Regional Development and Innovation Fund
Regional Development and Innovation Fund
Reference Number Applicant Information Enterprise Description Project Description Project Management and Delivery Project Risk Analysis Milestone Budget O Submission Date Economic Impact Merit Criteria Value for Money Check List Declaration and Submission n Introduction nl y Administration Only io Important Information South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program m at Regional Development and Innovation Fund ROUND TWO APPLICATION FORM - LARGE PROJECTS APPLICATION CLOSING DATE RDIF Round Two has a focus on 'large' projects which create sustainable employment and economic development. Projects for Round Two must have a minimum total project cost of $500,001. or To be included in the Round Two Application process, completed applications must be received by the South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program - Regional Development and Innovation Fund (RDIF) by 5.00pm (ACST), Monday 18 May 2015. nf CONTACTING US For further information about RDIF, please contact: Fo rI Mr Kym Walton Team Leader – Regional Support, River Murray Sustainability Department of Primary Industries and Regions Telephone: (08) 8539 2118 Email: [email protected] Alternatively, please call 1300 364 322 or email [email protected] Getting Started Using this example form This example Application Form is for information only, please do not complete this form and try to submit. An interactive Smart Form will soon be available on the RDIF website The below instructions are provided to assist in the preparation of an Application. Completing this Form PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## An Application Form can only be submitted once. If you are submitting multiple applications you must download and submit a new Application for each individual project. Each Application has a unique identification number. Application Forms can be downloaded from the RDIF website To navigate through this Application Form, use the tabs in the blue header at the top of each section. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields. You may collapse or expand a section at any time by clicking on the “ ” or “ ” icons located at the top left of each section. Tool Tips have been embedded throughout the Application Form to assist you with providing information sought by the RDIF. Tool tips will appear when you hover your cursor over the relevant section in the form. nl y Saving Application If you don’t have all the required information on hand, you can save the form locally to your computer and complete it when you have all the necessary information. The "Save" button can be found at the bottom of each section and can be pressed at any point. This will allow you to continue to fill in the form at a later date. We recommend saving the form on a regular basis. Once saved onto your computer, most of this Application Form can be completed offline. O Uploading Attachments You will be asked to upload documents to support your Application during the submission process. Each attachment must be no larger than 10 Megabytes. n It is suggested you create a separate folder on your computer directory for each Application, containing all of your attachments for submission. io The types of files we prefer are : jpg, jpeg, tiff, gif, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, zip m at When uploading attachments, please title files according to their subject i.e tax returns, property map, business case. It is strongly recommended that you do not use symbols such as "&" in the title of any supporting attachments. Each attachment must only contain one document. Submitting Application Once the Application Form is complete it may be submitted by clicking ‘Submit’ at the end of the Form. You must be connected to the internet to submit your completed Application Form. or Are you applying for RDIF Round 2 or Round 3? nf Round Two has a focus on creating employment opportunities and economic development in the Region by seeking to fund projects that will provide significant economic return on investment. Projects for Round Two have a minimum total project cost of $500,001, with at least 50 per cent of the total project cost covered by cash and in-kind co-contributions. rI Round Three has a focus on regional economic diversification by preferentially funding innovative projects that will drive the creation of the next wave of economic opportunities and initiatives in the Region. Projects for Round Three have a total project cost of between $200,000 and $500,000, with at least 50 per cent of the total project cost covered by cash and in-kind co-contributions. The opening and closing dates, some eligibility and merit criteria for Round 2 and Round 3 differs. Refer to the relevant guideline for more information. Fo Applicants may apply for funding in Round Two and/or Round Three, however project activities will only be funded once. To make an application for both rounds, a separate Smart Form Application for each round is required. Please refer to the guidelines for Round Three for further information. This Application Form is for Round Two. Eligibilty Checklist In addressing the Eligibility Criteria, please carefully read the RDIF Round 2 Guidelines. Please note that some eligibility criteria has changed from RDIF Round 1. Also note there is a Round 3. Round 3 has Guidelines and an Application Form specific to Round 3. Funding information, eligibility and merit criteria and submission timing for each fund are outlined in the relevant Round’s Guidelines. 