Web CEO Online API Reference


Web CEO Online API Reference
SEO API Reference
The Web CEO’s SEO API uses json requests:
"method": "method name",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id (optional)
The "method" parameter is used to specify one of the supported commands listed down below.
The "key" parameter is an API key that is generated on the "API Access" page (My account > API).
The "id" parameter, which is optional, is used to bind the response to its request when the requests are
processed asynchronously.
Requests are sent via the HTTPS POST command to https://online.webceo.com/api/ - a json request should be
included in the json parameter.
*See examples in PHP, Python, Java.
Server response is an array of the following type:
"method": "method name",
"id": request id (if supplied),
"result": response code (can be omitted, if response is "0"), see the table below
"errormsg": "error message" (if error occurs),
"data": "the requested data"
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Web CEO – SEO API Reference
If necessary, queries can be grouped into one package:
"method": "method1",
"method": "method2",
Response Codes
Request successfully processed
Bad request
Not found
Bad arguments
Access denied
Unknown command (method)
Not configured
Site not available
Server Error (contact support if you get this response code)
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Supported commands
Project management:
Get the list of projects.
Get project’s details.
Add a new project.
Modify the parameters of an existing project.
Remove a project.
Share projects to a user of the white label domain.
Remove projects from the user's project list.
Start scanning a project.
Add a new project scan limit profile.
Modify the parameters of an existing scan limit profile.
Get the details of a scan limit profile.
Get the list of scan limit profiles.
Remove a scan limit profile.
Get the billing details for the last 20 payments.
User management (applied only to the White Label Domain feature):
Add a new user to your white label domain.
Modify the parameters of an existing user.
Remove a user from your white label domain.
Grant a user access to a group of projects.
Get user’s details.
Sitemap Generator
Submit the sitemap to Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Backlink Quality Check Tool:
Get the summarized backlink data for a site and its competitors.
Get the detailed data on external pages linking to your site.
Get the list of pages linking to your competition and your site.
Get the list of competitors configured in the Backlink Quality Check or the Competitor
Backlink Spy tool.
Add, check or uncheck the competitors in the settings of the Backlink quality Check or
the Competitor Backlink Spy tool.
*See Appendix A for the status messages and texts of the SEO Analysis Tool.
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Rank Tracking Tool:
Get the ranking data for X last scans.
Get the cached ranking results for a keyword.
Get the list of keywords configured to check the site rankings for.
Add keywords to the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
Remove keywords from the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
Get the list of search engines configured in the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
Add a search engine to the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
Remove search engines from the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
Get the list of competitors configured in the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
Add a competitor to the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
Remove a competitor from the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
Get the list of keywords with tags assigned to them in a project.
Add, modify or delete specific tags of keywords in a project.
Remove all tags of all keywords in a project.
Technical Audit & SEO Analysis Tools:
Get the scanning results for broken links & content optimization issues.
Get the list of keywords configured for the Landing Page SEO analysis.
Add keywords to the list configured for the Landing Page SEO analysis.
Remove keywords from list configured for the Landing Page SEO analysis.
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Internal Links Optimization Tool:
Get the list of link texts of your site’s internal links.
Web Buzz Tool:
Get the number of posts found by the Web Buzz.
Get the list of keywords configured in the Web Buzz.
Add keywords to the list of keywords configured in the Web Buzz.
Remove keywords from the list of keywords configured in the Web Buzz.
SEO Checklist:
Get the details about completing the stages of the SEO Checklist.
Social Engagement
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Use this command to get social metrics found by the Social Engagement Tool.
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Project management:
Use this command to get the list of projects.
"method": "get_projects",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id (optional)
"method": "get_projects",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": [
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"user": "user email" (only if you have White Label Domain configured)
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Use this command to get the details of a project.
1. The "user" parameter can be set only by a white label domain owner.
2. You can specify either a "domain" or a "project" parameter. The "project" parameter is preferred.
"method": "get_project",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id (optional),
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_project",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"last_scan_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"link": "URL of the Site Dashboard",
"groups": ["group_name1", …],
"notes": "project notes",
"limit": "project scan limit profile"
"marker": "unique identifier of a project"
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Use this command to add a new project.
1. The "user" parameter can be set only by a white label domain owner.
"method": "add_project",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"notes": "project notes", (optional)
"groups": ["group_name1", …], (optional)
"limit": "project scan limit profile", (optional)
"marker": "unique identifier of a project" (optional)
"method": "add_project",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
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Use this command to modify the parameters of an existing project.
1. The "user" parameter can be set only by a white label domain owner.
2. You can specify either a "domain" or a "project" parameter. The "project" parameter is preferred.
"method": "set_project",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"project": "project id",
"notes": "project notes", (optional)
"groups": ["group_name1", …], (optional)
"limit": "project scan limit profile", (optional)
"marker": "unique identifier of a project" (optional)
"method": "set_project",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": project id
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Use this command to remove a project.
1. The “user” parameter can be set only by a white label domain owner.
2. You can specify either a "domain" or a "project" parameter. The "project" parameter is preferred.
"method": "del_project",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"project": "project id"
"method": "del_project",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
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Use this command to share the certain projects to a user of the White Label domain.
"method": "share_projects",
"key": "API key",
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"projects": ["project_hash1", "project_hash2" …] (use e4c8c83b for sharing demo project)
"method": "share_projects",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"projects": ["project_hash1", "project_hash2", ...],
"user": "user_email"
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Use this command to remove certain projects from the list of the projects available to the user of the White Label
"method": "remove_shared_projects",
"key": "API key",
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"projects": ["project_hash1", "project_hash2" …] (use e4c8c83b for removing demo project)
"method": "remove_shared_projects",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"projects": ["project_hash1", "project_hash2", ...],
"user": "user_email"
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Use this command to start scanning of a project.
