Principles of the Care Certificate


Principles of the Care Certificate
Who should undertake the Care
Certificate? – All new staff in these roles
 Health Care Assistants, Assistant
Practitioners, Care Support Workers and
those giving support to clinical roles in the
NHS where there is any direct contact with
 Other roles in health & social care such as
caring volunteers, cooks or drivers that have
direct contact with service users could also
undertake all or some of the Care Certificate
Principles of the Care Certificate
 Applicable across health and social care
 Portable/transferable
 Build on the Common Induction Standards (CIS)
and National Minimum Training Standards (NMTS)
 Contain competences mapped to existing
 Train people to be caring, and equip them with the
skills to be able to provide quality care
Similarities / Differences
1. Role of the health and social
care worker
2. Personal Development
3. Communicate effectively
4. Equality and inclusion
5. Principles for implementing
duty of care
6. Principles of safeguarding in
health and social care
7. Person-centred support
8. Health and safety in an adult
social care setting
1. Understand Your Role
2. Your Personal Development
3. Duty of Care
4. Equality and Diversity
5. Work in a Person Centred Way
6. Communication
7. Privacy and Dignity
8. Fluids and Nutrition
9. Awareness of Mental Health,
Dementia and Learning Disability
10. Safeguarding Adults
11. Safeguarding Children
12. Basic Life Support
13. Health and Safety
14. Handling Information
15. Infection Prevention and Control
Key points…
 15 standards in all - signed off and quality
assured by Registered Manager
 Undertaken in social (and health) care within
first 12 weeks by those who are new to social
(and health) care
 Registered Manager has responsibility for this
process as per current legislation but can still
delegate this to others, as long as liaise with
others and oversee process
Key points…
 The knowledge part of the Care Certificate
can be delivered by a range of learning
methods, e.g. e-learning, distance learning,
taught sessions, and by external or ‘in house’
learning providers
 Competency statements have to be
assessed in the work place (by an
occupationally competent person in social (or
health) care for the ‘demonstrate’, ‘show’,
‘take steps to’…statements)
Key points…
 Standard 11 and 12 will vary depending on
whether worker is in a social care or health
 There are a few (very few) competencies that
are allowed to be simulated
 Workers need to complete a workbook or
build portfolio of evidence. This belongs to
them and is thus transferable between
Care Certificate
 Can view the 15 standards in ‘’ Care
Certificate Standards” document on
 Also: Care Certificate Framework,
Mapping Document, Self-Assessment
Tool, Guidance Document, Certificate
The Care Certificate is:
 Start of a journey
 A key component of the total
 A step to meeting the essential
standards set out by Care
Quality Commission