1 Does the applicant hold an Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN)? No 2 Is the applicant a recognised legal entity capable of entering into a legally binding funding deed with the Minister for Regional Developement. (refer to RDIF Round 2 Guidelines for more information) No 3 Has the applicant previously failed to meet the conditions in any Australian Government Funding Agreements? Yes PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Is the applicant directly involved in irrigation in the Region? Yes 5 Is the applicant seeking payment for activities to which they have a prior financial commitment from another grant program(s)? Yes 6 Have the project activities outlined in this Application received funding or a loan from, or have a commitment for funding or a loan from any other Australian Government program/s. (Note:Section 4.3 in the Round 2 guidelines contain exemptions to the use of Australian Government funds for co-contributions. If you qualify for an Exemption do not check the box.) Yes 7 Is the Applicant or any of its owners currently under bankruptcy or insolvency administration (i.e. external administrator, receiver, receiver manager, liquidator appointed, or own assets/property where there is a mortgagee interest). Yes 8 Do the project activities you are seeking funding include the costs of operation and maintenance of existing businesses, back-office costs and/or costs of foregone business activities? Yes 9 Does the project you are seeking funding for include a feasibility study or business plan? nl y 4 Yes 10 Does the project you are seeking funding for include cost benefit analyses or economic impact studies that are NOT part of a larger project that meets the criteria for RDIF? 11 Is the project proposal located within the Region, as defined in the RDIF Guidelines? No 12 Is the Applicant a Federal or State Government agency, and instrument of the Crown or a commercial arm of these agencies? Yes 13 Will your project commence within 6 months of signing the Deed of Grant and conclude by February 2017? 14 Is the total project cost greater than $500,001 with at least 50 per cent of the total project cost covered by cash and in-kind co-contributions? 15 Does the project have a focus on creating employment opportunities and economic development in the Region? n O Yes io No m at No No Enterprise Description Project Description Project Management and Delivery nf Applicant Information or Proceed to Form >> Introduction Project Risk Analysis Milestone Budget Economic Impact Merit Criteria Value for Money Check List Declaration and Submission rI Part 1: Applicant Information Project Title and Timeframe Fo Project Title * Proposed Project Start Date* Proposed Project End Date * NOTE: Project to end no later than February 2017 Applicant Details Name of Enterprise/Organisation Select Applicant/Enterprise * ABN ACN Australian Business Number (ABN) * Full Name / Trading Name * Australian Company Number (ACN) * Company Name * PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Date incorporated * Business Type Please Specify Enterpise Type Please Specify YES Registered for GST NO PO Box / Street Address * Suburb / Town * State * Postcode * nl y Phone * Mobile Email * O Fax Please note that during the assessment of your application if we need to clarify anything we will contact you by email. Tick if you would prefer an alternate mode of communication. io n Alternative contact Related Business Entity m at Are there any other business entities that are financially linked to the Applicant/Enterprise? Yes No If the Deed of Grant requires more than one Enterprise to commit to the RDIF Project you must attach financial information relevant to all Grantees and associated entities. Name of related business entity * Remove this entity or Relationship of related business entity to the RDIF Applicant * Business Solvency nf Add another related business entity Have any related entities been insolvent within the last 5 years ? Yes No Fo rI Please provide details of any related entities and insolvency issues e.g bankruptcy, administrator, receiver manager, liquidator, mortgagee in possession. Are any of the owners of the business undischarged bankrupts? Yes No Please list any owners that are undischarged bankrupts and provide details below. Person Authorised To Commit Applicant To Proposal Same as Applicant The Person nominated below will be the person who can legally commit the business, company or trust to the RDIF Project. This will be the person who will sign the RDIF Deed of Grant ('Funding Agreement') in line with Guidelines. If the Deed of Grant requires more than one Enterprise to commit to the RDIF Project you must submit financial information relevant to all Grantees and associated entities. PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Title * Other * First name* Remove this Applicant Last name * Position in Enterprise * Postal Address (if different from the Applicant/Enterprise's site address) PO Box / Street Address State Phone (business/home) * Mobile Fax Email * Postcode nl y Suburb / Town O Relationship to Applicant (e.g. Director, Secretary, Chief Executive- refer below)* Add Another Person to Commit n Primary Contact Same as Applicant Title * First name* Last name * m at Other * io The person nominated below will be the person contacted during the Application assessment period should any clarification regarding the Application be required e.g a consultant or relative who may have completed the Application on behalf of the Applicant. Position in Enterprise * Postal Address (if different from the Applicant/Enterprise's site address) Suburb / Town State Postcode Mobile nf Phone (business/home) * or PO Box / Street Address Fax Fo Email * rI Please indicate preferred contact number Relationship to Applicant (e.g. consultant, relative, employee, director) * Public Liability Insurance The Enterprise is required to have Public Liability Insurance for at least $10 million for the life of the Project prior to the Project commencing. Do you have Public Liability Insurance to the value of at least $10 million? Yes No What is the date of expiry of your policy ? If you do not currently have adequate Public Liability Insurance, please state the steps that you will take to ensure that you will have a suitable level of cover. (Approx. 