Plenary Sessions - 2015 International Congress on Advances in
Plenary Sessions - 2015 International Congress on Advances in
“Nuclear Innovations for a Low-Carbon Future” Concerns about climate change are increasingly influencing global energy policies in the direction of displacing fossil fuels and promoting low-carbon energy sources. Although the primary focus in many countries has been on renewable energy (e.g., solar and wind), the merits of nuclear power for large-scale carbon-free power generation are widely recognized by communities of distinguished climate and energy scientists. Plans to restart nuclear power reactors in Japan and the ongoing construction of more than 70 advanced light water reactors (LWRs) throughout the world, together with the recent start of operation of 2 commercial-scale fast neutron reactors in Russia and India, demonstrate the sustained resurgence of nuclear power and open the way for a sizable contribution to mitigating climate change. ICAPP 2015 will address advances in nuclear power plants in a broad sense, not only covering technological progress in reactors and associated nuclear fuel cycles but also extending to broader applications of nuclear power, such as cogeneration on and hybridization on with other low-carbon power sources to displace fossil fuels in applications beyond electricity generation on in the housing, transportation on and industry sectors. The conjunction of the 21st Climate Change Conference (COP21) and the 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015), both taking place in France in 2015, provides an excellent opportunity to review advances in both fields and to reassess the potential of the best available nuclear technologies to mitigate climate change in the medium term with advanced LWRs, including small modular reactors (SMRs), and in the longer term with fast neutron reactors and other types of Generation on IV nuclear systems. Many thanks to the members of the program committee, who contributed to build a consistent and attractive program for this edition. I encourage you to participate in this event as your schedule allows. I’m looking forward to a full and informative meeting and hope you will enjoy your stay in Nice, the Capital of the French Riviera. Frank Carré ICAPP Program Committee Chairman ICAPP 2015 FRANCE PROGRAM OVERVIEW SUNDAY, MAY 3 2:30 4:30 MONDAY, MAY 4 REGISTRATION DESK OPENING WELCOME OPENING PLENARY SESSION 8:00 OPENING SESSION 8:20 PANEL 1 Nuclear Energy International Outlook 10:00 COFFEE BREAK 10:30 PLENARY 1 Nuclear New Build 12:30 LUNCH PERIOD 1:45 SPECIAL PLENARY Nuclear Power & Climate Change 2:45 STATEMENT FROM NUCLEAR SOCIETIES ON NUCLEAR FOR CLIMATE 3:20 COFFEE BREAK 3:30 PERIOD 1 Technical Sessions 5:10 COFFEE BREAK 5:20 6:30 WELCOME RECEPTION PLENARY 2 New Reactor Designs & Operation Sponsored by 8:00 PLENARIES ICAPP 2015 FRANCE 8:00 PANELS TECHNICAL SESSIONS TUESDAY, MAY 5 WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 8:00 PERIOD 2 Technical Sessions 10:00 COFFEE BREAK 10:00 COFFEE BREAK 10:30 PLENARY 3 Future Nuclear Systems 10:30 PANEL 3 Nuclear and Civil Society 12:30 LUNCH PERIOD 12:30 LUNCH PERIOD 1:45 PANEL 2 New and Rising Nuclear Countries 2:45 3:00 COFFEE BREAK 8:00 1:45 PLENARY 5 Nuclear Solutions for Space 2:30 PERIOD 5 Technical Sessions 4:10 4:20 5:00 COFFEE BREAK PERIOD 3 Technical Sessions 4:40 COFFEE BREAK 4:50 PLENARY 4 Nuclear Fuel & Sustainability 6:15 6:30 LAUNCH CEREMONY EPJ-N 8:00 CONGRESS DINNER PERIOD 4 Technical Sessions CLOSING SESSION 11:30 EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY ICAPP 2015 FRANCE PLENARIES AND PANELS PER DAY > ATHENA AUDITORIUM SUNDAY, MAY 3 4:30 WELCOME OPENING PLENARY SESSION 2h Speakers: 4:30 pm-4:45 pm 4:45 pm-5:00 pm 5:00 pm-5:30 pm 5:30 pm-6:00 pm 6:00 pm-6:30 pm Frank Carré, ICAPP Technical Program Chair, CEA, France Welcome from a Nice Official Daniel Verwaerde, Chairman, CEA, France European Commission Official William Magwood, Director General, OECD / NEA MONDAY, MAY 4 8:00 OPENING SESSION Keynote Address from IAEA 8:20 PANEL 1: Nuclear Energy International Outlook Moderated by Jean-Pol Poncelet, Executive Director, FORATOM 0h20 1h40 Participants: Dominique Minière, Group