the specification sheets, they are
data taken by actual measurements done in our lab.
Item Code: 580012020
EWM-654 FM USB Mp3 Player Module
The player provides a line-out signal, suitable for connecting to the auxiliary input of an amplifier or head-end unit. A high-resolution 24-bit DAC
and dedicated decoder DSP produce a quality sound even at low bitrates.
Item Code: 580011988
TC33 FM USB Mp3 Player Module
Low cost Mp3 module with complete peripheral including SD card slot
USb interface and FM reciever with LCD display and Remote.
Item Code: 580011986
Mp3 Module
A low cost, barebone MP3 Player module. Plays MP3 music stored in
a user supplied MicroSD card. Five dome contact switch provides basic
user control: play, skip and return to a selection, and adjust the volume
control setting. A USB port allows direct mp3 file transfer from a PC.
Item Code: 77008952
20W + 20W Audio Amplifier
sine average (rms) rated Stereo Amplifier
A Hi Fidelity stereo amplifier built on car audio LA4708 chip. This BTL
amplifier is capable of delivering up to 20W per channel when operated
with 13.2 VDC source (i.e. fully charged automotive battery). Although
primarily designed for car audio (or motorcycle audio, if such thing exists), it will perform just as well when used as a DIY home audio amplifier.
Item Code: 77008951
5W + 5W Audio Amplifier
sine average (rms) rated Stereo Amplifier
This kit packs enough power to make a great DIY amplifier/booster for
your personal audio devices. When used with bookshelf loudspeakers, it
can fill a fairly large room with loud and clear music. Experimenters will
find this useful as a general purpose test amplifier on their workbench.
Item Code: 77010249
500mW Audio Amplifier
with Mylar Cone Loudspeaker
A low power general purpose audio amplifier circuit you can easily add
to your circuit. Ideal for sound annunciators, alarms and effects; sound
reproduction applications in general that does not need to be played
very loud. 4V-12VDC.
Devices Legacy
Voice Recorder Kit
64 messages/sounds recoding capacity
Add voice and sound effects to your projects using e Gizmo’s Voice recorder kit. Can be operated by serial or parallel control inputs. Designed
to interface easily with PCs sound card port, provided with Visual Basic
source code for easy PC control during recording.
Voice Recognition Module
The module could recognize your voice. It receives configuration
commands or responds through serial port interface. With this module,
we can control the car or other electrical devices by voice.
Converter & Power Supply
Item Code: 580012353
Ni-Mh Battery Fast Charger
Ni-Mh Battery Fast Charger with serial output and optional Cutoff NTC
sensor for datalogging and monitoring. can handle upto 1 to 6 cells with
2 amphere capacity depending on the power source and number of cells.
Item Code: 77009338
AC Solid State Relay (AC SSR)
e-Gizmo AC SSR (Solid State Relay) with BT136B Triac requiring high
bidirectional transient and high thermal cycling. Typical appliations for
motor control, industrial, and static switching. Can also be inteface with
the gizDuino.Warning: AC SSR is Dangerous! High voltage present!
When you wired the AC-IN connection in AC 110 ~ 220V outlet
Item Code: 77009274
DC Power Supply kit
e-Gizmo DC Power Supply kit is a linear type regulated power supply circuit. This simple Power Supply project has a features and performance
that of a laboratory power supply. It has both constant voltage and constant current feature, just to start with. You can adjust whatever voltage
or current value you want. It is fun and easy. You can build this one by
Item Code: 77008672
5V 2.25A SMPS DC-DC Converter
Works with 8V-35VDC input. Efficient switching operations allows full
load operation without heatsink even with high input-output voltage differential. Made to order 3.3V to 24VDC output and up to 80VDC input
Item Code: 77008937
eDC-2416N DC/DC Negative Output Boost Converter
Up to -16VDC output from a single +5VDC input
Adjustable output from single +5V supply. Output is adjustable from =Vin
to +24VDC. 3W @ +15V output, 2.4W @ +24VDC output. Three terminal positive voltage regulator pin layout.
Item Code: 77008938
eDC-2420 DC/DC Boost Converter
Up to +24VDC output from a single +5VDC input
Adjustable output from single +5V supply. Output is adjustable from =Vin
to +24VDC. 3W @ +15V output, 2.4W @ +24VDC output. Three terminal positive voltage regulator pin layout.
Construction kits & Robot Base
Item Code: 77009754 (Assembled)
Item Code: 77009755 (Disassembled)
Item Code: 77009794 (Assembled egra gripper)
E-GRA (E-Gizmo Robotic Arm)
An Entry Level Robotic Arm
Works with USB (5V Input Supply), additional features 4 suction caps
that you can paste on the wall such as glass, metals etc. and 4 servo
Made and Designed by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central.
Item Code: 77003641 (PBOT mobile complete w/ gizDuino 168)
Item Code: 800901101 (PBOT (MOBOT-IV))
Item Code: 77008855 (Pbot chassis only)
PBOT 2r0
Entry Level Mobile Robot
Mobile Robot Kit with on-board 3Ch collision sensor, 3Ch line sensor,
motor driver and a two-motor 3-wheel drive chassis. Shield style interface connectors allows you to use a controller of your preference. Available controllers includes e-Gizmo AVR based gizDuino (Arduino clone),
e-Gizmo Microchip PIC based Pinguino clone, and a Zilog encore! base
controller board.
Made and Designed by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central.
Back View of PBOT2r0
Item Code:
Soccer bot (Complete set)
Item Code: 7700941 8
Sumo bot (Complete set)
Item Code:
Entry Level Mobile Robot
Fast mobile robot kit with the speed of 4.3sec/meter and with Proximity
or Ranging sensor to choose from. Heavy duty Rechargeable Barreries
Included and automatic Charging circuit.
Made and Designed by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central.
Back View of minibot
Item Code:
minibot ifrared proximitycollision sensor version
minibot with stand
Item Code: 77011830 (Complete Set Gripper w/ Servos)
Item Code: 77008944 (Arm w/ grip)
Item Code: 77011830 (Gripper kit)
e-Gizmo Gripper
Robotic Arm suitable for Pick and Place applications. High quality
gripper and arm architecture with servo motors for joints and gripper
• Full acrylic gripper frame
• High Power obj. Picker
• Compatible infacing with e-gizmo’s mobile robot chassis
Compatible Servo: (1pc SG90) (3pcs SG5010)
Application : Ideal for ‘Pick’ & ‘Place’ manner
Made and Designed by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central.
GTANK (Gizmo Tank Prototyping Chassis)
Item Code: 77009196
Heavy Duty chassis that based on tank.
SINGLE mini conveyor (Prototyping Set)
Item Code: 77011798
DOUBLE mini conveyor (Prototyping Set)
Item Code: 77008992
Construction kits Legacy
BIGbot (BIG Prototyping Chassis)
Big robot chassis that can lift upto 5kg and 180° axel (servo motor)
as front and navigation wheel.