OFFICE OF THE DY.COMMISSIONER OF POLICE: PROV. & LOGISTICS (AN IS/ISO 9001 : 2008 UNIT) 5, RAJPUR ROAD, DELHI – 110054 (FAX NO. 011-23993344 & 23974427) RESULT OF PRE-BID MEETING HELD ON 24.04.2015 On 24.04.2015, a Pre-Bidders meeting was held at Committee Room – Provisioning & Logistics, 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi-110054 for the Purchase of 100 Nos. Traffic Police Booths for housing the battery back-up for signals and facilitations/stationing of traffic police personnel for use in Delhi Police. The result of said prebidders meeting has been uploaded on Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP):http://eprocure/ and websites of Delhi Police. The online tender will be opened as per schedule on 22.05.2015 at 1500 Hours. In case the due date is declared a holiday the tender shall be opened on the next working day at same time. The bidders are suggested to read the result of pre-bidders meeting carefully before submitting their final tender. They can also obtain a copy of prebidders result from the office of Dy. Commissioner of Police, 5 Rajpur Road, Delhi-110054 on any working day between 11 am to 5 pm upto 21.05.2015. The notice of above said e-tender was published in the Newspapers i.e. Hindustan Times (English) and Nav Bharat Times (Hindi) on 29.03.2015 as well Indian Trade Journal, Kolkata. Sd/(S.K. Sinha) IPS Dy. Commissioner of Police, Prov. & Logistics: Delhi. MINUTES OF THE PRE-BID MEETING HELD ON 24/04/2015 AT 1600 HRS. IN COMMITTEE ROOM – P&L, 5, RAJPUR ROAD, DELHI IN CONNECTION WITH PURCHASE OF 100 NOS. TRAFFIC POLICE BOOTHS FOR HOUSING THE BATTERY BACK-UP FOR SIGNALS AND FACILITATIONS/STATIONING OF TRAFFIC POLICE PRSONNEL FOR USE IN TRAFFIC UNIT, DELHI POLICE. The pre-bid meeting of Purchase Committee and Technical Committee held on 24/04/2015 at 1500 Hours was presided over by Spl. CP/Spl. Cell in Committee Room - P&L, 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi, regarding purchase of 100 Nos. Traffic Police Booths for housing the battery back-up for signals and facilitations/stationing of Traffic Police Personnel for use in Delhi Police. The following members attended the meeting:PURCHASE COMMITTEE:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SH. S.N. SHRIVASTAVA, SPECIAL CP/SPECIAL CELL SH. RANVIR SINGH, ADDL. CP/OPS/PCR SH. R.K. JHA, DCP/TRFFIC/HQ SH. SATYAWAN GAUTAM, ADDL. DCP/COMN. AAO/JAO, FA BRANCH/PHQ - CHAIRMAN (PC) CHAIRMAN (PC) MEMBER – USER (PC) MEMBER (TC) MEMBER (TC) - CHAIRMAN (TC). MEMBER (TC) MEMBER (TC) - MEMBER (TC) TECHNICAL COMMITTEE:1. 2. 3. 4. SH. SANDEEP GOEL, JT. CP/TRAFFIC SH. B.S. JAISWAL, DCP/TRAFFIC (SR) SH. MAHESH BATRA, ADDL. DCP/IT CENTER , PHQ Dr. VINAY MAITRI, TECH. EXPERT/SCHOOL OF PLANNING & ARCHITECTURE Dr. Sujit Benerjee – Technical expert from Department of Science & Technology, Dr. S. Velumurugan member from CRRI, Prof. D.T. Sahney member from IIT Delhi were outstation, hence did not attend the meeting. Sh. S.K. Tewari DCP/3rd Bn. DAP did not attend the meeting due to pre- occupations. Sh. Sharad Aggarwal, Addl. CP/Traffic (Ops) was also outstation; therefore he did not attend the meeting. The representatives of 02 firms attended the pre-bid meeting, whose signatures were obtained on the attendance sheet. First of all it was brought into the notice of the committee members that no written query has been received in the query box placed in DO Room, DCP/P&L on 23.04.2015 till 05 PM. The official e-mail i.e. [email protected] was also checked and no query was found in the inbox of the e-mail ID. Thereafter, the Committee members asked the representatives of the firms who were present in the meeting to submit their queries, if any. Both the representatives stated that although they have some queries to discuss with the committee members but they have not brought any written query alongwith them. The Committee discussed the matter and agreed to discuss their queries in the interest of Govt. work. The verbal submissions of the representatives of the firms as well as the tender document along with technical specifications were discussed and the decision taken by the committee members are as under:Sl. No. 1. Chapter/Point No. of Tender Document Instructions to Bidders Chapter-1 Pt. No. 2 Schedule of Queries/suggestion Discussion Decision/modification The Committee Evaluation of actual size Clause 2.5 of the Tender Notice should be read as under:members perused the booth need to be “After evaluation of the Technical bids, the short-listed Bidders will be asked clause 2.5 of the Point demonstrated, so that the to demonstrate the sample traffic booth in accordance with the Technical Tender Clause-2.5 Demonstration 2. 3. 