Executive V.P. Generation and Engineering, Chief Operating Officer, EDF, France Mike Rencheck, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, AREVA, USA Lord Hutton, Chairman, NIA, UK Takuya Hattori, President, JAIF, Japan Rosatom Official Moon Hee Chang, President, KNS, South-Korea 10:30 PLENARY 1: Nuclear New Build Chaired by Dominique Minière, Group Executive V.P. Generation and Engineering, Chief Operating Officer, EDF, France Speakers: 10:30 am-10:50 am 10:50 am-11:10 am 11:10 am-11:30 am 11:30 am-11:50 am 11:50 am-12:10 pm 12:10 pm-12:30 pm Xavier Ursat, Senior Executive V.P. Engineering and New Nuclear Projects EDF, France Danny Roderick, President and Chief Executive Officer, Westinghouse Electric Company, USA Eric Chassard, Senior Executive V.P. Projects & Engineering, AREVA, France Official CGN Group, China Evgeny Romanov, General Director, Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC, Russia Seok Cho, President, KHNP, South-Korea 1:45 SPECIAL PLENARY: Nuclear Power & Climate Change 1h Chaired by Valérie Faudon, Executive Director, SFEN and Frank Carré, ICAPP Technical Program Chair, CEA, France Participants: 1:45 pm-2:15 pm 2:15 pm-2:45 pm James Hansen, Climate Expert, USA Fatih Birol, Chief Economist, OECD / IAE 2:45 STATEMENT FROM NUCLEAR SOCIETIES ON NUCLEAR FOR CLIMATE 5:20 PLENARY 2: New Reactor Designs & Operation Chaired by Eric Chassard,Senior Executive V.P. Projects and Engineering, AREVA, France Speakers: 5:20 pm-5:40 pm 5:40 pm-6:00 pm 6:00 pm-6:20 pm 6:20 pm-6:40 pm 6:40 pm-7:00 pm 7:00 pm-7:20 pm 7:20 pm-7:40 pm 7:40 pm-8:00 pm ICAPP 2015 FRANCE 2h 0h30 2h40 Jacques de Toni, New Reactors, Deputy Project Director, EDF-AREVA, France Jose N. Reyes, Chief Technology Officer, NuScale, USA Wang Binghua, Chairman, SNPTC, China Paul Rorive, GDF-SUEZ Executive Committee Member, Belgium Kumiaki Moriya, Corporate Chief Engineer, HITACHI Ltd, Japan Hark Rho Kim, Senior Vice President, KAERI, South-Korea Andreas Goebel, President and Chief Executive Officer, ATMEA, France John Saroudis, Regional Vice President, SNC-Lavalin, Canada TUESDAY, MAY 5 10:30 PLENARY 3: Future Nuclear Systems 2h Chaired by Noël Camarcat, European Nuclear Society President Speakers: 10:30 am-10:50 am 10:50 am-11:10 am 11:10 am-11:30 am 11:30 am-11:50 am 11:50 am-12:10 pm 1:45 John E. Kelly, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Reactor Technologies, DOE, USA PR Vasudeva Rao, Director, IGCAR, India Vyascheslav Pershukov, Deputy Director General, Rosatom, Russia Christophe Behar, Nuclear Energy Division Director, CEA, France Yutaka Sagayama, Assistant to the President, JAEA, Japan PANEL 2: New and Rising Nuclear Countries Moderated by Daniel Iracane, Deputy Director, International Affairs Division, CEA, France 1h Participants: Sefa Sadik Aytekin, Deputy Undersecretary, Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources, Turkey Official, Ministry of Economy, Poland Phumzile Tshelane, CEO, NECSA, South-Africa Antonio Muller, President, Brazilian Association for Development of Nuclear Activities, Brazil Official, Atomic Energy sector K.A.CARE, Saudi Arabia Official, United Arab Emirates 4:50 PLENARY 4: Nuclear Fuel & Sustainability Chaired by Noël Camarcat, European Nuclear Society President and Yutaka Sagayama, Assistant to the President, JAEA, Japan Speakers: 4:50 pm-5:10 pm 5:10 pm-5:30 pm 5:30 pm-5:50 pm 5:50 pm-6:10 pm 1h10 Christophe Béhar, Nuclear Energy Division Director, CEA, France Dr Kemal Pasamehmetoglu, Director Idaho, DOE, USA Dr. Ono, Director for Project Promotion Office of Advanced Fast Reactor Cycle System R&D Center, JAEA, Japan Vladimir Asmolov, First Deputy Director General, Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC, Russia 6:15 LAUNCH CEREMONY OF EPJ-N (European Physical Journal - Nuclear) 0h15 WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 10:30 PANEL 3: Nuclear & Civil Society Moderated by Valerie Faudon, Executive Director, SFEN, France 2h Participants: Richard Adams, European Economic and Social Committee Michaele Brady Raap, President, ANS, USA Robert Knight, Research Director, IPSOS, UK Shen Lixin, Deputy Executive Director, CNS, China Didier Witkowski, Research Manager, EDF, France 1:45 