Dates to Remember - St Joseph`s School, Lockhart
Dates to Remember - St Joseph`s School, Lockhart
Phone: 69205437 Email: [email protected] Term 1 Week 6 Our Catholic Schools Week activities will begin this Friday as Urana join us to celebrate Catholic education. Lunch will be provided on the day so there will be no lunch orders. Catholic Schools Week is a special time in the year when we celebrate and give thanks for Catholic schools, especially our own school. It is a time to give thanks for the wonderful teaching and learning that takes place each day in every classroom. The theme for CSW 2015 is ‘Educating for Today and Tomorrow’ and this theme provides a perfect opportunity to acknowledge the opportunities available to students, raise awareness, and celebrate the distinctiveness of Catholic education in our nation. Fax: 69205666 Thursday 5th March 2015 Dates to Remember St.Francis Xavier Urana join us for day CSW Mass Friday 6 March AFL Clinic School Council AGM School Council Mee ng At the Ex-Serv. Club Tuesday 10 March 10.00am 7.00pm 7.30pm FETE TICKETS DUE BACK Thursday 12 March Senior Ci zen’s Visit Send in food if able Tuesday 17 March Reconcilia on 4/5/6 Wednesday 18 March 11.30am St. Joseph’s Day Thursday 19 March Congratulations to Ryan, Joe and Josh Hosie who have made it to the MacKillop AFL trials later this month. Josh Reconcilia on 4/5/6 McDonnell is first reserve. Well done boys – what a great ef- Friday 20 March fort! KaPOW Workshop This week commencing The senior citizens of our community will be visiting us at St Jo- Monday 23 March seph’s during Senior Citizen’s Week. The date for this will be Feast of the Tuesday, March 17. We will also be providing morning tea for Annuncia on Mass our visitors so if you can send in a plate or help out on that Wednesday 25 March day, it would be appreciated. Parish Fete Sunday 29 March The date for the Paul Kelly Cup is Monday, March 30. PermisPaul Kelly Cup—Culcairn sion notes for the boys attending this have been attached to 5/6 boys Monday 30 March today’s newsletter. There are nomination forms for the School Council available at school. If anyone would like to nominate themselves or another parent for the Council, please collect a form from school. These need to back prior to the AGM on March 9. 11.30am 10.00am 10.00am Parent/Teacher Interviews Tuesday 31 March School Cross Country Last Day Term 1 Thursday 2 April Just a reminder that we have our Mass for Catholic Schools Term 2 commences Week tomorrow at 10am. You are most welcome to join us for Monday 20 April 1st Reconcilia on (Yr3) this and our other activities during the day. Wednesday 29 April School Athle cs Carn. Debbie Friday 8 May Wagga Deanery Ath Carn Wednesday 20th May 7.00pm Page 2 St Joseph's Catholic School LOCKHART LUNCH ORDER ROSTER The following WEST people have been spo ed this week: Awards Miss Cheney: Darcy Fox for his outstanding performance in Maths. Mrs Kendall: Halle Brown for her super efforts and wan ng to learn and Eli Gooden for a fabulous diary of his holidays. Miss Kennedy/Mr Bailey: Maggie Lane for persistence with her work and Alyesha Rockliff for concentra ng harder and approaching class tasks posi vely. Miss Rake: India Burkinshaw for showing ini a ve to ask ques ons when comple ng class tasks, Jack Flight for being involved in class discussions and asking ques ons and Sam Hunt for a se led approach when comple ng his work. Mrs Sheather: Anna Carn for amazing word building. Anna Carn George Carn Zak Gooden Nick Madden Georgie Richards Lachie Taylor PARISH FETE Kids Ac vi es I am running a stall at the Fete to give the children some ac vi es to do eg ‘guess the lolly compe on, handball compe on’ etc. I am looking for children who would be interested in helping me for 30minute slots on the day. If any child is interested could they please let me know at school. Thanks Helene 6 March NO LUNCH ORDERS 13 March Mandy Bowyer 20 March Melissa Rockliff 27 March Carol Smith 24 April Emma Lane 1 May Heidi Gooden 8 May NO LUNCH ORDERS 15 May Donna O’Sullivan 22 May Bec Mathews Lunches to be collected from Latte Da & delivered to school at 1pm. Ground Roster 1st two weeks March Richard Smith & Chant Families 2nd two weeks March McFarlane & Ryan Families Sports News Congratula ons to Joe Perryman, Ryan Collins and Josh Hosie on making the Diocesan AFL selec ons. The boys head to Wagga on March 27th to trial for the MacKillop team. Paige Mathewson from AFL NSW will be running a 30 minute AFL clinic with all classes next Tuesday 10th March. Students may bring their runners in their school bags and wear them during the clinic if they wish. The Paul Kelly Cup will be held on Monday March 30 in Culcain. Year 5/6 boys will