This Month`s Newsletter - Nampa First Southern Baptist Church


This Month`s Newsletter - Nampa First Southern Baptist Church
March 2015
Nampa First Southern Baptist Church
Coming up @ NFSBC:
Contact Us
Office Phone Hours
9 am – 2 pm M-F
Seniors Potluck
See article inside
Pastor Shaun Matako
Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Pastor Jerry Van Buren
Senior Ministries
[email protected]
Pastor Butch Schierman
Worship Ministries
[email protected]
Pastor Randy Jackson
Student Ministries
208. 514.5962
[email protected]
March 04 @ 5:30 PM
Ministry Assistant &
Children’s Ministries
We will be having a Fellowship Dinner followed by a time
of family worship. We will be asking for a donation of $3
per person or $10 per household. If you would like to
volunteer for setting up, serving or clean up, please contact the church office @ 466.0682.
Shawna Strasburg
[email protected]
Rich Mathews
Deacon / Care Ministries
(208) 463-9323
[email protected]
Joyce Jones
Finance Ministries
March 04 - Enchilada Pie with Spanish Rice, Salad
and Dessert
Daylight Savings
Sr. Ministry @
Join the Seniors as they
worship and fellowship at
Sunnyridge at 7:00 pm.
Ladies Breakfast
The ladies will be meeting for
breakfast, fellowship and prayer
@ 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall
5th Sunday Sing
@ Caldwell First Southern
Baptist Church @ 6:00 pm
March 11 - Chicken Stir Fry with Noodles, Salad
and Dessert
Meetings this Month:
March 18 - Beef Pasta Goulash with Shrimp Salad,
Dinner Salad and Dessert
03—Church Council @ 6:30 pm
March 25 - Cajun Chicken and Dirty Rice, Salad
and Dessert
First-Time visitors eat for free!
RSVP to church office @ 466.0682
10—Missions Team @ 6:30 pm1
17—Deacons Team @ 6:30 pm
24—Christian Ed @ 6:30 pm
February 2015
By Dr. Shaun M. Matako
ˈlēdər <noun>
the person who leads or commands a group,
organization, or country.
Leadership means different things to different people around the
world, and different things in different situations. For example, it
could relate to community leadership, religious leadership, political leadership, and leadership of campaigning groups.
My Definition is that an effective leader is a person who does the
What is Leadership?
Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people
who do things right.
– Professor Warren G. Bennis
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something
you want done because he wants to do it.
– Dwight D. Eisenhower
The word "leadership" can bring to mind a variety of images. For
A political leader, pursuing a passionate, personal cause.
An explorer, cutting a path through the jungle for the rest of
his group to follow.
An executive, developing their company's strategy to beat
the competition.
Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They
set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new.
Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to "win"
as a team or an organization; and it is dynamic, exciting, and
Yet, while as a leader we set the direction, we also use management skills to guide those we lead to the right destination, in a
smooth and efficient way.
Creates an inspiring vision of the future of what we can become because God is able.
Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision because God is willing.
Manages delivery of the vision through God’s provision.
Coaches and builds a team, so that it is more effective at
achieving the vision because God is faithful.
Leadership brings together the skills needed to do these things.
Our constitution says: “The Pastor is responsible for leading the
church to function as a New Testament church. The Pastor will
lead the congregation, the organizations, and the church staff to
perform their tasks.” The Bible teaches us: Obey your leaders
and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls,
as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with
joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to
you. Hebrews 13:17 (ESV)
This is a time for leaders and for leadership who will lead in truth.
Please pray about how you can serve and how you can lead. Our
future can be amazing…….if we if we are willing to keep our
word, and certainly, His.
Senior’s Ministry
By Pastor Jerry Van Buren
nalized while mourning is the outward
On Tuesday, March 3 at noon in the fellow- expression of grief. It
ship hall, we will have a potluck and fellow- is absolutely healthy
ship. Bring your favorite March dish and plan to mourn the loss of a
to share.
