Tigris Resources, Turkey
Tigris Resources, Turkey
Tigris Resources, Turkey Corporate Presentation PDAC Convention, March 2015 Forward Looking Statements This presentation contains projections and forward looking information that involve various risks and uncertainties regarding future events. Such forward-looking information can include, without limitation, statements based on current expectations involving a number of risks and uncertainties and are not guarantees of future performance of the Company. These risks and uncertainties could cause actual results and the Company’s plans and objectives to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking information. Actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. These and all subsequent written and oral forward-looking information are based on estimates and opinions of management on the dates they are made and expressly qualified in their entirety by this notice. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking information should circumstances or management’s estimates or opinions change. This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities of the Company within the United States or otherwise. 2 Proposed Re-Branding • Concurrent with its planned listing transaction est March 2015, Tigris Resources Ltd is proposing to re-brand to Royal Road Minerals Ltd • The Royal Road was an ancient highway, rebuilt by the Persian king Darius the Great in the 5th century BC. Darius built the road to facilitate rapid communication and efficient administration throughout his empire. The course of the road began in Asia Minor on the Aegean coast (western Turkey) and travelled east to Persia through what is now eastern Turkey. Royal messengers, riding in relays, could travel 2,699 km in seven days and according to the Greek historian Herodotus, were stopped by “neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night,” • The Royal Road provides a historic geographic link between our gold and copper projects in eastern and western Turkey, and its purpose reflects our objective of achieving success through communication, cooperation, efficiency and tenacity 3 Corporate Strategy Our industry is emerging from a period of reckoning into an era of reform where it must compete with a variety of equally enterprising investment opportunities in a more engaged modern world Royal Road Minerals is Gold and Copper focussed and implemented a strategy for industry reform by way of: has Executing a plan to meet new market expectations Positively embracing and adapting to change Providing unparalleled shareholder support Being serious about stakeholder engagement Being fast, flexible and competitive Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 4 Turkey Turkey is producer A member of the G20, WTO and NATO Management believes Turkey is one of the most prospective and surprisingly underexplored regions in the world Europe’s Corporate Presentation March 2015 largest gold www.royalroadminerals.com 5 Corporate Presentation March 2015 Gömeç Project (RRM earning 50%) www.royalroadminerals.co m Gömeç Geology 10km long zone of epithermal style and porphyry-related gold mineralization Early-stage, stratabound porphyry-related gold in quartz veinlets overprinted by low - sulphidation epithermal quartzveins First-pass drilling diamond 50.4m at 1.3g/t gold, 15.3g/t silver 30.0m at 1.1g/t gold 16.7m at 6.4g/t gold 12.3m at 1.2g/t gold 11.3m at 1.5g/t gold Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 7 Gömeç Radiometrics High soil geochemistry (areas above 1g/t) suggests potential for underlying high-grade gold in rocks Potassium, related to biotite and sericiteillite, maps out alteration BLEG drainage sampling combined with radiometric data highlights new untested areas of potential gold mineralization Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 8 Gömeç 2014 Drilling 2228m of RC-drilling focussed primarily on Kubaslar in the northeast Targeting high soil geochemistry, eastwest stratabound zones and silicified northwest-southeast brittle shears Best intersections 76m at 1.0g/t gold (inc 24m at 2.0g/t gold & 18.7g/t silver) 56m at 1.0g/t gold (inc 22m at 2.0g/t gold & 15.6g/t silver) 40m Presentation at 1.0g/tMarch gold2015 Corporate www.royalroadminerals.com 9 Gömeç 2014 Drilling Open along strike at and depth, across Zone approx 300m wide on surface Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 1 0 Gömeç 2014 Drilling East Kubaslar long anomalous intersections of strata-bound mineralization suggesting proximity to source 400m long plus 1g/t gold soil anomaly requires further drill testing Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 1 1 Gömeç 2014 Drilling Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 1 2 Corporate Presentation March 2015 Uğur Tepe (RRM earning 50%) Project www.royalroadminerals.co m Uğur Tepe Porphyry Copper-Gold Discovered by Oremine in 2008, scout drilled by Oremine and Oremine-Freeport McMoran JV in 2011 and 2012 Program focussed primarily on classic centralised copper-gold porphyry body and included 71m at 0.4g/t gold, 0.3% copper 50m at 0.4g/t gold, 0.3% copper RRM testing potentially higher grade, gold dominant, “ring-fracture” controlled model before re-testing central porphyry copper-gold potential Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 14 Uğur Tepe Porphyry Copper-Gold Gold soil anomalism and relatively highgrade gold-only mineralization around (and possibly above) copper-gold porphyry style-mineralization Ongoing saw-cut channel sampling in sedimentary and volcanic rocks around the porphyry centre has so far returned: 18m at 1.0g/t gold 12m at 1.9g/t gold 5.4m at 1.2g/t gold 4.0m at 1.3g/t gold 3.0m at 5.2g/t gold Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 15 Uğur Tepe Porphyry Copper-Gold Saw-cut channel sampling continuing Ground magnetic and radiometric programs underway Alteration structural underway Data integration, 3D modelling and drill planning over winter 2015 Aim to define a highergrade gold dominant halo then retest central porphyry copper-gold bodies and mapping Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 16 Corporate Presentation March 