armchairs - sofas - benches - chaise longues - chairs
armchairs - sofas - benches - chaise longues - chairs
. WARNINGS GENERAL SALES AND DELIVERY CONDITIONS The present price list substitutes all previous and costitutes as integral part of our catalogues and our collections. The current price list is expressed in Euro. RETAIL PRICE LIST The present price list is relative to the commercial European area. On this price list, retailers have a discount which is to be agreed upon with our sales office. For sales made in Italy, VAT will be applied to the net discounted price. ***** 1) Customer own material Fabrics and leather supplied by the customers must arrive free of any charge for IPE, otherwise they will be refused. The fabric requirement, which is indicated in this price list, refers to plain fabrics, of height 140 cm. For other kinds of fabric or velvet, the necessary quantity must be requested from our offices every time. Combinations of fabrics If the requested covering is to be made with coordinated fabrics of different categories, the price applied will be that of the higher category. 2) Measurements and characteristics of the products The measurements indicated in our catalogues and price list are in cm. and concern the total encumbrance of the item, including any protuberance. Minimum variations in size with respect to dimensions indicated are possible. IPE reserves the right to make eventual aesthetic, technical or constructive variations without prior warning, in order to improve the products. 3) Fabrics and leathers Fabrics and leathers in our catalogue of samples are to be considered as samples of the quality and are indicative regarding colour. As it is not technically possible to guarantee the same tonality in time, IPE cannot be held responsible for possible tone differences in comparison with the sample or colour differences among products made in different periods. 4) Leather characteristics Eventual natural imperfections which may be noted on the surface of the leathers are in fact the characteristic and the virtue of “full grain workmanship” and guarantees the authenticity of the leather. The chemical products necessary for the production of the leather, used during the tanning, dyeing and finishing of the raw materials, do not contain noxious substances for the health and for the environment. 5) Washing IPE does not guarantee the inalterability of fabrics which undergo any form of washing. On request, before the sewing of the covers, the fabrics may be pre-washed and ironed. In this case an ulterior cost will be added per linear metre to the invoice, cost to be agreed upon each time with our Sales Office. 6) Delivery terms The delivery terms indicated in the order confirmations are approximate. No penalties or responsabilities due to delayed delivery will be accepted.. 7) Deliveries All articles produced are packed in cardboard or wooden boxes, the packaging is considered in view of the nature of the goods, the weight and the dimensions of every single piece. The number of packages and their condition must be carefully checked by the receiver . Any shortage or damage has to be notified to the forwarding agent or courier, immediately and before the receipt of the goods, being them the only responsible. 8) Transport In the case of transport being “free delivered”, should the value of the invoiced goods be less than Euro 850,00, a fixed amount of Euro 50,00 will be added to the final invoice for costs incurred. 9) Claims Any kind of claim must by made within 8 (eight) days from the receipt of the goods. The claims must be detailed and precise and always accompanied by photographs of both the goods and the packaging. 10) Returns The return of goods will not be accepted unless expressly authorised in writing. The returned goods have to be delivered, at the customers’ expense to our warehouse. The amount of the possible credit will be agreed upon each time. 11) For any controversy which may arise between the parts, the Bologna law courts will have exclusive competence. Zola Predosa, January 2014 . VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model AGON Description Price Capitonné armchair Ø 99 cm. H.75 - Option: swivel base AGON BIG Price in leather ALBION (sqm) 140 cm.) 2.665,00 2.665,00 5,00 6,80 Capitonné armchair Ø 130 cm. H.75 3.411,00 3.411,00 8,50 12,00 204,00 Sofa 270x100 h.76 cm. 14,50 + with 3 seat cushions for pipings in 21,00 leather pipings 2,00 (we recommend n.5 loose cushions 67x55 cm. 4.658,00 5.344,00 mq. 2,00 Sofa 240x100 h.76 cm. 12,50 + with 3 seat cushions for pipings in 20,00 leather pipings 2,00 (we recommend n.4 loose cushions 67x55 cm. 4.513,00 4.857,00 NOT INCLUDED) mq. 2,00 Sofa 210x100 h.76 cm. 12,50 + with 2 seat cushions (we recommend n.3 loose cushions 67x55 cm. 4.399,00 4.658,00 for pipings in 19,00 leather pipings 2,00 mq.2,00 Sofa 180x100 h.76 cm. 11,50 + with 2 seat cushions for pipings in 18,50 leather pipings 2,00 (we recommend n.3 loose cushions 67x55 cm. 3.964,00 3.901,00 NOT INCLUDED) ALBION Leather needed included) NOT INCLUDED) ALBION (lm. in height included) NOT INCLUDED) ALBION Fabric needed 158,00 - Option: swivel base ALBION Price in fabric (price of fabric not (price of leather not mq. 2,00 6,00 + Armchair 102x100 h.76 cm. (we recommend n.1 loose cushion 67x55 cm. - NOT INCLUDED) 1 2.922,00 3.104,00 for pipings in 11,00 leather pipings 1,50 mq. 1,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) ALBION MODULAR ALBION MODULAR ALBION Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Side element (right or left) 13,00 + 235x100 h.76 cm. for pipings in 19,50 leather pipings 2,00 (we recommend n.5 loose cushions 67x55 cm. 4.047,00 4.266,00 NOT INCLUDED) mq. 2,00 Side element (right or left) 12,50 + 205x100 h.76 cm. for pipings in 18,50 leather pipings 2,00 (we recommend n.4 loose cushions 67x55 cm. 3.850,00 4.014,00 NOT INCLUDED) mq. 2,00 Side element (right or left) 12,00 + 175x100 h.76 cm. for pipings in 18,00 leather pipings 2,00 MODULAR (we recommend n.3 loose cushions 67x55 cm. ALBION Loose cushion 67x55 cm. 3.726,00 3.892,00 NOT INCLUDED) mq. 2,00 1,50 + 155,00 175,00 for pipings in 2,00 leather mq. 0,05 Armchair 83x89 H 112 cm ALICE 7,50 + with capitonné back front legs with oval decorations 3.575,00 3.575,00 Visionnaire logo for pipings in 9,00 leather pipings 1,20 mq. 1,20 in golden lacquered steel Sofa cm.250x95 H.117 with capitonné back ALICE 16,00 + front legs with oval decorations and Visionnaire logo 5.495,00 in golden lacquered steel (we recommend n.5 loose cushions 45x45 cm. NOT INCLUDED) 2 5.495,00 for pipings in 24,00 leather pipings 2,50 mq. 2,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Sofa cm.228x95 H.117 with capitonné back ALICE 14,00 + front legs with decorations and Visionnaire logo 5.253,00 5.253,00 in golden lacquered steel for pipings in 22,00 leather pipings 2,00 mq. 2,00 (we recommend n.4 loose cushions 45x45 cm. NOT INCLUDED) Sofa cm.200x95 H.117 with capitonné back ALICE 12,00 + front legs with oval decorations and Visionnaire logo 4.832,00 4.832,00 in golden lacquered steel for pipings in 20,00 leather pipings 2,00 mq. 2,00 (we recommend n.3 loose cushions 45x45 cm. NOT INCLUDED) Double high bench ALICE 11,50 + cm.165x60 H.161 with capitonné back 4.832,00 4.832,00 front legs with oval decoration Single high back bench 7,70 + cm.89x60 H.161 with capitonné back 4.182,00 4.182,00 front legs with oval decoration for pipings in leather mq. 1,50 Visionnaire logo in golden lacquered steel ALICE leather mq. 2,00 Visionnaire logo in golden lacquered steel ALICE for pipings in 14,50 (back in lining) 18,00 (back in leather) pipings 2,00 10,50 (back in lining) 12,50 (back in leather) pipings 1,50 Chaise-longue (right or left) 7,50 + cm.144x83 H.112 with capitonné back for pipings in 10,70 leather pipings 1,50 front legs with oval decoration and Visionnaire logo in golden lacquered steel 3 3.994,00 3.994,00 mq. 1,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model ALICE ALICE ALICE Description Price Optional: embroidered logo on loose cushions and backrest Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height included) included) 140 cm.) 88,00 88,00 0,55 Leather needed (sqm) 73,00 Loose cushion cm. 45x45 0,90 Rectangular footrest 2,00 + 65x55 H. 46 cm for pipings in 3,50 leather pipings 0,50 1.986,00 front legs with oval decorations 1.986,00 and Visionnaire logo in golden lacquered steel mq. 0,50 Padded chair 53x65 H.96 cm ANTINEA with oval opening on backrest 1.596,00 1.664,00 2,00 2,80 1.986,00 2.054,00 2,00 2,80 1.775,00 1.843,00 1,20 1,50 visible wooden parts are lacquered Chair with padded armrests ANTINEA 58x65 H.96 cm with oval opening on backrest visible wooden parts are lacquered ARIMAN ARIONE Medium stool 45x50 h.101 cm black lacquered Chaise-longue dolphin 3.084,00 70x220 H.100 cm 4 fabric included - available only with stretch fabric VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 7.039,00 7.039,00 15,00 21,00 6.476,00 6.476,00 12,50 19,00 5.914,00 5.914,00 11,00 17,00 5.352,00 5.352,00 9,50 15,00 4.055,00 4.055,00 7,00 10,00 8.849,00 8.849,00 17,00 24,00 8.332,00 8.332,00 16,00 22,00 Side element cm.250x115 ASHTON (left or right) capitonné arms and rear back lacquered bands Side element cm.220x115 ASHTON (left or right) capitonné arms and rear back lacquered bands Side element cm.190x115 ASHTON (left or right) capitonné arms and rear back lacquered bands Side element cm.160x115 ASHTON (left or right) capitonné arms and rear back lacquered bands ASHTON Corner element cm.115x115 capitonné arms and rear back lacquered bands ASHTON Sofa cm.280x115 capitonné arms and rear back lacquered bands ASHTON Sofa cm.250x115 capitonné arms and rear back lacquered bands 5 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model ASHTON Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 7.504,00 7.504,00 14,00 21,00 6.610,00 6.610,00 11,50 18,00 4.425,00 4.425,00 8,00 12,00 Sofa cm.220x115 capitonné arms and rear back lacquered bands ASHTON Sofa cm.190x115 capitonné arms and rear back lacquered bands Chaise-longue with arm ASHTON (left or right) cm.170x130 capitonné arms and rear back lacquered bands 15,00 Sofa 280x108x h.102 cm. AVALON (we recommend n.8 loose cushions 45x45 cm 4.585,00 4.585,00 NOT INCLUDED) (we recommend n.7 loose cushions 45x45 cm 4.233,00 4.233,00 for pipings in leather 19,00 mq. 1,50 11,00 Sofa 220x108x h.102 cm. (we recommend n.6 loose cushions 45x45 cm 4.050,00 4.050,00 NOT INCLUDED) AVALON 26,00 13,00 NOT INCLUDED) AVALON leather mq.1,80 Sofa 250x108x h.102 cm. AVALON for pipings in for pipings in leather 17,00 mq.1,40 6,50 Armchair 102x108x h.91 cm. (we recommend n.2 loose cushions 45x45 cm NOT INCLUDED) 2.869,00 2.869,00 for pipings in leather mq.1,10 6 9,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) 11,50 AVALON Chaise longue 180x90 H.92 cm 3.778,00 (without loose cushions) 3.778,00 for pipings in leather 15,50 mq.1,20 structure: 6,50 Turca (sofa without back) AVALON 201x80x H.84 cm. 3.063,00 3.063,00 (without loose cushions) sqm. 1,10 for seat cushion: 6,00 pipings in leather AVALON Side pocket with coat of arms optional (right or left) AVALON seat cushion: 4,00 structure: 10,00 232,00 0,60 Extra loose cushion 84,00 45x45 cm. 96,00 for pipings in 1,00 leather mq. 0,02 AVALON Option: Bronze or golden lacquered feet AVALON Sofa 250x95x H.102 cm. EASY (without loose cushions) AVALON Sofa 220x95x H.102 cm. EASY (without loose cushions) AVALON Sofa 190x95x H.102 cm. EASY (without loose cushions) 99,00 12,00 4.088,00 4.088,00 for pipings in leather 18,00 mq.1,60 10,00 3.795,00 3.795,00 for pipings in leather 16,50 mq.1,20 9,00 3.532,00 3.532,00 for pipings in leather mq.1,00 7 15,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) 5,50 AVALON Armchair 102x95x H.91 cm. EASY (without loose cushions) BEDWYR cm. 63x67 H.71 2.678,00 2.678,00 for pipings in leather 9,50 mq.0,84 Armchair 2.123,00 2.123,00 1,70 2,80 2.516,00 2.516,00 2,00 3,70 1.619,00 1.631,00 2,50 4,00 934,00 985,00 2,00 3,00 1.066,00 1.122,00 2,50 3,20 1.167,00 1.221,00 2,70 3,60 lacquered structure BEDWYR CAPITONNE' BEGONIA Armchair with capitonné seat and back cm. 63x67 H.71 lacquered structure Chair upholstered 44x67 H.96 cm front legs laser cut stainless steel - Option:bronze or golden legs BIBLI BIBLI Chair 55x49 H.81 cm. 86,00 Armchair with 1 arm (Left or Right) 59x56 H.81 cm. Armchair BIBLI with 2 arms 59x64 H.81 cm. 8 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model BIBLI BIBLI ALTA Description Price Round table Ø 50 H.62 cm. Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 601,00 601,00 1,60 2,00 1.630,00 1.630,00 3,00 4,80 1.423,00 1.423,00 2,30 3,60 1.210,00 1.210,00 1,80 3,00 2.662,00 2.662,00 8,00 13,00 1.146,00 1.146,00 1,50 2,50 1.568,00 1.568,00 1,80 3,00 Armchair with 2 arms 63x65 H.110 cm High backrest BIBLI ALTA Armchair with 1 arm (left or right) 55x65 H.110 cm High backrest BIBLI ALTA Armchair without arms 48x65 H.110 cm High backrest BIBLI ALTA High back bench 170x60 H.160 cm Upholstered chair BIRKA black gloss lacquer 50x50 H.99 cm. BISMARCK Upholstered chair cm. 48x59 H.99 - Option: decorative chain 254,00 9 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 5.770,00 5.770,00 11,50 16,50 5.462,00 5.462,00 11,00 15,50 3.422,00 3.422,00 6,00 9,00 Sofa cm.280x120 H.80 BISMARCK provided with chain with Visionnaire logo pendant (we recommend 4 loose cushions cm.70x70 and 4 cm.45x45) NOT INCLUDED - Option: leash with leather strings (EACH) 436,00 Sofa cm.250x120 H.80 BISMARCK provided with chain with Visionnaire logo pendant (we recommend 4 loose cushions cm.70x70 and 4 cm.45x45) NOT INCLUDED - Option: leash with leather strings (EACH) 436,00 Armchair cm.115x120 H.80 BISMARCK provided with chain with Visionnaire logo pendant (we recommend 1 loose cushion cm.70x70 and 1 cm.45x45) NOT INCLUDED - Option: leash with leather strings (EACH) 436,00 BISMARCK Loose cushion cm. 70x70 168,00 168,00 0,80 1,40 BISMARCK Loose cushion cm. 47x47 84,00 84,00 0,50 0,90 BRUNSWICK cm 46x57 H. 105 1.346,00 1.346,00 1,30 2,00 Padded chair base in polished stainless steel - Option: golden/brass lacquer 10 104,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) 1.643,00 1.748,00 Upholstered chair BURGOS Back in capitonné Sofa 255x97 H.101 cm. 2 arm cushions 44x44 cm. (incl.) 6.771,00 7.149,00 - Option:bronze/golden lacquered structure Total: 2,00 seat: 0,60 seat: 1,00 backrest: 0,70 backrest: 1,00 structure: 6,00 seat & beck: 7,00 22,00 381,00 Sofa 225X97 H.101cm. total: 12,50 2 seat and back cushions 2 arm cushions 44x44 cm. (incl.) 6.232,00 6.587,00 conic arms and feet in shiny - Option:bronze/golden lacquered structure structure: 6,00 seat & beck: 7,50 19,00 2 cushions: 1,50 turned chromed aluminium 345,00 Sofa 195X97 H.101 cm. total: 10,20 2 seat and back cushions 2 arm cushions 44x44 cm. (incl.) 5.967,00 6.300,00 conic arms and feet in shiny - Option:bronze/golden lacquered structure structure: 5,00 seat & beck: 6,00 345,00 total: 7,00 Maxi armchair 120x97 H.101 cm. Conic arms and feet in polished chrome turned 4.969,00 aluminium 5.164,00 structure: 3,00 seat & beck: 4,00 2 cushions: 1,50 - Option:bronze/golden lacquered structure 11 17,00 2 cushions: 1,50 turned chromed aluminium CADOR (sqm) 2 cushions: 1,50 turned chromed aluminium CADOR 140 cm.) Leather needed total.: 12,90 2 seat and back cushions conic arms and feet in shiny CADOR (lm. in height Total: 1,30 50x63 H.99 cm. gothic design CADOR Fabric needed 345,00 11,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Chaise-longue 160x97 H.101 cm. CADOR (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) total: 9,50 (right or left) 1 arm cushion 44x44 cm. (incl.) 4.499,00 4.762,00 conic arm and feet in shiny structure: 5,00 seat & beck: 5,00 14,50 1 cushion: 0,75 turned chromed aluminium - Option:bronze/golden lacquered structure CADOR Fabric needed 253,00 Loose cushion 44x44 cm. with double piping and band 107,00 115,00 0,75 1,00 4.728,00 4.728,00 19,50 29,00 4.452,00 4.452,00 17,50 26,50 Medal in brass fusion Ø 17 cm. CAESAR with Caesar head or Visionnaire logo in relief Option for Caesar sofas and armchairs, version High or Low (2 pcs) Chromed or nichel 873,00 Bronzed or golden lacquered 987,00 Sofa 290x104 H.103 cm CAESAR HIGH upholstered frontal plate (We recommend 7 cushions cm.45x45 + 2 cushions m.40x40 and 2 rolls cm.50 Ø 18 NOT INCLUDED) Sofa 257x104 H.103 cm CAESAR HIGH upholstered frontal plate (We recommend 6 cushions cm.45x45 + 2 cushions m.40x40 and 2 rolls cm.50 Ø 18 NOT INCLUDED) 12 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 4.199,00 4.199,00 15,50 23,00 3.092,00 3.092,00 12,00 19,00 4.429,00 4.429,00 18,00 27,00 4.164,00 4.164,00 16,00 24,00 3.902,00 3.902,00 14,00 21,00 2.100,00 2.100,00 6,00 9,00 120,00 120,00 0,60 1,00 Sofa 220x104 H.103 cm CAESAR HIGH upholstered frontal plate (We recommend 5 cushions cm.45x45 + 2 cushions m.40x40 and 2 rolls cm.50 Ø 18 NOT INCLUDED) High back bench CAESAR BENCH 180x68 h.162 cm upholstered frontal plates (We recommend n.1 roll cm 35 Ø 18 cm NOT INCLUDED) Sofa cm. 290x104 H.74 CAESAR upholstered frontal plate LOW (We recommend n.9 loose cushions cm 40x40 CAESAR upholstered frontal plate LOW (We recommend n.8 loose cushions cm 40x40 CAESAR upholstered frontal plate LOW (We recommend n.7 loose cushions cm 40x40 CAESAR NOT INCLUDED) Sofa cm. 257x104 H.74 NOT INCLUDED) Sofa cm. 220x104 H.74 NOT INCLUDED) Armchair cm.98x94 H.74 upholstered frontal plate LOW (We recommend n.2 loose cushions cm 40x40 CAESAR Roll cm. 50 Ø 18 NOT INCLUDED) 13 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height included) included) 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) CAESAR Roll cm. 35 Ø 18 96,00 96,00 0,60 1,00 CAESAR Loose cushion cm. 45x45 86,00 86,00 0,60 1,00 CAESAR Loose cushion cm. 40x40 77,00 77,00 0,60 1,00 the amount of fabric or leather will be Modular customized CHESS basic element (without armrests) 1.695,00 comunicated on presentation of request of project price per lm. the amount of fabric or leather will be CHESS CHESS CHESS CHESS CHESS Standard armrest 580,00 comunicated on presentation of request of project the amount of fabric or leather will be Extra back cushion 412,00 for corner composition comunicated on presentation of request of project Chaise-longue 100x170 cm. (without armrests) the amount of fabric or leather will be 2.421,00 comunicated on presentation of request of project the amount of fabric or leather will be Long armrest 775,00 for chaise-longue comunicated on presentation of request of project the amount of fabric or leather will be Table 110x110 cm. upholstered 1.186,00 comunicated on presentation of request of project top in lacquered glass 14 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) the amount of fabric or leather will be Table 70x110 cm. CHESS Fabric needed upholstered comunicated on presentation of 1.016,00 request of project top in lacquered glass the amount of fabric or leather will be CHESS Pouf 110x110 cm. CHESS Pouf 70x110 cm. comunicated on presentation of 1.113,00 request of project the amount of fabric or leather will be comunicated on presentation of 1.016,00 request of project one fabric CHESTER DUDLEY Sofa 280x106 H.72 cm 15,00 21,00 base in stainless steel structure: structure: 7.668,00 capitonné back DUDLEY 7.668,00 (loose cushions not included) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure CHESTER one Leather 2,50 3,90 seat, back and seat, back and armrests: 13,00 armrests:: 17,80 one fabric one Leather 366,00 Sofa 250x106 H.72 cm 12,50 18,50 base in stainless steel structure: structure: 7.282,00 capitonné back (loose cushions not included) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure 15 357,00 7.282,00 2,50 3,00 seat, back and seat, back and armrests: 10,50 armrests:: 17,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) one fabric CHESTER DUDLEY DUDLEY DUDLEY one Leather 12,50 18,00 base in stainless steel structure: structure: 6.841,00 capitonné back 6.841,00 (loose cushions not included) 2,50 3,00 seat, back and seat, back and armrests: 10,50 armrests:: 16,00 one fabric one Leather 348,00 Armchair 130x106 H.72 cm 9,00 15,00 base in stainless steel structure: structure: 5.473,00 capitonné back 5.473,00 (loose cushions not included) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure CHESTER (sqm) Sofa 220x106 H.72 cm - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure CHESTER Leather needed 1,50 2,00 seat, back and seat, back and armrests: 8,00 armrests:: 14,00 one fabric one Leather 303,00 Chaise longue 200x106 H.72 cm 13,00 17,00 base in stainless steel structure: structure: 5.727,00 capitonné back 5.727,00 (loose cushions not included) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure 2,00 3,50 seat, back and seat, back and armrests: 11,00 armrests:: 15,00 348,00 Sofa without back CHESTER DUDLEY cm.250x106 H.72 base in stainless steel 7.349,00 7.349,00 9,50 14,00 111,00 111,00 1,00 2,00 capitonnè arms (loose cushions not included) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure CHESTER Loose cushion 90x45 cm DUDLEY with double seam 16 424,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description CHESTER Loose cushion 70x50 cm DUDLEY with piping CHESTER Loose cushion 50x50 cm DUDLEY with band and piping CHESTER Loose cushion 40x40 DUDLEY with band and piping Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 111,00 111,00 1,20 2,00 199,00 199,00 1,00 1,50 185,00 185,00 0,70 1,20 9.315,00 9.315,00 14,00 19,00 8.798,00 8.798,00 14,00 17,00 Sofa cm. 304x102 H.70 capitonné backrest moulded perimetral structure CHESTER LAURENCE upholstered in Kenya leather with ovals printing (price included) (colour to be selected) buckles in antique brass with Visionnaire coats of arms Shaped plinth in aluminium chromed or lacquered in antique brass Sofa cm. 284x102 H.70 capitonné backrest moulded perimetral structure upholstered in Kenya CHESTER LAURENCE leather with ovals printing (price included) (colour to be selected) buckles in antique brass with Visionnaire coats of arms Shaped plinth in chromed aluminium or lacquered in antique bras 17 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 8.280,00 8.280,00 12,50 15,50 7.763,00 7.763,00 11,50 14,00 5.175,00 5.175,00 8,00 10,50 Loose cushion cm. 40x40 100,00 100,00 0,55 0,70 Loose cushion cm. 45x45 110,00 110,00 0,60 0,75 Sofa cm. 264x102 H.70 capitonné backrest moulded perimetral structure upholstered in Kenya CHESTER LAURENCE leather with ovals printing (price included) (colour to be selected) buckles in antique brass with Visionnaire coats of arms Shaped plinth in chromed aluminium or lacquered in antique brass Sofa cm. 244x102 H.70 capitoné backrest moulded perimetral structure upholstered in Kenya CHESTER LAURENCE leather with ovals printing (price included) (colour to be selected) buckles in antique brass with Visionnaire coats of arms Shaped plinth in chromed aluminium or lacquered in antique brass Armchair cm. 120x102 H.70 Capitonné backrest moulded perimetral structure upholstered in Kenya CHESTER LAURENCE leather with ovals printing (price included) (colour to be selected) buckles in antique brass with Visionnaire coats of arms Shaped plinth in chromed aluminium or lacquered in antique brass CHESTER LAURENCE CHESTER LAURENCE 18 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description CHESTER Option: embroidered logo LAURENCE on loose cushions Price Sofa 280x108 H.68 cm WILSON (3 loose cushions 65x65 cm included) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure CHESTER Sofa 250x108 H.68 cm WILSON (3 loose cushions 65x65 cm included) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure CHESTER Sofa 220x108 H.68 cm WILSON (2 loose cushions 65x65 cm included) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure CHESTER Armchair 130x108 H.68 cm WILSON (1 loose cushion 65x65 included) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure Loose cushion 65x65 cm WILSON with band and double seam Price in leather Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 7.206,00 7.206,00 14,50 24,00 6.797,00 6.797,00 14,50 22,50 6.155,00 6.155,00 12,00 18,50 4.242,00 4.242,00 8,00 13,00 197,00 197,00 1,30 2,00 6.202,00 6.202,00 18,00 23,00 73,00 CHESTER CHESTER Price in fabric (price of fabric not (price of leather not 197,00 187,00 179,00 157,00 Sofa cm.310x122 H.73 CHRISTOPHER base in steel pipe quilting on the backrest - Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407) 19 686,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 5.486,00 5.486,00 17,50 22,00 5.227,00 5.227,00 15,50 21,50 186,00 186,00 0,60 0,90 3.985,00 4.249,00 18,00 26,00 3.623,00 3.916,00 17,00 25,00 3.364,00 3.575,00 15,00 23,00 3.002,00 3.128,00 14,00 22,00 Sofa cm.280x122 H.73 CHRISTOPHER base in steel pipe quilting on backrest - Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 659,00 (only colours 3405 and 3407) CHRISTOPHER Sofa cm.250x122 H.73 base in steel pipe quilting on backrest - Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 627,00 (only colours 3405 and 3407) CHRISTOPHER COMMODO WITH VALANCE COMMODO WITH VALANCE COMMODO WITH VALANCE COMMODO WITH VALANCE Loose cushion cm. 40x40 with band and pipings Sofa 280x108 H.98 cm (4 loose cushions 70x70 cm and back roll included) Sofa 260x108 H.98 cm (4 loose cushions 70x70 cm and back roll included) Sofa 240x108 H.98 cm (3 loose cushions 70x70 cm and back roll included) Sofa cm.220x108 H.98 (3 loose cushions cm.70x70 and back roll included) 20 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model COMMODO WITH VALANCE COMMODO Description (1 loose cushion cm 70x70 Price in leather Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 2.339,00 2.339,00 8,50 12,50 3.985,00 4.249,00 17,00 26,00 3.623,00 3.916,00 17,00 25,00 3.364,00 3.575,00 15,00 23,00 3.002,00 3.128,00 14,00 21,00 2.339,00 2.339,00 8,50 12,00 2.361,00 2.361,00 5,50 and back roll included) Sofa cm.280x108 H.98 (4 loose cushions cm.70x70 VALANCE and back roll included) Sofa cm.260x108 H.98 WITHOUT (4 loose cushions cm.70x70 VALANCE and back roll included) COMMODO Sofa cm.240x108 H.98 WITHOUT (3 loose cushions cm.70x70 VALANCE and back roll included) COMMODO Sofa cm.220x108 H.98 WITHOUT (3 loose cushions cm.70x70 VALANCE and back roll included) COMMODO Armchair 120x108 H.98 cm WITHOUT (1 loose cushion 70x70 cm VALANCE and one back roll included ) COSTANCE Price in fabric (price of fabric not (price of leather not Armchair 120x108 H.98 cm WITHOUT COMMODO Price Structure and Armchair cm.89x75 H.75 quilted back - swivel base seat: 6,50 Border: 2,30 21 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) CYGNUS Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Chaise-longue 85x145 H.80 cm. 2.921,00 7,00 2.435,00 6,00 (available only in fabric) Armchair CYGNUS 85x90 H.80 cm. (available only in fabric) Deckchair DAPHNE cm.95x66 H.88 structure in shiny stainless steel 4.425,00 4.425,00 3,00 5,00 2.090,00 2.090,00 1,50 2,50 2.399,00 2.544,00 3,00 5,50 1.479,00 1.479,00 1,80 3,00 Seat in embroidered leather Headrest cushion with embroidered Visionnaire logo Stool DAPHNE cm.70x50 H.38 structure in shiny stainless steel Seat in embroidered leather DAGONET Capitonné bench 150x50 H.44 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure DAISY 182,00 Padded chair cm.48x62 H.98 - Option: embroidered logo 73,00 22 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Sofa 280x116 H.80 cm. DAYDREAM structure & sides and back in bevelled glass 7.019,00 7.019,00 10,50 seat & back: 9,50 seat & back: 14,50 Sofa 250x116 h.80 cm. structure & Structure upholstered structure & sides and back in bevelled glass 6.521,00 6.521,00 or lacquered bevelled wood 10,00 seat & back: 9,50 seat & back: 14,00 Sofa 220x116 h.80 cm. structure & Structure upholstered structure & sides and back in bevelled glass 6.003,00 6.003,00 or lacquered bevelled wood armrest: armrest: 7,00 9,50 seat & back: 9,00 seat & back: (single piece) 13,00 Armchair 125x116 H.80 cm structure upholstered sides and back in bevelled glass or lacquered 4.469,00 4.469,00 structure & structure & armrest: 4,00 armrest: 6,00 seat & back: 4,00 seat & back: 6,80 bevelled wood DEJANIRA armrest: armrest: 7,50 (in two parts) DAYDREAM armrest: armrest: 7,50 (in two parts) DAYDREAM (sqm) structure & structure upholstered or lacquered bevelled wood DAYDREAM Leather needed High armchair Ø 70 H.120 cm. 2.811,00 base in stainless steel 23 2.811,00 3,00 4,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Only one fabric: DIDONE Chair 1.486,00 cm.53x63 H.90 1.503,00 Leather needed (sqm) One leather ml. 2,00 mq. 3,00 seat + backrest seat + backrest ml. 1,00 mq. 2,00 back structure back structure ml. 1,00 mq. 1,00 Sofa cm.285x107 H.96 DIPLOMATE (we reccomend 8 loose cushions cm.40x40) - steel shield with Visionnaire 4.745,00 4.927,00 logo on the arms 16,50 23,00 for simple pipings for simple pipings ml.1,50 mq. 2,00 - feet in shiny stainless steel - Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 712,00 (only colours 3405 and 3407) Sofa cm.265x107 H.96 DIPLOMATE (we reccomend 7 loose cushions cm.40x40) - steel shield with Visionnaire 4.524,00 4.684,00 logo on the arms 15,00 22,00 for simple pipings for simple pipings ml.1,30 mq. 1,80 - feet in shiny stainless steel - Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 680,00 (only colours 3405 and 3407) Sofa cm.240x107 H.96 DIPLOMATE (we suggest 6 loose cushions cm.40x40) - steel shield with Visionnaire 4.304,00 logo on the arms - feet in shiny stainless steel - Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407) 24 648,00 4.441,00 13,50 21,00 for simple pipings for simple pipings ml.1,10 mq. 1,30 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 7,50 12,00 3.189,00 3.244,00 for simple pipings for simple pipings ml.0,90 mq. 1,00 Armchair 115x107 H.96 cm DIPLOMATE (we suggest 2 loose cushions cm.40x40) - steel shield with Visionnaire logo on the arms - feet in shiny stainless steel - Option: "scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 501,00 (only colours 3405 and 3407) DIPLOMATE Loose cushion cm. 40x40 DIPLOMATE with support in turned aluminium 92,00 92,00 0,60 0,90 1.017,00 1.017,00 0,50 0,55 6.624,00 6.624,00 4,50 7,00 Lamp for armrest lampshade covered with leather/fabric Candyholder bowl DIPLOMATE in Frappuccino marble 1.164,00 with Visionnaire logo Ø cm.14 H.6 Container table/pouf cm.160x80 H.42 - bevelled mirror top DIPLOMATE - decorative handles in chromed turned aluminium - internal space for bottles and glass holder covered with eco-leather on tone 25 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 4.153,00 4.153,00 14,00 23,00 3.845,00 3.845,00 13,50 21,50 3.539,00 3.539,00 12,50 20,00 2.500,00 2.500,00 7,50 12,50 6.779,00 6.779,00 20,00 31,00 5.947,00 5.947,00 17,50 28,00 Sofa 280x104 H 90 cm DOMUS (included Coat of Arms embroideries on armrests) (We recommend nr.6 40x40 cm loose cushions - NOT INCLUDED) Sofa 260x104 H 90 cm DOMUS (included Coat of Arms embroideries on armrests) (We recommend nr.6 40x40 cm loose cushions - NOT INCLUDED) Sofa 240x104 H 90 cm DOMUS (included Coat of Arms embroideries on armrests) (We recommend nr.4 40x40 cm loose cushions - NOT INCLUDED) Armchair 110x104 H 90 cm DOMUS (included Coat of Arms embroideries on armrests) (We recommend nr.2 40x40 cm loose cushions - NOT INCLUDED) Sofa 320x104 H.90 cm DOMUS CAPITONNE' (included Coat of Arms embroideries on armrests) (We recommend nr.7 40x40 cm loose cushions - NOT INCLUDED) Sofa 280x104 H.90 cm DOMUS CAPITONNE' (included Coat of Arms embroideries on armrests) (We recommend nr.6 40x40 cm loose cushions - NOT INCLUDED) 26 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 5.593,00 5.593,00 17,00 27,50 5.240,00 5.240,00 17,00 27,00 3.366,00 3.366,00 9,80 15,50 92,00 92,00 0,60 0,90 Sofa 260x104 H.90 cm DOMUS CAPITONNE' (included Coat