pdfList of participants - European Microfinance Week 2014
pdfList of participants - European Microfinance Week 2014
list of participants 74 – European Microfinance Week 2014 FIRST NAME Violette Anja Nadia Bruce Mathilde Emmanuel Marina Deepa Sarah Ligia Maria Magalie Olivia Laura Gilles Matthew Bénédicte Miguel Sally Benjamin Sami Olivier Wendy Léa Joaquim Bruno Carla David Juana Francesca Guy Frédéric Abraham Paul Luc Olivier Isabelle Diana Erika Johannes Marcel Lilian Miriam Trushna Pauline Jean-Gabriel Jean-Hugues Raphael Eneida Mathilde Marie-Laure Caroline Medha Rüdiger Ulrich Youssef Anouk Florent Andreas Ingunn LAST NAME CUBIER SHAFER VAN DE WALLE MACDONALD GASTON-MATHÉ MOYART ABBOUD BOODHOOA CANETTI CASTRO MONGE DURDUX FECHNER FOSCHI FRANCK GENAZZINI GODEFROID GONZALEZ VARGAS KELLY MACKAY MASRI MASSART MEDRANO MERINO MONTEIRO OBEGI PALOMARES QUIEN RAMIREZ RANDAZZO REGNIER RUAZ SCHIM VAN DER LOEFF SURREAUX VANDEWEERD MUGABONAKE MONTFORT CAZACU BÜRKLE BUSCHMEIER PAPE STEINHAEUSER CHEROGONY PATEL ANGOSO DAYRE DE FONT-RÉAULX DE GUERRE DEL HIERRO D’ORGEVAL GARNIER ROZIERES WILSON MEISTER PICKMEIER BENCHEQROUN AGNES TROUILLER ANDERSEN NESJE ORGANISATION ABC Microfinance / Babyloan Accion International Accion International, The Smart Campaign Accion Iternational ACP/EU MICROFINANCE ACP/EU MICROFINANCE ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADA ASBL ADFINANCE LTD Advans Advision Finance BV AFC Consultants International AFC Consultants International AFC Consultants International AFC Consultants International AFRACA Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance Agence Française de Développement Agence Française de Développement Agence Française de Développement Agence Française de Développement Agence Française de Développement Agence Française de Développement Agence Française de Développement Agence Française de Développement Agora Microfinance Partners LLP Akademie Deutscher Genossenschaften ADG Akademie Deutscher Genossenschaften ADG Al Amana Microfinance ALFI Allen & Overy Alliance Microfinance AS Alliance Microfinance AS COUNTRY France USA USA USA Belgium Belgium Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Costa Rica Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Rwanda France The Netherlands Germany Germany Germany Germany Kenya Switzerland France France France France France France France France United Kingdom Germany Germany Morocco Luxembourg Luxembourg Norway Norway European Microfinance Week 2014 – 75 FIRST NAME Tim Irène Caterina Sofie Khaddouj Zakaria Kimanthi Harelimana Sam Aurélien Anne Rolando Luis Fernando Tisiana Josée Mahmoud Aafke Maria Florencia Aski Rani Lestari Mwile Alexis Gustavo Robbie Bert-Jan Evgenia Jesse Samuel Guy Claudia Benjamin Shameran Jan Kurt Michael Amana Samuel Lyneth L. Lourdes Katherine Danielle Deborah Catalina Armenuhi Khayyam Marie Anna Bonnie Cécile Patrick Antonique Michael Christian Nikesh Jared Antoine Erol Thomas Fred Olivier Wolfram Emmanuelle 76 LAST NAME RADJY ANGOT GIORDANO DESMET GHARBI JEBBOURI MUTUA JEAN BOSCO MENDELSON HOLLARD CONTRERAS VICTORIA FERNANDEZ BAGUET THYES MANSOUR VAN SPRUNDEL PAMPURO CATRANTI DARTYANI KAUZENI LOSSEAU FERRO HOGERVORST OTTENS PAPOULA BLOEMENDAAL LEFEVRE ROZAS BELLI JULIEN ABED BERGMANS MOORS KORTENBUSCH NCHE DEREQUITO DIJAN HUGHES PISKADLO DRAKE MARTINEZ MKRTCHYAN ISMAYILOV BÉNARD BRUSKY LAPENU REICHERT KONING TARAZI HEBERLE ADHIKARI PENNER FLIPO ÖZBILEN BLAISE WERNECK ERVYN HIEMANN JAVOY – European Microfinance Week 2014 ORGANISATION AlphaMundi Group Alterfin cvba Alterfin cvba Alterfin cvba AMSSF/MC AMSSF/MC AMT AQUADEV Arc Finance Arendt & Medernach Arendt & Medernach / e-MFP ASKI Asociación Promujer de México, A.C. ATTF ATTF Autorité de contrôle de la Microfinance (ACM) Awareness Initiatives Banco de Provincia de Buenos Aires Bank Indonesia Bank Indonesia Bank of Tanzania Bio-invest Blue Rhino Blue Rhino Blue Rhino