PLENARY 5: Nuclear Solutions for Space Chaired by Valérie Faudon, Executive Director, SFEN and Frank Carré, ICAPP Technical Program Chair, CEA, France Speakers: 1:45 pm-2:05 pm 2:05 pm-2:25 pm 4:20 0h40 Claire-Anne Reix, Copernicus Corporate Director, Institutional Affairs, THALES Alenia Space, France Fiona Rayment, Director for Fuel Cycle Solutions, NNL, USA CLOSING SESSION Frank Carré, ICAPP Technical Program Chair, CEA, France 0h40 ICAPP 2015 FRANCE TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE PER TRACK 1. Water-Cooled Reactor Programs and Issues Evolutionary or innovative designs, large or small, light and heavy water cooled reactors; super critical water reactors; issues related to meeting near term utility needs; emerging plant safety issues, design improvements; I&C solutions; business, political and economic challenges; improved construction techniques including modularization. > Track leader: Jean-Philippe Frontigny (AREVA) > Co-track leaders: MD Alamgir (GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy) - Dr Paolo Ferroni (Westinghouse Electric Compagny) - Tetsushi Hino (Hitachi, Ltd.) - Shigemitsu Otsuka (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) - John Sulley (Rolls-Royce) 2. High Temperature Reactors Design and development issues, components and materials, safety, reliability, economics, demonstration plants and environmental issues, fuel design and reliability, power conversion technology, impact of non- electricity applications on reactor design; advanced thermal and fast reactors. > Track leader: Dominique Hittner (AREVA) > Co-track leaders: Céline Cabet (CEA) - Michael Fütterer (JRC) - Yassin A. Hassan (Texas A&M University) - Thierry Lambert (CEA) - Shigeaki Nakagawa (JAEA) - Henri Paillère (NEA) - Frederik Reitsma (IAEA) - Layla Sandell (Westinghouse Electric Company) - Farshid Shahrokhi (AREVA Inc.) 3. Fast Neutron and Other Innovative Reactors Reactor technology with enhanced fuel cycle features for improved resource utilization, waste characteristics, and power conversion capabilities. Designs of systems with longer development times considered in international projects such as Gen-IV, and INPRO. > Track leaders: Bernard Carluec (AREVA) - Alfredo Vasile (CEA) > Co-track leaders: Alessandro Alemberti (ANSALDO) - Peter Baeten (SCK.CEN) - Yoshitaka Chikazawa (JAEA) - Janos Gadó (MTA EK) - Zoltán Hózer (MTA EK) - Kazuhiro Kamei (Toshiba Corporation) - Jan Leen Kloosterman (Delft University) - Lelio Luzzi (Politecnico Milano) - Konstantin Mikityuk (PSI) - Puthiyavinayagam Pillai (IGCAR) - Andrei Rineiski (KIT) - Richard Stainsby (NNL) - Kevan Weaver (Terrapower) - Hidemasa Yamano (JAEA) 4. Operation, Performance and Reliability Management Training, O&M costs, life cycle management, risk based maintenance, operational experiences, performance and reliability improvements, outage optimization, human factors, plant staffing, outage reduction features, major component reliability, repair and replacement, in-service inspection, and codes & standards. > Track leader: Stephane Feutry (EDF) > Co-track leaders: Seung Jun Lee (KAERI) - Hiroaki Ohira (JAEA) - Masutake Sotsu (JAEA) - Kosei Taguchi (Toshiba Corporation) - Toshihijo Yamaguchi (JAEA) ICAPP 2015 FRANCE 5. Plant Safety Assessment and Regulatory Issues Transient and accident performance, severe accident analysis, nuclear plant security, natural disaster initiated severe accidents, impact of risk informed changes, accident management and emergency situations, advances in regulatory issues for operating and future plants, life assessment and management of aging, degradation and damage extension lessons from plant operations, containment with radiological and non-radiological inventory, probabilistic safety assessment and reliability engineering, new methodologies for plant safety analysis. Fire protection, emergency preparedness, and used fuel storage and transportation. Reactor licensing, advanced reactor design certification, combined license, and multinational design license application and evaluation. > Track leader: Giovanni Bruna (IRSN) > Co-track leaders: Toshihiro Aoyagi (The Japan Atomic Power Company) - Mike Corradini (University of Wisconsin) - Paride