of Arms embroideries on armrests) (We recommend nr.6 40x40 cm loose cushions - NOT INCLUDED) Sofa 240x104 H.90 cm DOMUS CAPITONNE' (included Coat of Arms embroideries on armrests) (We recommend nr.5 40x40 cm loose cushions - NOT INCLUDED) Armchair 110x104 H.90 cm DOMUS CAPITONNE' (included Coat of Arms embroideries on armrests) (We recommend nr.2 40x40 cm loose cushions - NOT INCLUDED) DOMUS Loose cushion 40x40 cm Bear-chaise longue DUBHE 195x105 H.80 cm. with double metal chain collar fabric included - available only with 4.392,00 stretch fabric (Eco leather) and Visionnaire plate Bench 150x50 H.41 cm. EDNA capitonné upholstery 2.700,00 base in stainless steel, with laser cut feet - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure 27 203,00 2.877,00 3,00 5,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 3.966,00 3.966,00 14,00 20,00 4.158,00 4.286,00 7,00 11,00 203,00 203,00 0,80 1,10 Structure and Structure and Bench EDWARD cm.186x73 H.45 interwoven upholstery base in shiny stainless steel - Option: gold/bronze lacquered base 194,00 Small armchair ELYSÉE cm. 85x80 H.70 base structure in shiny stainless steel with decorative studs ELYSÉE Loose cushion cm. 57x57 - Option: Visionnaire logo embroidery ENEA 73,00 Sofa cm.285x111 H.85 -without stud with ring- 4.947,00 5.095,00 (6 loose cushions included) ENEA - Option: base in leather and studs 621,00 - Option: golden/bronze lacquered base 99,00 Sofa cm.260x111 H.85 -without stud with ring- 4.658,00 (5 loose cushions included) - Option: base in leather and studs 573,00 - Option: golden/bronze lacquered base 87,00 28 4.782,00 seat: 18,00 seat: 23,50 Loose cushions Loose cushions (6):3,60 (6):6,90 Structure and Structure and seat: 17,00 seat: 22,50 Loose cushions Loose cushions (5):3,00 (5):5,75 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) ENEA Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) -without stud with ring- 4.399,00 4.502,00 - Option: base in leather and studs 525,00 - Option: golden/bronze lacquered base 76,00 Armchair 130x111 H 85 cm -without stud with ring- 3.084,00 3.157,00 (2 loose cushions included) ENEA (lm. in height 140 cm.) Structure and Sofa cm.235x111 H.85 (4 loose cushions included) ENEA Fabric needed - Option: base in leather and studs 292,00 - Option: golden/bronze lacquered base 54,00 Leather needed (sqm) Structure and seat: 16,00 seat: 21,50 Loose cushions Loose cushions (4):2,40 (4):4,60 Structure and Structure and seat: 10,00 seat:11,50 Loose cushions Loose cushions (2):1,20 (2):2,30 Stud with ring Ø 12 cm for armrests (2pcs) chromed version 775,00 golden/bronze lacquered 878,00 ENEA Quilted loose cushion 45x45 cm ERRAKIS Capitonné footrest 50x35 H.34 cm. POUF feet in chromed aluminium ESMERALDA cm.52x68 H.98 167,00 169,00 0,60 1,15 862,00 907,00 1,40 2,00 2.086,00 2.086,00 1,50 2,20 2.466,00 2.466,00 2,30 3,80 Padded chair (legs with crossbar) - Option: bronze, golden or coloured lacquered legs 170,00 Padded armchair with arms ESMERALDA cm.61x68 H.98 (legs with crossbar) - Option: bronze, golden or coloured lacquered legs 29 170,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model ESMERALDA Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 1.733,00 1.733,00 1,50 2,20 2.097,00 2.097,00 2,30 3,80 1.577,00 1.577,00 1,50 2,20 1.876,00 1.876,00 2,30 3,80 3.957,00 3.992,00 4,00 6,00 Padded chair cm.52x68 H.98 (legs without crossbar) - Option: bronze, golden or coloured lacquered legs ESMERALDA 121,00 Padded armchair with arms cm.61x68 H.98 (legs without crossbar) - Option: bronze, golden or coloured lacquered legs ESMERALDA WOOD 121,00 Padded chair cm.52x68 H.98 Legs in mat lacquered wood - Option:2 Visionnaire stainless steel logos on front 26,00 legs CHROME - Option:2 Visionnaire stainless steel logos on front 30,00 legs GOLDEN/BRONZE/COLOURED version ESMERALDA WOOD Padded armchair with arms cm.61x68 H.98 Legs in mat lacquered wood - Option:2 Visionnaire stainless steel logos on front 26,00 legs CHROME - Option:2 Visionnaire stainless steel logos on front 30,00 legs GOLDEN/BRONZE/COLOURED version Armchair 80x94 h.75 cm EVELAKE lacquered structure with handle on the back A - pointed B - truncated 30 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 3.828,00 3.856,00 6,00 8,00 2.898,00 2.898,00 4,80 7,40 1.760,00 1.760,00 2,50 4,00 3.432,00 3.432,00 3,00 4,50 1.755,00 1.755,00 1,50 2,50 3.002,00 3.002,00 3,10 4,20 Armchair 90x95 H.68 cm EVELAKE CAPITONNE' (back cushions included) with handle on the back A - pointed B - truncated Armchair cm. 84x92 H.100 FAERIE QUEENE with upholstered pipe quilted backrest turned "twisted" feet chromed finishing - Option: golden/bronze lacquer FAERIE QUEENE 52,00 Pouf cm. 81x50 H.44 feet in turned aluminum chrome finishing - Option: golden/bronze lacquer 104,00 Armchair with armrest FULVIA cm.78x70 H.99 swivel base in steel with decorative medals FULVIA GASPARD Chair cm.55x67 H.95 with decorative medals Swivel stool cm.53x49 H.107 fixed height base and footrest in stainless steel - Option: gold/bronze lacquered steel 31 188,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height included) included) 140 cm.) 3.209,00 3.209,00 3,10 3.787,00 4.088,00 structure:11,00 Leather needed (sqm) Swivel stool cm.53x49 H.107/83 GASPARD with adjustable height system 4,20 base and footrest in stainless steel - Option: gold/bronze lacquered steel 188,00 Sofa 280x120 H.94 cm GINEVRA Total: 17,00 (We recommend nr.8 loose cushions 45x45 cm NOT INCLUDED) GINEVRA - Option: sofa in two parts 921,00 - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs 35,00 Sofa 260x120 H.94 cm Total: 15,00 (We recommend nr.7 loose cushions 3.456,00 3.651,00 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: sofa in two parts 818,00 - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs 35,00 - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs 3.242,00 3.437,00 structure: 10,00 22,00 seat: 5,00 35,00 Sofa 220x120 H.94 cm Total: 13,50 (We recommend nr.5 loose cushions 45x45 cm 2.976,00 3.171,00 NOT INCLUDED) structure; 9,00 20,00 seat: 5,00 - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs GINEVRA 23,00 Total: 14,50 (We recommend nr.6 loose cushions 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) GINEVRA structure: 10,00 seat: 6,50 Sofa 240x120 H.94 cm GINEVRA 27,00 seat: 6,50 35,00 Armchair 130x120 H.94 cm Total: 7,80 (We recommend nr.2 loose cushions 2.432,00 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs 32 2.639,00 structure: 5,50 seat: 2,50 31,00 11,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model GINEVRA Description Price Pouf 110x110 H.42 cm. - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs GINEVRA GINEVRA MODULAR MODULAR MODULAR Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) Total: 5,50 Total: 9,00 1.656,00 1.740,00 structure: 3,0 structure: 4,50 seat: 3,0 seat: 4,50 0,85 111,00 115,00 0,55 3.105,00 3.416,00 structure: 8,50 Side element (Right or Left) Total: 12,50 202x120 h.94 cm. We recommend nr.5 loose cushions 19,50 seat: 4,50 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) 31,00 Side element (Right or Left) Total: 12,00 182x120 h.94 cm. structure: 8,50 (We recommend nr.3 loose cushions 2.877,00 3.157,00 2.639,00 2.898,00 seat: 4,50 18,50 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs GINEVRA Price in leather 31,00 Loose cushion 45x45 cm. - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs GINEVRA Price in fabric (price of fabric not (price of leather not 31,00 Side element (Right or Left) Total: 11,50 162x120 h.94 cm. (We recommend nr.3 loose cushions 17,50 seat: 4,00 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs structure: 8,00 31,00 Corner element Total: 10,00 GINEVRA 145x145 h. 94 cm. MODULAR (We recommend nr.3 loose cushions 2.795,00 33 structure: 6,50 seat: 4,00 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs 3.084,00 31,00 15,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model GINEVRA MODULAR Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height included) included) 140 cm.) 2.795,00 3.084,00 structure: 6,00 Dormeuse (Right or Left) Leather needed (sqm) Total: 10,00 110x180 h.94 cm. (We recommend nr.3 loose cushions 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs 31,00 Corner element/chaise-longue GINEVRA 265x145 h.94 (Right or Left) MODULAR (We recommend nr.6 loose cushions Total: 15,00 3.623,00 3.881,00 structure: 9,50 23,00 seat: 6,50 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs 16,00 seat: 5,00 38,00 Shaped sofa Total: 19,00 GINEVRA cm.280x136 H.96 SHAPED (We recommend nr.7 loose cushions 4.773,00 5.072,00 28,50 seat: 7,50 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs structure: 11,50 38,00 Shaped sofa Total: 17,00 GINEVRA cm.260x136 H.96 SHAPED (We recommend nr.5 loose cushions 4.347,00 4.709,00 25,50 seat: 6,50 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs structure: 10,50 38,00 Shaped sofa Total: 16,00 GINEVRA cm.240x136 H.96 SHAPED (We recommend nr.4 loose cushions 4.140,00 34 structure: 10,00 seat: 6,00 45x45 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: bronze/gold lacquered legs 4.451,00 38,00 23,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model GRIMILDE Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 2.532,00 2.532,00 3,10 4,20 1.969,00 1.969,00 1,90 3,00 575,00 575,00 2,20 3,50 573,00 573,00 1,80 3,00 2.630,00 2.630,00 2,50 3,50 5.032,00 5.032,00 16,00 23,00 4.766,00 4.766,00 16,00 22,50 Swivel armchair Ø 66 H.79 cm. chromed plinth with ovals Embroidered Visionnaire logo (included) - Option: gold/bronze lacquered plinth GYPSY ROSE HAGEN 136,00 Padded chair cm.52x60 H.97 Quilted back - lacquered legs High pouf 52x52 H.44 cm. base in stainless steel Low pouf 52x52 H.30 cm. HAGEN base in stainless steel (for Hagen table H.45 cm.) Bucket chair cm.59x59 H.95 JANAS Main structure in shiny laser cut stainless steel Patches on arms with Visionnaire logo - Option: gold lacquered base 149,00 Sofa 265x108 H.75 cm JARRET base in polished stainless steel (We recommend n. 5 loose cushions 60x60 cm NOT INCLUDED) Sofa 245x108 H.75 cm JARRET base in polished stainless steel (We recommend n. 4 loose cushions 60x60 cm NOT INCLUDED) 35 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 4.557,00 4.557,00 15,50 22,00 3.255,00 3.255,00 9,50 12,00 160,00 160,00 0,70 1,15 1.040,00 1.111,00 1,70 3,00 990,00 1.061,00 1,70 2,70 Sofa 225x108 H.75 cm JARRET base in polished stainless steel (We recommend n. 4 loose cushions 60x60 cm NOT INCLUDED) Armchair 110x108 H.75 cm JARRET base in polished stainless steel (We reccomend n. 2 loose cushions 60x60 NOT INCLUDED) JARRET JARRET JOLS Loose cushion 60x60 cm Option: embroidered logo 73,00 on loose cushions Upholstered chair 44x72 H.94 back finished with crossed steel chain Upholstered chair 44x72 H.94 cm. JOLS (lining in neutral fabric) Complete with quilted silk cover and chain 1.980,00 with Visionnaire plate - Option: only silk cover + chain 1.323,00 Upholstered chair 44x72 H.94 JURGEN with embossed "Visionnaire" coat of arms on the back 36 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 1.708,00 1.708,00 2,50 4,00 1010,00 1.062,00 1,80 3,20 2.524,00 2.524,00 1,50 2,50 2.915,00 2.984,00 7,00 9,50 Quilted armchair KITTEN cm.77x70 H.80 structure in shiny lacquered wood upholstered capitonné backrest Stool "Dog" KLIPPER 85x40 h.65 cm. - upholstered in wool mongolia white 2.399,00 - upholstered in wool mongolia grey KNUT KURSA Bear-armchair 918,00 upholstery in eco fur High back upholstered chair 44x73x H.114 cm. Armchair with two arms LARENZIA 57x52 H. 80 cm structure in stainless steel - Option: bronze/golden lacqured structure LAVINIA 254,00 Bench with rolls (Ø 18 cm.) cm.146x60 H.68 with studs and chain 37 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 4.518,00 4.518,00 12,50 22,00 4.403,00 4.403,00 12,00 19,50 4.269,00 4.269,00 11,50 18,00 2.991,00 2.991,00 7,00 10,50 88,00 88,00 0,70 0,90 66,00 66,00 0,50 0,70 4.161,00 4.161,00 7,90 11,80 Sofa cm.285x115 H.91 LESTER (we suggest 7 loose cushions cm.47x47 and 4 cm.30x30) feet in shiny aluminium - Option: removable cover (ONLY fabric) 1.142,00 Sofa cm.260x115 H.91 LESTER (we suggest 6 loose cushions cm.47x47 and 3 cm.30x30) feet in shiny aluminium - Option: removable cover (ONLY fabric) 916,00 Sofa cm.235x115 H.91 LESTER (we suggest 5 loose cushions cm.47x47 and 2 cm.30x30) feet in shiny aluminium - Option: removable cover (ONLY fabric) LESTER 696,00 Armchair 115x115 H.91 cm (we suggest 2 loose cushions 30x30) feet in shiny aluminium - Option: removable cover (ONLY fabric) LESTER LESTER Loose cushion cm.47x47 feathers mixture Loose cushion cm.30x30 feathers mixture 364,00 Chaise longue with armrest (Right or Left) LUMIÈRE SX DX cm.88x160 H.85 capitonné structure Sides in bevelled glass (22 cm. large) base in lacquered wood 38 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 3.312,00 3.312,00 6,40 9,30 1.832,00 1.832,00 3,20 4,10 20.441,00 20.441,00 38,20 54,50 2.660,00 2.660,00 5,40 7,20 3.105,00 3.105,00 5,00 6,20 Armchair without armrest LUMIÈRE cm.66x115 H.85 capitonné structure Sides in bevelled glass (22 cm. large) base in lacquered wood Armrest with extractable drawer LUMIÈRE cm.28/38x115 H.65 capitonné sides with bevelled glass base in lacquered wood Composition cm.420x160 LUMIÈRE - 2 chaise longue with armrest - 2 armchairs without armrest - 3 central armrests MacARTHUR Armchair cm.83x83 H.76 swivel base in polished steel - Option: "Lindoro" embroidery 264,00 - Option: Visionnaire logo on the rearback 73,00 - Option: base golden/bronze lacquered 83,00 Swivel armchair cm.72x65 H.78 MacKENZIE base with 5 wheels stainless steel chrome finishing - Option: "Lindoro" embroidery 238,00 - Option: Visionnaire logo on the rearback 73,00 - Option: base golden/bronze lacquered 166,00 39 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) 10.153,00 10.153,00 9.076,00 9.076,00 8.055,00 8.055,00 5.237,00 5.237,00 3.778,00 3.778,00 Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Sofa 280x108x H.70 cm. MAGNOLIA capitonné structure in fabric/leather bevelled black glass (in two parts) structure 10,50 structure: 17,50 seat 3,50 seat: 4,50 structure 10,50 structure: 16,50 seat 3,50 seat: 4,50 structure: 9,50 structure: 15,00 seat: 3,00 seat: 4,00 structure: 5,50 structure: 10,50 seat: 1,00 seat: 1,50 structure: 5,00 structure: 8,50 seat: 2,50 seat: 3,50 (We recommend nr.4 loose cushions 50x50 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: Golden Antique glass 300,00 Sofa 250x108x H.70 cm. MAGNOLIA capitonné structure in fabric/leather bevelled black glass (in two parts) (We recommend nr.4 loose cushions 50x50 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: Golden Antique glass 275,00 Sofa 220x108x H.70 cm. MAGNOLIA capitonné structure in fabric/leather bevelled black glass (We recommend nr.3 loose cushions 50x50 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: Golden Antique glass 249,00 Armchair 120x108x H.70 cm. MAGNOLIA capitonné structure in fabric/leather bevelled black glass (We recommend nr.1 loose cushions 50x50 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: Golden Antique glass MAGNOLIA Turca (sofa without back) capitonné 200x80 H.67 cm 40 182,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) 8.729,00 8.729,00 7.729,00 7.729,00 6.831,00 6.831,00 4.373,00 4.373,00 212,00 212,00 Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Sofa 280x108x H.70 cm. MAGNOLIA Quilted structure in fabric/leather bevelled black glass (in two parts) structure: 9,00 structure: 14,50 seat: 3,50 seat: 4,50 structure: 9,00 structure: 14,00 seat: 3,50 seat: 4,00 structure: 8,00 structure: 12,50 seat: 3,50 seat: 4,00 structure: 5,00 structure: 9,00 seat: 1,00 seat: 1,50 0,80 1,50 (We recommend nr.4 loose cushions 50x50 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: Golden Antique glass 300,00 Sofa 250x108x H.70 cm. MAGNOLIA Quilted structure in fabric/leather bevelled black glass (in two parts) (We recommend nr.4 loose cushions 50x50 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: Golden Antique glass 275,00 Sofa 220x108x H.70 cm. MAGNOLIA Quilted structure in fabric/leather bevelled black glass (We recommend nr.3 loose cushions 50x50 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: Golden Antique glass 249,00 Armchair 120x108x H.70 cm. MAGNOLIA Quilted structure in fabric/leather bevelled black glass (We recommend nr.1 loose cushions 50x50 cm - NOT INCLUDED) - Option: Golden Antique glass 181,00 Loose cushion cm.50x50 MAGNOLIA in feathers with border and piping 41 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model MAGNOLIA Description Price Option: embroidered coat of arms on loose cushions Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 3.167,00 3.167,00 7,00 11,60 2.749,00 2.749,00 3,40 5,80 1.967,00 1.967,00 1,00 1,00 989,00 989,00 1,00 1,00 73,00 Small armchair cm.90x86 H.59/74 MATILDA (back cushion included) patches on front armrests in stainless steel with "V" logo base in shiny stainless steel - Option: embroidery on the structure 435,00 - Option: logo embroidered on cushion 73,00 - Option: golden/bronze lacquered 161,00 Padded armchair MONROE cm. 63x67 H.71 fully upholstered, capitonné finishing MORGANA Black lacquered high stool 47x52x h.112 cm. supplement for different colour lacquer MORGANA 122,00 Black lacquered chair 52x54 h.83,5 cm. supplement for different colour lacquer 42 122,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model MYRTUS Description Price Day-bed 252x90 H.60 cm. (including 2 cushions 75x40) - Option: nickel studs MYRTUS Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not NOTTINGHAM loose cushion 82x45 cm. upholstered frame 3.793,00 3.793,00 10,50 16,00 225,00 225,00 1,40 2,50 Structure + seat Structure + seat 3.176,00 Capitonné bench 180x80 h.52 cm. Pillow 75x40 cm. With anchorage band Armchair 97x91 H.101 cm. front feet in carved wood NOTTINGHAM loose cushion 45x45 cm. NOTTINGHAM 62x162 H.40 cm. (sqm) 140 cm.) 248,00 - Option: bronze/golden lacqured structure NERIUM Leather needed included) 3.176,00 82X88 H.70 cm. NERIUM (lm. in height included) Capitonné armchair MYSTRA Fabric needed 5,50 7,50 frame frame 1,00 2,50 3.191,00 3.191,00 5,00 8,50 254,00 254,00 1,50 2,00 2.662,00 2.662,00 5,80 9,50 90,00 105,00 0,55 0,85 2.131,00 2.131,00 4,00 6,50 248,00 Capitonné bench Feet in carved wood 43 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 4.451,00 4.451,00 11,00 16,60 7.836,00 7.836,00 19,00 30,00 7.462,00 7.462,00 17,00 26,00 7.036,00 7.036,00 15,00 24,00 5.213,00 5.213,00 11,50 14,50 High back bench cm.155x70 H.180 (with two rolls) OBELISK A) Oval buttons with Pienza decoration in relief B) with round buttons covered of the same fabric/leather as main upholstery - steel laser cut feet and profile in shiny stainless steel - Option: embroidered Visionnaire logo 73,00 - Option: golden/bronze lacquered steel 109,00 Sofa 300x108 h.78 cm. OBERON (we recommend 3 rolls cm 67 Ø 13 ‐ NOT INCLUED) Front arms with steel oval plate and Visionnaire logo chromed finishing - Option: golden/bronze lacquer 423,00 Sofa 268x108 h.78 cm. OBERON (we recommend 3 rolls cm 55 Ø 13 - NOT INCLUED) Front arms with steel oval plate and Visionnaire logo - chromed finishing - Option: golden/bronze lacquer 410,00 Sofa 235x108 h.78 cm. OBERON (we recommend 2 rolls cm 67 Ø 13 -NOT INCLUED) Front arms with steel oval plate and Visionnaire logo - chromed finishing - Option: golden/bronze lacquer 402,00 Armchair 136x108 H.78 cm. OBERON (we recommend 1 roll cm 55 Ø 13 - NOT INCLUED) Front arms with steel oval plate and Visionnaire logo - chromed finishing - Option: golden/bronze lacquer 44 393,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model OBERON OBERON OGAM Description Price Roll Ø 13 x 67 cm. Roll Ø 13 x 55 cm. Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 117,00 117,00 0,65 0,75 109,00 109,00 0,60 0,70 2.207,00 2.207,00 2,00 3,00 2.589,00 2.589,00 2,50 4,00 2,60 4,00 1.397,00 1.397,00 Valet chair upholstered 61x58 H.130 cm. shiny lacquered wooden structure Upholstered bench PAEONIA 150x50 H.44 cm. base in laser cut stainless steel - Option: bronze/golden lacqured structure PALLADIUM 216,00 Pouf cm. 52x43 H.48 base in polished stainless steel Embroidered edges in leather (included) - Option: base golden/bronze lacquered Leather for edges Leather for edges mq.0,55 mq.0,55 37,00 Quilted hammock PETUNIA (without main structure) 224x113 cm. complete with pillow 5.011,00 5.011,00 6,50 10,50 10.555,00 10.555,00 6,50 10,50 decorative tips in aluminium - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure PETUNIA 140,00 Hammock (as above) with structure support in stainless steel - Option: bronze/golden lacquered structure 45 935,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 20.457,00 20.457,00 6,00 9,50 12.006,00 12.006,00 6,00 9,50 17.956,00 17.956,00 3,00 5,50 8.183,00 8.183,00 3,00 4,50 7.711,00 7.711,00 16,50 22,50 7.411,00 7.411,00 16,00 21,00 Double chaise-longue 202x120 H.152 cm PRIMULA structure in lacquered wood/steel with shaped padding complete with arc and monitor LCD 22" Full HD Double chaise-longue PRIMULA 180x120 H.91 cm structure in lacquered wood/steel with shaped padding Single chaise-longue 202x60 H.152 cm PRIMULA structure in lacquered wood/steel with shaped padding complete with arc and monitor LCD 22" - Full HD Single chaise-longue PRIMULA 180x60 H.91 cm structure in lacquered wood/steel with shaped padding Capitonné sofa PRINCE cm.280x100 H.72 ALBERT upholstered feet in leather/fabric PRINCE cm.260x100 H.72 ALBERT upholstered feet in leather/fabric with stainless steel tips Capitonné sofa with stainless steel tips 46 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in leather Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 7.131,00 7.131,00 15,50 19,40 4.192,00 4.192,00 8,00 11,50 2.846,00 2.846,00 6,40 8,70 Loose cushion cm. 40x40 100,00 100,00 0,55 0,70 Loose cushion cm. 45x45 110,00 110,00 0,60 0,75 5.650,00 5.650,00 16,00 24,00 5.459,00 5.459,00 15,00 23,00 Capitonné sofa PRINCE cm.240x100 H.72 ALBERT upholstered feet in leather/fabric PRINCE Price in fabric (price of fabric not (price of leather not with stainless steel tips Capitonné armchair cm.120x100 H.72 ALBERT upholstered feet in leather/fabric PRINCE cm. 142x142 H.37 with stainless steel tips Capitonné ottoman ALBERT recessed top cm 95x95 in bevelled glass upholstered feet in leather/fabric with stainless steel tips PRINCE ALBERT PRINCE ALBERT PRINCE ALBERT PROMETEO Optional: embroidered logo on loose cushions 73,00 Sofa cm.280x109 H.90 with diamond metal decorative bands belts with Visionnaire shield pendant Sofa cm.260x109 H.90 PROMETEO with diamond metal decorative bands belts with Visionnaire shield pendant 47 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model PROMETEO Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 5.218,00 5.218,00 15,00 22,00 4.745,00 4.860,00 15,00 23,00 4.407,00 4.499,00 14,00 21,50 4.068,00 4.131,00 13,00 19,50 2.737,00 2.788,00 6,50 10,50 Sofa cm.240x109 H.90 with diamond metal decorative bands belts with Visionnaire shield pendant QUIRINIO QUIRINIO QUIRINIO QUIRINIO Sofa cm.280x114 H.90 (without loose cushions) Sofa cm.250x114 H.90 (without loose cushions) Sofa cm.220x114 H.90 (without loose cushions) Armchair cm.106x93 H.89 (without loose cushions) QUIRINIO Loose cushion 50x50 cm. 119,00 119,00 0,55 0,80 QUIRINIO Loose cushion 40x40 cm. 104,00 104,00 0,50 0,70 3.482,00 3.482,00 5,50 8,40 REGINALD Capitonné pouf 140x140 H.40 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquered base 48 182,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model REGINALD Description Price Capitonnè pouf Ø 120 H.40 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquered base RENDEZ-VOUS RENDEZ-VOUS RENDEZ-VOUS (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) 140 cm.) 3.782,00 3.782,00 4,80 7,00 Structure and Structure and 7.970,00 seat: 27,50 seat: 28,60 loose cushions (4) loose cushions (4) and rolls (2): and rolls (2): 5,54 5,80 Structure and Structure and 73,00 Sofa cm.260x105 H.80 7.763,00 (4 loose cushions and 2 rolls included) 7.763,00 seat: 26,00 seat: 27,00 loose cushions (4) loose cushions (4) and rolls (2): and rolls (2): 5,54 5,80 Structure and Structure and 73,00 Sofa cm.240x105 H.80 7.400,00 (3 loose cushions and 2 rolls included) - Option: Visionnaire logo (each) Fabric needed included) 7.970,00 (4 loose cushions and 2 rolls included) - Option: Visionnaire logo (each) Price in leather 160,00 Sofa cm.280x105 H.80 - Option: Visionnaire logo (each) Price in fabric (price of fabric not (price of leather not 7.400,00 seat: 25,30 seat: 26,40 loose cushions (4) loose cushions (4) and rolls (2): and rolls (2): 3,90 4,00 21,00 30,50 73,00 Sofa cm.280x115 H.63 REYMOND perimeter in steel 7.990,00 (2 loose cushions cm.72x90 with shaping for back included) - Option: extendable seat and backrest 2.623,00 - Option: bronze/gold finishing 248,00 49 7.990,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 7.377,00 7.377,00 20,00 28,50 7.036,00 7.036,00 19,00 26,50 5.537,00 5.537,00 12,00 17,00 2.795,00 2.795,00 2,85 4,85 2.629,00 2.629,00 3,00 5,00 Sofa cm.260x115 H.63 REYMOND perimeter in steel (2 loose cushions cm.72x80 with shaping for back included) - Option: extendable seat and backrest 2.623,00 - Option: bronze/gold finishing 248,00 Sofa cm.240x115 H.63 REYMOND perimeter in steel (2 loose cushions cm.72x70 with shaping for back included) - Option: extendable seat and backrest 2.623,00 - Option: bronze/gold finishing 228,00 Armchair cm.130x115 H.63 REYMOND perimeter in steel (2 loose cushions cm.72x70 with shaping for back included) SÉVIGNÈ - Option: extendable seat and backrest 1.311,00 - Option: bronze/gold finishing 228,00 Office armchair cm.68x68 H.135 in chromed stainless steel - Option: golden/bronze lacquered base 186,00 Swivel office armchair SÉVIGNÈ cm.68x68 H.135 base with 5 wheels in chromed stainless steel - Option: golden/bronze lacquered base 50 166,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 2.225,00 2.225,00 2,70 4,00 2.277,00 2.277,00 1,70 2,90 2.068,00 2.068,00 1,60 2,60 4.005,00 4.005,00 4,30 7,40 4.797,00 5.053,00 16,00 22,00 4.463,00 4.699,00 13,00 20,45 Head of table armchair SÉVIGNÈ cm.59x66 H.115 conic back legs in lacquered metal turned front legs prismatic crystal insert in a cylindric shape H. 40 mm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquer 121,00 Chair with armrest cm.60x65 H.95 SÉVIGNÈ legs with turnings and spheres in chromed metal and faceted crystal insert - Option: gold/bronze lacquer 121,00 Chair with armrest cm.60x65 H.95 SÉVIGNÈ legs with turnings and spheres in chromed metal and faceted crystal insert - Option: gold/bronze lacquer 121,00 Reclyning and swivel armchair SHANNON cm. 82x86/134 H.122/130 with adjustable footrest capitonné backrest (embroidery included) base in steel chrome finishing - Option: base and studs golden/bronze lacquered SIEGFRID Sofa 245x96 H.100 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs SIEGFRID 191,00 51,00 Sofa 210x96 h.100 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs 51 51,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model SIEGFRID SIEGFRID Description Price Loose cushions 35x35 cm. with leather pipings Single high bench 85x54 H.180 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not capitonné backrest (front part) capitonnè With Visionnaire bottons Leather needed (sqm) included) 140 cm.) 83,00 92,00 0,50 7,00 10,00 3.329,00 3.384,00 (with fabric also (with leather also on the back) on the back) 0,85 51,00 3.671,00 3.729,00 85x54 H.180 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacqured legs (lm. in height included) Single high bench SIEGFRID Fabric needed 7,70 10,50 (with fabric also (with leather also on the back) on the back) 51,00 Chair cm.54x62 H.94 SIEGFRID capitonné backrest (front part) back legs in upholstered wood 2.484,00 2.484,00 2,40 3,20 2.588,00 2.588,00 4,20 6,50 2.832,00 2.832,00 4,00 front legs shiny chromed - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs SIEGFRID Head of the table chair 74x65 H.142 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs SIEGFRID capitonnè 56,00 56,00 Head of the table chair cm. 74x65 H.142 Capitonné backrest (front part) back legs in upholstered wood front legs shiny chromed - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs 52 56,00 6,00 pipings 1,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model SIEGFRID capitonnè Description Price Price in leather Fabric needed (lm. in height included) included) 140 cm.) 3.105,00 3.105,00 7,50 Head of the table chair 74x65 H.142 cm capitonnè backrest (front and back) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs SIEGFRID Price in fabric (price of fabric not (price of leather not Option: embroidered logo Leather needed (sqm) 11,50 pipings 1,00 56,00 73,00 on back part of the backrest 12,50 SIEGFRID 10,50 High bench 4.360,00 165x57 H.180 cm. 4.579,00 (with fabric also on the back) (with lining on the back) 15,50 (with leather also on the back) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs 51,00 14,00 High bench SIEGFRID capitonné backrest (front part) capitonnè With Visionnaire bottons 11,50 4.877,00 5.107,00 (with fabric also on the back) 165x57 h.180 cm. with lining on the back) 17,00 (with leather also on the back) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs SIEGFRID Chaise-longue (right or left) 82x155 H.102 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs SIEGFRID 51,00 Bergère 53 3.397,00 7,50 10,70 3.012,00 3.155,00 6,20 8,90 51,00 88x94 H.102 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs 3.262,00 51,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model SIEGFRID Description Price Rectangular footrest 89x59 H.53 cm. - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 1.608,00 1.798,00 3,50 5,00 2.537,00 2.537,00 4,50 7,00 2.537,00 2.537,00 4,50 7,00 2.720,00 2.811,00 5,50 7,50 3.671,00 3.787,00 6,50 10,30 4.131,00 4.304,00 7,50 12,00 4.475,00 4.728,00 8,50 13,50 51,00 HER armchair SINGLE-KATIE 85x88 H.104 cm. wooden lacquered base decorated with bronzed studs HIM armchair SINGLE-NICK 85x88 H.104 cm. wooden lacquered base decorated with bronzed studs Armchair 93x71 H.93 cm. SULYA diamond legs in polished chromed fused aluminium mounted on steel frame Sofa 180x71 H.93 cm. SULYA diamond legs in polished chromed fused aluminium mounted on steel frame Sofa 210x71 H.93 cm. SULYA diamond legs in polished chromed fused aluminium mounted on steel frame Sofa 240x71 H.93 cm. SULYA diamond legs in polished chromed fused aluminium mounted on steel frame 54 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) SVEVA Capitonné SVEVA TEODOSIO included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Chaise-longue bed and headrest bed and headrest cm.228x107 H.130 cushion cushion (bed cm.178x85) 7.356,00 7,80 11,50 with folding roof folding roof folding roof (including headrest cushion) 4,50 6,00 Headrest cushion with belts cm. 60x30 - Option: embroidered Visionnaire logo SYRMA Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not 7.356,00 523,00 523,00 0,55 0,90 1.583,00 1.583,00 1,70 2,80 9,00 14,00 10,00 15,00 73,00 Padded armchair 72x79 H.70 cm. Lateral 167x106 H.75 (right or left) (2 loose 60x60 cushions included) Aluminium legs 4.521,00 4.613,00 Turned wooden legs 3.523,00 3.615,00 - Option: golde/bronze lacquered legs 189,00 Lateral 197x106 H.75 TEODOSIO (right or left) (3 loose 60x60 cushions included) Aluminium legs Turned wooden legs - Option: golde/bronze lacquered legs 55 189,00 4.969,00 5.060,00 3.970,00 4.062,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) TEODOSIO Sofa 290x106 H.75 cm Turned wooden legs - Option: golde/bronze lacquered legs 5.232,00 5.347,00 Sofa 260x106 H.75 cm Aluminium legs 5.784,00 5.888,00 Turned wooden legs 4.786,00 4.889,00 Sofa 230x106 