Route 667 - Metro Transit
Route 667 - Metro Transit
Effective 3/7/15 Express Bus Routes Monday–Friday Eastbound to downtown Minneapolis from Hopkins d Downtown Minneapolis ro ut e nu Ty m be le 2n r A r d ve St a n C am NE d Bl br ak id e ge La Rd S ta ke nd Br S ow t a nl nd ow Li b 33 rary Ave rd L S n 12 t an d th H S en t a n n 2n epin d d 10 Av Ave th e S S 2n t an d d 6t Av h e St S an 2n d d W Av as e h S W ing an a s to n d H hi en ng Av n e to e pi n A n v Av e e an 667 668 Route 668 7 All buses on these routes are wheelchair accessible. 668 668 668 668 668 6:30 6:51 7:19 7:55 8:04 8 6:36 6:57 7:25 8:01 8:10 9 6:43 7:05 7:33 8:09 8:18 0 q w e r t — 7:07 7:35 — — AM 7:06 7:34 8:03 8:34 8:42 7:11 7:39 8:08 8:39 8:47 7:13 7:41 8:10 8:41 8:49 7:16 7:44 8:13 8:44 8:52 7:18 7:46 8:15 8:46 8:54 Shaded times denote rush-hour service. See fare panel for rush-hour fares. Monday–Friday Westbound to Hopkins from downtown Minneapolis It’s easy to ride – Here’s how: 1 Find the schedule for the day of the week and the direction you plan to travel. 1 Arrive at your stop a few minutes early. 2 Check the sign above the windshield for the route number and letter. Unsure it is the right one? Ask your driver. 3 Pay your fare with: Cash: Put bills, coins or tokens in the farebox. Change is not available. If you need to change buses or ride METRO lines, ask for a transfer. Go-To Card: Touch your card to the reader. A transfer is embedded. SuperSaver 31-Day Pass: Insert it in the reader. A transfer is embedded. Stored Value Card: Insert it in the reader. A bus-only transfer is embedded. 4 On buses leaving downtown, pay your fare when you leave the bus. The time you exit the bus determines the fare amount. 5 Take a seat and watch for your stop. 6 About one block from your stop, pull the cord near the window to signal the driver. Please have your fare ready (see #3 for payment options). 2 Find the timepoints nearest your origin and destination. Timepoints are shown on the route map. Bus stops may be between timepoints. 3 Read downward in a column to see times when a trip will be at a given timepoint. Read the times across to the right to see when the trip reaches other timepoints. If no time is shown, that trip does not serve the area of that timepoint. 4 The route number in the left column will appear in the sign above the windshield. Downtown Minneapolis ro ut e nu W m as be an hi r n d g H to M en n A ne v a 3r rqu pin e d et S te Av M t Av e e ar an 7t qu d h et St te A 11 ve t an H hS ar t d m an o d 33 n P r Li d S lac e br t a ar n La y L d n k Br e S ow t a n n Ty low d le 2n r A Ave d ve S a C t N nd am E Bl br ak id e ge R S d t an d Serving: Downtown Minneapolis Marquette Ave B 2nd Ave H St Louis Park Amhurst Knollwood Mall Minnetonka Blvd Hopkins Blake Rd Tyler Ave Cambridge St Hwy 7 Minnetonka Hwy 7 Co Rd 101 Reading a schedule a step-by-step guide t 668 668 668 668 4:40 5:16 5:43 6:11 y 4:44 5:20 5:46 6:14 u i 0 9 7 8 4:46 5:22 5:48 6:16 PM 4:51 5:27 5:53 6:21 5:08 5:44 — — 5:10 5:46 6:07 6:34 5:21 5:56 6:17 6:44 5:37 6:12 6:33 7:00 Light Rail: Schedule subject to change. Traffic and weather conditions may delay buses. Please have exact fare ready. Bus fareboxes and drivers do not make change. This document is available in alternate formats to individuals with disabilities by calling 612-349-7365 (TTY 612-341-0140). Shaded times denote rush-hour service. See fare panel for rush-hour fares. Service operates Monday through Friday except on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Metro Transit may operate reduced service on days before or after Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year’s Day. Look for details at or in Connect on buses and trains prior to these holidays. Printed on recycled paper containing at least 10% post-consumer fiber 1 Arrive at your station a few minutes early. 2 Purchase a ticket from the ticket machine or touch your Go-To Card to the station’s card reader before boarding. 