If you include the "tools" parameter, you will launch scanning in the tools specified in this parameter ("ranker" –
Rank Tracking, "auditor" – Technical Audit and SEO Analysis, "backlinks_count" – Competitor Link Profile report
of the Backlink Quality Check, "backlinks_pages" – Linking Pages report of the Backlink Quality Check,
"competitor_backlinks" – Competitor Backlink Spy, "interlinks" – Internal Links Optimization, "partners" – Backlink
Integrity Tracking, “sitemap” – Sitemap Generator, “social” - Social Engagement). If you don’t include the "tools"
parameter, scanning will be launched in the following tools: (i) Rank Tracking, (ii) Technical Audit, (iii) SEO
Analysis, (iv) Backlink Quality Check (Competitor Link Profile report) and (v) Backlink Integrity Tracking, given
that the profiles of the above tools are configured.
If you include the "update_settings" parameter, you will scan a sitemap, pull the first N pages from the sitemap
(to be specified in the parameter "page_count"), then pull the first N keywords from the META Keywords tag of
every pulled page (to be specified in the "keyword_count" parameter) and add the pulled pages and keywords to
the settings of Rank Tracking and SEO Analysis tools.
"method": "rescan_project",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id (optional),
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"tools": ["ranker", "auditor", "backlinks_count", "backlinks_pages", " competitor_backlinks",
"interlinks", "partners", “sitemap”,”social”], (optional)
“callback_url”:”URL of the page requested after the scanning is finished” (optional),
"update_settings": {
"page_count": 20, (optional)
"keyword_count": 5
} (optional)
"method": "rescan_project",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
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Use this command to add a new scan limit profile.
"method": "add_limit",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"name": "name of a scan limit profile", (required)
"ranker_max_kw": max number of keywords, (optional) (if not specified, default value is 5)
"ranker_max_se": max number of search engines, (optional) (value should be from 1 to 5; if not
specified, default value is 3)
"ranker_max_pages": max number of SERPs to check rankings, (optional) (value should be from
1 to 10; if not specified, default value is 3)
"ranker_max_competitors": max number of competitors in the Rank Tracking tool, (optional) (value
should be from 1 to 20; if not specified, default value is 5)
"ranker_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional) (if not specified, default value is "monthly")
"ranker_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional) (if not specified, default value is "never")
"linker_max_backlinks": max number of backlinks to be analyzed by the Backlink Quality Check
tool, (optional) (value should be from 100 to 50,000; if not specified, default value is 100)
"linker_max_competitors": max number of competitors in the Backlink Quality Check tool,
(optional) (value should be from 1 to 4; if not specified, default value is 2)
"backlinkslist_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional) (if not specified, default value is "monthly")
"backlinkslist_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never" (if not specified, default value is "never")
"spy_max_competitors_backlinks": max number of competitor backlinks to be analyzed by the
Competitor Backlink Spy tool, (optional) (value should be from 100 to 50,000; if not specified, default value is 100)
"spy_max_competitors": max number of competitor domains to be checked by the Competitor
Backlink Spy tool (optional) (value should be from 1 to 4; if not specified, default value is 2)
"backlinksspy_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional) (if not specified, default value is "monthly")
"backlinksspy_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never" (if not specified, default value is "never")
"auditor_max_pages": max number of site pages scanned for broken links, (optional) (value
should be from 1 to 50,000; if not specified, default value is 1,000)
"auditor_max_landing_pages": max number of landing pages scanned for content optimization
issues, (optional) (value should be from 1 to 50,000; if not specified, default value is 30)
"auditor_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional) (if not specified, default value is "monthly")
"auditor_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never" (if not specified, default value is "never")
"submission_max_se": max number of search engines for automatic submission 5 | 10 | 15 | … |
"all", (optional) (value should be multiple of 5, if value is not specified, default value is 5)
"buzz_kw_limit": max number of keywords tracked by the Web Buzz tool, (optional) (value should
be from 1 to 20; if not specified, default value is 2)
"partners_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional) (if not specified, default value is "monthly")
"partners_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice
a month" | "quarterly" | "never" (if not specified, default value is "never")
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"method": "add_limit",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"limit_id": "limit id"
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Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Use this command to modify the parameters of an existing scan limit profile.
"method": "set_limit",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"limit_id": "limit id",
"name": "name of a scan limit profile", (optional)
"ranker_max_kw": max number of keywords, (optional) (if not specified, default value is 5)
"ranker_max_se": max number of search engines, (optional) (value should be from 1 to 5; if not
specified, default value is 3)
"ranker_max_pages": max number of SERPs to check rankings, (optional) (value should be from
1 to 10; if not specified, default value is 3)
"ranker_max_competitors": max number of competitors in the Rank Tracking tool, (optional) (value
should be from 1 to 20; if not specified, default value is 5)
"ranker_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional)
"ranker_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional)
"linker_max_backlinks": max number of backlinks to be analyzed by the Backlink Quality Check
tool, (optional) (value should be from 100 to 50,000; if not specified, default value is 100)
"linker_max_competitors": max number of competitors in the Backlink Quality Check tool,
(optional) (value should be from 1 to 4; if not specified, default value is 2)
"backlinkslist_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional)
"backlinkslist_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional)
"spy_max_competitors_backlinks": max number of competitor backlinks to be analyzed by the
Competitor Backlink Spy tool, (optional) (value should be from 100 to 50,000; if not specified, default value is 100)
"spy_max_competitors": max number of competitor domains to be checked by the Competitor
Backlink Spy tool (optional) (value should be from 1 to 4; if not specified, default value is 2)
"backlinksspy_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional)
"backlinksspy_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional)
"auditor_max_pages": max number of site pages scanned for broken links, (optional) (value
should be from 1 to 50,000; if not specified, default value is 1,000)
"auditor_max_landing_pages": max number of landing pages scanned for content optimization
issues, (optional) (value should be from 1 to 50,000; if not specified, default value is 30)
"auditor_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional)
"auditor_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional)
"submission_max_se": max number of search engines for automatic submission 5 | 10 | 15 | … |
"all", (optional) (value should be multiple of 5, if value is not specified, default value is 5)
"buzz_kw_limit": max number of keywords tracked by the Web Buzz tool, (optional) (value should
be from 1 to 20; if not specified, default value is 2)
"partners_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional)
"partners_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice
a month" | "quarterly" | "never" (optional)
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"method": "set_limit",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"limit_id": "limit id"
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Use this command to get the properties of a scan limit profile.
