LBCmagazine - Loughborough Baptist Church
LBCmagazine - Loughborough Baptist Church
Message from the Minister Wait for the gift God has promised – Acts 1: 4 To wait seems to have become the hardest thing to do. It is almost a platitude to say that we live in a hectic world; we have 24/7 news, informing us that some celebrity has hurt her toe. We have 24 hour shopping, can order our groceries at 3am in the morning and expect them to be delivered the same day. Order a book, down load it on our Kindle within seconds and read it straight away. There is no need to wait – we don’t want to wait. In a previous age there seemed have been more of a rhythm in life. Farm workers had the seasons – waiting and observing is part of a farmer’s job (this is a city dweller talking!). While craftsmen worked long hours but Sunday was a day of rest. When I first became involved in purchasing and supply, an order placed in Germany could take up to three months to arrive. By the time I left we had developed a ‘roll on roll off’ system with goods arriving every day, if we didn’t need them we would just send them back. No more waiting! Some Christian traditions include ‘waiting’ as a discipline. Over the years I have increasingly appreciated going on a silent retreat – spending time waiting for God to speak. Lent can also be seen as a time of waiting. During this waiting time, not an ‘empty time’, we talk about Lent being a time of preparation for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Strange things happen when we wait. First there is a growing impatience – something ought to happen but nothing does. There is an increase of ‘noise‘- “what are we having for tea?”, and “need to send my shoes to be repaired”! Then after some time, a stillness settles on us and there is a realisation that we don’t need to do anything, all that takes time! It seems that in this stillness God’s still small voice can speak more clearly. It is the moment when we realise we don’t need to do anything, God starts doing the doing. I have not really understood all this yet apart from appreciating the need for waiting, to be patient (which is a gift of God’s Spirit after all). So when you see me doing nothing – I might be waiting! 1 After Easter we will re-start our meditation sessions on a Thursday evening – a great opportunity ‘To Wait’. May God’s still small voice speak to you in this time of waiting for Easter Sunday Gert Holy Week Prayers We shall be holding Prayers again through Holy Week 7.45am – 8.15am in the Meeting Room. This is a very good way to share the Saviour’s journey in this most important week. If you have never come and taken part please try this year. Different people will be leading the mornings so feel free to come and join us. Words of Inspiration O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord. You hem me in behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Verses from Psalm 139 March 2015 2 News of the Fellowship We remember with thanksgiving Ernie Yeomans who died suddenly on February 13th. We pray especially for Gwyneth and all the family as they mourn Ernie, his funeral is on March 6th at 2.30 pm at LBC. We also remember Nigel Lawson who died unexpectedly in February. Nigel played drums in LBC band and will be sadly missed by his family and friends. Congratulations to Mary Coote on the birth of a great grandson, a son for Mary’s granddaughter, Isobel and her husband. We pray for those who aren’t well and others receiving treatment especially Anne Addleton, Keith and Audrey Hall, Jill Lewis. We remember our Guide and Rainbow groups and the work they do amongst girls, both are low on members and are hoping to recruit new girls to continue their groups. 40 years on – The Re-Decoration As part of our preparations for the Anniversary celebration in early June, arrangements have been made for the re-decoration of the Worship Room. Scaffolding will be erected and much of the movable furniture removed for the duration. There will be no access to the Worship Room during this period. The Worship Room will therefore be closed for the three Sundays, 8th, 15th and 22nd March. During this period Sunday Morning worship will be in the Assembly Hall, and Evening/Sunday at 4 will be in the Meeting Room. Normal arrangements will re-commence on Sunday March 29th. 3 4 40th Anniversary Celebrations Sunday 14th June 2015 A day of fellowship, worship, prayer, thanksgiving and looking to the future Plans are already moving forward; please speak to any of the people named below if you have thoughts, material or can be involved in any way Invitations Michael Tebbatt and Lynne Atkin have prepared invitations to the day. We hope to invite: Those who have or have had any connection with the church Past ministers and those who have worked within the church All those in any way connected with the church and its organisations All those in Loughborough and its surroundings who may be interested in who we are and what we do Please ask Michael for invitations to give out or send out and give positive replies to him Michael and Lilian Limb have offered to host a get together for visitors who may arrive