3 You must have a valid ticket, Go-To Card or an activated SuperSaver 31-Day Pass to ride. A police officer may ask to see proof of payment. A Stored Value Card cannot be used on light rail. 4 Move toward the closest door as the train nears your station. Push the blue button to open the door. These rules apply for the comfort and safety of all customers: Special Note: Extra time has been added to this schedule to detour buses when the Minnetonka Blvd bridge over Hwy 100 is removed this spring. Get updates at: 612-373-3333 612-373-3333 Fare Information Bus: • No eating, smoking (including e-cigarettes), alcohol, littering or using electronics without headphones. Beverages in covered containers are allowed. • Anything that interferes with safe operation of the vehicle is prohibited. • Those who try to ride without paying a fare will be charged with a misdemeanor and fined $180. Metro Transit is your transportation resource. One call connects you to everything you need to keep moving. Metropolitan Transit Information Call for assistance from a transit expert. Hours: Monday—Friday 6:30 am–9:00 pm Saturday, Sunday & holidays 8:00 am–5:00 pm Closed Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. NexTrip Real-time and scheduled departure information Customer Relations and Lost & Found 570 Sixth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411 Provide comments and suggestions or check on lost items. Hours: Monday—Friday Closed holidays. 7:30 am–5:30 pm Rideshare, bicycling and employer programs Carpool and vanpool services, Guaranteed Ride Home registration and bike locker rental TTY service is available for the deaf and hard of hearing. Call 612-341-0140 for routes and schedules. • • • • • • • NexTrip, real-time departure times online Trip Planner maps and schedules for buses and trains buy or add value to your Go-To Card carpool and vanpool services register for a free Guaranteed Ride Home bicycling resources non-rush hours rush hours $1.75 Express Fare $2.25 Seniors (65+) Local Fare $ .75 Youth (6–12) Express Fare $ .75 & Medicare card holders Persons with disabilities any trip $ .75 $2.25 $3.00 $2.25 $3.00 Adults Local Fare (ages 13–64) $ .75 Rush hours Monday-Friday 6:00-9:00 am and 3:00-6:30 pm. Local fare is charged on METRO lines. Reduced Fares Please tell the bus driver before you pay your fare if you qualify for a fare listed below. On rail, be ready to show police officers you qualify for the reduced fare. These fares apply only during non-rush hours: Seniors (65+): To qualify, show a Minnesota driver’s license/state ID with a endorsement. Youth: Ages 6-12 qualify for a reduced fare. Medicare card holders: To qualify, show a Medicare card along with a Minnesota driver’s license/state ID. These fares are in effect at all times: Persons with Disabilities: To qualify, show your Metro Mobility card or transfer, Metro Transit temporary ID with a photo ID or Minnesota driver’s license/state ID with an or endorsement. For information on certification, call Customer Relations at 612-373-3333. Children: Ages 5 and under ride free (limit 3) when accompanied by a paid fare. Downtown Zone: Ride in the Downtown Zone for 50¢. Young Adults: Students and workers ages 17 and under may qualify for a discounted Young Adult Card – contact your school or employer. Fare Cards Save money purchasing fare cards at Metro Transit stores, 175 retail outlets or at Fareboxes Buses accept U.S. bills and coins. Change is not available. Transfers give you unlimited rides on buses and METRO lines – for 21/2 hours. Ask for one when you pay your cash fare. Transfers are automatically embedded on fare cards and METRO line tickets. h 394 668 e Av n pi 11 th th St St 12 Grant St St Convention Center Buy a Go-To Card or add value to an existing card at these locations. 101 Exit the bus at these stops on 2nd Ave. B B B B Marquette Ave r t 5:36 6:10 — 6:43 — 7:04 — 7:39 8:07 9:11 6:03 6:39 7:05 7:15 7:28 7:41 8:05 8:14 8:38 9:39 6:07 6:43 7:10 7:20 7:33 7:46 8:10 8:19 8:43 9:44 6:09 6:45 7:12 7:22 7:35 7:48 8:12 8:21 8:45 9:46 6:12 6:48 7:15 7:25 7:38 7:51 8:15 8:24 8:48 9:49 6:14 6:50 7:17 7:27 7:40 7:53 8:17 8:26 667B 667B 667B 667H 667B 667H 667B 667H 667B 667B 3:10 3:42 4:07 4:16 4:31 4:41 5:00 5:11 5:38 6:15 y 3:13 3:45 4:10 4:20 4:35 4:45 5:04 5:15 5:41 6:18 u 3:15 3:47 4:12 4:22 4:37 4:47 5:06 5:17 5:43 6:20 i 6 5 4 3:20 3:52 4:17 4:27 4:42 4:52 5:11 5:22 5:48 6:25 PM 3:36 4:08 4:38 4:48 5:03 5:13 5:32 5:43 6:06 6:41 3:40 4:12 4:44 — 5:09 — 5:38 — 6:10 6:45 3:54 4:26 4:59 — 5:24 — 5:53 — 6:25 7:00 3 2 1 Special Note: 4:57 5:06 5:21 5:22 5:31 5:46 5:52 6:01 6:16 Extra time has been added to this schedule to detour buses when the Minnetonka Blvd bridge over Hwy 100 is removed this spring. Get updates at: Shaded times denote rush-hour service. See fare panel for rush-hour fares. 