"method": "get_limit",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"limit_id": "limit id"
"method": "get_limit",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"name": "name of a scan limit profile",
"ranker_max_kw": max number of keywords,
"ranker_max_se": max number of search engines,
"ranker_max_pages": max number of SERPs to check rankings,
"ranker_max_competitors": max number of competitors in Rank Tracking tool,
"ranker_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never"
"ranker_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never"
"linker_max_backlinks": max number of backlinks to be analyzed by the Backlink Quality Check
"linker_max_competitors": max number of competitors in the Backlink Quality Check tool,
"backlinkslist_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never"
"backlinkslist_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never"
"spy_max_competitors_backlinks": max number of competitor backlinks to be analyzed by the
Competitor Backlink Spy tool,
"spy_max_competitors": max number of competitor domains to be checked by the Competitor
Backlink Spy tool,
"backlinksspy_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never"
"backlinksspy_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" |
"twice a month" | "quarterly" | "never"
"auditor_max_pages": max number of site pages scanned for broken links,
"auditor_max_landing_pages": max number of landing pages scanned for content optimization
"auditor_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never"
"auditor_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never"
"submission_max_se": max number of search engines for automatic submission,
"buzz_kw_limit": max number of keywords tracked by the Web Buzz tool,
"partners_auto_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice a
month" | "quarterly" | "never"
"partners_manual_scan_period": "once a day" | "once a week" | "twice a week" | "monthly" | "twice
a month" | "quarterly" | "never"
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Use this command to get the list of scan limit profiles created in your Web CEO account.
"method": "get_limits",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id (optional)
"method": "get_limits",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"limits": [["limit_id1", "limit_name1"], ["limit_id2", "limit_name2"] … ]
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Use this command to remove a scan limit profile.
"method": "del_limit",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"limit_id": "id of the limit that you are going to remove", (required)
"replace_with_id": "id of the limit that will replace the limit to be deleted in projects where it was
assigned; if this parameter is not specified, the projects where this limit was assigned will be assigned a scan limit
"no limits" (optional)
"method": "del_limit",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"limit_id": "limit id"
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Use this command to get the billing details for the last 20 payments.
"method": "get_billing_details",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"payments_count": number of payments (optional)
"method": " get_billing_details",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"created": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" (date of request),
"account": "email address of account owner",
"currency": "USD",
"payments": [
"date": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" (date of payment),
"id": payment id in the Web CEO system,
"amount": amount of payment,
"description": "payment details",
"details": {
"total": amount of payment,
"tariff": subscription paid,
"projects": [
"id": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"manager": "email address", (optional)
"active_tools": [list of active tools],
"amount": total amount of project cost,
"specification": {
"fee": site monthly fee,
"backlink_checker": scanning cost,
"rank_checker": scanning cost,
"site_auditor": scanning cost
} …other projects
} …other payments
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User management:
(applied only to accounts with the White Label Domain feature enabled.)
Use this command to add a new user to your white label domain.
- if you want to include the user into the certain groups, add their names to the “groups” parameter. To remove
user from all the groups, leave it empty (“groups”:[ ]).
"method": "add_user",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"password": "password", (optional) (value should be string, not integer)
"manager": "manager email address" (optional),
"groups": ["group1", "group2"] (optional)
"method": "add_user",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id (optional)
Predefined user roles are:
- ROLE_MANAGER – Project Manager;
- ROLE_CLIENT - Client (CANNOT add projects);
- ROLE_CLIENT_EXTENDED - Client (CAN add projects);
- ROLE_READONLY – Client (read-only reports);
- ROLE_TRIAL - Trial
You can also specify non-predefined roles created for the domain. If no value is specified for the "role"
parameter, the default value is ROLE_CLIENT.
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Use this command to modify the parameters of an existing user.
- if you want to include the user into the certain groups, add their names to the “groups” parameter. To remove
user from all the groups, leave it empty (“groups”:[ ]).
"method": "set_user",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"password": "password", (optional) (value should be string, not integer)
"suspended": 1 | 0, (optional),
"manager": "manager email address" (optional),
"groups": ["group1", "group2"] (optional)
"method": "set_user",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id (optional)
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Use this command to remove a user from your white label domain.
"method": "del_user",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"user": "user email"
"method": "del_user",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id (optional)
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Use this command to grant a user access to a group of projects. A user will get access to the current projects in
a group and all projects that will be added to this group in the future.
"method": "share_project_group",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"project_group": ["project_group_name1", …] (value should be string, not integer)
"method": "share_project_group",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"project_group": ["project_group_name1", …]
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Use this command to get the details of a user.
"method": "get_user_info",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"user": "user email"
"method": "get_user_info",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"user": "user email",
"date_joined": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", (GMT)
"last_login": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" (GMT)
"project_group": ["project_group_name1", …]
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Rank Tracking Tool:
Use this command to get the ranking data for the X last scans of a project.
