(hereinafter `çlndice ento), which charges the following
(hereinafter `çlndice ento), which charges the following
Case 1:14-cr-20286-CMA Document 318 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/09/2015 Page 1 of 8 UM TED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOW HERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CASE NO IG CR-ZON -ALTONAGAISIIS) UM TED STATES O F A M ERICA #S. ALEX ENRIQIJE SOM ARRIBA, Defendant / PLEA AGREENœ NT TheUnitedStatesofAmericaandALEX ENRIQUE SOM ARRIBA,hereinaherreferred to asthedefendant,enterintothefollowing agreem ent: The defendant agrees to plead guilty to the Second Superseding Indictment (hereinafter'çlndice ento),whichchargesthefollowingcrime: a. Count1chargesthedefendantwithConspiracyto ConducttheA ffairsofan Enterprise through aPattern ofRacketeering Activity,in violation ofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Section 1962(d). 2. The defendant is aware that the sentence will be im posed by the court aher considering the FederalSentencing Guidelinesand Policy Statements(hereinaûerççsentencing Guidelines'').n e defendant acknowledges and understandsthatthe courtwillcompute an advisory sentence under the Sentencing Guidelines and thatthe applicable guidelines willbe detennined bythecourtrelying inpartontheresultsofaPre-sentenceInvestigationby thecourt's probation oë ce,which investigation w illcom mence afterthe guilty plea hasbeen entered.The defendantisalso awarethat,undercertain circum stances,thecourtm ay departfrom theadvisory sentencing guideline range thatithascomputed,and m ay raise orlowerthatadvisory sentence Page 1of8 Case 1:14-cr-20286-CMA Document 318 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/09/2015 Page 2 of 8 undertheSentencing Guidelines.Thedefendantisfurtheraware and understandsthatthecourtis requiredtoconsidertheadvisory guidelinerangedetermined undertheSentencingGuidelines,but isnotboundtoimposethatsentence;thecourtisperm ittedto tailortheultim atesentencein lightof other statutory concem s,and such sentence m ay be either more severe or less severe than the Sentencing Guidelines'advisory sentence.Knowing these fads,the defendantunderstandsapd acknowledgesthatthecourthastheauthoritytoimm seany sentencewithinand uptothestatutory maximum authorized by 1aw forthe oFensets)identified in paragraph 1andthatthe defendant may notwithdraw theplea solely asa resultofthesentenceimposed. n e defendantalso understands and acknowledges that the m aximum penalties apply forthe following countto which heispleading guilty: Them aximlzm m naltiesforCount1areaterm oflifeinprison,am axim um fine of$250,000,and up to fiveyears'sum rvised rele% e. 4. n e defendant further understands and acknowledges that in addhion to any sentenceim posedunderparagraph 3ofthisagreement,aspecialassessm entin theamountof$100 willbeimm sed onthedefendnnt.Thedefendantagreesthatany specialassessm entimposedshall be paid atthe tim eof sentencing. 5. 'Fhe Office of the United States Departm ent of Justice, Crim inal Divisionx Organized Crimeand Gang Section (hereinaqertr ffice''lreservesthe rightto inform thecourt and the probation om ce ofallfacts pertinentto the sentencing process,including a11relevant inform ation concerningtheoffensescom mitted,whetherchargedornot,mswellœsconcerning the defendantandthedefendant'sbackpound.Subjectonly totheexpresstermsofanyagreed-upon sentencing recommendationscontained in thisagreement,thisOm cefurtherreservestherightto m akeany recommendation asto thequality and quantity ofpunishm ent. Page 2 of8 Case 1:14-cr-20286-CMA Document 318 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/09/2015 Page 3 of 8 6. AcceptanceofResponsibility.TheUnited Statesagreesthatitwillrecommend at sentencing thatthe courtreduce by three levels the sentencing guideline levelapplicable to the defendant's offense,ptlrsuantto Section 3E1.1 of the Sentencing Guidelines,based upon the defendant's recognition and affirmative and tim ely acceptance of m rsonal responsibility. However,theUnited Stateswillnotberequired to m akethese sentencing recomm endations,ifthe defendant:(1)failsorrefusesto make full,accurate and complete disclosureto the probation oflke of the circumstxnces surrounding the relevantoffense conduct, '(2) is found to have misrepresentedfactstothegovernmentpriortoenteringthispleaagreement;or(3)commitsany m isconductaûerenteringintothispleaagreement,including,butnotlim ited to,com mittingastate orfederaloflknse,violatingany term ofrele% e,orm akingfalsessatem entsorm