中文版 - RCG
中文版 - RCG
简 历 (2015-3-11) 姓名: 性别: 出生日: 出生地: 国籍: ORCID: ResearcherID: 工作地址: 电子通讯 陈德亮 (Deliang Chen) 男 1961 年 7 月 21 日 江苏省泰州市 瑞典 http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0288-5618 A-5107-2013 Box 460 Department of Earth Sciences University of Gothenburg 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden Tel.: +46 (0) 31 786 4813 Fax: +46 (0) 31 786 1986 E-mail: [email protected] 个人网页 : http://rcg.gvc.gu.se/dc 研究团队网页 : http://rcg.gvc.gu.se/ 教育经历 1989-1992 1979-1983 德国美茵兹(Mainz)古腾堡(Johannes Gutenberg)大学攻读博士学 位。主专业:地球科学。副专业:理论气象学(动力气象)和应 用数学(积分方程数值解)。指导教授分别是:Prof. P.J. Crutzen (诺 贝尔奖得主),Prof. M. Domros, Prof. W. Zdunkowski, and Prof. W. Borsch-Supan. 博士论文题目:“一个全球两维气候及输送模式的 发展” 。获得博士学位时间:1992 年 2 月 27 日。 中国南京大学气象系气候专业 工作岗位 201220122012-2017 2009-2012 20072006-2009 瑞典哥德堡大学理学院负责科研的副院长 瑞典哥德堡海洋研究中心董事会成员 中科院青藏高原研究所兼职教授 国际科学理事会(International Council for Science, ICSU)执行 主任 (Executive Director) 瑞典哥德堡大学 August Röhss 讲席教授(自然地理学) 瑞典哥德堡大学理学院科学研究委员会委员 2006-2007 20042004-2009 2002-2008 2001-2005 2001 2001 1993- 1993 1992 1989-1992 1983-1988 瑞典哥德堡大气科学中心主任 瑞典哥德堡大气科学中心理事会理事 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院兼职教授 中国气象局国家气候中心科学主任 瑞典环境科学院兼职高级研究员 中科院大气所客座研究员 中科院地理科学与自然资源研究所客座研究员 在瑞典哥德堡大学地球科学系工作,1993 年 7 月任物理气象学 高级讲师,1996 年晋升为副教授,2000 年为物理气象学教授, 并于 2000 年 1 月至 2002 年 12 月任自然地理学系系主任。从 2007 年 3 月起任瑞典哥德堡大学 August Röhss 讲席教授(自然地理学/ 地理信息学)。 主要研究方向包括地球随同科学气候动力学,气 候模拟,全球和区域气候变化,地理信息学和应用气候学。 在德国不来梅港(Bremerhaven)的阿富雷德-魏根纳极地和海洋研 究所(Alfred-Wegener-Institute)做博士后研究,研究方向为利用简 单大气模式研究海气相互作用。 在德国科隆(Cologne)大学地球物理学和气象学研究所做博士后 研究,研究方向为研究中尺度气象和酸沉降模式中的干沉降和陆 地表面过程。 在德国美茵兹(Mainz)的马普化学所(Max-Planck-Institute)攻读博 士学位。指导教授为 Prof. Paul J. Crutzen,研究方向为两维气候 输送模式。 在中国北京中国科学院地理研究所做所长助手和助理研究员。 1983-84 年从事辐射平衡研究,84-85 年研究华北地区作物生产 力和水资源平衡。85-86 年研究作物需水和开放水域的水分蒸发 和蒸散,87-88 年与中国科学院大气物理所合作,研究大气环流 模式中的陆地表面过程。 社会兼职 2015201520142014-2016 2014-2016 2014/ 2014-2016 2014-2016 2013201320132013-2015 Baltic Earth 高级顾问委员会成员 ”Acta Geographica Sinica”(地理学报英文版) 副主编 ”Advances in Climate Change Research”副主编 Olav Thon 奖评议会委员 科技部全球变化研究国家重大科学研究计划专家组成员 “未来地球计划”中国委员会委员 Stockholm Resilience Centre 理事会成员 北京气候中心科学顾问委员会委员 ”国家科学评论(NSR)”编辑 沃尔沃环境奖 (VOLVO Environment prize) 科学委员会委员 中国海外交流协会第五届理事会理事 日本人文与自然研究所(Research Institute for Humanity and Nature: RIHN)项目评审委员会委员 20132013201220122008, 2012 201120112011-2013 201120112011 2010 201020092009-2012 2009-2012 2009-2012 2008200820072007 20062006 200420042004-2008 2004-2008 20042003-2008 2003200320022001-2005 20012000-2003 2000 2000-2001 北京师范大学、清华大学、北京大学、南京大学和中科院共建的 全球变化研究协同创新中心科学指导委员会委员 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所国际专家委员会会员 上海市政府侨办咨询顾问 瑞典国家全球环境变化研究委员会成员 Sixten Heyman 奖评奖委员会委员 第三届国务院侨办海外专家咨询委员会委员 瑞典环境与气候数据中心(ECDS)科学咨询委员会主席 法国国家研究署地球系统科学科学指导委员会委员 经合组织(OECD)创新,高等教育发展研究计划(IHERD)顾问委员 会委员 中国气象学会气候变化与低碳发展委员会顾问 ”Environmental Development”编辑 瑞典皇家科学院组织的第三届诺贝尔奖得主全球可持续发展研 讨会('3rd Nobel Laureate Symposium on Global Sustainability)科 学委员会委员 IPCC WGI 第 5 次评估报告(AR5)第一章主要作者(Lead Author) “第三极环境(TPE)”国际计划科学委员会委员 清华大学地球科学中心科学指导委员会委员 全球环境变化的人类因素计划(IHDP)、国际生物多样性科学计 划(DIVERSITAS)和国际地球科学联盟(ESSP)科学委员会 委员 世界科学论坛指导委员会(the World Science Forum Series)委员 瑞典皇家科学院环境委员会委员 “Chinese Geographical Science” 编辑 Editorial Advisory Board member of “The Open Atmospheric Science Journal” “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics” 客座编辑 瑞典皇家科学院地球物理国家委员会委员 “Geografiska Annaler” 客座编辑 中国气象学会气候生态学委员会委员 瑞典国家 IGCP 委员会委员 广州季风与环境研究中心学术委员会委员 瑞典皇家科学院国家 IGBP/WCRP 委员会委员 “气象学报” 编辑 中国气象局气候研究开放实验室学术委员会海外主任 中国气象学会应用气候专家委员会委员 美华大气海洋学会欧洲负责人 “地理学进展” 编辑 瑞典环境科学院兼职教授 中国气象局国家气象中心顾问 瑞典航天局大气委员会委员 挪威自然资金委员会国际评审专家 德国科隆大学客座教授 1999-2003 1999 1998-2002 德国教育与科研部气候研究计划国际专家 IPCC WGI 第 3 次评估报告(AR3)第 10 章贡献作者 瑞典自然资金委员会地学部评审委员会委员 研究兴趣 • • • • 地球系统科学 全球气候动力学和模拟 第三极地区大气环流和水平衡 现代区域气候变化及其影响(侧重于瑞典和中国) 工作语言 汉语,英语,瑞典语,德语 国际评估 2004 年,受瑞典自然资金委员会的委托,国际专家小组评估了陈徳亮教授的 究工作。