Note: Values of the "history_depth" parameter are interpreted as follows:
 1 – current site rankings;
 2 – current and 1 previous scan (default value, if "history_depth" is not specified);
 3 or more – current and 2 or more scans
"method": "get_rankings",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"grouped": 0|1, (0 – not grouped, 1 – grouped by page) (optional)
"pages_filter": ['/', '/help.html'], (page filters, active only when "grouped" parameter
has value "1") (optional)
"competitors": 0|1, (0 – without competitors, 1 – with competitors, active only when
"grouped" parameter has value "0") (optional)
"history_depth": any integer equal to or more than 2 (number of scans) (optional)
Response (when parameter "grouped" is 0):
"method": "get_rankings",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain",
"ranking_data": [
"kw": "keyword",
"positions": [
"se": "search engine",
"language": ISO 639-1 language code,
"country": ISO 3166 country code or 00 for global search,
"location": "Miami, FL", (optional)
"date": "YYYY-MM-DD", (scan date)
"url": "url of an organic result",
"pos": position of an organic result,
"video": { (marker of result, may be "ad", "news", "image", "video", "shop",
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"url": "url of an organic result",
"type": "ad" | "news" | "image" | "video" | "shop" | "place",
"pos": position of an extended result
"competitors": [
"domain": "competitor's domain",
"competitor_data": [
"kw": "keyword",
"positions": [
"se": "search engine",
"language": ISO 639-1 language code,
"country": ISO 3166 country code or 00 for global search,
"location": "Miami, FL", (optional)
"url": "url",
"pos": position,
"date": "YYYY-MM-DD" (scan date)
Response (when parameter "grouped" is 1):
"method": "get_rankings",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"ranking_data": [
"url": "url",
"keywords": [
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"kw": "keyword",
"positions": [
"se": "search engine",
"language": ISO 639-1 language code,
"country": ISO 3166 country code or 00 for global search,
"location": "Miami, FL", (optional)
"scan_history": [
"url": "url",
"date": "YYYY-MM-DD", (scan date)
"type": "ad" | "news" | "image" | "video" | "shop" | "place",
"pos": position of an extended result
"url": "url",
"date": "YYYY-MM-DD", (scan date)
"type": "organic",
"pos": position of an organic result
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Use this command to get the cached ranking results for a keyword.
the “location” parameter should be setup to “country” if you want to get cached results with the “Pages
from” specification (make sure to setup a proper language, too), or to custom Google location, if it was
specified in the Rank Tracking settings. In all other cases, just don’t specify this parameter;
the “mobile” parameter can be used for Google, Bing or Yahoo only.
"method": "get_rankings_cached_results",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"keyword": "keyword",
"se_data": {
"se": "search engine",
“mobile”:0|1 (1 – the mobile version of SE, 0 – the regular SE) (optional),
"country": country ISO code,
"language": language ISO code,
"location": "Google location" or “country”,
"youtube_channel":”URL of the Youtube channel” (optional, for Youtube only)
"method": " get_rankings_cached_results",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain",
"keyword": "keyword",
"se": "se_country_language",
"cache_data": [
#result_type: [list_of_urls]
"organic": ["url_1", …, "url_x"],
#result_type: [list_of_urls]
"ad": ["url_1", …, "url_x"],
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Use this command to get the list of keywords configured in the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
"method": "get_rankings_keywords",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_rankings_keywords",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"keywords": ["keyword_1", "keyword_2", ...]
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Use this command to add keywords to the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
"method": "add_rankings_keywords",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"keywords": ["keyword_1", "keyword_2", ...]
"method": "add_rankings_keywords",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://"
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Use this command to remove keywords from the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
"method": "del_rankings_keywords",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"keywords": ["keyword_1", "keyword_2", ...]
"method": "del_rankings_keywords",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://"
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Use this command to get the list of search engines configured in the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
"method": "get_rankings_ses",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_rankings_ses",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"ses": [
"se": "search engine name",
"country": ISO 3166 country code or 00 for global search,
"language": ISO 639-1 language code,
"description": "search engine description",
"location": "location for Google's location-based results" (optional),
"youtube_channel":”URL of the Youtube channel” (optional, for Youtube only)
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Use this command to add search engine(-s) to the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
the “location” parameter should be setup to “country” if you want to get cached results with the “Pages
from” specification (make sure to setup a proper language, too), or to custom Google location, if it was
specified in the Rank Tracking settings. In all other cases, just don’t specify this parameter;
the “mobile” parameter can be used for Google, Bing or Yahoo only;
add the Youtube channel, such as https://youtube.com/user/CHANNEL_NAME or
https://youtube.com/channel/CHANNEL_NAME, as a “youtube_channel” parameter if you are adding
"method": "add_rankings_ses",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"ses": [
"se": "search engine name",
“mobile”:0|1 (1 – the mobile version of SE, 0 – the regular SE) (optional),
"country": ISO 3166 country code or 00 for global search,
"language": ISO 639-1 language code,
"description": "search engine description", (optional)
"location": "location for Google's location-based results" or “country”,
"youtube_channel":”URL of the Youtube channel” (optional, for Youtube only)
"method": "add_rankings_ses",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://"
*For the list of supported search engines and countries, see this document.
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Use this command to remove the specified search engine(-s) configured in the Rank Tracking settings of a
the “location” parameter should be setup to “country” if you want to get cached results with the “Pages
from” specification (make sure to setup a proper language, too), or to custom Google location, if it was
specified in the Rank Tracking settings. In all other cases, just don’t specify this parameter;
the “mobile” parameter can be used for Google, Bing or Yahoo only;
add the Youtube channel, such as https://youtube.com/user/CHANNEL_NAME or
https://youtube.com/channel/CHANNEL_NAME, as a “youtube_channel” parameter if you are adding
"method": "del_rankings_ses",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"ses": [
"se": "search engine name",
“mobile”:0|1 (1 – the mobile version of SE, 0 – the regular SE) (optional),
"country": ISO 3166 country code or 00 for global search,
"language": ISO 639-1 language code,
"description": "search engine description", (optional)
"location": "location for Google's location-based results" or “country”
"new_ses": [ optional, required when you delete the last search engine
"se": "search engine name",
"country": ISO 3166 country code or 00 for global search,
"language": ISO 639-1 language code,
"description": "search engine description", (optional)
"location": "location for Google's location-based results", (optional)
"youtube_channel":”URL of the Youtube channel” (optional, for Youtube only)
"method": "del_rankings_ses",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://"
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Use this command to get the list of competitors configured in the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
"method": "get_rankings_competitors",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_rankings_competitors",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"competitors": ["competitor_1", "competitor_2", ...]
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Use this command to add competitor(-s) to the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
"method": "add_rankings_competitors",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"competitors": ["competitor_1", "competitor_2", ...]