H.75 cm Turned wooden legs 5.347,00 5.440,00 Aluminium legs Turned wooden legs Loose cushion cm.60x60 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) 15,00 22,00 13,50 21,00 12,00 20,00 4.349,00 4.441,00 4,00 9,00 189,00 Footstool 106x106 cm H 40 cm - Option: golde/bronze lacquered legs (lm. in height 189,00 (2 loose 60x60 cushions included) - Option: golde/bronze lacquered legs TEODOSIO 6.346,00 Fabric needed 189,00 Aluminium legs TEODOSIO 6.231,00 (3 loose 60x60 cushions included) - Option: golde/bronze lacquered legs TEODOSIO included) (4 loose 60x60 cushions included) Aluminium legs TEODOSIO Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not 2.409,00 2.461,00 1.553,00 1.604,00 195,00 195,00 0,80 2,00 2.046,00 2.046,00 2,00 3,50 189,00 Circular armchair TILMUN 62x54 H.78 cm. base stainless steel 56 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model TIMOTEO Description embroidery) 2 cushions 60x50, embroidery) (with leather Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 4.638,00 4.638,00 17,80 28,00 4.285,00 4.285,00 17,80 28,00 3.954,00 3.954,00 16,80 26,50 (1 cushion cm.103x60 2 cushions 53x50, TIMOTEO (lm. in height Sofa cm.260x108 H.103 with embroidered logo, embroidery) Fabric needed 2 rolls Ø 18 x 58 cm. included) (without leather (without leather Price in leather (1 cushion cm.110x60 with embroidered logo, TIMOTEO Price in fabric (price of fabric not (price of leather not Sofa cm.280x108 H.103 (without leather TIMOTEO Price 2 rolls Ø 18 x 58 cm.included) Sofa cm.240x108 H.103 (1 cushion cm.95x60 with embroidered logo, 2 cushions 45x50, 2 rolls Ø 18 x 58 cm. included) Sofa cm.280x108 H.103 ml.17,80 mq.28,00 (1 cushion cm.110x60 + leather for + leather for embroidered embroidered cushions) 2 cushions 60x50, bordures bordures 2 rolls Ø 18 x 58 cm. included) mq.4,60 mq.4,60 TIMOTEO Sofa cm.260x108 H.103 ml.17,80 mq.28,00 (1 cushion cm.103x60 + leather for + leather for embroidery on (with leather with embroidered logo, 5.589,00 embroidered embroidered cushions) 2 cushions 53x50, bordures bordures 2 rolls Ø 18 x 58 cm.included) mq.4,60 mq.4,60 TIMOTEO Sofa cm.240x108 H.103 ml.16,80 mq.26,50 + leather for + leather for embroidered embroidered 2 cushions 45x50, bordures bordures 2 rolls Ø 18 x 58 cm. included) mq.4,20 mq.4,20 embroidery on (with leather embroidery on cushions) with embroidered logo, 5.237,00 5.589,00 5.237,00 (1 cushion cm.95x60 with embroidered logo, 4.911,00 57 4.911,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model TIMOTEO TITANIA Description Price Option: embroidery on the two sides (internal and external) Pouf cm.60x40 H.40 - Option:golden/bronze lacquered base Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 1.440,00 1.440,00 1.855,00 1.919,00 2,50 4,00 10.298,00 10.298,00 25,00 38,00 9.884,00 9.884,00 24,50 37,20 9.470,00 9.470,00 24,00 36,80 64,00 Sofa cm. 343x128 H.99 Base in lacquered wood VALANCOURT with plexiglass sustains Stainless steel decoration on armrest front part Capitonné back and arms Visionnaire logo embroidered on backrest Sofa cm. 313x128 H.99 Base in lacquered wood VALANCOURT with plexiglass sustains Stainless steel decoration on armrest front part Capitonné back and arms Visionnaire logo embroidered on backrest Sofa cm. 283x128 H.99 Base in lacquered wood VALANCOURT with plexiglass sustains Stainless steel decoration on armrest front part Capitonné back and arms Visionnaire logo embroidered on backrest 58 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 9.056,00 9.056,00 23,00 36,00 124,00 124,00 0,70 1,20 135,00 135,00 1,00 1,50 2.059,00 2.110,00 1,20 2,00 101,00 101,00 0,55 0,85 2.846,00 2.846,00 3,40 4,70 8.606,00 8.606,00 19,00 30,00 Sofa cm. 253x128 H.99 Base in lacquered wood VALANCOURT with plexiglass sustains Stainless steel decoration on armrest front part Capitonné back and arms Visionnaire logo embroidered on backrest VALANCOURT VALANCOURT Loose cushion cm.40x40 with border Loose cushion cm.50x50 with border Wooden armchair VEGA VEGA 63x66 H.67 cm. lacquered in black or white Loose cushion for back 46x38 cm. (optional) Padded stool cm.70x67 H.103 VICTORIAN capitonné upholstery legs in black lacquered steel and tips in aluminum - Option: Visionnaire logo embroidered 73,00 Sofa cm.280x104 H.92 WILBUR Profiles in shiny or gold/bronze lacquered stainless steel - Visionnaire logo on arms (including: 3 cushions cm.76x58 4 cushions 54x40) 59 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 8.073,00 8.073,00 18,00 26,50 7.556,00 7.556,00 17,00 25,00 5.113,00 5.113,00 9,00 14,00 205,00 205,00 0,80 1,50 3.718,00 3.718,00 4,50 6,50 1.903,00 1.950,00 2,00 3,00 Sofa cm.255x104 H.92 WILBUR Profiles in shiny or gold/bronze lacquered stainless steel - Visionnaire logo on arms (including: 2 cushions cm. 100x58 3 cushions 54x40) Sofa cm.230x104 H.92 WILBUR Profiles in shiny or gold/bronze lacquered stainless steel - Visionnaire logo on arms (including: 2 cushions 87x58 3 cushions 54x40) Armchair cm.105x104 H.92 WILBUR Profiles in shiny or gold/bronze lacquered stainless steel - Visionnaire logo on arms (including: 1 cushion cm.64x58 1 cushion cm.54x40) WILBUR Loose cushion 54x40 cm. Swivel armchair YORK 102x64 H.130 cm. complete with headrest with aluminium counter weight ZANTAS Padded chair 44x72 H.94 cm. Diamond legs in aluminium polished chrome - Option: bronze/golden lacqured legs 60 140,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARMCHAIRS - SOFAS - BENCHES - CHAISE LONGUES - CHAIRS Model ZELDA ZISKA ZISKA ZISKA Description Price Small armchair cm.60x60 H.78 with capitonné back Armchair 64x67 h.95 cm legs in carved lacquered wood High armchair cm. 67x70 H.115 legs in carved lacquered wood Sofa 125x65 H.95 cm legs in carved lacquered wood 61 Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 2.079,00 2.079,00 3,00 4,00 1.645,00 1.767,00 2,00 3,00 1.866,00 1.975,00 2,20 3,50 2.020,00 2.020,00 3,00 5,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CUSHIONS Model ASPEN/AC GOTHEC GOTHEC GOTHEC COAT OF ARMS Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 88,00 97,00 0,60 0,90 92,00 108,00 0,60 0,90 98,00 115,00 0,65 1,00 Loose cushion 40x45 cm. - in stainless steel chain mail 1.322,00 - in gold dipped brass chain mail 3.022,00 Loose cushion 40x40 cm. Loose cushion 45x45 cm. Loose cushion 50x50 cm. Option: embroidered logo on loose cushions minimum size 40x40 73,00 GRECA Embroidered loose cushion cm.40x40 339,00 0,50 GRECA Embroidered loose cushion cm.50x50 356,00 0,60 LIRA Embroidered loose cushion cm.45x45 220,00 0,50 62 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CUSHIONS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) LIRA Embroidered cushion cm.50x50 235,00 0,60 SESTERZIO Embroidered cushion cm.40x40 247,00 0,50 SESTERZIO Embroidered cushion cm.50x50 263,00 0,60 TRENDY DECORATIVE CUSHIONS TRENDY DECORATIVE CUSHIONS 298,00 col. 541 snow white 242,00 col. 541 snow white COCKEREL 40X40 cm DECORATIVE CUSHIONS - col. 022 nuts Printed chenille on side A Plain chenille on side B ALLIGATOR 45x45 cm. - col. 541 snow white (sqm) Border in Soft leather 1130 neve ALLIGATOR 45x45 cm. TRENDY Leather needed 165,00 63 Printed chenille on side A Plain chenille on side B Printed chenille on side A Plain chenille on side B VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CUSHIONS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) TRENDY DECORATIVE DECORATIVE CUSHIONS TRENDY DECORATIVE CUSHIONS 1.015,00 LAK 50X50 cm 322,00 col. 025 beige LAMAS-CRAB 50x32 cm. 242,00 col.013/826 tek - col. Bronze CUSHIONS - col. gun-metal grey TRENDY CUSHIONS 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) with studs decoration and Same fabric on both sides Fabric with print in relief on side A Plain fabric on side B 186,00 Band 5 cm. and studs MARTY 50x50 cm. DECORATIVE DECORATIVE (lm. in height embroidered Visionnaire logo - Option: band in stainless steel chain mail TRENDY included) Fabric needed In Soft Leather DESMOND 45x45 CUSHIONS TRENDY Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not 398,00 Metal printed fabric on side A Plain metal fabric on side B NAPPA GAUCHO 45x45 cm. col. 099 black 64 320,00 Band 5 cm. And studs same fabric dis. 343 on both the sides VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CUSHIONS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) TRENDY DECORATIVE CUSHIONS TRENDY DECORATIVE CUSHIONS TRENDY DECORATIVE CUSHIONS TRENDY DECORATIVE CUSHIONS TRENDY DECORATIVE CUSHIONS DECORATIVE CUSHIONS included) Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) 140 cm.) Band 5 cm. and studs NOLA 40x40 cm. - col. Bronze 328,00 Metal printed fabric on side A Plain metal fabric on side B - col. gun-metal grey Band 5 cm. and studs PIED POULE 40x40 cm 398,00 - col. Anthracite Metal printed fabric on side A Plain metal fabric on side B with piping in leather PIED POULE 40x40 cm 303,00 - col. Gold Printed metal fabric on side A Zeppelin 24073/302 gold leather on side B REALE 45x45 cm. 206,00 col. 541 snow white TAMBORA 50x32 cm. 147,00 col.013 silver - Option: band in stainless steel chain mail TRENDY Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not TRIOPTI 45x45 cm. 65 Plain chenille on side B Same fabric on both sides 186,00 172,00 col.022 nuts Printed chenille on side A Printed chenille on side A Plain chenille on side B VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CUSHIONS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) TRENDY DECORATIVE CUSHIONS Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed 140 cm.) (sqm) version A - fabrics with sequins on WANDA 45x45 cm. 309,00 col.920 gold both sides version B: one side with sequins and one side with velvet 66 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 2.111,00 2.111,00 3,50 5,00 Central headboard 1.165,00 1.165,00 7,40 13,00 2 lateral sides (excluding bedside table) 2.524,00 2.524,00 8,00 13,00 2.180,00 2.180,00 3,50 5,00 Central headboard 1.165,00 1.165,00 7,40 13,00 2 lateral sides (excluding bedside table) 2.524,00 2.524,00 8,00 13,00 Double Bed 338x225 h.173 cm. ADLER (for mattress 180x200 cm) with front diamond legs in polished chromed aluminium - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs 41,00 Double Bed 338x225 h.173 cm. ADLER (for mattress 200x200 cm) with front diamond legs in polished chromed aluminium - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs 41,00 Shelf/bedside 49x28 H.60 cm ADLER table in lacquered wood to be fixed to the padded headboard Support leg in fused aluminium Chromed version 873,00 Bronzed/golden lacquered version 908,00 67 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) King Bed 217x240 H.147 cm ALICE (for mattress 180x200) main upholstery: main upholstery: with embroidered logo (included) 16,50 25,00 7.918,00 Sides and bedframe capitonné 7.918,00 Aluminium decorative elements pipings in leather: pipings in different sqm. 1,80 colour: sqm. 1,80 (for mattress 200x200) main upholstery: main upholstery: with embroidered logo (included) 17,50 26,00 Chromed or golden/bronze shiny lacquered Double bed cm. 237x240 H.147 ALICE 8.435,00 Sides and bedframe capitonnè 8.435,00 Aluminium decorative elements pipings in leather: pipings in different sqm. 1,80 colour: sqm. 1,80 1,80 3,20 Chromed or golden/bronze shiny lacquered Bedside table cm.64x51 H.66 Top with drawers and base glossy lacquered ALICE shield handle 3.002,00 Outlines base in stainless steel Structure in curved plywood internally and externally upholstered Option: quilted version on internal part 262,00 (on fabric or leather) - Option: courtesy light 262,00 - Option: golden lacquered base 93,00 68 3.002,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 2.158,00 2.158,00 3,50 5,00 3.276,00 3.276,00 4,50 5,50 1.196,00 1.196,00 4,50 (front) 7,00 (front) 4,50 (back) 7,00 (back) 2.603,00 2.603,00 4,50 (front) 7,00 (front) 4,50 (back) 7,00 (back) Bed base 194x225 cm.for headboard (2 legs) ARTU' (for mattress 180x200 cm.) or 214x225 cm. (for mattress 200x200 cm.) - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs 80,00 Bed base 194x211 cm.stand alone (4 legs) ARTU' (for mattress 180x200 cm.) or 214x211 cm. (for mattress 200x200 cm.) - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs ARTU' ARTU' Headboard - central element 215x15 x h.180 cm. 159,00 Headboard - two side elements (Right and Left) 76x54 x h.167 cm. 69 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) AVALON Bed 225x236 h.103 cm. BED (for mattress 180x200 cm.) 5.175,00 - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs AVALON BED Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) 5.330,00 245x236 h.103 cm. 5.247,00 5.392,00 (for mattress 200x200 cm.) AVALON Bed 225x236 h.123 cm. HIGH (for mattress 180x200 cm.) AVALON Bed 245x236 h.123 cm. HIGH (for mattress 200x200 cm.) - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs 70 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) 10,50 15,60 (back in fabric) (back in leather) pipings in leather pipings in leather sqmt. 2,00 sqmt. 2,00 11,00 16,00 (back in fabric) (back in leather) pipings in leather pipings in leather sqmt. 2,00 sqmt. 2,00 107,00 5.346,00 - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs (lm. in height 107,00 Bed - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs Fabric needed 5.496,00 12,00 19,00 (back in fabric) (back in leather) pipings in leather pipings in leather sqmt. 2,00 sqmt. 2,00 107,00 5.454,00 107,00 5.599,00 12,00 20,00 (back in fabric) (back in leather) pipings in leather pipings in leather sqmt. 2,00 sqmt. 2,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 9.729,00 9.729,00 18,50 29,50 9.988,00 9.988,00 19,40 30,60 Bed cm. 360x247 H.139 (for mattress cm.180x200) BEAUFORTS Headboard with capitonné sides and logo embroidered in the center feet in plexiglass Ø 80 sides patches and base in steel - Option: LED lights 725,00 - Option: golden/bronze lacquered steel 217,00 Bed cm. 380x247 H.139 (for mattress cm.200x200) BEAUFORTS Headboard with capitonné sides and logo embroidered in the center feet in plexiglass Ø 80 sides patches and base in steel - Option: LED lights 725,00 - Option: golden/bronze lacquered steel 217,00 Pair of lamps in stainless steel mail and BEAUFORTS stripes of chain with buckles Ø24 H.80 (please specify always the height from the to the floor) 71 ceiling 5.693,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 7.036,00 7.036,00 13,50 22,50 7.249,00 7.249,00 14,00 23,00 10.993,00 11.130,00 7,30 12,00 11.417,00 11.590,00 8,00 12,50 Elliptical bedside table with 2 drawers cm.60x45 H.52 BEAUFORTS top with mechanic sliding system on the side structure in shiny lacquered wood 3.809,00 oval mail in polished steel base outlines in stainless steel - Option: golden/bronze lacquered steel BISMARCK BISMARCK 155,00 Bed cm. 240x259 H.98 (for mattress cm.180x200) complete of chain with Visionnaire pendant Bed cm. 260x259 H.98 (for mattress cm.200x200) complete of chain with Visionnaire pendant Four-poster bed 212x232 h.235 cm. CADOR (for mattress 180x200 cm.) headboard height 110 cm. - Option: veil in organza 1.721,00 - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs 734,00 Four-poster bed 232x232 h.235 cm. CADOR (for mattress 200x200 cm.) 0,00 headboard height 110 cm. - Option: veil in organza - 1.721,00 Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs 72 734,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 6.483,00 7.058,00 7,30 12,00 6.873,00 7.804,00 7,50 12,50 4.958,00 5.038,00 16,00 24,00 5.279,00 5.403,00 17,00 24,50 120,00 120,00 0,60 0,90 Bed without posters 212x232 cm CADOR (for mattress 180x200 cm) 0,00 Headboard height 110 cm - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs 137,00 Bed without posters 232x232 cm CADOR (for mattress 200x200 cm) 0,00 Headboard height 110 cm - Option: bronzed or golden lacquered legs 137,00 Double bed cm.222x235 H.118 upholstered front plates CAESAR (for mattress cm.180x200) (We recommend n. 5 loose cushions cm.50x50 and 4 rolls cm.50 Ø 18 NOT INCLUDED) WOODEN SLATS INCLUDED Double bed cm.242x235 H.118 upholstered front plates CAESAR (for mattress cm.200x200) (We recommend n. 5 loose cushions cm.50x50 and 4 rolls cm.50 Ø 18 NOT INCLUDED) WOODEN SLATS INCLUDED CAESAR CAESAR Medal in brass fusion Ø 17 cm. with Caesar head or Visionnaire logo in relief option for Caesar bed Chromed or nichel finishing 873,00 Golden or bronze finishing 987,00 Roll cm.50 Ø 18 73 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price CAESAR Embroidered loose cushion cm.50x50 CHESTER Bed with capitonné headboard Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height included) included) 140 cm.) 242,00 0,00 0,60 Leather needed (sqm) 8,00 (headboard) DUDLEY cm.203x260 H.102 7.349,00 7.349,00 (for mattress cm 180x200) one fabric 13,50 10,00 (back and bedframe) one leather 16,50 8,60 (headboard) CHESTER DUDLEY Bed with capitonné headboard cm.223x260 H.102 7.742,00 7.742,00 (for mattress cm 200x200) one fabric 14,50 10,50 (back and bedframe) one leather 18,00 Bed with capitonné headboard cm. 206x245 H.88 (for mattress cm. 180x200) CHESTER perimetral moulded bands upholstered in Kenya leather LAURENCE with ovals printing (price already included) 9.626,00 9.626,00 8,50 11,00 10.040,00 10.040,00 9,00 12,00 buckles in antique brass Visionnaire coats of arms logo base outlines in antique brass lacquered aluminium Bed with capitonnè headboard cm. 226x245 H.88 (for mattress cm. 200x200) CHESTER perimetral moulded bands upholstered in Kenya leather LAURENCE with ovals printing (price already included) buckles in antique brass Visionnaire coats of arms logo base outlines in antique brass lacquered aluminium 74 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 4.999,00 4.999,00 13,00 21,00 5.159,00 5.159,00 13,50 21,50 4.325,00 4.325,00 13,50 18,50 4.656,00 4.656,00 14,00 19,50 Bed cm.225x238 H.131 DIPLOMATE (for mattress cm.180x200) 2 steel logos on armrests feet in chromed steel - Option: Visionnaire embroidered logo - Option: Scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407) 73,00 1.107,00 Bed cm.245x238 H.131 DIPLOMATE (for mattress cm.200x200) 2 steel logos on armrests feet in chromed steel - Option: Visionnaire embroidered logo - Option: Scoubidou" pipings in leather Nabuk 24127 (only colours 3405 and 3407) 73,00 1.154,00 Bed DROP with headboard and footboard 205x238 cm H.105 (headboard) 61 cm (footboard) (for mattress cm 180x200) Bed with headboard and footboard DROP 225x238 cm H.105 (headboard) 61 (footboard) (for mattress cm 200x200) 75 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price in fabric Price Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 9.235,00 9.235,00 29,20 39,00 9.786,00 9.786,00 29,20 39,00 5.274,00 5.274,00 9,50 16,50 5.476,00 5.476,00 10,50 17,50 Bed with interwoven headboard EDWARD 325x16 H.127 cm bedbase 200x214 H.33 cm (for mattress 180x200 cm) Bed with interwoven headboard EDWARD 325x16 H.127 cm bedbase 220x214 H.33 cm (for mattress 200x200 cm) Bedside table with door FLORIE cm.70x45 H.55 2924 covered with mirror - lacquered wooden frame top profiles and base in shiny stainless steel GINEVRA BED-DRESSY Bed 220x262 h.97 cm. (for mattress 180x200 cm.) Option: golden or bronze lacquered legs GINEVRA BED-DRESSY Bed 240x262 h.97 cm. (for mattress 200x200 cm.) Option: golden or bronze lacquered legs GINEVRA 176,00 176,00 Bedside table 45x45 h.51 cm. Cover and intermediate shelf 2.463,00 in glass of standard colours Option: golden or bronze lacquered legs 76 154,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model GREGORY GREGORY GREGORY Description Price cm.375x220 H.145 - Option: headbord frame in stainless steel 1.450,00 - Option: golden or bronzed headbord frame 1.638,00 - Option: golden or bronzed sommier frame 197,00 Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 9.666,00 9.666,00 17,00 24,50 cm.375x220 H.145 10.262,00 10.262,00 17,00 25,00 2.720,00 2.720,00 1,80 2,50 (for mattress 200x200) - Option: headbord frame in stainless steel 1.450,00 - Option: golden or bronzed headbord frame 1.638,00 - Option: golden or bronzed sommier frame 197,00 Bedside table with drawer 68x45 H.45 cm. top in bevelled mirror 65,00 Alcova with lateral sides 387x66 h.110 cm. (sides in fabric or (for 180x200 mattress) 9.668,00 9.668,00 bed depth 245 cm. (headboard included) Alcova with lateral sides 387x66 h.110 cm. Capitonné With bed of 233 cm.width (sides in fabric or (for 200x200 matress) leather) (lm. in height Bed with headboard with oval pattern With bed of 213 cm.width MAGNOLIA Fabric needed (for mattress 180x200) Capitonné leather) Price in leather Bed with headboard with oval pattern - Option: golden/bronzed stainless steel parts MAGNOLIA Price in fabric (price of fabric not (price of leather not 10.201,00 bed depth 245 cm. (headboard included) 77 10.201,00 21,00 31,00 sides: 4,00 sides: 6,00 base: 2,50 base: 4,50 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) 21,50 32,00 sides: 4,00 sides: 6,00 base: 3,50 base: 5,50 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) MAGNOLIA 387x66 h.110 cm. With bed of 213 cm.width (sides in fabric or (for 180x200 mattress) MAGNOLIA 7.116,00 7.116,00 bed depth 245 cm. (headboard included) Alcova with lateral sides 387x66 h.110 cm. Quilted With bed of 233 cm.width (sides in fabric or (for 200x200 mattress) leather) included) Alcova with lateral sides Quilted leather) Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not 7.648,00 7.648,00 bed depth 245 cm. (headboard included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) 16,00 25,50 sides: 4,00 sides: 6,00 base: 2,50 base: 4,50 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) 17,00 26,50 sides: 4,00 sides: 6,50 base: 3,50 base: 5,50 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) Alcova with lateral sides MAGNOLIA Capitonné (sides in glass) 387x66 h.110 cm. 21,00 31,00 With bed of 213 cm.width base: 2,50 base: 4,50 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) 13.593,00 (for 180x200 mattress) 13.593,00 bed depth 245 cm. (headboard included) sides in glass standard colour - Option: Golden Antique glass 455,00 Alcova with lateral sides MAGNOLIA Capitonné (sides in glass) 387x66 h.110 cm. 22,00 32,50 With bed of 233 cm.width base: 3,50 base: 5,50 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) 14.124,00 (for 200x200 mattress) bed depth 245 cm. (headboard included) sides in glass standard colour - Option: Golden Antique glass 78 455,00 14.124,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Alcova with lateral sides MAGNOLIA Quilted (sides in glass) 387x66 h.110 cm. 16,50 25,50 With bed of 213 cm.width base: 2,50 base: 4,50 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) 11.228,00 (for 180x200 matress) 11.228,00 bed depth 245 cm. (headboard included) sides in glass standard colour - Option: Golden Antique glass 455,00 Alcova with lateral sides MAGNOLIA Quilted (sides in glass) 387x66 h.110 cm. 17,50 27,00 With bed of 233 cm.width base: 3,50 base: 5,50 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) 11.761,00 (for 200x200 mattress) 11.761,00 bed depth 245 cm. (headboard included) sides in glass standard colour - Option: Golden Antique glass MAGNOLIA capitonnè (sides in fabric or leather) MAGNOLIA capitonnè (sides in fabric or leather) 455,00 Only headboard with 12,50 19,50 bed of 213 cm.width sides: 3,50 sides: 5,50 (for 180x200 mattress) 6.003,00 6.003,00 bed depth 245 cm. (Headboard included) base: 2,50 base: 3,50 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) Only headboard with 13,50 21,00 bed of 233 cm.width sides: 4,00 sides: 6,00 (for 200x200 mattress) 6.536,00 bed depth 245 cm. (Headboard included) 79 6.536,00 base: 3,50 base: 4,00 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) MAGNOLIA Quilted (sides in fabric or leather) MAGNOLIA Quilted (sides in fabric 14,50 sides: 5,50 (for 180x200 mattress) 4.976,00 4.976,00 bed depth 245 cm. (Headboard included) base: 2,50 base: 4,00 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) Only headboard with 9,00 15,50 bed of 233 cm.width sides: 4,00 sides: 6,00 (for 200x200 mattress) 5.508,00 5.508,00 bed depth 245 cm. Only headboard with (for 180x200 mattress) 8.179,00 8.179,00 bed depth 245 cm. (Headboard included) sides in standard colour - Option: Golden Antique glass capitonnè (sqm) 9,00 bed of 213 cm.width (sides in glass) 140 cm.) Leather needed sides: 3,50 MAGNOLIA MAGNOLIA (lm. in height Only headboard with (Headboard included) (sides in glass) included) Fabric needed bed of 213 cm.width or leather) capitonnè Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Only headboard with (for 200x200 mattress) 8.711,00 bed depth 245 cm. (Headboard included) sides in standard colour 80 base: 4,00 (with back in leather) 12,00 19,50 base: 2,50 base: 4,00 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) 284,00 bed of 233 cm.width - Option: Golden Antique glass base: 3,50 (with back in fabric) 284,00 8.711,00 13,00 20,50 base: 3,50 base: 5,00 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) MAGNOLIA Quilted (sides in glass) Quilted (sides in glass) Only headboard with (for 180x200 mattress) 6.314,00 6.314,00 bed depth 245 cm. (Headboard included) sides in standard colour Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) 9,00 14,50 base: 2,50 base: 4,00 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) 284,00 Only headboard with bed of 233 cm.width (for 200x200 mattress) 6.852,00 6.852,00 2.333,00 2.333,00 bed depth 245 cm. (Headboard included) sides in standard colour - Option: Golden Antique glass MAGNOLIA included) bed of 213 cm.width - Option: Golden Antique glass MAGNOLIA Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not 10,00 15,50 base: 3,50 base: 5,00 (with back in fabric) (with back in leather) 1,20 2,20 284,00 Nightstand 40x45 h.46 cm upholstered in fabric or leather top in standard colour glass - Option: Golden Antique glass 81 123,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed Leather needed (lm. in height (sqm) 140 cm.) Bed 213x245 h. 82 cm. (for 180x200 cm mattress) MIDNIGHT top border, base and headboard 6,00 panel are upholstered 5.334,00 5.334,00 SIDES in bevelled glass lacquered in colours: (with fabric also in the back) black, bordeaux, cream, mirror, white, moka OR in bevelled lacquered wood Bed 233x245 h. 82 cm. (for 200x200 cm mattress) MIDNIGHT top border, base and headboard panel 6,50 are upholstered 5.478,00 5.478,00 SIDES in bevelled glass lacquered in colours: (with fabric also in the back) black, bordeaux, cream, mirror, white, moka OR in bevelled lacquered wood MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT 8,50 (with lining on back) + 2,00 for rear headboard upholstering (on request) 9,00 (with lining on back) + 2,00 for rear headboard upholstering (on request) bevelled glass lacquered in colours: Bed table black, bordeaux, cream ,mirror, white, 1.935,00 45x40 h.42 cm. moka Bedside table 2.130,00 45x40 H.42 cm in polished lacquered bevelled wood Bed 235x233 H.111 cm. NOTTINGHAM (for mattress 180x200 cm.) capitonné headboard 5.301,00 5.301,00 10,00 15,00 5.404,00 5.404,00 10,50 16,00 bedframe with buttons feet in carved wood Bed 255x233 H.111 cm. NOTTINGHAM (for mattress 200x200 cm.) capitonné headboard bedframe with buttons feet in carved wood 82 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) Top in PURPLE ONYX MARBLE 3.630,00 3.630,00 1,90 3,50 Top IN GLASS OR MIRROR 3.089,00 3.089,00 1,90 3,50 3.018,00 3.018,00 2,30 3,80 Bedside table Ø 48 H.50 cm. Structure in wood: NOTTINGHAM - external and internal perimeter upholstered in leather of fabric - one drawer upholstered in microfiber - Brass lily handle (silver or golden finishing) difference for handle with Visionnaire logo 308,00 Bedside table Ø 48 H.50 cm. NOTTINGHAM Structure in wood: - external, internal and top upholstered in leather of fabric - one drawer upholstered in microfiber - Option: handle with Visionnaire logo 83 406,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 6.935,00 6.935,00 13,50 24,50 0,00 0,00 7.245,00 7.245,00 14,50 26,00 2.806,00 2.806,00 1,20 2,00 7.254,00 7.254,00 17,00 26,00 7.365,00 7.365,00 17,50 27,00 Bed cm. 250x233 H.161 (for mattress cm. 180x200) OBELISK Capitonnè headboard with buttons: A) oval buttons in zama with Pienza decoration on relief B) Round buttons covered of the same upholstery's fabric/leather base in satinized steel - Option: base golden/bronze lacquered base 66,00 Bed cm. 270x233 H.161 (for mattress cm. 200x200) OBELISK Capitonnè headboard with buttons: A) oval buttons in zama with Pienza decoration on relief B) Round buttons covered of the same upholstery's fabric/leather base in satinized steel - Option: base golden/bronze lacquered base PERCEVAL 66,00 Bedside table 45x40 h.60 cm. - Option: base golden/bronze lacquered legs 162,00 Bed with capitonné headboard PITTI BED cm.360x230 H.121 bedframe cm.202x215 (for mattress cm.180x200) feet in laser cut stainless steel - Option: headboard divided into two parts 325,00 Bed with capitonné headboard PITTI BED cm.360x230 H.121 bedframe cm.222x215 (for mattress cm.200x200) feet in laser cut stainless steel - Option: headboard divided into two parts 84 325,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 8.744,00 8.744,00 14,50 19,00 8.982,00 8.982,00 16,50 21,00 4.544,00 4.544,00 8,50 12,50 5.898,00 5.898,00 13,00 19,00 Bed cm.254x240 H.128 PORFIRIO (for mattress cm 180x200) Headboard and bedframe with pipe quilting base and headboard bands in shiny lacquered wood Bed cm.274x240 H.128 (for mattress cm 200x200) PORFIRIO Headboard and bedframe with pipe quilting base and headboard bands in shiny lacquered wood RHODIUM* * bedplane in plywood and mattress INCLUDED Single bed (for mattress cm.90x200) cm.242x126 H.107/60 aluminium feet h.15 with diamond pattern - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs RHODIUM* * bedplane in plywood and mattress INCLUDED Double Bed (for mattress cm 190x200) 247x222 H.107/60 cm aluminium feet h 15 with diamond pattern - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs RHODIUM 84,00 Embroidered loose cushion cm.50x50 85 84,00 242,00 0,60 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model RONDO' Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 11.820,00 11.990,00 18,00 30,00 12.221,00 12.393,00 20,00 31,00 9.386,00 9.500,00 14,00 24,00 9.845,00 9.949,00 15,00 24,50 Bedside table Ø 54 H.47 cm. in stainless steel with one drawer in wood top in mirror glass Shiny inox structure 3.255,00 Golden/bronzed lacquered version 3.641,00 Double bed with headboard and feetboard cm.327x227 H.125 SATYRICON (bedframe for mattress cm.180x200) + 2 bedsides included with top in white Naxos marble + 2 upholstered seats on footboard Double bed with headboard and feetboard cm.347x227 H.125 SATYRICON (bedframe for mattress cm.200x200) + 2 bedsides included with top in white Naxos marble + 2 upholstered seats on footboard Double bed with headboard SATYRICON cm.327x227 H.125 (bedframe for mattress cm.180x200) + 2 bedsides included with top in white Naxos marble Double bed with headboard SATYRICON cm.347x227 H.125 (bedframe for mattress cm.200x200) + 2 bedsides included with top in white Naxos marble 86 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) 20,00 SIEGFRID Bed 12,00 207x230 h.170 cm 6.200,00 6.571,00 (for mattress 180x200 cm.) - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs (with fabric also on back) (lining on back, + 3,00 to upholster it in leather ) 43,00 22,00 SIEGFRID Bed 13,00 227x230 h.170 cm 6.764,00 - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs SIEGFRID SIEGFRID 7.146,00 (for mattress 200x200 cm.) Headrest roll (for MR 180) 160 x Ø 20 cm. (in two parts) Headrest roll (for MR 200) 180 x Ø 20 cm. (in two parts) (with fabric also on back) (lining on back, + 3,00 to upholster it in leather ) 43,00 291,00 291,00 1,50 2,00 311,00 311,00 1,70 2,00 SIEGFRID Head cushion 80x55 cm. 230,00 255,00 0,90 2,00 SIEGFRID Loose cushion 50x55 cm. 104,00 116,00 0,70 1,50 87 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDS (slats not included) - BEDSIDE TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Bed TEODOSIO cm.226x260 H.100 Capitonné back (for mattress cm.180x200) 13,00 21,50 14,00 23,00 13,00 21,50 14,00 22,50 Rear part with capitonnè working Version aluminium legs 6.438,00 6.438,00 Version turned wooden legs 5.299,00 5.299,00 - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs 189,00 Bed TEODOSIO cm.246x260 H.100 Capitonné back (for mattress cm.200x200) Rear part with capitonnè working Version aluminium legs 6.773,00 6.773,00 Version turned wooden legs 5.635,00 5.635,00 - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs 189,00 Bed TEODOSIO cm.226x260 H.100 Plain back (for mattress cm.180x200) Rear part with plain working Version aluminium legs 6.210,00 6.210,00 Version turned wooden legs 5.072,00 5.072,00 - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs 189,00 Bed TEODOSIO cm.246x260 H.100 Plain back (for mattress cm.200x200) Rear part with plain working Version aluminium legs 6.469,00 6.469,00 Version turned wooden legs 5.330,00 5.330,00 - Option: bronze/golden lacquered legs 88 189,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDCOVERS -SHEETS Model Description Price ARTU' Bedocover 240x240 cm. 3.447,00 ARTU' Bedcover 240x240 cm. 3.871,00 Notes Bedcover in lapin 240x240 cm. colour: white lining in satin cotton Bedcover in lapin 240x240 cm. colour: beige lining in satin cotton Duvet cover in 100% satin cotton BOLERO Set of satin sheets 250x260 cm. Oyster colour with patella 50 cm. Included and white ribbon in U shape 1.944,00 with duvet cover Lower part without elastics 4 pillowcase 50x80 cm. With 4 flounceswith Visonnaire coat of arms embroidered on each corner BOLERO Duvet cm.250x220 999,00 CADOR Bedcover 260x280 cm. 1.118,00 DORIATH Bedcover 260x280 cm. 1.408,00 DURHAM Bedcover 240x240 cm. 4.413,00 Bedcover in lapin iceberg ERFURT Bedcover 240x240 cm. 5.165,00 Bedcover in lapin stardust natural (col. anthracite/grey) ERIK Bedcover 260x280 cm. 2.235,00 GOLDEN DREAM Bed cover 8.280,00 cm. 240x260 89 Quilted checkered duvet gr.140 mq. Bedcover in fabric HORION (65% cotton + 35% polyester) with tone-on-tone embroidery (cm.100x75) in the middle Quilt in PINK silk with V quilting and rings (padding in layers of polyester 100 gr. ) Bedcover in pure matelassé silk with Visionnaire logo embroidery tone on tone (cm.100x75), placed in the centre Printed Lapin VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDCOVERS -SHEETS Model Description Price GRACCO Single bedcover cm. 150x240 4.423,00 for mattress 200x200 cm. Upper sheets cm.270x290 MATHAN Bedcover 260x280 cm. with lining in cotton satin with a white ribbon along the edges 1.686,00 Lower sheets without elastics 4 pillowcase 50x80 cm. with 4 flounces and Visionnaire coats of arms lower sheets cm. 250x290 LOKI Bedcover in white embossed lapin Satin cotton sheets 100% Set of satin sheets oyster colour HABANERA Notes embroidered on each corner 2.424,00 1 sheet 260x290 cm. Bedcover in velvet 280x260 cm. - lining in satin Visionnaire coat of arms embroidered with Swarovski crystals "top" sheet with silk insert and set of 2 pillow cases 1.139,00 1 Under sheet 260x280 cm. PALATINO Bedcover cm. 240x260 3.684,00 PORFIRIO Bedcover 260x260 cm. 2.306,00 PROXIMO Bedcover cm.240x260 12.572,00 90 V embroidery tone on tone (Pink or Grey) pillow cases with silk border (Pink or Grey) Bedcover in silk with embroidery and microfibre inserts padding gr. 150 in acrylic layer In quilted silk Bedcover in white pipe-quilted rex lapin lining in cotton satin VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDCOVERS -SHEETS Model Description ROMANTIC Bed cover TIMES cm. 160x200 SIEGFRID Bedcover 260x280 cm. Price Notes 7.643,00 Rex rabbit col. Cream 2.296,00 up: Badoer col. 982 (available also in other colours) Bedcover with thin padding in acrylic layer under: cotton satin SILVER NIGHT Bed cover cm. 180x200 6.988,00 Rex rabbit hand-knitted 1.596,00 bedcover quilted with 16 squares Bedcover 260x280 cm. SIXTEEN Fabric needed lm 6,30 (if h.300) Fabric needed lm 12,50 (if h.140) Bedcover 260x280 cm. STUART Fabric needed lm 6,30 (if h.300) Fabric needed lm 12,50 (if h.140) 453,00 bedcover in fabric, double stitching with decorative pipings fabric for pipings lm 0,50 TANGO foot warmer 100x280 cm. 782,00 1 Sheet 260x280 cm. foot warmer with border 100% wool with padding gr.100 in acrylic layer cotton satin with Visionnaire embroidered logo THEO 1 Set of 2 pillowcases white 80x50 cm.