Blue Rhino Blue Rhino BNP Paribas BNP Paribas BNP Paribas / e-MFP Boulder Institute of Microfinance BRAC BRS BRS - Microfact Business & Finance Consulting GmbH Cameroon Cooperative Credit Union League (CamCCUL) CARD Bank Inc. CARD Bank Inc. CARE International UK Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion International Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion International Center for Microfinance - University of Zurich Central Bank of Armenia Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan CERISE CERISE CERISE CERMi - Universite Libre de Bruxelles CGAP CGAP CH Consulting Chhimek Laghubitta Bikas Bank Child and Youth Finance International Citibank International plc - Luxembourg Branch Citibank International plc - Luxembourg Branch Citibank International plc - Luxembourg Branch Clarmondial GmbH Consultant Consultant Consultant COUNTRY Switzerland Belgium Belgium Belgium Morocco Morocco Kenya Rwanda United Kingdom Luxembourg Luxembourg The Philippines Mexico Luxembourg Luxembourg Tunisia The Netherlands Argentina Indonesia Indonesia Tanzania Belgium The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands France France France France Bangladesh Belgium Belgium Switzerland Cameroon Philippines Philippines United Kingdom USA USA Switzerland Armenia Azerbaijan France France France Belgium France USA Germany Nepal The Netherlands Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Switzerland Belgium Germany France FIRST NAME Waminuku Yves Rossana Maren Hannah Pete Angel Resi Saugata Joseph Anthony Laura Fernando Lotte LAST NAME MANZAMBI MATHIEU RAMIREZ RICHTER SIEDEK SPARREBOOM VERASTEGUI JANSSEN BANDYOPADHYAY MAJI DEGOUVE HEMRIKA LUCANO URIOSTE NORDHUS Barbara Nicolas Sebastian Sadina Marc Alexandre Geert Jan Stephanie Adriaan Lukas Rim Tounsi Eugénie Marie Justina Paul Davide Frank Edvardas Francesco Yves Maria Luisa Vanessa Xavier Jesper Adela Perrine Riccardo Samuel Caroline Gabriela Christoph Daniel Marja Niamh Michel Dominique Marilù Dayana Nikiema DOSWELL KARAMBADZAKIS BEHRLE BINA ELVINGER HÜBSCHER SCHUITE GARCIA VAN GOOL LOEFF WELLEN REKIK CONSTANCIAS FORGET SHEYA THOMAS LIBRALESSO BETZ BUMSTEINAS CONSIGLIO FERREIRA FERREIRA MERKER MOMMENS PERSSON SVOBODOVA POUGET AGUGLIA CLAUSE LENTZ ERICE GARCÍA PAUSCH ROZAS VÄISÄNEN WATTERS AWONO CARRIOU DI MAURO AZOR PASEKBA SARATA LAURENCE SAVARESE AYISI CAPOLAGHI DE PUNDERT DE PUNDERT Claudia Jonathan Motoase Laurent Marja Marieke ORGANISATION Consultant Consultant Consultant Consultant Consultant Consultant COPEME Cordaid CRDB Bank Plc CRDB Bank Plc CREDIT COOPERATIF Credit Suisse / e-MFP cyrano Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH ECLOF International ECLOF International EDiRA - Economic Development in Rural Areas EKI Microfinance Foundation Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen Enclude BV Enclude BV Enclude BV Enclude/Voice of the Client Enda inter arabe Entrepreneurs du Monde Entrepreneurs du Monde Ernst & Young LLP ESAF Microfinance and Investments Etimos Foundation European Investment Bank European Investment Bank European Investment Bank European Investment Bank European Investment Bank European Investment Bank European Investment Bank European Investment Bank European Investment Bank European Investment Bank / e-MFP European Investment Fund European Investment Fund European Microfinance Network European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) European Microfinance Programme European Microfinance Programme European Microfinance Programme European Microfinance Programme European Microfinance Programme COUNTRY Congo DR Belgium USA Germany Luxembourg France Peru The Netherlands Tanzania Tanzania France Switzerland France Germany Switzerland Germany Denmark Bosnia And Herzegovina Luxembourg Luxembourg The Netherlands United Kingdom The Netherlands The Netherlands Tunisia France France The Netherlands India