Men`s Palm Sunday Service March 29, 2015 7am --


Men`s Palm Sunday Service March 29, 2015 7am --
March 15 2015 10 a.m.
Fourth Sunday in Lent ~ One Great Hour of Sharing
Large print bulletins and hearing assistance devices are
available from the ushers.
The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be
thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as
it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive
us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against
us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory
forever. Amen.
Proclamation and Response
Hearing the Word of God in Scripture
Liturgist, Jackie Yeo
Epistle Lesson: Ephesians 2:1-10 (NIV) p.827
Lighting of the Altar Candles
Introit: “The King of Love My Shepherd Is”
Chancel Choir
* Hymn: “When Morning Gilds the Skies”
The United Methodist Hymnal #185
*Hymn: “Just as I Am, Without One Plea”
The United Methodist Hymnal #357
* Gospel Lesson: John 3:14-21(NIV) p.752
Pastor Roy
May God bless the reading, hearing, understanding and preaching
of His Holy Word. Response: AMEN.
Welcome Guests! It is a pleasure to have you worship with us today! In
the mighty name of our living Lord Jesus, we welcome you to this service
of celebration. May you feel Christ’s presence, hear his Word proclaimed,
and be blessed, and renewed. Please be sure to sign the guest book and
join us again, if possible, in the near future.
Please note that Nursery care is available during worship for ages 0-2.
The asterisk (*) Indicates to please stand, if you are able.
Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Roy
*Call to worship
Liturgist, Jackie Yeo
Leader: From the east and the west,
People: from the north and the south,
Leader: we come to dwell in God’s steadfast love.
People: God’s love heals, forgives, and welcomes all!
Opening Prayer: Gracious and loving God, we have come to
this place to be your faithful disciples. On this Lenten
journey, help us grow in our faith and in our relationship
with you. Open our hearts t5o love. Open our eyes to the
light of your Son. Open our hands to the work of your Holy
Spirit. Help us share your grace and follow the ways that
lead to new life. In the name of Christ we pray. Amen.
Ministry Moment
Kathy Aborn
Children’s Story Time “God’s Global Family”
Pastor Roy
Children will be dismissed at this time for Sunday school.
Finding the Quiet Center
Our Time of Intercessory Prayer: We come, together in prayer,
with prayers of Joy & Thanksgiving, with prayers for Hope, Healing,
and Wholeness. --With prayers for ourselves, and for others, with
prayers for our homes, and the world around us. Today, is there an
experience of God that you might share in praise of God?
Morning Message: “No Condemnation In Christ”
Pastor Roy
Our Offering: “I Will Sing of My Redeemer”
Chancel Choir
The United Methodist Hymnal #95
*Giving Glory to God in Song
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all
creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host;
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Sending Forth
*Closing Hymn: “Living for Jesus”
The Faith We Sing #2149
*Dismissal with Blessing
Pastor Roy
*Our parting prayer in song for one another: You are invited
to circle the sanctuary, to sing this prayer to one another.
May the God of hope go with us every day, filling all our
lives with love and joy and peace. May the God of justice
speed us on our way, bringing light and hope to every land
and race. Praying, let us work for peace; singing, share our
joy with all; working for a world that’s new, faithful when
we hear Christ’s call.
*Organ Postlude
Let the fellowship continue – You are invited to join us for coffee in Fellowship Hall downstairs.
Men’s Palm Sunday Service March 29, 2015
7am --- see Jeff Aborn for your tickets!
8 Church Street,
Stafford Springs, CT 06076
(860) 684-2468
Fax: (860) 684-3418
[email protected]
“Like” us on Facebook!
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Secretary Office hours:
Mon. Weds. & Thurs.
7:30 -12:30
Fri. 7:30 -11:30
Connie Fogarty, Administrative Assistant
Church offices Closed Good Friday
Our Participants in worship this morning:
Jill Gregori - Minister of Music
Kathy Aborn – Lay Leader
Liturgist – Jackie Yeo
Greeters – Donna & Gene Panciera
Ushers – Fred Streb, Sheryl Maloney-Platt
Nursery Attendant – Connie Fogarty
Coffee Hour – Joan Johnson, JoAnn West
Counters – Nancy Fisher, Robert Spencer
Sound Techs – Butch Hajosy, Gary Symonds,
Chris Rossick
Rev. Roy Richardson, pastor
Weekly Attendance
Sunday Worship:
Morning Service 136
Evening Service 4
Prayer & Praise: printed
before the service
Nursery, 4
Pre K -2 , 5
3-5, & Middle School, 8
High School, 0
Adult Study
( 8 groups), 36
Last Year 2014 Worship: 81
Next Sunday, March 22, 2015– Worship Participants
Counters –Joan Johnson, JoAnn West, Liturgist –Keith Marin, Greeters
– Leroy Atkins, Marshall Loveday, Ushers – Al Higgins, Doug Fassett,
Coffee Hour –Polly Streb, Betty Burns. If you are unable to participate
next week contact the office by Wednesday. If you have a last minute
cancellation and the office is closed it is your responsibility to find a
replacement! Thank you!  
Our Mission Statement:
We, the people of First United Methodist Church of Stafford Springs, are in
mission. It is our aim to reach out in genuine acceptance, welcoming people
into a growing, life-giving relationship with God in Jesus Christ through vital
worship, warm fellowship, and careful attention to people's needs.
The last day to order your Easter flowers is
March 22, 2015.
First United Methodist Church
March 15, 2015