isrepresentations to any governmentalentity oroflk ial. Agreed Sentence.The partiesagree,pursuantto Rule 11(c)(1XC)oftheFederal RulesofCriminalProcedure,thatthedefendantshould besentenced to a term ofim prisonm ent of @M months for Count 1,exceptas provided below in the section entitled GnException to Binding Agreement.'' Itisunderstood by thepartiesthatthe finaldetermination to accepta plea pursuanttoRule 11(c)(1)(C)ultimatelyremainsintheCourt'sdiscretion and,exceptasprovided below inthesection entitled GkB ception toBinding Agreement,''ifthe Courtdoesnotacceptthe ternw ofthese aga ed sentences,then theplea isnulland void. 8. SubjecttotheCourt'sapprovalofthispleaagreement: a. Defendantwillbesentenced to aterm ofim prbonnentof240 mnnthslbr the o/ense in Count1- Conspiracyto ConducttheAfh irsofan Enterprise through a Pattern of RacketeeringActivity,inviolationofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Section 1962(d), 'and Page 3 of8 Case 1:14-cr-20286-CMA Document 318 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/09/2015 Page 4 of 8 b. Defendantwillpay aspeeialassessmentof$100.* ,ptlrsuanttoTitle18, United StatesCode,Section 3013. 9. Imposition ofsentence:ThepartiesagreethattheCourtwillconsultwithandtake into accounttheUnited StatesSentencing Guidelinesand accom panying policy statements (çtUSSG'')forthecalculationofthedefendant'ssentencepursuanttoTitle18,UnitedStatesCode, Section3553,asconstruedby UnitedStatesv.Booker,543U.S.220(2005).However,the defendantunderstandsthattheU SSG areadvisory and thatthe Courtm ay takeotherfactorsinto accountin sentencing which would resultin a greaterorlessersentence th> the sentencing mnge ascalculatedundertheU SSG. 10. Cooperation.The defendantagreesthatthe defendantshallcooperate fully with thisOffice by:(a)providingtndhfuland complete information and testimony,and producing docum ents,recordsand otherevidence,when called upon by this Offk e,whetherin interviews, beforeagrandjury,oratanytrialorothercourtproceeding' ,and(b)appearing atsuch grandjury proceedings,hearings,lials,andotherjudicialproceedings,and atmeetings,asmay berequired by thisOffice. ThisOflk e reservesthe rightto evaluate the nature and extentofthe defendant's cooperation and to m ake the defendant's cooperation,orlack thero f,known to the courtatthe time of sentencing,If in the sole and unreviewablejudgmentofthisOfrice the defendant's cooperation isofsuch qualityand signitk anceto theinvestigation orprosecution ofothercriminal matters as to warrant the court's downward departure from the sentence required by the SentencingGuidelines,thisOfficemay atorbeforesentencingm akeam otion pursuantto Section 5K1.1ofthe Sentencing Guidelines,oraRule35 m otion subsequentto sentencing,renecting that Page4 of8 Case 1:14-cr-20286-CMA Document 318 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/09/2015 Page 5 of 8 the defendanthas provided substantial% sisonce and recommending sentence reduction.The defendsntacknowledgesandagrees,however,thatnothingin thisAgreementm ay beconstruedto require this Oftk e to tile such a motion and thatthis Oë ce'sassessm entofthe nature,value, A thfulness,completeness,and accm acy ofthe defendant'scooperation shallbe binding on the defendant. 12. ' I'hedefendantunderstandsand acknowledgesthatthe courtisunderno obligation to granta govem mentm otion pursuantto 5K 1.1 ofthe Sentencing GuidelinesorRule35 ofthe FederalRulesofCrim inalProcedure,asreferred to in paragraph 1lofthisagreem ent,should the governmentexerciseitsdiscretion to tlle such amotion. 13. BasisforRule11(c)(1)(C)PleaAgreement.ThepartiesunderstandthattheCourt mayacceptapleaagreementforaspecificsentencepursuanttoRule11(cX1)(C)oftheFederal RulesofCriminalProcedureonly iftheagreed sentenceiswithin the applicable guideline range; ortheagreedsentencedepartsfrom theapplicableguidelineforjustifiablereasons.USSG j 6B1.2(c). 