Chapter 1: Circular Motion


Chapter 1: Circular Motion
Chapter 1: Genetic Basis
IMP For HSC Biology Board Exam 2015
1. Q.B (6,7,8) Page 17
2. Q.C (3)
Chapter 2: Gene
1. Q.B(5, 7, 9) Pg 33
2. Q.C(6, 9)
3. What is Char gaff’s Rule?
4. Explain Packaging of DNA
5. What is central dogma of Protein synthesis?
Chapter 3: Biotechnology
1. Q.A (1, 4, 5, 6) Page 44
2. Q.B (2, 3, 5)
3. Q.C (3, 1)
4. What is REN? State its types and nomenclature
Chapter 4: Enhancement in FP
1. Q.A (4, 2) Page 53
2. Q.C (1, 4)
3. Q.B(6, 4)
Chapter 5: Microbes in Human Welfare
1. Q.A – 6 (b, d) Pg 61
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2. Write a short note on VAM
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Chapter 6: Photosynthesis
1. A (3) Pg 76
IMP For HSC Biology Board Exam 2015
2. B (4, 7)
3. Explain Chemiosmotic Hypothesis or Proton
4. Explain interdependence of light and dark
5. Explain law of limiting factors
Chapter 7: Respiration
1. B (1, 3) Pg 88
2. Explain amphibolic pathway.
3. Explain Respiratory Quotient.
Chapter 8: Reproduction in Plants
1. B (14), Parthenocorpy, Apomixis,
Polyembryony, Chiropterophily Pg 106
2. “Embryo sac in angiosperm is polygonum
type” Explain
3. Explain “Pollen – Pistil “ interaction
4. Q.A (8, 9)
Chapter 9: organism and environment 1
1. Explain ecological Niche. Pg 118
2. Explain important steps in decomposition
(Detritus food chain)
3. Q.B(1, 4, 3)
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Biology II
Chapter 10: Origin and Evolution of Life
1. What is Hardy – Weinberg’s principle
IMP For HSC Biology Board Exam 2015
2. What is Geological time scale
3. What is isolation? Explain types of
isolating mechanism.
4. Write a short note on genetic variation.
Chapter 11: Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
1. A (1) Pg 149
2. B (3, 4)
3. Explain Heterogamesis in Human
4. Write short note on Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Chapter 12: Genetic Engineering
1. Write short note on VNTRs, RFLP. Pg 156
2. A(1,2,3), B(3, 7)
Chapter 13: Human health & Diseases
1. A(2, 15), Paratopes, B(4) Pg 170
2. Explain mechanism of action of Tlymphocytes to antigen.
3. What is Cancer? Classify
Chapter 14 : Animal Husbandry
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1. Write a short note MOET, Inbreeding, Out
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Chapter 15: Circulation
IMP For HSC Biology Board Exam 2015
1.A – 4 Pg 189
2. B - 1, 4, 5(iii), (iv)
3. What is pacemaker and pace setter?
4. Short Note on Valves of heart
Chapter 16: Excretion & Osmo regulation
1. Short note on Renin – Angiostensin
2. Explain role of Kidney in Osmo regulation
3. Explain the term ornithine cycle, ionosinic
pathway, Pygmalion corpuscle.
Chapter 17: Control and Coordination
1. Write short note on Hormones of
a) Heart
b) Kidney
c) Gastrointestinal tract d) Thymus
2. Q.15 Pg 222
Chapter 18: Reproduction
1. Shot note on accessory sex glands Pg 245
2. A(1, 2)
3. B 3 (iv)
4. Short Note on MTP, IVF
Chapter 19: Organism and Environment
1. B (1, 2 ,5) Pg 258
2. A (3, 4)
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