February 25, 2015


February 25, 2015
Burpee Museum
Tuesday, March 24
Bus Leaves Willows Arbor at 1:00
And the Town Center at 1:10 p.m.
Join us on a trip to the Burpee Museum to see the traveling exhibit:
“Savage Ancient Seas - Dinosaurs of
the Deep.” It is the Cretaceous period
over 70 million years ago and filled
with reptiles, flesh-eating fish, and the
biggest sea turtles that ever lived! Cost
is $6.00, this includes access to the
museum and special exhibit. Sign-up
and pay with Guest Services at 815316-1500 by March 16. Questions?
Call Kristina or Amanda at 815-3161594.
AARP Driver Safety Course
March 23 and 24 at 1:00 p.m.
Swingley Lounge
This class is open to anyone aged 50
and older. Participants will learn: safety strategies; how aging, medications,
and other issues affect ability; learn
new safety features; and learn when
driving may not be safe. This class
(two 4-hour sessions) may qualify you
for an auto insurance reduction. Upon
completion, you will receive a certificate for auto insurance purposes. Cost
is $15 for AARP members and $20
for non-members. A check to AARP
will be collected on the first day of
the class. Sign up with Kristina or
Amanda at 815-316-1594.
Ladies Tea & Talk
Thursday, March 26 at 2:00 p.m.
Swingley Lounge
Our subject this month is Women’s History. Bring
along information about any woman that is important
to you that you would like to share with us! The woman you choose to talk about could be a family member,
a friend or even someone famous. Sign up with
Guest Services at 815-316-1500 by March 19. Questions? Contact Kristina or Amanda at 815-316-1594.
“Ring of Fire: Music of Johnny Cash”
Wednesday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m.
Town Center Ziegler Auditorium
Byron Civic Theater is coming to Wesley Willows!
This production, “Ring of Fire: Music of Johnny
Cash,” is more than a staged telling of the life of Johnny Cash — it is a mosaic of American experience
pieced together with Cash songs and dramatic performances. This show is not your traditional musical, but
a broad retelling of Johnny Cash’s life story. At the center of the show are couples paired off to portray Johnny
and June through various life stages. This special performance is in preparation for the American Association of Community Theatre’s regional play competition
in Springfield, Illinois. Cost is $7. Please sign-up and
pay with Guest Services at 815-316-1500 or the
Town Center Concierge at 815-316-6060 by Thursday, March 26. You will receive your tickets prior to
the performance in your Green Bag. Please call Amanda or Kristina in Activities at 815-316-1594 if you have
any questions.
Bistro Meal Payments
The Bistro has started accepting cash payments. You
can now pay for your meal at the Bistro counter with
cash, check, or by charging to your account.
Now Showing!
TheArt of Roni Golan: ContemporaryArt
Art Center, Town Center
Roni Golan, artist and owner of State of the ArtContemporary Art Gallery in Rockford, is sharing
his art for the next few weeks. A painter and
sculptor, Roni creates vivid paintings to music live
in front of you. Roni says, “My creative energy
and curiosity drives mainly from discovering the
extraordinary in the everyday life. Observing different patterns created by nature, man, or machine
reveals to me the unique and unexpected life hidden underneath the surface.” Stop by to enjoy the
bright colors and creative energy!
Lunch at Bahia
Wednesday, March 11th
Bus Leaves Willows Arbor at 11:00 a.m.
And the Town Center at 11:10 a.m.
Sign up has ended for this trip.
Wednesday Bistro Lunch Buffet
March 11 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Breakfast for Lunch Bar
March 11, 2015
Green Bag
Reminder for Gardeners
Thursday, March 12 at 2:00 p.m.
Ziegler Auditorium
We will be having an information and sign-up
meeting for those interested in a plot in the Wesley
Willows Community Garden. Anyone interested
in a garden plot and is unable to attend this meeting
please contact Claire Kelley at 877-1016 or Scotti
Lichtenheld at 633-7138 at your earliest convenience. Questions? Please contact any of the Garden Committee listed below.
Jim Gibbons 636-1625
Jerry Hansen 977-4110
Claire Kelley 877-1016
Ken Lemmel 282-4226
Scotti Lichtenheld 633-7138
Bob Persinger 639-0665
Sue Stajdohar 779-423-0807
Mary Supel 779-423-0074
Wednesday Chapel
Thursday, March 12 at 3:00 p.m.
March 11 at 11:15 a.m.
Swingley Lounge
Johns Chapel, Willows Arbor
Wednesday Chapel service will be in John’s Chapel. Celebrate National Plant-A-Flower day by planting
We will return to the Town Center on March 18. flowers of your own and decorating flower pots!
Cost is free. All are welcome!
St. Patrick’s Day Craft
TrueWealth Series: The Fun and CrazyWorld of Estate
Wednesday, March 11 at 2:30 p.m.
Van Sickle Room
Thursday, March 12 at 4:00 p.m.
Let your creativity flow with a St. Patrick’s DayZiegler Auditorium
themed craft! No sign-up is necessary.
Attorney Pat Agnew, Agnew Law Office, P.C. is
asking you: “When was the last time you had fun
Shopping at Valli
looking at and thinking about your estate plan?”
Thursday, March 12
Here’s your chance as Pat probes tax laws for
Bus leaves Willows Arbor at 9:20 a.m.
IRAs, asset protection for beneficiaries, and cutting
And the Town Center at 9:30 a.m.
Please sign up with Guest Services at 815-316- edge provisions in today’s trusts. Bring your questions with you.