on Saturday evening Remember Loughborough Veronica Roe is going to put information on Remember Loughborough. Worship There will be services at 10.45am and 3.30pm. These will be prepared and led by our minister Rev Gert Glasius The choir (David Gabe), the band and singing group (Pat Maisch) will provide music and the children will sing two songs (Pauline Anderson). Gillian Butcher is organising the decoration of the windows and Pat Maisch will oversee the flowers in the church 5 During the day the Spiritual Development Group will give the opportunity to share thoughts, prayers and extracts from the Bible. The fellowship of food There will be a fruit punch served in the worship room after the morning service A buffet lunch will be served (outside if the weather is suitable) with time for talking and fellowship. Geraldine Gorse +help Katie Tebbatt is making a cake to celebrate our 40 years Victoria Edwards is organising a party for the children in the millennium suite. Displays Six display boards around the church building displaying significant memorabilia from our history: 1975 The formation of the Loughborough Baptist Church, The History Group 1976-1985 Elaine Grimley 1986 – 1995 Michael Tebbatt 1996 – 2005 Julia Perry 2006 – 2014 Sheena Mammon, Daphne Hall and the Tuesday House Group 2015 and beyond Michael Limb, Pauline Anderson Please offer to help or to give material to any of these groups. Booklet Lilian Limb is willing to compile a booklet if people would like to send her their thoughts/memories etc. She will also include any messages from speakers We are looking forward to a really enjoyable and memorable day. Please pray for the occasion and involve yourself in other ways as you feel able. Margaret Thirlwell and Elaine Grimley 6 “Greening Over”! “If winter comes, can Spring be far behind”? Few signs of “greening over” yet among the trees but snowdrops and crocuses are a welcome sight! The message, politically speaking, is that “greening over” is happening as well, since the World Economic Forum in Davos met in January this year. Now our present Coalition Government has made a joint pact to end the increased and unabated coal burning, chiefly responsible for recent climate changes. This will make a great difference to capping and controlling present carbon CO2 emissions. Last year, 2014, was confirmed as the hottest year globally since records began in 1880 and for almost 40 years consecutively above the average! Both Scotland and Wales have so far blocked `fracking’ until, they say, further consultation and research have taken place. Other developing countries, Brazil, Russia, India and China have all `accepted’ the need for a cap on emissions and an obligation put on all 190 countries represented at Davos to produce their plans. For the U.S., President Obama is thought to hope of making climate change part of his final legacy. “Hope for the Future” is an ecumenical UK wide campaign by Christian Aid, Tearfund, and others to get realistic climate change policies into the manifestos of the main political parties ahead of the next General Election, May2015. It suggests three main things we can do: Firstly, prayer is essential, praying for deep compassion for God’s earth and all of those who depend upon it. Secondly, practical things we may already do, such as recycling, home insulation, using renewable energy. Finally, make sure our politicians know of our concerns. Pick up a leaflet entitled` HOPE FOR THE FUTURE’ in the foyer for ideas on how to do this. Paris 2015 is the last best chance for a global agreement on cutting carbon emissions, Let us pray that we can really make “Greening Over” a certainty for us all in the future. Hilary Cramer 7 Migrants and Asylum Seekers What are your first thoughts when you think about immigration within the UK? Is it that Britain is far too small to cope with many nationalities? Is it about benefit tourism? Is it about taking jobs away from our own workers. Is it about taking advantage of the NHS which is free at the point of entry? Do you think that Britain needs to exercise control over the number of immigrants entering the UK? There are a good many half truths about the arguments against allowing migrants to our country. But, for many who daily face the reality of hunger, poverty, death or disruption of family life, there is much more truth in their desire to escape and find peace and refuge. As a Christian church and as members belonging to LBC, do you think we should welcome strangers to our shores. Consider the following statements: 1. All asylum seekers, refugees and migrants should be treated with dignity and respect. 2. A fair and effective process to decide whether people need protection should be in place. 3. No one should be locked up indefinitely. 4. No one should be left sick or destitute in our society. 