4. Chapter-3 Bill of Requirement for Traffic Police Booths as per specifications mentioned under Chapter-4 Appendix –I Locations/sites for Installation of Traffic Police Booths Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 1 (Size) Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 2 (Frame /installation) No. 2 of Chapter – 1 of desired store of required Specifications before the Technical Evaluation committee whose decision the Tender Documents specifications could be shall be final and not be open for discussion.” evaluated. The bidder can also be asked for presentation/demonstration of the traffic booth before the technical committee on a short notice. Bidding, firm must keep themselves ready with one Traffic Booth for evaluation, failing which the tender shall be disqualified for further consideration. No request in this context shall be entertained at any ground what-so-ever. The Committee The Committee discussed The Appendix-I of Chapter-3 of the tender document i.e. “Bill of Requirement members perused the the matter and decided to for Traffic Police Booths as per specifications mentioned under Chapter-4” Chapter 3 of the Tender replace Appendix –I as should be read as per the list of locations enclosed with this pre-bid result documents and observed per the fresh list provided document as Appendix-I. that in the Appendix-I of by the User i.e. Traffic Chapter-3 the details of Unit of Delhi Police. 97 locations have been given whereas as the demand is of 100 Nos. booths. During discussions it has The Committee discussed Point No. 1 i.e. Size of booth of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should been observed that the and compared the original be read as under:old specifications have specifications approved been uploaded with the by the Technical i) Height: tender document at committee in its meeting a. Total height 9’ 9½” Chapter-4. dated 24.11.2014, with b. Clear height inside the booth -7’ 6”. the specifications c. Projection 1’ 3” over 7’ 6” for displaying Delhi Police Logo. uploaded on the CPP Portal and decided to ii) Length:replace all those clauses of specifications which are a. 5’ 10” varying with the original b. 1’ 3” extra for sunshade at a height of 7’ 6” specifications of the booths iii) Width:a. 5’ 10” b. 1’ 3” for sunshade at a height of 7’ 6” It was suggestions by The matter was discussed Point No. 2 i.e. Frame/Installation of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications representative of the firm and the committee should be read as under:M/s A One & Company, members agreed to Delhi that at Pt. No. 2.2 change the specifications i) Two frames, one as platform at bottom (under the flooring) and other as of the Tender of frame support of booth. roof at 7’ 6” (for ceiling) as described at 3 (iii). Specifications the ii) The booth should be supported with four MS Steel square vertical pillars support of booth may be of 4” x 4” dimension welded on 14 gauge MS plate of size 10 inch X 10 considered square inch with provisions to fix with nuts and bolts on all four corners at 6 inch vertical pillar instead of height from the ground level. round vertical pillar to increase the life span of the frame/support of the booths 5. 6. Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 3 (Material of walls and panels) Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 4 (Windows) iii) The foundation bolts size 2’ grouted with RCC mixtures of M 250 mounted on 8” x 8” MS plate. iv) No Change v) The base of the floor panel of the booth will be at a gap of 6” from the ground to safeguard against water logging and approach of insects/reptiles etc. vi) The inner floor of the booth will be at a height of 4” from the base of the floor panel with sufficient provisions for drainage. vii) There should be sufficient number of cross members to add strength to the frame structure. -- -- During discussions it has been observed that the old specifications have been uploaded with the tender document at Chapter-4. The Committee discussed and compared the original specifications approved by the Technical committee in its meeting dated 24.11.2014, with the specifications uploaded on the CPP Portal and decided to replace all those clauses of specifications which are varying with the original specifications of the booths No Change. Point No. 4 i.e. Windows of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should be read as under:i) ii) iii) iv) No Change. No Change. No Change Front Window:c. Will start at a height of 2’ 6” from ground and with 3’ 7” clear poly carbonate glass (upto a height of 6’ 1” from the ground. d. Will be 5’ 7” wide clear poly carbonate glass. v) Side Windows:e. No Change. f. No Change. g. Height of both the side windows will be equal to the front window i.e. at a height of 2’ 6” from ground and with 3’ 7” clear poly carbonate glass (upto a height of 6’ 1” from the ground) h. Both the side windows will be 2’ 2” wide. vi) Rear Window:i. j. No Change. Height of the rear window will be equal to the front window i.e. at a height of 2’6” from ground and will 3’ 7” clear poly carbonate glass 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 5 (Door) -do- Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 6 (Locking/Security) Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 