14. Totheextenttheparties'agreed sentencedepartsfrom theCourt'scalculated guidelinesrange,theagreedsentencedepartsforjustifablereasons.Thedefendanthasagreedto pleadguiltyinatimelymnnner,andhispleaatthisjuncturewillreducethesmountoftimeand resourcestopreparethecase fortrialandto trythec% e. Additionally,itisanticipatedthatthe defendant'splea in thiscasewillinduceotherdefendantsin this ls-defendantcmseto consider resolvingtheirc%esinlieuoftrial.Finally,asentenceof240monthsachievesjusticeinholding the defendantresm nsible forhisactionsand in detening othersfrom contemplating sim ilar crim inalconduct. Page 5 of8 Case 1:14-cr-20286-CMA Document 318 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/09/2015 Page 6 of 8 RejectionofthePleaAgreement.lfthispleaagreementoranymaterialprovision thereof,includingthesentenceagreeduponintheprevioussection,isrejectedbythecourqexcept msprovided below in the section entitled <*B ception tosf?WingAgreement,''the partiesshallbe relexqed from theirobligationsunderthispleaagreementand itshallbenulland void.Itisfurther agreed that,in thisevent,defendantmay withdraw hispleaofguilty ifsuch apleahasbeen entered,exceptasprovidedbelow in thesection entitled LGException to Sfntfïng Agreement.n'Itis furtheragreed,ifthispleaagreementisrejected,thattheadmissibilityagainstdefendn. ntofany statementsmadebydefendnntorhisrepresentativets)duringthecourseofandinfurtheranceof thepleadiscussionswillbedeterminedunderRule 11(9 oftheFederalRulesofCriminal Procedureand Rule410 ofthe FederalRulesofEvidence.Defendantacknowledgesthata11leads derived from such statem entsmay beused againstdefendantin any subsequentproceeding. 16. Exception to Binding AgreementLAllprom iseshere made by each party aremade dependentonfullperform anceofthepromisesmadebytheotherparty.Any promiseregardingthe governm ent'ssentencing recomm endation appliesonlyto the sentencing uponthe Second Superseding Indictmentand doesnotapply,forexam ple,to any futureproceedingsrelating to an allegedviolation ofprobation,aviolation ofparole,oraviolation ofsum rvised release.lfthe defendantcomm itsanycrimes,violatesany ofthe conditionsofhisrelease,orviolatesanyterm of tllisagreementbetween signing thisagreem entand thedate ofsentencing' ,orifthe defendant providesinformation totheprobation om cer,theUnited States,ortheCourtwhich isintentionally misleading orintentionally :111trt1t11ft11,theUnited Stateswillbefreeto recom mend atsentencing onthechargesto which thedefendanthaspleaded guilty,asentencehigherthanthatcontem plated bytMsagreem ent.lfthegovernmentpursuesthiscourse,thedefendantwillnotbe freeto Page 6 of8 Case 1:14-cr-20286-CMA Document 318 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/09/2015 Page 7 of 8 withdraw hisguiltypleaentered pursuantto thispleaagreement.Furtherm ore,in such an instance, thegovenzmentwillbefree to charge,reinstate,orothelw ise pursueany and a1lchargesand forfeiture actionswhich could havebeen broughtbutforthisplea agreement. 17. Appellate Fcfver.ThedefendantisawarethatTitle 18,United StatesCode, Section 3742 aftbrdsthe defendanttherightto appealthe sentence im m sed inthiscmse. Acknowledgingthis,in exchange forthe undertakingsmadeby the United Statesin thisplea agreement,the defendanthereby waivesallrightsconferred by Section 3742 to appealany sentenceim posed,including any restitution order,orto appealthe mAnnerin which thesentence wasimposed,unlessthesentence exceedsthemaximum permitted by statuteoristhe resultofan upward departurefrom theguidelinerangethatthe courtestablishesatsentencing.Thedefendant furtherunderstandsthatnothing in thisagreem entshallaffectthe govem m ent'srightand/orduty toappealassetforthinTitle18,United StatesCode,Section 3742(b).However.iftheUnited Statesapm alsthedefendant'ssentencepursuanttoSection3742(19,thedefendantshallbe released from theabovewaiverofapm llaterights.Thedefendantunderstandsthat,although defendantwillbesentenced in conformity withthe Sentencing Guidelines,bythisap eem ent defendantwaivestherightto appealthesentence on thebasisthatthe sentenceistheresultofan incorrectapplication oftheSentence Guidelines,By signingthisagreement,counselforthe defendantacknowledgesthatcounselhmsdiscussed the appealwaiversd forth in thisagreem ent with thedefendant.Thedefendantfurtheragrees,tègetherwith theUnited States,torequestthat thedistrictcourtenteraspecitk tinding thatthedefendant'swaiverofthedefendnnt'srightto appealthesentencetobe imposed in thiscasewasknowing andvoluntary. 18. ThisistheentireAgreementand understandingbetweenthe United Statesand the Page7 of8 Case 1:14-cr-20286-CMA Document 318 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/09/2015 Page 8 of 8 defendant.There areno otheragreements,prom ises,representations,orunderstnndings. LESLIE R.CALDW ELL A SSISTANT ATTORN EY GENE Date:s / s / x..v,- By: JOSEP ' - . OOLEY TO , J- .' L -OCGS oat v, a/#l' sots- By: Date: 3 --R - A-o tS By:-'d - Q-)'k .-< .-. REBECCA A.STATON TRIAL ATTORNEY,DOJ.CRM .OCGS RICHARD K.HOULIHAN ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDAN T Date: J - # -Zo I& By: M ,E E QUE SOM ARRIBA D EFEN D AN T Page 8of8
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