50 words, 300 characters) PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Introduction Applicant Information Enterprise Description Project Description Project Management and Delivery Project Risk Analysis Milestone Budget Economic Impact Merit Criteria Check List Declaration and Submission Value for Money Part 2: Enterprise Description nl y Please provide a brief description of key business activities for the applicant/enterprise (approx. 50 words) Please describe the location and current industry sector(s) of your Enterprise. O Location Information Council Area n Location of current Enterprise Industry Sector Other Enterprise Description m at Introduction Applicant Information Project Description Part 3: Project Description io Number of current employees (full time equivalents - FTE's) Project Management and Delivery Project Risk Analysis Milestone Budget Economic Impact Merit Criteria Check List Declaration and Submission Value for Money or Round Two focus is on creating employment opportunities and economic development in the Region by seeking to fund projects that will provide significant economic return on investment. rI nf Project Description Please provide a summary of your RDIF project. (approx. 500 words) Fo Please list the Project Outcomes (an outcome describes what will be achieved by successfully implementing the project e.g improve productivity). There should be no more than 5 outcomes. Please list (if applicable) any Project Outputs ( an output is a product, new infrastructure, service or other material that will be produced as a result of the project). Type of Project infrastructure works provision of services equipment training research or similar other studies Describe other PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Project Background & Need Please describe how the project came about, the need for the project, why it is so important, what would happen if it did not go ahead and any other relevant contextual and background information. If this project is part of a bigger program or portfolio of projects, explain its place in the big picture. (approx. 500 words) nl y Please describe how the project will benefit others (e.g. community and or industry) in the Region. (approximately 500 words) Enterprise Description Project Description Project Management and Delivery Project Risk Analysis Economic Impact Merit Criteria Value for Money Check List Declaration and Submission io Part 4: Project Management and Delivery Milestone Budget n Applicant Information Introduction O Explain the unique aspects of the project and why the project is not a duplication of existing or proposed activities within the Region. ( approximately 500 words) m at Project Management Please outline the project management approach for the project in both the developmental and operational phases of the project (who will do what, and how the project will be managed to ensure delivery of activities and milestones). (500 words) Diagrams and/or further information can be provided as an attachment and/or as part of a business plan when uploading your application form. rI Approval nf or Staff Resources and Credentials Please list key staff within your organisation that will be involved in the project delivery, and their relevant experience/qualifications. (500 words) Further detail such as CV’s can be attached. Fo List all approvals necessary to carry out your proposed RDIF project (e.g. development approvals, Aboriginal Heritage Act, Native Vegetation Act, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act). Include approvals for all elements of your project. Required Approval Status of approval (e.g. application submitted and awaiting response) Expected timeline to approval (months) Remove this Approval Add another Approval Please attach evidence of seeking all required approvals when you are prompted to attach documents during submission. Notes: The Program appreciates that it may not be possible to finalise development approvals before submitting your application. However you can make reference to the status of actions underway. If the project involves upgrading or installing equipment, please attach documentation to show that the Applicant has the legal right to install such infrastructure and has the access right for on-going maintenance. PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Project Dependencies Yes Are there any other studies, pilots, research or other work required before the project can commence or that will impact on the success of this project? No Please describe those dependencies and how they may impact on the success and/or timing of this project. (100 words) Project Readiness Is there any other reason that the project may not be able to start on the identified start date? nl y Please describe the current readiness of the project. Is it in development or delivery stage and what needs to occur to implement it? Yes No O Please describe those dependencies including what steps you will take to mitigate them and the impact that delay in commencement may have on your project. (100 words) Yes No n Have you or the enterprise previously received grant funding? Amount of funding received / requested Add another Funding Applicant Information Enterprise Description Year Project Description Project Management and Delivery Project Risk Analysis Milestone Budget Description Remove this Funding Economic Impact Merit Criteria Check List Declaration and Submission Value