Mike Krause Flyer
Mike Krause Flyer
Chartiers Valley Wrestling Presents Flowrestling’s “Youth Coach of the Century” MIKE KRAUSE Chartiers Valley High School Friday June 12th: 4:00-8:30 Saturday June 13th: 10-2:30 Sunday June 14th: 10-2:30 *Each session will include a 45-minute break; wrestlers must bring their own lunch/snacks. K-12 Wrestling Camp!! Only $125 per wrestler, or $110 for registration received before Memorial Day!! Pre-registration includes free camp T-shirt. *For Team, Club, Family, or other financial considerations, please contact the camp director directly via phone or email. Digitally signed by Pennsylvania Youth Wrestling DN: cn=Pennsylvania Youth Wrestling, o=Pennsylvani Youth Wrestling, ou=PYW, [email protected], c=US Date: 2015.04.22 09:14:11 -04'00' ONLINE REGISTRATION (Click Here) (Detach Here) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send this form with payment (Checks Payable to “Chartiers Valley Wrestling”) to: Bill Evans / Mike Krause Camp / 341 Gregg Street / Carnegie, PA 15106 - For online forms and registration options, please visit www.pywrestling.com Wrestler Name_____________________________________ Age____ Grade_____ Weight____________ School District_________________________ T-Shirt Size: YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL Parent(s) Name(s)_________________________________________ Phone #_______________________ Email Address(es)_______________________________________________________________________ Medical Conditions / Medications___________________________________________________________ Liability release: I, the undersigned, individually and as a parent/guardian of the above listed athlete(s), a minor, ask that he/she be admitted to participate in the wrestling camp sponsored by The Chartiers Valley Youth and Varsity Wrestling Boosters. I do hereby agree to release, discharge and hold harmless all parties involved, their owners, agents, Mike Krause, The Chartiers Valley Youth and Varsity Wrestling Boosters, and employees from all liabilities, damages, claims or demands whatsoever on account of any injury or accident involving the said minor arising out of the minor’s attendance at the camp or in the course of competition and/or activities held in connection with the camp activities. I also give permission for my child to be photographed in relations that the photographs may be used to promote the Mike Krause Camp. Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________________ Camp Director – Bill Evans [email protected] Date_____________ 412.726.6239