Meloni (ENEA) - T. (Nithy) Nitheanandan (AECL, Canada) - Andreas Schaffrath (GRS) - Martin Zimmermann (PSI) 6. Reactor Physics and Analysis Nuclear data libraries and related error files, lattice calculation, deterministic and Monte-Carlo approaches, core calculation, multi-physics coupling. Progresses achieved in this domain contribute to the improvement of core performances (for existing reactors and next generation reactors). New fuels, new fuel management, new reactor cores and characterization of spent fuels. > Track leaders: Anne Nicolas (CEA) - Christine Poinot-Salanon (CEA) > Co-track leaders: Ben Forget (MIT) - Han Gyu Joo (Seoul National University) Ivan Maldonado (University of Tennessee) - Tadashi Ikehara (Global Nuclear Fuel) 7. Thermal Hydraulics Analysis and Testing Experimental techniques and measurements, phenomena identification and ranking, computer code scaling applicability and uncertainty, containment thermal hydraulics, separate and integral system tests, improved code development and qualification, single and two phase flow and heat transfer; advanced computational thermal hydraulic methods; single and two phase CFD. > Track leaders: Christophe Calvin (CEA) - Bernard Faydide (CEA) - David Monfort (EDF) > Co-track leaders: Chul-Hwa Song (KAERI) - Kazuyuki Takase (JAEA) 8. Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Fuel cycle sustainability, fuel cycle options, review of national programs on advanced fuel cycle options, core fuel management, nuclear material separation and recycling processes and technologies, advanced separation and transmutation technologies and performances, fuel and target designs for advanced fuel cycles, fuel cycle scenario assessments, nuclear nonproliferation, fully integrated fuel cycle and symbiotic nuclear power systems, scenarios for P&T deployment, modeling of processes, impacts of advanced fuel cycles on waste management, waste conditioning and disposal, thorium fuel options, accelerator driven systems. > Track leader: Luc Van Den Durpel (AREVA) > Co-track leaders: Fausto Franceschini (Westinghouse Electric Company) - Kevin Hesketh (NNL Fuel Cycle Center) - Yoshihiko Horikawa (Nuclear Engineering, Ltd) Kee Chan Song (KAERI) - Temi Taiwo (ANL) ICAPP 2015 FRANCE 9. Materials and Structural Issues Fuel, core, reactor pressure vessel and internals structures, advanced materials issues, environmental effects and fracture mechanics, concrete and steel containments design and analysis, design and monitoring for seismic, dynamic and extreme accidents, irradiation issues, materials and structural mechanics issues, aging material issues, codes and standards for new generation plants. > Track leader: Françoise Touboul (CEA) > Co-track leaders: Céline Cabet (CEA) - Helena Geirinhas Ramos (Instituto Superior Técnico) - Xinyu Huang (University of South Carolina) - Kunihiko Itoh (Nuclear Development Corporation) - T. Jayakumar (Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research) - Djamel Kaoumi (University of South Carolina) - Travis Knight (University of South Carolina)- Peng Xu (Westinghouse Electric Company) 10. Nuclear Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Climate impact and carbon reduction of nuclear and alternative systems, including applications such as the production of hydrogen, sea water desalination, liquid fuels produced with reduced carbon footprints, biofuels, heating and other cogeneration applications. Scenario analysis of nuclear role substitution for fossil fuels not only for power but for transportation, and its qualitative contribution. > Track leader: Bernard Bonin (CEA) > Co-track leader: Kazuaki Matsui (The Institute Applied Energy) 11. Infrastructure Issues for Nuclear Power Plant Programs Technical, managerial, administrative, cooperation, localization, timing, funding and other issues for capacity building from stakeholders’ perspectives (international organizations, government, regulatory body, technical support organization, operator, vendor, industry and supply chain, inspection and control, conformity assessment and accreditation bodies, educational and training institutions, others) according to the strategy adopted for the NPP program and according