Italy Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Belgium Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium European Microfinance Programme European Microfinance Programme-ULB EY Luxembourg family foundation family foundation Belgium Belgium Luxembourg Belgium Belgium European Microfinance Week 2014 – 77 78 FIRST NAME Suha Marius Eamon Gemma Sylvia Matteo Eelko Bram Alain-Serge Friday Adeeb Kimberley Arno Hatem Bert Frederik Jan Emiliano Pablo Diego Luigi Maria Cristina Nazha Willemien Carola LAST NAME SHAKHSHER KAHL SCULLIN FERST WISNIWSKI SNIDERO BRONKHORST PETERS LUBLEO MIMBU NWOKOLO SHARAF WILSON DE VETTE MAHBOULI RICHLY BRINKENBERG VAN DEN BOSCH ESTRADA OBEID DAGRADI NEGRO HMAMOUCHE LIBOIS MENZEL Veronica Bernard Bastian Judith Karen Jerry Bernadette Jürgen Jean-Luc Julie Elodie Kalpana Josefine Juliette André Ninoslav Gregory Jonathan Christiane Frederic Alan Bruno Francesco Ekkehart Julie Johann Michel Bart Walter Adriana Christophe Arnaud Patrick Aurélie Karine Mauro LOPEZ-SABATER ORNILLA THOELE FRICKENSTEIN LOSSE SKEES BLOM HAMMER PERRON PEACHEY GOUILLAT SANKAR LINDANGE DAVID OERTEL VRCELJ WHYE AGWE KUHN PONSOT MOORE DUNKEL GRIECO SCHMIDT BOUCHAT HERTZ MAQUIL DE BRUYNE TUKAHIIRWA BALDUCCI CHABAUD GILLIN GOODMAN MOREAU PINGET MARTINI – European Microfinance Week 2014 ORGANISATION FATEN Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Fern Software Finance in Motion Finance in Motion Finance in Motion Financial Access FINCA International FINCA RDC S.A. First City Monument Bank First MicroFinance Institution Syria Fletcher School Tufts University FMO FMO FMO FMO FONCAP SA FONCAP SA Fondazione Giordano Dell’Amore Fondazione Giordano Dell’Amore FONDEP Micro-Credit Frankfurt School of Finance & Management GmbH Frankfurt School of Finance & Mnagement / Frankfurt School-UNEP Collaborating Centre FUNDACION AFI GAIA GFA Consulting Group GIZ GIZ GlobalAgRisk Goodwell Advisory Services Grameen Credit Agricole Microfinance Foundation Grameen Credit Agricole Microfinance Foundation Grameen Foundation GRET Hand in Hand India Hand in Hand International HORUS Development Finance HORUS Development Finance Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG IFAD IFAD IFAD ILCUF Impulse Europe Impulse Europe INAISE, International Association of Investors in Social Economy Inclusive Finance Network Luxembourg Asbl Inclusive Finance Network Luxembourg Asbl Inclusive Finance Network Luxembourg Asbl Independent consultant Independent consultant Innpact Innpact Innpact Innpact Innpact International Finance Corporation International Fund for Agricultural Development - IFAD COUNTRY Palestine Germany United Kingdom Germany Germany Germany The Netherlands Uganda Congo DR Nigeria Syria USA The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands Argentina Argentina Italy Italy Morocco Kenya Germany Spain Honduras Germany Germany Germany USA The Netherlands France Luxembourg USA France India United Kingdom France France Austria Belgium Italy Italy France Ireland Belgium Belgium Germany Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Belgium Uganda Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Morocco Italy FIRST NAME Jo Patricia Séverine Sebastien Fatima Zohra Abdelkarim Ahmed Annette Irina Olesya Dariia Christian Mariama Silvia David Kaspar Guillaume Eleanor Annemarie Sachin S Geneviève Alok Sebastian Ratna Regis Franklin Bob Mamuka Raluca Noara Hadley Aldo Francesca Damian Justus Oliver Ali Amel Nawele Eric Richard Martine Marc Jeffrey Daniel Michael Daisy Joost Arthur Annemarie Marjola Josien Laura Gunter Alex Georgina Xavier Alexis Michael LAST NAME DE HOLLANDER RICHTER DEBOOS BOYE BENSAID FARAH LAASRI DETKEN EICHENAUER PAUKOVA TOGUZBAEVA HERTZ SENE CASALE GORJON WANSLEBEN BONNEL DE ROSMORDUC ARENS VANKALAS HENGEN MISRA GROH VISWANATHAN DOCK ODOEMENAM SUMMERS MACHAVARIANI DUMITRESCU KEBIR TAYLOR MOAURO PANTANI VON STAUFFENBERG