(for pillow 70x50) 1 Under sheet 260x280 cm. 91 731,00 A - black embroidery B - gold embroidery VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BEDCOVERS -SHEETS Model THEO beige/green THEO fuxia/nut brown Description Price Notes nr.1 Sheet 260x290 cm. 1 Set of 2 pillowcases 80x50 cm.(for pillow 70x50) 633,00 cotton satin with Visionnaire embroidered logo GREEN colour 1 Under sheet 260x290 cm. nr.1 Sheet 260x290 cm. 1 Set of 2 pillowcases 80x50 cm.(for pillow 70x50) 1 Under sheet 260x290 cm. 92 633,00 cotton satin with Visionnaire embroidered logo NUT BROWN colour VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SLATS AND MATTRESSES Model RM/01 Description Price Notes 499,00 N° 15 single bars, straight, in multiply of 68 mm. and 12 mm. thick, Frame and central crossbars in beech multiply wood of 60x30 mm. Wooden slats 180x200 cm. inserted in apposite slots in frame, covered by a rubber sheath. Frame and central crossbars in beech multiply wood of 60x30 mm. Central RM/01 Wooden slats 575,00 200x200 cm. supports in painted steel. N° 15+15 double curved crossbars of 68 mm. and 10 mm. thick, inserited in apposite slots in frame, covered by a rubber sheath. BASIC B1 Mattress 180x200x20 cm 1.011,00 Box in polyurethane with springs Covered in jersey - removable on 3 sides BASIC B1 Mattress 200x200x20 cm 1.124,00 BRISTOL B2 Mattress 180x200x20 cm 1.132,00 Lining personalized - quilted in one piece with anallergic padding Box in polyurethane with 366 bagged springs Covered in jersey - removable on 3 sides BRISTOL B2 Mattress 200x200x20 cm 1.220,00 BONNE REPOS B3 Mattress 180x200x20 cm 1.941,00 BONNE REPOS B3 Mattress 200x200x20 cm 2.155,00 Lining personalized - quilted in one piece with anallergic padding Latex foam with 5 different zones Covered in jersey - removable on 3 sides Lining personalized - quilted in one piece with anallergic padding 93 Vacuum-packed in box VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SLATS AND MATTRESSES Model Description Price MOONLIT Mattress 180x200X20 cm. 1.485,00 MOONLIT Mattress 200x200X20 cm. 1.704,00 MOONLIT Notes Orthopaedic, conditioned, anti-mite boxato, with a layer of Memory foam of cm.3 on the winter side – personalized cover IPE-Cavalli Group TOPPER - for matt. cm. 180x200 th. cm.3 528,00 Padding in anallergic fiber (white) + a lyer of Memory foam - for matt. cm. 200x200 th. cm.3 ORTOPEDICO M3 Mattress 180x200X20 cm. 999,00 Box with springs in tempered steel and high density polyurethane. Removable cover. Climatized filling on white felt. Personalized, quilted in ORTOPEDICO M3 anti-parasite fabric with rhombus quilting Mattress 200x200X20 cm. 1.285,00 Pillow in fibre cm. 45x75 57,00 (100% siliconed acrylic fibre - lining in elasticized perforated cotton) Pillow in down cm. 50x80 118,00 (100% pure goose down - lining 100% cotton) PILLOWS 94 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 OPTION: BUTTONS IN ZAMA WITH VISIONNAIRE LOGO (available in the following finishings: bronzed - chromed - golden) Model Description Price ANTINEA Chair 36,00 BURGOS Chair 39,00 CHESTER DUDLEY Sofa cm.280 238,00 CHESTER DUDLEY Sofa cm.250 210,00 CHESTER DUDLEY Sofa cm.220 195,00 CHESTER DUDLEY Armchair 195,00 CHESTER DUDLEY chaise-longue 228,00 CHESTER WILSON Sofa cm.280 321,00 CHESTER WILSON Sofa cm.250 308,00 CHESTER WILSON Sofa cm.220 293,00 CHESTER WILSON Armchair 224,00 DAGONET Bench 87,00 Sofa cm.320 700,00 Sofa cm.280 658,00 Sofa cm.260 637,00 Sofa cm.240 616,00 Armchair 767,00 Bench 87,00 DOMUS CAPITONNE' DOMUS CAPITONNE' DOMUS CAPITONNE' DOMUS CAPITONNE' DOMUS CAPITONNE' EDNA 95 Notes VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 OPTION: BUTTONS IN ZAMA WITH VISIONNAIRE LOGO (available in the following finishings: bronzed - chromed - golden) Model Description Price ERRAKIS pouff 37,00 ESMERALDA Chair 65,00 Armchair 127,00 Sofa cm.280 666,00 Sofa cm.250 598,00 Sofa cm.220 568,00 Armchair 438,00 Love armchair 214,00 EVELAKE CAPITONNE' MAGNOLIA CAPITONNE' MAGNOLIA CAPITONNE' MAGNOLIA CAPITONNE' MAGNOLIA CAPITONNE' MAGNOLIA CAPITONNE' MAGNOLIA Bed with alcova CAPITONNE' (for MR 180/200x200) MAGNOLIA CAPITONNE' MAGNOLIA CAPITONNE' NOTTINGHAM NOTTINGHAM NOTTINGHAM 1.116,00 Bed cm.213 (for MR 180) 605,00 Bed cm.233 (for MR 200) 638,00 Bed cm.235 482,00 for MR 180x200 Bed cm.255 499,00 for MR 200x200 Sofa cm.280 164,00 96 Notes VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 OPTION: BUTTONS IN ZAMA WITH VISIONNAIRE LOGO (available in the following finishings: bronzed - chromed - golden) Model Description Price NOTTINGHAM Sofa cm.250 146,00 NOTTINGHAM Sofa cm.220 127,00 NOTTINGHAM Sofa cm.180 109,00 NOTTINGHAM Armchair 109,00 NOTTINGHAM Love seat 109,00 NOTTINGHAM Bench 76,00 97 Notes VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) ACER low table 150x150 H.35 cm ACER Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror bevelled glass in standard colors 5.920,00 in golden antique mirror glass 7.460,00 ACER/C low table cm.150x150 H.35 ACER with 4 drawers Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror bevelled glass top in standard colors 7.111,00 in golden antique mirror glass 8.420,00 ACER low table cm.75x150 H.35 ACER Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror bevelled glass top in standard colors 3.448,00 in golden antique mirror glass 4.242,00 ACER/C low table cm.75x150 H.35 ACER with 2 drawers Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror A B bevelled glass top in standard colors 4.086,00 in golden antique mirror glass 4.859,00 98 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 6.935,00 6.935,00 3,30 5,20 1,60 2,00 Table with 12 sides Ø 71,4x H.76 cm. ALGOL Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror base in stainless steel Ø 44cm 4.414,00 base in golden lacquered steel Ø 44cm 4.461,00 Desk reception cm.160x45 H.100 upholstered structure with embroidery ARISTEO on fabric or leather - top in lacquered glass steel outlines in shiny steel tips in chromed aluminium - central part of legs in aluminium alloy - Option: golden/bronze lacquered finishing 331,00 Console cm.160x45 H.100 ARISTEO top in lacquered glass - outlines in shiny steel central part of legs in aluminium alloy 4.626,00 tips in chromed aluminum - Option: golden/bronze lacquered finishing ATTIS 331,00 Display in glass 150x60 H.52 cm. (base) top 170x80 cm. - Extralight tempered glass 3.933,00 (without plaster heads) - Option: 4 plaster heads BIBLI 2.148,00 Upholstered round table Ø 50x H.62 cm. 99 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Dining table 275x112 H.78 cm. BORGIA Structure in stainless steel built-in top in lacquered glass mm.10 perimeter bands in diamond ceramic SHINY PLATINUM or GOLD 12.015,00 WHITE or BLACK ENAMEL 9.723,00 Dining table 253x112 H.78 cm. BORGIA Structure in stainless steel built-in top in lacquered glass mm.10 perimeter bands in diamond ceramic SHINY PLATINUM or GOLD 11.567,00 WHITE or BLACK ENAMEL 9.264,00 Dining table 260x130 H.75 cm. Central pillar in shiny lacquered wood BRUNSWICK base in shiny stainless steel Top in RED CIPOLLINO marble built into a lacquered 19.613,00 wooden frame, th.5 cm.bevelled, shiny lacquer finishing. Mat lacquered wooden undertop Dining table 220x130 H.75 cm. Central pillar in shiny lacquered wood BRUNSWICK base in shiny stainless steel Top in RED CIPOLLINO marble built into a lacquered wooden frame, th.5 cm.bevelled, shiny lacquer finishing. Mat lacquered wooden undertop 100 17.543,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height included) included) 140 cm.) 5.083,00 5.083,00 3,00 Leather needed (sqm) Low table cm.190x80 H.60 CADOR Alluminium and Stainless steel structure top in wood + transparent glass Upholstered in fabric or leather CAMELOT Upholstered with capitonnè wall paper 5.370,00 - Option: bronze or golden lacquered structure 502,00 Dining table cm. 250x100 H.73 (frame mm.40x10) 5.552,00 with lacquered glass top - Option: bronze or golden lacquered structure CAMELOT 712,00 Dining table cm. 250x100 H.75 (frame 60x20 mm.) Top in honey onyx marble 10.937,00 Top in white onyx marble top 11.903,00 Top in Emperador Light mable 9.499,00 - Option: bronze or golden lacquered structure 712,00 Dining table cm. 220x100 H.73 CAMELOT (frame mm. 40x10) 5.307,00 with lacquered glass top - Option: bronze or golden lacquered structure CAMELOT 629,00 Dining table cm. 220x100 H.75 (frame 60x20 mm.) Top in honey onyx marble 10.482,00 Top in white onyx marble top 11.489,00 Top in Emperador Light mable 9.091,00 - Option: bronze or golden lacquered structure 629,00 101 4,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) CAMELOT CAMELOT CAMELOT Low table cm. 45x45 H.40 2.018,00 - Option: bronze or golden lacquered structure 225,00 Low table cm. 120x120 H.40 3.190,00 - Option: bronze or golden lacquered structure 300,00 Low table cm.180x80 H.40 3.047,00 - Option: bronze or golden lacquered structure 314,00 Console cm. 140x45 H.90 CHANTILLY pillar, turnings base in chromed aluminium fusion undertop in shiny lacquered wood 5.144,00 Top in CALACATTA GOLD marble - Option: golden or bronze lacquer 259,00 MONSIEUR cm.90x130 H.45 top in bevelled marble and chromed base CHANTILLY Top in Silverwave marble 6.203,00 Top in Calacatta ondulato marble 5.940,00 Top in Cipollino ondulato marble 5.997,00 - Option: golden or bronze lacquer 198,00 102 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) MADAME cm.80x90 H.35 top in bevelled marble and chromed base CHANTILLY Top in Silverwave marble 4.207,00 Top in Calacatta ondulato marble 4.130,00 Top in Cipollino ondulato marble 4.371,00 - Option: golden or bronze lacquer 198,00 MADEMOISELLE cm.60x60 H.59 top in bevelled marble and chromed base CHANTILLY COLISEUM Top in Silverwave marble 3.121,00 Top in Calacatta ondulato marble 3.127,00 Top in Cipollino ondulato marble 2.995,00 - Option: golden or bronze lacquer 218,00 Dining table Ø 260 H.75 cm. (base Ø 150) Version white plane tree veneered shiny 18.427,00 polyester lacquering (without signs) Version lacquered wood top COLISEUM 14.226,00 Dining table Ø 220 H.75 cm. (base Ø 120) Version white plane tree veneered shiny 14.862,00 polyester lacquering (without signs) Version lacquered wood top 103 12.207,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model COLISEUM Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) Version in white plane tree veneered wood 1.831,00 1.831,00 1,80 2,80 Version in lacquered wood structure 1.739,00 1.739,00 1,80 2,80 Dining table Ø 160 H.75 cm. (base Ø 68) Version white plane tree veneered shiny 11.321,00 polyester lacquering (without signs) Version lacquered wood top 8.466,00 Chair upholstered seat and back 68/44x51 H.75 cm COLISEUM COLISEUM TWELVE n. 12 chairs for Ø 260 cm. table COLISEUM TEN n. 10 chairs for Ø 220 cm.table Low table cm. 180x95 H.36 top and base structure in bevelled glass CONDE' middle band in backlit ribbed plexiglass Lighting system with battery 9.160,00 (rechargable - provided with charger) Switch-on system with remote control Low table cm. 180x95 H.36 backlit central pool CONDE' top and structure in bevelled glass middle band in backlit ribbed plexiglass Lighting system with battery (rechargable - provided with charger) Switch-on system with remote control 104 11.592,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 12.420,00 12.420,00 2,00 4,30 7.607,00 7.607,00 2,00 4,30 Elliptical table cm.172x105 H.50/78 with rise&fall system with battery CONRAD (rechargable provided with charger) top in frosted glass with decoration base in steel with Visionnaire coat of arms logo central pillar upholstered in leather or fabric Standard version with on/off button - Option: remote control 1.004,00 -Option: golden or bronze lacquered finishing 375,00 Elliptical table CONRAD cm.172x105 H.48 top in frosted glass with decoration base in steel with Visionnaire coats of arms logo -Option: golden or bronze lacquered finishing CORMAC 375,00 Octagonal dining table Ø 200 H.75 cm. Black crystal temperated top mm.12 6.720,00 4 aluminium black legs Dining table cm.305x105 h.75 CORNELIO (with stainless steel profiles mm.80X20) top with 12 plaster figures cm.50x50 and tempered smoky glass 105 11.644,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Dining table cm.255x105 h.75 CORNELIO (with stainless steel profiles mm.80X20) 10.300,00 top with 10 plaster figures cm.50x50 and tempered smoky glass Low table cm. 155x105 h.50 CORNELIO (with stainless steel profiles 80x20 mm) top with 6 plaster figures 50x50 cm and 5.651,00 tempered smoky glass CYCAS CYCAS CYCAS DINING TABLE Low table 180x80 H.43 cm. top in Emperador light marble Structure in shiny stainless steel 5.522,00 version GOLD/BRONZE lacquered 5.970,00 Low table 120x120 H.43 cm. top in Emperador Light marble Structure in shiny stainless steel 5.522,00 version GOLD/BRONZE lacquered 5.970,00 Dining table 250x100 H 75 cm Top in white onyx marble 11.662,00 Top in honey onyx marble 9.048,00 Top in Emperador Light marble 8.161,00 106 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) CYCAS DINING TABLE Dining table 220x100 H 75 Top in white onyx marble 11.333,00 Top in honey onyx marble 8.662,00 Top in Emperador Light marble 7.669,00 Dining table cm. 250x100 H 73 CYCAS DINING TABLE top in tempered lacquered glass 6.300,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Dining table cm. 220x100 H 73 CYCAS DINING TABLE top in tempered lacquered glass 5.956,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Low oval table cm.180x60 H. 40 DAUNO top in marble: white Naxos or Honey onyx 5.147,00 diamond legs in aluminium fusion Low table cm. 120x120 H.35 DAYDREAM in bevelled glass top 3.384,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror 107 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height included) included) 140 cm.) 2.588,00 2.588,00 3,20 Leather needed (sqm) Low table cm. 180x80 H.35 in bevelled glass top DAYDREAM 3.484,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror DAYDREAM Low table cm. 120x120 H.35 UPHOLSTERED upholstered in fabric or leather Dining table cm. 160x160 H.78 bevelled glass top DAYDREAM Glass in standard colours: 8.021,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Dining table Ø 180 H.78 cm. DAYDREAM bevelled glass top 10.164,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Opzione: rotating shelf Ø 90 cm 2.070,00 Modular element cm. 200x40 H. 60 DAYDREAM in bevelled glass top 4.719,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror 108 5,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Modular element cm. 200x40 H. 60 DAYDREAM with back panel in bevelled glass top 5.077,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Modular element cm. 107x40 H.30 DAYDREAM in bevelled glass top Glass in standard colours: 3.247,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Modular element cm. 107x40 H.100/40 DAYDREAM in bevelled glass 4.062,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Modular element cm. 107x40 H.80/20 DAYDREAM in bevelled glass 3.760,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Composition DAYDREAM Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror with back panel 16.146,00 without back panel 15.788,00 109 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Elliptical dining table cm.300x150 H.75 EDELBERT with shiny lacquered top - base in stainless steel 9.524,00 Standard colors lacquered top Elliptical dining table cm.250x130 H.75 EDELBERT with shiny lacquered top - base in stainless steel 8.813,00 Standard colors lacquered top Dining table cm. 250x100 H.77 ESMERALDA structure in POLISHED STAINLESS STEEL with decorations in GOLD/BRONZE lacquered finishing Top in shaped Emperador Light marble 10.990,00 Top in shaped Honey onyx marble 14.498,00 Top in shaped Pink onyx marble 20.575,00 Dining table cm. 250x100 H.77 ESMERALDA structure in WHITE/GOLD/BRONZE lacquered stainless steel with decorations in GOLD/BRONZE lacquered finishing Top in shaped Emperador Light marble 11.452,00 Top in shaped Honey onyx marble 14.961,00 Top in shaped Pink onyx marble 21.037,00 Dining table cm.160x160 h.75 FERRAN shiny lacquered legs and lower profile of the table tips in shiny stainless steel - corners decorated with Visionnaire coat of arms plates Top in Frappuccino marble 14.076,00 Top in veneered with striped rosewood 11.513,00 110 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Dining table cm.250x110 h.75 FERRAN shiny lacquered legs and lower profile of the table tips in shiny stainless steel - corners decorated with Visionnaire coat of arms plates Top in Frappuccino marble 17.857,00 Top in veneered with striped rosewood 12.793,00 Low table cm.180x100 h.37 FERRAN shiny lacquered legs and lower profile of the table tips in shiny stainless steel - corners decorated with Visionnaire coat of arms plates Top in Frappuccino marble 12.744,00 Top in veneered with striped rosewood 9.356,00 Tavolo basso cm.120x120 h.37 FERRAN gambe e profilo inferiore del tavolo laccato lucido e puntali in accio inox lucido angoli decorati con placche stemma araldico Visionnaire FORMA MENTIS Top in Frappuccino marble 10.902,00 Top in veneered with striped rosewood 8.336,00 Table cm.250x90 H.75 8.280,00 structure in steel top in ondulate Calacatta marble Console cm. 150x45 H.80 wooden structure with 2 drawers FOUQUET covered with bevelled glass sustains in plexiglass covered by a cascade of decorative chain (chromed or golden finishing) 111 5.693,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model HAGEN HAGEN HAGEN HAGEN Description Price Low table 132x132 H.45 cm in wood Upholstery in leather or fabric Low pouf 52x52 H.30 cm Stainless steel base High table cm. 250x100 H.77 in wood Upholstery in leather or fabric High table cm. 90x90 H.77 in wood Upholstery in leather or fabric Low table cm.105x70 H.32 HANSEL back-lightened alabaster 7.036,00 base in shiny stainless steel Low table cm.105x70 H.48 HANSEL back-lightened alabaster 7.143,00 base in shiny stainless steel KEU Low table cm. 45x45 H. 40 in stainless steel 912,00 KEU Low table cm. 50x50 H. 40 in stainless steel 972,00 112 Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height Leather needed (sqm) included) included) 140 cm.) 2.417,00 2.417,00 3,00 5,50 573,00 573,00 1,80 3,00 3.397,00 3.397,00 4,60 8,00 2.417,00 2.417,00 3,00 5,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) KEU Table cm. 220x90 H. 75 in stainless steel 4.758,00 KEU Table cm. 185x90 H. 75 in stainless steel 3.699,00 KUDRUN KUDRUN KUDRUN LANCILOTTO Dining table in stainless steel cm. 250x100 H.75. Top in Emperador light marble 7.078,00 Top in Honey onyx marble 8.080,00 Top in White onyx marble 10.316,00 Dining table in stainless steel cm. 220x100 H.75 Top in Emperador light marble 6.608,00 Top in Honey onyx marble 7.441,00 Top in White onyx marble 9.356,00 Low table cm.124x124 H.40 in stainless steel Top in Emperador light marble 4.606,00 Top in Honey onyx marble 5.537,00 Top in White onyx marble 7.245,00 Low table cm. 180x80 H.40 in stainless steel with lacquered glass top 113 2.255,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) LANCILOTTO LANCILOTTO LANCILOTTO Low table cm. 120x120 H.40 in stainless steel with lacquered glass top 2.255,00 Low table cm. 50x50 H.40 lacquered glass top 1.244,00 Golden Antique glass top 1.319,00 "A" low table cm. 50x50 H.40 stainless steel - steel and glass top 1.728,00 with "Notre Dame" serigraphy LANCILOTTO "V" low table cm. 50x50 H.40 stainless steel - glass top 1.728,00 with "Notre Dame" serigraphy LANCILOTTO LANCILOTTO "M" low table cm. 50x50 H.40 stainless steel Top in Honey onyx marble 1.754,00 Top in White onyx marble 2.389,00 Low table cm.90x90 H.40 legs in stainless steel mm.25X25 with top in lacquered glass Structure in shiny stainless steel 1.963,00 Gold/bronze lacquered stainless steel 2.217,00 114 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Low table cm.90x90 H.40 legs in stainless steel mm.25X25 with extraclear glass top with digital print LANCILOTTO A) Dubhe bear subject a1-Head / a2 - Legs B) Primula chaise-longue subject b1 - head / b2 legs LOTHAR MAXIM'S MAXIM'S Structure in shiny stainless steel 2.560,00 Gold/bronze lacquered stainless steel 2.813,00 Low table in stainless steel 50x50 h.40 cm. with shelf in stainless steel Black lacquered glass top 1.379,00 Glass top with "Notre Dame" serigraphy 1.861,00 Table Ø cm.50 H.67 base in shiny steel and chromed turnings Top in Calacatta Oro marble 3.027,00 Top in Silverwave marble 2.878,00 Table Ø cm.50 H.67 base in shiny steel and gold/bronze lacquered turnings Top in Calacatta Oro marble 3.241,00 Top in Silverwave marble 3.092,00 Dining table cm. 300x100 H.75 MERLINO in stainless steel - lacquered glass top Glass in standard colours: 4.376,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror 115 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Dining table cm. 250x100 H.75 in stainless steel - lacquered glass top MERLINO Glass in standard colours: 4.065,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Dining table cm. 220x100 H.75 in stainless steel - lacquered glass top MERLINO Glass in standard colours: 3.827,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror ORFEO Bedside table 55x55 H.50 cm. laser cut stainless steel base 3.482,00 top in smoky bevelled glass OTTAVIANO Dining table 215x215 H.78 cm in polished stainless steel Undertop in woodwith 16 plaster figures 14.921,00 49x49 cm smoky tempered glass top Smoky mirror top OTTAVIANO 10.166,00 Dining table 165x165 H.78 cm in polished stainless steel Undertop in woodwith 16 plaster figures 49x49 cm smoky tempered glass top Smoky mirror top 9.811,00 8.208,00 116 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Table 180x120 h.45 cm. Top in bevelled glass base in stainless steel PELLEAS (mirror glass internal basin) Glass in standard colours: 5.992,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror - Option: water proof small basin 49x39 H.35 cm 1.373,00 in plexiglass and Gothec handles (max. 2 pieces) Table cm. 90x160 H.45 Top in bevelled glass base in stainless steel PELLEAS (mirror glass internal basin) Glass in standard colours: 5.618,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror - Option: water proof small basin 49x39 H.35 cm 1.373,00 in plexiglass and Gothec handles (max. 2 pieces) Oval low table cm.200x32 H.40 PERSEUS top and grooved columns in lacquered wood 2.312,00 underbase in stainless steel PERSEUS Oval consolle-table 300x70 H.75 cm top and grooved columns in lacquered wood underbase in stainless steel 117 5.622,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model PHOEBUS Description Price Dodecagonal dining table Ø 180 H.75 cm. all upholstered - Opzione: Lazy Susan Ø 80 cm top in glass PRISCO 2.066,00 Low table cm. 100x100 H.50 in stainless steel with glass top with plaster rosettes 4.576,00 on undertop in lacquered wood RANDALL Low table 45x45 h.41 cm. Top in plexiglass with Swarovski microcrystals 3.377,00 decoration - legs in shiny laser cut stainless steel RUIS Low table 195x120 H.35 cm (mirrored internal basin in shiny laminate) bevelled glasses (standard colors) 6.409,00 Golden Antique mirror 8.403,00 Carrara vagli marble 12.366,00 Emperador Light marble 12.391,00 Nuvolato onyx marble 15.778,00 - Option: chain in stainless steel 2.570,00 - Option: water proof small basin 49x39 H.35 cm in 1.373,00 plexiglass and Gothec handles (max. 2 pieces) 118 Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height included) included) 140 cm.) 9.461,00 9.461,00 6,50 Leather needed (sqm) 10,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Dining table cm.250x110 H.75 Legs in turned aluminum and central structure in SCARLET bicomponent poliurethane resine - lacquer. Structure and turnings in stainless steel polished/chromed finishing Top in mirror glass 8.384,00 Top in Calacatta Gold marble 13.445,00 Top in Emperador Light marble 10.490,00 Low table cm.100x100 H.40 Legs in turned aluminum and central structure in SCARLET bicomponent poliurethane resine - lacquer. Structure and turnings in stainless steel polished/chromed finishing Top in mirror glass 6.036,00 Top in Calacatta Gold marble 7.752,00 Top in Emperador Light marble 6.474,00 Dining table with glass elliptic top cm.300x160 H.75 SOLSTICE Cage structure on elliptic base in laser cut stainless steel cm.210x80 top in stratified tempered float glass - th. mm.15 This base can be used also for glass top of maximum size 320x180 cm 119 18.714,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Dining table with glass elliptic top cm.260x140 H.77 Cage structure on elliptic base in SOLSTICE laser cut stainless steel cm.160x68 15.094,00 top in extraclear tempered glass - th. mm.15 This base can be used also for glass top of maximum size 280x160 cm Dining table with glass and round top Ø cm.160 H.75 Cage structure on elliptic base in SOLSTICE laser cut stainless steel Ø 70 cm 11.530,00 top in extraclear tempered glass - th. mm.15 This base can be used also for glass top of maximum Ø 180 cm diameter SOLSTICE Low table Ø 120 H.44 cm. structure in steel 6.500,00 top in tempered glass mm.15 Tray 70x50x6 cm. pliable support (60x50x50) covered in leather with surface in A STEVENS transparent glass Aluminium handles: - A with points B - B truncated with handles in chromed aluminium 2.425,00 2,00 with handles GOLD/BRONZE lacquering 2.495,00 2,00 120 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Tray 70x50x6 cm. A B covered in leather STEVENS Aluminium handles: - A with points - B truncated with handles in chromed aluminium 1.452,00 1,40 with handles GOLD/BRONZE lacquering 1.521,00 1,40 M+W - Table oval 280x160 h.75 cm. TILMUN Stainless steel base 120x70 cm with top in marble Calacatta Gold on plane 17.671,00 in lacquered wood M - Oval table 280x160 H.73 cm TILMUN top in lacquered wood 10.282,00 Stainless steel base 120x70 cm M+W - Circle table Ø 160 H.75 cm. TILMUN base in stainless steel Ø 70 cm. with top in calacatta gold marble on lacquered 13.129,00 wood structure TILMUN M - Circle table Ø 160 H.73 cm. Base in stainless steel Ø 70 cm. with top in lacquered wood 121 8.604,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Console with 3 drawers cm. 160x40 H.95,3 structure and top in shiny lacquered wood VERSAILLES Tips and turnings in aluminium, chrome finishing inserts in conic truncated prismatic crystal 7.970,00 shield handles in leather with Visionnaire logo Spheres in chromed brass - Option: bronzed/golden lacquered finishing 186,00 Writing desk with 3 drawers cm.240x120 H.75 top in moulded marble Structure in lacquered wood VERSAILLES legs with metallic turnings and spheres chrome finished inserts in prismatic crystal Drawers with shield handle in leather with Visionnaire logo Big sphere in lacquered brass Top in Grey Bardiglio marble 15.351,00 Top in Silverwave marble 15.862,00 - Option: golden or bronze lacquered legs 347,00 Chest of 3 drawers cm.55x55 H.52 Top in moulded marble VERSAILLES Structure in lacquered wood Base outlines in shiny stainless steel Drawers' handles in a shield shape in leather with Visionnaire logo Top in Grey Bardiglio marble 8.422,00 Top in Silverwave marble 8.503,00 122 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Dining table cm.180x180 H.77 VERSAILLES