5. We should welcome the stranger and help them to integrate. These principles are outlined in detail in The Birmingham Declaration made at a conference of about 400 people on 15 November 2014. Very many different organisations have pledged themselves to supporting refugees and asylum seekers through welcoming them and through practical help. These include churches and multi faith places of worship. It is the intention of those who have signed up to the pledge to seek to recruit as many others as possible, individuals and organisations, to gain as many signatories as possible, before approaching Members of Parliament before the General Election. 8 The Loughborough Town of Sanctuary is seeking to get as many signatories (from individuals and organisations) as soon as possible. When I last reported in the Church magazine in 2014 our group, the Loughborough Town of Sanctuary, were meeting to plan and prepare for meeting and greeting asylum seekers coming to the Loughborough reporting centre (United Kingdom Border Agency) from various places but mostly from Derby, Leicester and Nottingham. We have now established ourselves as a group of about 15 volunteers who provide a few sessions per week to meet and greet people as they arrive at the Centre on the corner of South Street and Wood Gate. We are able to provide them with handouts with a message and useful information such as a map for sign posting buses etc. We give details of organisations, who can offer advice and support, if they are not already aware of them.We have started networking with these organisations which is helpful to all concerned. They include the British Red Cross, Refugee Forum and the Leicester Branch of the City of Sanctuary. We also provide vouchers for free tea or coffee (paid for by fund raising) at the community cafe in John Storer House. When the Bothy is able to open this could well be another useful resource. If our Church is willing to support The Birmingham Declaration we can find more information through the following website with links: I hope we can consider a proposal to pledge to support The Birmingham Declaration. Richard O'Connor 9 “Welcoming the Outsider” How churches can help refugees and asylum seekers Saturday 21st March 2015 9am – 2.30pm Riverside Centre, Pride Park, Derby DE24 8HY This nationally acclaimed conference will explore what you and your church can do to help vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees. It will give you a good understanding of the situation in Derby, the issues people face and the services available to help them. Workshops and seminars will equip you to understand how the asylum system works and give practical ideas on ways to help people feel welcomed into our churches and communities. We will hear from people seeking sanctuary themselves. Other contributors include Bishop Alastair, the Bishop of Derby, Deirdre Sheahan (Paragon Law), Dave Smith (Boaz Trust) and representatives from organisations supporting refugees and asylum seekers in Derby Refreshments included Lunch: £5 waged or free for volunteers TO BOOK register at "" or phone 01332 332044 Quiet Reflections Lord, re-create us fresh and new, so that we can look at life with continued expectancy and an ever-renewed sense of wonder. Help us to cast off bad habits and prejudices and allow pure thoughts and feelings to flow through us. Amen 10 Family Worker News Second Anniversary Unbelievably I have been Family Worker at the church for two years now and in a sense the time has flown by in a moment. At my party to thank all the volunteers who have helped in this, a waitress asked if I had been doing the job for 500 years. Well at times it feels like that too, as so much seems to have happened. Then if one considers all the work of Christians in their communities through the ages and our work a continuation of this; obeying Jesus’ commandment to evangelize, then yes it has been going on for 500 years and much more. Some of our young people in the church, Billy, Eduarda, Connie, Lewis, Rosie and Izzy, were splendid waiters and waitresses, making and serving cocktails under the direction of Gert. They served the food to the tables and made entertaining conversation with the guests. A huge thank you to all who came to celebrate and for all who have helped and supported me in this precious work during a second year. Now the third year has started already! 11 Super Star members enjoyed the themes of Loaves and Fishes, Valentines and Giants during February. Here are some of the children with their crafts and cooking for Valentine’s Day. More parents and children are joining us on a Monday afternoon at the Little and Rising Star Groups manly due to advertising on the Netmums site. There is nothing like a personal invitation though, so do advertise it with friends and neighbours. 