Celebrate World Kidney Day 12 March 2015


Celebrate World Kidney Day 12 March 2015
Celebrate World Kidney Day
12th March 2015
The Renal Counsellors and Social Care Practitioner are organising
an arts event, with the support of Lesley Bermingham arts
coordinator, to celebrate world kidney day.
We will be holding the event in the reception area of the dialysis
unit and all patients, members of the public and staff members are
invited to come and tell us your stories, be creative and have some
fun. The art work created will be displayed throughout the unit.
We will also be holding a cake competition which will be judged on
the day and there will be prizes for innovative and creative ideas.
There will be a cake stall on the day to raise funds for
Addenbrookes Kidney Patients Association.
For more information please contact:
Claire Joyce renal social care practitioner 01223274269 or
Gerrie Millar and Gill Chumbley renal counsellors 01223274544