该小组在评估报告中写到:“……在瑞典从事区域气候的研究中,陈 授具有独一无二的位置”,并总结到“陈教授对认识瑞典区域气候做出了非常 要的贡献,……,陈教授无疑被公认为区域气候研究领域里的国际性专家”。 员会认为陈教授的工作在国际上是“杰出的-非凡的”,并“最强烈地”推荐 助其以后的研究工作。详细的报告、国际评审专家的姓名以及评审过程参见评 报告全文(http://rcg.gvc.gu.se/pdf/vr.pdf)。 此外,在 2010 年哥德堡大学对所有的研究领域进行的评估中(RED10),他领导 的气候研究得到国际专家小组的高度评价:“气候研究是一个主要活动领域,特 别是对气候变化的模拟某些方面有杰出的表现,虽然这些工作太依赖于一名资深 研究员(陈德亮)......“。 奖励和荣誉 2014 2013 2010 2010 2001 2000 1999 被哥德堡大学授予 Pro Arte et Scientia 勋章 当选为哥德堡皇家艺术与科学学会会士 当选为瑞典皇家科学院院士 中国科学院对地观测中心名誉研究员 中国科学院杰青年资金项目 中国科学院海外评审专家 中国农业科学院农业气象研究所名誉研究员 指导博士研究生 姓名 答辨时间 论文方向 Gerrit Lohmann Lars Lindkvist 1995 1997 Katarina Borne Barbro Johansson Maj-Lena Linderson Cecilia Hellström Christine Achberger Fredrik Wetterhall Lijun Fan 范丽军 Junfeng Miao 苗峻峰 Yanling Song 宋艳玲 Elisabeth Simelton Shuiqing Yin 殷水清 Lin Tang 唐琳 Cecilia Bennet 1998 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 全球气候动力学和气候模拟 瑞典森林霜冻与局地其候和区域气候的关 系 哥德堡地区海陆风的研究 瑞典山地气候研究 瑞典南方降雨及降尺度研究 瑞典历史和未来降水变化的研究 瑞典区域气候变化及降尺度研究 气候变化降尺度及对水文的影响 中国气候变化及降尺度研究 2006 中尺度气象模式和对局地环流的模拟 2007 气候变化对中国农业的影响 2007 2008 Matilda Palm 2009 Christin Eriksson 2009 Ge Gao 高歌 Jenny Sundberg Ida Westerberg 2010 Sihong Wu 武思红 2011 Lars Zetterberg 2011 中国气候变化及对农业的影响 sub-daily scale precipitation variability in China Surface ozone variation and change in Sweden The Tropospheric Aerosol - Measurements and Modelling. Case studies in Tanzania and Southeast Asia and development of models for size resolved aerosol simulations on the regional scale Land Use in Climate Policy - Forest Based Options at Local level with Cases from India Characterizing and reconstructing 500 years of climate in the Baltic Sea Basin Changes of evapotranspiration and water cycle in China during past decades 瑞典空气质量 Observational Uncertainties in water-resources modelling in Central America Impact Of cold climate on boreal ecosystem processes-exploring data and model uncertainties Instruments for reaching climate objectives -focusing on the time aspects of bioenergy and allocation rules in the 2009 2009 2011 2011 Yaomin Liao 廖要明 Alexander Walther Tinghai Ou 欧廷海 博士后: 访问学者: 2012 Study and application of stochastic weather generator BCC/RCG-WG 2012 Simulated and observed change of precipitation and temperature in Europe with focus on the Greater Baltic Area 2013 Observed and simulated changes in extreme precipitation and cold surges in China: 1961-2005 Youmin Chen, Klaus Wyser, Katarina Borne,Madelene Ostwald, Christine Achberger, Hans Liderholm, Lijun Fan,ShuiqingYin, Jee-Hoon Jeong, David Rayner. Dr. Aristita Busuoic from National Meteorological Administration of Romania, Prof. Dr. Manuel Nunez from University of Tasmania, Australia, Prof. Xiaodong Li from Beijing University, and Prof. Toshihiro Kitada from Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan. Prof.. Yun Xie from Beijing Normal University, Prof. Congbin Fu from the START (SysTem for Analysis, Research, and Training) Regional Center for Temperate East Asia, Prof. Chang-Hoi Ho from Seoul National University in Korea, Dr. Cesar Azorin-Molina from University of Alicante, and Prof. Weihong Qian from Beijing University. 教学经历 本科生课程 研究生课程 暑期培训 气候过程及其模拟,气象学,边界层气候及其模拟,地理信息系 统,国际互联网和科学计算导论,气象学,大气科学, 气候变化, 应用气候学等。 