for Money or Introduction Program m at Funding Source io List previous Australian or State Government assistance, current applications and/or contracts received by applicants relating to this and/or other projects. Part 5: Project Risk Analysis nf Part 6 - Project Risk Analysis rI Please identify relevant risks to the delivery of your RDIF project and how you will address these risks. For each risk identified, use the matrix below to assess the likelihood of this risk occurring and the consequence to the project if this risk did occur. Please discuss strategies you will implement to minimise the impact of the identified project risks. Fo Project Risk Matrix Likelihood Consequence Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic Almost certain Low Medium High Very High Extreme Likely Low Medium High Very High Very High Possible Low Low Medium High High Unlikely Minimal Minimal Low Medium High Rare Minimal Minimal Low Low Medium Project Risk Table Risk No. Risk Description PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 What is the likelihood of risk ? What is the consequence of risk ? Risk Rating Impact of risk Strategy to overcome risk Page # of ## Risk No. What is the likelihood of risk ? Risk Description What is the consequence of risk ? Risk Rating Impact of risk Strategy to overcome risk Delete Add Project Risk Applicant Information Introduction Enterprise Description Project Description Project Management and Delivery Project Risk Analysis Milestone Budget Economic Impact Value for Money Merit Criteria Check List Declaration and Submission nl y Part 6: Budget and Milestones O (Reminder: Projects must have a minimum cost of $500,001 and at least 50% of the total project cost must be covered by cash or in-kind co-contributions). Budgeted costs are to be provided for each project activity. All budgeted costs related to the project are required to be GST exclusive. An Activity describes a measured task that contributes to a milestone and project outcome. Table 1. Project Budget Summary Provide a summary of the costs associated with the project, the year the cost will occur and the source. (GST exclusive) Applicant contributions RDIF funding Sought cash in-kind Total project budget in-kind io 2014-2015 cash n Year Other Contributions 2015-2016 Project TOTAL Table 2. Project Budget Costs Detail m at 2016-2017 Outline all costs associated with the project in detail including the year in which the expenditure will occur. Costs should be GST exclusive. The costs include both cash and in-kind contributions. Activity Details 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Total activity cost Delete nf Salaries (including on costs) or Other Funding Salary sub total rI Add Another Salary Fo Goods (equipment, infrastructure, other items to be purchased) Delete Goods sub total Add Another Goods Services & Other (investigations, etc. associated with project) Delete Services and Other sub total Add Another Service Project TOTAL Table 3. Milestone Summary Milestones will be used to develop the Deed of Grant. Funding will only be provided once evidence is supplied of completion of milestone. Ensure dates and evidence are realistic. Application Contributions PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Other Contributions Page # of ## Evidence (measurement/proof that milestone has been achieved) Milestone Description Milestone Date Milestone Activity Description RDIF Funding Cash In-Kind Cash In-Kind Total Project Cost Cost Add Another Activity Total Add Another Milestone Project TOTAL nl y Table 4. Co-contributor detail Amount of co-contribution Name of all co-contributions Cash($) O Applicant Contributions In-kind($) Add Another Delete Application co-contribution sub-total n Other co-contributions io Add Another Delete Other Co-contributions sub-total Table 5. In-Kind contributions In kind co-contributions Add Another Value ($) Delete Application co-contribution sub-total nf Other co-contributions Delete rI Add Another How has the in-kind contributions been calculate or Applicant Contributions m at TOTAL Co-contributions Other Co-contributions sub-total Grand Total Fo Please Note : In-kind contributions include the commitment of non- monetary resources (e.g. labour, equipment use, time etc) to complete a project. An in-kind contribution related to the delivery of the RDIF Project can be made by the RDIF applicant or a third party. All in-kind contributions must be relevant work included under the approved activities of the RDIF Funding Agreement. When stating the value of an in-kind contribution, successful RDIF applicants must ensure that it is done at a competitive commercial rate and provide evidence of this rate (e.g. cost and time allocation). The Program will need to be satisfied that in-kind commitments are completed to appropriate quality standards in order to receive milestone payments. Table 6. Personnel (FTE) Please list each position, including their role, salary and funding source that can be attributed to the project and if they are new or existing position. Positions New or Existing FTE Ongoing 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Total Value($) Delete Add Another Financial Details: Attach 3 most recent years audited financial statements (profit and loss, balance sheet) of the applicant Attach next 3 years financial projections (profit and loss or cashflow basis) of the applicant. PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Introduction Applicant Information Enterprise Description Project Description Project Management and Delivery Project Risk Analysis Milestone Budget Merit Criteria Economic Impact Check List Declaration and Submission Value for Money Part 7: Economic Impact Goods and Services: For goods or services valued at over $110,000 purchased by the