legs with turnings and spheres in chromed metal and faceted crystal 20.286,00 top in purple Calacatta marble - Opzione: Lazy Susan cm. 70x70 serving hatch with top in purple Calacatta marble - Option: golden or bronze lacquered legs 2.452,00 347,00 Dining table cm.260x120 H.77 VERSAILLES Tips and turnings in aluminium chromed and lacquered spheres in lacquered brass inserts in prismatic crystal Top in Purple Calacatta marble 15.473,00 Top in Black Cosmic marble 13.248,00 - Option: golden or bronze lacquered legs 347,00 Low table cm.90x90 H.45 WHISTLER legs in stainless steel mm.60x60 with lacquered glass top Structure in shiny stainless steel Struttura in GOLD/BRONZE lacquered stainless steel 123 2.472,00 2.742,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Low table cm.90x90 H.45 legs in stainless steel mm.60x60 with extraclear glass top and digital print WHISTLER Digital print: A) Dubhe bear subject a1-Head / a2 - Legs B) Primula chaise-longue subject b1 - head / b2 legs Structure in shiny stainless steel 3.123,00 GOLD/BRONZE lacquered stainless steel 3.399,00 Low table cm.90x90 H.45 WHISTLER legs in steel mm 60x60 decorations and ornaments top in Swarovsky crystals Structure in shiny stainless steel 6.940,00 GOLD/BRONZE lacquered stainless steel 7.222,00 Dining table cm.260x140 H.75 WIGGINS structure in shiny stainless steel undertop in shiny lacquered wood 18.889,00 top in Grey Cipollino marble - Option: bronzed/golden lacquered finishing 1.190,00 Dining table diam. 140 H. 75 cm WIGGINS structure in shiny stainless steel undertop in shiny lacquered wood 14.925,00 top in Grey Cipollino marble - Option: bronzed/golden lacquered finishing 124 1.113,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric included) WIGGINS Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Oval low table cm. 180x80 h.41 top in Frappuccino marble with bevelled edge Shiny chromed 7.158,00 Gold/bronze lacquered 7.499,00 Low table cm.110x190 H.38 WILLY top in shiny lacquered wood mm.12 5.465,00 legs in shiny steel Low table cm.120x120 H.38 WILLY top in shiny lacquered wood mm.12 4.314,00 legs in shiny steel ZANTAS Low table cm.124x124 H.43 Stainless steel structure diamond legs in aluminium Top in Honey onyx marble 6.212,00 Top in lacquered glass top 3.524,00 Low table cm.124x124 H.43 ZANTAS Stainless steel structure with diamond legs in aluminium top in fabric and protection glass 125 3.912,00 1,35 Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 LOW TABLES - DINING TABLES Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Dining table cm.250x100 H.75 ZANTAS Stainless steel structure diamond legs in aluminium Top in Honey onyx marble 7.945,00 Top in lacquered glass top 5.267,00 Dining table cm.250x100 H.75 ZANTAS Stainless steel structure diamond legs in aluminium 5.737,00 2,70 5.622,00 2,40 top in fabric and protection glass ZANTAS Dining table cm.220x100 H.75 Stainless steel structure diamond legs in aluminium Top in Honey onyx marble 7.613,00 Top in lacquered glass top 4.694,00 Dining table cm.220x100 H.75 ZANTAS Stainless steel structure diamond legs in aluminium top in fabric and protection glass 126 Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model ACER Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 6.851,00 6.851,00 3,50 Leather needed (sqm) Console with two drawers cm.170x45 H.87 covered with bevelled tiles in lacquered or mirror glass 6.976,00 Visionnaire logo on the corner tiles Upholstered chest of drawers 124X51 H.101 4 drawers (inside lacquered) with handle AMERY top in bevelled glass - G lily metal handle: * Gold finishing * Silver finishing - V carved wood handle - Option: 4 upholstered drawers' backs 402,00 Modular wall unit cm. 395 H.220 ARCHOS panels in bevelled mirror glass bronze colour upholstered panels in Mydas leather 24153/568 23.909,00 frame in stainless steel wall lamp with 2 bulbs - chrome finishing Option: wall lamp 1.604,00 Modular wall unit cm. 395 H.220 panels in bevelled mirror glass bronze colour ARCHOS upholstered panels in Mydas leather 24153/568 24.840,00 frame in stainless steel wall lamp with 2 bulbs - bronze or golden finishing Option: wall lamp 1.811,00 127 5,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) ARCHOS modular unit as in photos - composed of the following elements: - 2 panels (B) of cm.73,9x40,7 in bronze bevelled glasss - 6 panels (A) of cm.73,9x31,9 in bronze bevelled glass - 3 panels (B) cm.73,9x40,7 upholstered in Mydas leather 24153/538 - 9 panels (A) cm.73,9x31,9 upholstered in Mydas leather 24153/538 - 5 wall cabinet (E) with 2 doors cm.73,9x40 H.40,8 upholstered in Mydas leather 24153/538 - 4 shelves (C) cm.73,5x27,3 with bronze mirror top - 2 shelves (D) cm. 147,4x39,9 with bronze mirror top - 1 shelf (D) cm. 73,5x39,9 with bronze mirror top - 10 handles (H) with grips upholstered in leather with ovals printing - 4 turned legs (I) upholstered in leather with ovals printing - 10 steel outlines (F) laser cut with oval decoration - cm. 73,5 H.12,8 - 1 (J) wall lamp with 2 light - closing frame (G) in stainless steel bronze finishing with 2 plates with logo turned metal parts in aluminium bronze lacquered F A B G C D E I H J The standard modules A - B - C - D - E - F are available in width cm. 73,9 e cm. 93,9 (max) 128 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Console/writing table 140x60 h.80 cm. ATMAN with 2 drawers (arrangement for fixing to wall) AUGUSTUS wood lacquered in standard colors 7.688,00 wood lacquered mother-of-pearl 8.301,00 Cabinet with 4 doors cm.250x55 h.63 grooved mat lacquered wood - glass top - Option: glass handle (2 pcs) AUGUSTUS Cabinet with 6 drawers 250x55 h.63 cm grooved mat lacquered wood - glass top - Option: 6 small glass handles AUGUSTUS Chest with 4 drawers cm.140x46 H.90 grooved mat lacquered wood - glass top - Option: 8 small glass handles AUGUSTUS Bedside table with 1 drawer cm.50x50 H.60 grooved mat lacquered wood - glass top - Option: 1 small glass handle 9.470,00 975,00 9.512,00 907,00 6.929,00 1.205,00 2.875,00 149,00 Cabinet cm.346x55 h.70 AUGUSTUS with 6 doors in grooved mat lacquered wood - 4 inside lacquered drawers White Naxos marble 17.144,00 White onyx marble 20.042,00 129 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Cabinet cm.240x55 h.70 AUGUSTUS with 4 doors in grooved mat lacquered wood and 4 inside lacquered drawers top in marble - base in stainless steel AUGUSTUS Emperador light marble 12.420,00 White Naxos marble 12.366,00 White onyx marble 13.806,00 Writing desk 220x90 H.77 cm in grooved mat lacquered wood - stainless steel base version mat lacquered top 9.222,00 version white Onyx marble top 14.498,00 version with top in Soft Leather 12.473,00 (For other type of leather contact for price) Cupboard composition 512x64 H.274 cm Composed by: AUGUSTUS/274 N.2 Cupboards 180x64 H 274 composizione N. 1 Cupboard 120x67 H 274 with fireplace N.4 Side panels 8 cm H 274 grooved mat lacquered wood 130 36.976,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 Leather needed (sqm) included) included) cm.) 6.469,00 6.469,00 3,50 6,00 2.124,00 2.124,00 0,50 0,50 Cupboard 196x64 H.274 cm Composed by: - 2 lateral doors in grooved mat lacquered wood with glass handle - 1 central door in grooved mat lacquered wood AUGUSTUS/274 - 2 drawers in grooved mat lacquered wood - 1 niche - inside in stainless steel and external frame 13.210,00 in bevelled glass - 2 big niches with shelves in mat lacquered wood (shelf 40 mm height) - 2 side panels 8 cm. in grooved mat lacquered wood H.274 - aluminium base Cupboard with fireplace 136x64 H.274 cm Composed by: - Base with fireplace (BIO-etanolo) 120x100 with AUGUSTUS/274 frame in stainless steel and protection fume' glass - 2 glass shelves - back panel in fume' mirror glass - 10.557,00 inside light and two fume' glass doors - 2 side panels 8 cm. in grooved mat lacquered wood H.274 - aluminium base AYMER AYMER Upholstered (only in thin fabric or leather) chest of drawers 124x51 h.101 cm. Upholstered (only in thin fabric or leather) bedside table 45x40 h.44 cm. with front drawer 131 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 13.572,00 13.572,00 4,00 Leather needed (sqm) Two doors unit.90x52 H.145 cm BEVERLY with inside shelves and space for bar-refrigerator capitonnè wall paper inside upholstered The unit is predisposed for inserting a fridge with dimensions cm. 62,5x46,5x45 - Option: Fridge-bar 975,00 Low unit with 8 drawers cm.250x49 H.73 structure shiny lacquered with front drawers in Kenya leather with printed ovals BOIARDO (included in price - colour to be selected) 16 handles in antique brass 17.543,00 Base outlines in aluminium lacquered in antique brass The outlines are in plain Kenya leather (colour to be selected) with "punto sella" and holes decoration Low unit with 4 doors cm.250x49 H.73 structure shiny lacquered with doors in Kenya leather with printed ovals BOIARDO (included in price - colour to be selected) 8 handles in antique brass 15.111,00 Base outlines in aluminium lacquered in antique brass The outlines are in plain Kenya leather (colour to be selected) with "punto sella" and holes decoration Chest of 8 drawers cm. 71x50 H.131 structure shiny lacquered with front drawers in Kenya leather with printed ovals BOIARDO (included in price - colour to be selected) handles in antique brass Base outlines in aluminium lacquered in antique brass The outlines are in plain Kenya leather (colour to be selected) with "punto sella" and holes decoration 132 12.938,00 5,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 23.453,00 23.453,00 7,50 Leather needed (sqm) Lacquered cabinet with 4 drawers cm.254x61 H.100 BORGIA top in lacquered glass perimeter bands in diamond ceramic Shield handles in leather and VISIONNAIRE logo in steel (included) POLISHED - PLATINUM or GOLD finishing 20.788,00 ENAMELLED - BLACK or WHITE finishing 19.872,00 High unit with 4 doors and 2 drawers BRUNSWICK cm. 250x55 H.100 Shiny lacquered wood - base in polished stainless steel top in Red Cipollino marble Front of drawers in CARVED Red Cipollino 22.460,00 Front in SMOOTH Red Cipollino marble 21.632,00 Front of drawers in shiny lacquered wood 18.837,00 Low unit with 4 doors 240x50 H.83 cm. wooden structure cover. with glass CADOR lacquered interiors frame in stainless steel + aluminium Chromed aluminium handles: 12.611,00 - B Brunilde small handle - P Paguro handle Wardrobe with strongbox 140x60 H.250 cm CLARIDGE capitonnè wall paper inside upholstered Chromed aluminium handles: - B Brunilde small handle - P Paguro handle 133 12,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) COLISEUM COLISEUM Console with 2 drawers cm.150x40 H.100 in white plane wood veneered - shiny lacquered 5.462,00 Cabinet 202x45 h.104 cm in lacquered wood with diamond pattern - with 2 pull 14.906,00 and slide doors + 2 inside drawers COLISEUM Cabinet 232x45 h.104 cm. in lacquered wood with diamond pattern - with 4 16.639,00 standard doors + 4 inside drawers COLISEUM Cabinet 262x45 h.104 cm. in lacquered wood with diamond pattern - with 6 17.097,00 standard doors + 3 inside drawers COLISEUM Cabinet cm.202x45 h.65 in lacquered wood with diamond pattern 12.197,00 with 2 pull and slide doors and 2 inside drawers COLISEUM Cabinet cm.232x45 h.65 in lacquered wood with diamond pattern 12.508,00 with 4 standard doors COLISEUM Cabinet 262x45 h.65 cm. in lacquered wood with diamond pattern with 6 standard doors 134 13.771,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) High unit 144x30 H.263 cm COLISEUM/BAR Structure in wood upholstered in stainless steel 21.361,00 doors in grooved polished lacquered wood Structure in wood upholstered in stainless steel Doors in grooved polished lacquered wood COLISEUM/BAR Top in opaline glass with backlighting Sink and tap 34.433,00 4,00 2.066,00 1,00 Mini fridge Upholstered front under top Stool in stainless steel 47x48 H.113 cm COLISEUM/BAR Seat height 82 cm padded seat and back cushions Bar unit 300x90 H 110 cm Fronte Structure in polished laminated wood CYCAS/BAR Profile and legs in stainless steel Top in backlacquered tempere glass Retro Mini fridge included 135 18.941,00 Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Bar window unit 120x43 H.220 cm - Structure in steel - frame and external in polished stainless steel CYCAS/VETRINA - 4 tempered glass shelves 13.042,00 - Lights - Back mirror panel - top with plant box Bar window unit 120x43 H.270 cm - Structure in steel - frame and external in polished stainless steel CYCAS/VETRINA 15.338,00 - 5 tempered glass shelves - Lights - Back mirror panel - top with plant box CYCAS Console 120x40 H.100 cm. top in honey onyx marble - backlit Structure in stainless steel 8.043,00 GOLD/BRONZE lacquered stainless steel 8.705,00 Clothes stand in stainless steel base in black lacquered glass DAGONET 160/180x60x h.160 cm. 1.787,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror - Option: Golden Antique glass 136 122,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 Leather needed (sqm) included) included) cm.) 12.054,00 12.054,00 1,00 1,50 11.194,00 11.194,00 1,00 1,50 Mini bar unit with fridge cm. 80x50 H.150 wooden structure with doors upholstered with DAPHNE Pienza decoration embroidery base in satinized stainless steel handle in chromed steel with Visionnaire logo (30 Lt. fridge included) - Option: golden/bronze lacquered steel 455,00 Mini bar unit cm. 80x50 H.150 DAPHNE wooden structure with doors upholstered with Pienza decoration embroidery base in satinized stainless steel handle in chromed steel with Visionnaire logo - Option: golden/bronze lacquered steel 455,00 Consolle 140x40 H. 80 cm (width 7 cm) DAYDREAM upholstered in bevelled glass Glass in standard colours: 3.787,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Console with two drawers 140x40 H. 80 cm (width 10 cm ) DAYDREAM upholstered in bevelled glass Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror 137 4.492,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Writing desk 140x60 H. 80 cm with two legs and back panel DAYDREAM two drawers - upholstered in bevelled glass Glass in standard colours: 6.513,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Madia cm. 245x45 H.100 rivestimento in vetro bisellato DAYDREAM Glass in standard colours: 9.088,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Bookcase column 60x35 h.239 cm. in glass - external sides and internal DAYDREAM bevelled parts in mat lacquered 4.430,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Angle cabinet H.220 - cm.115x55 DOYLE two doors in mirror glass with shield handles 10.896,00 feet in laser cut stainless steel Doors and sides upholstered - Opzione: inside LED lighting 1.164,00 Cabinet with 4 doors and logos EMPIRE cm.250x57 H.64 10.063,00 in smoky bevelled mirror 138 6,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 4.935,00 4.935,00 2,50 Leather needed (sqm) Cabinet with 4 doors and logos 250x57 EMPIRE H.100 cm 11.441,00 in smoky bevelled mirror EUSEBIUS Clothes hanger 160x60 H 185 cm. stainless steel structure with 3 open spaces - Opzione: Small wooden unit with 3 drawers - upholstered with Oval pattern 3.384,00 Bedside table with door cm.70x45 H.55 FLORIE covered with mirror - frame in lacquered wood 2.924,00 top profiles and base in shiny stainless steel FLORIE Chest with 4 drawers cm.160x50 H.89 covered with mirror - frame in lacquered wood 7.983,00 top profiles and base in shiny stainless steel Bookcase with 6 shelves FORMA MENTIS cm.200x40 H.236 shelves and sides in shiny lacquered wood 3 heads in ceramic - shiny gold finishing 139 13.859,00 4,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Bookcase with 6 shelves FORMA MENTIS cm.250x40 H.236 shelves and sides in shiny lacquered wood 17.731,00 4 heads in ceramic - shiny gold finishing Bookcase with 6 shelves FORMA MENTIS cm.300x40 H.236 shelves and sides in shiny lacquered wood 21.604,00 5 heads in ceramic - shiny gold finishing GARDENIA Cabinet 245x45x h.100 cm. in bevelled Golden Antique glass 10.661,00 TV unit -188x51x h.46 cm. in stainless steel, GARETH (steel doors) top in lacquered glass 6.579,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror TV unit -250x51x h.46 cm in stainless steel, top in lacquered glass GARETH in acciaio inox con top in vetro retrolaccato (steel doors) Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror 140 7.325,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) TV unit -188x51x h.51 cm. in stainless steel, GARETH (steel doors with chain) top in lacquered glass stainless steel chain with ova Glass in standard colours: 8.550,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror TV unit -250x51x h.51 cm in stainless steel, GARETH (steel doors with chain) top in lacquered glass with stainless steel chain wit ovals Glass in standard colours: 9.669,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror TV unit -188x51x h.46 cm. in stainless steel top in lacquered glass GARETH/V with smoky glass doors (smoky doors) Glass in standard colours: 6.579,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror TV unit - 250x51x h.46 cm in stainless steel top in lacquered glass GARETH/V with smoky glass door (smoky doors) Glass in standard colours: 7.325,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror TV unit - 188x51x h.51 cm. in stainless steel GARETH/V top in lacquered glass with stainless steel chain with ovals (smoky doors with and smoky glass doors chain) Glass in standard colours: 8.550,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror 141 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 2.720,00 2.720,00 1,80 Leather needed (sqm) TV unit - 250x51x h.51 cm in stainless steel GARETH/V (smoky doors with chain) top in lacquered glass with stainless steel chain wit ovals and smoky glass doors 9.669,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Bedside table 45x45 h.51 cm GINEVRA Cover and intermediate shelf in glass in standard colours GREGORY chromed legs 2.463,00 golden or bronze lacquered legs 2.619,00 Bedside table with drawer 68x45 H.45 cm. top in bevelled mirror Console with 6 drawers 150x45 h.100 cm. standard colours bevelled lacquered glass GRETEL CONSOLE Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror GRETEL CONSOLE Chromed stainless steel legs 6.828,00 Bronzed or golden lacquered steel legs 7.024,00 Console with 6 drawers 150x45 h.100 cm. in bevelled polished lacquered wood Chromed stainless steel legs 9.050,00 Bronzed or golden lacquered steel legs 9.246,00 142 2,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) GRETEL MADIA Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Cabinet cm.240x50 h.100 Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) 5,50 Top in lacquered glass Make-up unit cm.150x55 H.180 Vanity unit complete with mirror GRIMILDE Structure in glossy lacquered wood Legs in shiny stainless steel 3 drawers with shield handle in leather and Visionnaire logo Top in Silverwave marble 14.904,00 Top in Frappuccino marble 15.970,00 Option: Steel golden/bronze finishings 311,00 Low unit with open shelf and 2 sliding doors cm. 250x51 H.75 HAMMOND Structure in shiny lacquered wood 14.190,00 base sustains made of steel tubes doors upholstered in printed leather with ovals Back internal unit in shiny veneered ebony Makassar wood, shelf in wood covered of polished stainless steel Option: Golden/bronze lacquered finishing 507,00 Low unit with open shelf and sliding doors cm. 250x51 H.75 HAMMOND Structure and doors in shiny lacquered wood 13.455,00 Back internal unit in shiny veneered ebony Makassar wood, shelf in wood covered of polished stainless steel Option: Golden/bronze lacquered finishing 143 507,00 2,40 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Cabinet cm. 240x50 h.68 HARDING 4 upholstered doors top in lacquered glass, side front bands in shiny 9.552,00 3,00 lacquered stainless steel with Visionnaire logo, sides in lacquered wood Bookcase with fireplace cm.353x42 H.293 Glossy lacquered structure HASTING central panel upholstered 38.750,00 38.750,00 1,90 3,00 34.558,00 34.558,00 1,90 3,00 36.173,00 36.173,00 1,90 3,00 30.495,00 30.495,00 1,90 3,00 shield with Visionnaire coat of arms in shiny stainless steel (burner included) Bookcase with fireplace cm.243x42 H.293 HASTING glossy lacquered structure central panel upholstered shield with Visionnaire coat of arms in shiny stainless steel (burner included) Bookcase with fireplace cm.353x42 H.248 HASTING Glossy lacquered structure central panel upholstered shield with Visionnaire coat of arms in shiny stainless steel (burner included) Bookcase with fireplace cm.243x42 H.248 HASTING Glossy lacquered structure central panel upholstered shield with Visionnaire coat of arms in shiny stainless steel (burner included) 144 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) High unit with 4 doors cm.243x60 H.94 wooden structure with shiny lacquered parts in view HEIDREK frames and rings in chrome finishing conic legs in lacquered steel doors and supports upholstered in embroidered leather Top in shiny lacquered wood 12.938,00 5,00 Top in Grey Cipollino Marble 15.008,00 5,00 Option: golden/bronze lacquered steel 466,00 High unit with 4 doors cm.243x60 H.94 HEIDREK shiny lacquered wooden structure and doors frames and rings in chrome finishing conic legs in lacquered steel Top in shiny lacquered wood 12.938,00 Top in Grey Cipollino Marble 15.008,00 Option: golden/bronze lacquered steel 466,00 Bookcase cm.230x40 H. 191 with two shelves covered with mirror HOLDEN 4 mirror doors with frame in lacquered wood 11.087,00 internal sides, external and back in mirror lacquered base H 7 cm. with steel band H 4 cm. Option: LED lights HYLLOS 2.506,00 Drawer unit with 2 drawers 90x43 h.82 cm. in upholstered wood 145 4.360,00 4.360,00 3,00 4,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Chest of drawers 124x50 H.100 cm in shiny brushed polyester lacquered bevelled wood INGE 6.680,00 Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror IRONSIDE TV unit 250x51 H.56 cm in stainless steel with lacquered glass top and two 7.573,00 central doors with Visionnaire logo In stainless steel also in the back 8.060,00 Cabinet with 4 doors cm.245x46 H.101 in smoky bevelled mirror JUPITER with carved Visionnaire logo Glass in standard colours: 10.672,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Cabinet with 4 doors cm.241x46 H.60 in smoky bevelled mirror JUPITER with carved Visionnaire logo Glass in standard colours: 8.721,00 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror JUPITER Console cm.200x45 H.80 in smoky bevelled glass 6.288,00 with carved Visionnaire logo Version with two drawers JUPITER 6.781,00 Console with two drawers 140x45 H.80 cm in smoky bevelled glass 5.325,00 with carved Visionnaire logo 146 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) JUPITER KEU KEU KEU Console 90x35 H.80 cm in bevelled glass with carved Visionnaire logo 3.384,00 Console 140x30 h.75 cm. Stainless steel 1.693,00 GOLD/BRONZE lacquered - satinized top 1.913,00 Console cm. 125x30 H. 70 Stainless steel 1.642,00 GOLD/BRONZE lacquered - satinized top 1.855,00 Console cm.105x30 H. 65 Stainless steel 1.543,00 GOLD/BRONZE lacquered - satinized top 1.792,00 Billiard board cm. 263x151 H.80 (playground board cm.224x112) structure in shiny lacquered wood LANCASTER legs with cylindrical inserts in prismatic hand-cut crystal turnings, tips and outlines in chrome finishing 42.311,00 Decorative studs in enamelled brass Playground board upholstered in cloth Hole's baskets upholstered in leather Option: Golden/bronze lacquer finishing 147 1.159,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Top for billiard board in shiny lacquered wood - 3 pieces LANCASTER Visionnaire coats of arms in gold enamelled brass 6.314,00 applied in the 4 corners perimeter under top upholstered in microfibre Container unit for billiard accessories cm.122x55 H.210 Moulded structure in shiny lacquered wood (inside mat lacquered) LANCASTER Legs with moulded crystal - insert chrome lacquered External "torchon" handles in lacquered antique brass, 18.009,00 details in shiny stainless steel and metallic parts chrome finishing with crystals Drawers opening with shield handles in leather with Visionnaire coats of arms Inner drawer and shelf upholstered in microfiber Option: Golden/bronze lacquer finishing LANCASTER Billiard cue in wood with upholstered handle in leather with ovals printing ACCESSORIES decorations with turnings in chromed or golden/bronze LANCASTER Triangle in steel with laser-cut ovals decoration ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES 414,00 lacquered aluminium polished finishing 466,00 for balls Ø 57,2 mm. Option: Golden/bronze lacquer finishing LANCASTER 569,00 62,00 Set of 15+1 balls Ø 57,2 mm with "V" logo 481,00 andbrush + chalk box 148 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 Leather needed (sqm) included) included) cm.) 2.837,00 2.837,00 0,50 0,50 Lacquered glass top 7.459,00 7.459,00 2,50 4,00 Purple onyx marble top 10.206,00 10.206,00 2,50 4,00 Lacquered glass top 10.042,00 10.042,00 4,00 6,00 Purple onyx marble top 12.115,00 12.115,00 4,00 6,00 Baby grand piano - bar unit LARIX lacquered gloss black Mechanism Yamaha - legs in laser cut stainless steel 46.095,00 profiles & support rod in steel LARIX Bench for piano - adjustable seat 32x54 H.47 cm. legs in laser cut stainless steel Low unit with 4 doors - 241x50 h.65 cm. upholstered LOCKSLEY - G lily metal handle: * Gold finishing * Silver finishing - V carved wood handle 4 doors sideboard - 245x45 h.100 cm. upholstered LOCKSLEY - G lily metal handle: * Gold finishing * Silver finishing - V carved wood handle 149 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 Leather needed (sqm) included) included) cm.) 2.333,00 2.333,00 1,20 2,20 7.459,00 7.459,00 3,50 5,50 Low container unit 241x50 h.62 cm with 4 drawers shiny brushed polyester lacquered bevelled wood LUDWIG 10.063,00 (standard RAL colors) Chormed aluminium handles: - A with points - B truncated Bedside table 40x45 h.46 cm upholstery in fabric or leather MAGNOLIA Top in standard colour glass Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Option: top in Golden Antique glass 123,00 Low Container unit with 4 drawers 241x50xh.65 MAGNOLIA Upholstery in fabric or leather Top in standard colour glass Option: top in Golden Antique glass (in 2 parts) 303,00 Low unit with four doors cm.240x50 H.71 MAREK top in Frappuccino marble Structure in polished lacquered wood 15.458,00 Oval ceramic handle with Visionnaire logo High unit with four doors cm.240x50 H.96 MAREK top in Frappuccino marble Structure in polished lacquered wood Oval ceramic handle with Visionnaire logo 150 16.524,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 6.598,00 6.598,00 3,50 Leather needed (sqm) Desk with flap mirror 160x55 H.80 cm MARGOT upholstered external structure Internal drawers and central compartment in mat lacquered finishing Bookshelves-bar cabinet in shiny lacquered wood frame 60x42,90 h.244 cm MARIANNE with 5 shelves in tempered glass 160x28,5x2 Chormed aluminium handles: - A with points - B truncated A - with 4 alogene lights 14.711,00 B - with 5 Led 15.801,00 Open bookshelf cm.200x45 H.214 MAXWELL supports with "torchon" central pillar in antique brass and chromed aluminium turnings 11.385,00 moulded shelves in bevelled shiny lacquered wood Option: golden/bronze lacquer finishing 1.035,00 Open bookshelf cm.110x45 H.214 MAXWELL supports with "torchon" central pillar in antique brass and chromed aluminium turnings 7.763,00 moulded shelves in bevelled shiny lacquered wood Option: golden/bronze lacquer finishing 151 528,00 5,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) MEGARA (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Bookcase 240x40 h. 240 cm. version all mirror 14.094,00 enhanced with image of books METROPOLIS included) Fabric needed covered in bevelled mirror base with 4 doors version 4 shelves with base in glass MERLINO Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Console in stainless steel 140x40 h.110 cm. top in black lacquered glass 16.185,00 2.041,00 High cabinet cm.248x55 H.110 4 doors in shiny lacquered "diamond cut" wood 18.549,00 5,00 19.136,00 5,00 15.351,00 2,50 perimeter band in leather - base in steel version with shiny lacquering also in the back METROPOLIS METROPOLIS Low cabinet with 4 doors cm.248x55 H.65 covered with gold leaf - base in steel 15.884,00 Low cabinet with 4 doors - cm.248x55 H.65 shiny lacquering - base in steel perimeter band in leather MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT Bed table 45x40 h.42 cm. standard colours lacquered bevelled glass 1.935,00 in bevelled polished lacquered wood 2.130,00 Chest of drawers 124x50 h.101 cm. standard colours lacquered bevelled glass 152 6.027,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) MIDNIGHT MIDNIGHT AN' Low container unit with doors 241x51h.65 standard colours lacquered bevelled glass 8.108,00 CA' Low container unit with drawers 241x51 h.65 cm. 9.168,00 standard colours lacquered bevelled glass MIKAIL NAOS NAOS Stool cm.34x34 h.40 polished stainless steel 1.296,00 Writing table 250x90 h.75 structure in stainless steel top in marble Top in Labradorite blu australe marble 15.138,00 Top in White Naxos marble 16.439,00 Top in White Onyx marble 19.419,00 Writing desk 210x80 H.75 cm structure in stainless steel top in marble Top in Labradorite blu australe marble 13.965,00 Top in White Naxos marble 14.786,00 Top in White Onyx marble 16.440,00 153 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 Leather needed (sqm) included) included) cm.) Top in Purple Onyx marble 3.630,00 3.630,00 1,90 3,50 Top in glass or mirror 3.089,00 3.089,00 1,90 3,50 3.018,00 3.018,00 2,30 3,80 Bedside table Ø 48 H.50 cm. Structure in wood: NOTTINGHAM - external and internal perimeter upholstered in leather of fabric - one drawer upholstered in microfiber - Brass lily handle (silver or golden finishing) Option: Difference for Visionnaire handle 308,00 Bedside table Ø 48 H.50 cm. Structure in wood: NOTTINGHAM - external, internal and top upholstered in leather or fabric - one drawer upholstered in microfiber Top in transparent glass Option: Visionnaire handle 406,00 Unit 240x55 H.70 cm with four PLEIN DOORS OCTAVIUS in polished lacquered wood - 4 drawers inside Marble top - stainless steel base Top in White Onyx marble 14.072,00 Top in White Naxos marble 12.679,00 Top in Honey Onyx marble 13.326,00 154 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Make-up unit cm.140x60 H.75 structure in lacquered wood top upholstered in leather-embroidery band and legs Top Base, undertop plate and rings (with laser- cut design) PALLADIUM in steel chrome finishing 2,50 9.315,00 Stripe and legs inside part with 2 drawers and glove compartment 3,50 upholstered in microfibre central part with "compass" opening provided with internal mirror Option: golden or bronze finishing 381,00 Make-up unit cm.140x60 H.75 in shiny lacquered wood Base, undertop plate and rings PALLADIUM (with laser-cut design) in steel chrome finishing inside part with 2 drawers and glove compartment 11.178,00 upholstered in microfibre central part with "compass" opening provided with internal mirror Option: golden or bronze finishing PALLADIUM 381,00 Stool cm. 52x43 H.48 base in polished stainless steel 1.397,00 1.397,00 2.806,00 2.806,00 Embroidered edges in leather (included) Option: golden or bronze lacquered base 2,60 4,00 +1,00 for edges +1,00 for edges 1,20 2,00 37,00 Bedside table 45x40 h.60 cm. Wood structure - stainless steel feet PERCEVAL lacquered glass top Glass in standard colours: white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Option: golden or bronze lacquered base 155 162,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 5.132,00 5.132,00 3,00 Leather needed (sqm) Cabinet 90x48 H.172,5 