环境计算机模拟,气象学,自然地理模拟模式,边界层气象学, 地理信息系统,气候动力学,全球变化,大气科学等。 “The Eleventh International Seminar on Climate System and Climate Change”, 14-25 July 2014, Beijing, China; ”The downscaling summer course” at Lodz University in Poland, 18-22 June, 2007; “First ECCE Summer School for Advanced Study in Climate and Earth Environment: Modeling of the Climate System”, July 30 - August 12, 2006, Beijing, China. 担任其它大学博士答辩主考官 2004 2006 Tony Persson at Uppsala University: “Evaporation and Heat-flux Aggregation in Heterogeneous Boreal Landscapes”. Christer Jansson at KTH Royal Institute of Technology: “Surface energy 2008 balance and small-scale climate within the urban environment” Carin Nilsson at Lund University: "Windstorms in Sweden - variations and impacts" 部分近期发表的文章、专著(经过评审):1995- (Google Scholar (verified) was used for the citation data. H-index=42, Total citations: 7605) 1. 陈德亮, 徐柏青, 姚檀栋, 郭正堂, 崔鹏, 陈发虎, 张人禾, 张宪州, 张镱 锂, 樊杰, 侯增谦, 2014: 青藏高原环境变化科学评估:过去、现在与未来. 科学通报, 待刊. 2. Chen, D., A. Walther, A. Moberg, P.D. Jones, J. Jacobeit, and D. Lister, 2015: European Trend Atlas of Extreme Temperature and Precipitation. Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9312-4, pp 178. 3. Gao, Y., Li, D., Leung, L. R., Chen, D., Xu, J., 2015: Aridity changes in the Tibetan Plateau in a warming climate, Environmental Research Letters 10, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/10/3/034013. 4. Gao, Y., J. Xu, D. Chen, 2015: Evaluation of WRF mesoscale climate simulations over the Tibetan Plateau during 1979-2011, J. Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00300.1. 5. Grundström, M., Tang L., Hallquist, M., Nguyen, H., Chen, D. and Pleijel, H., 2015: Influence of atmospheric circulation patterns on urban air quality during the winter, Atmospheric Pollution Research 6, doi:10.5094/APR.2015.03. 6. Liu J, H. Linderholm, D. Chen, X. Zhou, G. N. Flerchinger, Q. Yu, J. Du, D. Wu, Y. Shen, Z. Yang, 2015: Changes in the relationship between solar radiation and sunshine duration in large cities of China, Energy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2015.01.068 7. Liu, W., A. Zhang, L. Wang, G. Fu, D. Chen, C. Liu, T. Cai, 2015: Projecting the future climate impacts on streamflow in Tangwang River basin (China) using a rainfall generator and two hydrological models, Climate Research 62, 79–97, doi: 10.3354/cr01261. 8. Oh, H.-R., C.-H. Ho, J. Kim, D. Chen, S. Lee, Y.-S. Choi, L.-S. Chang, and C.-K. Song, 2015: Long-range transport of air pollutants originating in China: A possible major cause of multi-day high-PM 10 episodes during cold season in Seoul, Korea. Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.03.005. 9. Ou, T., D. Chen, J.-H. Jeong, H. W. Linderholm, T. Zhou, 2015: Changes in winter cold surges over Southeast China: 1961 to 2012. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, DOI:10.1007/s13143-014-0057-y. 10. Azorin-Molina, C., S. M. Vicente-Serrano, D. Chen, B. H. Connell, J. Revuelto, and J.-I. Lopez-Moreno, 2014: AVHRR warm-season cloud climatologies under various synoptic regimes across the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic islands, International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.4102. 11. Chen, D., C. Achberger, T. Ou, U. Postgård, A. Walther, Y. Liao, 2014: Projecting future local precipitation and its extremes for Sweden, Geografiska Annaler, DOI:10.1111/geoa.12084. 