We the parishioners of St. Mary – Dover and St. Robert Bellarmine
We the parishioners of St. Mary – Dover and St. Robert Bellarmine
We the parishioners of St. Mary – Dover and St. Robert Bellarmine join together to build a faith community that proclaims the Word of God, calls people to prayer, and inspires the faithful to be good stewards of all of our gifts. St. Robert Bellarmine & St. Mary Dover (One Faith Community -Two Worship Sites) March 8, 2015 Third Sunday of Lent PARISH CONTACTS STEWARDSHIP OF OUR TREASURE FROM THE PREVIOUS WEEK ENDING MARCH 3 (WEEK 35) Main Phone Number: 262-878-3476 262-878-0194 (Fax) 3320 S. Colony Avenue; Union Grove St. Mary’s Church is located at 23211 Church Road; Kansasville (church only - no offices) EMERGENCY PASTORAL NUMBER: 878-3476 ext. 291 Pastor Rev. Robert C. Kacalo ext. 290 [email protected] Director of Administrative Services Sarah Gray ext. 102 [email protected] Parish Secretary Jodi Cox ext. 103 [email protected] Director of Liturgy & Music Lynda Trani ext. 105 [email protected] Director of Christian Formation Brian Jens ext. 104 [email protected] St. Mary-Dover Cemetery Contact: John Mutter 878-3450 Joint Parish Council President: Marie Mutter 262-989-9006 [email protected] Visit us at www.stmary-strobert.org and Follow us on Facebook at St. Mary and St. Robert Bellarmine Churches Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm Parish Membership All are welcome. Families and single persons 18 years and older, please call the parish office to register. St. Robert YTD $ 4,738 $ 145,134 Budgeted YTD Overage/Shortage $148,225 -$ 3,091 St. Mary YTD Budgeted YTD Overage/Shortage $ 2,942 $ 83,504 $ 71,470 $ 12,034 PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR CHURCH IN YOUR WILL LEGACY FUND St. Robert Bellarmine Current Funds Available *Future Needs $ 13,005 Refinish Pews Heating System Replaced $ $ $ 28,000 19,500 70,000 Funds Needed for Completion $ -104,495 St. Robert Bellarmine Raise the Roof Fund $ 17,609 New Kneelers St. Mary Current Funds Available $ 30,268 $ 21,000 15,000 *Future Needs Lighting in Nave & Sanctuary Install Canopy Front Entrance/Annex $ Funds Needed for Completion $ -5,732 *Estimated Costs Just a reminder that there are additional donation opportunities in March. Legacy Fund & Palm Sunday You can go online www.parishpay.com to make these donations or call Sarah Gray at ext. 102 and she can help you. SACRAMENTAL LIFE Baptism Call the Parish Office to register for Baptism Preparation Retreat. Parish membership is required. Reconciliation Saturdays at 3:30pm at St. Robert Bellarmine Church, unless otherwise noted. RCIA Individuals wishing to join the Catholic Church, please contact Brian Jens at 878-3476 to inquire about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Matrimony Arrangements by appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months in advance. Parish membership is required. Page 2— March 8, 2015 Third Sunday of Lent ST. MARY RENOVATION/RESTORATION FUND Funds Needed for Renovation/Tuckpointing Donations Received $ $ 84,000 -4,000 Funds Yet To Be Raised $ 80,000 Providence Catholic School 1481 172nd Avenue, Union Grove, 53182 262-859-2007 www.providencecatholicschool.org Principal: Greg Young Catholic Central High School 148 McHenry Street, Burlington, 53105 262-763-1510 www.cchsnet.org/cchs Principal: Dave Wieters Ministerio Hispano St. John XXIII Center 1101 Douglas Avenue, Racine, WI 53402 262-898-7250 Hna: Shirley Heck Like us on Facebook at St. Mary and St. Robert Bellarmine Churches MASS & PRAYER SERVICES SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 2015 8AM 10AM SMD SRB Living & Deceased of St. Robert & St. Mary †August & Lillian Wilk - Patrick Behling Family TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015 8AM SRB †Dorothy Christman - Family & Friends WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015 8AM SMD †Linda Waldron - Family & Friends THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015 3PM VET All Living and Deceased Veterans FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2015 8AM SMD †Nick Fettes - Helen Miller SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2015 3:30PM SRB 4:30PM SRB Reconciliation †Joel Tenhagen - Chuck & Carol Tenhagen SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 8AM 10AM SMD SRB †William Budish - Family Living & Deceased of St. Robert & St. Mary SMD—ST. MARY-DOVER SRB—ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE OAK—OAKRIDGE CARE CENTER VET—VETERAN’S HOME OF SOUTHERN WISCONSIN PRAYER INTENTIONS Please Remember In Your Prayers… Eugene Graf(4), Roger Crum(4), Jean Szaradowski(4), Elijah Gorman(4) And those serving in the Armed Forces: Dereck dosedla If you or a loved one is in need of prayer and would like to add them to the prayer list, please contact the Parish Office. Names will be placed in the bulletin and will remain for four weeks. After four weeks, if you would like a name re-added, please call the office. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 8, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Ex 17:3-7/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42 2 Kgs 5:1-15b/Lk 4:24-30 Dn 3:25, 34-43/Mt 18:21-35 Dt 4:1, 5-9/Mt 5:17-19 Jer 7:23-28/Lk 11:14-23 Hos 14:2-10/Mk 12:28-34 Hos 6:1-6/Lk 18:9-14 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38 MINISTER SCHEDULE SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2015 4:30PM - ST. ROBERT SERVERS: LECTOR: HOSPITALITY: BREAD: WINE: M & R Taylor P Kite G Schattner, M Villwock C Braun, S Pfeffer, M Czecholinski L Holler, R Gromacki, P Goyke, Mary Villwock SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 8:00AM - ST. MARY SERVERS: LECTOR: HOSPITALITY: BREAD: WINE: J Mutter, P Mikusiak J Kraschnewski K Mutter, E Poloczek, B Furey R Van Horn, P Czerniak N Friesma, L Johnsen, P Olszewski SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2015 10AM - ST. ROBERT SERVERS: LECTOR: HOSPITALITY: BREAD: WINE: M Andersen, A Tornow Mark Villwock Verwey Family P Maurice, T McMahon, T Carls J Villwock, D Brunn, Z Carls, C Mueller "Gratitude to the Lord is always in seas0n." CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUNDAY, MARCH 8 12PM ASYG MEETING 5:30PM SHADOW STATION REHEARSAL MONDAY, MARCH 9 10:30AM YOGA TUESDAY, MARCH 10 5:30PM YOGA 6PM CHOIR 6PM SMD FINANCE 6:30PM YOGA 6:30PM GOOD GIRLS, BAD GIRLS 7PM SRB FINANCE MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 5:30PM REP K4-5 6PM REP 6-8 THURSDAY, MARCH 12 12PM FELLOWSHIP MEAL 6PM SOUP SUPPER 6:30PM TENEBRE SERVICE FRIDAY, MARCH 13 4:30PM FISH FRY SUNDAY, MARCH 15 1PM 1ST COMMUNION PARENT/ STUDENT MEETING 5:30PM SHADOW STATION REHEARSAL ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Page 3— March 8, 2015 Third Sunday of Lent Visit our website at www.stmary-strobert.org SRB SRB 213 HALL SRB 213 HALL 208 213 SRB SRB HALL HALL SRB HALL SRB SRB Easter Food Drive Third Sunday of Lent Paul reminded the Corinthians, "We proclaim Christ crucified." Christ's weakness is stronger than any human strength. The power of the cross is greater than anything the world or evil has to combat it. The Lenten season is one of repentance, self-denial, almsgiving, and prayer. Many in our modern world do not see any wisdom in denying themselves anything. Those swept away in a consumer culture want more and they want it faster, bigger, and better. They also are looking for easy and quick satisfaction, unwilling to wait long. Paul speaks of the "foolishness of God" and how it is wiser than any human wisdom. Lent is a time to put aside that which we feel and think as humans and put on the attitude of Christ. The cross of Christ is neither easy nor fleeting, and it will ask us to deny our very selves for him. To the human mind it makes no sense. However, by putting on Christ and seeing with his eyes, we see reality with clarity. Our sacrifice can lead to riches that only a "foolish" man would covet. But it is exactly there that we are satisfied and fulfilled. Our Easter giving trees and baskets are up now. Please take a tag or more from them to help those in need with suggested food items. God bless you -Your Human Concerns Committee Attention: St. Mary’s Parishioners Beginning Monday, February 16, through Friday, March 27th, all daily and weekend Masses scheduled at St. Mary’s will be held in the ANNEX. The main body of the Church and Sanctuary will have scaffolding the entire 5 weeks of our restoration/renovation project. Please plan accordingly and feel free to attend weekend Masses at St. Robert’s: 4:30pm Saturday and 10am Sunday’s. This will allow the artists to complete their work without interruption, allowing us to be back in our newly painted and embellished sacred space for Palm Sunday services. Thank you for your patience. MEMORIAL FOR EASTER As we praise God once again this Easter Season, may we also honor with a remembrance those who have touched our daily lives. You are invited to remember your loved ones through a memorial used for Art and Environment this Easter Season. Please fill out the form below or the envelope in the narthex/annex and drop it in the ballot box provided, collection basket or at the church office by Sunday, March 29th. —————————————————————————————————————————————Name_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In Memory Of________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Donation Amount ________________________________ Circle: St. Robert Bellarmine or St. Mary’s Please return by Sunday. March 29, 2015 Page 4— March 8, 2015 Third Sunday of Lent Like us on Facebook at St. Mary and St. Robert Bellarmine Churches Laying of the Cornerstone at St. Robert Bellarmine Church Sunday, June 25, 1967 Ministering to the Mind, Heart and Soul of the Divorced and Separated Tuesday, March 17, 