"method": "add_rankings_competitors",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://"
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Use this command to remove competitor(-s) configured in the Rank Tracking settings of a project.
"method": "del_rankings_competitors",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"competitors": ["competitor_1", "competitor_2", ...]
"method": "del_rankings_competitors",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://"
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Use this command to get the list of keywords with tags assigned to them in a project in the Rank Tracking tool.
"method": "get_keywords_tags",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": " get_keywords_tags",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"keyword_tags": {
"keyword": ["tag_1", "tag_2", …]
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Use this command to add, modify or delete specific tags of keywords in a project in the Rank Tracking tool.
"method": "update_keywords_tags",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"keywords_tags": {
"keywords": ["current_tag_1", "current_tag_2", “new_tag”, ...]
"method": "update_keywords_tags",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://"
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Use this command to delete all tags of all keywords in a project in the Rank Tracking tool.
"method": "delete_keywords_all_tags",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "delete_keywords_all_tags",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://"
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Internal Links Optimization Tool:
Use this command to get the list of link texts of your site’s internal links.
"method": "get_interlinks_link_text",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"order": "text" | "links" | "pw" | "blinks" | "nflinks" | "swlinks", (optional)* (if not
specified, default value is "pw")
"order_direction": "asc" | "desc", (optional) (if not specified, default value is "desc")
"page_number": number of page of a report (300 link texts per page) (if not specified,
default value is 1)
"method": "get_interlinks_link_text",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain",
"scanned_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"page_number": number of page of a report (300 link texts per page),
"data": [
"link_text": "link text",
"links_total": total number of links,
"text_juice": text juice,
"links_to_blocked_pages": number of links to pages that are blocked with
robots.txt or NoIndex tag,
"links_nofollow": number of links with nofollow attribute,
"links_sitewide": number of sitewide links,
"links": [ {
"link_from": "link with the given link text",
"page_authority": authority of a page where the link is published
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Backlink Quality Check Tool:
Use this command to get the summarized backlink data for a site and its competitors.
"method": "get_competitor_metrics",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"history_depth": number of scans (optional) (value should be integer, ≥2)
"method": "get_competitor_metrics",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"scanned_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"data": [
"domain": "domain name",
"pagerank": Google PageRank of a home page,
"total": total number of backlinks found,
"total_history": the list of values of the total number of backlinks found during
previous scans, (only when the "history_depth" value is valid)
"domains": number of linking domains found,
"domains_history": the list of values of the number of linking domains found during
previous cans, (only when the "history_depth" value is valid)
"pages": number of linking pages found,
"pages_history": the list of values of the number of linking pages found during
previous cans, (only when the "history_depth" value is valid)
".gov": number of backlinks from .gov domains,
".gov_history": the list of values of the number of backlinks from .gov domains
found during previous cans, (only when the "history_depth" value is valid)
".edu": number of backlinks from .edu domains,
".edu_history": the list of values of the number of backlinks from .edu domains
found during previous cans, (only when the "history_depth" value is valid)
"nofollow": number of backlinks with ‘nofollow’ attribute,
"sitewide": number of sitewide backlinks
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Use this command to get the detailed data on external pages linking to your site.
"method": "get_linking_pages",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_linking_pages",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"scanned_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"data": [
"page_url": "linking page URL",
"link_target_page": "target page URL",
"link_text": "link text",
"link_type": "text | redirect | frame | form",
"link_nofollow": false | true,
"link_sitewide": false | true,
"link_status": "Lost | Nofollow | Toxic (manually assigned) | Toxic | OK | OK
(manually assigned) | Suspected toxic", (status of link toxicity)
"is_new": false | true,
"page_title": "title of a linking page",
"page_size": size of a linking page in bytes,
"page_ilinks": number of internal links on a linking page,
"page_elinks": number of external links on a linking page,
"page_pagerank": Google PageRank of a linking page,
"home_page_pagerank": Google PR of linking domain’s home page,
"alexa_rank": Alexa Traffic Rank of a linking domain,
"dmoz_categories": "category1/subcategory1\ncategory2/subcategory2",
"from_domain": number of backlinks from the same domain,
"from_subnet": number of backlinks from the same subnet,
"ip": IP address of a linking page,
"last_crawled": "YYYY-MM-DD" (date of last crawl)
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Use this command to get the list of pages linking to your competition and your site.
"method": "get_competitor_backlinks",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_competitor_backlinks",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"scanned_date": "YYYY-MM-DD", (date of scan)
"data": [
"url_from": "linking page URL",
"pagerank": Google PageRank,
"domains_to": ["domain1", "domain2", …] (competitor domains, including your domain,
to which the page is linking to),
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Use this command to get the list of competitors configured in the Backlink Quality Check or the Competitor
Backlink Spy tool.
"method": "get_competitors",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"tool": "backlink_quality_check" | "competitor_backlink_spy"
"method": "get_competitors",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"tool": "backlink_quality_check" | "competitor_backlink_spy",
"competitors": {
"checked": ["competitor_domain_1", "competitor_domain_1", …],
"unchecked": ["competitor_domain_a", "competitor_domain_b", …]
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Use this command to add, check or uncheck the competitors in the settings of the Backlink Quality Check or the
Competitor Backlink Spy tool.
"method": "set_competitors",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"tool": "backlink_quality_check" | "competitor_backlink_spy",
"competitors": {
"checked": ["competitor_domain_1", "competitor_domain_1", …], (all competitors
specified in this parameter will be checked in the settings window of the tools)
"unchecked": ["competitor_domain_a", "competitor_domain_b", …] (all competitors
specified in this parameter will be unchecked if they are available in the settings window of the tools or will be
added as unchecked if they are not found)
"method": "set_competitors",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"tool": "backlink_quality_check" | "competitor_backlink_spy",
"competitors": {
"checked": ["competitor_domain_1", "competitor_domain_1", …],
"unchecked": ["competitor_domain_a", "competitor_domain_b", …]
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Site Map Generator:
Use this command to submit your sitemap to Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
"method": "submit_sitemap",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"sitemap_url": "URL of sitemap location"
"method": "submit_sitemap",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain",
"sitemap_url": "URL of sitemap location"
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Technical Audit and SEO Analysis:
Use this command to get the scanning results for technical and SEO issues.