12 Parentalk Our new course for parents of children from birth to early teens, giving parents a chance to share their experiences, learn from each other and explore some essential parenting values has started. Do talk to me if you are interested in joining us. It runs every Wednesday morning, 10 until 12noon, in the Family Room. The cost is £10 for the whole course, which includes crèche, course booklet, hot drinks and biscuits and snacks for the children. School Assemblies Gert and I are on the rota for the Thursday Assemblies at the CofE School in William Street. Sometimes we take an assembly together but usually we take turns. In the autumn term I spoke about Harvest and Gert, Faithfulness and then we did the Advent one together. A couple of weeks ago my theme was Wise and Foolish and so I got children out to act a story of King Solomon, the two women and a baby, and then organised groups to act out the parable of the wise and foolish builders. The children at this school listen very well, join in responsibly and sing beautifully. Visiting ministers are invited to Christian Question Time, after the assembly they have led, when three children are chosen from each of the years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to come and question the visitor about their faith. This is a very special time to share personal faith and values. The children are pleased to have been chosen and they ask quite searching questions. This is almost the best part of the visit. Film Club members have had a very busy time in February, not only watching films and being waiters and waitresses (see photograph on page 12), but also running a coffee morning on February 14th. This raised £100 for church expenses. Many thanks to those who supported us. 13 3rd February 2015 Maleficent U (1914) A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. 17th February2015 A Fault in our Stars 12 (2014) and Mission without Permission’ PG (2004) Two teenagers, who both have different cancer conditions, fall in love after meeting at a cancer support group. A girl and her two friends raid a bank, looking for the money needed for financing the cure of her dying father. We started this session with pancakes before splitting into two groups to watch the above films. I was with the latter group and we thoroughly enjoyed this action packed film. We like the way that it all came together at the end and the way the community all came together to raise the money to cure the girl’s father. I understand the other group appreciated the film and a few tissues were needed. So two happy films for Shrove Tuesday… Requests for your prayers For all our volunteers that work with children and young people at our church For the new families coming to our community every week and joining our vast array of groups and worshipping with us For Film Club as the membership expands For our new PARENTALK Group. Please pray for the planning and the participants, that we have a happy time meeting together, rejoicing in the good times and helping each other through the tough times. Pray for our church as we continue to journey through Lent, learning more about nurturing a healthy church. May this impact on our spiritual and religious life and bring us closer to God Pauline <> 14 Jonah and the Whale was the topic for our February Messy Church. The photographs inside the whale of most of those attending have been posted in the foyer and will be ready for the children to take home in March. The story is a good story and we wanted to concentrate on Jonah’s relationship with God and learn that, in spite of being reluctant at first, Jonah did what was right in the end –this is often the case with us! We had a whale of a time doing the activities – making whales out of play dough, pinning the tail on the whale and hooking a whale, making whale biscuits, making whales using origami, clothes pegs, Hamma beads and paper plates. We also wrote prayers about things we should do but often didn’t want to do. In our worship we sang a song about Jonah and looked at the things we had made. We had whale fingers for tea! We had five students helping with Messy Church organised through Loughborough Students’ Union. We were very pleased to welcome them and they made a valuable contribution to the session. They also said that they enjoyed the meal which they shared with us! We hope that they will be able to come and join us again. In our Messy Church meeting we decided that we would like to give the children who attend Messy Church a Bible in our session in July. If you would like to enable us to do this then please put the money (about £6.00 will buy a Bible, but any contribution will be very gratefully received and used) in an envelope marked with MESSY CHURCH BIBLE and hand to one of the Messy Church leaders. We shall be looking at Zacchaeus on the first Wednesday in March. Please remember us in your prayers and come along and have a look if you would like to. Messy Church Team 15 BWL th On Tuesday January 27 , Margaret gave us a word tour of Beaumanor Hall. The hall has a very long history, the first house being built between 1842 – 1848 for William Perry Herrick. Notably from wherever he looked out from the hall all the land he could see belonged to him. Very interesting Margaret and thank you for arranging an actual tour for Thursday rd September 3 . th On Tuesday February 20 Alan Speight gave us a lovely collection of songs from all down the ages from his own Grandfather’s singing days (the foot stamping sergeant), the lovely lyrics of Sea Fever and the wonderful Danny Boy. The Speights have a family tradition of operatic and theatre appearances. Today Alan’s two daughters are part of the town’s theatrical entertainment. Thank you Alan, long may it continue. Baptist