cm. Structure in wood - stainless steel feet PERCEVAL lacquered glass top Glass in standard colours: 6,50 white/blue/bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Option: golden or bronze lacquered legs 243,00 6,50 Cabinet 90x48 H.172,5 cm Structure in wood PERCEVAL Pelle Hornback stainless steel feet lacquered glass top 5.857,00 with Visionnaire handles 5.857,00 3,00 back-up Visionnaire handle upholstered in leather Option: golden or bronze lacquered legs PROSPERO 8,50 243,00 Low cabinet cm.248x55 H.65 4 doors upholstered Ovals in velvet Doors in leather 1,60 3,20 Ovals in velvet Doors in leather 2,70 4,50 12.627,00 1,90 3,20 16.353,00 2,70 4,50 14.024,00 14.024,00 17.595,00 17.595,00 12.627,00 16.353,00 Shiny lacquered structure - plinth in steel PROSPERO High cabinet cm.248x55 H.109 4 doors upholstered Shiny lacquered structure - plinth in steel PROSPERO Metal or Pitone Low unit 248x55 H.65 cm polished lacquered structure - steel plinth 4 upholstered doors in leather or fabric PROSPERO High unit 248x55 H.109 cm polished lacquered structure - steel plinth 4 upholstered doors in leather or fabric 156 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) REEVE Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) corners and studs in chromed nickel Mirror TV 185x144 cm.with video 50" Full HD frame in laquered black wood (lm. in height 140 cm.) External parts Trunk wardrobe cm.83x62 H.223 21.321,00 21.321,00 handles in stainless steel with Visionnaire logo RHAPIS Fabric needed Leather needed (sqm) External parts 11,40 18,00 Internal parts Internal parts 18,00 28,00 16.417,00 Version with - DVD 18.351,00 - Duplication of signal - Additional audio system - Universal remote control Option: stainless steel decorative top 1.572,00 16,50 Desk in stainless steel cm.220x100 H.77 RIVOLI top in metal-leather internal sides and under-top Leather for top 15.950,00 15.950,00 10,00 (if different than Metal leather) padding and capitonnè upholstery 4,50 High cabinet cm.248x55 H.110 ROLAND 4 doors with rectangular tiles in shiny bevelled wood - steel base 15.887,00 5,00 13.248,00 2,00 upholstered perimeter band Low cabinet cm.248x55 H.65 ROLAND 4 doors with rectangular tiles in shiny bevelled wood - steel base upholstered perimeter band 157 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 Leather needed (sqm) included) included) cm.) 35.518,00 35.518,00 1,90 3,00 31.500,00 31.500,00 1,90 3,00 Bedside table Ø 54 H.47 cm. RONDO' In stainless steel with drawer in wood top with mirror glass shiny inox structure 3.255,00 golden/bronzed lacquered structure 3.642,00 Cabinet with two doors cm. 90x45 H.113 Top and sides in mirror SAINT PAUL 2 doors with mirror and satinized glass bands 6.107,00 Handles with pendant in Azul Macaubas stone, support in brass, lacquered legs with tips in shiny steel Option: inside LED lighting 696,00 High cabinet with two doors cm.110x45 H182 Top and sides in mirror SAINT PAUL 2 doors with mirror and satinized glass bands Handles with pendant in Azul Macaubas stone 9.108,00 with support in brass lacquered legs with tips in shiny steel Option: inside LED lighting 696,00 Fireplace 349x35 h.289 SARAPH lacquered and upholstered with Visionnaire logo in stainless steel (burner included) standard RAL colors Fireplace 239x35 h.289 SARAPH lacquered and upholstered with Visionnaire logo in stainless steel (burner included) standard RAL colors 158 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 28.967,00 28.967,00 1,90 Leather needed (sqm) Fireplace 239x35 h.244 SARAPH lacquered and upholstered with Visionnaire logo in stainless steel (burner included) standard RAL colors Option: Bio ethanol methylated onlyfor decorative fireplace (5 lt. tank) 696,00 Console cm.120x38 H.218 SCARLET structure in shiny stainless steel - lacquered legs top in Frappuccino marble 13.491,00 with wall lamp mod. ESMERALDA (right or left) Option: gold/bronze lacquered steel SCARLET 464,00 Console cm.120x38 H.218 structure in shiny stainless steel - lacquered legs 10.836,00 top in Frappuccino marble Option: gold/bronze lacquered steel SCARLET 464,00 Console cm.90x38 H.218 structure in shiny stainless steel - lacquered legs 10.298,00 top in Frappuccino marble Option: gold/bronze lacquered steel 159 414,00 3,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Display cabinet in crystal cm.250x55 H.213 Curved sides and doors in crystal glass SFORZA Base, top and back in shiny lacquered wood Metallic outlines in chrome finishing Shelves in crystal glass with holders in chromed steel shield handles in leather SPEYER Version with 2 wall lamps 21.735,00 Version without wall lamps 16.457,00 Option: gold/bronze lacquered finishings 807,00 Bookcase column 61x35x h.239 cm. Covered in mirror Mirror also in the back 4.838,00 5.863,00 Totem- TV Mirrorcm.120x7 H.163-base Ø50 Swivel structure (with remote control), STANTON covered with bevelled glass base in stainless steel with balance 19.769,00 with Visionnaire logo in steel - TV LED 46" Speakers with output system Totem+mobile 26.755,00 Container unit cm. 200x50 H.27 STANTON structure in lacquered wood with 3 flap doors covered with bevelled glass 160 6.986,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Wardrobe with 6 upholstered doors THORUN 460x60 h.265 cm. with 4 extractable columns and central mirror 41.367,00 39,00 Standad RAL colors Quotation given on special sizes Option: stainless steel decorative top (460x h.80 cm) 4.728,00 Wardrobe with 4 upholstered doors + 2 extractable columns THORUN 295x60 H.265 cm 29.788,00 Handles in chromed aluminium 29.788,00 18,00 25,00 -A with points -B truncated Library unit lacquered cm.239x35 h.289 THUIA 4 modules with frame and 4 doors 23.804,00 standard RAL colors THUIA Library unit lacquered cm.239x35 h.244 4 modules with frame and 4 doors 21.402,00 standard RAL colors Make-up cabinet cm.165x55 H.118 TITANIA with interwoven upholstered sides top in Calacatta Gold marble Chromed steel version 11.194,00 11.194,00 11,00 17,40 Gold/bronze lacquered steel version 11.551,00 11.551,00 11,00 17,40 161 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) TITANIA (sqm) 1.855,00 1.855,00 2,50 4,00 1.919,00 1.919,00 2,50 4,00 and top in smoky glass 7.369,00 Alternative : top without plasters but with bevelled Bedside table with 2 drawers cm.55x56 H.50 in smoky bevelled mirror with 1 built-in plaster figure and top in smoky glass 2.795,00 Alternative : top without plasters but with bevelled backlacquered top (in standard colors) - Same price Room divider H.210 cm. Central element with backlit oval mirror and backlit "V" logo Adjustable side panels, with decoration 13.352,00 in shiny lacquered wood and moulded and bevelled mirror - Outlines in layers of shiny stainless steel. Studs in brass. Option: Golden/bronze lacquer finishing 362,00 Room divider H.210 cm. TRIAMOND cm.) Leather needed Chromed steel version backlacquered top (in standard colors) - Same price TRIAMOND (lm. in height 140 Gold/bronze lacquered steel version in smoky bevelled mirror with 2 built-in plaster figures TITUS included) Fabric needed Hassock cm.60x40 H.40 Chest with 4 drawers cm.115x56 H.94 TITUS Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Central element and adjustable side panels in shiny lacquered wood and moulded and bevelled 13.766,00 mirror - Outlines in layers of shiny stainless steel. Studs in brass. Option: Golden/bronze lacquer finishing 162 362,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model TRIER TRYVAN TUDOR Description Price Open library 192x40 H 207 cm with 5 shelves in leather + supports in turned aluminium Writing desk 140x60 h.80 cm. with two drawers in upholstered wood Cabinet with 4 doors cm.140x47 H.143 upholstered doors - stainless steel Visionnaire logo Cabinet cm.245x45 h.101 shiny brushed polyester lacquered bevelled wood ULLA standard RAL colors 12.508,00 Chromed aluminium handles: - A with points - B truncated Sideboard 245x45 H.101 cm ULLA in bevelled shiny polyester lacquered wood Handle in chromed metal 12.896,00 with Visionnaire logo and base in leather Lacquered cabinet cm.240x55 H.67 VERSAILLES 4 drawers and 4 doors with shield handle Legs with turnings and spheres in gold metal and insert in faceted crystal 163 19.189,00 Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 Leather needed (sqm) included) included) cm.) 8.435,00 8.435,00 8,00 14,00 5.141,00 5.141,00 4,00 6,00 10.479,00 10.479,00 4,00 6,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 38.016,00 38.016,00 7,00 Leather needed (sqm) Lacquered cabinet cm.240x55 H.67 VERSAILLES 4 drawers and 4 doors with shield handle Legs with turnings and spheres in gold metal 17.057,00 and insert in faceted crystal Bar cabinet cm.270x115 H.110 Top Silver wave marble Structure in lacquered wood VERSAILLES Legs with turnings and spheres in chromed metal and faceted crystal working top in stainless steel - equipped with basin and mixed Capitonnè upholstered frontal part Option: golden/bronze lacquered legs 347,00 Option: fridge 2.132,00 Low unit 241x50 H.62 cm VICKY Chromed aluminium handles: - B Brunilde small handle - P Paguro handle Version Mother of pearl lacquered 12.686,00 Version lacquered RAL color 10.919,00 High unit 245x45 H.101 cm VICKY Chromed aluminium handles: - B Brunilde small handle - P Paguro handle Version Mother of pearl lacquered 14.665,00 Version lacquered RAL color 12.731,00 164 11,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WARDROBES - CONSOLES - BEDSIDE TABLES - BOOKCASES - UNITS - WRITING DESKS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 Leather needed (sqm) included) included) cm.) 15.884,00 15.884,00 12,50 19,00 5.622,00 5.622,00 2,50 5,50 2-level clothing hanger in stainless steel cm.160x60 H.190 VINICIO 4 medals Ø 10 cm. - base with 2 plaster figures 5.267,00 cm.50x50 each on lacquered wood and top in smoky glass Desk 248x105 H.110 cm. Top in mirror glass on frame in chromed steel XENIOS Main structure in padded wood capitonnè upholstery Base covered with shiny stainless steel ZANTAS Writing table 140x60 h.80 cm. with 2 drawers in upholstered wood 4 diamond legs in fused aluminium polished chrome 165 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BOISERIE Model Description Price Interwoven system created with moulding curved ACER WICKER tools set on multiple layers of panels. Quotations on Upholstery in ecological leather, fire resistant request treatment Class 1 IM Wooden bars in square or rectangular sections set BARCODE on multiple layers of panels. Quotations on Upholstery in ecological leather, fire retardant request treatment Class 1 IM Boiserie in wood with decorations on relief (our Lindoro LINDORO design) and studs in brass. Polished lacquer finishing. 166 Quotations on request Examples VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 3.255,00 3.255,00 2,50 Leather needed (sqm) Mirror cm.220x95 ACER covered with bevelled tiles in glass or mirror 4.009,00 Visionnaire logo on the corner tiles Mirror with frame in golden leaf ADRIANO 220x110x7 cm 2.846,00 (frame cm. 20) Oval mirror with floor support ALLEY H.207 cm. - cm.100x65 Oval frame in stainless steel double support with turned parts and cone tip ANTINOO ARIANNA Shiny stainless steel 8.772,00 Gold/bronze stainless steel 9.312,00 Mirror cm. 198x198 (frame cm. 16) Carved wood - chalk white lacquered Mirror 120x181x7 cm upholstered frame 167 4.507,00 3,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) AUDREY AUGUSTUS BALTHAZAR BALTHAZAR BALTHAZAR Mirror cm.120x140 frame in oxidized bronze finishing Mirror cm.250x120 grooved mat lacquered wood Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) 3.364,00 6.065,00 Mirror Ø 40 cm. Aluminium plates frame Natural 1.016,00 Champagne 1.147,00 Option: crystals 581,00 Mirror Ø 60 cm. Aluminium plates frame Natural 1.549,00 Champagne 1.904,00 Option: crystals 745,00 Mirror Ø 80 cm. Aluminium plates frame Natural 2.227,00 Champagne 2.514,00 Option: crystals 883,00 Round mirror Ø 162 cm. th. 6 cm. BARNUM Internal and external profiles in stainless steel frame in 4 parts version 2011 with quilted upholstery Shiny stainless steel 5.119,00 5.119,00 3,00 4,00 Gold/bronze stainless steel 5.603,00 5.603,00 3,00 4,00 168 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Round mirror Ø 162 cm. th. 6 cm. BARNUM Internal and external profiles in stainless steel frame in 4 parts version 2012 with embroidered upholstery Versione inox lucido 5.469,00 5.469,00 3,00 4,00 Versione inox laccato oro oppure bronzo 5.953,00 5.953,00 3,00 4,00 Portrait mirror cm. 202x121 (th. cm. 13) BERENICE shaped glass frame with gothic decoration and Visionnaire coats of arms on the edges 5.900,00 inner glass in black paste BIRD BORGIA Mirror 230x100 cm. with rooster feathers Black feathers 3.092,00 White feathers 3.411,00 Mirror cm.228x109x3,5 structure with 6 V plates - frame in diamond ceramic VERSION PLATINUM or GOLD 8.518,00 ENAMELLED - WHITE or BLACK 6.770,00 Oval mirror cm. 60x80x5 CADMO with backlit Brunilde lamp silhouette 3.623,00 golden leaf wooden frame-border in shiny steel Option: golden/bronze lacquer 169 67,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model CALAF CALAF Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 5.969,00 5.969,00 2,50 Leather needed (sqm) Mirror 70x140 cm. upholstered frame 16 cm. in Soft leather 1.606,00 Quotation given on special sizes Mirror 120x200 cm. upholstered frame 16 cm. in Soft leather 2.000,00 Quotation given on special sizes Mirror 120x200 cm. CIRCUM frame 12 cm. burnished silver or golden leaf finishing CIRCUM burnished silver or golden leaf finishing CIRCUM Burnished silver or golden leaf finishing COCOS stainless steel profiles 1.910,00 Quotation given on special sizes Mirror 200x200 cm - frame 12 cm 2.514,00 Quotation given on special sizes Mirror cm. 240x100 frame cm.12 2.122,00 Quotation given on special sizes Mirror 124x202x7 polished aluminium feet 170 3,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Mirror 202x87x2 cm COLISEUM in wood with diamond pattern 2.662,00 brushed polyester lacquered COLISEUM Mirror 232x87x2 cm in wood with diamond pattern 3.145,00 brushed polyester lacquered Mirror 262x87x2 cm. COLISEUM in wood with diamond pattern 3.626,00 brushed polyester lacquered Large mirror 220X139x3,5 cm. DIAMOND wooden frame with diamond pattern burnished silver or golden leaf finishing 2.374,00 Quotation given on special sizes Mirror 200x120 x 3,5 cm DIAMOND wooden frame with diamond pattern burnished silver or golden leaf finishing 2.117,00 Quotation given on special sizes Large mirror 260X139x3,5 cm. DIAMOND wooden frame with diamond pattern burnished silver or golden leaf finishing 2.980,00 Quotation given on special sizes Mirror 248X116x3,5 cm. DIAMOND 2.793,00 Shiny black lacquered Quotation given on special sizes 171 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) Mirror cm.50x215 DIONE in lacquered carved wood 1.303,00 To match with Simone Lago Dyptich: Donna Cigno Mirror 100x7 h.180 cm ERATO included LED TV - Samsung 32" + DVD 12.472,00 Lacquered frame upholstered in bevelled glass EUTERPE Mirror 148x7 H.110 cm included LED TV -Samsung 32" + DVD 12.579,00 Upholstered frame in leather FORMA MENTIS Multifaceted mirror cm.155x22 H.245 structure in steel covered with triangular 13.505,00 mirrors in different shapes Oval mirror cm. 106 H.160 FOUQUET Frame in aluminium fusion - chrome finishing 4.813,00 corner stripes with decorative chains Option: golden/bronze lacquer frame (4 chromed chains) 172 600,00 3,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Mirror 240x200 cm. border in stainless steel frame 30 cm. GABOR in bevelled glass mm.6 7.782,00 Glass in standard colors: white / blue/ bordeaux/ cream/ moka /black mirror /smoky mirror / bronzed mirror HARVEY HARVEY HENNIN Oval mirror cm.61x141 frame cm.8 Natural aluminium plates 2.929,00 Champagne aluminium plates 3.716,00 Option: Swarovski pearls 1.092,00 Oval mirror cm.41x72 frame cm.8 Natural aluminium plates 2.142,00 Champagne aluminium plates 2.712,00 Option: Swarovski pearls 652,00 Bevelled mirror cm.70x200 Shiny stainless steel 2.452,00 Gold/bronze lacquered stainless steel 2.665,00 Mirror with double wooden frame, carved IRING black or white lacquered frame 81x209 cm. White - Black - Purple (Ral 4007) 173 1.973,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 Leather needed (sqm) included) included) cm.) 5.727,00 5.727,00 6,00 9,00 5.382,00 5.382,00 6,00 9,00 Mirror with double wooden frame, carved IRING black or white lacquered frame 240x100 cm. 2.537,00 White - Black - Purple (Ral 4007) IRIS Mirror 126 (+13 for the handles) x12 H.265cm. capitonnè upholstered stainless steel handles and feet Mirror 126 (+13 for the handles) x12 H.250 cm IRIS capitonnè upholstered stainless steel handles and feet Mirror cm.245x100 JUPITER in smoked bevelled mirror 3.860,00 with carved Visionnaire logo JUPITER Mirror cm.200x100 in smoked bevelled mirror 3.518,00 with carved Visionnaire logo KUDRUN Mirror 230x116x6 cm in stainless steel with frame 15 cm Honey onyx marble 5.224,00 Emperador light marble 5.140,00 White onyx marble 6.598,00 174 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model KUDRUN Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 4.259,00 4.259,00 3,00 Leather needed (sqm) Mirror 230x116x6 cm GOLD/BRONZE lacquered stainless steel with internal border of 15 cm KUDRUN Honey onyx marble 5.686,00 Emperador light marble 5.602,00 White onyx marble 7.061,00 Mirror 80x200x6 cm. stainless steel with internal border of 15 cm Honey onyx marble 4.477,00 Emperador light marble 4.440,00 White onyx marble 5.351,00 Mirror 80x200x6 cm. KUDRUN GOLD/BRONZE lacquered stainless steel with internal border of 15 cm Honey onyx marble 4.851,00 Emperador light marble 4.813,00 White onyx marble 5.724,00 Mirror 230x116x6 cm. KUDRUN Upholstered frame structure in shiny stainless steel LAND Oval mirror cm. 250x141 frame in shiny lacquered wood 6.935,00 outlines in shiny stainless steel Option: outlines in golden/bronze lacquer 175 140,00 4,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model LOCKSLEY Description Price Upholstered mirror 240x140 cm. Decoration and lily drawing with studs Oval mirror with TV cm. 100x65 H. 207 outlines frame in chromed finishing brass MAGNUS legs and tips in chromed aluminium reflective glass dark-blue mm.6 15.059,00 TV LED 32" Samsung with remote control With a backshelf and antenna tower Option: blu-ray Disc 1.180,00 Option: olden/bronze lacquering 466,00 Mirror 230x100 cm. MIDNIGHT bevelled glass lacquered in standard colours Glass in standard colors: 2.846,00 white / blue/ bordeaux/ cream/ moka /black mirror /smoky mirror / bronzed mirror Mirror 230x90 cm. MIDNIGHT bevelled glass lacquered in standard colours Glass in standard colors: 2.743,00 white / blue/ bordeaux/ cream/ moka /black mirror /smoky mirror / bronzed mirror MIDNIGHT Mirror 140x140 cm. bevelled glass lacquered in standard colours 176 2.381,00 Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 3.002,00 3.002,00 3,50 Leather needed (sqm) 4,50 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model Description Price Price in fabric included) Mirror 200 h.220 cm. + 16 cm. (feet) NAIADE frame in shiny stainless steel internal mirror with waterfall 8.187,00 illumination with white LEDs Mirror 200x80 cm. NIKIFOR frame in diamond glass silver finish QUICKSILVER steel frame with decorative studs 3.719,00 Quotation given on special sizes Mirror cm. 220X110 4.193,00 on the perimeter band RHAPIS Mirror TV 185x144 cm. with video 50" Full HD frame in laquered black wood 16.417,00 Version with: - DVD 18.351,00 - Duplication of signal - Additional audio system - Universal remote control Option: stainless steel decorative top ROUTE 66 Mirror 150x150 cm. with black stone pattern frame 177 1.572,00 1.811,00 Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not included) Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 cm.) Leather needed (sqm) VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model SAIPH SCILLA Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 5.181,00 5.181,00 3,00 Leather needed (sqm) Mirror cm. 209x81 frame in engraved wood Silver or golden leaf finishing 1.808,00 Oxidized bronze finishing 4.026,00 Mirror 140x220x7 golden leaf with 2 candeleholders 5.923,00 Mirror in pantographed wood SHARDANA Oval designs - covered in fabric or leather - Horizontal cm.250x140 - Vertical cm.240x140 Oval mirror cm.101x165 (th. 4 cm) SORTILEGE Backlit decoration on ground glass 5.796,00 frame in polished stainless steel Option: golden/bronze lacquer THELMA Mirror cm.200x100 frame with titanium finishing 178 207,00 4.399,00 4,80 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 MIRRORS Model TILIA Description Price Price in fabric Price in leather (price of fabric not (price of leather not Fabric needed (lm. in height 140 included) included) cm.) 5.260,00 5.260,00 2,50 Leather needed (sqm) Mirror 120x181x7 cm Golden lacquered frame 5.260,00 Upholstered frame 179 4,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model ACANTHUS ACANTHUS Description Price Ceiling lamp Ø 80 H.100 cm. with white flowers and swallows Wall lamp Ø 60 H.70 cm. with white flowers and swallows 10.472,00 2.836,00 Ceiling lamp Ø 100 H.90 cm. Main structure in chromed steel, with 173 ACANTHUS flowers in white Murano glass with transparent stripes and 15 swallows in Murano glass. 12.143,00 Electric wiring made of 10 bulbs E/27 max. 60 watt each Wall lamp Ø 65 H.100 cm. Steel structure - with 49 flowers in Murano ACANTHUS white glass and N. 6 swallos 5.459,00 Electric wiring made of 6 bulbs E/27 max 60 watt each Ceiling lamp Ø 102 H.63 cm. Structure: brass gold dipped or chromed ALDEBARAN pendants Murano glass fumé Structure in: 10.227,00 A) gold brass B) chromed Ceiling lamp Ø 100 H.90 cm ALWIN with white flowers in Murano glass and transparent veins 180 8.635,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price ALWIN with white flowers in Murano glass and Options Wall lamp Ø 65 H.100 cm 4.382,00 transparent veins AMANDA Wall lamp 25x13 H.60 cm. Stainless steel support Natural aluminium plates 2.313,00 Swarovski crystals 587,00 Champagne aluminium plates 2.763,00 golden/bronzed lacquered steel support 160,00 Floor lamp cm. 50x54 H.160 structure in steel with "torchon" stem in AMARILLI antique brass Tips and turnings in lacquered aluminium 2.536,00 Base in lacquered stainless steel Lampshade in silk black outside/gold inside Table lamp cm. H.65 structure in steel with "twisted" stem in AMARILLI antique brass Tips and turnings in lacquered aluminium 2.174,00 Base in lacquered stainless steel Lampshade in silk black outside/gold inside Chandelier structure in steel with "twisted" stem in AMARILLI antique brass Tips and turnings in lacquered aluminium Base in lacquered stainless steel Lampshade in silk black outside/gold inside 181 7.245,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price Options Chandelier Ø 80 H.95 cm. ANTARES structure chromed steel Murano transparent crystals with 20 leaves 3.517,00 in crystal Double wall lamp with turned aluminium stem ARCHOS chrome finishing cm. 37x21 H.47 1.604,00 Golden/bronze lacquer 207,00 983,00 Golden/bronze lacquer 104,00 Swarovski crystals 688,00 Lampshade with chains ARCHOS Single wall lamp with turned aluminium stem chrome finishing cm. 16x21 H.47 Lampshade with chains ARPER Table lamp Ø 18 H.47cm with chromed base conical lampshade Natural aluminium plates 1.428,00 Champagne aluminium plates (golden nichel base) 1.864,00 Oval lampshade with 2 cascades ARTEGAL cm. 130x70 H.65 19 light max 40 watt each ARTEGAL Natural aluminium plates 9.626,00 Champagne aluminium plates 12.938,00 Swarovski crystals (only on the lower part) 2.184,00 Cristalli Swarovski 1.004,00 Wall lamp cm. 50x21 H.21 2 lights max 40 watt each Natural aluminium plates 1.998,00 Champagne aluminium plates 2.432,00 182 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price Chandelier with structure in brass and steel covered ASLAN with black velour central column in glass/crystal candle covers in chromed brass pendants in lead crystal drop 9.614,00 shape Ø 120 H.130 + 100 cm. Chain Wall lamp cm.45x30 H.55 structure in brass and steel covered in black velvet ASLAN central pillar in glass/crystal 1.449,00 candle cover in chromed brass pendants in plumb-bob crystal in a cross shape ATLANTIS ATLANTIS Table Lamp cm.30x165 H.42 stainless steel base with front in honey onyx Floor Lamp cm.50x50 H.200 stainless steel base with front in honey onyx 2.518,00 9.180,00 Candleholder in laser cut steel Ø 80 H.145 cm. set ATLAS of 10+2 black candles included Shiny steel finishing 4.138,00 Bronzed/copper lacquer 4.533,00 183 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description BARLMORAL Candleholder with 1 light in aluminium BARLMORAL BARLMORAL BENSON Price Natural with bobeche Swarovski 1.501,00 Champagne with bobeche Swarovski 1.604,00 Natural with bobeche Swarovski 1.708,00 Champagne with bobeche Swarovski 1.811,00 Candleholder with 4 lights in natural aluminium with bobeche Swarovski 4.249,00 Ceiling light 86x61 H.42 cm. Structure in stainless steel - brushed nickel 6.779,00 Double ceiling light 120x85 H.53 cm. Structure in stainless steel - brushed nickel 14.542,00 with 16 amber painted crystals BENSON Table lamp 45x23 H.22 cm. Structure in stainless steel - brushed nickel 3.198,00 with 5 amber painted crystals BENSON 202 Swarovski crystal pearls 460,00 244 Swarovski crystal pearls 484,00 Candleholder with 2 lights in aluminium with 8 amber painted crystals BENSON Options Wall lamp 70x50 H.35 cm. Structure in stainless steel - brushed nickel with 5 amber painted crystals 184 4.016,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model BIRD Description Price Chandelier Ø 120 H.130 cm. Chromed structure Transparent crystal pendants Black feathers 12.403,00 White or cream feathers 12.829,00 Wall light 40x30 H.75 cm. BIRD Chromed structure Transparent crystal pendants Black feathers 3.897,00 White or cream feathers 4.074,00 Oval ceiling light 120x75 H.68 cm. BIRD Chromed structure Transparent crystal pendants Black feathers 9.787,00 White or cream feathers 10.890,00 Floor lamp diam 70 H 200 cm BIRD Chromed structure - Transparent crystal pendants base in granite marble Black feathers 8.888,00 White or cream feathers 9.353,00 Floor lamp Ø 70 h.200 cm. BIRD Chromed structure - Transparent crystal pendants base in Cedarstone marble Black feathers 8.600,00 White or cream feathers 9.066,00 185 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price Options Chandelier Ø 50 cm. H.150 cm. BLASIUS Chromed structure - 13 lights 166 spoons in stainless steel 5.537,00 166 crystals - 30% lead BRUNILDE UNICORNO BRUNILDE 104 BRUNILDE 159 BRUNILDE/ALL 104 Wall lamp with one horn W.24 - D.31 H.65 in brass, stainless steel and aluminium Oval lampshade in silk: cream, moka or black Chromed version 1.259,00 Bronzed or golden lacqured version 1.574,00 Wall lamp W.30 - D.35 H.104 cm. in brass, stainless steel and aluminium Oval lampshade in silk: cream, moka or black Chromed version 2.228,00 Bronzed or golden lacqured version 2.548,00 Wall lamp W.40 - D.40 H.159 cm in brass, stainless steel and aluminium Oval lampshade in silk: cream, moka or black Chromed version 2.591,00 Bronzed or golden lacqured version 2.908,00 Wall lamp H. 104 cm. W.30 - D.35 in brass, stainless steel and aluminium chromed version Oval lampshade in natural aluminium 3.311,00 Oval lampshade in alum. Champagne 3.699,00 186 Swarovski crystals 1.023,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description BRUNILDE/ALL Wall lamp H. 104 cm. W.30 - D.35 104 BRUNILDE/ALL 159 BRUNILDE/ALL 159 Price in brass, stainless steel and aluminium in bronzed or golden lacquered version Oval lampshade in natural aluminium 3.634,00 Oval lampshade in alum. Champagne 4.022,00 1.023,00 Swarovski crystals 1.186,00 Swarovski crystals 1.186,00 in brass, stainless steel and aluminium chromed version Oval lampshade in natural aluminium 3.832,00 Oval lampshade in alum. Champagne 4.310,00 Wall lamp H. 159 cm. W.40 - D.40 in brass, stainless steel and aluminium in bronzed or golden lacquered version Oval lampshade in natural aluminium 4.148,00 Oval lampshade in alum. Champagne 4.626,00 in brass, stainless steel and aluminium 3 couples of horns Oval lampshades in silk: cream, moka or black Chromed version 8.642,00 Bronzed or golden lacqured version 9.656,00 Chandelier Ø 82 H 160 cm BRUNILDE Swarovski crystals Wall lamp H. 159 cm. W.40 - D.40 Chandelier Ø 73 H.110 cm. BRUNILDE Options in brass, stainless steel and aluminium 3 couples of horns/LARGE Oval lampshades in silk: cream, moka or black Chromed version 9.268,00 Bronzed or golden lacqured version 10.443,00 187 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price Options Chandelier Ø 82 H.188 cm. BRUNILDE in brass, stainless steel and aluminium 6 couples of horns Oval lampshades in silk: cream, moka or black BRUNILDE UNICORNO Chromed version 17.530,00 Bronzed or golden lacqured version 19.554,00 Wall lamp with one horn H.65-W.24-D.31 cm. in chromed iron 889,00 CONTRACT Oval lampshades in silk: cream, moka or black BRUNILDE 104 Wall lamp H. 104 cm. W.30 - D.35 CONTRACT BRUNILDE 159 in chromed iron 1.263,00 Oval lampshades in silk: cream, moka or black Wall lamp H. 159 cm. W.40 - D.40 in chromed iron 1.399,00 CONTRACT Oval lampshades in silk: cream, moka or black BRUNILDE/ALL Wall lamp H.104 W.30 - D.35 cm. CONTRACT in chromed iron Oval lampshade in natural aluminium 2.346,00 Oval lampshade in alum. champagne 2.734,00 BRUNILDE/ALL Applique H.159 W.40 - D.40 cm. CONTRACT in chromed iron Oval lampshade in natural aluminium 2.639,00 Oval lampshade in alum. champagne 3.119,00 188 Swarovski crystals 1.023,00 Swarovski crystals 1.186,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model BRUNILDE CONTRACT BRUNILDE CONTRACT CASTORE Description Price Chandelier H. 110 - Ø 73 cm. in chromed iron - 3 couple of corns 5.049,00 Oval lampshades in silk: cream, moka or black Chandelier H. 188 - Ø 82 cm. in chromed iron - 6 couple of corns 9.639,00 Oval lampshades in silk: cream, moka or black Light-vase with base in steel cm.25x25 H.90 including 6 flowers (h. 77 without flowers) 3.080,00 Chandelier Ø 110 H.120 cm. CLAUDIO 18 bulbs G9 max 25 watt Structure in chromed brass 9.169,00 Cups and teapots in porcelain Pendants in Schöler crystal Wall lamp cm. 60x42 H.67 CLAUDIO 5 bulbs G9 max 25 watt Structure in chromed brass 3.188,00 Cups and teapots in porcelain Pendants in Schöler crystal Chandelier Ø 130 H.130 cm. CLITUNNO Options Double lightning 24 lights: - 18 LED - 1 watt each 12.104,00 - 6 GP max 90 watt. Each Decorations with chromed stainless steel taps 189 Flower in glass (each) 77,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model DAGONET DAGONET DAGONET DAGONET Description Price SMALL table lamp 15x30 H. 34 cm Silk lampshade Shiny chromed stainless steel base 757,00 Gold/bronze lacquered base 841,00 SMALL table lamp 15x30 h.34 cm. Kid leather lampshade Shiny chromed stainless steel base 1.600,00 Gold/bronze lacquered base 1.689,00 MEDIUM table lamp cm. 30x30 H. 65 Silk lampshade Shiny chromed stainless steel base 1.081,00 Gold/bronze lacquered base 1.179,00 CONICAL table lamp 14x27 H.51 cm. conical lampshade with embroidered 1.072,00 coat of arms on black cinz DAGONET DAGONET TRIPODE - Floor lamp Ø 50 H.200 cm. Conical lampshade in silk Stainless steel/shiny chromed base 3.397,00 Golden/bronzed lacquered base 3.817,00 TRIPODE - Floor lamp Ø 50 h.200 cm. Conical lampshade in Kid leather Stainless steel/shiny chromed base 4.554,00 Golden/bronzed lacquered base 4.976,00 190 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price Ceiling lamp with glass straws on DENEB chromed structure internnal Ø 60 x H.100 cm. 4.730,00 external Ø 100 x H.50 cm. DROP DROP