to the set-up model considered for the NPP project ; Smart and innovative arrangements (owner/operator) for NPP programs and for NPP projects’ and contracts’ implementation. > Track leader: Franck Lignini (AREVA) > Co-track leader: Anne Starz (IAEA) 12. Plant Licensing and International Regulatory Issues Reactor licensing and rule making, advanced reactor design certifications, combined license applications and review, multinational design evaluation, international licensing convergence, risk informed decision making and regulation, generic safety issues, fire protection, emergency preparedness, nuclear plant security, construction inspection, environmental models for dose assessment, spent fuel storage and transportation, reactor inspection and assessment, emerging electrical/mechanical/ materials issues. > Track leader: Françoise De Bois (AREVA) > Co-track leaders: Jukka Laaksonen (Rosatom) - Kenichi (Ken) Sato (Hitachi) ICAPP 2015 FRANCE WORKSHOPS Tuesday, May 5 PhD Event of the European Nuclear Education Network 8:00 am >> 6:00 pm Room A The ENEN PhD Event & Prize is an event to promote the research work of PhD students in the nuclear fields. It has been organized yearly during a one day parallel session at an International Conference since 2007. Candidates apply according to a defined procedure and the Jury select 12 candidates who are invited to present their research work to their fellows and colleagues in a friendly but competitive spirit. The PhD Events are always the occasion for interesting presentations performed by PhD students and fruitful exchanges with Jury members and the participating researchers. The best three presentations, selected by the ENEN Jury, are awarded an ENEN Prize. Technical and Economic Issues for long-term operation of NPP’s Workshop 2:30 pm >> 5:00 pm Room C ROSATOM and EDF, the two largest world nuclear operators share common objectives for their NPP’s long-term operation and technical and economical challenges. Wednesday, May 6 International Nuclear Societies Council (INSC) Meeting 3:00 pm >> 6:00 pm Room A Steering Committee VHTR (Generation-IV) Meeting 2:30 pm >> 5:00 pm Room B THE ENTIRE NUCLEAR VALUE CHAIN IN A SINGLE GROUP Engineering & development Strategy & prospection nuclear new build project Construction Dismantling Operation Maintenance Fuel cycle management With more than 50 years of experience in nuclear energy, GDF SUEZ controls the entire chain of nuclear expertise through 11 specialised entities : Cofely Axima, Cofely Endel, Cofely Fabricom, Cofely Ineo, Cofely Services, Electrabel, Laborelec, Synatom, Tecnubel, Tractebel Engineering, Transnubel. ICAPP 2015 FRANCE EXHIBITION GUIDE BALTIC SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT Baltic Scientific Instruments was established in 1994 on the basis of Riga Research and Development Institute for Radio-Isotope Apparatus (RNIIRP, est.1966), which belonged to Ministry for Atomic Energy. The company Baltic Scientific Instruments specializes in the development and serial production of the spectrometric devices based on SiLi, HPGe and CZT detectors. Contact: Dr. Vladimir Gostilo + 371 67383947 - [email protected] - CD-ADAPCO CD-adapco is the world’s largest independent CFD focused provider of engineering simulation software, support and services. We have over 30 years of experience in delivering industrial strength engineering simulation. The scope of our activities extends well beyond software development to encompass a wide range of CAE engineering services in both CFD and FEA. Contact + 44 (0) 207 471 6200 - [email protected] - CEA Within the CEA, the Nuclear Energy Division (DEN) provides the French government and industry with technical expertise and innovations in nuclear energy systems to develop sustainable nuclear energy that is both safe and economically competitive. To rise to this challenge, the DEN is engaged in three main areas of investigation: - Future nuclear systems: “4th-generation” reactors and their fuel cycle; - Optimising the current nuclear industry and fuel cycle facilities; - Developing and operating large-scale experimentation and simulation tools that are indispensable for its research objectives. At the same time, as a