7 (Roof) Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 8 (Ceiling) Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 9 (Flooring) -- -- -- -- -- -- During discussions it has been observed that the old specifications have been uploaded with the tender document at Chapter-4. The Committee discussed and compared the original specifications approved by the Technical committee in its meeting dated 24.11.2014, with the specifications uploaded on the CPP Portal and decided to replace all those clauses of specifications which are varying with the original specifications of the booths -do- Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 10 (Exhaust) -do- (upto a height of 6’ 1” from the ground) k. Rear window will be of 2’ 2” clear poly carbonate glass in an aluminum frame. Point No. 5 i.e. Door of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should be read as under:i) No Change. ii) Size of the door will be 6’ 1” high and 3’ wide.. iii) The door will be 75 mm thick hollow panel with 2 mm galvanized sheet, filled with proper insulation with fire retardant material. iv) No Change. v) No Change. -do- No Change. No Change. No Change. Point No. 9 i.e. Flooring of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should be read as under:Antiskid Ceramic Tiles flooring. Point No. 10 i.e. Exhaust of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should be read as under:One 12” exhaust fan will be fixed at appropriate location. 13. 14. 15. 16. Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 11 (Sun shade) -do- Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 12 (Display Panel) -do- Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 13 (Help desk platform) -do- Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 14 (Electrical fittings) -do- -do- -do- Point No. 11 i.e. Sun shade of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should be read as under:i) A projection of 1’ 3” will be given on all sides at a height of 7’ 6”. ii) No Change. Point No. 12 i.e. Display Panel of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should be read as under:i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) -do- No Change No Change No Change. Display panels will be 3’ 3” wide. Display panels will be 4’ in height. Excluding the frame, each display panel will have 3’ x 3’ 9” clear display area. vii) The front/face of two layered display panels (each layer made of 3-4 mm unbreakable acrylic sheet) should be fitted in a manner that one layer could be opened separately like a window to hold and replace the messages between the two layers. viii) Each Display panel will have at least three 8 wt LED bulbs (lights) – with all the fittings inside it to backlit the display area. ix) No Change. x) No Change xi) No Change Point No. 13 i.e. Help desk platform of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should be read as under:i) -do- A 2’ wide and 1’ externally projecting platform in semicircular shape will be fixed outside the front window for a public person to rest hand while talking to police personnel inside the booth. ii) No Change. iii) Sl. No. vi) may be read Sl. No. iii), rest has No Change. Point No. 14 i.e. Electrical fittings of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should be read as under:i) No Change. ii) 4 (four) 8 wt LED bulbs (one on each panel). iii) Fittings and fixtures for the wall fan, exhaust fan and LEDs. iv) No Change v) No Change vi) No Change. vii) Two power-point sockets and switches for charging/power supply to the Inverter Battery of Traffic Signal. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 15 (Power connection) Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 16 (Cable & Power Connection) Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 17 (Other requirements) -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- -do- Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 18 (Recurring Cost of electricity connection and monthly charges) Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 19 (Guarantee/Warranty & AMC/Repairs) Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 20 (Service & Maintenance) Technical Specifications Chapter – 4 Point No. 21 (Paint/Color) -do- -do- -do- -do- No Change -do- -do- No Change -do- -do- Point No. 21 i.e. Paint/Color of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should be read as under:- No Change No Change Point No. 17 i.e. Other requirements of Chapter 4 – Technical Specifications should be read as under:i) No Change. ii) Sl. No. i) may be read as Sl. No. ii), rest has No Change. No Change The booth shall be painted with White base of wash primer followed by Epoxy primer then Epoxy finish. Interior :- The internal panels, doors, ceiling & shutter etc. shall be given white finish (excluding the polycarbonate glass sheet and Aluminum frames on windows). Exterior :- The base colour for all exterior panels shall be white excluding the frames of the display panel, polycarbonate