WORK SESSION - Glenrock, Wyoming
WORK SESSION - Glenrock, Wyoming
WORK SESSION UTILITY RATES Upstairs Conference Area 6:00 P.M. March 9, 2015 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III. REPORTS IV. PUBLIC COMMENT V. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution 2015-07 Cemetery Fees 2. Catering Permit Request - Glenrock Hotel Properties - Serving outside jurisdiction 3. Four Aces Inc. - Notice of sales of shares and new officers 4. Glenrock Library Tap Fee Waiver 5. WAM-JPIC Ballot VI. BILLS & CLAIMS VII. ADJOURNMENT February 23, 2015 March 2, 2015 Workshop March 2, 2015 Executive Session (confidential) Glenrock Town Council Meeting Glenrock Town Hall February 23, 2015 Mayor Frank called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. All elected officials were in attendance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – being no additions or corrections to the minutes of February 9, 2015, they were approved by a motion from Councilman Roumell. Second by Councilman Anfinson. All members voting; AYE – motion carries. MAYOR’S REPORT – Mayor Frank mentioned the new boilers and their new location in the Police Department. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Roumell reported on the proposed Joint Dispatch/Justice Center. He said that the town should see something with regards to cost in the next two weeks. There were no other council reports. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Public Works Director Randy Rumpler updated the council on the repaired leak on Aspen Street. He stated that he was having several Public Works employees locate and map manholes and water main valves. He stated that this was very important information that needed to be documented before the town loses this knowledge. Mr. Rumpler then informed the council that the open application period for the advertise Public Works position ends on February 28, 2015. He will then begin the interview process. Councilwoman Popp questioned Mr. Rumpler on his information regarding the proposed Cemetery District rate increase. He stated that he would be attending the Cemetery District’s next board meeting. Councilwoman Popp then requested a work session to discuss this issue, along with the South Rec funds being offered to the town. No council work session was scheduled at this time. BUILDING/PLANNING DEPARTMENT – Kasey Drummond notified the council that Wyoming Main Street had approved the Technical Assistance Grant and that the town should see that by June 2015. FINANCE – The council was presented with the January 31, 2015 financial reports. Town Clerk Geho stated that a motion accepting the financials be made. Councilman Roumell made a motion to accept the January 31, 2015 financials as presented. Second by Councilwoman Popp. All members voting; AYE – motion carries. Mayor Frank called for public comment from the floor. Sue Dills asked if Mindy Lesser’s attendance at the meeting was for training purposes. Mayor Frank stated that is was, for the time being. Mayor Frank then proceeded to explain the language change on the 1% Specific Purpose Sales and Use Tax, and that it requires an amended resolution to include the South Recreation complex in the proposition for the May 5, 2015 special election. NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION 2015-07 – 1% SPECIFIC PURPOSE SALES AND USE TAX – Councilman Flynn made a motion to a pass Resolution 2015-07. Second by Councilman Roumell. All members voting; AYE – motion carries. Discussion on this resolution followed. Sue Dills questioned when the South Rec became a part of this proposed project. She stated that she is uncomfortable with this and that the council should look at other areas to spend this money, such as the city park, the Bronco Building, etc. Mrs. Dills further questioned the cost and personnel required to maintain any improvements and that this should be a consideration as part of the decision making process. Donnie Stewart, Director of the Rec Center spoke about how the funds came to be offered to the town and that the money could be used for a myriad of recreational opportunities within our community. Nothing has been set in stone and the Town will have final say on where to use the money. Mayor Frank thanked the Rec Board for this generous funding offer. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE – Mary Kay Kindt with the Glenrock Chamber of Commerce wanted some input from the council on how best to utilize the meeting space and her responsibilities towards outside entities. Councilwoman Popp questioned the council’s role in setting guidelines for using the meeting space. Discussion was held. The council’s consensus is that the three entities using the space (i.e. Chamber, Main Street and GEDC) should set their own guidelines. SHARPS RIFLE COMPANY – WIND GENERATOR - Jay Lesser of the Sharps Rifle Company explained that their insurance company had issued a check for approximately 75% of the cost to repair the wind generator, with the remaining balance paid upon completion of repairs. Mr. Lesser highlighted the costs associated with the wind generator and recommended against repairing. He suggested that since the check was made out to Sharps and the Town, that the money be signed over to the Town and applied towards the principal on the purchase price of the building. Discussion on the removal versus the repair and use of the wind generator followed. A motion to apply the insurance check towards the principal on the purchase price of the building was made by Councilman Flynn. Second by Councilwoman Popp. Discussion called. All members voting; AYE – motion carries. GEDC Appointment – Nick Linford – Mayor Frank read a letter from Kathy Patceg, GEDC President, requesting the council approve for appointment Mr. Nick Linford, Branch Manager of Hilltop National Bank. She stated he would be filling the vacated spot left by Karen Hopkins departure from the board. Councilman Anfinson made a motion to accept Nick Linford to the GEDC board. Second by Councilman Roumell. All members voting; AYE – motion carries. MAIN STREET EXTERIOR PAINTING GRANT – General Store – Kasey Drummond presented the receipts for the painting of the exterior of the General Store and asked that the council approve them for payment. Councilman Roumell made a motion to approve the payment of $1000 to the General Store for completion of their exterior painting. Second by Councilwoman Popp. All members voting; AYE – motion carries. ADJOURNMENT – being no further business before the council the meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m. W.D. Frank, Mayor ATTEST Melinda Lesser, Acting Town Clerk Council Workshop Upstairs Conference Room March 2, 2015 Mayor Frank called the workshop to order at 6:03 P.M. Attending: Mayor Frank, Council members Anfinson, Popp, Flynn and Roumell. Also attending: Randy Rumpler, Public Works Director; Donna Geho, Clerk/Treasurer; and visitors Doug and Katie Mosier and Sue Dills. The purpose of the meeting was to review current fees charged for cemetery opening/closing and utility rates. Discussion on the cemetery fees were based on what the historic fees have been compared to actual cost for providing these services. Cost comparisons with other communities was discussed with recommendations on proposed increases. Councilwoman Popp advised those present that this is a direct pass-through to the family of the deceased. Also discussed was the option of having the Cemetery District secure these services through private contractors and the issues they would face with contractor availability and equipment mobilization costs. Options considered were different rates for weekday and weekend services. General discussion on enterprise funding was held, including funding shortfalls in some enterprise accounts. Mrs. Katie Mosier provided the town with a breakdown of what other communities around the state are using for rates, and her recommendation on changing the town’s municipal rate structure. Mrs. Mosier is the owner of a multi-residential unit, and feels the town’s current policy of charging a minimum based on the number of residential unites is not fair. Her recommendation is to base the rate on the size of the meter and the demand. Being no additional items for discussion,, the meeting adjourned at 7:03 P.M. W.D.Frank, Mayor ATTEST: Donna M. Geho, Clerk/Treasurer RESOLUTION 2015-07 A RESOLUTION APPROVING INCREASES TO THE FEES CHARGED TO THE GLENROCK CEMETERY DISTRICT FOR OPENING AND CLOSING. WHEREAS, the Glenrock Cemtery District does not have the equipment necessary to dig large holes; and WHEREAS, the Glenrock Cemetery District wishes to secure the assistance of the Town of Glenrock to perform these services; and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Governing Body to insure that the town charges an amount for these services sufficient to cover the costs without putting additional financial stress on the bereaved family members . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Glenrock Town Council hereby sets the fee for these services at the amount of $300.00 to become effective July 1, 2015. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of March, 2015 . TOWN OF GLENROCK A Municipal Corporation ATTEST: Donna M. Geho, Clerk/Treasurer W.D. Frank, Mayor User payroll Date 03/06/15 Time 09:02:01 Check Cntl No 826 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Mar 09, 2015 Thru Mar 09, 2015 APR110 Page 1 ** Prompts Entered on the Screen ** Begin Check Number: 000030855 Check Date:03/09/2015 Begin Pay Date:03/09/2015 End Pay Date: 03/09/2015 Report Order: 3 Locking AP Payee Name —————————————————————————————— Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA Converse Co. Bank/VISA CEPI CEPI CEPI CEPI CEPI Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Glenrock Invoice ——————————— 22515-5479 22515-5479 22515-5479 22515-5479 22515-5479 22515-5479 22515-5479 22515-5479 22515-8770 22515-9707 22515-9806 22515-9806 22515-9806 22515-0200 22515-3987 12-33/08 12-33/09 14-044/03 14-044/04 15-109-01 Expense Account ———————————————————————— 010155230 010155230 555505590 010155790 010135360 555505590 515115510 525215510 525215590 010215280 555505820 555505820 010195580 010115470 010215790 Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Refund f/Network Sol. overchar -19.96 Network Solutions - FN 4.99 Menards/metal security gate 474.44 Walmart/bankers boxes 160.80 postage purchase 50.00 Menards/metal security gate 144.00 Midwest Valve/repair kit - WA 50.11 Paper Mart/5-panel folders 95.39 Global Safety/sensor - SW 705.99 Norton/software update - PD 211.99 Airfaire to Atlanta f/Main St 283.96 Main St conf reg. - Kasey 425.00 Office Depot/supplies - DSP 58.36 Ft. Diablo/County Comm mtg 60.95 Chief Supply/PD supplies 102.92 2,808.94 515115400 515115400 010315400 010315400 525215400 Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng work Aspen St improvement work Aspen St improvement workIndian Hills improve. work Indian Hills improve. work SW lagoons map update 1,640.00 2,125.00 717.50 332.50 650.00 5,465.00 Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank Hank Computer Prof. Unlimited Desert Mountain Corporation Desert Mountain Corporation Energy Labs Energy Labs 531376 531398 531403 531473 531554 531582 531594 531624 531628 531642 525215590 525215590 525215590 515115590 010255590 515115510 010185510 010335590 010515590 010335590 Hex nipple 1/4 - Sewer Valve 3/8" ball brass - Sewer Nipple 1x2" galv, nipple close 9V alk batteries - WA Tub & tile clear caulk - ACO 3/8" ball valve brass - WA Pleated 20x20 filters - TH Lith 3v cell battery - SH Vari sized fasteners 1"galv coupling, pruning saw 2.49 23.44 16.45 9.99 5.99 21.98 474.48 11.18 3.95 62.39 632.34 102055 010155600 14-38252 010315610 14-38253 010315610 Tech support on server - FN Ice Slicer RS - Streets Ice Slicer RS - Streets 70.00 70.00 4,155.00 4,293.50 8,448.50 350130221 525215400 350130316 525215400 Wastewater testing - Lagoons Wastewater testing - Lagoons 50.00 50.00 User payroll Date 03/06/15 Time 09:02:01 Check Cntl No Payee Name —————————————————————————————— Energy Labs Energy Labs Energy Labs Peasley Law Office 826 Invoice ——————————— 350130442 350230025 350230220 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Mar 09, 2015 Thru Mar 09, 2015 Expense Account ———————————————————————— 525215400 525215400 525215400 Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Wastewater testing - Lagoons 50.00 Wastewater testing - Lagoons 50.00 In/effluent testing - Lagoons 165.00 365.00 2,645.00 2,645.00 Flourescent linear lamps - ST 683.60 683.60 Repair street lights 822.79 822.79 021015 010155230 Inhance database maint - 1 yr. 600.00 600.00 Hawkins, Inc. 3697103 RI 515115590 150 lb chlorine cylinders - WA 15.00 15.00 Homax 0277693-IN 515115570 443 gals diesel fuel, combust. 1,098.89 1,098.89 Filter elements - Streets 151.73 151.73 1" copper shut-off tool - WA 239.53 239.53 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 15.23 370.96 217.40 718.28 122.96 125.64 764.38 Grainger H & H Electric Harris Honnen Equipment Dana Kepner Company Inc. Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Kone Inc. 030215 010425200 APR110 Page 2 9665992039 010315550 6851 010315400 647227 010315590 222070-00 515115790 21015-1076 21015-2274 21015-3532 21015-3864 21015-6853 21015-8015 21015-9924 010515480 010335480 555505480 010185480 515115480 010705480 010335480 151169822 010185510 106923 010215590 Merback Award Company 52846 010245590 John Deere Financial John Deere Financial H54729 010315110 H59143 010515110 NorMont Equipment Co. One Call of Wyoming charges charges charges charges charges charges charges - Town Park Shop 2 Comm. Bldg Town Hall Watersalesma Museum Shop 1 2,334.85 MAS Modern Marketing NFPA Legal svcs thru 2/26/15 - Atty Repair work on elevator - TH 672.32 672.32 Kraft paper evidence bags 169.38 169.38 37.25 37.25 Engraved nameplates f/plng com Work jeans, boots - Paul L/S shirts, gloves - April 201.96 58.97 260.93 19821 010245590 26 010315540 37407 010335590 2014 NFPA Nat'l Ele. code book 95.00 95.00 Barricade lights - solar - ST 262.25 262.25 Jan. CDC code tickets - Shop 31.00 31.00 100.07 100.07 9.86 Orkin Exterminating Co. 100560700 010185510 Process Power & Control 2015-296 010315590 T20v photo control - Streets 9.86 20715-5480 525215480 22215-2582 010215450 22215-6054 525215480 Monthly data charges - Sewer Monthly DSL charges - PD Monthly data charges - Sewer 36.47 135.94 62.62 Century Link Century Link Century Link Monthly pest control svcs - TH User payroll Date 03/06/15 Time 09:02:01 Check Cntl No 826 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Mar 09, 2015 Thru Mar 09, 2015 APR110 Page 3 Payee Name Invoice Expense Account Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ——————————— ———————————————————————— —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— 235.03 Reiter Reiter Reiter Reiter T.W. T.W. T.W. T.W. Machine Machine Machine Machine Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication Fabrication 7856 7861 7871 7883 010335590 010215560 010215560 010215560 Repair fence gate - Shop 4 new tires - Unit 423 - PD Spare tire - Unit 426 - PD LOF, brake work - Unit 425 PD 130.00 889.00 123.00 586.65 1,728.65 Enterprises, Enterprises, Enterprises, Enterprises, Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Verizon Wireless 5169133 010335590 9740316149 010215450 Wyoming Assn of Rural Water Ferguson Waterworks #1701 Glenrock Super Foods WY Work Warehouse Fleet Fleet Fleet Fleet Fleet Fleet 010185510 525215400 515115400 515115400 Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment maintenance - TH maint - Well 21 Lift maint - Well #5 maint - Well #1 600.36 1,113.44 1,338.08 1,149.24 4,201.12 United States Welding, Inc. Waste Waste Waste Waste Waste 24483 24488 24489 24490 Connections, Connections, Connections, Connections, Connections, Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. 12418 515115280 0605764 515115590 2000610954 010255590 Ind HP & CO2 acetylene - Shop 75.03 75.03 Feb wireless charges - PD 751.04 751.04 2015 training conf reg - Randy 315.00 315.00 3/8 2-30psi pressure valves 740.00 740.00 Paper towels, gloves - ACO 24.44 24.44 276.94 276.94 IN42681 525215110 Work jeans - Dills 2080265 2080268 2080549 2080670 2080671 Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 545405200 545405200 545405200 545405200 545405200 trash trash trash trash trash service service service service service 21,256.33 148.35 98.90 49.45 49.45 21,602.48 Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples - WEX WEX WEX WEX WEX WEX Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank 39991871 39991871 39991871 39991871 39991871 39991871 010255570 010215570 010315570 010515570 515115570 525215570 February February February February February February fuel fuel fuel fuel fuel fuel charges - ACO charges - PD charges - ST charges - PK charges - WA charges- SW 138.42 1,054.89 230.04 117.44 251.77 280.60 2,073.16 Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan 3603 6276 17487 17487 1264286971 1264415441 1264415441 1264415441 1264415441 1264415441 1264415441 515115590 010335580 010155580 515115790 010155580 010135580 010155580 010215580 010245590 515115600 525215600 Samsung 27" monitor - WA Micro SD card, univ. keyboard Wireless keyboard/mouse - FN Wireless mouse - WA Adding machine tape - Finance Copier paper, 8.5 x 14 paper Copier paper - FN Copier paper - PD Copier paper - Bldg Copier paper - Water Copier paper - Sewer 279.99 217.47 79.99 39.99 19.38 75.