nuclear operator, the DEN implements construction and refurbishment programmes for its facilities, together with cleanup and dismantling programmes for those that have reached the end of their service life. Contact: Véronique Arnaud + 331609725918 - [email protected] - EPJ-N The European Physical Journal-Nuclear (EPJ-N) is a new open-access online international journal for the communication of original research, ideas and developments in all areas of the peaceful use of nuclear energy, as well as on applications of nuclear particles and radiation. EPJ-N publishes technical papers, technical notes, critical reviews, selected papers from workshop and congress proceedings, computer code abstracts, and letters to the editor. ICAPP 2015 FRANCE EPJ-N aims to serve its academic community, industry professionals, research institutions, government agencies and policy-makers concerned with the research, technological development and application of nuclear science and technology. EPJ-N’s broad scope covers a wide range of topics within its subject category, including general issues related to nuclear power. EPJ-N is the official publisher of the event. EDF The EDF Group, one of the leaders in the European energy market, is an integrated energy company active in all areas of the business: generation, transmission, distribution, energy supply and trading. The Group is involved in supplying energy and services to approximately 37.8 million customers, of which 28.3 million in France. With over 70 nuclear reactors in operation and more than 50 years of operating experience, EDF group has developped a unique expertise that covers all nuclear-related areas from design and operation to decommissioning and waste management . Through continuous search for innovation, EDF is committed to taking even bolder steps to improve the safety and performance of current installations, increasing plant lifespan, and building new reactors. MAURER AG The MAURER Group is a leading specialist in mechanical engineering and steel construction with over 1,000 employees worldwide. The company is the market leader in the areas of structural protection systems, bridge bearings, expansion joints, seismic devices. It also develops and produces professional roller coasters and Ferris wheels as well as special structures in steelwork. Among the most notable large projects are the entire technological bridging equipment for the Russky Bridge in Wladiwostok, the world’s largest cable-stayed bridge. When it comes to steelwork, our showpieces include the BMW World and Munich‘s Airport Terminal 2. Contact Bernd Speck + 33475275492 - [email protected] - www. SFEN The French Nuclear Energy Society, SFEN, (Société Française d’Energie Nucléaire) is the French knowledge hub for nuclear energy. Created in 1973, the SFEN provides a space where all those interested in nuclear energy and its applications find and share information. The SFEN brings together 4 000 professionals, engineers, technicians, chemists, doctors, professors and students from industrial sites, research centers, universities and schools… The SFEN’s four missions are to communicate, share and publish information, highlight the nuclear sector’s scientific excellence and technical rigour, play an active role in energy debate, federate the women and men of the nuclear branch. Contact: Sylvie Delaplace + 33153583216 - [email protected] - ICAPP 2015 FRANCE SNC-LAVALIN SNC-Lavalin’s Nuclear team provides leading nuclear technology products and full-service solutions to nuclear utilities around the globe. Our team of 1,300 engineering, procurement, construction and project management experts offer customized operations, maintenance and plant life management services, including waste management and decommissioning for light water and CANDU®-type reactors. Our experts in nuclear steam plant and balance of plant engineering carry out life extension projects, and design and deliver state-of-the-art CANDU reactors, which are capable of operating on many types of fuel including natural uranium, mixed oxide (MOX) fuel, recycled uranium (RU) and thorium. Contact: Katherine Ward + 1 905 823 9040 x37349 - [email protected] - NUCLEAR FOR CLIMATE #Nuclear4climate