"method": "get_site_audit_data",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"pages_filter": ['/', '/help.html'] (page filters) (optional)
"method": "get_site_audit_data",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"broken_anchors": total number of broken anchors,
"broken_links": total number of broken links,
"d_scan": "YYYY-MM-DD", (date of scanning)
"scanned_pages": number of scanned pages,
"general_errors": total number of detected general optimization issues,
"optimizer_errors": total number of detected keyword optimization issues,
"summary": {
#scanning results for factors related to the whole site#
"factor1": {"status": "OK|Problem"},
"factor2": {"status": "OK|Problem"},
"pages": [
"url": "complete page URL",
"page_unavailable": empty or 1 (page that was added for keyword optimization
scanning is not available),
"keywords": {
#if present, scanning results of checking for keyword optimization#
"keyword1”: {
If present, scanning results for factors:
"factor1": {"status": "OK|Problem"},
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"factor2": {"status": "OK|Problem"},
}, ...
"general": {
#if present, scanning results for factors related to a page#
"factor1": {"status": "OK|Problem"},
"factor2": {"status": "OK|Problem"},
"elinks": [
#if present, external broken links#
"line": line number where a broken link was found,
"status": HTTP error code,
"url": "complete URL"
}, ...
"ilinks": [
#if present, internal broken links#
"line": line number where a broken link was found,
"status": HTTP error code,
"url": "complete URL"
"pictures": [
#if present, broken image links#
"line": line number where a broken link was found,
"status": HTTP error code,
"url": "complete URL"
"anchors": [
#if present, broken anchors#
"line": line number where a broken link was found,
"status": HTTP error code,
"url": "complete URL"
*For the status messages and texts of the SEO Analysis Tool Appendix A.
Page 51 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Use this command to get the list of keywords configured for the Landing Page SEO analysis in the SEO Analysis
"method": "get_site_audit_keywords",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_site_audit_keywords",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://",
"urls": [
"url": "url",
"title": "title",
"keywords": ["keyword1", "keyword2", …]
Page 52 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Use this command to add keywords to the list of keywords configured for the Landing Page SEO analysis in the
SEO Analysis tool.
"method": "add_site_audit_keywords",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"urls": [
"url": "url",
"title": "title", (optional)
"keywords": ["keyword1", "keyword2", …]
"method": "add_site_audit_keywords",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://"
Page 53 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Use this command to remove keywords from the list of keywords configured for the Landing Page SEO analysis
in the SEO Analysis tool.
"method": "del_site_audit_keywords",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"urls": [
"url": "url",
"keywords": ["keyword1", "keyword2", …]
"method": "del_site_audit_keywords",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"domain": "project domain without http://"
Page 54 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Social Engagement
Use this command to get social metrics found by the Social Engagement Tool.
"method": "get_social_metrics",
"key": "your API key",
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_social_metrics",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message"
"data": {
"project": project id,
"domain": "project domain",
"metrics": [{
"page": url,
"changes": number of changes,
"fb_likes": number of Facebook likes,
"fb_shares": number of Facebook shares,
"fb_comments": number of Facebook comments,
"g_plus_ones": number of Google+ “plus ones”,
"tweets": number of tweets
Page 55 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Web Buzz Tool:
Use this command to get the number of posts found by the Web Buzz tool.
"method": "get_buzz_counts",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_buzz_counts",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"total": total number of posts,
"unread": number of unread posts,
"favorites": number of favorite posts
Page 56 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Use this command to get the list of keywords configured in the Web Buzz tool.
"method": "get_buzz_keywords",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_buzz_keywords",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"keywords": ["keyword_1", "keyword_2", ...]
Page 57 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Use this command to add keywords to the list of keywords configured in the Web Buzz tool.
"method": "add_buzz_keywords",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"keywords": ["keyword_1", "keyword_2", ...]
"method": "add_buzz_keywords",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
Page 58 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Use this command to remove keywords from the list of keywords configured in the Web Buzz tool.
"method": "del_buzz_keywords",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"keywords": ["keyword_1", "keyword_2", ...]
"method": "del_buzz_keywords",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
Page 59 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
SEO Checklist:
Use this command to get the details on the status of the SEO Checklist stages.
"method": "get_todo_stages",
"key": "your API key",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id"
"method": "get_todo_stages",
"result": absent | 0 | error code,
"errormsg": absent | "error message",
"id": request id, (optional)
"data": {
"project": "project id",
"todolist": [
"name": "name of the To Do List stage",
"tasks_all": total number of tasks in the stage,
"tasks_done": number of completed tasks,
"percent_done": 0-100,
"date_completed": -|"YYYY-MM-DD"
Page 60 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Appendix A.
Technical Audit status messages, texts of warnings and recommendations
Factor ID
Factor name
Broken Links
Internal links
Status “OK”
No broken internal links were found on the
scanned pages.
Status “Problem”:
External links
Warning, sg.
%(count)s broken internal link was found on
your site.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s broken internal links were found
on your site.
Replace the broken internal links with valid
ones, because broken links reduce your site
quality and may negatively impact your site
visitors' experience.
Warning (second level), sg.
This broken internal link was found %
(count)s time:
Warning (second level), pl.
This broken internal link was found %
(count)s times:
Status “OK”
No broken external links were found on the
scanned pages.
Status “Problem”:
Image links
Warning, sg.
%(count)s broken external link was found on
your site.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s broken external links were found
on your site.
Replace the broken external links with valid
ones, because broken links reduce your site
quality and may negatively impact your site
visitors' experience.
Warning (second level), sg.
This broken external link was found %
(count)s time:
Warning (second level), pl.
This broken external link was found %
(count)s times:
Status “OK”
No broken image links were found on the
scanned pages.