Applicant in the course of delivering this project, will they be exclusively sourced from or performed by South Australian businesses? Yes No Supply Chain: Please complete the table below for goods or services valued at over $110,000 purchased by the Applicant in the course of delivering this project. Goods and services include, but are not limited to; items of merchandise, finished products, supplies, raw materials, outsourced labour of any type, and any outsourced work. Estimated Value of item ($A) Have you already established supply arrangements? Name of supplier (if known) Location where Location where the supplier is based product is manufactured or (if known) the services mainly performed Please specify the (if known) state of Australia or if not Australian, the Please specify the state of name of the country. Australia or if not Australian, the name of the country. nl y List the goods and services over $110,000 (including bundled work packages) to be purchased in the course of delivering this project. Delete Row O Please add more rows as required or attach additional pages. n Add Row Local Opportunities Introduction Applicant Information Enterprise Description m at io Please describe how you will notify South Australian suppliers of opportunities to supply to your business in the course of delivering this project and the process/criteria for assessing tenders and /or awarding contracts. Project Description Project Risk Analysis Milestone Budget Economic Impact Merit Criteria Value for Money Check List Declaration and Submission or Part 8: Merit Criteria Project Management and Delivery nf Economic Benefits Merit Criteria rI Projects in Round 2 must demonstrate that they adequately meet the Mandatory Economic Merit Criteria and demonstrate that the project will achieve at least one of the other outcomes against the Economic Benefits Merit Criteria to be recommended for funding (refer to Round 2 Guidelines.). Fo Describe how the project will contribute to the economic diverisification of the Region in relation to primary production, processing and business development. (250 words) Employment Opportunities * Estimated outcomes directly linked to the project Estimated Outcome (Indicate number) (note: part-time jobs should be included pro-rata) How many of these jobs will be new? (indicate number) Total number of full-time equivalent jobs directly employed by your business expected for the delivery of the project. (Do not include subcontracted jobs). How many full-time equivalent jobs (from line above) will be performed in South Australia? How many new jobs will be part of construction start up and how many will be ongoing as a result of the project? PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Describe how the project will stimulate economic growth in the Region. (250 words) Describe how the project will contribute to the long-term (at least five years post-funding) and sustainable economic development of the Region. (250 words) nl y Demonstrate how your project delivers on at least one of the following. More than one can be addressed (250 words per criteria) O DELETE Add another Economic Benefits Merit Criteria io n Innovation Merit Criteria Projects should deliver innovation to the Region to meet identified needs, improve existing and/ or introduce new practices or businesses. Applicants should describe the new ideas, opportunities and business/operating models that will be delivered by the project and how this will result in significant improvements in the Region’s social fabric, infrastructure or economic activity. Demonstrate how your project delivers on at least one of the following. More than one can be addressed (250 words per criteria) m at DELETE Add Another Innovation Merit Criteria or Social Impact Merit Criteria Projects should strengthen, expand or enhance regional institutions to improve social conditions and contribute to the liveability of the Region. nf Demonstrate how your project delivers on at least one of the following. More than one can be addressed (250 words per criteria) rI DELETE Fo Add Another Social Impact Merit Criteria Introduction Applicant Information Enterprise Description Project Description Project Management and Delivery Project Risk Analysis Milestone Budget Economic Impact Merit Criteria Value for Money Check List Declaration and Submission Part 9: Value for Money Maximising Value for Money & Leveraging Describe how the project maximises funding support from a range of sources, including private sector and regional organisations, local government and the community. (250 words) PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Describe here how the project will deliver value for money for the South Australian Government. Applications should identify that RDIF funding will be used in an efficient, effective, economical and ethical manner and deliver the outcomes of the program. This may involve illustrating that project costs will be reasonable compared to industry benchmarks; that an acceptable level of project planning has been undertaken to ensure that the project will be delivered on time and within budget, and that open and competitive procurement processes will be employed to deliver the project. nl y Please describe how you will notify SA River Murray and South Australian suppliers of these opportunities and the process/criteria for assessing tenders and /or awarding contracts. Applicant Information Enterprise Description Project Description Project Risk Analysis Milestone Budget Economic Impact Merit Criteria Value for Money Check List Declaration and Submission m at Part 10: Check List Project Management and Delivery io Introduction n O Describe why this project needs government funding and why other avenues of funding (e.g. venture capital, loans, private