is a grass roots initiative which brings together the many professionals and scientists of the international nuclear community, coordinated via the regional and national nuclear associations and technical societies. We acknowledge the unequivocal conclusions of the majority of climate scientists’, as stated in the peer reviewed IPCC 5th assessment report, that human activities have contributed to changes in the Earth’s climate. We proudly believe that nuclear energy is a key part of the solution. «Nuclear for Climate» is an initiative undertaken by the members of the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN), the American Nuclear Society (ANS) and the European Nuclear Society (ENS). It brings together nuclear scientists from all parts of the globe, through the representation of 60 regional and national nuclear associations. Twitter: #Nuclear4Climate Youtube channel: Nuclear for Climate WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COMPANY Westinghouse Electric Company is the only company with a single focus on nuclear energy, providing a wide range of nuclear plant products and services to utilities throughout the world. Our nearly 12,000 employees worldwide provide fuel, spent fuel management, service and maintenance, instrumentation and control, and advanced nuclear plant designs. With the world’s largest base of installed plants, no company has more nuclear experience. With the combined resources of Westinghouse and Toshiba, an even broader range of products and services will be available to our customers, furthering our commitment to providing solutions that help achieve reduced outage times, reduced operating costs, and clean, efficient plant operations. ICAPP 2015 FRANCE NO COMPANY IS MORE COMMITTED W E S T I N G H O U S E E L E C T R I C C O M PA N Y L LC TO SUPPORTING OPERATING NUCLEAR PLANTS Westinghouse Electric Company @WECNuclear ICAPP 2015 FRANCE INFORMATION Congress Venue ICAPP 2015 will take place in the Nice Acropolis Congress Center (2nd level, Rhodes Area) located in the heart of Nice. Address: 1 Esplanade Kennedy, 06300 Nice Throughout the year, the Nice Acropolis Convention and Exhibition Centre is a multi-purpose venue. It welcomes professionals and general public for conferences, industry fairs, trade shows, performing arts events, concerts, exhibitions, sporting and cultural events, and more. Its size, state-of-the art equipment and modular spaces make it one of the most versatile convention and exhibition sites in Europe. Taxi A taxi stand is located on the right side out of the Nice Acropolis Center when you go out (about 30 € to the Airport). Cloakroom Available during ICAPP congress located on the ground floor of the conference center (left side after the stairs, close to the entrance doors) General and Practical Information Located on the 2nd Level of the congress center, the Registration Desk is at your disposal and is the first place to go on arrival. At this desk, you can purchase dinner tickets (according to availability), get information on the Thales Alenia Space visit, order a touristic tour and Airport Shuttle... Messages may be left for meeting attendees. Open everyday of the congress Registration covers Attendance in the plenary and technical sessions, • Access to the exhibition, coffee-breaks • Your invitation at the Welcome Reception held in the congress center. • A registration package including your personal identification badge, the official program, the Proceedings, city information leaflets and maps. Luncheons are not included in the registration of the conference but some snacks areas will be available in the exhibition area. You can also find many restaurants around the congress center in the old Nice. Conference Access Meeting registration is required for all delegates, chairs and speakers. For security reasons, access to the conference, exhibition, coffee breaks and side events will be limited to persons wearing the identification badge everyday. Language The conference language is English. Speakers and Chairs Preview Room Open from Sunday May 2 (2:30 pm – 7:00 pm) and from Monday to Wednesday (7:15 am to 6:00 pm). This special room is equipped with computers and technical assistance