NJERU OEHRI OUERGHI ZAOUI BEN ROMDHANE DHRIF LAMPERTZ PHILIPPART SCHOMMER BICHLER BINSTOCK DOUGLASS RAUENHORST FILOCRE DE LA RIVE BOX SLETTEBERG MASTENBROEK TREBELS-VAN BOLHUIS SLUIJS GÄRTNER JANSEN SILVA VASQUEZ CHANTRAINE SURUN KNAUTE ORGANISATION International Labour Organisation International Labour Organisation International Labour Organization Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) JAIDA JAIDA JAIDA KfW Development Bank KfW Development Bank Kompanion Financial Group Kompanion Financial Group Linklaters LLP Linklaters LLP LMDF LMDF LMDF Lombard Odier Luxembourg for Finance LuxFLAG LuxFLAG MAE / Development Cooperation Department M-CRIL ME SOLshare MFIN MFX Solutions Micro Investment Consultancy Services Ltd MicroCapital MICROCREDIT MicroEnergy International MicroEnergy International MicroEnergy International Microfinanza Rating srl Microfinanza Rating srl MICRORATE MicroSave Consulting Ltd MIL Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances Ministère de l’Investissement et de la Coopération Internationale COUNTRY Luxembourg Switzerland Switzerland France Morocco Morocco Morocco Germany Germany Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Switzerland Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg India Bangladesh India Belgium Nigeria USA Georgia Germany Germany Germany Italy Italy Peru Kenya Liechtenstein Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Européennes Ministère des Affaires étrangères et Européennes Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Européennes Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Européennes / e-MFP MIX MIX Moody’s Analytics My Transfer Netherlans ROIM NMI AS NpM Platform for Inclusive Finance NpM Platform for Inclusive Finance NpM Platform for Inclusive Finance / e-MFP Oikocredit Oikocredit Omtrix Omtrix OXUS Development Network OXUS Development Network OXUS Development Network / e-MFP Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg USA USA USA Brazil The Netherlands Norway The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands Costa Rica Costa Rica France France France European Microfinance Week 2014 – 79 80 FIRST NAME Marion Jacinta Claire Philippe Maylis Alexandra Marie-Sophie Aurelie Champey Delphine Azalea Simon Vanessa Luca Edouard Patrick Jose Antonio Asma Andreas Matthieu Olivier Saleh Eveline Rogier Pierre Zacchaeus I. Rafael Ivan Aracely Hamadoun Kaerim Vibeka Kevin Muhammad Murtaza Marcella Bun Ariane Pauline Clement Isabelle Alexandra Arif LAST NAME ALLET KAMEMBA OZANNE BREUL LUNA SANCHEZ TAR WILDT ADRIEN BAZALGETTE CARISCH PRIOLLAUD QUINTERO GIACOPELLI SERS WOYAGA SANCHEZ REHMAT DROSSEL LAUZIER ROUSSEL KHAN KERSTEN ROMBOUTS VAN HEDEL SYENGO FERNÁNDEZ-FONT GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ SONDE CHATTI MAIR FRYATT MURTAZA CORSI MONY APPEL BENSOUSSAN OFOSU-NTIAMOAH BARRÈS RIZZI MIKAYILOV Laura Liubov Kristina Leonie Valentina Laurent Marc François Thierry Niclaus Bjørn Stian Narda FOOSE KIRILOVA TABAKOVA MBEUNTCHA PATETTA BIOT MEES LEGAC DEFENSE BERGMANN HELLGREN SOTOMAYOR Charles Christoffer Nelly RUYS DAHLBERG ELIMBI – European Microfinance Week 2014 ORGANISATION PAMIGA PAMIGA PAMIGA PHB Development PHB Development PHB Development PHB Development PHB Development Planet Finance PlaNet Finance PlaNet Finance Planet Finance PlaNet Finance Planet Finance / University Meets Microfinance Planet Rating Post Bank Uganda Pro Mujer Nicaragua LLC Punjab Micro Finance Network (PMFN) PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative PwC Luxembourg PwC Luxembourg PwC Switzerland Rabobank Foundation Rabobank Foundation Rabobank Foundation / e-MFP Rafiki Bank Recyhub REDCAMIF REDCAMIF Réseau Caisse Populaire Burkina Faso (FCPB) Responsability Investments AG Responsible Investor Risk Management Initiative in Microfinance (RIM) Rural Community Development Society (RCDS) Sapienza University of Rome Sathapana