DROP Table lamp cm. 40x15 H.43 structure in stainless steel - lampshade in silk Shiny chromed stainless steel structure 1.816,00 Gold/bronze lacquered structure 2.029,00 BIG table lamp cm. 40x15 H.71 structure in stainless steel - lampshade in silk Shiny chromed stainless steel structure 2.184,00 Gold/bronze lacquered structure 2.405,00 Floor lamp cm.60x30 H.192 silk lampshade - structure in stainless steel Shiny chromed stainless steel structure 4.368,00 Gold/bronze lacquered structure 4.782,00 Ceiling lamp Ø 110 H.120 cm. DUIR Chrome chain and crystals on frame in chromed brass Lampshade in white leather Kid 13.711,00 Lampshade in silk 12.977,00 Wall light Ø 60x35 H.67 cm. DUIR Chrome chain and crystals on frame in chromed brass Lampshade in white leather Kid 4.444,00 Lampshade in silk 3.911,00 191 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price DUIR Chrome chain and crystals on frame in Floor lamp Ø 70 H.180 cm. chromed brass Lampshade in white leather Kid 10.224,00 Lampshade in silk 9.379,00 Chandelier Ø 120 H.130 cm. ECLIPSE Structure with chains golden finishing 12.420,00 12 diffusors in grinded glass Brazier chandelier 15 Led by 3 watt each base plate Ø 100 H.100 (adjustable) EFESTO Ceiling light and Led support in stainless steel Base plate in enamelled metal 11.188,00 Spheres in blown iridescent pyrex glass Ø 40/60/80 mm. EGG BIG EGG MEDIUM Table lamp BIG Ø 35 H.110 cm. Visionnaire oval base in stainless steel Truncated cone lampshade in silk Chromed version 2.283,00 Bronzed or golden lacquered version 2.468,00 Table lamp MEDIUM Ø 24 H.75 cm. Visionnaire oval base in stainless steel Truncated cone lampshade in silk Chromed version 1.491,00 Bronzed or golden lacquered version 1.653,00 192 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model EGG MINI Description Price Table lamp MINI Ø 13 H.43 cm. Visionnaire oval base in stainless steel Truncated cone lampshade in silk Chromed version 1.056,00 Bronzed or golden lacquered version 1.175,00 EGG/ALL Table lamp BIG Ø 35 H.110 cm. BIG Visionnaire oval base in stainless steel EGG/ALL BIG Natural aluminium lampshade 3.437,00 Champagne aluminium lampshade 3.821,00 969,00 Swarovski crystals 969,00 Swarovski crystals 848,00 Swarovski crystals 848,00 Swarovski crystals 384,00 Visionnaire oval base in stainless steel Bronzed or golden lacquered structure Natural aluminium lampshade 3.623,00 Champagne aluminium lampshade 4.008,00 Table lamp MEDIUM Ø 24 H.75 cm. MEDIUM Visionnaire oval base in stainless steel EGG/ALL Swarovski crystals Table lamp BIG Ø 35 H.110 cm. EGG/ALL MEDIUM Options Natural aluminium lampshade 2.399,00 Champagne aluminium lampshade 2.783,00 Table lamp MEDIUM Ø 24 H.75 cm. Visionnaire oval base in stainless steel Bronzed or golden lacquered structure Natural aluminium lampshade 2.559,00 Champagne aluminium lampshade 2.945,00 EGG/ALL Table lamp MINI Ø 13 H.43 cm. MINI Visionnaire oval base in stainless steel Natural aluminium lampshade 1.693,00 Champagne aluminium lampshade 1.932,00 193 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model EGG/ALL MINI Description Price Options Table lamp MINI Ø 13 H.43 cm. Visionnaire oval base in stainless steel Bronzed or golden lacquered structure Natural aluminium lampshade 1.811,00 Champagne aluminium lampshade 2.053,00 Swarovski crystals Chandelier Ø 110 H.130 cm. ERRAKIS steel brass - crystals and decoration with artificial ivy 12.052,00 vines SWING: Including capitonné seat with feet in chromed aluminium 17.696,00 Table lamp cm. 46x43 H.86 ESMERALDA Truncated tige in multifaced crystal details in gold metal 3.518,00 lampshade in black silk - inside in gold Table lamp cm. 36x39 H.60 ESMERALDA truncated cone structure in prismatic crystal turnings and metallic parts in golden finishing 3.064,00 horns black lacquer lampshade in silk black outside/gold inside Chandelier cm. 93x84 H.96 ESMERALDA Truncated tige in multifaced crystal details in gold metal lampshade in black silk - inside in gold 194 10.639,00 Fabric for capitonnè seat: ml.1,00 384,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price Options Floor lamp cm. 46x43 H.165 ESMERALDA Truncated tige in multifaced crystal details in gold metal 4.435,00 lampshade in black silk - inside in gold Wall lamp cm. 47x34 H.79 ESMERALDA Truncated tige in multifaced crystal details in gold metal 2.655,00 lampshade in black silk - inside in gold Wall unit with angular support 47x46 H.79 ESMERALDA Trucnated tige in multifaced crystal details in gold metal 2.831,00 lampshade in black silk - inside gold EXCALIBUR BIG EXCALIBUR MEDIUM EXCALIBUR SMALL Table lamp Ø 38 x H.123 cm. Lampshade in silk with decoration in leather 1.377,00 Lampshade in fabric 1.327,00 Fabric needed: ml.0,70 Table lamp Ø 30 x H.77 cm. Lampshade in silk with decoration in leather 1.302,00 Lampshade in fabric 1.266,00 Fabric needed: ml.0,50 Table lamp Ø 20 x H.55 cm. Lampshade in silk with decoration in leather 647,00 Lampshade in fabric 627,00 195 Fabric needed: ml.0,40 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price EXCALIBUR Table lamp 25x25 x H.97 cm. MEDIUM/ALL Lampshade in aluminium plates Natural aluminium plates 2.400,00 Champagne aluminium plates 2.831,00 EXCALIBUR Table lamp 18x18 H.42 cm CRYSTAL MINI Base stainless steel - sphere in Swarovski crystals Natural aluminium plates 1.210,00 Champagne aluminium plates 1.428,00 EXCALIBUR Floor lamp Ø 37 H.193 cm PIANTANA base in stainless steel GALAHAD GALAHAD GALAHAD/10 Natural aluminium plates 6.828,00 Champagne aluminium plates 10.518,00 Options Swarovski crystal pearls 1.080,00 Swarovski crystal pearls 172,00 Swarovski crystal pearls 484,00 Chandelier Ø 70 x H.130 cm. Natural aluminium plates 7.627,00 Champagne aluminium plates 10.842,00 Swarovski crystals 1.326,00 Gustav Lindner crystals 2.932,00 Swarovski crystals 1.453,00 Big chandelier Ø 120 H.220 cm. Natural aluminium plates 29.956,00 Champagne aluminium plates 41.843,00 Chandelier Ø 80 x H.115 cm. natural aluminium plates 196 10.896,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model GALAHAD/10 GALAHAD GALAHAD/P GALAHAD/P GALAHAD/P Description Price Chandelier Ø 80 x H.175 cm. natural aluminium plates 12.832,00 Natural aluminium plates 1.650,00 Champagne aluminium plates 2.187,00 1.453,00 Gustav Lindner crystals 558,00 Ceiling lamp Ø 80 h.40 cm. nr. 8 bulbs max 40 watt each Natural aluminium 6.518,00 Champagne aluminium 8.847,00 Swarovski crystals 1.304,00 Swarovski crystals 1.396,00 Swarovski crystals 1.489,00 Ceiling lamp Ø 100 h.50 cm. nr.12 bulbs max 40 watt each Natural aluminium 7.683,00 Champagne aluminium 10.415,00 Ceiling lamp Ø 120 h.60 cm. nr.16 bulbs max 40 watt each. Natural aluminium 8.847,00 Champagne aluminium 13.022,00 33 lights G.9 max 25 watt Structure in chromed brass with Schöler pendants 16.455,00 with sugar bowl, milk jug, tea pot and tea cups GINKGO Swarovski crystals Wall lamp 35x20 H.60 cm. Chandelier Ø 145 H.160 cm. GALLIENO Options Ceiling lamp Ø 80 H.60 cm. with spheres in blown glass 197 7.459,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description GRAAL Floor arc lamp 315x H.250 cm. GUYON Price Natural aluminium plates lampshade 7.577,00 Champagne aluminium plates 8.651,00 1.310,00 10.878,00 Swarovski pendants on Ø 80 874,00 13.936,00 Swarovski pendants on Ø 50 437,00 Metallic structure in golden finishing 22 clusters in golden pirex glass 13.973,00 Ø 62 H.80 cm. structure in chromed steel 10.476,00 and diffusers in methacrylate HAROLD Swarovski pendants on Ø 110 Natural aluminium plates Chandelier with arms HAROLD 1.091,00 Champagne aluminium plates (1 cane Ø 65 cm. + 6 Ø 50 cm. per cluster) HARLOCK Swarovski crystals Chandelier with 3 levels Ø 110/80/50 H.110 cm Chandelier Ø 100 H.120 cm. HAMMOND Options Oval chandelier cm. 140x70 H.129 structure in steel with aluminium turning Oval chandelier cm. 140x70 H.89 structure in steel with aluminium turning 198 9.381,00 8.080,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model HAROLD HILDE Description Price Oval chandelier cm. 140x70 H.49 structure in steel with aluminium turning Table lamp 43x16 H.54 cm. with elliptical lampshade covered in KID fur 6.780,00 1.166,00 Ceiling light Ø 40 HOLLY/22 Chromed chain and crystals DIAM 22 mm with halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) H.450 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) 8.033,00 H.400 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) 7.448,00 H.380 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) 7.044,00 H.350 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 6.752,00 H.300 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 6.069,00 H.250 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 5.186,00 H.200 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 4.337,00 Ceiling light Ø 40 HOLLY/14 Chromed chain and crystals DIAM 14 mm with halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) H.450 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) 6.290,00 H.400 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) 6.069,00 H.380 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) 5.793,00 H.350 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 5.627,00 H.300 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 4.745,00 H.250 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 3.976,00 H.200 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 3.399,00 199 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description HOLLY Ceiling light Ø 40 CHAINS HUBERTUS Price Chromed chains with halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) H.450 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) 4.413,00 H.400 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) 4.105,00 H.380 cm. (15 bulbs G.9) 3.850,00 H.350 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 3.729,00 H.300 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 3.222,00 H.250 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 2.803,00 H.200 cm. (12 bulbs G.9) 2.472,00 Deer-shaped wall lamp 74x55 H.108 cm. in chromed aluminium fusion 10.476,00 Ceiling lamp Ø 110 H.130 cm. IDHO Spheres in blown glass on structure in 11.761,00 chromed steel IDHO Floor lamp Ø 55 x H.190 cm. Spheres in blown glass on structure 9.029,00 in chromed steel IDHO Wall lamp 50x25 H.50 cm. Spheres in blown glass on structure in chromed steel 200 3.380,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model ISOTTA ISOTTA/ALL JOSKA KELLY Description Price Table lamp Ø 29 H.83 cm. lampshade in parchment with 4 leather/fur tassels 1.550,00 Option: decorative skirt in fabric 141,00 Option: decorative skirt in leather 293,00 Table lamp 30x20 H.61 cm. natural aluminium plates lampshade 1.622,00 Crystal inserts Swarovski square 803,00 champagne aluminium plates lampshade 1.894,00 Crystal inserts Swarovski drop 853,00 Table lamp Ø 30 H.69 cm. crystal base truncated silk lampshade with embroidered logo Ceiling lamp Ø 60 H.145 cm. Nickel chains 6 halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) 1.721,00 2.813,00 Hexagonal ceiling lamp Ø 80 H.110 cm. KOBE Nickel chains and crystal spheres 6.224,00 9 halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) Wall lamp 30x15 H.38 cm. KOBE Options Nickel chains and crystal spheres 2 halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) 201 994,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model LAMORAK LEIPZIG Description Price Ceiling lamp Ø 98 H.198 cm. glass, steel and ox horns Hexagonal ceiling light Ø 75 H.70 cm. natural aluminium plates 11.199,00 6.724,00 Chandelier Ø 100 H.120 cm. LITTLE JOHN with 5 gold circle chains 8.033,00 21 halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) LITTLE JOHN LITTLE JOHN Wall light Ø 40 Deep 20 H.62 cm. Gold chain 3 halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) 947,00 Ceiling lamp Ø 140 H.120 cm. With 5 arcs in golden chain 8.955,00 28 halogen lights G9 (max 40 watt) LOGGIA CONTARINI "S" LOGGIA CONTARINI "W" "S" Mirror-lamp 254x151 cm. Mirror with 22 optical backlit glasses "W" Wall mirror 254x151x14 cm. Mirror and 22 optical backlit glasses 202 Options 13.446,00 13.446,00 Swarovski crystals 1.489,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description LOGGIA "R" Round Mirror Ø 180x18 h.195 cm. CONTARINI "R" LOGGIA SIGNORIA LOGGIA SIGNORIA MAINZ MAINZ Price Mirror and 17 optical backlit glasses. A) Floor lamp with structure Options 16.012,00 B) With predisposition to wall mounting AG/ Big arc floor lamp 120 x h.195 cm. with 10 optical backlit glasses. Stainless steel base AP/ Arc table lamp 43 x h.68 cm. with 7 optical backlit glasses. Stainless steel base. Rectangular ceiling lamp 250x50 H.50 cm. Optical bevelled crystals 16 lights Rectangular ceiling lamp cm.200x50 H.50 Optical bevelled crystals - 12 lights 9.673,00 2.926,00 18.792,00 16.992,00 Rectangular ceiling light with short semicircle sides MAINZ cm. 200x50 H.50 17.036,00 optic crystals 16 luci E/27 MELMOTH Ceiling light with double level Ø 80/50 H. 27/34 natural aluminium plates 7.079,00 champagne aluminium plates 8.063,00 203 Swarovski pendants (on the 2 level) 2.536,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price Options Chandelier Ø 120 H.130 cm. Structure in steel covered with silk MIZAR central column in crystal- candelholders and chain in gold dipped brass 8.467,00 pendants in Bohemia crystal ambra colour + 100 cm.metal chain Suspension chandelier Ø 45 H.57 cm. NOMURA Lampshade in stainless steel layer golden finishing with LED panel diffusors 2.381,00 Golden/bronze lacquer finishing 259,00 2.484,00 Golden/bronze lacquer finishing 311,00 4.761,00 Golden/bronze lacquer finishing 321,00 truncated conic structure with prismatic crystal turnings and details in chromed aluminium Table lamp Ø 45 H.60 cm. Lampshade in turned layer golden finishing NOMURA with LED panel diffusors truncated conic structure with prismatic crystal turnings and details in chromed aluminium base in stainless steel Rectangular suspension chandelier cm.70x175 H.74 NOMURA structure in shiny lacquered wood with a LED panel as diffusor truncated conic structure with prismatic crystal turnings and details in chromed aluminium Ceiling light with support cm.210x30x7 PALINURO in mirror polished steel 18 bulbs G9 max 25/40 watt Spheres in blown iridescent pyrex glass 1 Ø 50cm./2 Ø 40cm./2 Ø 30cm./2 Ø 20cm. 204 13.071,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model PENDRAGON POLLUCE RAZIEL RAZIEL Description Price Options Table lamp Ø 27 H.75,5 cm. base in turned aluminium and lampshade in aluminium Natural aluminium plates 2.091,00 Champagne aluminium plates 2.525,00 Light-vase in glass Ø20 H.60 with double back Swarovski crystals 654,00 1.423,00 Flower in glass (each) Shiny chromed stainless steel structure 8.126,00 Swarovski crystals 1.091,00 Golden/bronzed lacquered structure 8.649,00 Swarovski crystals 1.091,00 510 Swarovski crystal pearls 2.272,00 (including 9 flowers in glass) 77,00 Floor arc lamp 315x H.250 cm. Lampshade in natural aluminium plates Floor arc lamp 315x H.250 cm. Lampshade in champagne aluminium plates Shiny chromed stainless steel structure 9.199,00 Golden/bronzed lacquered structure 9.723,00 Table lamp Ø 36 H.48 cm ROTHARI truncated lampshade external black / internal gold Ø 37/30 h.25 cm. - bulb E/27 SATURNIA BLACK or WHITE ceramic base 1.066,00 PLATINUM or GOLDEN ceramic base 1.433,00 Chandelier Ø 56 H.150 cm. Natural aluminium plates 9.571,00 Champagne aluminium plates 10.931,00 205 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model SEBASTIAN SEBASTIAN SEYMOUR SEYMOUR Description Price SMALL Table lamp 30x15 H.55 cm. with silk cream lampshade 790,00 BIG Floor lamp 60x17x H.139 cm. Lampshade in stainless steel chain mail 1.579,00 Lampshade golden brass chain mail 1.898,00 553,00 1.070,00 cm. 44x22 H.54 Natural aluminium lampshade 1.760,00 Swarovski crystals Champagne aluminium lampshade 2.095,00 Golden/bronze lacquered base 80,00 BIG Floor lamp with elliptic lampshade cm.60x26 H.166 Natural aluminium lampshade 2.367,00 Swarovski crystals Champagne aluminium lampshade 2.768,00 Golden/bronze lacquered base structure in chromed brass - pendants in crystal 24 lights E/14 (max 40 watt) 10.408,00 Silk truncated cone lampshade Chandelier 150X60 H.105 cm. SHERWOOD Swarovski crystals SMALL Table lamp with elliptic lampshade Chandelier 100X100 H.107 cm. SHERWOOD Options structure in chromed brass - pendants in crystal 22 lights E/14 (max 40 watt) Silk truncated cone lampshade 206 11.130,00 1.194,00 114,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price Options Chandelier Ø cm.135 H.110 structure in chromed steel SUNSHINE 13 lampshades Ø 41 cm. H.21 covered with ecoleather 9.412,00 with chromed nickel studs 13 bulbs E/27 Ceiling light - variable height TAMALL 140x50 h.70 cm. external 110x30 H.70 cm. internal (recommended total height 110 cm.) Natural aluminium plates 10.872,00 Swarovski crystals in higher perimeter 3.329,00 Champagne aluminium plates 14.365,00 Swarovski crystals in lower perimeter 2.421,00 7 lights G9 max 25 watt each Natural aluminium plates 11.430,00 Swarovski crystals Ø8 mm in higher perimeter 1.601,00 Champagne aluminium plates 13.723,00 Swarovski crystals Ø8 mm in lower perimeter 1.159,00 Oval ceiling light - variable height 130x70 H.52 cm. external TAMALL/OVALE 110x50 H.52 cm. internal (recommended total height : 85 cm) 12 lights G9 max 40 watt each TENZO Table lamp Ø cm.21 H.76 in black Murano glass with amber flame 2.950,00 Bedside table lamp TETI base in ceramic 15x20 cm. diamond pattern lampshade 32x24 cm. - total height 39 cm. Enamelled ceramic available in the colours: WHITE - BLACK 207 293,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price Table lamp base in ceramic 15x20 cm. diamond pattern TETI lampshade 48x36 cm. - total height 63 cm. 492,00 Enamelled ceramic available in the colours: WHITE - BLACK Table lamp base in ceramic cm.15x20 cm. diamond pattern TETI lampshade 48x36 cm. - total height 93 cm. 855,00 Enamelled ceramic available in the colours: WHITE - BLACK Floor lamp with support in stainless steel TETI base in ceramic 15x20 cm. diamond pattern lampshade 72x54 cm. - total height 170 cm. Enamelled 2.283,00 ceramic available in the colours: WHITE - BLACK THALITA Chandelier Ø 110 H.120 cm. Structure in chromed brass 18 bulbs E14 max 25 watt each THALITA Lampshades in white Kid leather 10.959,00 Lampshades in silk 8.457,00 Wall lamp with two lights cm.38x24 H.56 arms and rectangular plate lampshades in white Kid leather 208 1.973,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price THORENS Structure in metal with engraved Visionnaire logo Ceiling light Ø 80 H.160 cm. 12.793,00 Prism diffusers in blown glass THOTH THOTH THOTH TSEEN KE Oval chandelier 68x28x16 cm. ice glass flakes on steel and solder frame Oval chandelier 90x33x20 cm. ice glass flakes on steel and solder frame Oval wall lamp 58x24x14 cm. ice glass flakes on steel and solder frame 6.294,00 8.714,00 3.492,00 Chandelier Ø 65 H.60 cm. structure in chromed steel with Bohemia 7.499,00 pendant crystals and gothic brass letters Oval chandelier cm.160x76 H.110/170 TUILERIES 20 bulbs E/14 max 60 watt each lampshades in white blown glass with vertical "Rigadin" effect structure in chromed steel 209 12.335,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price Options Chandelier Ø 125 H.130 cm. 18 bulbs E/14 max 60 watt each TUILERIES lampshades in white blown glass 10.902,00 with vertical "Rigadin" effect structure in chromed steel TULLIO Ceiling lamp Ø 120 total H. 130 cm. in stainless steel with 6 lampshades in 9.988,00 metal pleated fabric on metal structure Dodecagonal chandelier Ø 100cm. TURNBULL in stainless steel With irregular prismatic crystals 15.008,00 nr.181 mm. 100x33 - nr.180 mm.60x33 hand-grinded Table lamp cm.50x25 H.69 TYRFING Structure in lacquered wood with horn inserts base and outlines in brass 2.329,00 lampshade in cream silk Table lamp VESTA base in grooved ceramic Ø 30 cm. H.30 525,00 lampshade Ø 56 cm. - total height cm.66 VESTA Bedside table lamp base in grooved ceramic Ø 30 cm. H.15 lampshade Ø 45 cm. - total height cm.40 210 344,00 Golden/bronze lacquer finishing 693,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model VESTA Description Price Floor lamp with support base in stainless steel column in grooved ceramic Ø 30 cm. H.150 2.811,00 lampshade Ø 97 cm. - total height cm.210 VIRGILIO Fountain pen wall lamp cm.31x27x H.100 Cables for 18 LED and two neon lamps 3.247,00 Ceiling lamp Ø 80 H.80 cm. WOLFRAM with two perimeters of coloured, 11.443,00 mirrored strass, ends with black crystal leaves Ceiling lamp Ø 60 H.130 cm. WOTAN hexagonal structure in chromed steel with 33 crystal chains in Bohemia crystal 7.901,00 with relative pendants Ceiling lamp Ø 60 H.70 cm. WOTAN hexagonal structure in chromed steel with 33 crystal chains in Bohemia crystal 4.270,00 with relative pendants ZANTAS Wall lamp 21x25 H.60 cm. with diamond structure - silk lampshade 211 1.664,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model ZANTAS BIG Description Price Wall lamp 27x40 H.98 cm. with diamond structure - silk lampshade 1.825,00 Wall lamp 21x25 H.60 cm ZANTAS/ALL alumium scale lampshade It is not possible to add the crystal pendants on this kind of lampshade Natural aluminium plates 2.766,00 Champagne aluminium plates 3.242,00 Wall lamp cm.27x40 H.98 ZANTAS BIG/ALL alumium scale lampshade It is not possible to add the crystal pendants on this kind of lampshade Natural aluminium plates 2.926,00 Champagne aluminium plates 3.550,00 BIG Table lamp Ø 30 H.116 cm. ZANTAS Diamond stem in polished chrome fused aluminium base in marquina marble 4 cm thick 2.229,00 with bevelled perimeter MEDIA Table lamp Ø 20 H.78 cm. ZANTAS Diamond stem in polished chrome fused aluminium base in marquina marble 4 cm thick with bevelled perimeter 212 1.669,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 WALL LAMPS - CHANDELIER - CANDLEHOLDER - FLOOR LAMP Model Description Price MINI Table lamp Ø 15 H.48 cm. ZANTAS Diamond stem in polished chrome fused aluminium base in marquina marble 4 cm thick 1.404,00 with bevelled perimeter Chandelier diam. 120 H.172 cm. ZEUS Structure with arms and alluminium sphere Golden lacquered finishing metal plates in golden leaf finishing 9 bulbs G9 213 10.639,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CACHE-POT Model Description Price Cache-pot 50x50 (base 35x35) H.116 cm. in bevelled wood, shiny brushed KARL polyester lacquering feet in stainless steel handles in chromed aluminium 4.900,00 -A with points -B truncated Composition cache-pot 5 elements KENTIA composition 160x160 H.219 cm. Glass in standard colors: white/blue /bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror KENTIA single elements KENTIA single elements KENTIA single elements Glass standard colors 22.526,00 Glass Damasco Smeraldo 25.112,00 Basin for cache-pot 160X160 H.22 cm. Glass standard colors 6.949,00 Glass Damasco Smeraldo 7.710,00 Cache-pot. cm.35x35 H.154 Glass standard colors 3.656,00 Glass Damasco Smeraldo 4.052,00 Cache-pot. cm.50x50 H.64 Glass standard colors 1.949,00 Glass Damasco Smeraldo 2.166,00 214 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CACHE-POT Model KENTIA single elements KENTIA single elements KENTIA single elements KEU Description Price Cache-pot. cm.45x45 H.104 Glass standard colors 2.618,00 Glass Damasco Smeraldo 2.958,00 Cache-pot. cm.50X50 H.124 Glass standard colors 3.213,00 Glass Damasco Smeraldo 3.557,00 Cache-pot. cm.60X60 H.209 Glass standard colors 4.140,00 Glass Damasco Smeraldo 4.668,00 Cache-pot Ø 65,5 H.90 cm. Stainless steel with internal support variable in height 3.659,00 Cache-pot 70x70 H.196 cm. MUIN profiles in laminate mirror Glass in standard colors: white/blue /bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Glass standard colors 5.072,00 Golden Antique glass 7.142,00 215 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CACHE-POT Model Description Price Cache-pot cm. 50/35x H.100 NUNKI Glass in standard colors: white/blue /bordeaux/cream/moka/black mirror/smoky mirror/bronzed mirror Glass standard colors 2.650,00 Golden Antique glass 3.542,00 216 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 DOORS - ROOM DIVIDERS Model Description BRUNILDE set of 2 elements in chromed brass and aluminium Price Notes Door handle H.100 cm. 2.179,00 for glass doors: 10/20 mm thickness Mirror door with etched ovals standard size 90x210/230 cm. SEQUOIA/OV with logo in satin glass 14.178,00 Quotation given on special sizes 14.178,00 Quotation given on special sizes 13.645,00 Quotation given on special sizes stainless steel oval handle Door in mirror standard size 90x210/230 cm. SEQUOIA/W with etched coat of arms handle in stainless steel SEQUOIA Seven Stars SHARDANA Door in pantographed wood standard size 90x210 cm. Oval patterns on both sides shine polyester lacquer Stainless steel oval handles on both sides Separé three elements H.210 cm. in pantographed wood Oval designs - upholstered (single panel 60x210 cm.) 217 Quotation given on special sizes 7.263,00 Fabric needed: 12,00 ml Leather needed: 19,00 sqm VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTIC CERAMICS Model ADONE Description Cache-pot in ceramic 41x28 H.55 cm Stone finishing (Simone Lago) Price 1.452,00 Butterfly plate Ø 40 cm AKELEI with antennas/Swarovski 722,00 C: BLACK color / E: GREEN color ARNOLFO Vase Ø 12 H.26 cm. in ceramic from Faenza with horizontal stripes GOLD-IVORY finishing 766,00 PLATINUM-IVORY finishing 673,00 WHITE-IVORY finishing 590,00 CONCHIGLIA Apitonidae in ceramic 72x Ø 19 cm. 1 Mirror finishing (Simone Lago) BLUE or PINK finishing 1.067,00 PLATINUM finishing 1.599,00 CONCHIGLIA Vellixiliane Ø 38 H.175 cm. 2 complete with base in ceramic mirror finishing (Simone Lago) BLUE or PINK finishing 2.360,00 PLATINUM finishing 3.568,00 Option: electrical system for 1 light E/27 (max. 100 watt) 277,00 CONCHIGLIA Tatcheria in ceramic H.100 cm. 3 complete with base in ceramic mirror finishing (Simone Lago) BLUE or PINK finishing 1.744,00 PLATINUM finishing 2.515,00 218 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTIC CERAMICS Model DREAM BOX Description Price Ceramic box 25x25x6 cm. (Francesco Faravelli) - A Gold/mother of pearl - B purple 238,00 - C turqoise DREAM BOX Ceramic box cm. 13x13x6 (Francesco Faravelli) - A Gold/mother of pearl - B purple 102,00 - C turqoise Centre-piece plate Ø 70 H.10,50 cm. with truncated handles and Visionnaire logo FLINT External in white enamelled ceramic: 1.258,00 Version A: Inside and handles in bronze Version B: Inside and handles in platinum Centre-piece plate Ø 53 H.8 cm. with truncated handles and Visionnaire logo FLINT External in white enamelled ceramic: 1.088,00 Version A: Inside and handles in bronze Version B: Inside and handles in platinum Oval plate for console cm.86x43 H.10 FLINT with truncated handles and Visionnaire logo External in white enamelled ceramic: 1.706,00 Version A: Inside and handles in bronze Version B: Inside and handles in platinum FORMA MENTIS Head in ceramic cm. 27X36 h.40 with internal flower basin (H.15 cm.) PLATINUM or GOLD finishing 1.864,00 WHITE ENAMEL 1.047,00 219 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTIC CERAMICS Model Description Price Vase with cone tip Ø 38 H.148 cm. GORDON External in white enamelled ceramic: Version A: Inside, logo and top in bronze 1.894,00 Version B: Inside, logo and top in platinum Table set: HORO oval underplate cm.4,61x3,12 H. 3,3 304,00 and small plate with "eye" pattern Ø cm.30,5 H.3 Chalice stand and truncated handles Ø 48 cm. H.62 MARY External and internal in white enamelled ceramic: Version A: Inside and handles in bronze 1.604,00 Version B: Inside and handles in platinum MAXIMUS Underplate Ø 32,5 cm. SFINGE White mat majolica Sphinx decoration Grey 150,00 Sphinx decoration Gold 181,00 MAXIMUS Underplate Ø 35 cm. SFINGE White mat majolica Sphinx decoration Grey 155,00 Sphinx decoration Gold 197,00 220 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTIC CERAMICS Model Description MAXIMUS Centrepiece plate Ø 40 cm. Black shiny majolica SFINGE Sphinx PURE GOLD decoration MAXIMUS Underplate Ø 32,5 cm. LEONE White mat majolica 150,00 Two-head lion GOLD decoration 181,00 Underplate Ø 35 cm. LEONE White shiny majolica LEONE MITHRA 254,00 Two-head lion GREY decoration MAXIMUS MAXIMUS Price Two-head lion GREY decoration 155,00 Two-head lion GOLD decoration 197,00 Centrepiece plate Ø 40 cm. Black shiny majolica 254,00 Two-head lion PURE GOLD decoration Stand Ø 40 H.29 cm. Bowl with feet in ceramic from Faenza 1.056,00 external GOLD - internal IVORY 1.056,00 external PLATINUM - internal IVORY 895,00 MONOCOLOR 629,00 221 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTIC CERAMICS Model MITHRA MYTILUS NIBELUNG NIBELUNG Description Price Single flower holder Ø 13 H.60 cm. Vase in ceramic from Faenza external GOLD - internal IVORY 869,00 external PLATINUM - internal IVORY 800,00 MONOCOLOR 587,00 Half open mussel in ceramic 51x26 H.21 cm. (Simone Lago) BLUE or PINK finishing 1.067,00 PLATINUM finishing 1.599,00 Fruit bowl in ceramic Ø 37 x H.23 cm. A: external PLATINUM - internal WHITE 774,00 B: external GOLD - internal WHITE 831,00 F: IVORY with GOLDEN bordure 719,00 C: BLACK (single color) 673,00 D: WHITE (single color) 673,00 Tray in ceramic Ø 37 x H.6 cm A: external PLATINUM - internal WHITE 424,00 B: external GOLD - internal WHITE 445,00 F: IVORY with GOLDEN bordure 404,00 C: BLACK (single color) 383,00 D: WHITE (single color) 383,00 222 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTIC CERAMICS Model NIBELUNG NIBELUNG NIBELUNG NIBELUNG Description Price Underplate in ceramic Ø 35 x H.2 cm. with embossed decoration on border A: external PLATINUM - internal WHITE 341,00 B: external GOLD - internal WHITE 359,00 F: IVORY with GOLDEN bordure 357,00 C: BLACK (single color) 285,00 D: WHITE (single color) 285,00 Candleholder in ceramic Ø 31 x H.42 cm. with two elements A: external PLATINUM - internal WHITE 849,00 B: external GOLD - internal WHITE 879,00 F: IVORY with GOLDEN bordure 771,00 C: BLACK (single color) 737,00 D: WHITE (single color) 737,00 Vase with neck Ø 38 x H.44 cm. ceramic "diamond" design A: external PLATINUM - internal WHITE 1.271,00 B: external GOLD - internal WHITE 1.343,00 F: IVORY with GOLDEN bordure 1.180,00 C: BLACK (single color) 1.124,00 D: WHITE (single color) 1.124,00 Simple vase Ø 38 x H.35 cm. ceramic "diamond" design A: external PLATINUM - internal WHITE 1.222,00 B: external GOLD - internal WHITE 1.271,00 F: IVORY with GOLDEN bordure 1.139,00 C: BLACK (single color) 1.097,00 D: WHITE (single color) 1.097,00 223 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTIC CERAMICS Model Description NIBELUNG Bowl Ø 38 x H.17 cm. ceramic "diamond" design OCTOPUS Price A: external PLATINUM - internal WHITE 849,00 B: external GOLD - internal WHITE 1.036,00 F: IVORY with GOLDEN bordure 766,00 C: BLACK (single color) 722,00 D: WHITE (single color) 722,00 Octopus in ceramic Ø 41 H.55 cm. (Simone Lago) BLUE or PINK finishing 1.068,00 PLATINUM finishing 1.599,00 Underplate Ø 35 cm. PAESTUM White ceramic with golden frame 349,00 (Simone Lago) Wall plate Ø 35 cm. PAESTUM/Wall Ceramic with platinum frame with small central mirror 419,00 (Simone Lago) Vase Ø 38 x H.35 cm. PINKAS ceramic "diamond" design with black rooster feathers 1.396,00 C: BLACK color/ E: GREEN color PUBLIO Cache-pot in ceramic 50x30 H.58 cm Stone finishing (Simone Lago) 224 1.452,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTIC CERAMICS Model TINNE/P TINNE/P TINNE/L TINNE/F VANESSA Description Price Wall stone in ceramic GOLD or PLATINUM giant cm.45x36 h.26 1.347,00 big cm.40x32 h.18 1.196,00 medium cm.32x26 h.16 1.097,00 small cm.32x24 h.15 797,00 mini cm.24x20 h.14 598,00 Wall stone in ceramic WHITE/BLUE/GREEN giant cm.45x36 h.26 1.097,00 big cm.40x32 h.18 