Women’s Fellowship When you read this contribution, two of the friends/speakers of BWF will be far away, Jill Abell in the mountains of Peru and Colin Molyneaux in Kenya. Our prayers and best wishes went with them. th Colin visited the meeting on January 20 ; Colin makes different models of wheel chairs and takes them for trial in Kenya so that those that are most useful can be copied in the Children’s Centre. His latest, which he brought to the meeting, was converted from an old wheelchair to meet the needs for a child’s off-road version. He named it the th ‘born-again’ wheelchair. Colin and his friends were flying out on Feb 8 with permission to take 4 different models. He told of children growing physically, mentally and spiritually at the centre and of 2 children who are moving on to higher education. If you have a wheel chair no longer needed, I know a man who could use it! See me, Barbara. th January 27 Margaret Dumbleton, one of our members, showed pictures and told stories of her recent holiday in Jordan. The group started in the north of the country overlooking the Dead Sea, visiting the site of Herod’s palace where John the Baptist was beheaded and Mount Nebo where 16 Moses viewed the Promised Land. They travelled by the River Jordan visiting places connected with Jesus, Jacob and Esau, and then on to Amman, a mixture of ancient and modern. As they followed the road south they met Bedouins and took refreshment in their tents, finishing the journey by the Red Sea and visiting Petra. A wonderful, unforgettable holiday meeting very friendly people. rd February 3 Andrew and Sue Smith visited us to tell of ‘Canal Ministries – sharing God’s love on the waterways’ there are 7 boats engaged in this mission. We heard the story of how Andrew and Sue became evangelists, living on the boat, travelling round; talking to people they meet on and by the canals. They also visit churches and schools to share their experiences and their faith. They told stories of people they have met, been able to help and seen changed lives. They are always ready to pray for and with others and give away bibles/ new testaments as appropriate. Their faith and dependence on God shone through the stories and we wished them well for the future. th February 10 David Pearce’s bible reading was 1 Corinthians 13, he spoke on verse 12, seeing a poor reflection in a mirror (M.DIV.). His thoughts encompassed - paintings and photographs not showing people as they are; airbrushing pictures of celebrities; not seeing ourselves as others see us, only our reflections in mirrors; history being changed or manipulated according to the recorders; looking at others and only skimming the surface. Only God knows us through and through and sees and knows the whole story. You would be very welcome to join us on Tuesday afternoons at 2.30 pm. Future Events rd March 3 th March 10 th March 17 th March 24 st March 31 th April 7 Annual general Meeting Elizabeth Heath David Hams Pamela Bird Rev David Butcher Easter Holiday 17 Monday Nighters Our programme for March is as follows :Monday 2nd March "The World for a Shilling" David Jones Monday 16th March David and Valerie Green Please note that we shall not meet on 6th April as this is a Bank Holiday. Our Aim is Friendship Holiday @ Home 2015 This will be held July 13th- 19th There will be activities on Monday 13th, Wednesday 15th, Friday 17th and Sunday 19th Please book these dates now. Further details will be available from May onwards 18 Rotas for March CHURCH FLOWERS Mar 1st Rhian Green 8th 15th 22nd 29th Joan Pennock Diana Grant Richard O’Connor Maria & Nick’s wedding CRECHE Anne Speight, Shade Ojo, Sarah Togerson Brenda Newton, Margot Gabe Pauline Anderson, Penny Griffin Hoa Davies, Sheena Mammen Hilary Cramer, Jillian Beresford SATURDAY STEWARDS COFFEE MORNINGS Mar 7th 14th 21st 28th Berhampur Hospital Stan Cramer Richard O’Connor David Gabe John Knights B.W.F. Rainbows CHURCH STEWARDS Mornings Mar 1st Roy Davies, Peter Taylor, Anne Lockley 8th Sheena Mammen, Sarah Togerson, Shade Ojo th 15 Aby Mammen. Sarah Togerson, Lililan Limb nd 22 Katie Tebbatt, Margot Gabe, Anne Speight Evenings in March: Katie Tebbatt and Kathleen Marsh Items for the March magazine should be handed into the office or sent to [email protected] by NOON on Sunday March 22nd 19 Calendar for March Sun 1st 10.45 6.00 Family Worship: Big Questions ‘Why is your religion better than your neighbour?’ Evening Communion Service: ‘Our Father who is in heaven’ Matt 6: 9 - 14 Wed 4th Fri 6th Sat 7th 3.30 12.45 6.30 Messy Church Luncheon Club Link Up Sun 8th 10.45 Family Worship: Gen 12: 1-9 ‘The call of Abram’ Evening Worship: Matt 18:1 – 9 ‘May your kingdom come’’ 6.00 Sun 15th 10.45 4.00 Fri 20th 12.45 Sun 22nd 10.45 6.00 Sun 29th 10.45 6.00 Week beginning March 30th Mothering Sunday Margaret Thirlwell Sunday @ Four Tony Hailey: Regional Minister Luncheon Club Family Worship : Pulpit Exchange: Revd Roy Monks Music for Passion Week Joint Choir Service at Trinity Church Palm Sunday Service Matt 21: 1 - 17 Evening Worship: Matt 18: 21-35 ‘Forgive us our debts’ Holy Week Prayers each morning 7.45 to 8.15 am 20