12. Fan, L., Z. Yan, D. Chen, C. Fu, 2014: Comparison between two statistical downscaling methods for summer daily rainfall in Chongqing, China. International Journal of Climatology. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4246. 13. Fang, K., D. Chen, J. Li, H. Seppä, 2014: Covarying hydroclimate patterns between Monsoonal Asia and North America over the past 600 years, J. Climate, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00364.1. 14. Fang, K., H. Seppä, D. Chen, 2014: Interdecadal hydroclimate teleconnections between Asia and North America over the past 600 years. Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-014-2266-6. 15. Irannezhad, M., D. Chen and B. Kløve, 2014: Interannual variations and trends in surface air temperature in Finland in relation to atmospheric circulation patterns, 1961-2011, International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.4193. 16. Irannezhad, M., A. T. Haghighi, D. Chen and B. Kløve, 2014: Variability in Dryness and Wetness in Central Finland and the Role of Teleconnection Patterns, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI 10.1007/s00704-014-1305-x. 17. Jeong, J.-H., J.-S. Kug, H. W. Linderholm, D. Chen, B.-M. Kim, S.-Y. Jun, 2014: Intensified Arctic warming under greenhouse warming by vegetation-atmosphere-sea ice interaction, Environmental Research Letters 9(9), 094007. 18. Li, X., L. Wang, D. Chen, K. Yang, A. Wang, 2014: Seasonal evapotranspiration changes (1983-2006) of four large basins on the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research 119 (23), 13079-13095, doi:10.1002/2014JD022380. 19. Li, X., W. Zhou, D. Chen, C. Li, and J. Song, 2014: Water vapor transport and moisture budget over East China: Remote forcing from the two types of El Niño, Journal of Climate, 27: 8778-8792, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00049.1. 20. Linderholm, H. W., M. Cardinale, V. Bartolino, D. Chen, T. Ou, and H. Svedäng, 2014: Influences of large- and regional-scale climate on fish recruitment in the Skagerrak-Kattegat over the last century, Journal of Marine Systems 134, 1-11. 21. Wang, W., W. Zhou, D. Chen, 2014: Summer High Temperature Extremes in Southeast China: Bonding with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and East Asian Summer Monsoon Coupled System, Journal of Climate 27(11), 4122-4138, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00545.1. 22. Zetterberg, L. and D. Chen, 2014: The time aspect of bioenergy - Climate impacts of solid biofuels due to biogenic carbon dynamics", GCB Bioenergy DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12174. 23. Chen, D., and H. W. Chen, 2013: Using the Köppen classification to quantify climate variation and change: an example for 1901-2010. Environmental Development 6, 69-79. 24. Chen, H. W., Q. Zhang, H. Körnich, and D. Chen, 2013: A robust mode of climate variability in the Arctic: The Barents Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (11), 2856–2861, DOI: 10.1002/grl.50551. 25. Cubasch, U., D. 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Ou, 2008: Using a weather generator to create future daily precipitation scenarios for Sweden, Research Report C76, Earth Sciences Centre, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 82 pp. 4. Christensen, J.H., T. Iversen, C. Jones, H. Järvinen, M. Rummukainen,A. Ahlstrøm, B. Ådlandsvik, L. Bärring, C. Beier, T. Berntsen, H. Björnsson, J. Brandt, D. Chen, H. Drange, K. Edelvang, E. Førland, H.