Thursday Night Movie: The
Thursday, March 12 at 6:30 p.m.
Town Center Auditorium A
When three women living on the edge of
the American frontier are driven mad by
harsh pioneer life, the task of saving them
falls to the pious, independent-minded
Mary Bee Cuddy. Transporting the women by covered wagon to Iowa, she soon
realizes just how daunting the journey
will be. Starring: Hilary Swank, Tommy
Lee Jones, Meryl Streep, Tim Blake Nelson, James Spader
Shopping at WalMart
Friday, March 13
Bus leavesWillows Arbor at 9:20 a.m.
And the Town Center at 9:30 a.m.
Please sign-up with Guest Services at
815-316-1500 for shopping at WalMart.
Seats are limited and fill up fast.
Photography Club
Friday, March 13 at 1:00 p.m.
Ziegler Auditorium B
Club member Dave Donahue will present images from his trip to Yellowstone
National Park from last fall. Dave has
photographed in the western U.S. for several years. All who have an interest in
photography are welcome. We meet the
second Friday of the month as well as
take some trips for photo shoots. Our
next trip is to the Mitchell Domes in Milwaukee on March 20. The current themed
exhibits are Desert, Tropical, and Floral
Show. Currently the bus is full, but if you
would like to be placed on the waiting
list, call Al Cowan at 779-423-0626.
Friday the 13th Superstitions
Friday, March 13 at 2:00 p.m.
Van Sickle Room
Celebrate Friday the 13th with the Activity Department by learning about different superstitions! All
are welcome to join in on the fun.
Current Events
Monday, March 16 at 1:30 p.m.
Swingley Lounge
Join this group to discuss what is going on
around the globe! This week’s topic covers news from Rockford! All are welcome!
A Few Seats Left For the Big Country Breakfast
with Orion Samuelson!
Saturday, March 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Wesley Willows Town Center
Invite a Friend! Tickets are $35.00 and it helps the
Wesley Willows Auxiliary raise Good Samaritan
Funds! For information or to reserve seats, call Janna at 815-316-1570.
St. Patrick’s Day Party
Tuesday, March 17 at 2:00 p.m.
Entertainer: Jeffrey Deutsch
Van Sickle Room
Thursday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m.
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by listening to
Van Sickle Room
local entertainer Lucas Greenly on the Listen to entertainer Jeffrey Deutsch as he sings and
bagpipes! This will be an afternoon filled plays piano! Deutsch is an excellent, high energy perwith luck that you will not want to miss!
former that you do not want to miss!
Line Dancing
Saturday, March 14 and 21 at 10:30 a.m.
Van Sickle Room
Join us for line dancing led by Dick Drogemuller
and Margaret Kasak. To learn more, stop by on Saturday mornings! Questions? Contact Dick
Drogemuller at 815-316-1741 or Margaret Kasak at
815-633-8311 .
Artists Ensemble Theatre Cheek Theatre:
“Good People”
Sunday, March 15
Bus leaves the Town Center at 12:50 p.m.
Thursday, March 26
Bus leaves Willows Arbor at 6:45 p.m.
And the Town Center at 6:55 p.m.
If you are unable to use your tickets or are not planning on riding the bus, for the Sunday Matinee contact Marge Henning at 815-847-7685, Nancy Westphal at 815-316-6020 or Sandy Conner at 815-3161710. For the Thursday performance contact Karen
Ingrassia at 815-282-4607.
Birthday Dinner
Thursday, March 19th at 5:30 p.m.
Willows Place
Reminder for those planning to attend the birthday dinner to please make your reservations with Guest Services at 815-316-1500 before Monday, March 16th.
Look for the entrees in the menu provided in this week’s
Green Bag.
Advanced Square Dancing
Wesley Willows Concert Series presents:
Tuesday, March 17 and 24 at 7:30 p.m.
Mark Baldin, trumpet & Jon Warfel, piano
Van Sickle Room
Thursday, March 19 at 7:30 p.m.
If you would like to learn more about this
Town Center’s Ziegler Auditorium
great activity, stop by on Tuesday eve- Tickets are $5.00 each and are now on sale at Guest Sernings to observe or join in. Questions? vices and the Town Center. Please sign up for transporCall Amanda or Kristina at 815-316-1594. tation needs at the time of purchase.
Floral Design Workshop
Wednesday, March 18 at 2:30 p.m.
Van Sickle Room
Join a local floral designer to create your
own floral arrangement to take home!
Cost is $10, cash only. Sign-up and pay
with Guest Services at 815-316-1500 by
Thursday, March 12. Questions? Call
Amanda or Kristina at 815-316-1594.
Amanda’s Acrylic Art Class
Friday, March 20 at 1:30 p.m.
Ceramics Room
Join this painting class taught by Activity Aide, Amanda.
Whether you are an expert or a beginner, this is the class
for you to express your artistic side! Cost is $5 to cover
your art supplies. Please sign up and pay with Guest
Services at 815-316-1500 by March 18. Contact
Amanda at 815-316-1594 with any questions.
Shopping at Schnucks on Rockton
1st Graders from Gloria Dei Visit
Thursday, March 19
Monday, March 23 at 10:00 a.m.
Bus leaves Willows Arbor at 9:20 a.m.
Willows Place
And the Town Center at 9:30 a.m.
Come, visit, and enjoy snacks and entertainment with
Please sign up with Guest Services at 815- adorable first graders from Rockford Lutheran at Gloria
316-1500. Seats are limited.
Dei! No sign-up is necessary.