2015 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Check-in begins at 12:15 p.m. St. William Parish 440 North Moreland Boulevard, Waukesha, WI 53188 Page 5— March 8, 2015 Third Sunday of Lent Visit our website at www.stmary-strobert.org Men of Christ Conference March 14, 2015 at 9am Milwaukee Theater Come and be a part of the 2015 Men of Christ Conference at the Milwaukee Theater. It will be a day of great speakers, confession, and mass. Dads bring your Sons and Sons bring your Dads! Call Mike Molitor for tickets or go to menofchrist.net Speakers: Fr. Larry Richards - Straight talk from one of the best messengers evangelizing Men of all ages about the need for male leadership. John Pridmore - From London’s criminal underworld, drug deals, and vicious crime of all sorts, John’s powerful story demonstrates God’s mercy. Devin Schadt - This husband, father, and author will speak about the necessity and power of fatherhood. Devin is the co-founder of the Fathers of St. Joseph. Free Fellowship Meal Come join us. The next fellowship meal will be Thursday, March 12th at St. Robert Bellarmine. On Saturdays doors open at 5:30pm. On Thursdays the doors open at 11:30am with the meal at 12pm. All are invited. If you are bringing extra guests please contact the office at 878-3476. As a reminder, the fellowship luncheons are held the second and fourth Thursdays of the month and the evening meals are on selected Saturday evenings. Volunteers are always needed to prepare or donate food. NEW YOGA SESSIONS AT ST. ROBERTS STARTING SOON ***Now offering 3 classes*** YOGA Basics LEVEL 1 - Class will introduce the student to the basic principles of alignment and technique, while slowly stretching and strengthening the body. Here we will emphasis stretching the hamstrings, hips, shoulders and spine, with focus on the standing poses. Tuesdays 5:30pm–6:15pm March 3rd – April 28th (8 classes) No classes Easter week Cost $56 Drop-in $8 YOGA Level 2 - This class is best for those who have some experience in yoga where less time will be spent on the basic fundamentals. Here we will explore more body awareness, refine alignment and move deeper into the body and breathe awareness. More complex poses and progressions may be possible in this class. Perfect class for students who have been practicing yoga for 3 or more months. Tuesdays 6:30pm–7:30pm March 3rd – April 28th (8 classes) No class Easter week Cost $ 60 Drop-in $9 Gentle YOGA - Gentle Yoga is a class structured around rejuvenating and healing the body. This class is held at a slower pace and focuses on stretching all areas of the body, while releasing stress and tension from joints and muscles. This is an excellent class for older students, those with joint/back problems, and/or other health concerns. Monday’s 10:30am-11:30am March 9th – April 27th (7 classes) No class Easter week Cost $52 Drop-in $9 A yoga mat is needed for each class, straps and blocks are recommended. Please feel free to contact Natalie with any questions you may have at 262-716-3545. Open Enrollment for new students at Catholic Central High School has begun. If you or anyone you know is interested in enrolling a student at CCHS, please call 763- 1510 x 225 or email at [email protected] to set up your appointment or with any questions you might have regarding the process. Page 6— March 8, 2015 Third Sunday of Lent Like us on Facebook at St. Mary and St. Robert Bellarmine Churches Do you have something you’d like to share or promote? Providence Catholic School is accepting donations for its silent and live auctions April 25, 2015. • Business service or goods • Antiques in good shape • A gift that’s gone unused • New or like-new items • Sports tickets or memorabilia • Timeshares or vacation fun • Art and home decor • Handmade items For home and business pick-up, please contact in: Ken. Co. Rac. Co. Delena Reiter [email protected] (414) 379-7488 Marie Frederick [email protected] (262) 497-3270 Early Childhood Teachers Needed! “Providence Catholic Preschool and Learning Center” is a well-known childcare center located in Union Grove, WI. We are dedicated to teaching, helping, and learning with the children. We are currently looking for some highly motivated teachers, who want to be part of a great team. We are currently looking for a “toddler room” Teacher. This is an excellent opportunity to join a friendly, fun, and exciting environment. Certified childcare teachers would be strongly encouraged to apply. Providence Catholic Preschool and Learning Center is offering excellent working conditions with flexible schedules. If you are interested in teaching at Providence Catholic Preschool and Learning Center, please send your resume to Mrs. Shana, Center Director at [email protected] or call (262)859-0034 to set up an interview. There are many new shops and businesses in downtown Union Grove. Please support our local business community!