2015 Pertek Project (100% RRM) www.royalroadminerals.co m Pertek 20km long, northsouth gold and copper mineralized district Diorite-hosted, highgrade vein and blind sulphide bodies and overlying skarn-style mineralization 7-hole scout drilling program at Kolonkaya intersected 10m at 6.4g/t gold from blind sulphide Metallurgical tests on sulphide returned plus 90% gold recovery to rougher *Wardell Armstrong International, February 2014 concentrate via gravity-flotation* Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 18 Pertek Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 19 Pertek Permits received at Kolonkaya and preparation for reverse circulation drilltesting HLEM anomalies (targeting high-grade concealed sulphide bodies) underway Preparation to drilltest possible coppergold skarn-related magnetic anomaly at Tozkoporan underway Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 20 Arşimet, East Anatolian Plateau, Exploration (70% RRM) Alliance (EAPEA) www.royalroadminerals.co m EAPEA Focussed on the East Anatolian Plateau and its westernmost extent Much of the region inaccessible and underexplored for 30 years due to conflict. Peace process in force since March 2013 Covering area over-which RRM conducted 2012 10km by 10km fixed-wing airborne reconnaissance program Building on Arşimet’s knowledge of the region Targeting large porphyry copper-gold and epithermal gold systems Corporate Presentation March 2015 unique local www.royalroadminerals.com 22 Deal Structures Oremine Spend USD $2M before end 2015 to earn 20% and a further USD $3M before end 2016 and pay USD $2M execution payment for 50% Arşimet RRM fully fund regional exploration to earn 70% of any claimed and acquired properties Once claimed and acquired parties contribute pro-rata or standard dilution formula applies Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 23 Management Team Dr Tim Coughlin – CEO and Director PhD (Structural Geology), MSc Exploration and Mining Geology, BSc Geology, FAusIMM, MSEG. 25 years of wide-ranging experience, senior positions with major mining companies, specialist in frontier mineral exploration and mining investment in emerging and transitional environments including the Caucasus, the Balkans, Colombia and Russia. Credited with the discovery of the awardwinning Amulsar (4.2Moz) gold deposit in Armenia, instrumental in the discovery of the La Rescatada (2Moz) gold deposit in Peru, acknowledged in the discovery of the La Colossa (13Moz) gold deposit in Colombia. Co-founded and until recently the President & CEO of Lydian International (TSX: LYD) Sol Thacker – CFO and Director Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australia. Auditor for Ernst & Young (Brisbane) focusing primarily on clients in the retail, construction and tourism industries. Commercial accountant for finance and mining companies. Director Moroccan Minerals Ltd Berkin Uğurlu – Exploration BSc Geology, over 10 years of experience in precious Manager and base metals industries; target generation, exploration and resource development with major international mining companies; also worked as a senior consultant in technical due diligence, valuation and code compliance studies, target assessment and evaluation, code compliant project development and supervision, resource modelling and definition. Member of Society of Economic Geologist, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Association of Exploration and Mining Geologists and Chamber of Geological Engineers in Turkey Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 24 Experienced Board Pete Mullens – Chairman BSc Geology, FAusIMM; 30 years of extensive mining and exploration industry experience. Successfully developed 4 Canadian listed exploration companies. Credited with the discovery of Pico Machay in Peru and the acquisition of Navidad (700Moz Ag) and Calcatreu (1Moz Au-Ag) in Argentina and, Westmoreland (50Mlb’s U) in Australia. Strong experience of commercial aspects, ore reserves, financial evaluations, mine planning, JV negotiations, and financing of junior exploration companies. Serves on the Board of Moroccan Minerals Ltd. Hugh Devlin – Director Over 20 years security experience in a variety of operational and planning roles around the world. In 2005 he co-founded Lydian Resources and as Chief Operations Officer was responsible for project management, logistics, land and community relations and risk management. Has worked in post-conflict and transitional settings including Kosovo and Georgia and also in Armenia and Ethiopia accumulating significant experience in country-entry and in early stage project and corporate development. Dr Kerim Sener – Director PhD (gold metallogenesis), MSc Mineral Exploration, BSc Geology. MIMM, MSEG, A Fellow of The Geological Society of London, Member of the Chamber of Geological Engineers in Turkey. CEO of Turkish gold exploration and development company, Ariana Resources plc (AIM: AAU) and has been responsible for identifying c.1.5Moz gold in Turkey to date. Vernon Arseneault – Director BSc Geology. 30 years of experience in exploration and project management in South America principally in Peru, Chile and Argentina. 20 years with Noranda in Canada and South America. Responsible for the reactivation of the El Pachon project in Argentina. Vice President Exploration for Zincore Metals, responsible for the recent discovery of the promising Dolores Cu-Mo porphyry located in Peru. Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 25 Pro Forma Corporate Structure SIGNIFICANT SHAREHOLDERS Sprott Global PRO FORMA SHARE STRUCTURE Rosseau Asset Mgnt Outstanding Shares 35.2M Management Warrants ($0.20-0.60) 13.3M Ewhurst Investments 1M JM Finn Nominees Options ($0.50) Ariana Resources Macquarie Bank Ltd Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 26 Contact Information For further information please contact – Donna Pugsley Investor Relations Manager [email protected] Tel: +441534 887 166 Royal Road Minerals Limited Suite 30, 4 Wharf Street St. Helier, Jersey JE2 3NR Channel Islands Corporate Presentation March 2015 www.royalroadminerals.com 27
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