2nd Ave H H H H Washington 3rd St S 4th St S 5th St S 6th St S 7th St S 8th St S 9th St S 10th St S 11th St S Look for instructions on the rack or visit St Louis Park Cub Foods, 3620 Texas Ave S Board at these stops on Marquette Ave. B 12th St S Buses and trains have free storage racks so you can bring your bicycle along. Downtown Minneapolis Commuter Connection, 220 6th St S (US Bank Plaza) Metro Transit Store, 719 Marquette Ave Unbank, 727 Hennepin Ave 7:24 t Express buses serve lettered bus stops every other block. H 7:16 e Downtown Minneapolis Marquette & 2nd Avenues B 7:11 w Monday–Friday Westbound lvd Townline Rd 6:49 q to St Louis Park and Minnetonka from downtown Minneapolis rB Retail Locations 6:41 HCMC lsio These are Pay Exit routes. On trips leaving downtown or the U of M, pay your fare at your destination. The time you exit the bus determines the fare amount. 6:36 6 AM 5:40 6:15 6:39 6:48 6:59 7:09 7:34 7:44 8:11 9:15 Shaded times denote rush-hour service. See fare panel for rush-hour fares. Ride in the Downtown Zone for 50¢ Purgatory Park 6:29 5 St Minneapolis Downtown Zone 670 Exc e 6:21 5:32 6:06 — 6:39 — 7:00 — 7:35 8:03 9:07 e St 6:16 4 Av St 3 rk w 10th 7th 5th nd He 6th Pa e ett q i u e d i ep nn MCTC Pl on rm Ha rqu e v nA NE ne 394 7 H en B Texas Vernon Dakota Ave Louisiana 7 St HWY 2 Co Rd n 615 169 2nd ton St 2n 615 Target Center W y r3rd ashing 614 667H Bike Racks ila L 668 Lake 8 9 MISSIS RIVER SIPPI t 7 H 62nd St P 37th St e Lak 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 2 ro ut e nu W m as be an hi r& d ng le H to tte n e M r ar nne Av 3r qu pin e d et St te Av Av e M e a an 7t rqu d h et St te Av 11 e t an H hS ar t d m an Te on d P x M as lac in Av e ne e 36 ton an k d t Aq h S a B ui t a lvd la nd Av Am e hu rs t H w C y7 o a R nd d H w 73 C y7 o a R nd d C o 101 R 62 d nd 10 St 1 a nd Porter Co Rd 668 B Target Target Field Field HWY 667 101 3 36th e Av e d v 2n t A 1s rtla 7 Minnetonka Blvd BH Lake St 667 17 Li b Br ra ow ry e 668 nl Ln 33rd Lak ow Av0 HWY e 100 Walker 615 667 5 667B4 Knollwood Mall Amhurst Cambridge 1 Po HWY H Delton 612-373-3333 St Louis Park Ma 73 394 668 La Texas 494 667 Minnetonka Independence Ave Co Rd 36th Blake Vine Hill Lake Co Rd 60 Min 12th Ave Co Rd 101 Hopkins Baker Steele St to n Rd nd. aI onk net Tonkawood ka Blvd M inne ka Blvd nce Minneton 667 lvd onka B Minnet 604 tonka Blvd nne H Mi 6 Van Buren nt y R d E McGi Minnetonka Blvd Cedar Lake Rd ende Indep Woodland Deephaven Plymouth Rd Park & Ride Lot Park free at these lots while you commute. GRAY'S BAY Breezy Pt Connecting Routes to transfer to/from See those route schedules for details. Go-To Card Retail Location Buy a Go-To Card or add value to an existing card at these locations. ar ed C LAKE MINNETONKA Downtown Minneapolis w Rd ke 169 Limited Service Only certain trips take this route. 667 qi Bryn Mawr Park to downtown Minneapolis from Minnetonka and St Louis Park ro ut e nu C m o be 62 Rd r nd 10 1 S H w t and C y7 o a R nd d H w 101 y C 7 o a R nd d Am 73 hu rs t 36 th Aq S ui t a la n Te Av d xa e M s in Av ne e 1 2 to n a n k d th H S aB en t l n an vd 2n epin d d 10 Av Ave th e S S 2n t an d d 6t Av h e St S an 2n d d W Av as e h S W ing an a s to n d an hi d ng Ave H to en n ne Av pi e n Av e 169 394 wt Ha 94 Wirth Park t W yr ashin gto ue n Ma rqu e tt HWY 100 Non-Stop Service Bus does not pick up or drop off customers on these route segments. Route Letter Indicates which trips travel on this section of the route. Letter is found in schedules and on bus destination signs. n or e e Northstar Line Transfers from Northstar to light rail are free. Transfers from light rail to Northstar require an additional fare. Route Ending Point Trips with the indicated number/letter end at this point. Number/letter is found in schedules and on bus destination signs. 55 55 St Louis Park Hwy 7 and Texas Ave NE corner of intersection.. Monday–Friday Eastbound HWY HWY Ch ica go Park free at this lot while you commute. No overnight parking. Route 667 Aqu METRO Line(s) METRO trains and buses will pick up or drop off customers at any station along this line. Park & Ride Location P Aquila Ave Regular Route Bus will pick up or drop off customers at any bus stop along this route. Customers not using the express portion of the route pay only the local fare. Tyler Timepoint Find the timepoint nearest your stop, and use that column of the schedule. Your stop may be between timepoints. Service operates Monday through Friday except on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Metro Transit may operate reduced service on days before or after Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year’s Day. Look for details at or in Connect on buses and trains prior to these holidays.
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