-C. Hansson, C. Heinze, K. Holmén, Ø. Hov, E. Jansen, T. Jóhanneson, E. Kaas, E. Källén, L. Klemedtsson, J.E. Kristjansson, N.G. Kvamstø, W. Lahoz, A. Laaksonen, J. Langner, G. Leeuw, K. Lehtinen, A. Lindroth, J.E. Olesen, H. Olafsson, A. Omstedt, J.C. Refsgaard, A. Rutgersson, B. Smith, Á. Snorrason, A. Stigebrandt, J. Strömqvist, A. Stohl, F. Stordal, G. Svensson, M. Tjernström, P. Tunved, 2008: Earth System interactions: enhancing capabilities for the prediction of global, regional and local climate change - a Nordic window of opportunity (A white paper on a proposed Nordic network in Climate and Earth System Modelling), pp 14. 5. Haeger-Eugensson, M., L. Tang, D. Chen, J. Axelsson, A. Lönnermark, H. Stripple, 2008: Spridning av föroreningar till luft från brander, IVL (Swedish Environmental Research Institute) report B-1702, pp 68. 6. Eriksson, C.D., A. Omstedt, A., D. Chen, et al., 2007: Reconstruction of river runoff to the Baltic Sea for the period 1500-1995. GEWEX Newsletter. 17 (3). 7. Achberger, C. and D. Chen, 2006: Trend of extreme precipitation in Sweden and Norway during 1961-2004. Research Report C72, ISSN 1400-383X, Earth Sciences Centre, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden, 58 pp. 8. Chen, D. and A. Walther, Moberg, A., P.D. Jones, J. Jacobeit, D. Lister, 2006: Trend atlas of the EMULATE indices. Research Report C73, Earth Sciences Centre, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden, 797 pp. 9. Galle, Bo; U. Platt, C. Oppenheimer, M. Millan, L. Alonso, D. Chen, 2006: Development of Optical Remote Sensing Instruments for Volcanological Applications -results from the EU-project DORSIVA. Cities on Volcanoes IV, Quito, 23-27. 10. Galle, B., L. Alonso, D. Chen, M. Millan, C. Oppenheimer, and U. Platt, 2005: Development of optical remote sensing instruments for volcanological applications: -results from the EU-project DORSIVA, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 07819, 2005 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-07819 . European Geosciences Union 2005. 11. Borne, K., Chen, D., Miao, J.-F., Achberger, C., Lindgren, J., Hallqvist, M., Pettersson, J., Haeger-Eugensson, M., Eliasson, I., Wyser, K., Langner, J., 2005. Data report on measurements of meteorological- and air pollution variables during the campaign GÖTE-2001. Research Report C67, 28 pp., Earth Science Centre, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden. 12. Linderholm, H., A. Walther, and D. Chen, 2005: Tren of growing season length over the great Baltic area. Research Report C69, Earth Sciences Centre, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden, 88 pp. 13. Karlsson, P.-E., H. Pleijel, M.-H. Eugensson, D. Chen, L. Tang, 2004: Lokal variation av ozonexponering i jordbruks- och skogslandskap i Sverige, IVL (Swedish Environmental Research Institute) Report, pp 48. 14. Ostwald M, Chen D, Xie Y, Knutsson P, Brogaard S, Borne K, and Chen Y. 2004. Impact of climate change and variability on local-scale land use – Shaanxi Province, China. Research Report C61, Göteborg University. 15. Wyser, K. and D. Chen, 2004: Airplane emission, ice clouds, and the regional climate of Sweden, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Climate Change (ISCC) (Beijing, China, 31 March -3 April 2003). WMO/TD-No.1172, 100-103. 16. Chen, D. and B. Johansson, 2003: Temperature’s dependency on height: a study in Indalsälvens drainage area, Hydrology of SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute), 88, pp34. 