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 45.99 1,126.71 User payroll Date 03/06/15 Time 09:02:01 Check Cntl No 826 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Mar 09, 2015 Thru Mar 09, 2015 APR110 Page 4 Payee Name Invoice Expense Account Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ——————————— ———————————————————————— —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— CMI Teco 2510 545405560 Great America Leasing Great America Leasing 16566355 010215400 16566355 010215400 Repair work - Unit 25 - SN Feb copier lease pay. - PD March copier lease pay. - PD 259.33 259.33 84.66 84.66 169.32 Nick Larramendy 022315 010215475 Xerox Corporation 78466294 010185400 AT & T Mobility AT & T Mobility 20415-6331 010335480 20415-7469 010215450 Supplies for chili contest PD 57.45 57.45 Monthly copy charges - TH 139.36 139.36 Monthly wireless charges - SH Monthly data charges - PD 293.31 222.60 515.91 Community Builders, Inc. 2015-390 010245400 Monthly plng svcs, mileage 1,028.75 1,028.75 John E. Reid & Associates Inc. 156244 010215470 Interview & Interrog. class 550.00 550.00 Northwest Pipe Fittings Inc. 142003 515115590 Pipe descaler - Water 138.63 138.63 Adapter - Water com PRU Napagold air/oil filter - #129 Napa battery - Stat 21 generat Napa battery - Town Hall gen. Adapters - PRU repair Oil dry - Shop Krew 400 center flow - Shop 2.25 21.06 223.78 223.78 8.43 15.68 21.03 NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport NAPA/Ailport Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC LLC T & B Construction LLC Greiner Motor Co. 41305 41438 41440 41440 41725 41759 42134 515115790 515115560 525215590 010185510 515115590 010335590 010335590 516.01 152 010255600 Sheet rock repairs - ACO bldg 700.00 700.00 FOCO431041 010315560 Rerpair work on Unit 121 - ST 51.23 51.23 2,075.00 2,075.00 600.00 600.00 Refund overpayment - 714 S 4th 95.00 95.00 Charitable donation - PD 25.00 25.00 Conference table w/chairs 400.00 400.00 First American Title Ins. Co. -468911050 010575290 Liability insurance - Sharps Pictograph Productions Signage for 12 trucks Lisha Bui Veterans of Foreign Wars Linc Energy 013115 010315560 99003802 515114100 B-B5B-9234 010215475 100 928995000 Final Totals ... ————————————— ————————————— 68,489.82 68,489.82 User payroll Date 02/04/15 Time 15:55:16 Check Cntl No 810 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Feb 06, 2015 Thru Feb 06, 2015 APR110 Page 1 ** Prompts Entered on the Screen ** Begin Check Number: 000030775 Check Date:02/06/2015 Begin Pay Date:02/06/2015 End Pay Date: 02/06/2015 Report Order: 3 Locking AP Payee Name Invoice Expense Account —————————————————————————————— ——————————— ———————————————————————— Blue Cross-Blue Shield 15020000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 15010000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 15010000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 15010000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 15010000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 15020000 Blue Cross-Blue Shield 15020000 Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Health Deduction 1,221.91 EMPLYR Health Insurance Benefi 18,275.62 EMPLYR Health Insurance Benefi 842.72 EMPLYR Health Insurance Benefi 669.27 Health Deduction 30.15 Health Deduction 17,719.30 Health Deduction 1,692.60 40,451.57 125 Cafeteria Plan 125 Cafeteria Plan 125 Cafeteria Plan 125 Cafeteria Plan Deductions 125 Cafeteria Plan Deductions 125 Cafeteria Plan Deductions 15030000 15030000 15030000 501.45 140.80 60.99 703.24 Final Totals ... ————————————— ————————————— 41,154.81 41,154.81 User payroll Date 02/18/15 Time 15:35:01 Check Cntl No 816 TOWN OF GLENROCK Cash Requirement - By Vendor Feb 20, 2015 Thru Feb 20, 2015 APR110 Page 1 ** Prompts Entered on the Screen ** Begin Check Number: 000030846 Check Date:02/20/2015 Begin Pay Date:02/20/2015 End Pay Date: 02/20/2015 Report Order: 3 Locking AP Payee Name Invoice Expense Account Description Invoice Amt Check Amt —————————————————————————————— ——————————— ———————————————————————— —————————————————————————————— ———————————————— ———————————————— Glenrock Chamber of Commerce 2015-87 010115280 GACC Gold membership dues 99.00 99.00 Rocky Mountain Power 21115-0250 515115480 Monthly charges - WA Well #5 2,859.15 2,859.15 Century Link 20115-9539 010335480 Monthly phone charges - Shop 120.90 120.90 Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement Retirement 125 Cafeteria Plan 125 Cafeteria Plan 125 Cafeteria Plan System System System System System System 15030000 15030000 15040000 15040000 15040000 15030000 EMPLYR EMPLYR EMPLYR EMPLYR EMPLYR EMPLYR REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR RETIREMENT RETIREMENT RETIREMENT RETIREMENT RETIREMENT RETIREMENT BENE BENE BENE BENE BENE BENE 1,325.71 642.08 7,723.15 1,439.91 656.04 7,529.65 19,316.54 15040000 15040000 15040000 125 Cafeteria Plan Deductions 125 Cafeteria Plan Deductions 125 Cafeteria Plan Deductions 433.66 217.08 52.50 703.24 Final Totals ... ————————————— ————————————— 23,098.83 23,098.83
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