Limited SCBF - Swiss Capacity Building Facility SciencesPo Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans Smart Campaign Smart Campaign at CFI, Accion Social Fund for the Development of IDPs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Social Performance Task Force Software Group BG Ltd Software Group BG Ltd Solvay Business School Solvay ULB - EMP Programme SOS Faim Belgium SOS Faim Belgium SOS Faim Luxembourg SOS Faim Luxembourg Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation Strømme Microfinance Superintendency of Banking, Insurance Companies and Private Pension Funds- Peru Support CU Development Sierra Leone/ EACH B.V. Symbiotics Symbiotics COUNTRY France Kenya France Belgium The Netherlands United Kingdom The Netherlands United Kingdom France France Germany France France Germany France Uganda Nicaragua Pakistan Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Switzerland The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands Kenya Belgium Nicaragua Nicaragua Burkina Faso Switzerland United Kingdom USA Pakistan Italy Cambodia Switzerland France Ghana USA USA Azerbaijan USA Bulgaria Bulgaria Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Luxembourg Luxembourg Germany Norway Peru The Netherlands Switzerland South Africa FIRST NAME Mariel Sumaiya Bayarsaikhan Oghenerobo Bright Arthanareeswaran Olivier Rita John Davide Cécile Jules Theoneste LAST NAME MENSINK SAJJAD DEMBERELDASH OKRIKRI CHELLADURAI DEITERS DE BOER BERGERON FORCELLA GODFROID NDAHAYO ORGANISATION Terrafina Microfinance The MasterCard Foundation The Microfinance Development Fund The Rol Modell Int’l Thenaaru KGFS Triodos Investment Management B.V. Triodos Investment Management B.V. Truelift ULB-CERMi UMONS Umutanguha Finance Ltd COUNTRY The Netherlands Canada Mongolia Nigeria India The Netherlands The Netherlands USA Belgium Belgium Rwanda François Hermann Maria Mariacristina David Sophie Shreeti Rita Nikolaos Giulia Zekiyu Jemal Shifat Frédéric Mathilde R.L. Davide Laura Hans Dieter Hayyan COUPIENNE MESSAN PERDOMO ROSSI BESKOW WIESNER KATWAL MELI PANAGIOTOPOULOS PORINO MOHAMMED SHARMIN HUYBRECHS MAITROT CASTELLANI VIGANÒ SEIBEL ALIA Belgium Ethiopia Senegal Italy USA Luxembourg Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium United Kingdom Italia Italy Germany France Bernd Virginie Anisa Chicot Sandra Debashis Shahadat Joseph Javier César Jonathan Nicholas Scott Cristian Sebastian Anna Ian Rodica Bold Delgermaa Christina Carlos Patrice Zagd Mereena Eric Luz Elena BALKENHOL TRACHSEL ABDUL RAHMAN EBOUE KENDO SARKER HOSSAIN HEWITT SIERRA PIERNA DE LA CRUZ FU MEAKIN BROWN JURMA CANO GINCHERMAN RADCLIFFE LEVITCHI MAGVAN ZAGD AGUDO ALFONSO DELADRIER DELGERMAA PAUL SILE WONG UNCDF UNCDF UNCDF Uni Turin United States Miliatary Academy Universität Bayreuth Université Libre de Bruxelles Université Libre de Bruxelles Université Libre de Bruxelles Université Libre de Bruxelles Université Libre de Bruxelles Université Libre de Bruxelles University of Antwerp - IOB University of Bath University of Bergamo University of Bergamo University of Cologne / e-MFP University of Franche-Comte and Burgundy School of Business (ESC-Dijon) University of Geneva University of Geneva University of London External Program University of Lorraine University of Lorraine, Faculty of Law and Economics University of Mons – CERMi University of Mons – CERMi University of Nottingham University of Salamanca University of Zurich University of Zurich, Centre for Microfinance Urwego Opportunity Bank VisionFund International VITAS Vlerick Business School Women’s World Banking WSBI / e-MFP Mambu XacBank LLC XacBank LLC France Switzerland Singapore France France Belgium Belgium United Kingdom Spain Switzerland Switzerland Rwanda United Kingdom Romania Belgium USA Belgium Switzerland Mongolia Mongolia Luxembourg United Arab Emirates Belgium European Microfinance Week 2014 – 81