Status “Problem”:
Page 61 of 72
Warning, sg.
%(count)s broken image link was found on
your site.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s broken image links were found on
your site.
Replace the broken image links with valid
ones, because broken images reduce your
site quality and may negatively impact your
site visitors' experience.
Warning (second level), sg.
This broken image link was found %(count)s
Warning (second level), pl.
This broken image link was found %(count)s
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Factor ID
Factor name
Broken Links
Status “OK”
No broken anchors were found on the
scanned pages.
Status “Problem”:
General optimization
Warning, sg.
%(count)s broken anchor was found on your
Warning, pl.
%(count)s broken anchors were found on
your site.
Replace the broken anchors with valid ones,
because broken anchors negatively impact
your site visitors' experience.
Warning (second level), sg.
This broken anchor was found %(count)s
Warning (second level), pl.
This broken anchor was found %(count)s
Status “OK”
The TITLE tag was found on all scanned
pages of your site.
Status “Problem”:
Duplicate TITLE
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page of your site has no TITLE
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages of your site have no TITLE
Make sure that the TITLE tag is present on
all pages of your site, because it increases
the overall relevancy of your site for SEs and
results in more click throughs.
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Status “OK”
No duplicate TITLE tags were found on the
scanned pages of your site.
Status “Problem”:
Page 62 of 72
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page of your site has duplicate
TITLE tag.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages of your site have duplicate
TITLE tags.
Use unique and descriptive TITLE tags
across all pages of your site, because
duplicate Titles may cause problems with
site indexing and rankings. As an option, you
may leave the duplicate TITLE tags intact
but use a "canonical" attribute on the noncanonical pages to let the search engines
know which one is the preferred page.
Warning (second level), sg.
%(count)s page with duplicate TITLE tag: %
Warning (second level), pl.
%(count)s pages with duplicate TITLE tag:
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Factor ID
Factor name
General optimization
TITLE tag length
Status “OK”
The TITLE tag length on the scanned pages
is OK.
Status “Problem”:
Description tag
Warning, sg.
%(count)s TITLE tag exceeds the
recommended length (70 characters).
Warning, pl.
%(count)s TITLE tags exceed the
recommended length (70 characters).
Shorten your TITLE tag to 70 characters,
because longer titles will be cut off on the
search results pages.
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Status “OK”
The Description tag was found on all
scanned pages.
Status “Problem”:
Description tags
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page of your site has no
Description tag.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages of your site have no
Description tag.
Make sure that the Description tag is present
across all pages of your site, because SEs
use them as snippets on the search results
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Status “OK”
No duplicate Description tags were found on
the scanned pages.
Status “Problem”:
Page 63 of 72
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page of your site has duplicate
Description tag.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages of your site have duplicate
Description tags.
Use unique and descriptive Description tags
across all pages of your site, because SEs
use them as snippets on the search results
pages. As an option, you may leave the
duplicate Description tags intact but use a
"canonical" attribute on the non-canonical
pages to let the search engines know which
one is the preferred page.
Warning (second level), sg.
%(count)s page with duplicate Description
tag: %(tag_text)s
Warning (second level), pl.
%(count)s pages with duplicate Description
tag: %(tag_text)s
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Factor ID
Factor name
General optimization
Description tag
Status “OK”
The Description tag length on the scanned
pages is OK.
Status “Problem”:
XML sitemap
Warning, sg.
%(count)s Description tag exceeds the
recommended length (160 characters).
Warning, pl.
%(count)s Description tags exceed the
recommended length (160 characters).
Shorten your Description tag to 160
characters, because longer Descriptions will
be cut off on the search results pages.
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Status “OK”
The XML Sitemap file was found on your
Status “Problem”:
Page 64 of 72
Warning, sg.
The XML Sitemap file was not found on your
Warning, pl.
The XML Sitemap file was not found on your
Create the XML Sitemap and upload it to the
root directory of your web server, because it
helps SEs to crawl the site more intelligently.
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Status “OK”
The Robots.txt file was found on your site.
Status “Problem”:
Warning, sg.
The Robots.txt file was not found on your
Warning, pl.
The Robots.txt file was not found on your
Create the Robots.txt file and upload it to
the root directory of your web server, with its
help you can exclude content from the
crawling process of search engine bots.
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Factor ID
Factor name
General optimization
Number of
outgoing links
on a page
Page URL
Status “OK”
The number of outgoing links on your site
pages is OK.
Status “Problem”:
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page of your site contains an
excessive number of outgoing links (more
than 50).
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages of your site contain an
excessive number of outgoing links (more
than 50).
Reduce the number of outgoing links,
because excessive use of outgoing links
may negatively impact your page's PR and
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Status “OK”
The page URL structure of the scanned
pages is OK.
Status “Problem”:
Valid characters
in a page URL
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page URL contains an excessive
number of dynamic parameters.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s page URLs contain an excessive
number of dynamic parameters.
Rewrite the page's URL to avoid excessive
number of dynamic parameters (more than
3) and make your URLs crawlable and SEfriendly.
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Status “OK”
All URLs of your site pages contain valid
Status “Problem”:
Page 65 of 72
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page URL contains invalid
Warning, pl.
%(count)s page URLs contain invalid
Rewrite the page's URL to make it crawlable
and SE-friendly. Use the following
characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 . _ ~ : \ / ? # [ ] @ ! $
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Factor ID
Factor name
General optimization
H1 heading
Status “OK”
The H1 heading was found on all scanned
pages of your site.
Status “Problem”:
Page 66 of 72
Number of H1
headings on a
302 Redirect and
META Refresh
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page of your site has no H1
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages of your site have no H1
Add a keyword-rich H1 heading, because
some search engines still consider the
contents of this heading to be important.
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Status “OK”
The number of H1 headings on the scanned
pages is OK.
Status “Problem”:
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page contains an excessive
number of H1 headings.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages contain an excessive
number of H1 headings.