17. Chen, D., T. Wang, M. Eugensson, C. Achberger, K. Borne, 2003: Application of TAPM in Swedish west coast: Modeling results and their validation during 1999-2000, IVL (Swedish Environmental Research Institute) Report, pp 51. 18. Eugensson, M., K. Borne, D. Chen, K. Persson1, 2003: Development of New Meteorological Ventilation index for urban air quality studies, IVL (Swedish Environmental Research Institute) Report 02/70, pp 20. 19. Chen, D. and W. Qian, 2000: Precipitation record in China, Polarfront, No. 105. 20. Busuioc, A., D. Chen, and C. Hellström, 1999: Temporal and spatial variability of precipitation in Sweden over the 1890-1990 interval, Report C19, Earth Sciences Centre, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 46 pp. 21. Busuioc, A. and D. Chen, 1999: Performance of statistical downscaling models in GCM validation and regional climate change estimates: Application for Swedish precipitation, Presentation at the Conference on Detection and modeling of regional climate change, Trieste, Italy, 9-12 June, 1999. 22. Chen, D. And Y. Chen, 1999: Development and verification of a multiple regression downscaling model for monthly temperature in Sweden, in ‘Preliminary analysis and statistical downscaling of monthly temperature in Sweden’, Chen et al., Report C16, Earth Sciences Centre, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 41-55. 23. Hellström, C. And D. Chen, 1999: A 1010 km dataset of monthly temperature normals (1961-90) for Sweden, in ‘Preliminary analysis and statistical downscaling of monthly temperature in Sweden’ Chen et al., Report C16, Earth Sciences Centre, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 1-10. 24. Nunez, M., D. Chen, G. Hayden, O. Larko, C. Kuchinke, and B. Nezic, 1997: A Regional Study of Ultraviolet Radiation in the Göteborg/Koster Area of Southwest Sweden, A Report to the Swedish Radiation Protection Institute (SSI), SSI, Stockholm, pp 55. 25. Nunez, M. and D. Chen, 1997: A Comparison of urban/rural erythermal UV irradiances for Göteborg, Sweden, presented in EGS conference in Vienna, April, 1997. 26. Chen, D. and J. Kling, 1996: On the apparent thermal diffusivity and its usefulness as an indicator for non-conductive processes in soil, Biometeorology 14, Part 2 (Volume 2), Ed. A. Hocevar et al., (Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Biometeorology, September 1-8, 1996), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 10-17. 27. Chen, D. and W. Qu, 1996: Estimating the canopy resistance from standard and remotely sensed data, in’Environment and Biometeorology: The Proceedings of International Symposium on Environment and Biometeorology July 20-22, 1995, Beijing, China’, Ed. Qian Ping, China Agricultural Scientech Press, Beijing, 285-293. 28. Lohmann, G., R. Gerdes, and D. Chen, 1996: Feedback mechanisms affecting the thermohaline circulation, Proceedings of the ACSYS Conference on the Dynamics of the Arctic Climate System (Gothenburg, Sweden, 7-10 November 1994), WCRP, WMO/TD-No. 420-424. 29. Franzen, L. G. and D. Chen, 1995: Peat forming wetland and the quaternary palaeo-climate, Terra Nostra (Abstracts of the International Union for Quaternary Research XIV International Congress, August 3-10, 1995, Berlin, Vol. 2, p. 84. 30. Lohmann, G., R. Gerdes, and D. Chen, 1995: Sensitivity of the thermohaline circulation in coupled oceanic GCM-atmospheric EBM experiments, Bericht aus dem Fachbereich Physik 57, AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp 68. 