is provided to load presentations in advance. It is strongly recommended that speakers bring their power point presentation on USB Key to the preview room. Session chairs and co-chairs can meet in the preview room and know the situation of their sessions by close contact with the person in charge of the conference room. Technical equipment in session rooms All rooms are equipped with laptop computers connected to the preview room server via a local area network. ICAPP 2015 FRANCE Information for speakers On arrival: Speakers should pick their badge and meeting materials up at the Registration Desk. After check-in, speakers should go to the Preview Room and bring their power point file (PPT or PPTX) on USB key even if it has been sent to the organization before April 15. It is strongly recommended for all speakers to check that it is well loaded in the right session and room. A team of technicians will be at disposal. This procedure is mandatory for the good management of all presentations (plenary and technical sessions). Information for chairs On arrival, chairs and co-chairs can meet in this Preview Area and know the situation of their sessions by close contact with the person in charge of the conference room. They will be given details of their sessions and biographical information of the speakers in the Preview Room. Thank you for your cooperation. Social Events - Welcome Reception (Sunday, May 3) After the Sunday Welcome Session starting at 4:30 pm until 6:30 pm, all delegates and exhibitors are invited to celebrate the opening taking place at the Nice Acropolis Center from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. - Congress Dinner (Tuesday, May 5) It will be organized at the beautiful Art Deco Hotel created in the 1930s, the Hyatt Regency Nice, Palais de la Méditerranée located on the famous Promenade des Anglais, (8:00 pm 11:30 pm). Casino entertainment – Casual Dress – It is an optional fee but promises to be truly memorable evening (120€). Tickets can be purchase at the Registration Desk (According to availability). Do not forget to bring your conference badge to be shown at the congress dinner entrance. Post-Technical Visit On Thursday May 7, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. The visit is optional and includes bus transportation from Nice and return back, the Thales Alenia Space guided visit, lunch in Cannes (240€) and the Palais des Festivals Visit. (Only pre-registered participants are accepted) Do not forget to bring your ID papers. Special instructions will be provided at the Registration Desk. Tours: Nice, Capital of the French Riviera Nice is a dynamic city that is one of the most beautiful and attractive place with many assets: The French Riviera has a selection of exceptional venues, castles, museums, and villas which strike a fine balance between its historical charm and today’s technical and logistical requirements. The French Riviera is also known and recognized for its «art de vivre» and its gastronomy with many restaurants having received one to three stars by the Michelin Guide. During your free time in Nice, you can sample local specialities (pissaladière, socca...), admire the warm, ochre façades of the Vieux Nice (old town), walk on the “Promenade des Anglais” or relax at the beach... Assistance to visit the French Riviera can be provided (half and full day tours): The city is the ideal departure point for exploring the French Riviera and the stunning hilltop villages that dot the surrounding countryside. For the athletic-minded, the area offers a wide range of sporting activities: Water sports, scuba diving, golf, hiking trails and more. Large choice of guided tours. Possibility to order in advance a tour at the ICAPP information Desk. ICAPP 2015 FRANCE EDF 552 081 317 RCS PARIS, 75008 Paris – Photo: 3D Production House: Illusion Co., Ltd. / La Manufacture Paris Installation of the EPR dome at Flamanville, France EDF IS RECRUITING 5,000 NEW EMPLOYEES A YEAR Believing in progress is first and foremost about planning the future. We’re recruiting 5,000 new employees every year so that by 2020, we’ll increase our workforce by 30%. A new generation to meet the new challenges we face. ICAPP 2015 FRANCE