Leave only one H1 that you consider the
most important and change the rest to H2,
H3, etc., because SEs may penalize
excessive H1 headings as a spam
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Status “OK”
Neither 302 Redirects nor META Refresh
was found on your site pages.
Status “Problem”:
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page contains 302 Redirect /
META Refresh.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages contain 302 Redirects /
META Refresh tags.
Change 302 Redirect / META Refresh to 301
Redirects, because 302 Redirects and META
Refresh are not SEO-friendly and pass no
link juice.
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Factor ID
Factor name
Keyword optimization
Availability of
site pages
Status “OK”
All pages specified in the settings were
found and analyzed.
Status “Problem”:
Page 67 of 72
presence in the
presence in
headings (H1-H6)
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page unavailable (Not found,
Forbidden, etc.)
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages unavailable (Not found,
Forbidden, etc.)
It is critical that your site pages are
available 24/7, otherwise you will lose
visitors and opportunities.
Warning (second level), sg.
Warning (second level), pl.
Status “OK”
All targeted keywords were found in the
TITLE tag on all analyzed pages.
Status “Problem”:
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page is missing keywords in the
TITLE tag.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages are missing keywords in
the TITLE tags.
Add targeted keywords to the TITLE tags of
your pages to make your pages more
relevant to SEs.
Warning (second level), sg.
%(count)s keyword was not found in the
Warning (second level), pl.
%(count)s keywords were not found in the
Status “OK”
All targeted keywords were found in the H1H6 headings of all analyzed pages.
Status “Problem”:
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page is missing keywords in the
H1-H6 headings.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages are missing keywords in
the H1-H6 headings.
Add targeted keywords to the H1-H6
headings to make your pages more
relevant to SEs.
Warning (second level), sg.
%(count)s keyword was not found in the
H1-H6 headings
Warning (second level), pl.
%(count)s keywords were not found in the
H1-H6 headings
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Factor ID
Factor name
Keyword optimization
in Body
Keyword stuffing
on a page
Status “OK”
All targeted keywords were found in the
Body area of the analyzed pages.
Status “Problem”:
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page is missing keywords in the
Body area.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages are missing keywords in
the Body area.
Add targeted keywords to the Body area to
make your pages more relevant to SEs.
Warning (second level), sg.
%(count)s keyword was not found in the
Body area
Warning (second level), pl.
%(count)s keywords were not found in the
Body area
Status “OK”
No keyword stuffing was detected in the
Body area of the analyzed pages.
Status “Problem”:
Page 68 of 72
presence in
the page URL
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page with keyword stuffing in the
Body area was detected.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages with keyword stuffing in
the Body area were detected.
Remove frequently used keywords from
your pages' Body to avoid SEs spam
Warning (second level), sg.
%(count)s keyword is excessively used in
the Body area
Warning (second level), pl.
%(count)s keywords are excessively used
in the Body area
Status “OK”
All targeted keywords were found in the
URLs of the analyzed pages.
Status “Problem”:
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page is missing keywords in the
page URL.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages are missing keywords in
the page URLs.
Change the page's URL to one with
targeted keywords, because this is one of
the most important SEO parameters.
Warning (second level), sg.
%(count)s keyword was not found in the
Warning (second level), pl.
%(count)s keywords were not found in the
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Factor ID
Factor name
Keyword optimization
Keyword stuffing
in the page URL
Status “OK”
No keyword stuffing was detected in the
URLs of the analyzed pages.
Status “Problem”:
Page 69 of 72
presence in the
Description tag
presence in
ALT attributes
of images
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page with keyword stuffing in the
page URL was detected.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages with keyword stuffing in the
page URL were detected.
Remove excessively used keywords from
the page URL to avoid SEs spam penalties.
Warning (second level), sg.
%(count)s keyword is excessively used in
the page URL
Warning (second level), pl.
%(count)s keywords are excessively used in
the page URL
Status “OK”
All targeted keywords were found in the
Description tag of the analyzed pages.
Status “Problem”:
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page is missing keywords in the
Description tag.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages are missing keywords in
the Description tags.
Add targeted keywords to the Description
tag to make it more relevant to SEs.
Warning (second level), sg.
%(count)s keyword was not found in the
Description tag
Warning (second level), pl.
%(count)s keywords were not found in the
Description tag
Status “OK”
All targeted keywords were found in the ALT
attributes of images of the targeted pages.
Status “Problem”:
Warning, sg.
%(count)s page is missing keywords in the
ALT attributes of the images.
Warning, pl.
%(count)s pages are missing keywords in
the ALT attributes of the images.
Add targeted keywords to the ALT attributes
of the images to make them relevant for
image search.
Warning (second level), sg.
%(count)s keyword was not found in the
image ALT attributes
Warning (second level), pl.
%(count)s keywords were not found in the
image ALT attributes
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
Examples of a JSON request to Web CEO’s API.
A sample piece of source code in several programming languages to make a call to Web CEO’s API that returns
a list of projects of a Web CEO’s account.
$command = array("key" => "YOUR_API_KEY", "method" => "get_projects");
$ch = curl_init("https://online.webceo.com/api/");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "json=".urlencode(json_encode($command)));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$json_result = json_decode($result, True)[0];
Page 70 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
# Example in Python 2.7 that prints a list of projects added to a Web CEO's account:
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
# API command to get the list of projects added to a user's account in Web CEO
command = {"key": "YOUR_API_KEY", "method": "get_projects"}
# generate body of a POST request
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler)
request = urllib2.Request("https://online.webceo.com/api/", data=urllib.urlencode({'json':
# request data
response = opener.open(request)
# parse JSON response
projects = json.loads(response.read())[0]['data']
# print list of projects
for project in projects:
print project['domain']
Page 71 of 72
Web CEO – SEO API Reference
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
public class WebCEOCOnlineApiTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("method", "get_projects");
json.put("key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
URL url = new URL("https://online.webceo.com/api/");
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
// send data
OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
out.write("json=" + json.toString());
// read response
StringBuilder responseSB = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String line;
while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// responseSB now contains response
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Web CEO – SEO API Reference