31. Lohmann, G., R. Gerdes, and D. Chen, 1995: Stability of the thermohaline circulation in an analytical investigation, Bericht aus dem Fachbereich Physik 58, AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp 28. 最新的文章 1. Fan, L. and D. Chen, 2015: Trends in extreme precipitation indices across China detected using quantile regression, submitted to Atmospheric Science Letters. 2. Grundström, M., C. Hak, D. Chen, M. Hallquist, H. Pleijel, 2015: Variation and co-variation of PM10, particle number concentration, NOx and NO2 in the urban air - relationships with wind speed, vertical temperature gradient and weather type. Submitted to Atmospheric Environment. 3. Jeong, J.H., T. Ou, B.-M. Kim, S.-I. An , D. Chen, H. W. Linderholm, 2015: Seasonal Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice Concentration using S-EOF Technique, to be submitted. 4. Jin, K., F. Wang, D. Chen, Q. Jiao, L. Xia, L. Fleskens, X. Mu, 2015: Impact of urban area on the warming trend during 1955-2012 over China, submitted to Climatic Change. 5. Koutsouris, A. J., D. Chen, S. W. Lyon, 2015: Comparing global precipitation datasets in eastern Africa: a case study of Kilombero valley, Tanzania, Submitted to International Journal of Climatology. 6. Qian, W. H., K. J. Wu, and D. Chen, 2014: Is there a fourth cell in the general circulation of the atmosphere? To be submitted to Journal of Climate. 7. Shen, M., S. Piao, S.-J. Jeong, L. Zhou, Z. Zeng, P. Ciais, D. Chen, C.-S. Jin, L. Z. X. Li, Y. Li, R. B. Myneni, K. Yang, G. Zhang, Y. Zhang, T. Yao, 2015: Evaporative cooling over the Tibetan plateau induced by vegetation growth, submitted to PNAS. 8. Shi,P., F Kong,X. Bai,J. Fang,Y. Guo,Y. Liu,W. Dong,D. Gong, Z. Wei, C. He,T. Zhou,D. Yu,J. Wang,Q. Ye,R. Yu,J. Wu,D. Chen, 2015: Urbanization, industrialization and air pollution caused significant increase in heavy rainfall in China, submitted to Nature Climate Change. 9. Su, F., L. Zhang, T. Ou, D. Chen, T. Yao, and K. Tong, 2014: Hydrological response to future climate changes for the major upstream river basins in the Tibetan Plateau, submitted to Climatic Change. 10. Wang, L., X. Li, K. Yang, D. Chen, T. Koike, S. Loehrer, I. Kaihotsu, 2015: A global evaluation of the soil temperature profile from the Global Land Data Assimilation System in nine observational networks, to be submitted. 11. Xu, J., Y. Gao, D. Chen, R. Li, X. Li, L. Xiao, B. Han, Z. Li, S. Li, 2015: Evaluation of Global Climate Models for dynamic downscaling over the Tibetan Plateau, submitted to International Journal of Climatology. 12. Zhang, P., H. W. Linderholm, B. E. Gunnarson, J. Björklund, D. Chen, 2015: 1200 years of warm-season temperature variability in central Fennoscandia inferred from tree-ring density, Submitted to Climate of the Past. 主要特邀报告 1. Keynote “Evolution of climate science: moving towards transdisciplinarity?” at Agricultural Research Towards Sustainable Development Goals, organized by Agri4D, SIANI, SLU Global, Focali SLU, Future Forests and Future Agriculture, September 25-26, 2013, Uppsala. 2. Invited panelist for a public event “Climate Change: the State of the Science” in connection to the approval of the IPCC AR5 WG1, organized by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Nobel Museum, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm Environment Institute, and Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth System Sciences, September 28, 2013, Stockholm. 