be par cipa ng. Please see the a ached permission form and more details will follow closer to the date. Albury Trippers!!!! If anyone is planning a trip to Albury in the near future and would have room to bring back two (small) replacement trees for the oval could you please contact Michelle Lenehan on 69282242 or 0427398083. Lockhart Football Netball Club Key to ride on mower to be collected from school during school hours. Trent Gooden & Craig Douglas also have a key. JUNIOR REGISTRATION Netball & Football including NetSetGo & Auskick $70 junior m’ship Friday 13 March 5.30 – 7.00 7pm - Trial Game LFNC Seniors v Collingullie BBQ & Bar available (BBQ free for juniors) SENIOR NETBALL Training will commence this Friday 6 March at 6pm. All past, present & new netballers are most welcome to come along for some fitness training & fun. Parish News Mass Roster Mass this weekend is on Sunday at 8am. Reader: David/Heidi Gooden Offertory: David Gooden Family Lockhart Mass Times 2nd & 4th Sundays at 8am Alternate Saturdays at 7pm St Joseph's Catholic School LOCKHART Page 3 Staff Profile from Maryanne A li le history… I was born in Leeton and I grew up on a small farm on the outskirts of town. I loved being on a farm and spent all my me either helping my dad on the farm with the animals or on my horse. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers, (all older, I am the baby of the family). I met Brad when I was 18, he was the DJ at the local pub and on my 20th birthday he proposed. We were married the following April in 1994. We now have 3 children, Caitlin, Jacob and Ma hew who were all born in Leeton. We loved our me in Leeton but about 8 years ago we made the big decision to move to Lockhart for Brad to start a new career with Warrakirri as an Assistant Farm Manager. I love spending my me with family and friends. As a family we enjoy water skiing in the summer months and during the winter football and netball. The only real hobby I have is photography and I enjoy taking ac on shots of the kids and landscapes. My first job was helping at a hairdressers a er school. I really wanted to be a hairdresser but I had no luck ge ng an appren ceship, so my mum suggested going to TAFE and learning Office Admin. A er that I worked in the office at a Wholesale Bakery called Mrs Harrison’s Kitchen un l about 1999. I stayed at home with Caitlin and Jacob for a few years and decided I wanted a change in career so I retrained in beauty and a er working in a small salon for a few years I opened my own salon in 2005. It was very successful and I loved every minute of it but I closed it to move to Lockhart. I stayed at home with Ma hew un l he started school. In the lead up to Ma hew star ng school I started thinking about a new career. I knew that I wanted to help people so I was considering studying nursing or educa on support and when Debbie men oned at Speech night that they were going to be adver sing a teacher’s aide posi on—and as we say ‘the rest is history’! This is my 4th year here at St Joseph’s and I love my job. I love helping the students achieve and I love to see how excited they are when they see improvement within themselves. It is such a wonderful and rewarding job. FREE CONCERT IN LOCKHART Steve Grace is a Chris an contemporary musician, country rock, and Skypilot is a band made up of his sons and their mate. They will be performing a free concert at 6.30pm on 15 March out at the Showground. BYO Chairs and cold drinks. It's an alcohol-free event. Suitable for all ages. Contact Sarah Jones on 0438 117 642 if you would like any further informa on. Dennis Hoiberg is one of Australia's most acclaimed speakers on the topic of emotional resilience, equipping audiences to bounce through trauma, change and challenge. He is often called upon to talk to rural groups experiencing pressure from drought conditions, uncertainty and loss. During his presentation, Dennis will talk about emotional reactions to trauma. He will present practical solutions and strategies to help you, your family, friends and community to understand, cope and heal. A highly engaging speaker, Dennis will create a supportive environment for issues and feelings to be expressed and understood. We would love to see you for this very informal gettogether. Please invite anyone from the community to be part of this evening. Entertainment for children (jumping castle, face painting etc) purposes, please contact Debbie Sheather on 0429962735 or St Joseph’s School on 69205437 by Monday, March 16. BBQ meal and refreshments provided - for catering Blue Harper Pavilion, Lockhart Thursday, March 19 at 6.30pm Listen to world-renowned speaker Dennis Hoiberg Page 4 St Joseph's Catholic School LOCKHART