Parish Newsletter - St Mark`s Catholic Church, Ipswich.
Parish Newsletter - St Mark`s Catholic Church, Ipswich.
St Mark’s Parish Information: The Parish of St Mark includes St Mark’s Church in Ipswich (IP2 0QQ) & The Church of the Holy Family in Brantham (CO11 1TB) Parish Address: St Mark’s Parish House 180 Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich IP2 0QQ Parish Priest: Fr Christopher Smith Parish Contacts: Parish Tel No: 01473 684963 Parish Priest email: [email protected] Parish Secretary: [email protected] Local Safeguarding Rep: [email protected] Roman Catholic Parish R.C. Diocese of East Anglia: A Registered Charity (Charity commission No 278742) 3rd Sunday of Lent Year B RESPONSORIAL PSALM: ‘You, Lord have the message of eternal life’. 3rd Week of Lent MASS & PRAYER TIMES – WEEK 8TH – 14TH MARCH 2015 SAT 7th SUN 8th MON 9th TUES 10th WED 11th THUR 12th FRI 13th SAT 14th SUN 15th ROSARY: St Marks – Fridays – 11:15 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: St Mark’s – Fridays – 11:40-12:10 Holy Family – 2nd Tuesday of the Month – 09:20-09:50 MORNING PRAYER: St Mark’s – Mondays and Wednesdays – 09:00 Holy Family – Tuesdays – 09:30 CONFESSIONS: St Mark’s – Fridays 11:50-12:10 St Mark’s – Saturdays 17:00-17:20 Holy Family – Sundays before Mass Holy Family – Tuesdays before or after Mass 17:30 St Mark’s Offered For: The People of our Parish 09:00 Holy Family Offered For: Noreen Doran O’Reilly 11:00 St Mark’s Offered For: David Brumfitt (RIP) 09:30 St Mark’s Offered For: Andrè Cabioch 10:00 Holy Family Offered For: Marist Sisters’ Intentions 10:30 Dove Close, Capel St Mary Offered For: John Chapman (RIP) NO MASS TODAY (3rd Sunday of Lent) 11:40 Stations of the Cross (St Mark’s) 12:15 St Mark’s Offered For: Frank’s Family Intentions 17:30 St Mark’s Offered For: Raymond Harold (RIP) 09:00 Holy Family Offered For: Lionel Smitheram (RIP) 11:00 St Mark’s Offered For: People of the Parish WORDS FROM POPE FRANCIS TO REFLECT AND PRAY ON:- ‘Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you’ Ponder these words. (3rd Sunday of Lent) (3rd Sunday of Lent) (Lent Feria) (Lent Feria) (Lent Feria) (Lent Feria) (4thSunday of Lent) (4th Sunday of Lent) (4th Sunday of Lent) HOSPITAL The hospital Chaplain is Fr Adrian Gates. He can be contacted on 01473 726701 or the hospital can also page him on bleep 817. Please let Fr Gates know as soon as possible if a friend or relative is admitted to hospital. Please let Fr Christopher know of anyone who is ill at home or homebound, so that they can receive appropriate pastoral care. NOTICES MOTHERING SUNDAY A wide range of Mothering Sunday cards are available at the Repository Stall at St Mark’s Church after Mass. a SERVICE OF RECONCILIATION To help us prepare for Easter, the Parish Reconciliation Service takes place at St Mark’s on Monday 23rd March at 7.30pm. In addition to Father Christopher, Fr Adrian Gates and Fr Michael Hazel will be available to hear confessions. READERS & EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Are required for Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. If you can help, please sign the list at the back of Church at St Mark’s. ST MARK’S CAKE SALE Our next Cake Sale shall take place this Sunday 8th March after the 11am Mass. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD – ST MARKS This shall recommence next Sunday 15th March. If you would like your child to join in with Children’s Liturgy you will need to fill in the new Registration form at the back of Church. Please bear in mind that this is solely aimed at children aged between 4 – 11 years of age and that younger siblings (although very welcome) must be accompanied by a parent. SAINT MARKS PARISH SPRING LUNCH The St Marks Parish spring Lunch will be held at ‘The Wheelhouse Restaurant’ in Woolverstone on Sunday 26th April at 1pm. If you would like to attend could you please fill in the order form which is located at the back of the Church as soon as possible so we can reserve places. (Meal choices can be given at a later time if preferred). EASTER MONDAY: ACTIVITY DAY FOR FAMILIES AND CHILDREN It has been proposed that on Easter Monday from 10.30am until 12.30pm there will be an Egg Hunt, Craft’s morning and Easter Bonnet Competition, concluding with a picnic lunch. If you are interested in coming and can provide something for a picnic lunch, please sign the list at the back of Church. USED POSTAGE STAMPS Please collect used postage stamps and place them in the box at the rear of the church to help support the outstanding work of our local Hospice. NOTICES CHILDREN’S CLOTHES & TOY SALE We shall be holding a ‘Children’s Clothes and Toy Sale’ on the afternoon of Saturday 30th May. Donations of new or nearly new clothes/toys/games would be gratefully received. If you have any unwanted items that we would be able to sell, please see Sadie after the 11am Mass or telephone 07804494914. All proceeds will go to the Church. DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM ON MONDAY 4TH MAY The parish is organising a coach for this pilgrimage which will start from Holy Family Church, Brantham at 8.30 am and will arrive at St Mark’s Church at 9.00 am for additional parishioners. The cost of a seat is £12 per person. Further information from Anne Smitheram Tel: 01206323886. Please put this important date in your diary. TALK ON WALSINGHAM IN 1469 BY DR JOHN ASHDOWN HILL Tickets are now available at St Mark’s Church and Holy Family Church for this talk which will be on Wednesday 11th March 2015 at 7.30 pm. We would be grateful for your support for this most interesting talk prior to the Diocesan Pilgrimage in May. IPSWICH LIFE GROUP The annual ‘Cakes and Conserves’ Sale takes place after Sunday Masses next weekend (14/15th March) at St Pancras Church, Ipswich. Please bake & make & bring & buy. For details of dropping gifts off or for collection, please ring Judith on 01473 214590. THANK YOU Thank you for last week’s collection which was £708.61 and for the second collection which amounted to £352.75 and was for Cafod. Your continued financial support is much needed and very much appreciated. Thank you! SECOND COLLECTIONS The forthcoming second collections are as follows: 3rd April (Good Friday) – Holy Land Shrines 25/26th April – Priests Training Fund 16/17th May – Catholic communication Network Thank you for giving so generously to these very worthy organisations.