948,00 medium cm.32x26 h.16 849,00 small cm.32x24 h.15 649,00 mini cm.24x20 h.14 414,00 Lamp-stone in ceramic WHITE or GREEN mother-of-pearl giant cm.45x36 1.270,00 big cm.40x32 1.122,00 Stone flower-holder in ceramic WHITE or GREEN mother-of-pearl medium cm.32x26 h.16 849,00 small cm.32x24 h.15 649,00 mini cm.24x20 h.14 414,00 Butterfly in ceramic 25x25 cm. - with antennas A: PLATINUM/ B: GOLD 225 183,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTICS GLASSES - CRYSTALS - METALS Model ARYA Description Price Options Gargoyle in Murano glass 23x25 H.25 cm. 2.888,00 in colours black or crystal Wine bottle/decanter Ø 19 H.30 cm. BACCUS with Visionnaire logo and decoration in 756,00 stainless steel mail BACCUS ERAGON FUJY GALAXY Wine glass Ø 10 H.16,5 cm. With decorative mail in stainless steel Sword in Murano artistic glass Ø 17,5 x 79 cm. colour black or crystal Centre-piece with corduroy Ø 40/45 cm. amber colour 362,00 2.826,00 2.207,00 Change tray Ø 25,5 h 10,5 cm. in glass with Visionnaire logo 728,00 decoration in stainless steel chain mail Change tray Ø 20 h 8 cm. GALAXY in glass with Visionnaire logo decoration with stainless steel chain mail 226 662,00 Support in stainless steel 1.005,00 Support in stainless steel with golden finishing 1.135,00 Wooden support in laminated steel with LED 1.387,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTICS GLASSES - CRYSTALS - METALS Model GIDEON Description Price Vase in Murano glass with ribs Ø 22 H.22 cm. 942,00 in colours milk and tobacco Vase in Murano glass with ribs GIDEON Ø 19 H.28 cm. 963,00 in colours milk and tobacco GIDEON Vase in Murano glass with ribs Ø 19 H.44 cm. 1.180,00 in colours milk and tobacco HELMUT Oval vase 19X8,5 H.29 cm. In pure crystal 798,00 Visionnaire oval carving Oval vase 19x8,5 H.29 cm. HELMUT In pure crystal 771,00 Visionnaire logo Box 12x11 H.12 cm. IRMA black cover with shiny carved in pure Crystal 474,00 Visionnaire logo Box 12x11 H.8 cm. IRMA black cover with black shiny in pure Crystal Visionnaire logo 227 374,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTICS GLASSES - CRYSTALS - METALS Model Description Price IRMA black cover with shiny carved in pure Crystal Box 12x16 H.4,5 cm. 326,00 Visionnaire logo Box 12x9 H.4,5 cm. IRMA black cover with shiny carved in pure Crystal 276,00 Visionnaire logo Conical vase Ø 22/10 H.38,5 cm. JOSKA with 2 shiny carved in pure Crystal 2.153,00 Visionnaire logos Conical vase Ø 15/8,5 H.30,5 cm. JOSKA with 2 shiny carved in pure Crystal 1.356,00 Visionnaire logos JOSKA Bowl Ø 36/11 H.14,5 cm. with 2 shiny carved in pure Crystal 2.246,00 Visionnaire logos KRAKEN KRAKEN Ashtray cm.20x12 H.10 1.842,00 black/crystal Ashtray Ø cm.15x12 H.10 black/crystal 228 1.567,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTICS GLASSES - CRYSTALS - METALS Model KUMA/2 KUMA/4 MURTHAG Description Price Centre-table 24x78 H.16,5 cm. With 2 leaves in crystals white or pink Centre-table 74x78 H.16,5 cm. With 4 leaves in crystals white or pink 1.125,00 1.997,00 Mace in Murano artistic glass Ø 16 x 76 cm. 2.712,00 in colours black or crystal Ashtray Ø 18 cm. NUMMUS in brass fushion 388,00 black shiny nickel finishing Clothes hanger Ø 10 cm. NUMMUS in brass fushion 316,00 black shiny nickel finishing PASSY Options Case cm.18X12 h.12 with low-relieved logo - black/gold on crystal 229 1.697,00 Support in stainless steel 1.005,00 Support in stainless steel with golden finishing 1.135,00 Wooden support in laminated steel with LED 1.387,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTICS GLASSES - CRYSTALS - METALS Model Description Price TAZIO 19x9 H.4,5 cm with shiny/mat in pure crystal Rectangular ashtray 353,00 Visionnaire logo on bottom Square ashtray TAZIO 20x20 H.4 cm. With shiny/mat in pure crystal 450,00 Visionnaire logo on bottom TAZIO VARDEN Oval ashtray 12x16 H.6,5 cm. polished crystal with logo 471,00 Skull in Murano artistic glass 12x20 H.19 cm. 2.639,00 in colours tabacco or crystal Plate-holder in stainless steel WATARI cm. 13,2 x h 17,2 362,00 golden lacquered finishing WINX Case with cover Ø cm.15 h.12 with low-relieved logo - black/gold on crystal 1.542,00 Champagne glass ZEPHYR Ø 70 mm. H. 228 mm. in crystal with metallic decoration 24K gold finishing 230 259,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ARTISTICS GLASSES - CRYSTALS - METALS Model Description Price Wine glass medium ZEPHYR Ø 70 mm. H. 210 mm. in crystal with metallic decoration 259,00 24K gold finishing Big wine glass ZEPHYR Ø 850 mm. H. 220 mm. in crystal with metallic decoration 24K gold finishing 231 259,00 Options VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 TILES Model Description Price (sqm) Notes 1.019,00 A complete set for each box (2 R + 2 L) 149,00 40 box per pallet = sqm. 43,20 139,00 36 box per pallet = sqm. 38,88 Tile cm. 30x60 LINDORO golden precious decoration (R and L) box 4 tiles = sqm. 0,72 Stoneware tile, decorated through digital technology. LINDORO Tile cm. 30x60 box 6 tiles = sqm. 1,08 Stoneware tile - White Sorrento colour Tile cm. 60x60 LINDORO box 3 tiles = sqm. 1,08 Stoneware tile - White Sorrento colour 232 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CARPETS Model APOLLO ARGANTE ARGANTE Description Rectangular carpet 400x300 cm. Ivory/silver Shaped designed carpet 250x150 cm. Shaped designed carpet 300x180 cm. Price Composition 6.801,00 Chenille and viscose 5.174,00 7.451,00 Silk and hand-knotted Tibetan wool Silk and hand-knotted Tibetan wool Rectangular carpet ASOKA with cut-out external border 12.260,00 50% wool - 50% silk hand knotted 12.938,00 100% SILK 6.801,00 Chenille and viscose 300X400 cm. approx. ASOKA Rectangular SILK 300x400 cm. ATON Rectangular carpet 400x300 cm. Cream/ecrù colour 233 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CARPETS Model BOBOLI Description Rectangular carpet 300x400 cm. CONTINENTAL Rectangular carpet cm. BIANCO 350x270 CORIOLANO Square carpet 300x300 cm. Price Composition 16.871,00 11.696,00 wool and silk 13.999,00 hand turned wool and silk 12.989,00 Hand knotted 13.999,00 hand turned wool and silk Rectangular carpet DARDAR 300X400 cm. approx. GREEN tonality FLAMINIO HAWART Square carpet 300x300 cm. Rectangular carpet 350x250 cm. 234 18.320,00 black lapin with oval inlays in black fox VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CARPETS Model JATAKA KID KLINGSOR LINCOLN LINDORO Description Oval carpet with mould 300X400 cm. approx. Price 12.793,00 Rectangular carpet 300X200 cm. Tortora color 5.914,00 White color 4.909,00 350x270 cm. Rectangular carpet 240x350 cm. Rectangular 280x400 cm. 50% wool - 50% silk Hand knotted Bordure in microfiber Bard cm. 12 in Kid leather (border in microfibre) Rectangular carpet Composition 12.886,00 Wool base, silk decoration hand knotted 10.557,00 Ivory persian-lamb 6.852,00 Tufted in extra-fine viscose 6.801,00 Chenille and viscose Rectangular MARTE 400x300 cm. Ivory/ivory colur 235 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CARPETS Model Description Price Composition 6.801,00 Chenille and viscose Rectangular MERCURY 400x300 cm. Coffee/grey colour NASHIRA NOTTINGHAM OPHRIS/1 Oval carpet 350x270 cm. Rectangular carpet 280x380 cm. 12.104,00 9.381,00 Perimetral border and lilies in violet viscosa background in beige colour wool Shaped designed carpet 350x270 cm. 12.938,00 1 white orchid Rectangular carpet OPHRIS/3 350x270 cm. 12.938,00 3 white orchids OPTICAL Rectangular carpet 315x225 cm. 236 Lapin sculptured two-tone grey/black 8.795,00 border in eel printed leather colour black with gloss finish VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CARPETS Model OPTICAL PANTHEON PERSIANER RINALDO ROGUE Description Rectangular carpet 300x400 cm. Rectangular carpet 300x250 cm. Round carpet Ø 320 cm. Oval carpet 300x400 cm. Rectangular 360x280 cm. 237 Price Composition Lapin sculptured two-tone grey/black 14.893,00 border in eel printed leather colour black with gloss finish 17.078,00 10.648,00 wool and silk Natural grey persian lamb patchwork 7.338,00 Tufted in extra-fine viscose 13.103,00 Wool and silk - logo in relief VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CARPETS Model RUDOLPH SHA NA RA Description Carpet cm.250x350 Rectangular carpet 360x280 cm. Price Composition 10.701,00 Reindeer fur 13.103,00 Wool and silk - logo in relief 13.326,00 Hand knotted Rectangular carpet SIKKIM 300X400 cm. approx. Purple tonality SPARTACO SPARTACO Rectangular carpet 180x120 cm Rectangular carpet 102x261 cm 238 2.916,00 3.592,00 Patchwork Horsy white-black-grey Patchwork Horsy white-black-grey VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CARPETS Model SPARTACO SPARTACO SPARTACO STIRLING Description Square carpet 201x201 cm Rectangular carpet 351x252 cm Square carpet 400x400 cm Rectangular carpet 300x400 cm. 239 Price 5.452,00 12.248,00 21.594,00 12.938,00 Composition Patchwork Horsy white-black-grey Patchwork Horsy white-black-grey Patchwork Horsy puple shades Grey kid leather with border 15 cm. in microfibre VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 CARPETS Model TARAZED Description Rectangular carpet 350X260 cm. Price Composition 12.104,00 Squared carpet TELLUS 250x192 cm. 2.985,00 Wool and silk - logo in relief 13.103,00 Hand knotted Coffee/grey colur VANITAS WASAT WHEEL Rectangular carpet 360x280 cm. Shaped designed carpet 400x150 cm. Rectangular carpet cm.300x250 240 8.369,00 8.606,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BAGS AND COMPLEMENTS Model KRONOS LUCAS LUCAS LUCAS LUCAS SIGMUND SIGMUND SIGMUND Description Box in black leather 18x26,5 H.9 cm. with Visionnaire logo - with 2 compartments for 8 watches Price 838,00 Soft case Regular 50x18 H.40 cm. In leather Gea 1.254,00 In fabric Fiandra 24091 1.152,00 Soft case Maxi 67x23 H.40 cm. In leather Gea 1.714,00 In fabric Fiandra 24091 1.620,00 Shopping bag 37x45x17 In leather Gea 886,00 In fabric Fiandra 24091 841,00 Overnight bag 45x14 H.33 cm. In leather Gea 1.927,00 In fabric Fiandra 24091 1.279,00 Beautycase man In leather Gea 415,00 In leather Ascot 445,00 Beautycase woman in pelle Ascot 28,5x20 h.19,5 cm.5 Diary 20x25x3 cm. in eel leather 1.877,00 362,00 SIGMUND Wallet man in eel leather 9,5x11 cm. 234,00 SIGMUND Wallet woman in eel leather 19x10 cm. 377,00 241 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 BAGS AND COMPLEMENTS Model Description Price SIGMUND Keyring in steel with logo 102,00 SIGMUND TRISTAN TRISTAN TRISTAN TRISTAN TRISTAN TRISTAN TRISTAN Jewel case 10x20x3,5 cm. (closed) in eel leather Big trunk 120x60x41 cm. in Serpente di Mare black Medium trunck 100x60x36 cm. in Serpente di Mare black Rigid case 78x52x24 cm. in leather Gea 646,00 5.171,00 4.638,00 2.846,00 Rigid case with wheels 74x44x25 cm. In leather Gea 2.717,00 In leather Ascot 4.459,00 Rigid case with wheels 80x53x29 cm. In leather Gea 3.105,00 In leather Ascot 5.048,00 Trolley 55x41x19 cm. In leather Gea 2.575,00 In leather Ascot 3.856,00 Garment bag 62x47 cm. with two external pockets in pelle Gea 242 2.172,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ELEGANT WEAR Model Description Price LADY ROWENA Long robe in tricot of lapin. Black 3.442,00 LADY ROWENA Short robe in tricot of lapin. Black 1.526,00 LADY ROWENA LADY ROWENA Cloak in velour and tricot wool with ornaments in Swarovsky crystals white/black Tight-Oskar in velour and tricot wool with ornaments in Swarovsky crystals bianco/nero Composition 1.744,00 2.801,00 T-Shirt 100% cotton col. black LADY ROWENA Embroidered Visionnaire logo woman size: S - M 62,00 man size: M - XL FREE-TIME Black jersey velvet (85% cotton-15% nylon) Waistcoat + pants Ladies sizes: S - M 321,00 Men sizes: L - XL Waistcoat with divisible lamp Pendent with Visonnaire logo Pockets in cotton with embroided Visionnaire logo WELLNESS ACCESSORIES RAGTIME Tailored bathrobe Lady or Man 474,00 RAGTIME Men Shower towel 180x150 cm 247,00 RAGTIME Ladies Shower towel 150x100 cm 168,00 RAGTIME Set of Big towel 100x60 cm + small towel 60x40 cm 121,00 RAGTIME Lavette cm. 25x25 24,00 RAGTIME antislip slippers with embroidery 56,00 243 Terry cloth 100% cotton - gr.990 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 TABLE WARE Model Description JADIS with Visionnaire coat of arms Price Notes Place mat 46x37 cm. 305,00 embroidered on black satin, thick JADIS Napkin 50x50 cm. with Visionnaire coat of arms 218,00 embroidered on black satin SAILLE SAILLE Place mat 40x60 cm. in stainless steel 674,00 in gold dipped brass 1.301,00 Round napkin holder in stainless steel 81,00 in gold dipped brass 136,00 CHERON Table spoon col. black 17,00 Cutlery in stainless steel CHERON Table fork col. black 17,00 Cutlery in stainless steel CHERON Dessert Fork col. black 14,00 Cutlery in stainless steel CHERON Coffee spoon col. black 10,00 Cutlery in stainless steel CHERON Pizza cutlery col. black 20,00 Cutlery in stainless steel 244 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 TABLE WARE Model POFFERT POFFERT POFFERT UDOLPHO UDOLPHO Description Cake stand Ø 38,5 cm. H.39 (cap included) Cake stand Ø 38,5 cm. H.39 (cap included) Cake knife Mat Ø 32 cm. with Visionnaire logo Shallow plate Ø 28 cm. with Visionnaire logo Price 1.973,00 2.053,00 766,00 Notes Stem composed by bones and turned silver brass Cap in glass with brass bowl with Visionnaire logo Stem composed by bones and turned golden brass Cap in glass with brass bowl with Visionnaire logo Hit in bone and silver brass Blade in stainless steel 142,00 137,00 Tableware in Murano glass. Availbale in colors:: - Ivory + motherpearl (A) UDOLPHO UDOLPHO UDOLPHO Soup plate Ø 22 cm. with Visionnaire logo Salad plate Ø 22 cm. with Visionnaire logo Large glass Ø 9,2 h.9,7 cm. with Visionnaire logo 245 131,00 - Black+ motherpearl (B) The unique characteristics of the Udolpho Murano objects are the result of the manual processing 131,00 118,00 and the peculiar manufacture of the glass VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ART GALLERY Model Description ATHENA Plaster mould H. 46 cm. LEMNIA (Fidia - 430-420 B.C.) DEMOSTENE DISCOBOLO DONNA CIGNO NAUTILUS Plaster mould H. 40 cm. (Polyeuctus, III Century B.C.) Plaster mould H.43 cm. (Roman copy of the original statue of Naukydes, IV Century B.C.) Price 639,00 465,00 465,00 Diptych 145x200 cm (each) 1 Right + 1 left 14.490,00 (Simone Lago) Acrylic colours with wax finishing 90x150 cm. 4.360,00 (Giovanna Corso-Trasposizioni Visive) PAPILIONIDAE 127x127 cm. (Franco Borrelli) 246 5.382,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 ART GALLERY Model PSICHE SATURNIDAE SFINGE Description Plaster mould H. cm.40 (I Century B.C.) Dyptich 50x200 - 125x200 cm. (Franco Borrelli) 127x127 cm. (Franco Borrelli) 247 Price 580,00 9.833,00 5.382,00 SPECIAL SECTION VISIONNAIRE ART GALLERY/JEWELS/LEATHER GOODS VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION LEATHER GOODS Model Description Price Notes Handbag with two handles + strap Opening with zip and slide with Visionnaire logo. Two external pockets with cover: SMALL-handbag cm.21x14 H.17 BUCKINGHAM - front: cover with magnet lock and safety lock (+handles cm.13) - indicative sizes and shield detail in leather with Visionnaire coat of arms in gold metal; - back: simple cover with magnet lock and safety lock. in SOFT-LEATHER 1.343,00 in leather ARIZONA 1.802,00 Internal pocket with zip and two mobile holders. Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. White gold metal accessories. Handbag with two handles + strap Opening with zip and slide with Visionnaire logo. BUCKINGHAM Two external pockets with cover: MEDIUM-handbag cm.35x17 H.27 - front: cover with easy closing lock (+ handles cm.15) - indicative sizes and shield detail in leather with Visionnaire coat of arms in gold metal; - back: simple cover with easy closing lock. in SOFT-LEATHER 1.648,00 in leather ARIZONA 2.526,00 Internal pocket with zip and two mobile holders. Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. White gold metal accessories. Handbag with two handles + strap Opening with zip and slide with Visionnaire logo. BUCKINGHAM Two external pockets with cover: LARGE-handbag cm.42x25 H.29 - front: cover with button lock (+ handles cm.15) - indicative sizes and shield detail in leather with Visionnaire coat of arms in gold metal; - back: simple cover with button lock. in SOFT-LEATHER 1.823,00 in leather ARIZONA 2.665,00 249 Internal pocket with zip and two mobile holders. Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. Gold metal accessories VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION LEATHER GOODS Model Description Price Notes Handbag with two handles + strap Opening with zip and slide with Visionnaire logo. BUCKINGHAM Two external pockets with cover: VOYAGE-handbag cm.52x28 H.33 - front: cover with button lock (+ handles cm.13) - indicative sizes and shield detail in leather with Visionnaire coat of arms in gold metal and safety lock with button; - back: simple cover with button lock. BUCKINGHAM in SOFT-LEATHER 2.110,00 in leather ARIZONA 3.124,00 B1/Document holder cm.24x13 (open cm. 24x13) Lining with Visionnaire coat of arms. White gold metal accessories. Vertical document holder with internal pockets. 398,00 in SOFT LEATHER BUCKINGHAM Internal pocket with zip and two mobile holders. Business and credit card holders. Visionnaire logo in gold metal Horizontal wallet with internal pockets. B2/Big wallet cm.20x10 (open cm.20x20) 398,00 in SOFT LEATHER Business and credit card holders. Internal pocket with zip and leather slide. Visionnaire logo in gold metal. Vertical wallet with internal pockets. B3/Big wallet cm.20x10 BUCKINGHAM (open cm.20x20) Business and credit card holders. 398,00 in SOFT LEATHER Internal decoration with gold brass chain mail. Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. Visionnaire logo in gold metal. BUCKINGHAM Wallet with internal pockets. B4/Big wallet cm.10x8 228,00 (open cm.10x15,5) in SOFT LEATHER Business and credit card holders. Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. Visionnaire logo in gold metal. 250 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION LEATHER GOODS Model Description Price Notes Business and credit card holder. BUCKINGHAM B5/Card and coin holder cm.10x8 in SOFT LEATHER 171,00 Central pocket for coins. Lining with Visionnaire oval pattern. Visionnaire logo in gold metal. BUCKINGHAM DRAKON DRAKON A- Men H. mm.35 Belt in leather B- Women H. mm.30 in eel leather 139,00 in other leathers 207,00 Watch and bracelet holder with 6 supports cm. 33x23x5 Structure in multiply plywood 800,00 Padded lunette and upholstered in microfibre Clock holder with 3 supports Structure in multiply plywood cm. 33x23x5 693,00 covered with leather DRAKON DRAKON upholstered in leather covered with leather upholstered in leather Padded lunette and upholstered in microfibre Jewel case cm. 33x23x22 covered with leather Structure in multiply plywood 2.184,00 three drawers and tray Golden metal finishings Ring holder cm. 20x4,5x4 covered with leather 251 390,00 Structure in multiply plywood upholstered in leather Space for rings in padded microfibre VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION LEATHER GOODS Model Description Price ESMERALDA Parfume diffuser 1.139,00 EYEWEAR EYEWEAR WIZARD Notes Eyeglass with detail in casting silver ELIOS - men 298,00 honey or black color with high-relief writing. Coloured lens CR39 - antiglare SELENE - woman 298,00 honey or black color Magic wand 2.205,00 252 Eyeglasses with detail in casting silver with lily and logo. Inner writing. Coloured lens CR39 - antiglare With box upholstered in leather VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 GOTHIC DREAMING SPECIAL SECTION artistic ceramic collection 1) In the mist 2) Three keys 3) Maze 4) Owl 480,00 480,00 480,00 480,00 5) On the Hook 6) Secret Thoughts 7) Dream on 8) Twin Sisters 480,00 480,00 480,00 480,00 253 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 GOTHIC DREAMING SPECIAL SECTION artistic ceramic collection 9) Welcome 10) Saturday Night 11) Piano Keys 12) Skull and flower 480,00 480,00 480,00 480,00 13) Cross keys 14) Of Heart 15) Coat of arms 16) Skull and crown 480,00 426,00 426,00 426,00 254 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 GOTHIC DREAMING SPECIAL SECTION artistic ceramic collection Ceramic tile cm.15x18x1,5 17) Stone flower 18) Pyramids platinum 20 ) Handwriting 426,00 426,00 480,00 Pyramids - white or black 367,00 Support in plexiglass for ceramic tiles 139,00 cm.10x12 H.14 255 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION ART GALLERY Model ANTILOPE Description Price Single trophy sculpture cm. 40x30 H.60 moulded in resine glass with inserts 12.668,00 in Swarovski crystals and artistic glasses SX DX cm.110x170 CAMALEONTE Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals 12.350,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.170x110 Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass CAVALLO and Swarovski crystals 9.610,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.180x120 Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass CAVALLO GIOSTRA and Swarovski crystals Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) 256 12.996,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION ART GALLERY Model Description Price cm.180x120 DRAGONE Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals 12.451,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.170x120 FARFALLA Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals 11.697,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.170x110 GUFO Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals 8.528,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.170x110 Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass FALCO and Swarovski crystals Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) 257 8.528,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION ART GALLERY Model Description Price cm.100x160 Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass GHEKO and Swarovski crystals 10.267,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.100x170 IGUANA Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals 8.528,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.180x120 Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass LEOPARDO and Swarovski crystals 17.471,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.170x110 LUCERTOLA Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) 258 10.149,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION ART GALLERY Model Description Price cm.110x170 MEDUSA Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals 10.830,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.180x150 PAVONE Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals 12.793,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.160x120 PESCE SCORPIONE Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals 12.668,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.120x140 Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass RANA and Swarovski crystals Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) 259 9.827,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION ART GALLERY Model Description Price Protaetia Aeruginosa (male) cm. 60x80 SCARABEO-1 Art work made on photo base, elaborated and directly printed on plexiglass 4.051,00 with inserts in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals Frame in shiny stainless steel (Michael) Lucanus Cervus (male) cm. 60x80 SCARABEO-2 Art work made on photo base, elaborated and directly printed on plexiglass 4.051,00 with inserts in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals Frame in shiny stainless steel (Michael) Leptinotarsa Decemlineata cm. 60x80 SCARABEO-3 Art work made on photo base, elaborated and directly printed on plexiglass with inserts in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals Frame in shiny stainless steel (Michael) 260 4.051,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION ART GALLERY Model Description Price Copris Lunaris (male) cm. 60x80 Art work made on photo base, elaborated SCARABEO-4 and directly printed on plexiglass 4.051,00 with inserts in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals Frame in shiny stainless steel (Michael) SERPENTE-1 8.102,00 Diptych 1 (left 110x110 cm.) + 2 (right 110x110 cm.) SERPENTE-2 Work on plexiglass with inserts in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals Frame in shiny stainless steel (Michael) 261 8.102,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION ART GALLERY Model Description Price cm.110x170 SERPENTE Work on plexiglass with inserts in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals 8.528,00 Frame in shiny stainless steel (Michael) cm.140x120 TROFEO BISONTE Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals 8.528,00 Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) cm.140x120 TROFEO CERVO Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass and Swarovski crystals Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) 262 8.528,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION ART GALLERY Model Description TROFEO Art work on plexiglass with insert in artistic glass Price cm.180x150 CERVO BIG and Swarovski crystals Frame in polished stainless steel (Michael) 263 11.940,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION JEWELS Model Description ALYON Bracelet NARWAIN ERDIE TARAS BREGOR BREGOR Price Gold-plated silver 1.187,00 Gold-plated silver with 0,60 kt. brillants 3.306,00 Bracelet Rhodium-plated silver 1.187,00 Rhodium-plated silver with 0,60 kt. brillants 3.306,00 Degradé bracelet Gold-plated silver 1.489,00 Gold-plated silver with 0,48 kt. brillants 3.096,00 Degradé bracelet Rhodium-plated silver 1.489,00 Rhodium-plated silver with 0,48 kt. brillants 3.096,00 Black Rhodium-plated (ruthenium) silver bracelet with ovals on 3 lines Black Rhodium-plated (ruthenium) silver bracelet with ovals on single line 264 1.941,00 667,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION JEWELS Model Description NEIDA Ring BARAHIR FINROD Gold-plated silver 210,00 Gold-plated silver with 0.11 kt. brillants 629,00 Ring Rhodium-plated silver 210,00 Rhodium-plated silver with 0.11 kt. brillants 629,00 Ring Black Rhodium-plated (ruthenium) silver Black Rhodium-plated (ruthenium) silver with 0.11 kt. brillants IRIDE GALDOR MOONWALK Price Woman necklace in white gold with kt.0,20 brilliants Man necklace with chain in steel and pendant with Visionnaire coat of arms in silver and white gold on leather shield Cufflinks in bronze 265 210,00 629,00 3.306,00 768,00 131,00 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 SPECIAL SECTION JEWELS Model Description Price QUERT Rhodium plated bracelet with mineral stone 210,00 QUERT Rhodium plated bracelet with rock crystal stone 171,00 BOOGIE Scarf/foulard cm.142x142 100% micromodal with digital printing 104,00 ISADORA Woman's copper thread foulard 618,00 ISADORA Man's copper thread pochette 117,00 266 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 Visionnaire Collection of Fabrics and Leathers Code Name Pattern* Price/ ml 10100 Denver leather - 24012 Naxos - 225 m2 144 24017 Kid leather - 486 m2 24028 Durango leather - 237 m2 24031/A Gold - 123 24039 Met-Struzzo - 24042 Gea leather - 76 226 m2 24051 Aston - 24056/L Loto design leather only in Soft Leather 1151, 1132, 1144 71 24058 Savoy - 198 24060 Plaisir - 213 24070 Visionvelvet - 218 24073 Zeppelin metallic leather - 200 m2 24074 Saxon - 178 639 m2 24077 Twill - 178 24081 Equestrian leather - 180 m2 24090 Fiandra united - 144 24091 Fiandra floccato design - 223 24098 Astrakan leather - 275 m2 24105 Metal-leather only for furnitures upholstery 176 m2 24119 Wild - 73 24121 Helios - 199 24123 Regent - 123 24127 Nabuk maestrale leather - 232 m2 24128 Aosta leather only for furnitures upholstery 415 m2 24129 Tejus leather only for furnitures upholstery 275 m2 24130 Galuchat leather - 252 m2 24131 Lacertia leather only for furnitures upholstery 242 m2 24133 Marble leather - 221 m2 24135 Konik leather - 348 m2 24136 Majesty leather - 238 m2 267 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 Visionnaire Collection of Fabrics and Leathers Code Name Pattern* 24137 Knight - 24140 Leopard leather only for furnitures upholstery 415 m2 24142 Stingray leather - 223 m2 24143 Arizona leather - 694 m2 24144 Molten - 118 24145 Belle Vue - 139 24146 Boutique - 142 24147 Arkona - 127 24148 Penthouse - 253 24149 Indi - 206 24150 Python - 165 24151 Opera - 96 24152 Octagon - 211 24153 Mydas leather - 202 m2 24154 Essential - 248 24155 Wong - 187 24156 Rameau cm.65 242 24159 Tintoretto - 139 24160 Grenade - 125 24161 Burleske - 125 24163 Acapulco leather - 153 m2 24164 Kenya cuoio only for furnitures upholstery 223 m2 24165 Liberty leather - 202 m2 24166 Klimt leather - 262 m2 24167 Bauhaus leather - 175 m2 24168 Ray leather - 208 m2 24169 Arp leather - 233 m2 24170 Janco leather - 208 m2 1100 Soft Leather - 146 m2 - Pizzo Sveva - 512 WARNING: Please consider that the velvet fabrics could be easily subject to dents, due to the fact of being natural fibers. So this is a characteristic typical of the product and NOT a production flaws. In case this will happens, please use a flat iron with steem at a low temperature and iron the velvet following the wool direction. 268 Price/ ml 254 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 Visionnaire Wall Paper minimum order: 1 roll Oval Design available in the colors: Wall paper higher 134 cm. - dark green (1 roll: 50 meters)- price per ml 102,00 - beige Capitonnè Design minimum order: 1 roll Wall paper in higher 53,2 cm. 34,00 (1 roll: 10 meters)- price per ml ONLY ONE COLOUR 269 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 Special Selection of fabrics for Visionnaire Collection 2011 Code Name 1-3030 CAPRICCIO Pattern* Price/ ml 259 1-2911 CHAMBERS 266 CA 7832 CITY VELVET 92 1-4100 EAST RIVER 389 1-1187 GREENWHICH 241 1-1188 HARLEM 148 1-4099 HUDSON 389 1-3073 LA BELLE 139 1-3082 LONG ISLAND 312 1-2910 SOHO CLUB 210 1-3083 STAGE 248 WARNING: Please consider that the velvet fabrics could be easily subject to dents, due to the fact of being natural fibers. So this is a characteristic typical of the product and NOT a production flaws. In case this will happens, please use a flat iron with steem at a low temperature and iron the velvet following the wool direction. 270 VISIONNAIRE Collection Price list in Euro - JANUARY 2014 Speciale Selezione Tessuti per collezione Visionnaire 2012 Code Name CA1007 Big City Blues CA7956 Catwalk Pattern* Price/ ml 293 66 CA1003 City Beats 203 CA1020 Jungle Deluxe 253 CA1021 Jungle's Boulevard 304 CR6058 Jungle's Dream 203 CA1009 Jungle's Image 293 CR6057 Jungle's Revolution 203 CA7988 New York Velluto CA1017 Python's Walk 293 CA1000 Rebel at Heart 135 CA1002 Rebel Decade 135 CA1014 Ritual 236 CA1008 Serpent's Dream 293 236 CA1006 Sparks CA7966 Wanted CR6056 Welcome to the Jungle CA7958 Wellness CA1041 Wild Instinct 99 66 203 66 236 CA7963 Wild life 66 CA7961 Wild World 77 CA7967 Wind 66 CA7980 Winding 77 CA7959 Wise 66 CA1001 Young Rebel 135 col.2002 platinum Pitone Back-up col.2003 antique gold Struzzo bombato 390 m2 316 m2 col.2004 silver Hornback Metal 303 m2 col.3 oro - col.2 bronze Nabuk Star 271 m2 col. 3 oro - col.2 bronze Kuba Star 287 m2 WARNING: Please consider that the velvet fabrics could be easily subject to dents, due to the fact of being natural fibers. So this is a characteristic typical of the product and NOT a production flaws. In case this will happens, please use a flat iron with steem at a low temperature and iron the velvet following the wool direction. 271 I.P.E. Srl Via Mattei 1 – 40069 Zola Predosa (Bo) – Italy Tel. +39 051 6186311 – Fax +39 051 6186310 www.ipe– www.visionnaire– [email protected]
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