3. Keynote “Using the Köppen classification as a tool to quantify changes in climatic portion of ecoregions” at the SCOPE-ZHONGYU Environmental Forum 2012, organized by SCOPE, October 11-14, 2012, Taiyuan. 4. Keynote “Evolution of Climate Science: Grand Challenges”. at the Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate, organized by NPOCE and SPICE under the auspices of WCRP/CLIVAR, October 15-17, 2012, Qingdao. 5. Keynote “Grand Challenges in Earth System Science with a focus on climate” at the 31st IUBS (International Union of Biological Sciences) General Assembly and Conference on Biological Sciences and Bioindustry, July 5-9, 2012, Suzhou. 6. Invited lecture “Grand Challenges in Earth System Science with a focus on climate “, Inaugural KIT Climate Lecture, Organized by the KIT Climate and Environment Center, October 18, 2011, Karlsruhe,. 7. Invited lecture “Climate Change in an Earth Systems Science perspective”, Colloque CNSB/IUBS, Organized by International Union of Biological Sciences, 11 March, 2011, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris. 8. Keynote “Visioning: Towards a new initiative on Earth system research for global 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. sustainability research“, International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability 2011, - Building up Regional to Global Sustainability: Asia vision, Organized by the Science Council of Japan, September 14-16, 2011, Kyoto. Invited talk “Visioning: Towards a new initiative on Earth system research for global sustainability”, The 3rd Third Pole Environment (TPE) Workshop, organized by The Third Pole Environment (TPE), August 29 – September 1, 2011, Reykjavik. Keynote “Global Environmental Change Studies: Past, Present and Future”, 9th CTWF International Workshop Climate and Environmental Change: Challenges for Developing Countries, organized by CAS, TWAS, and WMO, 17-19 November 2010, Beijing, China. Keynote “The Importance of Science in GEOSS”, GEO-IGOS Symposium, organized by Group on Earth Observation (GEO), November 19, 2009, Washington, DC. Invited lecture “Atmospheric circulation and climate change over Scandinavia”, Climate Workshop on Past, Present and Future Climate, organized by University of Helsinki, November 12-14, 2008, Helsinki. Invited lecture “Application of statistical downscaling in Nordic countries”, The 2007 Rossby Day, organized by Rossby Centre, October 3, 2007, Norrköping. Keynote “Downscaling in seasonal climate prediction”, at the First Session of the Forum on Regional Climate Monitoring – Assessment – Prediction for Asia (FOCRAII), arranged and organized by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and Beijing Climate Center (BCC), April 7-9, 2005, Beijing. Keynote “Data for impact modeling in Sweden: Experiences with empirical downscaling and use of weather generator”, The Working Seminar for Climate Researchers, organized by The Research Council of Norway, April 16, 2004, Oslo. Invited lecture “Spatial scales of regional climate variation in China”, at the 20th Pacific Science Congress, Organized by Pacific Science Association, March 17-21, 2003, Bangkok. Invited lecture “Using Statistical Downscaling to Quantify the GCM-related uncertainty in climate Change Scenarios”. at the Workshop on Regional Climate Model Inter-Comparison for Asia, Organizaed by Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), and Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training (START), December 11- 13, 2001, Kobe.