glass area and aluminum frames. (a) Two horizontal strips adjacent to each other (6” height each) shall be painted on all four Exterior panels at a height of 1’ from the bottom. The Lower strip shall be blue in colour and the upper strip shall be red in colour matching with the Delhi Police approved coloured scheme. Logo :- Delhi Police logo (latest approved) of 1’ diameter shall be painted in the centre of the top projection as mentioned at Point 1 (i) C. Script:- 'दिल्ली पलु लस' shall be painted on the front and rear panels and “DELHI POLICE” on the left and right panels above the windows at the same height. The text shall be painted in red paint (Delhi Police approved coloured scheme) of 1’ height. APPENDIX - I OF CHAPTER - 3 OF TENDER DOCUMENT :- BILL OF REQUIREMENT FOR TRAFFIC POLICE BOOTHS AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 District North East North East North East North East North East North East North East North East North East North East East East East East East East East EASTERN RANGE Circle Junction/Site Name SHD Shastri Park SHD Y Point Dharampura KJC Bhajanpura Chowk KJC Yamuna Vihar SPC GTB Hospital SPC Gagan Cinema T Point SPC GT Road ITI SPC GTB Enclave Road No. 68 SPC Under Lony Flyover SPC Durgapuri Chowk VKC Karkardooma Court VKC Madhu Vihar (Hasan Pur Depot) VKC Karkari More, Vikash Marg VKC Jagatpuri Chowk, Road No. 57 VKC Surya Vihar Road No. 56 VKC Telco T Point Road No. 16 VKC Dayanand Vihar Sl. No. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 District North North North North North North N/West N/West N/West N/West N/West N/West N/West N/West N/West Sl. No. 66 District S/East Circle CLC CLC CLC CLC CLC CLC NRL NRL AVC AVC AVC MTC RHN RHN RHN Junction/Site Name Burari Chowk Gopalpur Chowk Majnu Ka Tila Chandgi Ram Akhara I P College Mall Road Chowk Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar Swaroop Nagar Bus Stand Ashok Vihar T Point Ring Road Britannia Chowk Prembari Pul Kingsway Camp Mangol Puri Chowk Saraswati Vihar Outer Ring Road Prashant Vihar SOUTHERN RANGE Circle Junction/Site Name KKC Pul Parhalad Pur 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 East East East East East East East Sl. No. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 District NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD NDD Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Central Sl. No. 48 49 50 District North North North VKC Vivek Vihar Shrestha Vihar KPC Mayur Vihar Phase-I KPC Mayur Vihar Phase II, NH 24 KPC Nagarjuna Apartment GNC Laxmi Nagar T Point, Vikash Marg GNC Shakar Pur Chowk, Vikash Marg MDW Vikash Marg Preet Vihar CENTRAL RANGE Circle Junction/Site Name TMC W Point TMC Prithvi Raj Road Rajesh Pilot Marg TMC Bhairon Road Ring Road TMC Rajpath C-Hexagon TMC KG Marg C- Hexagon TMC Tilak Marg C-Hexagon TMC Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg C-Hexagon TMC Shahjahan C Hexagon CHP Panchsheel Marg Sardar Patel Marg CHP 11 Murti T Point PTC Rajpath Janpath PTC K.G. Tolstoy Marg PTH Rajpath Rafi Marg DGC Rajghat Chowk DGC A Point DGC Delhi Gate DGC Under IP Flyover KBC Kamal T Point KBC Liberty Cinema KBC Shankar Road Sir Ganga Ram Marg PGC Panchkuiyan Road – R K Ashram PGC New Delhi Rly. Stn. (Dr. Munje Chowk) KMC DDU Minto Marg (Govt. Press) NORTHERN RANGE Circle Junction/Site Name SMC Barafkhana Chowk SBC Azad Market Chowk KOT Shanti Van Crossing 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 S/East S/East S/East S/East S/East S/East S/East S/East S/East South South South South South South South South South Sl. No. 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 District S/West S/West S/West S/West S/West West West West West West West West West West West West KKC SVC SVC SVC SVC LNC LNC HKC MRC VVC DFC DFC DFC DFC RKP RKP DCC DCC Modi Mill Appolo Hospital Kalindi Kunj Border Mathura Road Ali More Madan Pur Khader T Point Ashram Chowk Nizamuddin Khatta Ring Road IIT Flyover Andheria More O.P. Marg – IIT Hostel Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium Andrews Ganj Chowk Lodhi Road Mexmuller Marg Lodhi Road BP Marg Dayal Singh College Moti Bagh Crossing Africa Avenue Ring Road Gurgaon Road Station Road Gurgaon Road Parade Road WESTERN RANGE Circle Junction/Site Name TNC Uttam Nagar Chowk DWC Sec-01 & 02 Dawarka DWC Power House (Mahavir Enclave) KHC Kapashera Chowk KHC Samalkha Village T – Point MPC Naraina Loha Mandi MPC Mayapuri Chowk PBC Rohtak Road Ordinance Depot PBC Ring Road New Moti Nagr PBC Peera Garhi Chowk PBC Ps Nangloi PBC Meera Bagh RJC Raja Garden Chowk RJC Hari Nagar Depot, Jail Road PNC Shadi Pur Depot PNC Moti Nagar Chowk The Committee members further informed the bidders that the outcome of the pre-bid conference meeting will be intimated to them by DCP/P&L and the same will be uploaded on the website of Delhi Police, Delhi Traffic Police & CPP Portal. Hence, DCP/P&L was directed for necessary action and posting clarifications on the websites to proceed further in to the matter.