March 10, we will be holding Senior Potluck and each of us
may express it
church service at Sunnyridge
differently. I learned that what I expeMarch 3,
Assisted Living at 7:00 PM. We
because 12:00 noon at rienced after the death of my wife
Sharon, was quite normal. I had
Sunnyridge was under quarannumerous conversations with my
tine so it would be great to have
deceased wife after she was gone. It
a good group there.
may sound weird, but it was actually
healthy. I was not keeping her alive, it
Dealing with the loss of a loved one
In Ecclesiastes chapter three, the preacher de- is just one of the aspects of mourning. We
clares that there is a time to be born and a will never be the same after the loss of a
time to die, a time to dance and a time to loved one but do need to live with the grief
mourn. I want to thank Pastor Shaun who en- and go on at our own pace. Next month I will
couraged me to attend a seminar that ad- highlight understanding the six needs of
dressed the subject of comforting those who mourning.
are hurting after the loss of someone significant in their life. As I reflect over the past
year, several of our members have experienced the loss of a loved one. I want to share
a few thoughts highlighting some of what I
learned in the Seminar. I must give credit to
Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt who spoke at the seminar
sponsored by Alsip and Persons Funeral
First principal presented: There is a difference
between grief and mourning. Grief is inter-
Dr. Wolfelt has written and published 62
books on the various aspects of
“companioning the mourner” and they are
available thru his site:
Bible Study 10 am @NFSBC
Karcher Estates Ministry 1:30 pm
Develop Godly Qualities in Your Children
What qualities does God want us
interests and possessions that
to develop in our children? No
they don’t see or care about the
need to guess. Scripture tells us
hurting people around them?)
specifically: “And what does the
3. Are my children learning to
LORD require of you? To act justwalk humbly with their God?
ly and to have mercy and to walk
That is, to know Him personally,
humbly with your God” (Micah
to have a consistent daily time
devoted only to Him, and to exThese three requirements are a
ercise a humility that recognizes
basis for evaluating our children’s
His lordship and their servantcharacter development:
hood for Him and others? (Or are
1. Are my children learning to
they too busy to spend time with
act justly: That is, to deal honGod, and too self-proud and selfestly and fairly with others, and
sufficient to realize they desperto respect, care for and intervene
ately need God’s help to do all
on behalf of the
that is worth
weak, vulnerable and
oppressed? (Or are
Teaching our
they compromising in
children the
matters of morals
truth is absoand integrity, and
lutely necespassively accepting
sary, but it is
mistreatnot sufficient.
ment of those for
Establish family habits that cultivate
whom God says we
godliness in your children.
should speak up?)
for a life is
2. Are my children learning to be
not just hearing the words of
merciful? That is, to discern with
God, but doing them (Matthew
sensitivity the personal and spir7:24-27). By our own example as
itual needs of others in family,
their parents, we must teach our
school, community, and society
children God’s truth, demonand the world, and reach out to
strating it in application and obethem in love and compassion?
dience. The truth that time must
(Or are they part of a clique that
be spent with God must be
snubs the non-cool, or so abdemonstrated by the time we
sorbed in their own activities,
spend with God. The truth about
Randy Alcorn
Christ’s forgiveness must be
shown as we seek and grant forgiveness in our home. The truth
that evangelism is important
must be demonstrated by our
efforts in evangelism. As parents,
we must model our stated convictions with courage and devotion. Otherwise what we do will
speak so loudly they won’t hear a
word we’re saying. Sometimes
our children will fail to listen to
us. Seldom with they fail to imitate us.
Run the race. Don’t drop the baton. Pass it on with care and enthusiasm to your children and
grandchildren. So that at the end
of the course, at the beginning of
the wonderful new life in the
presence of God, we—and
they—will hear Him say, “Well
done, my good and faithful servants.”
“Love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul
and with all your strength. These
commandments that I give you
today are to be upon your hearts.
Impress them on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at
home and when you walk along
the road, when you lie down and
when you get up.” (Deuteronomy
Get out your favorite
recipes! The Annual
Chili Cook-off is
Sunday, March 29th,
directly after the
morning worship
Year to date need: $22,326.00
Year to date giving: $18,851.07
/ - Giving: -$3474.93
Designated Giving YTD: $1570.38
Meet Our New Chef: Greg Mager
Greg has an Associates Degree in Culinary Arts and
has also trained under Peter Shots. His experience
includes cooking at Marie Callenders and the
European Hause. Greg also has his own catering
business. Some cuisines he will be offering for our
Wednesday night suppers will include Italian,
Mexican, country home cooking and also fine
Is there something you would like to see on the
menu for Wednesday Supper? Greg would like to
hear from you!
05 - Lorraine Fee
06 - Chris Kelley
07 - Mike Gabbert
10 - Neil Jones
18 - Joe Hilderbrand
22 - Rebecca Gallup
24 - Luke Britt
26 - Kendall Ketter
Happy Anniversary
10 - Lee and Shirley Scruggs
25 - Bob and Bev Amos
28 - Joe and Katrini Burgin
The women will be having a Mad Hatter
breakfast Saturday, March 21st and will be
doing some spring cleaning afterwards. For
more information contact Kathy Hilderbrand.