investment) could not achieve the outcome being sought. Required Documents to Support Application Documentary evidence of support from all co-contributors. * Last 3 years audited financial information of applicant. or Next 4 years (minimum) business financial projections of applicant as a result of the implimentation of this project. Project Plan / Business Plan for the project. nf Itemised Budget with supporting comments. rI * The co-contributor support letter/documents should outline the value and nature of the commitment and any conditions relating to this commitment and be signed by the authorised representative of the co-contributor Other Relevant Attachments (Please tick to show attached) Fo Risk Plan (if applicable) Marketing Plan (if applicable) Existing Feasibility Studies (summary only) Letters of support from within the Region Details of relevant experience of applicant and other co-contributors Industry Participation Plan (for applicants seeking more than $1.25 million in program funding). ** Other(s) please list 1 2 3 **Industry Participation Policy : To ensure regional businesses leverage maximum opportunities from programs such as SARMS, all applicants requesting program funding of $1.25 million or more (GST exclusive) are required to submit an Industry Participation Plan with your Application. The plan will be reviewed by a team of experts from the Office of the Industry Advocate. Applicants should be familiar with the requirements of the Industry Participation Policy at PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Part 11: Declaration In signing this document I acknowledge that submission of this document and receipt by PIRSA of this proposal does not create an offer or a binding agreement. I also acknowledge that successful applicants will have to execute a Deed of Grant that will include (but not be limited to): O nl y identification of any existing, apparent or potential conflicts of interest when applying for RDIF funding or delivering the project acknowledging the contribution of the South Australian and Australian Governments on any promotional material providing opportunities for the South Australian Minister for Regional Development and the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, or their representatives, to take part in any launch of the project a requirement to complete the project and all reporting requirements, and acquit funds within the agreed timeframe an undertaking to only apply the funds to the intended purpose provision of annual financial statements relating to the project the return of any unspent funds to the RDIF on completion of the project a requirement that the applicant retain assets purchased with project funds for at least five years from project completion a requirement that the principal component of the project will commence within six months of the date that the Deed of Grant is executed a requirement that the project must be completed with all funding acquitted and proponents must have submitted their Final Report to PIRSA by February 2017 a requirement that projects will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and Australian standards a statement that the Deed of Grant may be disclosed by PIRSA pursuant to Department of the Premier and Cabinet Circular 27-Disclosure of Government Contracts a statement that any cost overruns or losses will be the applicants responsibility. n I hereby declare that I have read the RDIF Guidelines and that the information provided in the Application Form is true, complete and correct in every particular and that I am duly authorised to sign this Application Form on behalf of the applicant. io Declared by person authorised to commit the Applicant to the proposal Full Name * m at Position in Enterprise * Date * Privacy Statement Lodgement nf or The Government of South Australia is committed to protecting the privacy of your information. In 1989, the Government of South Australia issued a set of Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) (reissued 30 July 1992 and 18 May 2009) to regulate the way personal information can be collected, used, stored and disclosed. rI If you have not completed your Application and want to work on it later click the Save button. The 'Save' button allows you to save a draft copy of this form to your local computer so you can access the application without being connected to the internet. You may want to print or save a copy of this form for your own records. Fo Save When you are ready to submit your Application click the Submit button. Submit The 'Submit' button allows you to submit your Application for processing. Once you submit your Application you will receive a confirmation message indicating it has been sent for processing. You will be asked to upload documents during the submission process. Each attachment must be no larger than 10 Megabytes. Multiple documents of the same type can be uploaded by selecting the relevant document link. If the form is incomplete or contains errors it will not allow you to continue to submit the form (see 'Errors in Section' below). PIRSA-RDIF Example Form 7 April 2015 Page # of ## Errors in Form The following errors were found in your form. Please correct them before submitting your form. To go directly to the errors on your form, please use the buttons below or double-click on the error(s) in the list. Refresh Error List m at io n O nl y Go to Selected Error Errors in Section or The following errors were found in your form. Please correct them before submitting your form. To go directly to the errors on your form, please use the buttons below or double-click on the error(s) in the list. Refresh Error List Fo rI nf Go to Selected Error Save PIRSA-RDIF Example Form Print 7 April 2015 Validate Section << Prev Next >> Page # of ##